[webkit-dev] -webkit-transition-property receives unexpected values in Safari 3.1.2 (Windows)

Sergey V. Mikhanov sergey at mikhanov.com
Mon Mar 23 15:53:09 PDT 2009

   Hi community,

I am developing an iPhone-optimized website and testing it on Safari 3.1.2
on Windows. For some elements in the website I am applying implicit
animation using -webkit-transition style.

So basically, I have elements like this:

<div style="-webkit-transition: left 2s linear;">...</div>

that sometimes are present in the document from the very beginning and
sometimes are loaded from another document and injected in DOM.

In the first case animation happens as expected, however when divs are
injected using JavaScript, -webkit-transition seems to be ignored (there's
no animation). Moreover, in the Safari's inspector I could see this:

-webkit-transition: condensed 2s linear;

What does this "condensed" mean and how could I force usage of the style
after injection?

Any clues would be appreciated.

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