[webkit-dev] Question about Constructors in WebKit JS Bindings

Drew Wilson atwilson at google.com
Mon Jun 22 17:54:25 PDT 2009

I notice that this is a fairly common idiom in the WebKit JS bindings:
1) Storing away a pointer to the JSDOMGlobalObject in the constructor

JSOptionConstructor::JSOptionConstructor(ExecState* exec, JSDOMGlobalObject*
*    , m_globalObject(globalObject)*

2) Manually marking that JSDOMGlobalObject as in-use:

void JSOptionConstructor::mark()
    if (!m_globalObject->marked())

3) Using that stored-away JSDOMGlobalObject to get a reference to the parent

Document* JSOptionConstructor::document() const
    return static_cast<Document*>(m_globalObject->scriptExecutionContext());
static JSObject* constructHTMLOptionElement(ExecState* exec, JSObject*
constructor, const ArgList& args)
*    Document* document =

I'm trying to understand why this is necessary - an alternative would be to
just do the following, as JSWorkerConstructor does:

static JSObject* constructHTMLOptionElement(ExecState* exec, JSObject*
constructor, const ArgList& args)
*    DOMWindow* window = asJSDOMWindow(exec->lexicalGlobalObject())->impl();
*    Document* document = window->document();*
This avoids having to keep around a reference, have a custom mark()
function, etc. This also tightly ties a given constructor to a specific
Document object - in this particular example, my javascript code could pass
a reference to window.Option into a child iframe, but executing the
constructor within that iframe would still reference the original Document

What's the motivation for storing away the original Document object in these
constructors? I'm writing a constructor for SharedWorker now and I'm trying
to figure out which is the correct behavior...

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