[webkit-dev] VS2005 debugger complains that webkit.pdb does not match with webkit.dll

Brent Fulgham bfulgham at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 22:41:48 PDT 2009

Great!  I'm glad you've got it figured out!

On Jun 19, 2009, at 10:42 PM, 张雷 wrote:

> Hey, Brent! I figured it out! That's because I didn't give the  
> manifest tool proper arguments. It should be someting like:
> /nologo /tlb:"D:\WebKit-r41121\Output\lib\WebKit.tlb" /dll:"WebKit" / 
> out:"..\Output\obj\MiniBrowser\Debug 
> \MiniBrowser_debug.exe.embed.manifest" /notify_update
> It can be set from within IDE: Project Property Pages ->  
> Configuration Properties -> Manifest Tool -> Isolated COM
> Set the Type library File to $(WebKitOutputDir)\lib\WebKit.tlb and  
> Component File Name to WebKit$(WebKitDLLConfigSuffix). According to  
> MSDN, these can make an exe use a specified COM server.
> Then recompile. That's OK!
> -------- 原始信息 --------
> 主题: Re: [webkit-dev] VS2005 debugger complains that webkit.pdb  
> does not match with webkit.dll
> 发件人: 张雷 <zhang.lei at kortide.com.cn>
> 收件人: Brent Fulgham <bfulgham at gmail.com>
> 抄送: WebKit Development <webkit-dev at lists.webkit.org>
> 日期: 2009-6-20 13:03
>> Thanks Brent. But I searched my webkit source for  
>> WebKitCreateInstance and found nothing. My source is r41121 Nightly  
>> Build. Is WebKitCreateInstance unavailable in r41121?
>> -------- 原始信息 --------
>> 主题: Re: [webkit-dev] VS2005 debugger complains that webkit.pdb  
>> does not match with webkit.dll
>> 发件人: Brent Fulgham <bfulgham at gmail.com>
>> 收件人: 张雷 <zhang.lei at kortide.com.cn>
>> 抄送: WebKit Development <webkit-dev at lists.webkit.org>
>> 日期: 2009-6-20 12:18
>>> Hi,
>>> I would suggest that you avoid using the CoCreateInstance  
>>> mechanism for instantiation of the WebKit types, and instead use  
>>> the new
>>> 1.  Include the header "<WebKit/WebKitCOMAPI.h>"
>>> 2.  Link against the WebKitGUID.lib and WebKit.lib
>>> 3.  Create your object like so:
>>> HRESULT hr = WebKitCreateInstance(CLSID_WebView, 0, IID_IWebView,  
>>> (void**)&gWebView);
>>> The advantages are:
>>> 1.  No need to manipulate "Internal COM" or other manifest stuff.
>>> 2.  No more errors that COM can't find your WebKit objects.
>>> 3.  Your application will not get confused about Safari's DLL's  
>>> and your own DLL's (assuming you put your WebKit.dll in the same  
>>> path with your application.)
>>> Good luck!
>>> -Brent
>>> On Jun 19, 2009, at 8:47 PM, 张雷 wrote:
>>>> Sorry, I didn't notice that the webkit.dll was not the one I  
>>>> built but the one under Safari install dir. What's more, I missed  
>>>> to make it clear that I writes a minibrowser of my own, not the  
>>>> WinLauncher demo. And I find that
>>>> CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WebView, 0, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IWebView,  
>>>> (void**)&m_webView);
>>>> always locates the webkit.dll under Safary install dir rather  
>>>> than the one I compiled no matter what path env I set. If I  
>>>> rename the one under Safari dir, then  
>>>> CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WebView, ...) fails!
>>>> Do I need to register my webkit.dll as a COM server every time I  
>>>> launch my minibrowser for debug? However, I also want my Safari  
>>>> working without effects. So, any suggestions?
>>>> -------- 原始信息 --------
>>>> 主题: [webkit-dev] VS2005 debugger complains that webkit.pdb  
>>>> does not   match with webkit.dll
>>>> 发件人: 张雷 <zhang.lei at kortide.com.cn>
>>>> 收件人: WebKit Development <webkit-dev at lists.webkit.org>
>>>> 日期: 2009-6-20 10:45
>>>>> Hey, dear friends. I succeeded building WebKit from within  
>>>>> VS2005 IDE with your helps. But I encountered another problem:  
>>>>> when I was debugging with webkit.dll, no symbols for that dll  
>>>>> was loaded and the debugger complained that no proper PDB found  
>>>>> for webkit.dll, though webkit.pdb was placed exactly in the same  
>>>>> folder with webkit.dll. I tried manually specifying the  
>>>>> webkit.pdb file for the webkt.dll. But the compiler refused the  
>>>>> pdb file for mismatch.
>>>>> My platform and compliler tools are:
>>>>> WinXP with sp3
>>>>> Visual Studio 2005 Professional with sp1
>>>>> I followed exactyly what the building instructions says and set  
>>>>> WEBKITOUTPUTDIR and WEBKITLIBRARIESDIR and did no change to any  
>>>>> build script.
>>>>> Did you ever enconter this problem before and how did you fix  
>>>>> it? Many thanks for any help :)
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