[webkit-dev] Fwd: Review queue needs love

Oliver Hunt oliver at apple.com
Fri Jun 19 11:20:12 PDT 2009

On Jun 19, 2009, at 11:05 AM, Drew Wilson wrote:

> I absolutely understand that there are ways to proactively find  
> reviewers, and I'm *not* complaining about the time being taken (I  
> understand the constraints that most of the webkit reviewers have  
> been under the last few weeks with WWDC, etc). As you say, we can  
> always ping people on IRC to find reviewers for bugfixes.
> I was more specifically wondering if there was something about this  
> patch that made it not show up on the list Eric provided below. My  
> concern is because the bugfix came from a google.com address, it  
> might have been getting lumped in with the "oh, must be Yet Another  
> Chromium Patch so I won't worry about it" list, which if true has  
> troubling implications given that there are an increasing number of  
> Googlers that are making contributions to WebKit that have nothing  
> to do with Chromium.

The source of a patch does not effect whether it gets reviewed, but if  
a patch is for a specific port you need someone from that port to  
review it.  If the bug/patch contains "Chromium" i assume it's  
platform specific, just as i would for Gtk or Qt.  If you're putting  
that tag on non-platform specific patches that will unnecessarily  
delay the review process.


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