[webkit-dev] Handling Malformed URL

Julien Chaffraix julien.chaffraix at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 23:48:30 PST 2009


>> I dont think one needs to authenticate such things. If resource is not
>> found an http code is returned. This is how most of browsers work.

Actually this is not always true: you are supposing that the request
is always send and we always receive the response (a network error can
happen or there can be an error prior to sending the request).
Here I think that we should either fail to send the request because
the URL is malformed or to find the hostname associated with the URL
at the curl level (DNS error).

> Agreed, WebKit uses Curl to return those error codes, Curl is sending 503
> http error code for the said URL but WebKit does not respond with didFail()

As I explained, I do not know how you manage to send a request to the
malformed URL as it should fail for the reasons stated above. Are you
sure you are using the very same URL ? Are you using a proxy ?

Concerning the didFail call, it seems you are getting the response so
the connection did not fail : the server simply returned an HTTP error


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