[webkit-dev] build system for wince port

David Kilzer ddkilzer at webkit.org
Thu Dec 24 06:51:21 PST 2009

On Thu, December 24, 2009 at 1:51:43 AM, Patrick Roland Gansterer wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 02:53:18, Adam Barth:
> > I'm worried that the port will rot without an active maintainer, no
> > matter which build system you choose.
> If i choose my preferred solution, there will be many changes in the current 
> sln/vcproj/vsprops files. Who is maintaining this files at the moment? I'd 
> like to hear his/her opinion on this before.

You can use svn/git log to see who commits changes to these files.  I know Apple uses them for their Windows build, but we're on break until Jan 4, so please don't expect a reply until after that date.  (I don't work on the Windows port much, so I don't have an opinion about your proposal.)


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