[webkit-dev] Implementation thoughts on HTML5 elements

Peter Kasting pkasting at google.com
Wed Aug 26 15:03:39 PDT 2009

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Anthony Ricaud <rik24d at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry, I wasn't clear enough in my explanation. I was talking about
> functionality such as Adress Book or History connection (for email, tel or
> url) or + and - buttons for numbers. The kind of features that web
> developers expect when input.type != text (like in Opera)

I'm not sure why or how web developers are relying on type=email, tel, or
URL to have a UA hook to some sort of local address book or history.  "Why"
because such behavior is not specced anywhere (and is outside the scope of
HTML5) and is unlikely to be the same between browsers, and "how" because I
don't see how a web author would compensate in the case of no type=url
support (for example) by providing a hand-rolled history list -- that data
is not available to the author.

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