[webkit-dev] Questions of WebKit Architecture

Mark Rowe mrowe at apple.com
Tue Mar 25 21:37:48 PDT 2008

On 25/03/2008, at 21:31, 손석배[단말개발담당] wrote:

> # Question 2
> Are there any WebKit APIs documents available?
> Official one will be better, but seems like there's no officail  
> documents on APIs, so if you can share your own notes, that would be  
> very much appreciated.
> (Well, I think "\WebKit" has APIs.
> For example, Files in "\WebKit\win\Interfaces" are APIs for Windows  
> port and "\WebKit\mac" has APIs for Mac OS, it seems.
> But, the numbers of APIs for each platform are not the same. And  
> some of them look like internal APIs, not public APIs.
> Am I right?)

The Mac API ships as part of Mac OS X and has extensive public  
documentation available on <http://developer.apple.com/>.  See <http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/DisplayWebContent/DisplayWebContent.html 
 > and <http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/WebKit/ObjC_classic/index.html 
 > for some good starting points.

- Mark

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