[webkit-dev] Building for GTK on Mac OS X

Erik Walter ejw at mysticorp.com
Tue Jul 1 16:59:05 PDT 2008

I "think" I've got everything installed properly to do GTK development  
on my Mac.  I've got other products building and running properly for  
GTK.  However, when I run either ./autogen.sh or build-webkit --gtk I  
get dumped out in the configure with this...

checking for Hildon UI extensions... no
/Users/ejw/Development/WebKit/configure: line 21554: syntax error near  
unexpected token `HILDON,'
/Users/ejw/Development/WebKit/configure: line 21554: `     
Failed to setup build environment using 'autotools'!

I've looked a bit on the net and the only mentions I've found (from  
this list) don't really have resolutions.  I tried just forging ahead  
and doing "./configure --without-hildon" in the hopes that it would  
build, but that yields the same results.

Is this something simple that I'm just missing?  Any help is  

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