[webkit-dev] Re: I cannot build the s60webkit. Could you help? Thanks!

Marcus Groeber marcus.groeber.at.nuance at bugcom.de
Fri Jan 25 01:18:30 PST 2008

Kenny Kai Yin Yu wrote:
> Thanks. However, importing bld.inf into Carbide does not work... 
> according to the discussions on the internet, it seems to me this is 
> because the project is too big... :(
I have in the past successfully imported the bld.inf into Carbide.c++ 
1.2 - the size/complexity limitation was true for earlier versions, but 
version from 1.2 are much better at dealing with large projects. What is 
happening when you actually try to import the project into the IDE?

btw: One thing that was not previously mentioned on 
http://trac.webkit.org/projects/webkit/wiki/S60IDE is that you also need 
to replace variant.cfg in your 3.0 SDK by the copy included with the 
browser source. Please see my update on that page for details.
> Thanks. However, I'm so sure I've used "configure environmwent for 
> WINSCW command line" shortcut. And I'm also so sure that the command 
> error is not caused by not having found the make tool... :(
Actually, I found that I mis-read the error log - actually, this line is 
the clue to what seems to be missing:
> process_begin: CreateProcess((null), mwccsym2.exe
So it seems like it can't find mwccsym2.exe (the compiler). Could this 
be it? Anyway, normally the "configure environment" macro should update 
the path to fix this (for all newly opened command windows), so this is 
still strange...

ciao marcus

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