[webkit-dev] "maintenance" to do list

Darin Adler darin at apple.com
Wed Feb 13 11:24:55 PST 2008

On Feb 13, 2008, at 11:17 AM, Adam Barth wrote:

> Another maintenance issue that's been discussed on IRC is that it  
> would be useful to clean up the FrameLoader class.

I agree completely.

Maciej and I have been talking about this at length over the last  
couple of weeks and we have some specific ideas that may complement  
what you wrote here.

I didn't put it on my initial list because I thought there was a lot  
to say about it and couldn't organize my thoughts. But I probably  
should have put a bullet for it.

Breaking the FrameLoader down further is not the first thing I would  
do, because one of the reasons the current FrameLoader is so complex  
is the relationship with WebKit. I'll find some time to write some  
more on this subject soon.

One of the biggest challenges for FrameLoader is that so much of the  
code has an asynchronous API, where it calls to the client and then  
doesn't resume until the client comes back with an answer. That's a  
part of what makes the class so complex and confusing.

Some of the general clean-up tasks that are Mac-specific WebKit ones  
will lead naturally to some FrameLoader improvements as we reduce the  
number of client calls.

     -- Darin

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