[webkit-dev] Build webkit by MSVC2005

Mark Rowe mrowe at apple.com
Wed Aug 20 23:10:04 PDT 2008

On Aug 18, 2008, at 1:35 AM, Shi.David at inventec-inc.com wrote:

> Hi,
> I try to build webkit on win32 by MSVC2005.
> I done these setps followed by webkit.org:
> <1>Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and Team Suite Service Pack  
> 1,Cygwin and related packages,QuickTime SDK;
> <2>In Cygwin shell, run "svn-check out" to get webkit  
> sources,download WebKitSupportLibrary.zip to D:\cygwin\home\cjs 
> \WebKit,and run "update-webkit" ok;
> <3> Set two environment variables: WEBKITOUTPUTDIR and  
> WEBKITLIBRARIESDIR , using SciTE convert line-endings to LF only  
> (Unix-style);
> <4>When I type "build-webkit --debug" under cygwin shell,allways  
> retrun errors;
> Please help me, thanks a lot!
> Building errors:
> 1>------ Build started: Project: JavaScriptCoreGenerated,  
> Configuration: Release Win32 ------
> 1>Performing Makefile project actions
> 1> xcopy /y/d/e/i "..\..\..\WebKitLibraries\win\tools" "D:\WebKit 
> \WebKitLibraries\win\tools"
> 1> Cannot perform a cyclic copy
> 1> 0 File(s) copied
> 1> touch "D:\WebKit\WebKitBuild\buildfailed"
> 1> bash build-generated-files.sh "D:\WebKit\WebKitBuild" "D:\WebKit 
> \WebKitLibraries\win"
> 1>build-generated-files.sh: line 2: $'\r': command not found
> 1>build-generated-files.sh: line 4: $'\r': command not found
> 1>realpath: No such file or directory
> 1>cygpath: cannot create short name of
> 1>build-generated-files.sh: line 11: export: `XSRCROOT': not a valid  
> identifier
> 1>build-generated-files.sh: line 13: $'\r': command not found
> 1>build-generated-files.sh: line 15: export: `XDSTROOT': not a valid  
> identifier
> 1>cygpath: cannot create short name of D:\WebKit\WebKitBuild
> 1>build-generated-files.sh: line 20: export: `XDSTROOT': not a valid  
> identifier
> 1>build-generated-files.sh: line 21: $'\r': command not found
> 1>build-generated-files.sh: line 23: export: `SDKROOT': not a valid  
> identifier
> 1>cygpath: cannot create short name of D:\WebKit\WebKitLibraries\win
> 1>build-generated-files.sh: line 28: export: `SDKROOT': not a valid  
> identifier
> 1>build-generated-files.sh: line 29: $'\r': command not found
> 1>build-generated-files.sh: line 31: $'\r': command not found
> 1>mkdir: cannot create directory `\r\r': No such file or directory
> 1>build-generated-files.sh: line 33: cd: /obj/JavaScriptCore/ 
> DerivedSources: No such file or directory
> 1>build-generated-files.sh: line 34: $'\r': command not found
> 1>make: /DerivedSources.make: No such file or directory
> 1>make: *** No rule to make target `/DerivedSources.make'.  Stop.
> 1>build-generated-files.sh: line 37: exit: 1: numeric argument  
> required

As you may have already determined, these errors are indicative of  
build-generated-files.sh having Windows line endings when Cygwin's  
version of bash requires that it have Unix line endings.  You should  
be sure to check out the WebKit source using the Cygwin SVN client  
rather than a Windows-native SVN client to ensure that the files have  
the expected line endings.

- Mark

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