[webkit-dev] Building Webkit

Sijin Joseph sijinj at coreobjects.com
Tue Apr 1 05:34:40 PDT 2008

You may want to put in some debugging statements in build-generated-files.sh to see where it is failing.
From: Khanna Piyush-A21612 [piyush at motorola.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 8:15 AM
To: Sijin Joseph
Cc: webkit-dev at lists.webkit.org
Subject: RE: [webkit-dev] Building Webkit

Adam/Sijin - Thanks for your inputs...some further progress, but still
some further errors.

Attached is the log file...

>> From your build log it looks like you're facing an issue that I faced
earlier this week with the line endings.
>> Take a look at the build-generated-files.sh files in the windows
specific project folders, some of them are using CRLF line endings, if
your cygwin
>> environment is setup to use unix line endings, then you'll get the
errors below. Change the line endings in these files to be unix
compatible i.e. LF >> and then the build-generated-files.sh script
should run properly.

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