[webkit-dev] image types in MimeTypeRegistry.cpp

Sunil Bannur sunilbg at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 18:02:33 PDT 2007


I have been trying to display bmp and tiff images on both win and mac,
apparently both of these work on mac and don't on windows.

I noticed that the tiff format is not added to the supportedImageMIMETypes
in webcore/platform/MimeTypeRegistry.cpp, but once I added image/tiff, it
starts working - any specific reason why tiff was excluded in the first

Also, I noticed that for bmp, the data is got, but the image does not gets
displayed - but it works on safari for windows - any specific reason why
this does not work.

Also, is there a way to enable only those types which work on both mac and

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