[webkit-dev] hovers and mouseovers

"~:'' ありがとうございました "~:'' ありがとうございました
Sat Dec 29 00:12:40 PST 2007


I've assumed that you had meant to copy to list..

do you have experience of using a touchscreen with a pc or mac?
they usually provide an option to configure.

does the iphone provide a method for keyboard navigation?
for instance for use by someone who is blind, or has reduced fine  
motor skills.

some drop-down lists do provide links for the initial keywords, this  
can be an accessibility benefit.
for instance where CSS is disabled or unavailable.


Jonathan Chetwynd
Accessibility Consultant on Media Literacy and the Internet

On 28 Dec 2007, at 18:32, Leon Scroggins wrote:

On Dec 28, 2007 1:16 PM, "~:'' ありがとうございました。"  
<j.chetwynd at btinternet.com> wrote:

could you expand on your query?

making an element visible changes it's appearance, though I almost
understand what you mean.

how do you mean "treat them differently"?

For example, if you use the iPhone to go to cnn.com and tap on  
"WORLD" (just below CNN.com at the top of the page), it follows the  
link.  On a PC/Mac, moving the mouse over "WORLD" would change its  
background to red, and clicking on it would follow the link.

However, using the iPhone to go to stanford.edu and tapping on  
"Academic Programs" (below the search box) shows a menu to the side  
of it.  Tapping again follows the link.  This is very different from  
a PC/Mac, where hovering over it would bring up the menu, and  
clicking would immediately follow the link.

Somehow the iPhone is able to distinguish between the two cases, but  
I have not been able to replicate it.

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