[webkit-dev] Re: [webkit-changes] [24907] trunk

Antti Koivisto koivisto at iki.fi
Tue Aug 7 07:22:21 PDT 2007

On 8/7/07, Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org at mitzpettel.com> wrote:
> On Aug 7, 2007, at 2:15 PM, antti at webkit.org wrote:
>  - added performance test. With debug build on MBP this takes about 1.5s to
> run.
>  * fast/block/basic/stress-shallow-nested-expected.txt: Added.
>  * fast/block/basic/stress-shallow-nested.html: Added.
> (emphases mine). Nothing about that makes sense to me.

Are you objecting to testing performance regressions as part of the
test suite in general or particular method here? I'm open to

It does not take long to run (300ms on release, 1.5s on debug MBP) so
I thought it would be appropriate for automatic test. There are
similar cases in the suite already. It needs to have non-zero
execution time so that O(n^2) nature of the bug shows up in testable


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