[webkit-dev] PNG Support Seems Broken in 2.0

Benjamin Listwon blistwon at mac.com
Wed Sep 14 03:26:28 PDT 2005

Big oops on my part.

One hundred humble apologies. It seems Photoshop was embedding a
profile without my knowledge. I created some test samples inside
of Graphic Converter and was able to completely strip tagging, thus
it now functions as expected.

Once again, thanks for all your hard work, and I apologize for the
unwarranted intrusion.


On Sep 14, 2005, at 1:51 AM, Benjamin Listwon wrote:

> Hey all,
> While working on a new site recently, I noticed that my carefully
> constructed PNGs were a bit "off" post-Tiger upgrade. Seems that
> the color matching to both CSS and HTML specified colors is mismatched
> for both tagged and untagged files.
> I poked around in Safari as well as Shiira to vaguely confirm (for a
> designer at least ;) that the problem was probably in WebKit and not
> Safari. FireFox, of course, will render them just fine.
> For samples, and screenshots of the offending beasts, please visit
>     http://www.designfridge.com/phpdocs/WebKit/PNGs.php
> Thanks for providing a great product and great dev availability.
> --Ben
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