[webkit-dev] Clear colour

Darin Adler darin at apple.com
Tue Oct 18 14:21:46 PDT 2005

On Oct 18, 2005, at 1:35 PM, André-John Mas wrote:

> I am creating a web site designed to be used by a Kiosk, in a dark  
> environment. The
> problem I have is because I use frames page loading seems to bit  
> slower and so the
> white colour that is used to clear the page before a redraw is very  
> apparent. Since
> Safari does not allow me to change this colour, I am planning on  
> making a custom
> build of WebKit. For this reason I would appreciate it if someone  
> knows offhand
> which file I should be looking at to save me a bit of time.

You probably don't need a custom build of WebKit.

You can instead use the WebView call (that should have been API, but  
was inadvertently left of the headers) setDrawsBackground:NO.

Then you can put the WebView inside a view that fills with any color  
you like.

     -- Darin

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