[webkit-dev] Adding CIA to the CVS repo

Kevin Ballard kevin at sb.org
Tue Jun 21 18:54:25 PDT 2005

There's a nifty service for version control systems called CIA  
<http://cia.navi.cx/>. Basically, you simply throw their hook script  
onto your repo and your commit information starts getting logged on  
their site. That's decent for looking at activity, but what makes it  
so much better is you can then tell it to mirror the messages to your  
IRC channel on Freenode, which means anybody hanging out there gets  
notified whenever somebody commits something. I think it would be  
quite useful.

The only problem with CIA is you get used to the messages, and  
occasionally it goes down so you don't get IRC notifications, and you  
feel lost. But of course, that would simply put you back in the state  
we are right now.

Any thoughts?

Kevin Ballard
kevin at sb.org

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