[webkit-dev] Random Failures

Mark Rowe opendarwin.org at bdash.net.nz
Thu Jul 7 06:18:55 PDT 2005

On 8/07/2005, at 00:41 , Mark Rowe wrote:

> I've spent the last two hours trying to track down which change  
> causes the test failures + DumpRenderTree crash.  As was mentioned,  
> rolling out the patch for bugs #3882 and #3829 does not resolve the  
> issue.  Rolling out #3826 and #3674 individually didn't help  
> either.  It seemed that removing *both* stopped the crashing but  
> that may have just been luck as the crashes are intermittent at  
> best.  I'm retesting this scenario now.

It seems I was just lucky...  As far as I can tell none of the four  
patches have any relation to the failing test + crash.  I'm not sure  
which other changes have been committed recently that I could check,  
so I'll leave that up to someone else.


Mark Rowe

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