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<title>[169104] trunk/LayoutTests</title>
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<div id="msg">
<dl class="meta">
<dt>Revision</dt> <dd><a href="http://trac.webkit.org/projects/webkit/changeset/169104">169104</a></dd>
<dt>Author</dt> <dd>commit-queue@webkit.org</dd>
<dt>Date</dt> <dd>2014-05-20 02:52:02 -0700 (Tue, 20 May 2014)</dd>
<h3>Log Message</h3>
<pre>[GTK] Unreviewed GTK gardening
Rebaseline affected tests by changes on integral snapping of inlines
introduced at <a href="http://trac.webkit.org/projects/webkit/changeset/169048">r169048</a>.
Patch by Lorenzo Tilve <ltilve@igalia.com> on 2014-05-20
* platform/gtk/css1/box_properties/float_on_text_elements-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/css1/text_properties/text_indent-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/css2.1/t0905-c414-flt-wrap-00-e-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/css2.1/t0905-c5525-fltwidth-00-c-g-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-00-a-ag-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-02-d-agi-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-03-d-agi-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-04-d-agi-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/css2.1/t1601-c547-indent-00-b-a-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/block/float/026-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/block/float/028-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/css/empty-pseudo-class-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/css/first-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/css/first-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/css/last-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/css/last-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/css/only-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/css/only-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/dom/navigator-detached-no-crash-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/line-grid/line-align-left-edges-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/multicol/column-count-with-rules-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/multicol/float-multicol-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/multicol/layers-in-multicol-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/multicol/vertical-lr/float-multicol-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/multicol/vertical-rl/float-multicol-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/regions/multiple-directionality-changes-in-variable-width-regions-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/regions/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-in-regions-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-1-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-10-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-2-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-3-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-4-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-5-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-6-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-7-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-8-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-9-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/fast/text/whitespace/024-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/svg/wicd/rightsizing-grid-expected.txt:
* platform/gtk/svg/zoom/page/zoom-replaced-intrinsic-ratio-001-expected.txt:</pre>
<h3>Modified Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsChangeLog">trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss1box_propertiesfloat_on_text_elementsexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css1/box_properties/float_on_text_elements-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss1text_propertiestext_indentexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css1/text_properties/text_indent-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss21t0905c414fltwrap00eexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t0905-c414-flt-wrap-00-e-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss21t0905c5525fltwidth00cgexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t0905-c5525-fltwidth-00-c-g-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss21t100801c544valgn00aagexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-00-a-ag-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss21t100801c544valgn02dagiexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-02-d-agi-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss21t100801c544valgn03dagiexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-03-d-agi-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss21t100801c544valgn04dagiexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-04-d-agi-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss21t1601c547indent00baexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t1601-c547-indent-00-b-a-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastblockfloat026expectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/block/float/026-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastblockfloat028expectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/block/float/028-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastcssemptypseudoclassexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/empty-pseudo-class-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastcssfirstchildpseudoclassexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/first-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastcssfirstoftypepseudoclassexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/first-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastcsslastchildpseudoclassexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/last-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastcsslastoftypepseudoclassexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/last-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastcssonlychildpseudoclassexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/only-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastcssonlyoftypepseudoclassexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/only-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastdomnavigatordetachednocrashexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/dom/navigator-detached-no-crash-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastlinegridlinealignleftedgesexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/line-grid/line-align-left-edges-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastmulticolcolumncountwithrulesexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/column-count-with-rules-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastmulticolfloatmulticolexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/float-multicol-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastmulticollayersinmulticolexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/layers-in-multicol-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastmulticolverticallrfloatmulticolexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/vertical-lr/float-multicol-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastmulticolverticalrlfloatmulticolexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/vertical-rl/float-multicol-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastregionsmultipledirectionalitychangesinvariablewidthregionsexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/regions/multiple-directionality-changes-in-variable-width-regions-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastregionsrepaintlineflowwithfloatsinregionsexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/regions/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-in-regions-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats1expectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-1-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats10expectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-10-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats2expectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-2-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats3expectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-3-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats4expectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-4-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats5expectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-5-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats6expectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-6-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats7expectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-7-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats8expectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-8-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats9expectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-9-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfasttextwhitespace024expectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/text/whitespace/024-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtksvgwicdrightsizinggridexpectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/svg/wicd/rightsizing-grid-expected.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtksvgzoompagezoomreplacedintrinsicratio001expectedtxt">trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/svg/zoom/page/zoom-replaced-intrinsic-ratio-001-expected.txt</a></li>
<div id="patch">
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsChangeLog"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -1,3 +1,51 @@
</span><ins>+2014-05-20 Lorenzo Tilve <ltilve@igalia.com>
+ [GTK] Unreviewed GTK gardening
+ Rebaseline affected tests by changes on integral snapping of inlines
+ introduced at r169048.
+ * platform/gtk/css1/box_properties/float_on_text_elements-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/css1/text_properties/text_indent-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/css2.1/t0905-c414-flt-wrap-00-e-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/css2.1/t0905-c5525-fltwidth-00-c-g-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-00-a-ag-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-02-d-agi-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-03-d-agi-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-04-d-agi-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/css2.1/t1601-c547-indent-00-b-a-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/block/float/026-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/block/float/028-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/css/empty-pseudo-class-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/css/first-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/css/first-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/css/last-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/css/last-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/css/only-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/css/only-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/dom/navigator-detached-no-crash-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/line-grid/line-align-left-edges-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/multicol/column-count-with-rules-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/multicol/float-multicol-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/multicol/layers-in-multicol-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/multicol/vertical-lr/float-multicol-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/multicol/vertical-rl/float-multicol-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/regions/multiple-directionality-changes-in-variable-width-regions-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/regions/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-in-regions-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-1-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-10-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-2-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-3-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-4-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-5-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-6-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-7-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-8-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-9-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/fast/text/whitespace/024-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/svg/wicd/rightsizing-grid-expected.txt:
+ * platform/gtk/svg/zoom/page/zoom-replaced-intrinsic-ratio-001-expected.txt:
</ins><span class="cx"> 2014-05-19 Filip Pizlo <fpizlo@apple.com>
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> Test gardening: skip some failing tests on not-X86.
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss1box_propertiesfloat_on_text_elementsexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css1/box_properties/float_on_text_elements-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css1/box_properties/float_on_text_elements-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css1/box_properties/float_on_text_elements-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 384: "This paragraph is of class \"one\". It has a width of 50% and"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,17) width 124: "is floated to the left."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (0,0) size 769x85
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (385,0) size 769x85
- text run at (385,0) width 384: "This paragraph should start on the right side of a yellow box"
- text run at (385,17) width 384: "which contains the previous paragraph. Since the text of this"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (384,0) size 769x85
+ text run at (384,0) width 385: "This paragraph should start on the right side of a yellow box"
+ text run at (384,17) width 385: "which contains the previous paragraph. Since the text of this"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (0,34) width 769: "element is much longer than the text in the previous element, the text will wrap around the yellow box. There is no"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,51) width 769: "padding, border or margins on this and the previous element, so the text of the two elements should be very close to each"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,68) width 36: "other."
</span><span class="lines">@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,68) width 384: "horizontally aligned with the left edge of the yellow box"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,85) width 79: "undernearth."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (anonymous) at (0,224) size 769x102
</span><del>- RenderImage {IMG} at (385,0) size 15x15
- RenderText {#text} at (400,1) size 4x17
- text run at (400,1) width 4: " "
- RenderBR {BR} at (404,15) size 0x0
</del><ins>+ RenderImage {IMG} at (384,0) size 16x15
+ RenderText {#text} at (399,1) size 5x17
+ text run at (399,1) width 5: " "
+ RenderBR {BR} at (403,15) size 1x0
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {HR} at (0,334) size 769x2 [border: (1px inset #000000)]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {P} at (384,344) size 385x102 [bgcolor=#FFFF00]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 384x102
</span><span class="lines">@@ -138,12 +138,12 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,34) width 192: "background is yellow and the"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,51) width 87: "width is 25%."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (0,1030) size 769x34
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (192,0) size 384x34
- text run at (192,0) width 384: "This paragraph should appear between a blue box (on the"
- text run at (192,17) width 29: "left) "
- text run at (221,17) width 199: "and a yellow box (on the right)."
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (192,0) size 385x34
+ text run at (192,0) width 385: "This paragraph should appear between a blue box (on the"
+ text run at (192,17) width 30: "left) "
+ text run at (221,17) width 200: "and a yellow box (on the right)."
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (anonymous) at (0,1064) size 769x34
</span><del>- RenderBR {BR} at (192,0) size 0x17
</del><ins>+ RenderBR {BR} at (192,0) size 1x17
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {HR} at (0,1106) size 769x2 [border: (1px inset #000000)]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {DIV} at (0,1116) size 577x119 [bgcolor=#66CCFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {DIV} at (422,0) size 145x34 [bgcolor=#FFFF00]
</span><span class="lines">@@ -155,11 +155,11 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 576x119
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 422: "This paragraph is inside a DIV which is floated left. The"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,17) width 422: "background of the DIV element is blue and its width is 75%. This"
</span><del>- text run at (0,34) width 364: "text should all be inside the blue rectangle. The blue DIV "
- text run at (364,34) width 212: "element has another DIV element"
</del><ins>+ text run at (0,34) width 365: "text should all be inside the blue rectangle. The blue DIV "
+ text run at (365,34) width 211: "element has another DIV element"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (0,51) width 166: "as a child. It has a yellow "
</span><del>- text run at (166,51) width 361: "background color and is floated to the right. Since it is a "
- text run at (527,51) width 49: "child of"
</del><ins>+ text run at (166,51) width 362: "background color and is floated to the right. Since it is a "
+ text run at (528,51) width 48: "child of"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (0,68) width 374: "the blue DIV, the yellow DIV should appear inside the "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (374,68) width 202: "blue rectangle. Due to it being"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,85) width 193: "floated to the right and having "
</span><span class="lines">@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,102) width 31: "blue "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (31,102) width 138: "stripe on its right side."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (anonymous) at (0,1116) size 769x119
</span><del>- RenderBR {BR} at (577,0) size 0x17
</del><ins>+ RenderBR {BR} at (576,0) size 1x17
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {HR} at (0,1243) size 769x2 [border: (1px inset #000000)]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,1253) size 769x1320 [border: (1px outset #808080)]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (1,1) size 767x1318
</span><span class="lines">@@ -186,9 +186,9 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 373: "This paragraph is of class \"one\". It has a width of 50% and"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,17) width 124: "is floated to the left."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (4,4) size 747x85
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (374,0) size 747x85
- text run at (374,0) width 373: "This paragraph should start on the right side of a yellow"
- text run at (374,17) width 373: "box which contains the previous paragraph. Since the text"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (373,0) size 747x85
+ text run at (373,0) width 374: "This paragraph should start on the right side of a yellow"
+ text run at (373,17) width 374: "box which contains the previous paragraph. Since the text"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (0,34) width 747: "of this element is much longer than the text in the previous element, the text will wrap around the yellow box. There is"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,51) width 747: "no padding, border or margins on this and the previous element, so the text of the two elements should be very close to"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,68) width 69: "each other."
</span><span class="lines">@@ -216,10 +216,10 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,68) width 373: "be horizontally aligned with the left edge of the yellow box"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,85) width 79: "undernearth."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (anonymous) at (4,228) size 747x102
</span><del>- RenderImage {IMG} at (374,0) size 15x15
- RenderText {#text} at (389,1) size 4x17
- text run at (389,1) width 4: " "
- RenderBR {BR} at (393,15) size 0x0
</del><ins>+ RenderImage {IMG} at (373,0) size 16x15
+ RenderText {#text} at (388,1) size 5x17
+ text run at (388,1) width 5: " "
+ RenderBR {BR} at (392,15) size 1x0
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {HR} at (4,338) size 747x2 [border: (1px inset #000000)]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {P} at (377,348) size 374x102 [bgcolor=#FFFF00]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 373x102
</span><span class="lines">@@ -319,12 +319,12 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (20,34) width 166: "background is yellow and"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,51) width 110: "the width is 25%."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (4,1066) size 747x34
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (187,0) size 373x34
- text run at (187,0) width 373: "This paragraph should appear between a blue box (on the"
- text run at (187,17) width 29: "left) "
- text run at (216,17) width 199: "and a yellow box (on the right)."
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (186,0) size 374x34
+ text run at (186,0) width 374: "This paragraph should appear between a blue box (on the"
+ text run at (186,17) width 30: "left) "
+ text run at (215,17) width 200: "and a yellow box (on the right)."
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (anonymous) at (4,1100) size 747x34
</span><del>- RenderBR {BR} at (187,0) size 0x17
</del><ins>+ RenderBR {BR} at (186,0) size 1x17
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {HR} at (4,1142) size 747x2 [border: (1px inset #000000)]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {DIV} at (4,1152) size 561x119 [bgcolor=#66CCFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {DIV} at (410,0) size 141x34 [bgcolor=#FFFF00]
</span><span class="lines">@@ -349,5 +349,5 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,102) width 112: "have a 10px blue "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (112,102) width 138: "stripe on its right side."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (anonymous) at (4,1152) size 747x119
</span><del>- RenderBR {BR} at (560,0) size 0x17
</del><ins>+ RenderBR {BR} at (560,0) size 1x17
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {HR} at (4,1279) size 747x2 [border: (1px inset #000000)]
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss1text_propertiestext_indentexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css1/text_properties/text_indent-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css1/text_properties/text_indent-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css1/text_properties/text_indent-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (48,0) size 386x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (48,0) width 386: "The first line of this sentence should be indented half an inch."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (0,262) size 769x17 [bgcolor=#00FFFF]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (76,0) size 411x17
- text run at (76,0) width 411: "The first line of this sentence should be indented two centimeters."
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (75,0) size 412x17
+ text run at (75,0) width 412: "The first line of this sentence should be indented two centimeters."
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (0,295) size 769x17 [bgcolor=#00FFFF]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (76,0) size 428x17
- text run at (76,0) width 428: "The first line of this sentence should be indented twenty millimeters."
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (75,0) size 429x17
+ text run at (75,0) width 429: "The first line of this sentence should be indented twenty millimeters."
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (0,328) size 769x17 [bgcolor=#00FFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (32,0) size 428x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (32,0) width 428: "The first line of this sentence should be indented twenty-four points."
</span><span class="lines">@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (16,0) size 355x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (16,0) width 355: "The first line of this sentence should be indented two ex."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (0,460) size 769x34 [bgcolor=#00FFFF]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (385,0) size 744x34
- text run at (385,0) width 359: "The first line of this sentence should be indented halfway"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (384,0) size 744x34
+ text run at (384,0) width 360: "The first line of this sentence should be indented halfway"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (0,17) width 555: "across the page, but the rest of it should be flush with the normal left margin of the page."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (0,510) size 769x34 [bgcolor=#00FFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (25,0) size 723x34
</span><span class="lines">@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (199,34) size 146x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (199,34) width 146: " which may be present."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {BLOCKQUOTE} at (40,627) size 689x51 [bgcolor=#00FFFF]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (385,0) size 646x51
- text run at (385,0) width 221: "In the first half of the test page, this"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (384,0) size 646x51
+ text run at (384,0) width 222: "In the first half of the test page, this"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (0,17) width 646: "BLOCKQUOTE element should have a text indent equal to 50% of the BODY element's width, since"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,34) width 513: "BLOCKQUOTE is a child of BODY; in the second half, it is a child of TABLE."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,694) size 769x500 [border: (1px outset #808080)]
</span><span class="lines">@@ -92,11 +92,11 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (48,0) size 386x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (48,0) width 386: "The first line of this sentence should be indented half an inch."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (4,37) size 747x17 [bgcolor=#00FFFF]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (76,0) size 411x17
- text run at (76,0) width 411: "The first line of this sentence should be indented two centimeters."
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (75,0) size 412x17
+ text run at (75,0) width 412: "The first line of this sentence should be indented two centimeters."
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (4,70) size 747x17 [bgcolor=#00FFFF]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (76,0) size 428x17
- text run at (76,0) width 428: "The first line of this sentence should be indented twenty millimeters."
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (75,0) size 429x17
+ text run at (75,0) width 429: "The first line of this sentence should be indented twenty millimeters."
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (4,103) size 747x17 [bgcolor=#00FFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (32,0) size 428x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (32,0) width 428: "The first line of this sentence should be indented twenty-four points."
</span><span class="lines">@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (16,0) size 355x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (16,0) width 355: "The first line of this sentence should be indented two ex."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (4,235) size 747x34 [bgcolor=#00FFFF]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (374,0) size 733x34
- text run at (374,0) width 359: "The first line of this sentence should be indented halfway"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (373,0) size 733x34
+ text run at (373,0) width 360: "The first line of this sentence should be indented halfway"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (0,17) width 555: "across the page, but the rest of it should be flush with the normal left margin of the page."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (4,285) size 747x34 [bgcolor=#00FFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (25,0) size 723x34
</span><span class="lines">@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (199,34) size 146x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (199,34) width 146: " which may be present."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {BLOCKQUOTE} at (44,402) size 667x51 [bgcolor=#00FFFF]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (374,0) size 646x51
- text run at (374,0) width 221: "In the first half of the test page, this"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (373,0) size 646x51
+ text run at (373,0) width 222: "In the first half of the test page, this"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (0,17) width 646: "BLOCKQUOTE element should have a text indent equal to 50% of the BODY element's width, since"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,34) width 513: "BLOCKQUOTE is a child of BODY; in the second half, it is a child of TABLE."
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss21t0905c414fltwrap00eexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t0905-c414-flt-wrap-00-e-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t0905-c414-flt-wrap-00-e-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t0905-c414-flt-wrap-00-e-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (100,0) size 40x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (100,0) width 40: "PASS"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (43,0) size 236x119
</span><del>- text run at (43,0) width 188: "fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail"
</del><ins>+ text run at (43,0) width 189: "fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (0,34) width 48: "fail fail "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (48,34) width 188: "fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,51) width 48: "fail fail "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss21t0905c5525fltwidth00cgexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t0905-c5525-fltwidth-00-c-g-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t0905-c5525-fltwidth-00-c-g-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t0905-c5525-fltwidth-00-c-g-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (198,85) width 186: "text ignore this float text"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,102) width 234: "ignore this float text ignore this "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (234,102) width 150: "float text ignore this"
</span><del>- text run at (0,119) width 281: "float text ignore this float text ignore "
- text run at (281,119) width 103: "this float text"
</del><ins>+ text run at (0,119) width 282: "float text ignore this float text ignore "
+ text run at (282,119) width 102: "this float text"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (0,136) width 311: "ignore this float text ignore this float text "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (311,136) width 73: "ignore this"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,153) width 355: "float text ignore this float text ignore this float "
</span><span class="lines">@@ -42,44 +42,44 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (156,255) width 228: "float text ignore this float text"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,272) width 203: "ignore this float text ignore "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (203,272) width 181: "this float text ignore this"
</span><del>- text run at (0,289) width 233: "float text ignore this float text "
- text run at (233,289) width 151: "ignore this float text"
</del><ins>+ text run at (0,289) width 234: "float text ignore this float text "
+ text run at (234,289) width 150: "ignore this float text"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (0,306) width 259: "ignore this float text ignore this float"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,140) size 769x442 [color=#C0C0C0]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (385,0) size 769x442
- text run at (385,0) width 384: "this is some dummy text this is some dummy text this is"
- text run at (385,17) width 96: "some dummy "
- text run at (481,17) width 288: "text this is some dummy text this is some"
- text run at (385,34) width 168: "dummy text this is some "
- text run at (553,34) width 216: "dummy text this is some dummy"
- text run at (385,51) width 229: "text this is some dummy text this is "
- text run at (614,51) width 155: "some dummy text this is"
- text run at (385,68) width 303: "some dummy text this is some dummy text "
- text run at (688,68) width 81: "this is some"
- text run at (385,85) width 384: "dummy text this is some dummy text this is some dummy"
- text run at (385,102) width 384: "text this is some dummy text this is some dummy text this is"
- text run at (385,119) width 40: "some "
- text run at (425,119) width 344: "dummy text this is some dummy text this is some"
- text run at (385,136) width 128: "dummy text this is "
- text run at (513,136) width 256: "some dummy text this is some dummy"
- text run at (385,153) width 187: "text this is some dummy text "
- text run at (572,153) width 197: "this is some dummy text this is"
- text run at (385,170) width 272: "some dummy text this is some dummy "
- text run at (657,170) width 112: "text this is some"
- text run at (385,187) width 336: "dummy text this is some dummy text this is some "
- text run at (721,187) width 48: "dummy"
- text run at (385,204) width 384: "text this is some dummy text this is some dummy text this is"
- text run at (385,221) width 384: "some dummy text this is some dummy text this is some"
- text run at (385,238) width 83: "dummy text "
- text run at (468,238) width 301: "this is some dummy text this is some dummy"
- text run at (385,255) width 159: "text this is some dummy "
- text run at (544,255) width 225: "text this is some dummy text this is"
- text run at (385,272) width 216: "some dummy text this is some "
- text run at (601,272) width 168: "dummy text this is some"
- text run at (385,289) width 296: "dummy text this is some dummy text this is "
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (384,0) size 769x442
+ text run at (384,0) width 385: "this is some dummy text this is some dummy text this is"
+ text run at (384,17) width 97: "some dummy "
+ text run at (480,17) width 289: "text this is some dummy text this is some"
+ text run at (384,34) width 169: "dummy text this is some "
+ text run at (552,34) width 217: "dummy text this is some dummy"
+ text run at (384,51) width 230: "text this is some dummy text this is "
+ text run at (613,51) width 156: "some dummy text this is"
+ text run at (384,68) width 304: "some dummy text this is some dummy text "
+ text run at (687,68) width 82: "this is some"
+ text run at (384,85) width 385: "dummy text this is some dummy text this is some dummy"
+ text run at (384,102) width 385: "text this is some dummy text this is some dummy text this is"
+ text run at (384,119) width 41: "some "
+ text run at (424,119) width 345: "dummy text this is some dummy text this is some"
+ text run at (384,136) width 129: "dummy text this is "
+ text run at (512,136) width 257: "some dummy text this is some dummy"
+ text run at (384,153) width 188: "text this is some dummy text "
+ text run at (571,153) width 198: "this is some dummy text this is"
+ text run at (384,170) width 273: "some dummy text this is some dummy "
+ text run at (656,170) width 113: "text this is some"
+ text run at (384,187) width 337: "dummy text this is some dummy text this is some "
+ text run at (720,187) width 49: "dummy"
+ text run at (384,204) width 385: "text this is some dummy text this is some dummy text this is"
+ text run at (384,221) width 385: "some dummy text this is some dummy text this is some"
+ text run at (384,238) width 84: "dummy text "
+ text run at (467,238) width 302: "this is some dummy text this is some dummy"
+ text run at (384,255) width 160: "text this is some dummy "
+ text run at (543,255) width 226: "text this is some dummy text this is"
+ text run at (384,272) width 217: "some dummy text this is some "
+ text run at (600,272) width 169: "dummy text this is some"
+ text run at (384,289) width 298: "dummy text this is some dummy text this is "
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (681,289) width 88: "some dummy"
</span><del>- text run at (385,306) width 347: "text this is some dummy text this is some dummy text "
- text run at (732,306) width 37: "this is"
</del><ins>+ text run at (384,306) width 348: "text this is some dummy text this is some dummy text "
+ text run at (731,306) width 38: "this is"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (0,323) width 404: "some dummy text this is some dummy text this is some dummy "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (404,323) width 365: "text this is some dummy text this is some dummy text this"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,340) width 52: "is some "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss21t100801c544valgn00aagexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-00-a-ag-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-00-a-ag-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-00-a-ag-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 755: "There should be four identical white boxes in the teal block below, all the same size, each one a little lower down on the"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,17) width 134: "line, in a step pattern."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (50,84) size 684x103 [color=#FFFFFF] [bgcolor=#008080]
</span><del>- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 50x51
- RenderText {#text} at (13,12) size 50x51
- text run at (13,12) width 50: "X"
- RenderText {#text} at (63,29) size 50x51
- text run at (63,29) width 50: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (113,19) size 50x51
- RenderText {#text} at (163,29) size 150x51
- text run at (163,29) width 150: " X "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 50x51
- RenderText {#text} at (313,40) size 50x51
- text run at (313,40) width 50: "X"
</del><ins>+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 51x51
+ RenderText {#text} at (12,12) size 51x51
+ text run at (12,12) width 51: "X"
+ RenderText {#text} at (62,29) size 51x51
+ text run at (62,29) width 51: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (112,19) size 51x51
+ RenderText {#text} at (162,29) size 151x51
+ text run at (162,29) width 151: " X "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 51x51
+ RenderText {#text} at (312,40) size 51x51
+ text run at (312,40) width 51: "X"
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss21t100801c544valgn02dagiexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-02-d-agi-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-02-d-agi-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-02-d-agi-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -10,76 +10,76 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,17) width 83: "alignment as "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (83,17) width 204: "other blue rectangles on the line."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (15,50) size 754x273 [color=#0000FF] [bgcolor=#FFFFFF] [border: (1px solid #C0C0C0)]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (9,26) size 60x16
- text run at (9,26) width 60: "xxx "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (69,26) size 30x31
- RenderText {#text} at (99,26) size 15x16
- text run at (99,26) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 114x39 [color=#C0C0C0]
- RenderText {#text} at (114,8) size 114x39
- text run at (114,8) width 114: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (228,26) size 15x16
- text run at (228,26) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (243,26) size 50x51
- RenderText {#text} at (293,26) size 15x16
- text run at (293,26) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {BIG} at (0,0) size 60x21 [color=#C0C0C0]
- RenderText {#text} at (308,22) size 60x21
- text run at (308,22) width 60: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (368,26) size 15x16
- text run at (368,26) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (383,26) size 10x11
- RenderText {#text} at (393,26) size 15x16
- text run at (393,26) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {SMALL} at (0,0) size 30x11 [color=#C0C0C0]
- RenderText {#text} at (408,30) size 30x11
- text run at (408,30) width 30: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (438,26) size 15x16
- text run at (438,26) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (453,26) size 20x21
- RenderText {#text} at (473,26) size 75x16
- text run at (473,26) width 15: " "
- text run at (488,26) width 60: "xxx "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (548,26) size 65x66
- RenderText {#text} at (613,26) size 15x16
- text run at (613,26) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 90x31 [color=#C0C0C0]
- RenderText {#text} at (628,14) size 90x31
- text run at (628,14) width 90: "xxx"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (8,26) size 61x16
+ text run at (8,26) width 61: "xxx "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (68,26) size 31x31
+ RenderText {#text} at (98,26) size 16x16
+ text run at (98,26) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 115x39 [color=#C0C0C0]
+ RenderText {#text} at (113,8) size 115x39
+ text run at (113,8) width 115: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (227,26) size 16x16
+ text run at (227,26) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (242,26) size 51x51
+ RenderText {#text} at (292,26) size 16x16
+ text run at (292,26) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {BIG} at (0,0) size 61x21 [color=#C0C0C0]
+ RenderText {#text} at (307,22) size 61x21
+ text run at (307,22) width 61: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (367,26) size 16x16
+ text run at (367,26) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (382,26) size 11x11
+ RenderText {#text} at (392,26) size 16x16
+ text run at (392,26) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {SMALL} at (0,0) size 31x11 [color=#C0C0C0]
+ RenderText {#text} at (407,30) size 31x11
+ text run at (407,30) width 31: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (437,26) size 16x16
+ text run at (437,26) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (452,26) size 21x21
+ RenderText {#text} at (472,26) size 76x16
+ text run at (472,26) width 16: " "
+ text run at (487,26) width 61: "xxx "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (547,26) size 66x66
+ RenderText {#text} at (612,26) size 16x16
+ text run at (612,26) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 91x31 [color=#C0C0C0]
+ RenderText {#text} at (627,14) size 91x31
+ text run at (627,14) width 91: "xxx"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><del>- RenderImage {IMG} at (9,124) size 35x36
- RenderText {#text} at (44,124) size 75x16
- text run at (44,124) width 15: " "
- text run at (59,124) width 60: "xxx "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (119,124) size 30x31
- RenderText {#text} at (149,124) size 15x16
- text run at (149,124) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 352x24 [color=#C0C0C0]
- RenderText {#text} at (164,118) size 92x24
- text run at (164,118) width 92: "xxx "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 168x57
- RenderText {#text} at (256,91) size 168x57
- text run at (256,91) width 168: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (424,118) size 92x24
- text run at (424,118) width 92: " xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (516,124) size 15x16
- text run at (516,124) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (531,124) size 50x51
- RenderText {#text} at (581,124) size 15x16
- text run at (581,124) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {SMALL} at (0,0) size 30x11 [color=#C0C0C0]
- RenderText {#text} at (596,128) size 30x11
- text run at (596,128) width 30: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (626,124) size 15x16
- text run at (626,124) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (641,124) size 15x16
- RenderText {#text} at (656,124) size 15x16
- text run at (656,124) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {BIG} at (0,0) size 60x21 [color=#C0C0C0]
- RenderText {#text} at (671,120) size 60x21
- text run at (671,120) width 60: "xxx"
</del><ins>+ RenderImage {IMG} at (8,124) size 36x36
+ RenderText {#text} at (43,124) size 76x16
+ text run at (43,124) width 16: " "
+ text run at (58,124) width 61: "xxx "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (118,124) size 31x31
+ RenderText {#text} at (148,124) size 16x16
+ text run at (148,124) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 353x24 [color=#C0C0C0]
+ RenderText {#text} at (163,118) size 93x24
+ text run at (163,118) width 93: "xxx "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 169x57
+ RenderText {#text} at (255,91) size 169x57
+ text run at (255,91) width 169: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (423,118) size 93x24
+ text run at (423,118) width 93: " xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (515,124) size 16x16
+ text run at (515,124) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (530,124) size 51x51
+ RenderText {#text} at (580,124) size 16x16
+ text run at (580,124) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {SMALL} at (0,0) size 31x11 [color=#C0C0C0]
+ RenderText {#text} at (595,128) size 31x11
+ text run at (595,128) width 31: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (625,124) size 16x16
+ text run at (625,124) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (640,124) size 16x16
+ RenderText {#text} at (655,124) size 16x16
+ text run at (655,124) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {BIG} at (0,0) size 61x21 [color=#C0C0C0]
+ RenderText {#text} at (670,120) size 61x21
+ text run at (670,120) width 61: "xxx"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><del>- RenderImage {IMG} at (9,174) size 90x91
- RenderText {#text} at (99,174) size 60x16
- text run at (99,174) width 15: " "
- text run at (114,174) width 45: "xxx"
</del><ins>+ RenderImage {IMG} at (8,174) size 91x91
+ RenderText {#text} at (98,174) size 61x16
+ text run at (98,174) width 16: " "
+ text run at (113,174) width 46: "xxx"
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss21t100801c544valgn03dagiexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-03-d-agi-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-03-d-agi-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-03-d-agi-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -10,72 +10,72 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,17) width 83: "alignment as "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (83,17) width 204: "other blue rectangles on the line."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (15,50) size 754x235 [color=#0000FF] [bgcolor=#FFFFFF] [border: (1px solid #C0C0C0)]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (9,36) size 60x16
- text run at (9,36) width 60: "\x{C9}\x{C9}\x{C9} "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (69,26) size 30x31
- RenderText {#text} at (99,36) size 15x16
- text run at (99,36) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 114x39 [color=#C0C0C0]
- RenderText {#text} at (114,18) size 114x39
- text run at (114,18) width 114: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (228,36) size 15x16
- text run at (228,36) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (243,16) size 50x51
- RenderText {#text} at (293,36) size 75x16
- text run at (293,36) width 15: " "
- text run at (308,36) width 60: "\x{C9}\x{C9}\x{C9} "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (368,36) size 10x11
- RenderText {#text} at (378,36) size 15x16
- text run at (378,36) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {SMALL} at (0,0) size 30x11 [color=#C0C0C0]
- RenderText {#text} at (393,40) size 30x11
- text run at (393,40) width 30: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (423,36) size 15x16
- text run at (423,36) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (438,31) size 20x21
- RenderText {#text} at (458,36) size 75x16
- text run at (458,36) width 15: " "
- text run at (473,36) width 60: "\x{C9}\x{C9}\x{C9} "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (533,8) size 65x66
- RenderText {#text} at (598,36) size 75x16
- text run at (598,36) width 15: " "
- text run at (613,36) width 60: "\x{C9}\x{C9}\x{C9} "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (673,23) size 35x36
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (8,36) size 61x16
+ text run at (8,36) width 61: "\x{C9}\x{C9}\x{C9} "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (68,26) size 31x31
+ RenderText {#text} at (98,36) size 16x16
+ text run at (98,36) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 115x39 [color=#C0C0C0]
+ RenderText {#text} at (113,18) size 115x39
+ text run at (113,18) width 115: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (227,36) size 16x16
+ text run at (227,36) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (242,16) size 51x51
+ RenderText {#text} at (292,36) size 76x16
+ text run at (292,36) width 16: " "
+ text run at (307,36) width 61: "\x{C9}\x{C9}\x{C9} "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (367,36) size 11x11
+ RenderText {#text} at (377,36) size 16x16
+ text run at (377,36) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {SMALL} at (0,0) size 31x11 [color=#C0C0C0]
+ RenderText {#text} at (392,40) size 31x11
+ text run at (392,40) width 31: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (422,36) size 16x16
+ text run at (422,36) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (437,31) size 21x21
+ RenderText {#text} at (457,36) size 76x16
+ text run at (457,36) width 16: " "
+ text run at (472,36) width 61: "\x{C9}\x{C9}\x{C9} "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (532,8) size 66x66
+ RenderText {#text} at (597,36) size 76x16
+ text run at (597,36) width 16: " "
+ text run at (612,36) width 61: "\x{C9}\x{C9}\x{C9} "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (672,23) size 36x36
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><del>- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 90x31 [color=#C0C0C0]
- RenderText {#text} at (9,94) size 90x31
- text run at (9,94) width 90: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (99,106) size 15x16
- text run at (99,106) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (114,86) size 50x51
- RenderText {#text} at (164,106) size 15x16
- text run at (164,106) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 352x24 [color=#C0C0C0]
- RenderText {#text} at (179,100) size 92x24
- text run at (179,100) width 92: "xxx "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 168x57
- RenderText {#text} at (271,73) size 168x57
- text run at (271,73) width 168: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (439,100) size 92x24
- text run at (439,100) width 92: " xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (531,106) size 15x16
- text run at (531,106) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (546,86) size 50x51
- RenderText {#text} at (596,106) size 15x16
- text run at (596,106) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {SMALL} at (0,0) size 30x11 [color=#C0C0C0]
- RenderText {#text} at (611,110) size 30x11
- text run at (611,110) width 30: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (641,106) size 15x16
- text run at (641,106) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (656,103) size 15x16
- RenderText {#text} at (671,106) size 15x16
- text run at (671,106) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {BIG} at (0,0) size 60x21 [color=#C0C0C0]
- RenderText {#text} at (686,102) size 60x21
- text run at (686,102) width 60: "xxx"
</del><ins>+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 91x31 [color=#C0C0C0]
+ RenderText {#text} at (8,94) size 91x31
+ text run at (8,94) width 91: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (98,106) size 16x16
+ text run at (98,106) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (113,86) size 51x51
+ RenderText {#text} at (163,106) size 16x16
+ text run at (163,106) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 353x24 [color=#C0C0C0]
+ RenderText {#text} at (178,100) size 93x24
+ text run at (178,100) width 93: "xxx "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 169x57
+ RenderText {#text} at (270,73) size 169x57
+ text run at (270,73) width 169: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (438,100) size 93x24
+ text run at (438,100) width 93: " xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (530,106) size 16x16
+ text run at (530,106) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (545,86) size 51x51
+ RenderText {#text} at (595,106) size 16x16
+ text run at (595,106) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {SMALL} at (0,0) size 31x11 [color=#C0C0C0]
+ RenderText {#text} at (610,110) size 31x11
+ text run at (610,110) width 31: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (640,106) size 16x16
+ text run at (640,106) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (655,103) size 16x16
+ RenderText {#text} at (670,106) size 16x16
+ text run at (670,106) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {BIG} at (0,0) size 61x21 [color=#C0C0C0]
+ RenderText {#text} at (685,102) size 61x21
+ text run at (685,102) width 61: "xxx"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><del>- RenderImage {IMG} at (9,136) size 90x91
- RenderText {#text} at (99,176) size 60x16
- text run at (99,176) width 15: " "
- text run at (114,176) width 45: "\x{C9}\x{C9}\x{C9}"
</del><ins>+ RenderImage {IMG} at (8,136) size 91x91
+ RenderText {#text} at (98,176) size 61x16
+ text run at (98,176) width 16: " "
+ text run at (113,176) width 46: "\x{C9}\x{C9}\x{C9}"
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss21t100801c544valgn04dagiexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-04-d-agi-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-04-d-agi-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t100801-c544-valgn-04-d-agi-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -10,81 +10,81 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,17) width 83: "alignment as "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (83,17) width 204: "other blue rectangles on the line."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (15,50) size 754x172 [color=#0000FF] [bgcolor=#FFFFFF] [border: (1px solid #C0C0C0)]
</span><del>- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 45x16
- RenderText {#text} at (9,8) size 45x16
- text run at (9,8) width 45: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (54,8) size 15x16
- text run at (54,8) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (69,8) size 10x11
- RenderText {#text} at (79,8) size 15x16
- text run at (79,8) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 114x39
- RenderText {#text} at (94,8) size 114x39
- text run at (94,8) width 114: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (208,8) size 15x16
- text run at (208,8) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (223,8) size 10x11
- RenderText {#text} at (233,8) size 15x16
- text run at (233,8) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 45x16
- RenderText {#text} at (248,8) size 45x16
- text run at (248,8) width 45: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (293,8) size 15x16
- text run at (293,8) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (308,8) size 10x11
- RenderText {#text} at (318,8) size 15x16
- text run at (318,8) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 45x16
- RenderText {#text} at (333,8) size 45x16
- text run at (333,8) width 45: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (378,8) size 15x16
- text run at (378,8) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (393,8) size 10x11
- RenderText {#text} at (403,8) size 15x16
- text run at (403,8) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {BIG} at (0,0) size 60x21
- RenderText {#text} at (418,8) size 60x21
- text run at (418,8) width 60: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (478,8) size 15x16
- text run at (478,8) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (493,8) size 20x21
- RenderText {#text} at (513,8) size 15x16
- text run at (513,8) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 45x16
- RenderText {#text} at (528,8) size 45x16
- text run at (528,8) width 45: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (573,8) size 15x16
- text run at (573,8) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (588,8) size 65x66
- RenderText {#text} at (653,8) size 15x16
- text run at (653,8) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 45x16
- RenderText {#text} at (668,8) size 45x16
- text run at (668,8) width 45: "xxx"
</del><ins>+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 46x16
+ RenderText {#text} at (8,8) size 46x16
+ text run at (8,8) width 46: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (53,8) size 16x16
+ text run at (53,8) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (68,8) size 11x11
+ RenderText {#text} at (78,8) size 16x16
+ text run at (78,8) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 115x39
+ RenderText {#text} at (93,8) size 115x39
+ text run at (93,8) width 115: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (207,8) size 16x16
+ text run at (207,8) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (222,8) size 11x11
+ RenderText {#text} at (232,8) size 16x16
+ text run at (232,8) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 46x16
+ RenderText {#text} at (247,8) size 46x16
+ text run at (247,8) width 46: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (292,8) size 16x16
+ text run at (292,8) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (307,8) size 11x11
+ RenderText {#text} at (317,8) size 16x16
+ text run at (317,8) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 46x16
+ RenderText {#text} at (332,8) size 46x16
+ text run at (332,8) width 46: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (377,8) size 16x16
+ text run at (377,8) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (392,8) size 11x11
+ RenderText {#text} at (402,8) size 16x16
+ text run at (402,8) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {BIG} at (0,0) size 61x21
+ RenderText {#text} at (417,8) size 61x21
+ text run at (417,8) width 61: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (477,8) size 16x16
+ text run at (477,8) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (492,8) size 21x21
+ RenderText {#text} at (512,8) size 16x16
+ text run at (512,8) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 46x16
+ RenderText {#text} at (527,8) size 46x16
+ text run at (527,8) width 46: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (572,8) size 16x16
+ text run at (572,8) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (587,8) size 66x66
+ RenderText {#text} at (652,8) size 16x16
+ text run at (652,8) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 46x16
+ RenderText {#text} at (667,8) size 46x16
+ text run at (667,8) width 46: "xxx"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><del>- RenderImage {IMG} at (9,73) size 35x36
- RenderText {#text} at (44,73) size 15x16
- text run at (44,73) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 90x31
- RenderText {#text} at (59,73) size 90x31
- text run at (59,73) width 90: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (149,73) size 15x16
- text run at (149,73) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (164,73) size 50x51
- RenderText {#text} at (214,73) size 15x16
- text run at (214,73) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 45x16
- RenderText {#text} at (229,73) size 45x16
- text run at (229,73) width 45: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (274,73) size 15x16
- text run at (274,73) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (289,73) size 15x16
- RenderText {#text} at (304,73) size 15x16
- text run at (304,73) width 15: " "
- RenderInline {BIG} at (0,0) size 60x21
- RenderText {#text} at (319,73) size 60x21
- text run at (319,73) width 60: "xxx"
- RenderText {#text} at (379,73) size 15x16
- text run at (379,73) width 15: " "
- RenderImage {IMG} at (394,73) size 90x91
</del><ins>+ RenderImage {IMG} at (8,73) size 36x36
+ RenderText {#text} at (43,73) size 16x16
+ text run at (43,73) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 91x31
+ RenderText {#text} at (58,73) size 91x31
+ text run at (58,73) width 91: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (148,73) size 16x16
+ text run at (148,73) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (163,73) size 51x51
+ RenderText {#text} at (213,73) size 16x16
+ text run at (213,73) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 46x16
+ RenderText {#text} at (228,73) size 46x16
+ text run at (228,73) width 46: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (273,73) size 16x16
+ text run at (273,73) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (288,73) size 16x16
+ RenderText {#text} at (303,73) size 16x16
+ text run at (303,73) width 16: " "
+ RenderInline {BIG} at (0,0) size 61x21
+ RenderText {#text} at (318,73) size 61x21
+ text run at (318,73) width 61: "xxx"
+ RenderText {#text} at (378,73) size 16x16
+ text run at (378,73) width 16: " "
+ RenderImage {IMG} at (393,73) size 91x91
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 0x0
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkcss21t1601c547indent00baexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t1601-c547-indent-00-b-a-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t1601-c547-indent-00-b-a-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/css2.1/t1601-c547-indent-00-b-a-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (24,0) size 24x24
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (24,0) width 24: "x"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,201) size 432x24 [color=#0000FF]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (31,0) size 24x24
- text run at (31,0) width 24: "x"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (31,0) size 25x24
+ text run at (31,0) width 25: "x"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,225) size 432x24 [color=#0000FF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (24,0) size 24x24
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (24,0) width 24: "x"
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastblockfloat026expectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/block/float/026-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/block/float/026-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/block/float/026-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (273,19) width 279: "needed to fit within the remaining line width"
</span><span class="cx"> layer at (189,816) size 388x70 clip at (191,818) size 369x51
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (180,0) size 389x70 [border: (2px solid #0000FF)]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,2) size 364x51
- text run at (7,2) width 364: "This is an overflow:scroll region. It should sit on the same"
- text run at (47,19) width 324: "line as the float and wrap as needed to fit within the"
- text run at (237,36) width 4 RTL: "."
- text run at (241,36) width 130: "remaining line width"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (7,2) size 365x51
+ text run at (7,2) width 365: "This is an overflow:scroll region. It should sit on the same"
+ text run at (47,19) width 325: "line as the float and wrap as needed to fit within the"
+ text run at (237,36) width 5 RTL: "."
+ text run at (241,36) width 131: "remaining line width"
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastblockfloat028expectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/block/float/028-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/block/float/028-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/block/float/028-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (273,19) width 279: "needed to fit within the remaining line width"
</span><span class="cx"> layer at (189,816) size 388x70 clip at (191,818) size 369x51
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (180,0) size 389x70 [border: (2px solid #0000FF)]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,2) size 364x51
- text run at (7,2) width 364: "This is an overflow:scroll region. It should sit on the same"
- text run at (47,19) width 324: "line as the float and wrap as needed to fit within the"
- text run at (237,36) width 4 RTL: "."
- text run at (241,36) width 130: "remaining line width"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (7,2) size 365x51
+ text run at (7,2) width 365: "This is an overflow:scroll region. It should sit on the same"
+ text run at (47,19) width 325: "line as the float and wrap as needed to fit within the"
+ text run at (237,36) width 5 RTL: "."
+ text run at (241,36) width 131: "remaining line width"
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastcssemptypseudoclassexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/empty-pseudo-class-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/empty-pseudo-class-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/empty-pseudo-class-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x76 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "1"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 88x61
- text run at (7,9) width 64: ":empty {"
- text run at (71,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 88: "<div></div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 89x61
+ text run at (6,9) width 65: ":empty {"
+ text run at (70,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 89: "<div></div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,145) size 584x17
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 481x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 481: "The CSS selector should match the div element, because it is empty"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x76 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "2"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 272x61
- text run at (7,9) width 64: ":empty {"
- text run at (71,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 272: "<div><!-- Just a comment --></div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 273x61
+ text run at (6,9) width 65: ":empty {"
+ text run at (70,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 273: "<div><!-- Just a comment --></div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,145) size 584x17
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 481x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 481: "The CSS selector should match the div element, because it is empty"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x76 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "3"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 96x61
- text run at (7,9) width 64: ":empty {"
- text run at (71,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 96: "<div> </div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 97x61
+ text run at (6,9) width 65: ":empty {"
+ text run at (70,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 97: "<div> </div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,145) size 584x17
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 533x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 533: "The CSS selector should not match the div element, because it is not empty"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -95,13 +95,13 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {BLOCKQUOTE} at (12,12) size 560x0 [bgcolor=#990000]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x76 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "5"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 288x61
- text run at (7,9) width 64: ":empty {"
- text run at (71,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 288: "<div><blockquote></blockquote></div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 289x61
+ text run at (6,9) width 65: ":empty {"
+ text run at (70,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 289: "<div><blockquote></blockquote></div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,145) size 584x17
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 533x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 533: "The CSS selector should not match the div element, because it is not empty"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -111,18 +111,18 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (12,12) size 560x0 [bgcolor=#990000]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "6"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 384x106
- text run at (7,9) width 64: ":empty {"
- text run at (71,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 224: "<div id='appendChild'></div>"
- text run at (231,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 384: "var ib = document.getElementById('appendChild');"
- text run at (391,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 368: "ib.appendChild(document.createElement(\"div\"));"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 385x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 65: ":empty {"
+ text run at (70,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 225: "<div id='appendChild'></div>"
+ text run at (230,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 385: "var ib = document.getElementById('appendChild');"
+ text run at (390,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 369: "ib.appendChild(document.createElement(\"div\"));"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 573x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 573: "The CSS selector should not match the orignal div element, because it will not be"
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastcssfirstchildpseudoclassexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/first-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/first-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/first-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x106 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "1"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 144x91
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div :first-child {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 40: "<div>"
- text run at (47,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 112: " <div></div>"
- text run at (119,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 48: "</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 145x91
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div :first-child {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 41: "<div>"
+ text run at (46,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 113: " <div></div>"
+ text run at (118,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 49: "</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,175) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 572x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 572: "The CSS selector should match the inner div element, because it is the only child"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {BLOCKQUOTE} at (0,24) size 584x0
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "2"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 224x106
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div :first-child {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 48: "<div> "
- text run at (55,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 112: " <div></div>"
- text run at (119,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 224: " <blockquote></blockquote>"
- text run at (231,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 48: "</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 225x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div :first-child {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 49: "<div> "
+ text run at (54,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 113: " <div></div>"
+ text run at (118,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 225: " <blockquote></blockquote>"
+ text run at (230,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 49: "</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 567x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 567: "The CSS selector should match the inner div element, because it is the first child"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -71,19 +71,19 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "3"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 208x106
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div :first-child {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 48: "<div> "
- text run at (55,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 208: " <!-- Just a comment -->"
- text run at (215,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 112: " <div></div>"
- text run at (119,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 48: "</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 209x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div :first-child {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 49: "<div> "
+ text run at (54,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 209: " <!-- Just a comment -->"
+ text run at (214,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 113: " <div></div>"
+ text run at (118,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 49: "</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x51
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 567x51
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 567: "The CSS selector should match the inner div element, because it is the first child"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -123,19 +123,19 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "5"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 224x106
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div :first-child {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 48: "<div> "
- text run at (55,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 224: " <blockquote></blockquote>"
- text run at (231,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 112: " <div></div>"
- text run at (119,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 48: "</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 225x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div :first-child {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 49: "<div> "
+ text run at (54,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 225: " <blockquote></blockquote>"
+ text run at (230,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 113: " <div></div>"
+ text run at (118,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 49: "</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 582x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 582: "The CSS selector should not match the inner div element, because it is the second"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -146,22 +146,22 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,24) size 584x0
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x151 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "6"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 520x136
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div :first-child {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 40: "<div>"
- text run at (47,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 256: " <div id='insertBefore'></div>"
- text run at (263,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 48: "</div>"
- text run at (55,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,115) width 392: "var ib = document.getElementById('insertBefore');"
- text run at (399,115) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,130) width 520: "ib.parentElement.insertBefore(document.createElement(\"div\"), ib);"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 521x136
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div :first-child {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 41: "<div>"
+ text run at (46,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 257: " <div id='insertBefore'></div>"
+ text run at (262,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 49: "</div>"
+ text run at (54,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,115) width 393: "var ib = document.getElementById('insertBefore');"
+ text run at (398,115) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,130) width 521: "ib.parentElement.insertBefore(document.createElement(\"div\"), ib);"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,220) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 567x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 567: "The CSS selector should match the div element that is inserted by the Javascript"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -172,22 +172,22 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x151 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "7"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 520x136
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div :first-child {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 40: "<div>"
- text run at (47,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 256: " <div id='insertBefore'></div>"
- text run at (263,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 48: "</div>"
- text run at (55,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,115) width 392: "var ib = document.getElementById('insertBefore');"
- text run at (399,115) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,130) width 520: "ib.parentElement.insertBefore(document.createElement(\"div\"), ib);"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 521x136
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div :first-child {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 41: "<div>"
+ text run at (46,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 257: " <div id='insertBefore'></div>"
+ text run at (262,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 49: "</div>"
+ text run at (54,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,115) width 393: "var ib = document.getElementById('insertBefore');"
+ text run at (398,115) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,130) width 521: "ib.parentElement.insertBefore(document.createElement(\"div\"), ib);"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,220) size 584x17
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 515x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 515: "The original div element should not be a match for the :first-child selector."
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastcssfirstoftypepseudoclassexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/first-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/first-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/first-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x76 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "1"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 280x61
- text run at (7,9) width 152: "div:first-of-type {"
- text run at (159,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 280: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 281x61
+ text run at (6,9) width 153: "div:first-of-type {"
+ text run at (158,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 281: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,145) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 551x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 551: "The CSS selector should match the marked div element, because it is the only"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -45,15 +45,15 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,24) size 584x0
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x91 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "2"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 280x76
- text run at (7,9) width 152: "div:first-of-type {"
- text run at (159,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 280: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
- text run at (287,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 88: "<div></div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 281x76
+ text run at (6,9) width 153: "div:first-of-type {"
+ text run at (158,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 281: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
+ text run at (286,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 89: "<div></div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,160) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 546x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 546: "The CSS selector should match the marked div element, because it is the first"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -64,15 +64,15 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x91 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "3"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 280x76
- text run at (7,9) width 152: "div:first-of-type {"
- text run at (159,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 200: "<blockquote></blockquote>"
- text run at (207,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 280: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 281x76
+ text run at (6,9) width 153: "div:first-of-type {"
+ text run at (158,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 201: "<blockquote></blockquote>"
+ text run at (206,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 281: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,160) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 546x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 546: "The CSS selector should match the marked div element, because it is the first"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -84,19 +84,19 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "4"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 304x106
- text run at (7,9) width 152: "div:first-of-type {"
- text run at (159,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 88: "<div></div>"
- text run at (95,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 96: "<blockquote>"
- text run at (103,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 304: " <div>Does this element match?</div>"
- text run at (311,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 104: "</blockquote>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 305x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 153: "div:first-of-type {"
+ text run at (158,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 89: "<div></div>"
+ text run at (94,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 97: "<blockquote>"
+ text run at (102,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 305: " <div>Does this element match?</div>"
+ text run at (310,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 105: "</blockquote>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 546x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 546: "The CSS selector should match the marked div element, because it is the first"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -107,17 +107,17 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x106 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "5"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 304x91
- text run at (7,9) width 152: "div:first-of-type {"
- text run at (159,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 40: "<div>"
- text run at (47,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 304: " <div>Does this element match?</div>"
- text run at (311,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 48: "</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 305x91
+ text run at (6,9) width 153: "div:first-of-type {"
+ text run at (158,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 41: "<div>"
+ text run at (46,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 305: " <div>Does this element match?</div>"
+ text run at (310,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 49: "</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,175) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 546x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 546: "The CSS selector should match the marked div element, because it is the first"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -129,19 +129,19 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "6"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 280x106
- text run at (7,9) width 152: "div:first-of-type {"
- text run at (159,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 96: "<blockquote>"
- text run at (103,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 112: " <div></div>"
- text run at (119,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 104: "</blockquote>"
- text run at (111,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 280: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 281x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 153: "div:first-of-type {"
+ text run at (158,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 97: "<blockquote>"
+ text run at (102,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 113: " <div></div>"
+ text run at (118,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 105: "</blockquote>"
+ text run at (110,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 281: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 546x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 546: "The CSS selector should match the marked div element, because it is the first"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -152,15 +152,15 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x91 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "7"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 280x76
- text run at (7,9) width 152: "div:first-of-type {"
- text run at (159,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 88: "<div></div>"
- text run at (95,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 280: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 281x76
+ text run at (6,9) width 153: "div:first-of-type {"
+ text run at (158,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 89: "<div></div>"
+ text run at (94,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 281: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,160) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 543x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 543: "The CSS selector should not match the marked div element, because it is the"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -171,15 +171,15 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x91 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "8"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 280x76
- text run at (7,9) width 152: "div:first-of-type {"
- text run at (159,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 88: "<DIV></DIV>"
- text run at (95,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 280: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 281x76
+ text run at (6,9) width 153: "div:first-of-type {"
+ text run at (158,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 89: "<DIV></DIV>"
+ text run at (94,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 281: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,160) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 543x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 543: "The CSS selector should not match the marked div element, because it is the"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -190,18 +190,18 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,24) size 584x0
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "9"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 520x106
- text run at (7,9) width 152: "div:first-of-type {"
- text run at (159,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 232: "<div id='insertBefore'></div>"
- text run at (239,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 392: "var ib = document.getElementById('insertBefore');"
- text run at (399,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 520: "ib.parentElement.insertBefore(document.createElement(\"div\"), ib);"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 521x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 153: "div:first-of-type {"
+ text run at (158,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 233: "<div id='insertBefore'></div>"
+ text run at (238,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 393: "var ib = document.getElementById('insertBefore');"
+ text run at (398,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 521: "ib.parentElement.insertBefore(document.createElement(\"div\"), ib);"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 567x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 567: "The CSS selector should match the div element that is inserted by the Javascript"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -212,18 +212,18 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-46,6) size 26x18: "10"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 520x106
- text run at (7,9) width 152: "div:first-of-type {"
- text run at (159,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 232: "<div id='insertBefore'></div>"
- text run at (239,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 392: "var ib = document.getElementById('insertBefore');"
- text run at (399,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 520: "ib.parentElement.insertBefore(document.createElement(\"div\"), ib);"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 521x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 153: "div:first-of-type {"
+ text run at (158,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 233: "<div id='insertBefore'></div>"
+ text run at (238,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 393: "var ib = document.getElementById('insertBefore');"
+ text run at (398,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 521: "ib.parentElement.insertBefore(document.createElement(\"div\"), ib);"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x17
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 529x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 529: "The original div element should not be a match for the :first-of-type selector."
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastcsslastchildpseudoclassexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/last-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/last-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/last-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x106 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "1"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 136x91
- text run at (7,9) width 136: "div :last-child {"
- text run at (143,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 40: "<div>"
- text run at (47,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 112: " <div></div>"
- text run at (119,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 48: "</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 137x91
+ text run at (6,9) width 137: "div :last-child {"
+ text run at (142,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 41: "<div>"
+ text run at (46,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 113: " <div></div>"
+ text run at (118,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 49: "</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,175) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 572x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 572: "The CSS selector should match the inner div element, because it is the only child"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "2"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 224x106
- text run at (7,9) width 136: "div :last-child {"
- text run at (143,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 48: "<div> "
- text run at (55,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 224: " <blockquote></blockquote>"
- text run at (231,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 112: " <div></div>"
- text run at (119,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 48: "</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 225x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 137: "div :last-child {"
+ text run at (142,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 49: "<div> "
+ text run at (54,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 225: " <blockquote></blockquote>"
+ text run at (230,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 113: " <div></div>"
+ text run at (118,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 49: "</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 567x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 567: "The CSS selector should match the inner div element, because it is the last child"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -71,19 +71,19 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "3"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 208x106
- text run at (7,9) width 136: "div :last-child {"
- text run at (143,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 48: "<div> "
- text run at (55,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 112: " <div></div>"
- text run at (119,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 208: " <!-- Just a comment -->"
- text run at (215,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 48: "</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 209x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 137: "div :last-child {"
+ text run at (142,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 49: "<div> "
+ text run at (54,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 113: " <div></div>"
+ text run at (118,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 209: " <!-- Just a comment -->"
+ text run at (214,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 49: "</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x51
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 567x51
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 567: "The CSS selector should match the inner div element, because it is the last child"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -123,19 +123,19 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {BLOCKQUOTE} at (0,24) size 584x0 [bgcolor=#990000]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "5"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 224x106
- text run at (7,9) width 136: "div :last-child {"
- text run at (143,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 48: "<div> "
- text run at (55,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 112: " <div></div>"
- text run at (119,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 224: " <blockquote></blockquote>"
- text run at (231,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 48: "</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 225x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 137: "div :last-child {"
+ text run at (142,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 49: "<div> "
+ text run at (54,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 113: " <div></div>"
+ text run at (118,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 225: " <blockquote></blockquote>"
+ text run at (230,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 49: "</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 555x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 555: "The CSS selector should not match the inner div element, because it is the first"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -146,22 +146,22 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x151 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "6"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 480x136
- text run at (7,9) width 136: "div :last-child {"
- text run at (143,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 40: "<div>"
- text run at (47,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 248: " <div id='insertAfter'></div>"
- text run at (255,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 48: "</div>"
- text run at (55,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,115) width 384: "var ib = document.getElementById('insertAfter');"
- text run at (391,115) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,130) width 480: "ib.parentElement.appendChild(document.createElement(\"div\"));"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 481x136
+ text run at (6,9) width 137: "div :last-child {"
+ text run at (142,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 41: "<div>"
+ text run at (46,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 249: " <div id='insertAfter'></div>"
+ text run at (254,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 49: "</div>"
+ text run at (54,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,115) width 385: "var ib = document.getElementById('insertAfter');"
+ text run at (390,115) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,130) width 481: "ib.parentElement.appendChild(document.createElement(\"div\"));"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,220) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 567x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 567: "The CSS selector should match the div element that is inserted by the Javascript"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -172,22 +172,22 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,24) size 584x0 [bgcolor=#990000]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x151 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "7"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 480x136
- text run at (7,9) width 136: "div :last-child {"
- text run at (143,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 40: "<div>"
- text run at (47,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 248: " <div id='insertAfter'></div>"
- text run at (255,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 48: "</div>"
- text run at (55,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,115) width 384: "var ib = document.getElementById('insertAfter');"
- text run at (391,115) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,130) width 480: "ib.parentElement.appendChild(document.createElement(\"div\"));"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 481x136
+ text run at (6,9) width 137: "div :last-child {"
+ text run at (142,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 41: "<div>"
+ text run at (46,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 249: " <div id='insertAfter'></div>"
+ text run at (254,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 49: "</div>"
+ text run at (54,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,115) width 385: "var ib = document.getElementById('insertAfter');"
+ text run at (390,115) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,130) width 481: "ib.parentElement.appendChild(document.createElement(\"div\"));"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,220) size 584x17
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 515x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 515: "The original div element should not be a match for the :last-child selector."
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastcsslastoftypepseudoclassexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/last-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/last-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/last-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x76 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "1"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 280x61
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div:last-of-type {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 280: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 281x61
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div:last-of-type {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 281: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,145) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 551x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 551: "The CSS selector should match the marked div element, because it is the only"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -45,15 +45,15 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x91 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "2"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 280x76
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div:last-of-type {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 88: "<div></div>"
- text run at (95,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 280: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 281x76
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div:last-of-type {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 89: "<div></div>"
+ text run at (94,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 281: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,160) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 546x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 546: "The CSS selector should match the marked div element, because it is the last"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -64,15 +64,15 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {BLOCKQUOTE} at (0,24) size 584x0 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x91 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "3"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 280x76
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div:last-of-type {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 280: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
- text run at (287,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 200: "<blockquote></blockquote>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 281x76
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div:last-of-type {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 281: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
+ text run at (286,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 201: "<blockquote></blockquote>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,160) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 546x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 546: "The CSS selector should match the marked div element, because it is the last"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -84,19 +84,19 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,24) size 584x0 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "4"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 304x106
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div:last-of-type {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 96: "<blockquote>"
- text run at (103,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 304: " <div>Does this element match?</div>"
- text run at (311,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 104: "</blockquote>"
- text run at (111,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 88: "<div></div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 305x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div:last-of-type {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 97: "<blockquote>"
+ text run at (102,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 305: " <div>Does this element match?</div>"
+ text run at (310,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 105: "</blockquote>"
+ text run at (110,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 89: "<div></div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 546x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 546: "The CSS selector should match the marked div element, because it is the last"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -107,17 +107,17 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x106 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "5"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 304x91
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div:last-of-type {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 40: "<div>"
- text run at (47,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 304: " <div>Does this element match?</div>"
- text run at (311,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 48: "</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 305x91
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div:last-of-type {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 41: "<div>"
+ text run at (46,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 305: " <div>Does this element match?</div>"
+ text run at (310,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 49: "</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,175) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 546x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 546: "The CSS selector should match the marked div element, because it is the last"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -129,19 +129,19 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x0
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "6"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 280x106
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div:last-of-type {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 280: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
- text run at (287,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 96: "<blockquote>"
- text run at (103,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 112: " <div></div>"
- text run at (119,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 104: "</blockquote>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 281x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div:last-of-type {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 281: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
+ text run at (286,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 97: "<blockquote>"
+ text run at (102,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 113: " <div></div>"
+ text run at (118,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 105: "</blockquote>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 546x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 546: "The CSS selector should match the marked div element, because it is the last"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -152,15 +152,15 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,24) size 584x0 [bgcolor=#990000]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x91 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "7"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 280x76
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div:last-of-type {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 280: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
- text run at (287,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 88: "<div></div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 281x76
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div:last-of-type {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 281: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
+ text run at (286,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 89: "<div></div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,160) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 572x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 572: "The CSS selector should not match the marked div element, because it is the first"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -171,15 +171,15 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,24) size 584x0 [bgcolor=#990000]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x91 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "8"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 280x76
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div:last-of-type {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 280: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
- text run at (287,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 88: "<DIV></DIV>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 281x76
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div:last-of-type {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 281: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
+ text run at (286,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 89: "<DIV></DIV>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,160) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 572x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 572: "The CSS selector should not match the marked div element, because it is the first"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -190,18 +190,18 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "9"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 480x106
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div:last-of-type {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 224: "<div id='insertAfter'></div>"
- text run at (231,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 384: "var ib = document.getElementById('insertAfter');"
- text run at (391,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 480: "ib.parentElement.appendChild(document.createElement(\"div\"));"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 481x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div:last-of-type {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 225: "<div id='insertAfter'></div>"
+ text run at (230,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 385: "var ib = document.getElementById('insertAfter');"
+ text run at (390,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 481: "ib.parentElement.appendChild(document.createElement(\"div\"));"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 567x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 567: "The CSS selector should match the div element that is inserted by the Javascript"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -212,18 +212,18 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,24) size 584x0 [bgcolor=#990000]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-46,6) size 26x18: "10"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 480x106
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div:last-of-type {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 224: "<div id='insertAfter'></div>"
- text run at (231,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 384: "var ib = document.getElementById('insertAfter');"
- text run at (391,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 480: "ib.parentElement.appendChild(document.createElement(\"div\"));"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 481x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div:last-of-type {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 225: "<div id='insertAfter'></div>"
+ text run at (230,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 385: "var ib = document.getElementById('insertAfter');"
+ text run at (390,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 481: "ib.parentElement.appendChild(document.createElement(\"div\"));"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x17
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 529x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 529: "The original div element should not be a match for the :last-of-type selector."
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastcssonlychildpseudoclassexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/only-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/only-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/only-child-pseudo-class-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x106 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "1"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 136x91
- text run at (7,9) width 136: "div :only-child {"
- text run at (143,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 40: "<div>"
- text run at (47,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 112: " <div></div>"
- text run at (119,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 48: "</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 137x91
+ text run at (6,9) width 137: "div :only-child {"
+ text run at (142,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 41: "<div>"
+ text run at (46,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 113: " <div></div>"
+ text run at (118,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 49: "</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,175) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 572x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 572: "The CSS selector should match the inner div element, because it is the only child"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "2"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 208x106
- text run at (7,9) width 136: "div :only-child {"
- text run at (143,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 40: "<div>"
- text run at (47,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 112: " <div></div>"
- text run at (119,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 208: " <!-- Just a comment -->"
- text run at (215,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 48: "</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 209x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 137: "div :only-child {"
+ text run at (142,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 41: "<div>"
+ text run at (46,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 113: " <div></div>"
+ text run at (118,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 209: " <!-- Just a comment -->"
+ text run at (214,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 49: "</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 572x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 572: "The CSS selector should match the inner div element, because it is the only child"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {BLOCKQUOTE} at (40,40) size 504x0
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,56) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "4"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 224x106
- text run at (7,9) width 136: "div :only-child {"
- text run at (143,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 48: "<div> "
- text run at (55,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 112: " <div></div>"
- text run at (119,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 224: " <blockquote></blockquote>"
- text run at (231,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 48: "</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 225x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 137: "div :only-child {"
+ text run at (142,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 49: "<div> "
+ text run at (54,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 113: " <div></div>"
+ text run at (118,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 225: " <blockquote></blockquote>"
+ text run at (230,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 49: "</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,193) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 570x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 570: "The CSS selector should not match the inner div element, because it not the only"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -119,22 +119,22 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,24) size 584x0
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x151 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "5"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 480x136
- text run at (7,9) width 136: "div :only-child {"
- text run at (143,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 40: "<div>"
- text run at (47,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 248: " <div id='appendChild'></div>"
- text run at (255,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 48: "</div>"
- text run at (55,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,115) width 384: "var ib = document.getElementById('appendChild');"
- text run at (391,115) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,130) width 480: "ib.parentElement.appendChild(document.createElement(\"div\"));"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 481x136
+ text run at (6,9) width 137: "div :only-child {"
+ text run at (142,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 41: "<div>"
+ text run at (46,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 249: " <div id='appendChild'></div>"
+ text run at (254,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 49: "</div>"
+ text run at (54,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,115) width 385: "var ib = document.getElementById('appendChild');"
+ text run at (390,115) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,130) width 481: "ib.parentElement.appendChild(document.createElement(\"div\"));"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,220) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 569x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 521: "The CSS selector should not match the original div element, because it is "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastcssonlyoftypepseudoclassexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/only-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/only-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/css/only-of-type-pseudo-class-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x24 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x76 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "1"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 280x61
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div:only-of-type {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 280: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 281x61
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div:only-of-type {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 281: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,145) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 551x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 551: "The CSS selector should match the marked div element, because it is the only"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -45,15 +45,15 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {BLOCKQUOTE} at (0,24) size 584x0 [bgcolor=#009900]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x91 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "2"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 280x76
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div:only-of-type {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 280: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
- text run at (287,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 200: "<blockquote></blockquote>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 281x76
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div:only-of-type {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 281: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
+ text run at (286,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 201: "<blockquote></blockquote>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,160) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 551x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 551: "The CSS selector should match the marked div element, because it is the only"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -65,19 +65,19 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 584x0
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "3"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 280x106
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div:only-of-type {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 280: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
- text run at (287,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 96: "<blockquote>"
- text run at (103,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 112: " <div></div>"
- text run at (119,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 104: "</blockquote>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 281x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div:only-of-type {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 281: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
+ text run at (286,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 97: "<blockquote>"
+ text run at (102,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 113: " <div></div>"
+ text run at (118,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 105: "</blockquote>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 551x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 551: "The CSS selector should match the marked div element, because it is the only"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -88,15 +88,15 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,24) size 584x0
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x91 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "4"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 280x76
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div:only-of-type {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 280: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
- text run at (287,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 88: "<div></div>"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 281x76
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div:only-of-type {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 281: "<div>Does this element match?</div>"
+ text run at (286,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 89: "<div></div>"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,160) size 584x34
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 569x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 569: "The CSS selector should not match the marked div element, because it is not the"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -107,18 +107,18 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,24) size 584x0
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (16,53) size 584x121 [bgcolor=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderListMarker at (-37,6) size 17x18: "5"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (7,9) size 480x106
- text run at (7,9) width 144: "div:only-of-type {"
- text run at (151,9) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,25) width 8: "}"
- text run at (15,25) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,40) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,55) width 224: "<div id='appendChild'></div>"
- text run at (231,55) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,70) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,85) width 384: "var ib = document.getElementById('appendChild');"
- text run at (391,85) width 0: " "
- text run at (7,100) width 480: "ib.parentElement.appendChild(document.createElement(\"div\"));"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,9) size 481x106
+ text run at (6,9) width 145: "div:only-of-type {"
+ text run at (150,9) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,25) width 9: "}"
+ text run at (14,25) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,40) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,55) width 225: "<div id='appendChild'></div>"
+ text run at (230,55) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,70) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,85) width 385: "var ib = document.getElementById('appendChild');"
+ text run at (390,85) width 1: " "
+ text run at (6,100) width 481: "ib.parentElement.appendChild(document.createElement(\"div\"));"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,190) size 584x51
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 569x51
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 521: "The CSS selector should not match the original div element, because it is "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastdomnavigatordetachednocrashexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/dom/navigator-detached-no-crash-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/dom/navigator-detached-no-crash-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/dom/navigator-detached-no-crash-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.appVersion is OK
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.cookieEnabled is OK
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.getStorageUpdates() is OK
</span><ins>+navigator.hardwareConcurrency is OK
</ins><span class="cx"> navigator.javaEnabled() is OK
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.language is OK
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.mimeTypes is OK
</span><span class="lines">@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.plugins is OK
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.product is OK
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.productSub is OK
</span><ins>+navigator.registerProtocolHandler() threw err TypeError: Not enough arguments
</ins><span class="cx"> navigator.userAgent is OK
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.vendor is OK
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.vendorSub is OK
</span><span class="lines">@@ -22,6 +24,7 @@
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.appVersion is OK
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.cookieEnabled is OK
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.getStorageUpdates() is OK
</span><ins>+navigator.hardwareConcurrency is OK
</ins><span class="cx"> navigator.javaEnabled() is OK
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.language is OK
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.mimeTypes is OK
</span><span class="lines">@@ -30,6 +33,7 @@
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.plugins is OK
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.product is OK
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.productSub is OK
</span><ins>+navigator.registerProtocolHandler() threw err TypeError: Not enough arguments
</ins><span class="cx"> navigator.userAgent is OK
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.vendor is OK
</span><span class="cx"> navigator.vendorSub is OK
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastlinegridlinealignleftedgesexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/line-grid/line-align-left-edges-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/line-grid/line-align-left-edges-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/line-grid/line-align-left-edges-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,3) size 312x24
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,3) width 312: "X X X X X X X"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (37,67) size 710x37 [border: (3px solid #000000)]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (11,6) size 264x24
- text run at (11,6) width 264: "X X X X X X"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (10,6) size 265x24
+ text run at (10,6) width 265: "X X X X X X"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {DIV} at (0,141) size 78x78 [bgcolor=#FFFF00]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (anonymous) at (0,141) size 784x60
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (96,3) size 216x24
</span><span class="lines">@@ -21,5 +21,5 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (192,33) width 216: "X X X X X"
</span><span class="cx"> layer at (181,308) size 300x30
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (positioned) {DIV} at (172,300) size 301x30 [bgcolor=#DDDDDD]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (20,3) size 120x24
- text run at (20,3) width 120: "X X X"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (19,3) size 121x24
+ text run at (19,3) width 121: "X X X"
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastmulticolcolumncountwithrulesexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/column-count-with-rules-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/column-count-with-rules-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/column-count-with-rules-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -52,55 +52,55 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderMultiColumnSet at (30,30) size 724x100
</span><span class="cx"> layer at (531,214) size 231x251
</span><span class="cx"> RenderMultiColumnFlowThread at (523,30) size 231x251
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (69,0) size 161x17
- text run at (69,0) width 4 RTL: "."
- text run at (73,0) width 157: "This is some column text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (69,14) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (69,17) size 161x17
- text run at (69,17) width 4 RTL: "."
- text run at (73,17) width 157: "This is some column text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (69,31) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (69,34) size 161x17
- text run at (69,34) width 4 RTL: "."
- text run at (73,34) width 157: "This is some column text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (69,48) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (69,51) size 161x17
- text run at (69,51) width 4 RTL: "."
- text run at (73,51) width 157: "This is some column text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (69,65) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (69,68) size 161x17
- text run at (69,68) width 4 RTL: "."
- text run at (73,68) width 157: "This is some column text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (69,82) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (69,100) size 161x17
- text run at (69,100) width 4 RTL: "."
- text run at (73,100) width 157: "This is some column text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (69,114) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (69,117) size 161x17
- text run at (69,117) width 4 RTL: "."
- text run at (73,117) width 157: "This is some column text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (69,131) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (69,134) size 161x17
- text run at (69,134) width 4 RTL: "."
- text run at (73,134) width 157: "This is some column text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (69,148) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (69,151) size 161x17
- text run at (69,151) width 4 RTL: "."
- text run at (73,151) width 157: "This is some column text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (69,165) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (69,168) size 161x17
- text run at (69,168) width 4 RTL: "."
- text run at (73,168) width 157: "This is some column text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (69,182) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (69,200) size 161x17
- text run at (69,200) width 4 RTL: "."
- text run at (73,200) width 157: "This is some column text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (69,214) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (69,217) size 161x17
- text run at (69,217) width 4 RTL: "."
- text run at (73,217) width 157: "This is some column text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (69,231) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (69,234) size 161x17
- text run at (69,234) width 4 RTL: "."
- text run at (73,234) width 157: "This is some column text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (69,248) size 0x0
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (69,0) size 162x17
+ text run at (69,0) width 5 RTL: "."
+ text run at (73,0) width 158: "This is some column text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (69,14) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (69,17) size 162x17
+ text run at (69,17) width 5 RTL: "."
+ text run at (73,17) width 158: "This is some column text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (69,31) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (69,34) size 162x17
+ text run at (69,34) width 5 RTL: "."
+ text run at (73,34) width 158: "This is some column text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (69,48) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (69,51) size 162x17
+ text run at (69,51) width 5 RTL: "."
+ text run at (73,51) width 158: "This is some column text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (69,65) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (69,68) size 162x17
+ text run at (69,68) width 5 RTL: "."
+ text run at (73,68) width 158: "This is some column text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (69,82) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (69,100) size 162x17
+ text run at (69,100) width 5 RTL: "."
+ text run at (73,100) width 158: "This is some column text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (69,114) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (69,117) size 162x17
+ text run at (69,117) width 5 RTL: "."
+ text run at (73,117) width 158: "This is some column text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (69,131) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (69,134) size 162x17
+ text run at (69,134) width 5 RTL: "."
+ text run at (73,134) width 158: "This is some column text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (69,148) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (69,151) size 162x17
+ text run at (69,151) width 5 RTL: "."
+ text run at (73,151) width 158: "This is some column text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (69,165) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (69,168) size 162x17
+ text run at (69,168) width 5 RTL: "."
+ text run at (73,168) width 158: "This is some column text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (69,182) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (69,200) size 162x17
+ text run at (69,200) width 5 RTL: "."
+ text run at (73,200) width 158: "This is some column text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (69,214) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (69,217) size 162x17
+ text run at (69,217) width 5 RTL: "."
+ text run at (73,217) width 158: "This is some column text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (69,231) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (69,234) size 162x17
+ text run at (69,234) width 5 RTL: "."
+ text run at (73,234) width 158: "This is some column text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (69,248) size 1x0
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastmulticolfloatmulticolexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/float-multicol-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/float-multicol-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/float-multicol-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 83x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 83: "Hello Kitty 9"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {H2} at (0,0) size 769x26
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (394,0) size 262x26
- text run at (394,0) width 262: "What Needs To Be Done?"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (394,0) size 263x26
+ text run at (394,0) width 263: "What Needs To Be Done?"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {DIV} at (394,65) size 83x380 [bgcolor=#808080]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (0,16) size 82x17
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 74x17
</span><span class="lines">@@ -122,50 +122,50 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 82: "Hola hola 11"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DL} at (0,65) size 769x559
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DT} at (0,0) size 769x17
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (476,0) size 80x17
- text run at (476,0) width 80: "Report Bugs"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (476,0) size 81x17
+ text run at (476,0) width 81: "Report Bugs"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DD} at (40,33) size 729x272
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (0,0) size 729x272
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (436,0) size 209x102
- text run at (436,0) width 189: "You've already downloaded a"
- text run at (436,17) width 209: "build. All you have to do is use it"
- text run at (436,34) width 17: "as "
- text run at (453,34) width 173: "your everyday browser and"
- text run at (436,51) width 153: "mail/news reader. If you"
- text run at (436,68) width 157: "downloaded a build with"
- text run at (436,85) width 67: "Talkback, "
- RenderInline {EM} at (0,0) size 102x17
- RenderText {#text} at (503,85) size 102x17
- text run at (503,85) width 44: "please "
- text run at (547,85) width 58: "turn it on"
- RenderText {#text} at (605,85) size 208x170
- text run at (605,85) width 39: " when"
- text run at (436,102) width 188: "it asks. Talkback reports give "
- text run at (624,102) width 14: "us"
- text run at (436,119) width 126: "really valuable data "
- text run at (562,119) width 59: "on which"
- text run at (436,136) width 205: "crashes are the most serious, and"
- text run at (436,153) width 32: "how "
- text run at (468,153) width 101: "often people are"
- text run at (436,170) width 86: "encountering "
- text run at (522,170) width 114: "them. And all you"
- text run at (436,187) width 164: "have to do is click \"OK\". "
- text run at (600,187) width 38: "If you"
- text run at (436,204) width 183: "find something you think is a"
- text run at (436,221) width 167: "bug, check to see if it's not"
- text run at (436,238) width 50: "already "
- RenderInline {A} at (0,0) size 83x17 [color=#0000EE]
- RenderText {#text} at (486,238) size 83x17
- text run at (486,238) width 83: "known about"
- RenderText {#text} at (569,238) size 283x34
- text run at (569,238) width 109: ", and then please "
- text run at (678,238) width 41: "follow"
- text run at (436,255) width 23: "the "
- RenderInline {A} at (0,0) size 165x17 [color=#0000EE]
- RenderText {#text} at (459,255) size 165x17
- text run at (459,255) width 165: "bug submission procedure"
- RenderText {#text} at (624,255) size 4x17
- text run at (624,255) width 4: "."
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (436,0) size 210x102
+ text run at (436,0) width 190: "You've already downloaded a"
+ text run at (436,17) width 210: "build. All you have to do is use it"
+ text run at (436,34) width 18: "as "
+ text run at (453,34) width 174: "your everyday browser and"
+ text run at (436,51) width 154: "mail/news reader. If you"
+ text run at (436,68) width 158: "downloaded a build with"
+ text run at (436,85) width 68: "Talkback, "
+ RenderInline {EM} at (0,0) size 103x17
+ RenderText {#text} at (503,85) size 103x17
+ text run at (503,85) width 45: "please "
+ text run at (547,85) width 59: "turn it on"
+ RenderText {#text} at (605,85) size 209x170
+ text run at (605,85) width 40: " when"
+ text run at (436,102) width 189: "it asks. Talkback reports give "
+ text run at (624,102) width 15: "us"
+ text run at (436,119) width 127: "really valuable data "
+ text run at (562,119) width 60: "on which"
+ text run at (436,136) width 206: "crashes are the most serious, and"
+ text run at (436,153) width 33: "how "
+ text run at (468,153) width 102: "often people are"
+ text run at (436,170) width 87: "encountering "
+ text run at (522,170) width 115: "them. And all you"
+ text run at (436,187) width 165: "have to do is click \"OK\". "
+ text run at (600,187) width 39: "If you"
+ text run at (436,204) width 184: "find something you think is a"
+ text run at (436,221) width 168: "bug, check to see if it's not"
+ text run at (436,238) width 51: "already "
+ RenderInline {A} at (0,0) size 84x17 [color=#0000EE]
+ RenderText {#text} at (486,238) size 84x17
+ text run at (486,238) width 84: "known about"
+ RenderText {#text} at (569,238) size 284x34
+ text run at (569,238) width 110: ", and then please "
+ text run at (678,238) width 42: "follow"
+ text run at (436,255) width 24: "the "
+ RenderInline {A} at (0,0) size 166x17 [color=#0000EE]
+ RenderText {#text} at (459,255) size 166x17
+ text run at (459,255) width 166: "bug submission procedure"
+ RenderText {#text} at (624,255) size 5x17
+ text run at (624,255) width 5: "."
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {DIV} at (476,321) size 83x379 [bgcolor=#008000]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (0,16) size 82x17
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 74x17
</span><span class="lines">@@ -201,38 +201,38 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 82x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 82: "Hola hola 11"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DT} at (0,321) size 769x17
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (558,0) size 117x17
- text run at (558,0) width 117: "Quality Assurance"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (558,0) size 118x17
+ text run at (558,0) width 118: "Quality Assurance"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DD} at (40,354) size 729x204
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (0,0) size 729x204
</span><del>- RenderInline {A} at (0,0) size 76x17 [color=#0000EE]
- RenderText {#text} at (518,0) size 76x17
- text run at (518,0) width 76: "Mozilla QA"
- RenderText {#text} at (594,0) size 40x17
- text run at (594,0) width 4: " "
- text run at (598,0) width 36: "has a "
- RenderInline {A} at (0,0) size 30x17 [color=#0000EE]
- RenderText {#text} at (634,0) size 30x17
- text run at (634,0) width 30: "page"
- RenderText {#text} at (664,0) size 210x187
- text run at (664,0) width 4: " "
- text run at (668,0) width 60: "dedicated"
- text run at (518,17) width 179: "to ways to get involved with"
- text run at (518,34) width 182: "helping. This doesn't involve"
- text run at (518,51) width 201: "knowing how to code, although"
- text run at (518,68) width 193: "a little knowledge of HTML is"
- text run at (518,85) width 94: "helpful. Being "
- text run at (612,85) width 115: "involved with QA"
- text run at (518,102) width 14: "is "
- text run at (532,102) width 194: "good for people wanting to get"
- text run at (518,119) width 120: "more familiar with "
- text run at (638,119) width 79: "Mozilla, and"
- text run at (518,136) width 189: "there's a strong community. A"
- text run at (518,153) width 177: "particularly good way to get"
- text run at (518,170) width 59: "involved "
- text run at (577,170) width 77: "is to join the"
- RenderInline {A} at (0,0) size 73x17 [color=#0000EE]
- RenderText {#text} at (518,187) size 73x17
- text run at (518,187) width 73: "BugAThon"
- RenderText {#text} at (591,187) size 4x17
- text run at (591,187) width 4: "."
</del><ins>+ RenderInline {A} at (0,0) size 77x17 [color=#0000EE]
+ RenderText {#text} at (518,0) size 77x17
+ text run at (518,0) width 77: "Mozilla QA"
+ RenderText {#text} at (594,0) size 41x17
+ text run at (594,0) width 5: " "
+ text run at (598,0) width 37: "has a "
+ RenderInline {A} at (0,0) size 31x17 [color=#0000EE]
+ RenderText {#text} at (634,0) size 31x17
+ text run at (634,0) width 31: "page"
+ RenderText {#text} at (664,0) size 211x187
+ text run at (664,0) width 5: " "
+ text run at (668,0) width 61: "dedicated"
+ text run at (518,17) width 180: "to ways to get involved with"
+ text run at (518,34) width 183: "helping. This doesn't involve"
+ text run at (518,51) width 202: "knowing how to code, although"
+ text run at (518,68) width 194: "a little knowledge of HTML is"
+ text run at (518,85) width 95: "helpful. Being "
+ text run at (612,85) width 116: "involved with QA"
+ text run at (518,102) width 15: "is "
+ text run at (532,102) width 195: "good for people wanting to get"
+ text run at (518,119) width 121: "more familiar with "
+ text run at (638,119) width 80: "Mozilla, and"
+ text run at (518,136) width 190: "there's a strong community. A"
+ text run at (518,153) width 178: "particularly good way to get"
+ text run at (518,170) width 60: "involved "
+ text run at (577,170) width 78: "is to join the"
+ RenderInline {A} at (0,0) size 74x17 [color=#0000EE]
+ RenderText {#text} at (518,187) size 74x17
+ text run at (518,187) width 74: "BugAThon"
+ RenderText {#text} at (591,187) size 5x17
+ text run at (591,187) width 5: "."
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastmulticollayersinmulticolexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/layers-in-multicol-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/layers-in-multicol-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/layers-in-multicol-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -188,174 +188,174 @@
</span><span class="cx"> layer at (530,357) size 242x1336 backgroundClip at (0,0) size 1289x670 clip at (0,0) size 1289x670 outlineClip at (0,0) size 1289x670
</span><span class="cx"> RenderMultiColumnFlowThread at (521,5) size 243x1336
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (anonymous) at (0,0) size 243x221
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (136,0) size 106x17
- text run at (136,0) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,14) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,17) size 106x17
- text run at (136,17) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,31) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,34) size 106x17
- text run at (136,34) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,48) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,51) size 106x17
- text run at (136,51) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,65) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,68) size 106x17
- text run at (136,68) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,82) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,85) size 106x17
- text run at (136,85) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,99) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,102) size 106x17
- text run at (136,102) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,116) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,119) size 106x17
- text run at (136,119) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,133) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,136) size 106x17
- text run at (136,136) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,150) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,153) size 106x17
- text run at (136,153) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,167) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,170) size 106x17
- text run at (136,170) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,184) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,187) size 106x17
- text run at (136,187) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,201) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,204) size 106x17
- text run at (136,204) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,218) size 0x0
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (136,0) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,0) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,14) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,17) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,17) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,31) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,34) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,34) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,48) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,51) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,51) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,65) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,68) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,68) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,82) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,85) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,85) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,99) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,102) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,102) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,116) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,119) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,119) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,133) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,136) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,136) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,150) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,153) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,153) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,167) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,170) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,170) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,184) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,187) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,187) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,201) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,204) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,204) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,218) size 1x0
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,300) size 243x270
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (anonymous) at (0,570) size 243x500
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (136,0) size 106x17
- text run at (136,0) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,14) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,30) size 106x17
- text run at (136,30) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,44) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,47) size 106x17
- text run at (136,47) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,61) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,64) size 106x17
- text run at (136,64) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,78) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,81) size 106x17
- text run at (136,81) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,95) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,98) size 106x17
- text run at (136,98) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,112) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,115) size 106x17
- text run at (136,115) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,129) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,132) size 106x17
- text run at (136,132) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,146) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,149) size 106x17
- text run at (136,149) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,163) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,166) size 106x17
- text run at (136,166) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,180) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,183) size 106x17
- text run at (136,183) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,197) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,200) size 106x17
- text run at (136,200) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,214) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,217) size 106x17
- text run at (136,217) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,231) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,234) size 106x17
- text run at (136,234) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,248) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,251) size 106x17
- text run at (136,251) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,265) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,268) size 106x17
- text run at (136,268) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,282) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,285) size 106x17
- text run at (136,285) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,299) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,302) size 106x17
- text run at (136,302) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,316) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,330) size 106x17
- text run at (136,330) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,344) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,347) size 106x17
- text run at (136,347) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,361) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,364) size 106x17
- text run at (136,364) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,378) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,381) size 106x17
- text run at (136,381) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,395) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,398) size 106x17
- text run at (136,398) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,412) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,415) size 106x17
- text run at (136,415) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,429) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,432) size 106x17
- text run at (136,432) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,446) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,449) size 106x17
- text run at (136,449) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,463) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,466) size 106x17
- text run at (136,466) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,480) size 0x0
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (136,0) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,0) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,14) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,30) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,30) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,44) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,47) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,47) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,61) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,64) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,64) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,78) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,81) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,81) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,95) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,98) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,98) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,112) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,115) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,115) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,129) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,132) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,132) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,146) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,149) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,149) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,163) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,166) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,166) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,180) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,183) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,183) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,197) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,200) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,200) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,214) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,217) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,217) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,231) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,234) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,234) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,248) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,251) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,251) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,265) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,268) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,268) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,282) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,285) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,285) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,299) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,302) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,302) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,316) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,330) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,330) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,344) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,347) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,347) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,361) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,364) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,364) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,378) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,381) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,381) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,395) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,398) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,398) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,412) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,415) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,415) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,429) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,432) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,432) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,446) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,449) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,449) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,463) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,466) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,466) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,480) size 1x0
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (anonymous) at (0,1087) size 243x249
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (136,0) size 106x17
- text run at (136,0) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,14) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,17) size 106x17
- text run at (136,17) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,31) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,34) size 106x17
- text run at (136,34) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,48) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,51) size 106x17
- text run at (136,51) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,65) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,68) size 106x17
- text run at (136,68) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,82) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,85) size 106x17
- text run at (136,85) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,99) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,113) size 106x17
- text run at (136,113) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,127) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,130) size 106x17
- text run at (136,130) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,144) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,147) size 106x17
- text run at (136,147) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,161) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,164) size 106x17
- text run at (136,164) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,178) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,181) size 106x17
- text run at (136,181) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,195) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,198) size 106x17
- text run at (136,198) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,212) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,215) size 106x17
- text run at (136,215) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,229) size 0x0
- RenderText {#text} at (136,232) size 106x17
- text run at (136,232) width 106: "This is some text"
- RenderBR {BR} at (136,246) size 0x0
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (136,0) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,0) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,14) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,17) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,17) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,31) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,34) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,34) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,48) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,51) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,51) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,65) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,68) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,68) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,82) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,85) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,85) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,99) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,113) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,113) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,127) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,130) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,130) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,144) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,147) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,147) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,161) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,164) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,164) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,178) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,181) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,181) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,195) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,198) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,198) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,212) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,215) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,215) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,229) size 1x0
+ RenderText {#text} at (136,232) size 107x17
+ text run at (136,232) width 107: "This is some text"
+ RenderBR {BR} at (136,246) size 1x0
</ins><span class="cx"> layer at (13,330) size 100x270
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (relative positioned) {DIV} at (0,0) size 100x270 [bgcolor=#008000]
</span><span class="cx"> layer at (672,657) size 100x270 backgroundClip at (0,0) size 1289x670 clip at (0,0) size 1289x670 outlineClip at (0,0) size 1289x670
</span><del>- RenderBlock (relative positioned) {DIV} at (142,0) size 100x270 [bgcolor=#008000]
</del><ins>+ RenderBlock (relative positioned) {DIV} at (142,0) size 101x270 [bgcolor=#008000]
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastmulticolverticallrfloatmulticolexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/vertical-lr/float-multicol-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/vertical-lr/float-multicol-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/vertical-lr/float-multicol-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 17x83
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 83: "Hello Kitty 9"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {H2} at (0,0) size 52x479
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (0,249) size 52x132
- text run at (0,249) width 124: "What Needs"
- text run at (26,249) width 132: "To Be Done?"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (0,248) size 52x133
+ text run at (0,248) width 124: "What Needs"
+ text run at (26,248) width 132: "To Be Done?"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {DIV} at (91,248) size 375x83 [bgcolor=#808080]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,0) size 17x82
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 17x74
</span><span class="lines">@@ -128,38 +128,38 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 82: "Hola hola 11"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DL} at (91,0) size 662x479
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DT} at (0,0) size 34x479
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (0,331) size 34x43
- text run at (0,331) width 43: "Report"
- text run at (17,331) width 33: "Bugs"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (0,330) size 34x44
+ text run at (0,330) width 43: "Report"
+ text run at (17,330) width 33: "Bugs"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DD} at (50,40) size 448x439
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (0,0) size 448x439
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (0,291) size 311x146
- text run at (0,291) width 46: "You've"
- text run at (17,291) width 46: "already"
- text run at (192,291) width 130: "downloaded a build."
- text run at (209,291) width 132: "All you have to do is"
- text run at (226,291) width 37: "use it "
- text run at (226,328) width 17: "as "
- text run at (226,345) width 91: "your everyday"
- text run at (243,291) width 146: "browser and mail/news"
- text run at (260,291) width 85: "reader. If you"
- text run at (277,291) width 125: "downloaded a build"
- text run at (294,291) width 32: "with "
- text run at (294,323) width 67: "Talkback, "
- RenderInline {EM} at (0,0) size 34x139
- RenderText {#text} at (294,390) size 34x139
- text run at (294,390) width 40: "please"
- text run at (311,291) width 58: "turn it on"
- RenderText {#text} at (311,349) size 119x436
- text run at (311,349) width 86: " when it asks."
- text run at (328,209) width 141: "Talkback reports give "
- text run at (328,350) width 53: "us really"
- text run at (345,209) width 87: "valuable data "
- text run at (345,296) width 132: "on which crashes are"
- text run at (362,209) width 168: "the most serious, and how "
- text run at (362,377) width 32: "often"
- text run at (379,209) width 155: "people are encountering "
- text run at (379,364) width 67: "them. And"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (0,290) size 311x147
+ text run at (0,290) width 46: "You've"
+ text run at (17,290) width 46: "already"
+ text run at (192,290) width 130: "downloaded a build."
+ text run at (209,290) width 132: "All you have to do is"
+ text run at (226,290) width 37: "use it "
+ text run at (226,327) width 17: "as "
+ text run at (226,344) width 91: "your everyday"
+ text run at (243,290) width 146: "browser and mail/news"
+ text run at (260,290) width 85: "reader. If you"
+ text run at (277,290) width 125: "downloaded a build"
+ text run at (294,290) width 32: "with "
+ text run at (294,322) width 67: "Talkback, "
+ RenderInline {EM} at (0,0) size 34x140
+ RenderText {#text} at (294,389) size 34x140
+ text run at (294,389) width 40: "please"
+ text run at (311,290) width 58: "turn it on"
+ RenderText {#text} at (311,348) size 119x436
+ text run at (311,348) width 86: " when it asks."
+ text run at (328,208) width 141: "Talkback reports give "
+ text run at (328,349) width 53: "us really"
+ text run at (345,208) width 87: "valuable data "
+ text run at (345,295) width 132: "on which crashes are"
+ text run at (362,208) width 168: "the most serious, and how "
+ text run at (362,376) width 32: "often"
+ text run at (379,208) width 155: "people are encountering "
+ text run at (379,363) width 67: "them. And"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (396,0) width 211: "all you have to do is click \"OK\". "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (396,211) width 225: "If you find something you think is a"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (413,0) width 221: "bug, check to see if it's not already "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastmulticolverticalrlfloatmulticolexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/vertical-rl/float-multicol-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/vertical-rl/float-multicol-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/multicol/vertical-rl/float-multicol-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 17x83
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 83: "Hello Kitty 9"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {H2} at (0,0) size 52x479
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (0,249) size 52x132
- text run at (0,249) width 124: "What Needs"
- text run at (26,249) width 132: "To Be Done?"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (0,248) size 52x133
+ text run at (0,248) width 124: "What Needs"
+ text run at (26,248) width 132: "To Be Done?"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {DIV} at (91,248) size 375x83 [bgcolor=#808080]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (16,0) size 17x82
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 17x74
</span><span class="lines">@@ -128,38 +128,38 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,0) width 82: "Hola hola 11"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DL} at (91,0) size 662x479
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DT} at (0,0) size 34x479
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (0,331) size 34x43
- text run at (0,331) width 43: "Report"
- text run at (17,331) width 33: "Bugs"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (0,330) size 34x44
+ text run at (0,330) width 43: "Report"
+ text run at (17,330) width 33: "Bugs"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DD} at (50,40) size 448x439
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (0,0) size 448x439
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (0,291) size 311x146
- text run at (0,291) width 46: "You've"
- text run at (17,291) width 46: "already"
- text run at (192,291) width 130: "downloaded a build."
- text run at (209,291) width 132: "All you have to do is"
- text run at (226,291) width 37: "use it "
- text run at (226,328) width 17: "as "
- text run at (226,345) width 91: "your everyday"
- text run at (243,291) width 146: "browser and mail/news"
- text run at (260,291) width 85: "reader. If you"
- text run at (277,291) width 125: "downloaded a build"
- text run at (294,291) width 32: "with "
- text run at (294,323) width 67: "Talkback, "
- RenderInline {EM} at (0,0) size 34x139
- RenderText {#text} at (294,390) size 34x139
- text run at (294,390) width 40: "please"
- text run at (311,291) width 58: "turn it on"
- RenderText {#text} at (311,349) size 119x436
- text run at (311,349) width 86: " when it asks."
- text run at (328,209) width 141: "Talkback reports give "
- text run at (328,350) width 53: "us really"
- text run at (345,209) width 87: "valuable data "
- text run at (345,296) width 132: "on which crashes are"
- text run at (362,209) width 168: "the most serious, and how "
- text run at (362,377) width 32: "often"
- text run at (379,209) width 155: "people are encountering "
- text run at (379,364) width 67: "them. And"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (0,290) size 311x147
+ text run at (0,290) width 46: "You've"
+ text run at (17,290) width 46: "already"
+ text run at (192,290) width 130: "downloaded a build."
+ text run at (209,290) width 132: "All you have to do is"
+ text run at (226,290) width 37: "use it "
+ text run at (226,327) width 17: "as "
+ text run at (226,344) width 91: "your everyday"
+ text run at (243,290) width 146: "browser and mail/news"
+ text run at (260,290) width 85: "reader. If you"
+ text run at (277,290) width 125: "downloaded a build"
+ text run at (294,290) width 32: "with "
+ text run at (294,322) width 67: "Talkback, "
+ RenderInline {EM} at (0,0) size 34x140
+ RenderText {#text} at (294,389) size 34x140
+ text run at (294,389) width 40: "please"
+ text run at (311,290) width 58: "turn it on"
+ RenderText {#text} at (311,348) size 119x436
+ text run at (311,348) width 86: " when it asks."
+ text run at (328,208) width 141: "Talkback reports give "
+ text run at (328,349) width 53: "us really"
+ text run at (345,208) width 87: "valuable data "
+ text run at (345,295) width 132: "on which crashes are"
+ text run at (362,208) width 168: "the most serious, and how "
+ text run at (362,376) width 32: "often"
+ text run at (379,208) width 155: "people are encountering "
+ text run at (379,363) width 67: "them. And"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (396,0) width 211: "all you have to do is click \"OK\". "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (396,211) width 225: "If you find something you think is a"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (413,0) width 221: "bug, check to see if it's not already "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastregionsmultipledirectionalitychangesinvariablewidthregionsexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/regions/multiple-directionality-changes-in-variable-width-regions-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/regions/multiple-directionality-changes-in-variable-width-regions-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/regions/multiple-directionality-changes-in-variable-width-regions-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (27,15) size 396x342 [border: (1px solid #0000FF)]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {DIV} at (40,11) size 316x242 [border: (1px solid #008000)]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (1,17) size 314x91
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (-18,0) size 331x91
- text run at (-18,0) width 248: "This line of text should not get out of"
- text run at (-18,17) width 248: "the region. This line of text should not"
- text run at (-18,34) width 248: "get out of the region. This line of text"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (-17,0) size 331x91
+ text run at (-17,0) width 248: "This line of text should not get out of"
+ text run at (-17,17) width 248: "the region. This line of text should not"
+ text run at (-17,34) width 248: "get out of the region. This line of text"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (0,57) width 313: "should not get out of the region. This line of text"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,74) width 201: "should not get out of the region."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (1,124) size 314x68
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastregionsrepaintlineflowwithfloatsinregionsexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/regions/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-in-regions-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/regions/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-in-regions-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/regions/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-in-regions-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -54,21 +54,21 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (298,227) width 114: "the ground, Alice"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (57,244) width 306: "soon came to the conclusion that it was a very "
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (6,247) size 48x65 [bgcolor=#ADD8E6]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (363,244) size 355x34
- text run at (363,244) width 49: "difficult"
- text run at (57,261) width 88: "game indeed. "
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (362,244) size 355x34
+ text run at (362,244) width 50: "difficult"
+ text run at (57,261) width 89: "game indeed. "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBR {BR} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,278) size 303x17
- text run at (57,278) width 303: "The players all played at once without waiting"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,278) size 304x17
+ text run at (57,278) width 304: "The players all played at once without waiting"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (364,281) size 48x81 [bgcolor=#90EE90]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,295) size 303x34
- text run at (57,295) width 63: "for turns, "
- text run at (120,295) width 240: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting"
- text run at (57,312) width 170: "for the hedgehogs; and in "
- text run at (227,312) width 114: "a very short time "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 354x34
- RenderText {#text} at (341,312) size 354x34
- text run at (341,312) width 19: "the"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,295) size 304x34
+ text run at (57,295) width 64: "for turns, "
+ text run at (120,295) width 241: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting"
+ text run at (57,312) width 171: "for the hedgehogs; and in "
+ text run at (227,312) width 115: "a very short time "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 355x34
+ RenderText {#text} at (341,312) size 355x34
+ text run at (341,312) width 20: "the"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (6,329) width 42: "Queen"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (48,329) size 354x51
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (48,329) width 255: " was in a furious passion, and went "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats1expectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-1-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-1-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-1-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -47,21 +47,21 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (298,227) width 114: "the ground, Alice"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (57,244) width 306: "soon came to the conclusion that it was a very "
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (6,247) size 48x65 [bgcolor=#ADD8E6]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (363,244) size 355x34
- text run at (363,244) width 49: "difficult"
- text run at (57,261) width 88: "game indeed. "
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (362,244) size 355x34
+ text run at (362,244) width 50: "difficult"
+ text run at (57,261) width 89: "game indeed. "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBR {BR} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,278) size 303x17
- text run at (57,278) width 303: "The players all played at once without waiting"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,278) size 304x17
+ text run at (57,278) width 304: "The players all played at once without waiting"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (364,281) size 48x81 [bgcolor=#90EE90]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,295) size 303x34
- text run at (57,295) width 63: "for turns, "
- text run at (120,295) width 240: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting"
- text run at (57,312) width 170: "for the hedgehogs; and in "
- text run at (227,312) width 114: "a very short time "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 354x34
- RenderText {#text} at (341,312) size 354x34
- text run at (341,312) width 19: "the"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,295) size 304x34
+ text run at (57,295) width 64: "for turns, "
+ text run at (120,295) width 241: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting"
+ text run at (57,312) width 171: "for the hedgehogs; and in "
+ text run at (227,312) width 115: "a very short time "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 355x34
+ RenderText {#text} at (341,312) size 355x34
+ text run at (341,312) width 20: "the"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (6,329) width 42: "Queen"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (48,329) size 354x51
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (48,329) width 255: " was in a furious passion, and went "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats10expectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-10-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-10-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-10-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -47,21 +47,21 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (298,227) width 114: "the ground, Alice"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (57,244) width 306: "soon came to the conclusion that it was a very "
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (6,258) size 48x64 [bgcolor=#ADD8E6]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (363,244) size 355x34
- text run at (363,244) width 49: "difficult"
- text run at (57,261) width 88: "game indeed. "
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (362,244) size 355x34
+ text run at (362,244) width 50: "difficult"
+ text run at (57,261) width 89: "game indeed. "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBR {BR} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,278) size 303x17
- text run at (57,278) width 303: "The players all played at once without waiting"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,278) size 304x17
+ text run at (57,278) width 304: "The players all played at once without waiting"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (364,281) size 48x81 [bgcolor=#90EE90]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,295) size 303x34
- text run at (57,295) width 63: "for turns, "
- text run at (120,295) width 240: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting"
- text run at (57,312) width 170: "for the hedgehogs; and in "
- text run at (227,312) width 114: "a very short time "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 354x34
- RenderText {#text} at (341,312) size 354x34
- text run at (341,312) width 19: "the"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,295) size 304x34
+ text run at (57,295) width 64: "for turns, "
+ text run at (120,295) width 241: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting"
+ text run at (57,312) width 171: "for the hedgehogs; and in "
+ text run at (227,312) width 115: "a very short time "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 355x34
+ RenderText {#text} at (341,312) size 355x34
+ text run at (341,312) width 20: "the"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (6,329) width 42: "Queen"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (48,329) size 354x51
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (48,329) width 255: " was in a furious passion, and went "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats2expectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-2-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-2-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-2-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -47,21 +47,21 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (298,230) width 114: "the ground, Alice"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (57,247) width 306: "soon came to the conclusion that it was a very "
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (6,250) size 48x65 [bgcolor=#ADD8E6]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (363,247) size 355x34
- text run at (363,247) width 49: "difficult"
- text run at (57,264) width 88: "game indeed. "
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (362,247) size 355x34
+ text run at (362,247) width 50: "difficult"
+ text run at (57,264) width 89: "game indeed. "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBR {BR} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,281) size 303x17
- text run at (57,281) width 303: "The players all played at once without waiting"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,281) size 304x17
+ text run at (57,281) width 304: "The players all played at once without waiting"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (364,284) size 48x81 [bgcolor=#90EE90]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,298) size 303x34
- text run at (57,298) width 63: "for turns, "
- text run at (120,298) width 240: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting"
- text run at (57,315) width 170: "for the hedgehogs; and in "
- text run at (227,315) width 114: "a very short time "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 354x34
- RenderText {#text} at (341,315) size 354x34
- text run at (341,315) width 19: "the"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,298) size 304x34
+ text run at (57,298) width 64: "for turns, "
+ text run at (120,298) width 241: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting"
+ text run at (57,315) width 171: "for the hedgehogs; and in "
+ text run at (227,315) width 115: "a very short time "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 355x34
+ RenderText {#text} at (341,315) size 355x34
+ text run at (341,315) width 20: "the"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (6,332) width 42: "Queen"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (48,332) size 354x51
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (48,332) width 255: " was in a furious passion, and went "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats3expectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-3-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-3-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-3-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -47,21 +47,21 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (298,227) width 114: "the ground, Alice"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (57,244) width 306: "soon came to the conclusion that it was a very "
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (6,247) size 48x65 [bgcolor=#ADD8E6]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (363,244) size 355x34
- text run at (363,244) width 49: "difficult"
- text run at (57,261) width 88: "game indeed. "
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (362,244) size 355x34
+ text run at (362,244) width 50: "difficult"
+ text run at (57,261) width 89: "game indeed. "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBR {BR} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,278) size 297x17
- text run at (57,278) width 297: "The players all played at once without waiting "
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,278) size 298x17
+ text run at (57,278) width 298: "The players all played at once without waiting "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (348,298) size 64x81 [bgcolor=#90EE90]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (354,278) size 355x51
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (354,278) width 58: "for turns,"
</span><del>- text run at (57,295) width 287: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting for the"
- text run at (57,312) width 136: "hedgehogs; and in "
- text run at (193,312) width 132: "a very short time "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 338x34
- RenderText {#text} at (325,312) size 338x34
- text run at (325,312) width 19: "the"
</del><ins>+ text run at (57,295) width 288: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting for the"
+ text run at (57,312) width 137: "hedgehogs; and in "
+ text run at (193,312) width 133: "a very short time "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 339x34
+ RenderText {#text} at (325,312) size 339x34
+ text run at (325,312) width 20: "the"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (6,329) width 42: "Queen"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (48,329) size 338x51
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (48,329) width 239: " was in a furious passion, and went "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats4expectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-4-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-4-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-4-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -47,21 +47,21 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (298,227) width 114: "the ground, Alice"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (57,244) width 306: "soon came to the conclusion that it was a very "
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (6,247) size 48x65 [bgcolor=#ADD8E6]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (363,244) size 355x34
- text run at (363,244) width 49: "difficult"
- text run at (57,261) width 88: "game indeed. "
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (362,244) size 355x34
+ text run at (362,244) width 50: "difficult"
+ text run at (57,261) width 89: "game indeed. "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBR {BR} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,278) size 303x17
- text run at (57,278) width 303: "The players all played at once without waiting"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,278) size 304x17
+ text run at (57,278) width 304: "The players all played at once without waiting"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (364,281) size 48x65 [bgcolor=#90EE90]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,295) size 303x34
- text run at (57,295) width 63: "for turns, "
- text run at (120,295) width 240: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting"
- text run at (57,312) width 170: "for the hedgehogs; and in "
- text run at (227,312) width 114: "a very short time "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 354x34
- RenderText {#text} at (341,312) size 354x34
- text run at (341,312) width 19: "the"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,295) size 304x34
+ text run at (57,295) width 64: "for turns, "
+ text run at (120,295) width 241: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting"
+ text run at (57,312) width 171: "for the hedgehogs; and in "
+ text run at (227,312) width 115: "a very short time "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 355x34
+ RenderText {#text} at (341,312) size 355x34
+ text run at (341,312) width 20: "the"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (6,329) width 42: "Queen"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (48,329) size 354x51
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (48,329) width 255: " was in a furious passion, and went "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats5expectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-5-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-5-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-5-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -47,27 +47,27 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (298,227) width 114: "the ground, Alice"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (41,244) width 322: "soon came to the conclusion that it was a very "
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (6,247) size 32x65 [bgcolor=#ADD8E6]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (363,244) size 371x34
- text run at (363,244) width 49: "difficult"
- text run at (41,261) width 88: "game indeed. "
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (362,244) size 371x34
+ text run at (362,244) width 50: "difficult"
+ text run at (41,261) width 89: "game indeed. "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBR {BR} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (41,278) size 301x17
- text run at (41,278) width 301: "The players all played at once without waiting "
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (41,278) size 302x17
+ text run at (41,278) width 302: "The players all played at once without waiting "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (364,281) size 48x81 [bgcolor=#90EE90]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (342,278) size 319x51
- text run at (342,278) width 18: "for"
- text run at (41,295) width 39: "turns, "
- text run at (80,295) width 280: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting for the"
- text run at (41,312) width 128: "hedgehogs; and in "
- text run at (169,312) width 122: "a very short time "
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (342,278) size 320x51
+ text run at (342,278) width 19: "for"
+ text run at (41,295) width 40: "turns, "
+ text run at (80,295) width 281: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting for the"
+ text run at (41,312) width 129: "hedgehogs; and in "
+ text run at (169,312) width 124: "a very short time "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 69x17
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (291,312) size 69x17
- text run at (291,312) width 69: "the Queen"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (292,312) size 69x17
+ text run at (292,312) width 69: "the Queen"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (6,329) size 354x51
</span><del>- text run at (6,329) width 225: "was in a furious passion, and went "
- text run at (231,329) width 129: "stamping about, and"
- text run at (6,346) width 287: "shouting \x{2018}Off with his head!\x{2019} or \x{2018}Off with "
- text run at (293,346) width 67: "her head!\x{2019}"
</del><ins>+ text run at (6,329) width 226: "was in a furious passion, and went "
+ text run at (232,329) width 128: "stamping about, and"
+ text run at (6,346) width 288: "shouting \x{2018}Off with his head!\x{2019} or \x{2018}Off with "
+ text run at (294,346) width 66: "her head!\x{2019}"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (6,363) width 151: "about once in a minute. "
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBR {BR} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (6,380) size 406x85
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats6expectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-6-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-6-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-6-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -49,21 +49,21 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (6,247) size 48x65 [bgcolor=#ADD8E6]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (13,0) size 22x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (13,0) width 22: "foo"
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (363,244) size 355x34
- text run at (363,244) width 49: "difficult"
- text run at (57,261) width 88: "game indeed. "
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (362,244) size 355x34
+ text run at (362,244) width 50: "difficult"
+ text run at (57,261) width 89: "game indeed. "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBR {BR} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,278) size 303x17
- text run at (57,278) width 303: "The players all played at once without waiting"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,278) size 304x17
+ text run at (57,278) width 304: "The players all played at once without waiting"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (364,281) size 48x81 [bgcolor=#90EE90]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,295) size 303x34
- text run at (57,295) width 63: "for turns, "
- text run at (120,295) width 240: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting"
- text run at (57,312) width 170: "for the hedgehogs; and in "
- text run at (227,312) width 114: "a very short time "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 354x34
- RenderText {#text} at (341,312) size 354x34
- text run at (341,312) width 19: "the"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,295) size 304x34
+ text run at (57,295) width 64: "for turns, "
+ text run at (120,295) width 241: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting"
+ text run at (57,312) width 171: "for the hedgehogs; and in "
+ text run at (227,312) width 115: "a very short time "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 355x34
+ RenderText {#text} at (341,312) size 355x34
+ text run at (341,312) width 20: "the"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (6,329) width 42: "Queen"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (48,329) size 354x51
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (48,329) width 255: " was in a furious passion, and went "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats7expectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-7-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-7-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-7-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -47,21 +47,21 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (298,227) width 114: "the ground, Alice"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (57,244) width 306: "soon came to the conclusion that it was a very "
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (6,247) size 48x65 [bgcolor=#ADD8E6]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (363,244) size 355x34
- text run at (363,244) width 49: "difficult"
- text run at (57,261) width 88: "game indeed. "
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (362,244) size 355x34
+ text run at (362,244) width 50: "difficult"
+ text run at (57,261) width 89: "game indeed. "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBR {BR} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,278) size 303x17
- text run at (57,278) width 303: "The players all played at once without waiting"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,278) size 304x17
+ text run at (57,278) width 304: "The players all played at once without waiting"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (364,281) size 48x81 [bgcolor=#90EE90]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,295) size 303x34
- text run at (57,295) width 63: "for turns, "
- text run at (120,295) width 240: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting"
- text run at (57,312) width 169: "for the hedgehogs; and in "
- text run at (226,312) width 113: "a very short time "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 354x34
- RenderText {#text} at (339,312) size 354x34
- text run at (339,312) width 21: "the"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,295) size 304x34
+ text run at (57,295) width 64: "for turns, "
+ text run at (120,295) width 241: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting"
+ text run at (57,312) width 170: "for the hedgehogs; and in "
+ text run at (226,312) width 114: "a very short time "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 355x34
+ RenderText {#text} at (339,312) size 355x34
+ text run at (339,312) width 22: "the"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (6,329) width 44: "Queen"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (50,329) size 354x51
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (50,329) width 253: " was in a furious passion, and went "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats8expectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-8-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-8-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-8-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -50,11 +50,11 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (322,244) width 90: "difficult game"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (6,261) width 50: "indeed. "
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBR {BR} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (6,278) size 296x17
- text run at (6,278) width 296: "The players all played at once without waiting "
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (6,278) size 297x17
+ text run at (6,278) width 297: "The players all played at once without waiting "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (364,281) size 48x81 [bgcolor=#90EE90]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (302,278) size 354x51
- text run at (302,278) width 58: "for turns,"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (303,278) size 354x51
+ text run at (303,278) width 57: "for turns,"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (6,295) width 354: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting for the hedgehogs;"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (6,312) width 49: "and in "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (55,312) width 121: "a very short time "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfastrepaintlineflowwithfloats9expectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-9-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-9-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-9-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (243,108) width 169: "such a puzzled expression"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (6,125) width 227: "that she could not help bursting out "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (233,125) width 179: "laughing: and when she had"
</span><del>- text run at (6,142) width 234: "got its head down, and was going to "
</del><ins>+ text run at (6,142) width 235: "got its head down, and was going to "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (364,145) size 48x49 [bgcolor=#FFFFE0]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (240,142) size 406x136
- text run at (240,142) width 120: "begin again, it was"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (241,142) size 406x136
+ text run at (241,142) width 119: "begin again, it was"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (6,159) width 302: "very provoking to find that the hedgehog had "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (308,159) width 52: "unrolled"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (6,176) width 354: "itself, and was in the act of crawling away: besides all"
</span><span class="lines">@@ -46,25 +46,25 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (83,227) width 329: "soldiers were always getting up and walking off to"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (6,244) width 87: "other parts of "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (93,244) width 319: "the ground, Alice soon came to the conclusion that"
</span><del>- text run at (57,261) width 84: "it was a very "
</del><ins>+ text run at (57,261) width 85: "it was a very "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (6,264) size 48x65 [bgcolor=#ADD8E6]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (141,261) size 141x17
- text run at (141,261) width 141: "difficult game indeed. "
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (141,261) size 142x17
+ text run at (141,261) width 142: "difficult game indeed. "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBR {BR} at (0,0) size 0x0
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,278) size 303x17
- text run at (57,278) width 303: "The players all played at once without waiting"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,278) size 304x17
+ text run at (57,278) width 304: "The players all played at once without waiting"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (floating) {SPAN} at (364,281) size 48x81 [bgcolor=#90EE90]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (57,295) size 303x34
- text run at (57,295) width 63: "for turns, "
- text run at (120,295) width 240: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting"
- text run at (57,312) width 170: "for the hedgehogs; and in "
- text run at (227,312) width 114: "a very short time "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 303x34
- RenderText {#text} at (341,312) size 303x34
- text run at (341,312) width 19: "the"
- text run at (57,329) width 42: "Queen"
- RenderText {#text} at (99,329) size 354x51
- text run at (99,329) width 261: " was in a furious passion, and went"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (57,295) size 304x34
+ text run at (57,295) width 64: "for turns, "
+ text run at (120,295) width 241: "quarrelling all the while, and fighting"
+ text run at (57,312) width 171: "for the hedgehogs; and in "
+ text run at (227,312) width 115: "a very short time "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 304x34
+ RenderText {#text} at (341,312) size 304x34
+ text run at (341,312) width 20: "the"
+ text run at (57,329) width 43: "Queen"
+ RenderText {#text} at (99,329) size 355x51
+ text run at (99,329) width 262: " was in a furious passion, and went"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (6,346) width 354: "stamping about, and shouting \x{2018}Off with his head!\x{2019} or"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (6,363) width 63: "\x{2018}Off with "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (69,363) width 219: "her head!\x{2019} about once in a minute. "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtkfasttextwhitespace024expectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/text/whitespace/024-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/text/whitespace/024-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/fast/text/whitespace/024-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -34,27 +34,27 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,2) size 769x167
</span><span class="cx"> RenderTableCell {TD} at (2,2) size 177x167 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (1,1) size 175x165 [bgcolor=#CCCC99] [border: (1px solid #000000)]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (8,8) size 96x30
- text run at (8,8) width 96: " 2003"
- text run at (104,8) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,23) width 0: " "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 160x19 [border: (1px solid #000000) none (2px solid #000000) none]
- RenderText {#text} at (8,37) size 160x16
- text run at (8,37) width 160: " D M T W J F S"
- RenderText {#text} at (168,37) size 160x121
- text run at (168,37) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,53) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,68) width 120: " September"
- text run at (128,68) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,83) width 160: " 1 2 3 4 5 6"
- text run at (168,83) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,98) width 160: " 7 8 9 10 11 12 13"
- text run at (168,98) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,113) width 160: "14 15 16 17 18 19 20"
- text run at (168,113) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,128) width 160: "21 22 23 24 25 26 27"
- text run at (168,128) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,143) width 64: "28 29 30"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (7,8) size 97x30
+ text run at (7,8) width 97: " 2003"
+ text run at (103,8) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,23) width 1: " "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 161x19 [border: (1px solid #000000) none (2px solid #000000) none]
+ RenderText {#text} at (7,37) size 161x16
+ text run at (7,37) width 161: " D M T W J F S"
+ RenderText {#text} at (167,37) size 161x121
+ text run at (167,37) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,53) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,68) width 121: " September"
+ text run at (127,68) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,83) width 161: " 1 2 3 4 5 6"
+ text run at (167,83) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,98) width 161: " 7 8 9 10 11 12 13"
+ text run at (167,98) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,113) width 161: "14 15 16 17 18 19 20"
+ text run at (167,113) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,128) width 161: "21 22 23 24 25 26 27"
+ text run at (167,128) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,143) width 65: "28 29 30"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderTableCell {TD} at (181,2) size 586x19 [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (1,1) size 483x17
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (1,1) width 341: "The blank line between '2003' and the nested element "
</span><span class="lines">@@ -69,27 +69,27 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,2) size 769x167
</span><span class="cx"> RenderTableCell {TD} at (2,2) size 177x167 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (1,1) size 175x165 [bgcolor=#CCCC99] [border: (1px solid #000000)]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (8,8) size 96x30
- text run at (8,8) width 96: " 2003"
- text run at (104,8) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,23) width 0: " "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 96x19 [border: (1px solid #000000) none (2px solid #000000) none]
- RenderText {#text} at (8,37) size 96x16
- text run at (8,37) width 96: " D M TWJFS"
- RenderText {#text} at (104,37) size 160x121
- text run at (104,37) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,53) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,68) width 120: " September"
- text run at (128,68) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,83) width 160: " 1 2 3 4 5 6"
- text run at (168,83) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,98) width 160: " 7 8 9 10 11 12 13"
- text run at (168,98) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,113) width 160: "14 15 16 17 18 19 20"
- text run at (168,113) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,128) width 160: "21 22 23 24 25 26 27"
- text run at (168,128) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,143) width 64: "28 29 30"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (7,8) size 97x30
+ text run at (7,8) width 97: " 2003"
+ text run at (103,8) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,23) width 1: " "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 97x19 [border: (1px solid #000000) none (2px solid #000000) none]
+ RenderText {#text} at (7,37) size 97x16
+ text run at (7,37) width 97: " D M TWJFS"
+ RenderText {#text} at (103,37) size 161x121
+ text run at (103,37) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,53) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,68) width 121: " September"
+ text run at (127,68) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,83) width 161: " 1 2 3 4 5 6"
+ text run at (167,83) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,98) width 161: " 7 8 9 10 11 12 13"
+ text run at (167,98) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,113) width 161: "14 15 16 17 18 19 20"
+ text run at (167,113) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,128) width 161: "21 22 23 24 25 26 27"
+ text run at (167,128) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,143) width 65: "28 29 30"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderTableCell {TD} at (181,2) size 586x69 [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock (anonymous) at (1,1) size 584x17
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 483x17
</span><span class="lines">@@ -110,26 +110,26 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,2) size 769x152
</span><span class="cx"> RenderTableCell {TD} at (2,2) size 177x152 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (1,1) size 175x150 [bgcolor=#CCCC99] [border: (1px solid #000000)]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (8,8) size 96x15
- text run at (8,8) width 96: " 2003"
- text run at (104,8) width 0: " "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 160x19 [border: (1px solid #000000) none (2px solid #000000) none]
- RenderText {#text} at (8,22) size 160x16
- text run at (8,22) width 160: " D M T W J F S"
- RenderText {#text} at (168,22) size 160x121
- text run at (168,22) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,38) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,53) width 120: " September"
- text run at (128,53) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,68) width 160: " 1 2 3 4 5 6"
- text run at (168,68) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,83) width 160: " 7 8 9 10 11 12 13"
- text run at (168,83) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,98) width 160: "14 15 16 17 18 19 20"
- text run at (168,98) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,113) width 160: "21 22 23 24 25 26 27"
- text run at (168,113) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,128) width 64: "28 29 30"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (7,8) size 97x15
+ text run at (7,8) width 97: " 2003"
+ text run at (103,8) width 1: " "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 161x19 [border: (1px solid #000000) none (2px solid #000000) none]
+ RenderText {#text} at (7,22) size 161x16
+ text run at (7,22) width 161: " D M T W J F S"
+ RenderText {#text} at (167,22) size 161x121
+ text run at (167,22) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,38) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,53) width 121: " September"
+ text run at (127,53) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,68) width 161: " 1 2 3 4 5 6"
+ text run at (167,68) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,83) width 161: " 7 8 9 10 11 12 13"
+ text run at (167,83) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,98) width 161: "14 15 16 17 18 19 20"
+ text run at (167,98) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,113) width 161: "21 22 23 24 25 26 27"
+ text run at (167,113) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,128) width 65: "28 29 30"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderTableCell {TD} at (181,2) size 586x36 [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (1,1) size 566x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (1,1) width 341: "The blank line between '2003' and the nested element "
</span><span class="lines">@@ -145,29 +145,29 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,2) size 769x167
</span><span class="cx"> RenderTableCell {TD} at (2,2) size 177x167 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {PRE} at (1,1) size 175x165 [bgcolor=#CCCC99] [border: (1px solid #000000)]
</span><del>- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 96x15
- RenderText {#text} at (8,8) size 96x15
- text run at (8,8) width 96: " 2003"
- RenderText {#text} at (104,8) size 96x30
- text run at (104,8) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,23) width 0: " "
- RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 160x19 [border: (1px solid #000000) none (2px solid #000000) none]
- RenderText {#text} at (8,37) size 160x16
- text run at (8,37) width 160: " D M T W J F S"
- RenderText {#text} at (168,37) size 160x121
- text run at (168,37) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,53) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,68) width 120: " September"
- text run at (128,68) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,83) width 160: " 1 2 3 4 5 6"
- text run at (168,83) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,98) width 160: " 7 8 9 10 11 12 13"
- text run at (168,98) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,113) width 160: "14 15 16 17 18 19 20"
- text run at (168,113) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,128) width 160: "21 22 23 24 25 26 27"
- text run at (168,128) width 0: " "
- text run at (8,143) width 64: "28 29 30"
</del><ins>+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 97x15
+ RenderText {#text} at (7,8) size 97x15
+ text run at (7,8) width 97: " 2003"
+ RenderText {#text} at (103,8) size 97x30
+ text run at (103,8) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,23) width 1: " "
+ RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 161x19 [border: (1px solid #000000) none (2px solid #000000) none]
+ RenderText {#text} at (7,37) size 161x16
+ text run at (7,37) width 161: " D M T W J F S"
+ RenderText {#text} at (167,37) size 161x121
+ text run at (167,37) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,53) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,68) width 121: " September"
+ text run at (127,68) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,83) width 161: " 1 2 3 4 5 6"
+ text run at (167,83) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,98) width 161: " 7 8 9 10 11 12 13"
+ text run at (167,98) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,113) width 161: "14 15 16 17 18 19 20"
+ text run at (167,113) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,128) width 161: "21 22 23 24 25 26 27"
+ text run at (167,128) width 1: " "
+ text run at (7,143) width 65: "28 29 30"
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderTableCell {TD} at (181,2) size 586x36 [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (1,1) size 576x34
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (1,1) width 341: "The blank line between '2003' and the nested element "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtksvgwicdrightsizinggridexpectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/svg/wicd/rightsizing-grid-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/svg/wicd/rightsizing-grid-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/svg/wicd/rightsizing-grid-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
</span><span class="cx"> RenderSVGText {text} at (32,29) size 16x23 contains 1 chunk(s)
</span><span class="cx"> RenderSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 15x23
</span><span class="cx"> chunk 1 (middle anchor) text run 1 at (32.81,47.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 1 width 14.38: "K"
</span><del>- RenderBR {br} at (256,0) size 0x17
</del><ins>+ RenderBR {br} at (256,0) size 1x17
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderEmbeddedObject {object} at (0,256) size 257x192
</span><span class="cx"> layer at (0,0) size 256x192
</span><span class="cx"> RenderView at (0,0) size 256x192
</span><span class="lines">@@ -267,15 +267,15 @@
</span><span class="cx"> chunk 1 (middle anchor) text run 1 at (8.91,27.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 1 width 12.19: "T"
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {p} at (0,117) size 769x594 [color=#FFFFFF]
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBR {br} at (769,0) size 0x17
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (641,576) size 8x17
- text run at (641,576) width 8: ".."
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (640,576) size 9x17
+ text run at (640,576) width 9: ".."
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {p} at (0,726) size 769x578
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (641,0) size 768x577
- text run at (641,0) width 121: "Above, you should"
- text run at (641,17) width 97: "see a grid of 17"
- text run at (641,34) width 127: "SVG child elements"
- text run at (641,51) width 115: "sticked together to"
- text run at (641,68) width 120: "build one rectangle"
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (640,0) size 768x577
+ text run at (640,0) width 122: "Above, you should"
+ text run at (640,17) width 98: "see a grid of 17"
+ text run at (640,34) width 128: "SVG child elements"
+ text run at (640,51) width 116: "sticked together to"
+ text run at (640,68) width 121: "build one rectangle"
</ins><span class="cx"> text run at (0,543) width 33: "grid. "
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (33,543) width 718: "You should be able to resize your browser window and the grid rendering should adjust to it. The outcome should"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,560) width 239: "look like in these sample screenshots: "
<a id="trunkLayoutTestsplatformgtksvgzoompagezoomreplacedintrinsicratio001expectedtxt"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/svg/zoom/page/zoom-replaced-intrinsic-ratio-001-expected.txt (169103 => 169104)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/svg/zoom/page/zoom-replaced-intrinsic-ratio-001-expected.txt        2014-05-20 05:30:10 UTC (rev 169103)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/gtk/svg/zoom/page/zoom-replaced-intrinsic-ratio-001-expected.txt        2014-05-20 09:52:02 UTC (rev 169104)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,8) width 137: "be of the same width. There must be"
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,17) width 26: "no red."
</span><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (10,46) size 121x29 [bgcolor=#008000] [border: (9.25px solid #0000FF)]
</span><del>- RenderText {#text} at (9,8) size 2x10
- text run at (9,8) width 2: " "
</del><ins>+ RenderText {#text} at (9,8) size 3x10
+ text run at (9,8) width 3: " "
</ins><span class="cx"> RenderBlock {P} at (1,129) size 139x11
</span><span class="cx"> RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 12x10
</span><span class="cx"> text run at (0,-1) width 12: " "