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<title>[164223] trunk/Source/WebCore</title>
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<div id="msg">
<dl class="meta">
<dt>Revision</dt> <dd><a href="http://trac.webkit.org/projects/webkit/changeset/164223">164223</a></dd>
<dt>Author</dt> <dd>jer.noble@apple.com</dd>
<dt>Date</dt> <dd>2014-02-17 09:17:23 -0800 (Mon, 17 Feb 2014)</dd>
<h3>Log Message</h3>
<pre>[MediaControls][iOS] Make mediacontrols match the system inline controls
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
Move items slightly, fix button sizes, font sizes, and colors to match the
inline controls from MoviePlayer.framework.
* Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.css:
* Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.js:
(ControllerIOS.prototype.configureInlineControls): Do not add the status text.
(ControllerIOS.prototype.updateTime): Call updateProgress().
(ControllerIOS.prototype.progressFillStyle): Draw a slightly different color.
(ControllerIOS.prototype.updateProgress): Draw white to the left of the currentTime.
(ControllerIOS.prototype.formatTime): Single leading zero in the time display fields.
(ControllerIOS.prototype.handleTimelineChange): Call updateProgress().</pre>
<h3>Modified Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#trunkSourceWebCoreChangeLog">trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkSourceWebCoreModulesmediacontrolsmediaControlsiOScss">trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.css</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkSourceWebCoreModulesmediacontrolsmediaControlsiOSjs">trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.js</a></li>
<div id="patch">
<a id="trunkSourceWebCoreChangeLog"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog (164222 => 164223)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog        2014-02-17 16:18:14 UTC (rev 164222)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog        2014-02-17 17:17:23 UTC (rev 164223)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -1,3 +1,29 @@
</span><ins>+2014-02-17 Jer Noble <jer.noble@apple.com>
+ [MediaControls][iOS] Make mediacontrols match the system inline controls
+ https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=128833
+ Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
+ Move items slightly, fix button sizes, font sizes, and colors to match the
+ inline controls from MoviePlayer.framework.
+ * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.css:
+ (audio::-webkit-media-controls-panel):
+ (audio::-webkit-media-controls-fullscreen-button):
+ (audio::-webkit-media-controls-play-button):
+ (audio::-webkit-media-controls-play-button.paused):
+ (audio::-webkit-media-controls-timeline):
+ (audio::-webkit-media-controls-timeline::-webkit-slider-thumb):
+ (audio::-webkit-media-controls-time-remaining-display):
+ * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.js:
+ (ControllerIOS.prototype.configureInlineControls): Do not add the status text.
+ (ControllerIOS.prototype.updateTime): Call updateProgress().
+ (ControllerIOS.prototype.progressFillStyle): Draw a slightly different color.
+ (ControllerIOS.prototype.updateProgress): Draw white to the left of the currentTime.
+ (ControllerIOS.prototype.formatTime): Single leading zero in the time display fields.
+ (ControllerIOS.prototype.handleTimelineChange): Call updateProgress().
</ins><span class="cx"> 2014-02-17 Manuel Rego Casasnovas <rego@igalia.com>
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> [CSS Grid Layout] Fix missing layout in flexible and content sized columns
<a id="trunkSourceWebCoreModulesmediacontrolsmediaControlsiOScss"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.css (164222 => 164223)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.css        2014-02-17 16:18:14 UTC (rev 164222)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.css        2014-02-17 17:17:23 UTC (rev 164223)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@
</span><span class="cx"> position: relative;
</span><span class="cx"> bottom: 0;
</span><span class="cx"> width: 100%;
</span><del>- padding-top: 1px;
</del><ins>+ padding-bottom: 1px;
</ins><span class="cx"> height: 44px;
</span><span class="cx"> line-height: 44px;
</span><span class="cx"> -webkit-user-select: none;
</span><del>- background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .5);
</del><ins>+ background-color: rgba(245, 245, 245, .75);
</ins><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> display: -webkit-flex;
</span><span class="cx"> -webkit-flex-direction: row;
</span><span class="lines">@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
</span><span class="cx"> display: block;
</span><span class="cx"> padding: 0;
</span><span class="cx"> border: 0;
</span><del>- background-color: black;
</del><ins>+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
</ins><span class="cx"> -webkit-mask-origin: content-box;
</span><span class="cx"> -webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
</span><span class="cx"> -webkit-mask-size: contain;
</span><span class="lines">@@ -153,24 +153,25 @@
</span><span class="cx"> video::-webkit-media-controls-play-button,
</span><span class="cx"> audio::-webkit-media-controls-play-button {
</span><span class="cx"> margin-left: 34px;
</span><del>- margin-right: 13px;
- width: 19px;
- height: 17px;
- -webkit-mask-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 18 16"><rect x="1" y="0" width="5" height="16" fill="white"/><rect x="12" y="0" width="5" height="16" fill="white"/></svg>');
</del><ins>+ margin-right: 15px;
+ margin-top: 1px;
+ width: 21px;
+ height: 23px;
+ -webkit-mask-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="21" height="22"><rect x="1" y="0" width="6" height="22" fill="white"/><rect x="13" y="0" width="6" height="22" fill="white"/></svg>');
</ins><span class="cx"> }
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> video::-webkit-media-controls-play-button.paused,
</span><span class="cx"> audio::-webkit-media-controls-play-button.paused {
</span><del>- -webkit-mask-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 18 16"><path d="M 0,0 18,8 0,16 z" fill="white"/></svg>');
</del><ins>+ -webkit-mask-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="21" height="23"><path d="M 0,0.25 21,10.5 0,21.75 z" fill="white"/></svg>');
</ins><span class="cx"> }
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> video::-webkit-media-controls-fullscreen-button,
</span><span class="cx"> audio::-webkit-media-controls-fullscreen-button {
</span><span class="cx"> margin-right: 34px;
</span><span class="cx"> margin-left: 13px;
</span><del>- width: 17px;
- height: 17px;
- -webkit-mask-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16px" height="16px"><g stroke="white" fill="transparent"><path d="M .5,5 v -4.5 h 4.5M .5,.5 l 5.5,5.5" /> <path d="M 15.5,11 v 4.5 h -4.5 M 15.5,15.5 l -5.5,-5.5" /></g></svg>')
</del><ins>+ width: 15px;
+ height: 15px;
+ -webkit-mask-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="15px" height="15px"><g stroke="white" fill="transparent"><path d="M .5,5 v -4.5 h 4.5M .5,.5 l 5.5,5.5" /> <path d="M 14.5,10 v 4.5 h -4.5 M 14.5,14.5 l -5.5,-5.5" /></g></svg>');
</ins><span class="cx"> }
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> /* Retina images */
</span><span class="lines">@@ -189,19 +190,18 @@
</span><span class="cx"> margin: 0;
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> border-radius: 1.5px;
</span><del>- background-color: black;
</del><span class="cx"> }
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> video::-webkit-media-controls-timeline::-webkit-slider-thumb,
</span><span class="cx"> audio::-webkit-media-controls-timeline::-webkit-slider-thumb {
</span><span class="cx"> -webkit-appearance: none;
</span><del>- width: 15px;
- height: 15px;
</del><ins>+ width: 16px;
+ height: 16px;
</ins><span class="cx"> border: 0;
</span><del>- border-radius: 7.5px;
- background-color: white !important;
- color: white;
- box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
</del><ins>+ border-radius: 8px;
+ background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,<svg width="16" height="16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><circle r="7.75" cy="8" cx="8" fill="white" stroke="rgba(0, 0, 0, .25)" stroke-width=".5"/></svg>');
+ background-color: transparent !important;
+ box-shadow: 0 3px 1px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);
</ins><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> /* rotateZ() forces the layer into compositing mode. Slider
</span><span class="cx"> thumbs are small, so forcing a compositing layer is inexpensive,
</span><span class="lines">@@ -219,12 +219,12 @@
</span><span class="cx"> -webkit-justify-content: center;
</span><span class="cx"> -webkit-align-items: center;
</span><span class="cx"> cursor: default;
</span><del>- font-size: 10px;
</del><ins>+ font-size: 13px;
</ins><span class="cx"> overflow-y: hidden;
</span><span class="cx"> overflow-x: hidden;
</span><del>- width: 45px;
- min-width: 45px;
- color: black;
</del><ins>+ width: 44px;
+ min-width: 44px;
+ color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
</ins><span class="cx"> letter-spacing: normal;
</span><span class="cx"> word-spacing: normal;
</span><span class="cx"> line-height: normal;
<a id="trunkSourceWebCoreModulesmediacontrolsmediaControlsiOSjs"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.js (164222 => 164223)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.js        2014-02-17 16:18:14 UTC (rev 164222)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.js        2014-02-17 17:17:23 UTC (rev 164223)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> configureInlineControls: function() {
</span><span class="cx"> this.controls.panel.appendChild(this.controls.playButton);
</span><del>- this.controls.panel.appendChild(this.controls.statusDisplay);
</del><span class="cx"> this.controls.panel.appendChild(this.controls.timelineBox);
</span><span class="cx"> this.controls.timelineBox.appendChild(this.controls.currentTime);
</span><span class="cx"> this.controls.timelineBox.appendChild(this.controls.timeline);
</span><span class="lines">@@ -142,10 +141,47 @@
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> },
</span><span class="cx">
</span><ins>+ updateTime: function() {
+ Controller.prototype.updateTime.call(this);
+ this.updateProgress();
+ },
</ins><span class="cx"> progressFillStyle: function() {
</span><del>- return 'rgb(0, 0, 0)';
</del><ins>+ return 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)';
</ins><span class="cx"> },
</span><span class="cx">
</span><ins>+ updateProgress: function()
+ {
+ Controller.prototype.updateProgress.call(this);
+ var width = this.controls.timeline.offsetWidth;
+ var height = this.controls.timeline.offsetHeight;
+ // Magic number, matching the value for ::-webkit-media-controls-timeline::-webkit-slider-thumb
+ // in mediaControlsiOS.css. Since we cannot ask the thumb for its offsetWidth as it's in its own
+ // shadow dom, just hard-code the value.
+ var thumbWidth = 16;
+ var endX = thumbWidth / 2 + (width - thumbWidth) * this.video.currentTime / this.video.duration;
+ var context = document.getCSSCanvasContext('2d', 'timeline-' + this.timelineID, width, height);
+ context.fillStyle = 'white';
+ context.fillRect(0, 0, endX, height);
+ },
+ formatTime: function(time) {
+ if (isNaN(time))
+ time = 0;
+ var absTime = Math.abs(time);
+ var intSeconds = Math.floor(absTime % 60).toFixed(0);
+ var intMinutes = Math.floor(absTime / 60).toFixed(0);
+ return (time < 0 ? '-' : String()) + String('0' + intMinutes).slice(-1) + ":" + String('00' + intSeconds).slice(-2)
+ },
+ handleTimelineChange: function(event) {
+ Controller.prototype.handleTimelineChange.call(this);
+ this.updateProgress();
+ },
</ins><span class="cx"> handlePlayButtonTouchStart: function() {
</span><span class="cx"> this.controls.playButton.classList.add('active');
</span><span class="cx"> },