[webkit-changes] [WebKit/WebKit] b5544d: Test runner features are not parsed when parsing a...

Kimmo Kinnunen noreply at github.com
Mon Sep 23 01:16:12 PDT 2024

  Branch: refs/heads/main
  Home:   https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit
  Commit: b5544dd6df8b54100b6504044f52b66fc9f1d616
  Author: Kimmo Kinnunen <kkinnunen at apple.com>
  Date:   2024-09-23 (Mon, 23 Sep 2024)

  Changed paths:
    M Tools/TestRunnerShared/TestFeatures.cpp
    M Tools/TestRunnerShared/TestFeatures.h
    M Tools/WebKitTestRunner/Options.cpp

  Log Message:
  Test runner features are not parsed when parsing additional headers

Reviewed by Alex Christensen.

run-webkit-tests would support passing the test header feature line
as --additional-header "Feature=true"

However, it was parsed with functions that stored the feature into
WebPreferences. Some features such as runInCrossOriginFrame=true
are stored in test runner features.

Fixes use-case like debugging the WebKitTestRunner directly and passing
the parameters as command line parameters instead of stdin:

 DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=$PWD lldb -- ./WebKitTestRunner \
 --absolutePath $HOME/WebKit/OpenSource/LayoutTests/webgl/webgl-allow-shared-typed-array.html \
 --no-timeout \
 --additional-header runInCrossOriginFrame=true \
 --experimental-feature SiteIsolationEnabled=true \

* Tools/TestRunnerShared/TestFeatures.cpp:
* Tools/TestRunnerShared/TestFeatures.h:
* Tools/WebKitTestRunner/Options.cpp:

Canonical link: https://commits.webkit.org/284062@main

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