[webkit-changes] [WebKit/WebKit] 04875a: text-spacing: text-autospace: fix element boundary...

Vitor Roriz noreply at github.com
Wed Oct 2 16:30:40 PDT 2024

  Branch: refs/heads/main
  Home:   https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit
  Commit: 04875abcc23c987278c886144ff06b4859327196
  Author: Vitor Roriz <vitor.roriz at apple.com>
  Date:   2024-10-02 (Wed, 02 Oct 2024)

  Changed paths:
    M Source/WebCore/layout/formattingContexts/inline/InlineItemsBuilder.cpp

  Log Message:
  text-spacing: text-autospace: fix element boundary style calculation

Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

This is a fix for the parent style calculation when
text-spacing is applied across an element boundary.
We should use the style of the inner-most element
that owns the boundary.

Problem was: We want to calculate a boundaryIndex in
the inlineItemList. However, we were calculating
a index that is related to the inlineBoxStartIndexesOnInlineItemsList
vector instead.

The inlineBoxStartIndexesOnInlineItemsList stores the final boundaryIndex
in the inlineItemList that we need.

This is still a preparation patch. Tests for
element boundary will be added when we complete the display part [1].

[1] https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=280718

* Source/WebCore/layout/formattingContexts/inline/InlineItemsBuilder.cpp:

Canonical link: https://commits.webkit.org/284589@main

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