[webkit-changes] [WebKit/WebKit] 510d59: [FFC] When the sum of the flex values on the line ...
Alan Baradlay
noreply at github.com
Wed Oct 2 09:58:10 PDT 2024
Branch: refs/heads/main
Home: https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit
Commit: 510d5937f0ac9867e56aa1bc474415fcf922f072
Author: Alan Baradlay <zalan at apple.com>
Date: 2024-10-02 (Wed, 02 Oct 2024)
Changed paths:
M Source/WebCore/layout/formattingContexts/flex/FlexLayout.cpp
M Source/WebCore/layout/integration/LayoutIntegrationCoverage.cpp
Log Message:
[FFC] When the sum of the flex values on the line is less than 1, they will take up less than 100% of the free space.
Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.
"Determine the used flex factor. Sum the outer hypothetical main sizes of all items on the line. If the sum is less than the flex container's inner main size, use the flex grow factor for the rest of this algorithm; otherwise, use the flex shrink factor."
* Source/WTF/Scripts/Preferences/UnifiedWebPreferences.yaml:
* Source/WebCore/layout/formattingContexts/flex/FlexLayout.cpp:
(WebCore::Layout::FlexLayout::computeMainSizeForFlexItems const):
* Source/WebCore/layout/integration/LayoutIntegrationCoverage.cpp:
Canonical link: https://commits.webkit.org/284565@main
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