[webkit-changes] [WebKit/WebKit] 5a9ac9: Cherry-pick 278319 at main (7c46c2f8a211). https://bu...

Razvan Caliman - Apple noreply at github.com
Thu May 16 06:03:11 PDT 2024

  Branch: refs/heads/webkitglib/2.44
  Home:   https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit
  Commit: 5a9ac95c25285f3af31b43570f2fa3a5326fb64c
  Author: Vitaly Dyachkov <vitaly at igalia.com>
  Date:   2024-05-16 (Thu, 16 May 2024)

  Changed paths:
    M Source/WebCore/html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp

  Log Message:
  Cherry-pick 278319 at main (7c46c2f8a211). https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=266711

    [WPE][Debug] ASSERTION FAILED: m_wrapper

    Reviewed by Chris Dumez.

    We should not dispatch the "resize" event if `ScriptExecutionContext`
    has already been stopped.

    * Source/WebCore/html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:

    Canonical link: https://commits.webkit.org/278319@main

Canonical link: https://commits.webkit.org/274313.254@webkitglib/2.44

  Commit: 5a640a0d42a1f6d13ead8ee25ac3ddbc42dde834
  Author: Razvan Caliman <rcaliman at apple.com>
  Date:   2024-05-16 (Thu, 16 May 2024)

  Changed paths:
    M Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Views/ConsoleDrawer.js
    M Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Views/QuickConsole.js
    M Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Views/Variables.css

  Log Message:
  Cherry-pick 278208 at main (2a15afd431a0). https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=273506

    Web Inspector: Top or bottom of Web Inspector is cut off on short viewports

    Reviewed by Devin Rousso.

    The Console Drawer was allowed to be resized to an arbitrarily capped maximum height
    of `<div id="main">` that did not take into account the minimum height defined
    by the Tab Browser or the space taken up by the Quick Console.

    Their common container is an absolutely-positioned flex container
    that has its overflow hidden by `overflow: hidden` on the Web Inspector `<body>`.

    So when the Console Drawer was oversized, it pushed either the Quick Console
    or the top of the Tab bar beyond the visible viewport, depending on the successive
    layout operations (CSS and programmatic) that occur during Web Inspector launch.

    The patch sets a maximum height for the Console Drawer that is calculated explicitly.

    * Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Views/ConsoleDrawer.js:
    * Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Views/QuickConsole.js:
    * Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Views/Variables.css:

    Canonical link: https://commits.webkit.org/278208@main

Canonical link: https://commits.webkit.org/274313.255@webkitglib/2.44

Compare: https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/compare/03f678fac707...5a640a0d42a1

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