[webkit-changes] [WebKit/WebKit] 62e3e1: build.webkit.org bots should upload archives direc...

Brianna Fan noreply at github.com
Thu Mar 21 16:00:43 PDT 2024

  Branch: refs/heads/main
  Home:   https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit
  Commit: 62e3e1d1b472669a287ee124839475ad4fe07cbd
  Author: Brianna Fan <bfan2 at apple.com>
  Date:   2024-03-21 (Thu, 21 Mar 2024)

  Changed paths:
    M Tools/CISupport/Shared/generate-s3-url
    M Tools/CISupport/build-webkit-org/factories.py
    M Tools/CISupport/build-webkit-org/factories_unittest.py
    M Tools/CISupport/build-webkit-org/steps.py

  Log Message:
  build.webkit.org bots should upload archives directly to S3

Reviewed by Aakash Jain and Jonathan Bedard.

Use GenerateS3URL and UploadFileToS3 in CompileWebKit to upload archives to S3.

* Tools/CISupport/Shared/generate-s3-url:
(main): Adds --minified argument and corresponding bucket.

* Tools/CISupport/build-webkit-org/steps.py:
(ConfigureBuild.start): Adds triggers as a build property so it can be accessed in CompileWebKit.
(DownloadBuiltProduct.run): Allows downloading from master on test instances.

* Tools/CISupport/build-webkit-org/factories.py:
(Factory.__init__): Adds triggers argument.
(BuildFactory.__init__): Removes archive, upload, and transfer steps. These are added in CompileWebKit.
Also adds triggers argument so that it can be set as a property.

* Tools/CISupport/build-webkit-org/factories_unittest.py:

Canonical link: https://commits.webkit.org/276500@main

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