[webkit-changes] [WebKit/WebKit] 2ea184: [Screen Time Refactoring] Currently blocked web co...

Jessica Cheung noreply at github.com
Tue Dec 17 12:32:50 PST 2024

  Branch: refs/heads/main
  Home:   https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit
  Commit: 2ea18446ee3b5b205d2d5abc6490fd314c4cc1f8
  Author: Jessica Cheung <jcheung23 at apple.com>
  Date:   2024-12-17 (Tue, 17 Dec 2024)

  Changed paths:
    M Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Cocoa/PageClientImplCocoa.h
    M Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Cocoa/PageClientImplCocoa.mm
    M Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Cocoa/WebPageProxyCocoa.mm
    M Source/WebKit/UIProcess/PageClient.h
    M Source/WebKit/UIProcess/ios/PageClientImplIOS.mm
    M Source/WebKit/UIProcess/mac/PageClientImplMac.mm

  Log Message:
  [Screen Time Refactoring] Currently blocked web content briefly visible when navigating away

Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh.

Currently, switching from blocked URL to unblocked URL will show web content
of blocked URL. This is due to the URL being changed and processed, thus hiding the blocking
view before the new web content has been displayed.
To address this issue, we will now update the ScreenTimeWebpageController's
URL only after a webpage has updated display.

* Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Cocoa/PageClientImplCocoa.h:
* Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Cocoa/PageClientImplCocoa.mm:
* Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Cocoa/WebPageProxyCocoa.mm:
* Source/WebKit/UIProcess/PageClient.h:
* Source/WebKit/UIProcess/ios/PageClientImplIOS.mm:
* Source/WebKit/UIProcess/mac/PageClientImplMac.mm:

Canonical link: https://commits.webkit.org/287961@main

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