[webkit-changes] [WebKit/WebKit] 586340: [WPE] Meta gardening API tests for bots: API tests...

Amanda Falke noreply at github.com
Wed Aug 23 06:05:50 PDT 2023

  Branch: refs/heads/main
  Home:   https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit
  Commit: 586340916fef21ba828f1d214e3400a75c9c760a
  Author: Amanda Falke <afalke at igalia.com>
  Date:   2023-08-23 (Wed, 23 Aug 2023)

  Changed paths:
    M Tools/TestWebKitAPI/glib/TestExpectations.json

  Log Message:
  [WPE] Meta gardening API tests for bots: API tests cache, zoom-level

Unreviewed test gardening.

/webkit/WebKitWebsiteData/cache has been failing in debug and release bots,
crashing and failing locally in debug tests, and passing locally in
release tests consistently over time. Gardened and filed bug b/260524
with details and initial findings.

/webkit/WebKitWebView/zoom-level fails in debug and release bots, and
locally for both debug and release tests. Gardened and filed bug
b/260535 with details and initial findings.

* Tools/TestWebKitAPI/glib/TestExpectations.json:

Canonical link: https://commits.webkit.org/267182@main

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