[webkit-changes] cvs commit: WebKit/WebCoreSupport.subproj
bdakin at opensource.apple.com
Tue Jan 3 18:01:42 PST 2006
bdakin 06/01/03 18:01:42
Modified: . ChangeLog
WebCoreSupport.subproj WebTextRenderer.m
Bug #:
Bug #:
Revision Changes Path
1.3441 +19 -0 WebKit/ChangeLog
Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvs/root/WebKit/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.3440
retrieving revision 1.3441
diff -u -r1.3440 -r1.3441
--- ChangeLog 4 Jan 2006 01:02:45 -0000 1.3440
+++ ChangeLog 4 Jan 2006 02:01:35 -0000 1.3441
@@ -1,3 +1,22 @@
+2006-01-03 Darin Adler <darin at apple.com>
+ Reviewed by Beth.
+ This is a fix for <rdar://problem/3710994> HiDPI: Link underlines are
+ still one pixel high even if the UI resolution is > 100%
+ This fix refactors -drawLineForCharacters to make its organization
+ more logical. It changes behavior when printing to the screen by
+ rounding the parameters of the line (x- and y-values, width, and
+ thickness) to integer boundaries in device space. Previously,
+ this part of the routine just hardcoded a 1 pixel line.
+ * WebCoreSupport.subproj/WebTextRenderer.m:
+ (drawHorizontalLine): This just takes care of drawing the line once everything
+ has been calculated in -drawLineForCharacters
+ (-[WebTextRenderer drawLineForCharacters:yOffset:width:color:thickness:]):
+ Now takes device space into account. Calls drawHorizontalLine
2006-01-03 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs at apple.com>
Reviewed by Vicki.
1.214 +56 -31 WebKit/WebCoreSupport.subproj/WebTextRenderer.m
Index: WebTextRenderer.m
RCS file: /cvs/root/WebKit/WebCoreSupport.subproj/WebTextRenderer.m,v
retrieving revision 1.213
retrieving revision 1.214
diff -u -r1.213 -r1.214
--- WebTextRenderer.m 30 Dec 2005 22:17:09 -0000 1.213
+++ WebTextRenderer.m 4 Jan 2006 02:01:42 -0000 1.214
@@ -515,49 +515,74 @@
return CG_floatWidthForRun(self, run, style, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-- (void)drawLineForCharacters:(NSPoint)point yOffset:(float)yOffset width:(int)width color:(NSColor *)color thickness:(float)thickness
+static void drawHorizontalLine(float x, float y, float width, NSColor *color, float thickness, bool shouldAntialias)
NSGraphicsContext *graphicsContext = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext];
+ CGContextRef cgContext = (CGContextRef)[graphicsContext graphicsPort];
- bool flag = [graphicsContext shouldAntialias];
+ CGContextSaveGState(cgContext);
- // We don't want antialiased lines on screen, but we do when printing (else they are too thick).
- if ([graphicsContext isDrawingToScreen]) {
- [graphicsContext setShouldAntialias:NO];
- }
[color set];
+ CGContextSetLineWidth(cgContext, thickness);
+ CGContextSetShouldAntialias(cgContext, shouldAntialias);
+ float halfThickness = thickness / 2;
+ CGPoint linePoints[2];
+ linePoints[0].x = x + halfThickness;
+ linePoints[0].y = y + halfThickness;
+ linePoints[1].x = x + width - halfThickness;
+ linePoints[1].y = y + halfThickness;
+ CGContextStrokeLineSegments(cgContext, linePoints, 2);
+ CGContextRestoreGState(cgContext);
+- (void)drawLineForCharacters:(NSPoint)point yOffset:(float)yOffset width:(int)width color:(NSColor *)color thickness:(float)thickness
+ // Note: This function assumes that point.x and point.y are integers (and that's currently always the case).
+ NSGraphicsContext *graphicsContext = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext];
CGContextRef cgContext = (CGContextRef)[graphicsContext graphicsPort];
- // Hack to make thickness 2 underlines for international text input look right
- if (thickness > 1.5F && thickness < 2.5F) {
- yOffset += .5F;
- }
+ bool printing = ![graphicsContext isDrawingToScreen];
- if (thickness == 0.0F) {
- if ([graphicsContext isDrawingToScreen]) {
- CGSize size = CGSizeApplyAffineTransform(CGSizeMake(1.0F, 1.0F), CGAffineTransformInvert(CGContextGetCTM(cgContext)));
- CGContextSetLineWidth(cgContext, size.width);
- } else {
- // See bugzilla bug 4255 for details of why we do this when printing
- CGContextSetLineWidth(cgContext, 0.5F);
- }
+ float x = point.x;
+ float y = point.y + yOffset;
+ // Leave 1.0 in user space between the baseline of the text and the top of the underline.
+ // FIXME: Is this the right distance for space above the underline? Even for thick underlines on large sized text?
+ y += 1;
+ if (printing) {
+ // When printing, use a minimum thickness of 0.5 in user space.
+ // See bugzilla bug 4255 for details of why 0.5 is the right minimum thickness to use while printing.
+ if (thickness < 0.5)
+ thickness = 0.5;
+ // When printing, use antialiasing instead of putting things on integral pixel boundaries.
} else {
- CGContextSetLineWidth(cgContext, thickness);
+ // On screen, use a minimum thickness of 1.0 in user space (later rounded to an integral number in device space).
+ if (thickness < 1)
+ thickness = 1;
+ // On screen, round all parameters to integer boundaries in device space.
+ CGRect lineRect = CGContextConvertRectToDeviceSpace(cgContext, CGRectMake(x, y, width, thickness));
+ lineRect.origin.x = roundf(lineRect.origin.x);
+ lineRect.origin.y = roundf(lineRect.origin.y);
+ lineRect.size.width = roundf(lineRect.size.width);
+ lineRect.size.height = roundf(lineRect.size.height);
+ if (lineRect.size.height == 0) // don't let thickness round down to 0 pixels
+ lineRect.size.height = 1;
+ lineRect = CGContextConvertRectToUserSpace(cgContext, lineRect);
+ x = lineRect.origin.x;
+ y = lineRect.origin.y;
+ width = lineRect.size.width;
+ thickness = lineRect.size.height;
- // Use CGContextStrokeLineSegments.
- // With Q2DX turned on CGContextStrokeLineSegments sometimes fails to draw lines. See 3952084.
- // Tiger shipped with Q2DX disabled, tho, so we can use CGContextStrokeLineSegments.
- CGPoint linePoints[2];
- linePoints[0].x = point.x;
- linePoints[0].y = point.y + 1.5F + yOffset;
- linePoints[1].x = point.x - 1.0F + width;
- linePoints[1].y = linePoints[0].y;
- CGContextStrokeLineSegments(cgContext, linePoints, 2);
- [graphicsContext setShouldAntialias: flag];
+ // FIXME: How about using a rectangle fill instead of drawing a line?
+ drawHorizontalLine(x, y, width, color, thickness, printing);
- (NSRect)selectionRectForRun:(const WebCoreTextRun *)run style:(const WebCoreTextStyle *)style geometry:(const WebCoreTextGeometry *)geometry
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