[webkit-changes] cvs commit: WebCore/kwq DOM.mm

Eric eseidel at opensource.apple.com
Thu Nov 3 02:28:55 PST 2005

eseidel     05/11/03 02:28:52

  Modified:    .        Tag: kdom-dom-merger WebCorePrefix.h
               ForwardingHeaders/ksvg2 Tag: kdom-dom-merger KSVGPart.h
               WebCore+SVG Tag: kdom-dom-merger DrawCanvasItem.mm
                        DrawDocument.mm xml_kdomtokenizer.cpp
               WebCore.xcodeproj Tag: kdom-dom-merger project.pbxproj
               kcanvas  Tag: kdom-dom-merger KCanvasTreeDebug.cpp
               khtml    Tag: kdom-dom-merger khtml_part.h
               khtml/css Tag: kdom-dom-merger css_valueimpl.h
               khtml/ecma Tag: kdom-dom-merger domparser.cpp kjs_dom.cpp
               khtml/html Tag: kdom-dom-merger html_documentimpl.cpp
               khtml/rendering Tag: kdom-dom-merger render_style.cpp
               khtml/xml Tag: kdom-dom-merger EventNames.h dom_docimpl.cpp
                        dom_docimpl.h dom_elementimpl.cpp dom_elementimpl.h
                        dom_nodeimpl.h dom_stringimpl.cpp dom_stringimpl.h
               khtml/xsl Tag: kdom-dom-merger xslt_processorimpl.cpp
               ksvg2/css Tag: kdom-dom-merger SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp
                        SVGRenderStyle.cpp SVGRenderStyle.h
               ksvg2/ecma Tag: kdom-dom-merger Ecma.cpp
               ksvg2/events Tag: kdom-dom-merger SVGZoomEventImpl.cpp
               ksvg2/misc Tag: kdom-dom-merger KCanvasRenderingStyle.cpp
               ksvg2/svg Tag: kdom-dom-merger SVGAElementImpl.cpp
                        SVGAElementImpl.h SVGAngleImpl.cpp
                        SVGAnimateElementImpl.cpp SVGAnimateElementImpl.h
                        SVGAnimatedStringImpl.cpp SVGAnimatedStringImpl.h
                        SVGAnimationElementImpl.h SVGCircleElementImpl.cpp
                        SVGCircleElementImpl.h SVGClipPathElementImpl.cpp
                        SVGClipPathElementImpl.h SVGColorImpl.cpp
                        SVGCursorElementImpl.cpp SVGCursorElementImpl.h
                        SVGDOMImplementationImpl.h SVGDefsElementImpl.cpp
                        SVGDefsElementImpl.h SVGDescElementImpl.cpp
                        SVGDescElementImpl.h SVGDocumentImpl.cpp
                        SVGDocumentImpl.h SVGElementImpl.cpp
                        SVGElementImpl.h SVGEllipseElementImpl.cpp
                        SVGFEBlendElementImpl.cpp SVGFEBlendElementImpl.h
                        SVGFEFloodElementImpl.cpp SVGFEFloodElementImpl.h
                        SVGFEFuncAElementImpl.cpp SVGFEFuncAElementImpl.h
                        SVGFEFuncBElementImpl.cpp SVGFEFuncBElementImpl.h
                        SVGFEFuncGElementImpl.cpp SVGFEFuncGElementImpl.h
                        SVGFEFuncRElementImpl.cpp SVGFEFuncRElementImpl.h
                        SVGFEImageElementImpl.cpp SVGFEImageElementImpl.h
                        SVGFEMergeElementImpl.cpp SVGFEMergeElementImpl.h
                        SVGFEOffsetElementImpl.cpp SVGFEOffsetElementImpl.h
                        SVGFETileElementImpl.cpp SVGFETileElementImpl.h
                        SVGFilterElementImpl.cpp SVGFilterElementImpl.h
                        SVGFitToViewBoxImpl.cpp SVGGElementImpl.cpp
                        SVGGElementImpl.h SVGGradientElementImpl.cpp
                        SVGGradientElementImpl.h SVGHelper.cpp
                        SVGImageElementImpl.cpp SVGImageElementImpl.h
                        SVGLangSpaceImpl.cpp SVGLangSpaceImpl.h
                        SVGLengthImpl.cpp SVGLengthListImpl.cpp
                        SVGLineElementImpl.cpp SVGLineElementImpl.h
                        SVGLinearGradientElementImpl.h SVGLocatableImpl.cpp
                        SVGMarkerElementImpl.cpp SVGMarkerElementImpl.h
                        SVGPaintImpl.cpp SVGPaintImpl.h
                        SVGPathElementImpl.cpp SVGPathElementImpl.h
                        SVGPatternElementImpl.cpp SVGPatternElementImpl.h
                        SVGPolyElementImpl.cpp SVGPolyElementImpl.h
                        SVGPolygonElementImpl.cpp SVGPolygonElementImpl.h
                        SVGPolylineElementImpl.cpp SVGPolylineElementImpl.h
                        SVGRectElementImpl.cpp SVGRectElementImpl.h
                        SVGSVGElementImpl.cpp SVGSVGElementImpl.h
                        SVGScriptElementImpl.cpp SVGScriptElementImpl.h
                        SVGSetElementImpl.cpp SVGSetElementImpl.h
                        SVGStopElementImpl.cpp SVGStopElementImpl.h
                        SVGStylableImpl.h SVGStyleElementImpl.cpp
                        SVGStyleElementImpl.h SVGStyledElementImpl.cpp
                        SVGStyledElementImpl.h SVGSwitchElementImpl.cpp
                        SVGSwitchElementImpl.h SVGSymbolElementImpl.cpp
                        SVGSymbolElementImpl.h SVGTSpanElementImpl.cpp
                        SVGTSpanElementImpl.h SVGTestsImpl.cpp
                        SVGTextContentElementImpl.h SVGTextElementImpl.cpp
                        SVGTitleElementImpl.cpp SVGTitleElementImpl.h
                        SVGTransformImpl.cpp SVGTransformableImpl.cpp
                        SVGURIReferenceImpl.cpp SVGURIReferenceImpl.h
                        SVGUseElementImpl.cpp SVGUseElementImpl.h
                        SVGViewElementImpl.cpp SVGViewElementImpl.h
               kwq      Tag: kdom-dom-merger DOM.mm
  Added:       ForwardingHeaders kdomcssproperties.h kdomcssvalues.h
               ForwardingHeaders/kdom DOMString.h Helper.h KDOMPart.h
                        KDOMSettings.h KDOMView.h Namespace.h Shared.h
               ForwardingHeaders/kdom/cache KDOMCachedDocument.h
                        KDOMCachedImage.h KDOMCachedObject.h
                        KDOMCachedObjectClient.h KDOMCachedScript.h
               ForwardingHeaders/kdom/css CSSMediaRuleImpl.h
                        CSSPrimitiveValueImpl.h CSSRuleImpl.h
                        CSSRuleListImpl.h CSSStyleDeclarationImpl.h
                        CSSStyleRuleImpl.h CSSStyleSelector.h
                        CSSStyleSheetImpl.h CSSValueImpl.h
                        CSSValueListImpl.h KDOMCSSParser.h MediaListImpl.h
                        RGBColorImpl.h RenderStyle.h StyleSheetListImpl.h
               ForwardingHeaders/kdom/ecma GlobalObject.h
               ForwardingHeaders/kdom/events DocumentEventImpl.h
                        EventImpl.h EventListenerImpl.h EventTargetImpl.h
                        KeyboardEventImpl.h MouseEventImpl.h UIEventImpl.h
               ForwardingHeaders/kdom/parser KDOMDocumentBuilder.h
               ForwardingHeaders/ksvg2/svg svgtags.h
               WebCore+SVG DOMList.h KDOMHeaders.h KDOMSettings.cpp
                        KDOMSettings.h KDOMStubClasses.h Namespace.h
                        RGBColorImpl.cpp RGBColorImpl.h SVGNames.cpp
                        SVGNames.h kdom.h kdomcss.h kdomevents.h kdomls.h
                        kdomrange.h kdomtraversal.h kdomxpath.h
               ksvg2/svg SVGElementFactory.cpp SVGElementFactory.h
                        SVGNames.cpp SVGNames.h
  Removed:     WebCore+SVG xml_kdomtokenizer.h
               kdom     AUTHORS DOMString.cpp DOMString.h Helper.cpp
                        Helper.h KDOMPart.cpp KDOMPart.h KDOMSettings.cpp
                        KDOMSettings.h KDOMView.cpp KDOMView.h NOTES
                        Namespace.h Shared.cpp Shared.h SharedPtr.h
                        TreeShared.h kdom.h
               kdom/backends/libxml LibXMLParser.cpp LibXMLParser.h
               kdom/cache IconData.h ImageSource.cpp ImageSource.h
                        KDOMCache.cpp KDOMCache.h KDOMCacheHelper.h
                        KDOMCachedDocument.cpp KDOMCachedDocument.h
                        KDOMCachedImage.cpp KDOMCachedImage.h
                        KDOMCachedImage.moc KDOMCachedObject.cpp
                        KDOMCachedObject.h KDOMCachedObjectClient.h
                        KDOMCachedScript.cpp KDOMCachedScript.h
                        KDOMCachedStyleSheet.cpp KDOMCachedStyleSheet.h
                        KDOMLoader.cpp KDOMLoader.h KDOMLoader.moc
               kdom/core AttrImpl.cpp AttrImpl.h CDATASectionImpl.cpp
                        CDATASectionImpl.h CDFInterface.cpp CDFInterface.h
                        CharacterDataImpl.cpp CharacterDataImpl.h
                        CommentImpl.cpp CommentImpl.h
                        DOMConfigurationImpl.cpp DOMConfigurationImpl.h
                        DOMErrorHandlerImpl.cpp DOMErrorHandlerImpl.h
                        DOMErrorImpl.cpp DOMErrorImpl.h
                        DOMExceptionImpl.cpp DOMExceptionImpl.h
                        DOMImplementationImpl.cpp DOMImplementationImpl.h
                        DOMList.h DOMLocatorImpl.cpp DOMLocatorImpl.h
                        DOMObjectImpl.cpp DOMObjectImpl.h DOMStringImpl.cpp
                        DOMStringImpl.h DOMStringListImpl.cpp
                        DOMStringListImpl.h DOMUserDataImpl.cpp
                        DOMUserDataImpl.h DocumentFragmentImpl.cpp
                        DocumentFragmentImpl.h DocumentImpl.cpp
                        DocumentImpl.h DocumentTypeImpl.cpp
                        DocumentTypeImpl.h ElementImpl.cpp ElementImpl.h
                        EntityImpl.cpp EntityImpl.h EntityReferenceImpl.cpp
                        EntityReferenceImpl.h NamedAttrMapImpl.cpp
                        NamedAttrMapImpl.h NamedNodeMapImpl.cpp
                        NamedNodeMapImpl.h NodeImpl.cpp NodeImpl.h
                        NodeListImpl.cpp NodeListImpl.h NotationImpl.cpp
                        NotationImpl.h ProcessingInstructionImpl.cpp
                        ProcessingInstructionImpl.h TagNodeListImpl.cpp
                        TagNodeListImpl.h TextImpl.cpp TextImpl.h
                        TypeInfoImpl.cpp TypeInfoImpl.h XMLElementImpl.cpp
                        XMLElementImpl.h domattrs.c domattrs.h domattrs.in
               kdom/css CSSCharsetRuleImpl.cpp CSSCharsetRuleImpl.h
                        CSSFontFaceRuleImpl.cpp CSSFontFaceRuleImpl.h
                        CSSHelper.h CSSImageValueImpl.cpp
                        CSSImageValueImpl.h CSSImportRuleImpl.cpp
                        CSSImportRuleImpl.h CSSMediaRuleImpl.cpp
                        CSSMediaRuleImpl.h CSSPageRuleImpl.cpp
                        CSSPageRuleImpl.h CSSPrimitiveValueImpl.cpp
                        CSSPrimitiveValueImpl.h CSSRuleImpl.cpp
                        CSSRuleImpl.h CSSRuleListImpl.cpp CSSRuleListImpl.h
                        CSSStyleDeclarationImpl.h CSSStyleRuleImpl.cpp
                        CSSStyleRuleImpl.h CSSStyleSelector.cpp
                        CSSStyleSelector.h CSSStyleSheetImpl.cpp
                        CSSStyleSheetImpl.h CSSUnknownRuleImpl.cpp
                        CSSUnknownRuleImpl.h CSSValueImpl.cpp
                        CSSValueImpl.h CSSValueListImpl.cpp
                        CSSValueListImpl.h CounterImpl.cpp CounterImpl.h
                        DocumentCSSImpl.cpp DocumentCSSImpl.h
                        DocumentStyleImpl.cpp DocumentStyleImpl.h Font.cpp
                        Font.h KDOMCSSParser.cpp KDOMCSSParser.h
                        LinkStyleImpl.cpp LinkStyleImpl.h MediaListImpl.cpp
                        MediaListImpl.h RGBColorImpl.cpp RGBColorImpl.h
                        RectImpl.cpp RectImpl.h RenderStyle.cpp
                        RenderStyle.h RenderStyleDefs.cpp RenderStyleDefs.h
                        StyleBaseImpl.cpp StyleBaseImpl.h
                        StyleSheetImpl.cpp StyleSheetImpl.h
                        StyleSheetListImpl.cpp StyleSheetListImpl.h
                        cssproperties.in cssvalues.in kdomcss.h
                        kdomparsercss.y tokenizer.cpp
               kdom/ecma DOMBridge.h DOMLookup.h Ecma.cpp Ecma.h
                        GlobalObject.cpp GlobalObject.h GlobalObject.moc
                        Helper.cpp ScriptInterpreter.cpp
               kdom/events DocumentEventImpl.cpp DocumentEventImpl.h
                        EventExceptionImpl.cpp EventExceptionImpl.h
                        EventImpl.cpp EventImpl.h EventListenerImpl.cpp
                        EventListenerImpl.h EventTargetImpl.cpp
                        EventTargetImpl.h KeyboardEventImpl.cpp
                        KeyboardEventImpl.h MouseEventImpl.cpp
                        MouseEventImpl.h MutationEventImpl.cpp
                        MutationEventImpl.h RegisteredEventListener.cpp
                        RegisteredEventListener.h UIEventImpl.cpp
                        UIEventImpl.h kdomevents.h
               kdom/parser KDOMDataSlave.moc KDOMDocumentBuilder.cpp
                        KDOMDocumentBuilder.h KDOMParser.cpp KDOMParser.h
               kdom/range DocumentRangeImpl.cpp DocumentRangeImpl.h
                        RangeExceptionImpl.cpp RangeExceptionImpl.h
                        RangeImpl.cpp RangeImpl.h kdomrange.h
               kdom/traversal DocumentTraversalImpl.cpp
                        DocumentTraversalImpl.h NodeFilterImpl.cpp
                        NodeFilterImpl.h NodeIteratorImpl.cpp
                        NodeIteratorImpl.h TraversalImpl.cpp
                        TraversalImpl.h TreeWalkerImpl.cpp TreeWalkerImpl.h
               kdom/views AbstractViewImpl.cpp AbstractViewImpl.h
                        DocumentViewImpl.cpp DocumentViewImpl.h
               kdom/xpath XPathEvaluatorImpl.cpp XPathEvaluatorImpl.h
                        XPathExceptionImpl.cpp XPathExceptionImpl.h
                        XPathExpressionImpl.cpp XPathExpressionImpl.h
                        XPathNSResolverImpl.cpp XPathNSResolverImpl.h
                        XPathNamespaceImpl.cpp XPathNamespaceImpl.h
                        XPathResultImpl.cpp XPathResultImpl.h kdomxpath.h
               kdom/xpath/impl expression.cpp expression.h functions.cpp
                        functions.h parsedstatement.cpp parsedstatement.h
                        path.cpp path.h predicate.cpp predicate.h step.cpp
                        step.h tokenizer.cpp tokenizer.h util.cpp util.h
                        variablereference.cpp variablereference.h xpath.y
               kdom/xpointer ElementSchemeImpl.cpp ElementSchemeImpl.h
                        NBCImpl.cpp NBCImpl.h PointerPartImpl.cpp
                        PointerPartImpl.h ShortHandImpl.cpp ShortHandImpl.h
                        XMLNSSchemeImpl.cpp XMLNSSchemeImpl.h
                        XPath1SchemeImpl.cpp XPath1SchemeImpl.h
                        XPointerEvaluatorImpl.cpp XPointerEvaluatorImpl.h
                        XPointerExceptionImpl.cpp XPointerExceptionImpl.h
                        XPointerExpressionImpl.cpp XPointerExpressionImpl.h
                        XPointerHelper.cpp XPointerHelper.h
                        XPointerResultImpl.cpp XPointerResultImpl.h
                        XPointerSchemeImpl.cpp XPointerSchemeImpl.h
               ksvg2    KWQKSVGPart.h KWQKSVGPart.mm KWQKSVGView.h
               ksvg2/events SVGEventImpl.cpp SVGEventImpl.h ksvgevents.h
               ksvg2/misc KSVGDocumentBuilder.cpp KSVGDocumentBuilder.h
               ksvg2/svg SVGExceptionImpl.cpp SVGExceptionImpl.h svgattrs.c
                        svgattrs.h svgtags.c svgtags.h
  Bug #: 3249
  Submitted by: eseidel
  Reviewed by: none, intermediate branch only.
  first steps in KDOM -> DOM merger.
  Integration issues:
  - Headers (temporarily every kdom header maps to all webcore headers)
  - Namespace mapping (KDOM -> DOM, khtml)
  - Various KDOM stub classes (temporary)
  - Various DOMStringImpl -> DOMString changes
  - DOMString::string() -> DOMString::qstring()
  - DOMString::handle() -> DOMString::impl()
  - DocumentImpl, DocumentType  ::impl() -> ::implentation()
  - Moving NodeImpl::Id to QualifiedString/AtomicString
  - SVGNames.*, SVGElementFactory.* (and perl script to generate them)
  - EventImpl::id() -> type() with AtomicString, removal of SVGEventImpl
  - Adding svg document and event creation in xml_docimpl.h
  - Cleanup event dispatch, in SVGDocumentImpl, using SharedPtr
  - exceptioncode additions, for appendNode, createEvent, dispatchEvent, etc.
  - Mapped KSVGPart, KDOMPart, KSVGView, KDOMView to KHTMLPart, KHTMLView
  - Removed all throw calls, replacing with exceptioncode parameters
  - SVGElement derives from StyledElementImpl for now.
  - Removed CDFInterface (for now)
  - DocumentBuilder vs. Tokenizer
  - Merger of the Ecma systems
  - CSS Parsing systems
  - Event dispatch/Listening issues
  - Merge KSVGView properties into KHTMLView
  - requestDocument & CachedDocument vs. requestFrame and CachedObject...
  Revision  Changes    Path
  No                   revision
  No                   revision  +6 -0      WebCore/WebCorePrefix.h
  Index: WebCorePrefix.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/WebCorePrefix.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.16
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.16 -r1.16.4.1
  --- WebCorePrefix.h	3 Oct 2005 21:12:00 -0000	1.16
  +++ WebCorePrefix.h	3 Nov 2005 10:27:05 -0000
  @@ -72,3 +72,9 @@
   #define new ("if you use new/delete make sure to include config.h at the top of the file"()) 
   #define delete ("if you use new/delete make sure to include config.h at the top of the file"()) 
  +#define KDOM DOM
  +#define KSVGView KHTMLView
  +#define KDOMView KHTMLView
  +#define KDOMPart KHTMLPart
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdomcssproperties.h
  Index: kdomcssproperties.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdomcssvalues.h
  Index: kdomcssvalues.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/DOMString.h
  Index: DOMString.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/Helper.h
  Index: Helper.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/KDOMPart.h
  Index: KDOMPart.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/KDOMSettings.h
  Index: KDOMSettings.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/KDOMView.h
  Index: KDOMView.h
  #include "WebCore+SVG/KDOMView.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/Namespace.h
  Index: Namespace.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/Shared.h
  Index: Shared.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/kdom.h
  Index: kdom.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/cache/KDOMCachedDocument.h
  Index: KDOMCachedDocument.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/cache/KDOMCachedImage.h
  Index: KDOMCachedImage.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/cache/KDOMCachedObject.h
  Index: KDOMCachedObject.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/cache/KDOMCachedObjectClient.h
  Index: KDOMCachedObjectClient.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/cache/KDOMCachedScript.h
  Index: KDOMCachedScript.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/cache/KDOMLoader.h
  Index: KDOMLoader.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/css/CSSMediaRuleImpl.h
  Index: CSSMediaRuleImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/css/CSSPrimitiveValueImpl.h
  Index: CSSPrimitiveValueImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/css/CSSRuleImpl.h
  Index: CSSRuleImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/css/CSSRuleListImpl.h
  Index: CSSRuleListImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/css/CSSStyleDeclarationImpl.h
  Index: CSSStyleDeclarationImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/css/CSSStyleRuleImpl.h
  Index: CSSStyleRuleImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/css/CSSStyleSelector.h
  Index: CSSStyleSelector.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/css/CSSStyleSheetImpl.h
  Index: CSSStyleSheetImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/css/CSSValueImpl.h
  Index: CSSValueImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/css/CSSValueListImpl.h
  Index: CSSValueListImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/css/KDOMCSSParser.h
  Index: KDOMCSSParser.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/css/MediaListImpl.h
  Index: MediaListImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/css/RGBColorImpl.h
  Index: RGBColorImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/css/RenderStyle.h
  Index: RenderStyle.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/css/StyleSheetListImpl.h
  Index: StyleSheetListImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/ecma/GlobalObject.h
  Index: GlobalObject.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/events/DocumentEventImpl.h
  Index: DocumentEventImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/events/EventImpl.h
  Index: EventImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/events/EventListenerImpl.h
  Index: EventListenerImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/events/EventTargetImpl.h
  Index: EventTargetImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/events/KeyboardEventImpl.h
  Index: KeyboardEventImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/events/MouseEventImpl.h
  Index: MouseEventImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/events/UIEventImpl.h
  Index: UIEventImpl.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/events/kdomevents.h
  Index: kdomevents.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/parser/KDOMDocumentBuilder.h
  Index: KDOMDocumentBuilder.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/kdom/parser/KDOMParser.h
  Index: KDOMParser.h
  #include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  No                   revision
  No                   revision   +1 -1      WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/ksvg2/KSVGPart.h
  Index: KSVGPart.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/ksvg2/KSVGPart.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.1.4.1
  --- KSVGPart.h	9 Jul 2005 06:53:10 -0000	1.1
  +++ KSVGPart.h	3 Nov 2005 10:27:15 -0000
  @@ -1 +1 @@
  -#include <KWQKSVGPart.h>
  +#include "KDOMHeaders.h"
    +1 -1      WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/ksvg2/KSVGView.h
  Index: KSVGView.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/ksvg2/KSVGView.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.1.4.1
  --- KSVGView.h	9 Jul 2005 06:53:10 -0000	1.1
  +++ KSVGView.h	3 Nov 2005 10:27:15 -0000
  @@ -1 +1 @@
  -#include <KWQKSVGView.h>
  +#include "KDOMHeaders.h"
  1.1                  WebCore/ForwardingHeaders/ksvg2/svg/svgtags.h
  Index: svgtags.h
  #include "SVGNames.h"
  No                   revision
  No                   revision   +39 -56    SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/DrawCanvasItem.mm
  Index: DrawCanvasItem.mm
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/DrawCanvasItem.mm,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- DrawCanvasItem.mm	11 Oct 2005 09:11:48 -0000	1.6
  +++ DrawCanvasItem.mm	3 Nov 2005 10:27:16 -0000
  @@ -31,8 +31,6 @@
   #import <qapplication.h>
  -#define id ID_HACK
   #import <kdom/Namespace.h>
   #import <kdom/Helper.h>
   #import <kdom/DOMString.h>
  @@ -42,11 +40,10 @@
   #import <ksvg2/svg/SVGRectElementImpl.h>
   #import <ksvg2/svg/SVGPathElementImpl.h>
  -#undef id
   #import "KWQTextStream.h"
  -using namespace KDOM;
  +using namespace DOM;
  +using namespace KSVG;
   @interface DrawCanvasItemPrivate : NSObject {
  @@ -108,19 +105,18 @@
   // see note in header.
   - (NSPoint)dragAnchorPointForControlPointIndex:(int)controlPointIndex
  -    KDOM::NodeImpl *node = (KDOM::NodeImpl *)_private->item->userData();
  -    int localId = node->localId();
  +    //KDOM::NodeImpl *node = (KDOM::NodeImpl *)_private->item->userData();
       NSPoint dragAnchorPoint;
  -    switch (localId) {
  -	case ID_PATH:
  -            //KSVG::SVGPathElementImpl *path = (KSVG::SVGPathElementImpl *)node;
  -	default:
  +//    switch (localId) {
  +//	case ID_PATH:
  +//            //KSVG::SVGPathElementImpl *path = (KSVG::SVGPathElementImpl *)node;
  +//	default:
               // if we have no special knob list, grab the default
               dragAnchorPoint = [DrawCanvasItem dragAnchorPointForControlPointIndex:controlPointIndex
                                                               fromRectControlPoints:[self controlPoints]];
  -    }
  +    //}
       return dragAnchorPoint;
  @@ -138,17 +134,16 @@
   // see note in header.
   - (NSArray *)controlPoints
  -    KDOM::NodeImpl *node = (KDOM::NodeImpl *)_private->item->userData();
  -    int localId = node->localId();
  +    //KDOM::NodeImpl *node = (KDOM::NodeImpl *)_private->item->userData();
       NSArray *controlPoints = nil;
  -    switch (localId) {
  -        case ID_PATH:
  -            //KSVG::SVGPathElementImpl *path = (KSVG::SVGPathElementImpl *)node;
  -        default:
  +//    switch (localId) {
  +//        case ID_PATH:
  +//            //KSVG::SVGPathElementImpl *path = (KSVG::SVGPathElementImpl *)node;
  +//        default:
               // if we have no special knob list, grab the default
               controlPoints = [DrawCanvasItem controlPointsForRect:[self boundingBox]];
  -    }
  +    //}
       return controlPoints;
  @@ -159,30 +154,22 @@
       //NSLog(@"Fitting canvasItem: %p from: %@ into new bbox: %@",
       //	self, NSStringFromRect([self boundingBox]), NSStringFromRect(newRect));
       KDOM::NodeImpl *node = (KDOM::NodeImpl *)_private->item->userData();
  -    int localId = node->localId();
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *svgNamespace = KDOM::NS_SVG.handle();
  -    switch (localId) {
  -	case ID_ELLIPSE:
  -	{
  -            KSVG::SVGEllipseElementImpl *ellipse = (KSVG::SVGEllipseElementImpl *)node;
  -            ellipse->setAttributeNS(svgNamespace, DOMString("cx").handle(), DOMString(QString::number(newRect.origin.x + newRect.size.width/2.f)).handle());
  -            ellipse->setAttributeNS(svgNamespace, DOMString("cy").handle(), DOMString(QString::number(newRect.origin.y + newRect.size.height/2.f)).handle());
  -            ellipse->setAttributeNS(svgNamespace, DOMString("rx").handle(), DOMString(QString::number(newRect.size.width/2.f)).handle());
  -            ellipse->setAttributeNS(svgNamespace, DOMString("ry").handle(), DOMString(QString::number(newRect.size.height/2.f)).handle());
  -            break;
  -	}
  -	case ID_RECT:
  -	{
  -            KSVG::SVGRectElementImpl *rect = (KSVG::SVGRectElementImpl *)node;
  -            rect->setAttributeNS(svgNamespace, DOMString("x").handle(), DOMString(QString::number(newRect.origin.x)).handle());
  -            rect->setAttributeNS(svgNamespace, DOMString("y").handle(), DOMString(QString::number(newRect.origin.y)).handle());
  -            rect->setAttributeNS(svgNamespace, DOMString("width").handle(), DOMString(QString::number(newRect.size.width - 1)).handle());
  -            rect->setAttributeNS(svgNamespace, DOMString("height").handle(), DOMString(QString::number(newRect.size.height - 1)).handle());
  -            break;
  -	}
  -	default:
  -            NSLog(@"Id not handled: %i", localId);
  +    int exceptionCode;
  +    if (node->hasTagName(SVGNames::ellipseTag)) {
  +        KSVG::SVGEllipseElementImpl *ellipse = (KSVG::SVGEllipseElementImpl *)node;
  +        ellipse->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("cx"), DOMString(QString::number(newRect.origin.x + newRect.size.width/2.f)), exceptionCode);
  +        ellipse->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("cy"), DOMString(QString::number(newRect.origin.y + newRect.size.height/2.f)), exceptionCode);
  +        ellipse->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("rx"), DOMString(QString::number(newRect.size.width/2.f)), exceptionCode);
  +        ellipse->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("ry"), DOMString(QString::number(newRect.size.height/2.f)), exceptionCode);
  +   } else if (node->hasTagName(SVGNames::rectTag)) {
  +        KSVG::SVGRectElementImpl *rect = (KSVG::SVGRectElementImpl *)node;
  +        rect->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("x"), DOMString(QString::number(newRect.origin.x)), exceptionCode);
  +        rect->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("y"), DOMString(QString::number(newRect.origin.y)), exceptionCode);
  +        rect->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("width"), DOMString(QString::number(newRect.size.width - 1)), exceptionCode);
  +        rect->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("height"), DOMString(QString::number(newRect.size.height - 1)), exceptionCode);
       [self didChangeValueForKey:@"boundingBox"];
       [self didChangeValueForKey:@"attributedXMLString"];
  @@ -211,19 +198,18 @@
       KSVG::SVGStyledElementImpl *element = (KSVG::SVGStyledElementImpl *)_private->item->userData();
       id theValue = nil;
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *svgNamespace = KDOM::NS_SVG.handle();
       if ([key isEqualToString:@"isFilled"]) {
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = element->getAttributeNS(svgNamespace, DOMString("fill").handle());
  -        theValue = [NSNumber numberWithBool:(value->string().ascii() != "none")];
  +        const AtomicString& value = element->getAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("fill"));
  +        theValue = [NSNumber numberWithBool:(value != "none")];
       } else if ([key isEqualToString:@"isStroked"]) {
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = element->getAttributeNS(svgNamespace, DOMString("stroke").handle());
  -        theValue = [NSNumber numberWithBool:(value->string().ascii() != "none")];
  +        const AtomicString& value = element->getAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("stroke"));
  +        theValue = [NSNumber numberWithBool:(value != "none")];
       } else if ([key isEqualToString:@"fillColor"]) {
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = element->getAttributeNS(svgNamespace, DOMString("fill").handle());
  -        theValue = nsColor(QColor(value->string()));
  +        const AtomicString& value = element->getAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("fill"));
  +        theValue = nsColor(QColor(value.qstring()));
       } else if ([key isEqualToString:@"strokeColor"]) {
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = element->getAttributeNS(svgNamespace, DOMString("stroke").handle());
  -        theValue = nsColor(QColor(value->string()));
  +        const AtomicString& value = element->getAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("stroke"));
  +        theValue = nsColor(QColor(value.qstring()));
       if (theValue)
  @@ -234,11 +220,8 @@
   - (NSAttributedString *)attributedXMLString
  -    QString *nodeText = new QString();
  -    QTextStream nodeTextStream(nodeText, IO_WriteOnly);
  -    KDOM::Helper::PrintNode(nodeTextStream, (KDOM::NodeImpl *)_private->item->userData());
  -    NSString *nodeString = nodeText->getNSString();
  -    delete nodeText;
  +    QString nodeText = createMarkup((KDOM::NodeImpl *)_private->item->userData());
  +    NSString *nodeString = nodeText.getNSString();
       if (nodeString)
           return [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:nodeString];
    +50 -55    SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/DrawDocument.mm
  Index: DrawDocument.mm
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/DrawDocument.mm,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- DrawDocument.mm	5 Oct 2005 05:36:54 -0000	1.7
  +++ DrawDocument.mm	3 Nov 2005 10:27:16 -0000
  @@ -40,12 +40,8 @@
   #import <kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasViewQuartz.h>
   #import <kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.h>
  -#define id ID_HACK
   #import <kdom/Namespace.h>
   #import <kdom/Helper.h>
  -#import <kdom/parser/KDOMParser.h>
  -#import <kdom/backends/libxml/LibXMLParser.h>
   #import <kdom/core/NodeImpl.h>
   #import <kdom/core/NodeListImpl.h>
   #import <kdom/core/DOMConfigurationImpl.h>
  @@ -57,7 +53,6 @@
   #import <ksvg2/KSVGPart.h>
   #import <ksvg2/KSVGView.h>
  -#import <ksvg2/misc/KSVGDocumentBuilder.h>
   #import <ksvg2/svg/SVGDocumentImpl.h>
   #import <ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElementImpl.h>
   #import <ksvg2/svg/SVGDescElementImpl.h>
  @@ -65,8 +60,6 @@
   #import <ksvg2/svg/SVGEllipseElementImpl.h>
   #import <ksvg2/svg/SVGRectElementImpl.h>
  -#undef id
   using namespace KDOM;
   using namespace KSVG;
  @@ -189,8 +182,8 @@
       // no entity refs
  -    parser->domConfig()->setParameter(KDOM::ENTITIES.handle(), false);
  -    parser->domConfig()->setParameter(KDOM::ELEMENT_CONTENT_WHITESPACE.handle(), false);
  +    parser->domConfig()->setParameter(KDOM::ENTITIES, false);
  +    parser->domConfig()->setParameter(KDOM::ELEMENT_CONTENT_WHITESPACE, false);
       // Feed the parser the whole document (a total hack)
       parser->doOneShotParse((const char *)[data bytes], [data length]);
  @@ -282,13 +275,7 @@
   - (NSString *)svgText
  -    QString *dumpText = new QString();
  -    QTextStream dumpStream(dumpText, IO_WriteOnly);
  -    KDOM::Helper::PrintNode(dumpStream, _private->svgDocument);
  -    NSString *svgText = dumpText->getNSString();
  -    delete dumpText;
  -    return svgText;
  +    return createMarkup(_private->svgDocument).getNSString();;
  @@ -297,29 +284,32 @@
   - (BOOL)documentListensForMouseMovedEvents
  -    SVGDocumentImpl *document = _private->svgDocument;
  -    return (document &&	
  -            (document->hasListenerType(KDOM::DOMFOCUSOUT_EVENT) ||
  -             document->hasListenerType(KDOM::MOUSEOVER_EVENT) ||
  -             document->hasListenerType(KDOM::MOUSEMOVE_EVENT) ||
  -             document->hasListenerType(KDOM::MOUSEOUT_EVENT)));
  +//    SVGDocumentImpl *document = _private->svgDocument;
  +//    return (document &&	
  +//            (document->hasListenerType(KDOM::DOMFOCUSOUT_EVENT) ||
  +//             document->hasListenerType(KDOM::MOUSEOVER_EVENT) ||
  +//             document->hasListenerType(KDOM::MOUSEMOVE_EVENT) ||
  +//             document->hasListenerType(KDOM::MOUSEOUT_EVENT)));
  +    return YES;
   - (BOOL)documentListensForMouseDownEvents
  -    return (_private->svgDocument && _private->svgDocument->hasListenerType(KDOM::MOUSEDOWN_EVENT));
  +    //return (_private->svgDocument && _private->svgDocument->hasListenerType(KDOM::MOUSEDOWN_EVENT));
  +    return YES;
   - (BOOL)documentListensForMouseUpEvents
  -    SVGDocumentImpl *document = _private->svgDocument;
  -    return (document &&
  -            (document->hasListenerType(KDOM::DOMFOCUSIN_EVENT) ||
  -             document->hasListenerType(KDOM::DOMACTIVATE_EVENT) ||
  -             document->hasListenerType(KDOM::CLICK_EVENT) ||
  -             document->hasListenerType(KDOM::MOUSEUP_EVENT)));
  +//    SVGDocumentImpl *document = _private->svgDocument;
  +//    return (document &&
  +//            (document->hasListenerType(KDOM::DOMFOCUSIN_EVENT) ||
  +//             document->hasListenerType(KDOM::DOMACTIVATE_EVENT) ||
  +//             document->hasListenerType(KDOM::CLICK_EVENT) ||
  +//             document->hasListenerType(KDOM::MOUSEUP_EVENT)));
  +    return YES;
   - (KDOM::MouseEventImpl *)newMouseEventWithEventId:(KDOM::EventId)eventId qMouseEvent:(QMouseEvent *)qevent
  @@ -333,61 +323,64 @@
       float scale = (root ? root->currentScale() : 1.0);
       // Setup kdom 'MouseEvent'...
  -    KDOM::MouseEventImpl *event = static_cast<KDOM::MouseEventImpl *>(_private->svgDocument->createEvent(DOMString("MouseEvents").handle()));
  +    int exceptionCode;
  +    KDOM::MouseEventImpl *event = static_cast<KDOM::MouseEventImpl *>(_private->svgDocument->createEvent(DOMString("MouseEvents"), exceptionCode));
       event->initMouseEvent(eventString, qevent, scale);
       return event;
  -NSCursor *cursorForStyle(KDOM::RenderStyle *style)
  +NSCursor *cursorForStyle(khtml::RenderStyle *style)
       if(!style) return nil;
       NSCursor *newCursor = nil;
  +#if 0
           case KDOM::CS_AUTO:
           case KDOM::CS_DEFAULT:
  -            newCursor = KCursor::arrowCursor().handle();
  +            newCursor = KCursor::arrowCursor();
           case KDOM::CS_CROSS:
           case KDOM::CS_PROGRESS:
  -            newCursor = KCursor::crossCursor().handle();
  +            newCursor = KCursor::crossCursor();
           case KDOM::CS_POINTER:
  -            newCursor = KCursor::handCursor().handle();
  +            newCursor = KCursor::handCursor();
           case KDOM::CS_MOVE:
  -            newCursor = KCursor::sizeAllCursor().handle();
  +            newCursor = KCursor::sizeAllCursor();
           case KDOM::CS_E_RESIZE:
           case KDOM::CS_W_RESIZE:
  -            newCursor = KCursor::sizeHorCursor().handle();
  +            newCursor = KCursor::sizeHorCursor();
           case KDOM::CS_NE_RESIZE:
           case KDOM::CS_SW_RESIZE:
  -            newCursor = KCursor::sizeBDiagCursor().handle();
  +            newCursor = KCursor::sizeBDiagCursor();
           case KDOM::CS_NW_RESIZE:
           case KDOM::CS_SE_RESIZE:
  -            newCursor = KCursor::sizeFDiagCursor().handle();
  +            newCursor = KCursor::sizeFDiagCursor();
           case KDOM::CS_N_RESIZE:
           case KDOM::CS_S_RESIZE:
  -            newCursor = KCursor::sizeVerCursor().handle();
  +            newCursor = KCursor::sizeVerCursor();
           case KDOM::CS_TEXT:
  -            newCursor = KCursor::ibeamCursor().handle();
  +            newCursor = KCursor::ibeamCursor();
           case KDOM::CS_WAIT:
  -            newCursor = KCursor::waitCursor().handle();
  +            newCursor = KCursor::waitCursor();
           case KDOM::CS_HELP:
  -            newCursor = KCursor::whatsThisCursor().handle();
  +            newCursor = KCursor::whatsThisCursor();
           NSLog(@"setting default mouse cursor");
  -            newCursor = KCursor::arrowCursor().handle();
  +            newCursor = KCursor::arrowCursor();
       return newCursor;
  @@ -408,7 +401,7 @@
           KDOM::ElementImpl *target = static_cast<KDOM::ElementImpl *>(mev->relatedTarget());
  -            KDOM::RenderStyle *style = target->renderStyle();
  +            khtml::RenderStyle *style = target->renderStyle();
               newCursor = cursorForStyle(style);
  @@ -509,7 +502,8 @@
           KCanvasItem *cItem = [canvasItem item];
           KDOM::NodeImpl *node = (KDOM::NodeImpl *)cItem->userData();
           KDOM::NodeImpl *parent = node->parentNode();
  -        parent->removeChild(node);
  +        int exceptioncode;
  +        parent->removeChild(node, exceptioncode);
  @@ -520,21 +514,22 @@
       DOMString mouseX(QString::number(mousePoint.x));
       DOMString mouseY(QString::number(mousePoint.x));
  +    int exceptionCode;
       switch (tool) {
   	case DrawViewToolElipse:
  -            newElement = _private->svgDocument->createElement(DOMString("ellipse").handle());
  -            newElement->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), DOMString("cx").handle(), mouseX.handle());
  -            newElement->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), DOMString("cy").handle(), mouseY.handle());
  +            newElement = _private->svgDocument->createElementNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("ellipse"), exceptionCode);
  +            newElement->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("cx"), mouseX, exceptionCode);
  +            newElement->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("cy"), mouseY, exceptionCode);
   	case DrawViewToolTriangle:
   	case DrawViewToolRectangle:
  -            newElement = _private->svgDocument->createElement(DOMString("rect").handle());
  -            newElement->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), DOMString("x").handle(), mouseX.handle());
  -            newElement->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), DOMString("y").handle(), mouseY.handle());
  +            newElement = _private->svgDocument->createElementNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("rect"), exceptionCode);
  +            newElement->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("x"), mouseX, exceptionCode);
  +            newElement->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("y"), mouseY, exceptionCode);
   	case DrawViewToolLine:
  @@ -545,9 +540,9 @@
               NSLog(@"Can't create item for unsupported tool.");
       if (newElement) {
  -        newElement->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), DOMString("fill").handle(), DOMString("navy").handle());
  +        newElement->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, DOMString("fill"), DOMString("navy"), exceptionCode);
           SVGSVGElementImpl *rootNode = _private->svgDocument->rootElement();
  -        rootNode->appendChild(newElement);
  +        rootNode->appendChild(newElement, exceptionCode);
           newElement->ref(); // don't know why this is necessary...
           newElement->attach(); // attach it to the canvas.
           newCanvasItem = static_cast<SVGStyledElementImpl *>(newElement)->canvasItem();
    +1 -3      SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/xml_kdomtokenizer.cpp
  Index: xml_kdomtokenizer.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/xml_kdomtokenizer.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- xml_kdomtokenizer.cpp	27 Oct 2005 08:07:58 -0000	1.4
  +++ xml_kdomtokenizer.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:27:18 -0000
  @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
   #include "config.h"
   #include <qstring.h>
  +#include <zlib.h>
   #include "loader_client.h"
   #include "khtmlview.h"
  @@ -37,11 +38,8 @@
   #include "xml_kdomtokenizer.h"
   #include "kdom/core/DOMConfigurationImpl.h"
  -#include "kdom/backends/libxml/LibXMLParser.h"
   #include "kdom/core/DocumentImpl.h"
   #include "ksvg2/svg/SVGDocumentImpl.h"
  -#include "ksvg2/misc/KSVGDocumentBuilder.h"
   namespace DOM {
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/DOMList.h
  Index: DOMList.h
      Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Nikolas Zimmermann <wildfox at kde.org>
                    2004, 2005 Rob Buis <buis at kde.org>
      This file is part of the KDE project
      This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
      License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      Library General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
      the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
      Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  #ifndef KDOM_DOMList_H
  #define KDOM_DOMList_H
  #include <q3ptrlist.h>
  #include <kdom/Shared.h>
  namespace DOM
      template<class T>
      class DOMList : public Shared<DOMList<T> >
          DOMList() : Shared<DOMList<T> >() { m_impl.setAutoDelete(false); }
          DOMList(const DOMList &other) { *this = other; }
          virtual ~DOMList() { clear(); }
  //        DOMList<T> &operator=(const DOMList<T> &other)
  //        {
  //            // Clear own list
  //            clear();
  //            // Clone other's elements and append them
  //            DOMList<T> &get = const_cast<DOMList<T> &>(other);
  //            unsigned int nr = other.numberOfItems();
  //            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nr; i++)
  //            {
  //                T *obj = new T(*get.getItem(i));
  //                obj->ref();
  //                appendItem(obj);
  //            }
  //            return *this;
  //        }
          unsigned int numberOfItems() const { return m_impl.count(); }
          virtual void clear()
              for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfItems(); i++)
          T *initialize(T *newItem)
              return appendItem(newItem);
          T *getFirst() const { return m_impl.getFirst(); }
          T *getLast() const { return m_impl.getLast(); }
          T *getItem(unsigned int index) { return m_impl.at(index); }
          const T *getItem(unsigned int index) const { return const_cast<DOMList<T> *>(this)->m_impl.at(index); }
          virtual T *insertItemBefore(T *newItem, unsigned int index)
              m_impl.insert(index, newItem);
              return newItem;
          virtual T *replaceItem(T *newItem, unsigned int index)
              m_impl.insert(index, newItem);
              return newItem;
          virtual T *removeItem(unsigned int index)
              return m_impl.take(index);
          virtual void removeItem(const T *item)
          virtual T *appendItem(T *newItem)
              return newItem;
          virtual bool contains(const T *item)
              if(m_impl.findRef(item) != -1)
                  return true;
              return false;
          Q3PtrList<T> m_impl;
  // vim:ts=4:noet
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/KDOMHeaders.h
  Index: KDOMHeaders.h
  #include "khtml/dom/dom_node.h"
  #include "khtml/dom/dom_string.h"
  #include "css_value.h"
  class KHTMLPart;
  class KHTMLView;
  namespace khtml {
      class CSSRuleSet;
  namespace KDOM {
      using namespace DOM;
      using namespace khtml;
      using ::KHTMLPart;
      using ::KHTMLView;
      typedef khtml::CSSRuleSet CSSStyleSelectorList;
  namespace KSVG {
      using ::KHTMLPart;
  //namespace KDOM = DOM;
  #include "KDOMStubClasses.h"
  #include "khtml/khtml_part.h"
  #include "khtml/config.h"
  #include "khtml/css/css_base.h"
  #include "khtml/css/css_computedstyle.h"
  #include "khtml/css/css_ruleimpl.h"
  #include "khtml/css/css_stylesheetimpl.h"
  #include "khtml/css/css_valueimpl.h"
  #include "khtml/css/csshelper.h"
  #include "khtml/css/cssparser.h"
  #include "khtml/css/cssstyleselector.h"
  #include "khtml/dom/css_rule.h"
  #include "khtml/dom/css_stylesheet.h"
  #include "khtml/dom/css_value.h"
  #include "khtml/dom/dom2_events.h"
  #include "khtml/dom/dom2_range.h"
  #include "khtml/dom/dom2_traversal.h"
  #include "khtml/dom/dom_exception.h"
  #include "khtml/dom/dom_misc.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/append_node_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/apply_style_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/break_blockquote_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/composite_edit_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/delete_from_text_node_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/delete_selection_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/edit_actions.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/edit_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/html_interchange.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/htmlediting.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/insert_into_text_node_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/insert_line_break_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/insert_node_before_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/insert_paragraph_separator_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/insert_text_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/join_text_nodes_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/jsediting.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/markup.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/merge_identical_elements_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/move_selection_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/rebalance_whitespace_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/remove_css_property_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/remove_node_attribute_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/remove_node_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/remove_node_preserving_children_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/replace_selection_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/SelectionController.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/set_node_attribute_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/split_element_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/split_text_node_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/split_text_node_containing_element_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/text_affinity.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/text_granularity.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/typing_command.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/visible_position.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/visible_range.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/visible_text.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/visible_units.h"
  #include "khtml/editing/wrap_contents_in_dummy_span_command.h"
  #include "khtml/khtml_events.h"
  #include "khtml/khtmlpart_p.h"
  #include "khtml/khtmlview.h"
  #include "khtml/misc/arena.h"
  #include "khtml/misc/decoder.h"
  #include "khtml/misc/formdata.h"
  #include "khtml/misc/hashfunctions.h"
  #include "khtml/misc/helper.h"
  #include "khtml/misc/khtmldata.h"
  #include "khtml/misc/khtmllayout.h"
  #include "khtml/misc/loader.h"
  #include "khtml/misc/loader_client.h"
  #include "khtml/misc/shared.h"
  #include "khtml/misc/stringit.h"
  #include "khtml/rendering/bidi.h"
  #include "khtml/rendering/font.h"
  #include "khtml/rendering/render_object.h"
  #include "khtml/rendering/render_replaced.h"
  #include "khtml/rendering/render_style.h"
  #include "khtml/rendering/table_layout.h"
  #include "khtml/xml/dom2_eventsimpl.h"
  #include "khtml/xml/dom2_rangeimpl.h"
  #include "khtml/xml/dom2_traversalimpl.h"
  #include "khtml/xml/dom2_viewsimpl.h"
  #include "khtml/xml/dom_atomicstring.h"
  #include "khtml/xml/dom_atomicstringlist.h"
  #include "khtml/xml/dom_docimpl.h"
  #include "khtml/xml/dom_elementimpl.h"
  #include "khtml/xml/dom_nodeimpl.h"
  #include "khtml/xml/dom_position.h"
  #include "khtml/xml/dom_qname.h"
  #include "khtml/xml/dom_stringimpl.h"
  #include "khtml/xml/dom_textimpl.h"
  #include "khtml/xml/dom_xmlimpl.h"
  #include "khtml/xml/EventNames.h"
  #include "khtml/xml/xml_tokenizer.h"
  #include "khtml/xsl/xsl_stylesheetimpl.h"
  #include "khtml/xsl/xslt_processorimpl.h"
  // All temporary:
  #include "WebCore+SVG/kdom.h"
  #include "WebCore+SVG/kdomevents.h"
  #include "WebCore+SVG/kdomcss.h"
  #include "WebCore+SVG/kdomrange.h"
  #include "WebCore+SVG/kdomtraversal.h"
  #include "WebCore+SVG/kdomls.h"
  #include "WebCore+SVG/Namespace.h"
  #include "ksvg2/svg/SVGNames.h"
  #include "WebCore+SVG/RGBColorImpl.h"
  #include "WebCore+SVG/KDOMSettings.h"
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/KDOMSettings.cpp
  Index: KDOMSettings.cpp
      Copyright (C) 2005 Nikolas Zimmermann <wildfox at kde.org>
                    2005 Rob Buis <buis at kde.org>
      This file is part of the KDE project
      This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
      License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      Library General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
      the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
      Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  #define DEBUG_SETTINGS 0
  #include "config.h"
  #include <kdebug.h>
  #include <kconfig.h>
  #include <kglobal.h>
  #include <klocale.h>
  #include <kmessagebox.h>
  #include <kglobalsettings.h>
  #include <qregexp.h>
  #include <q3valuevector.h>
  #include <qfontdatabase.h>
  #include "KDOMSettings.h"
  using namespace KDOM;
  QColor txtDefault(DOM_DEFAULT_TXT_COLOR);
  QColor lnkDefault(DOM_DEFAULT_LNK_COLOR);
  QColor vlnkDefault(DOM_DEFAULT_VLNK_COLOR);
  QColor baseDefault(DOM_DEFAULT_BASE_COLOR);
   * @internal
   * Contains all settings which are both available globally and per-domain
  struct KPerDomainSettings
      bool enableJava : 1;
      bool enableJavaScript : 1;
      bool enablePlugins : 1;
      // don't forget to maintain the bitfields as the enums grow
      KDOMSettings::KJSWindowOpenPolicy windowOpenPolicy : 2;
      KDOMSettings::KJSWindowStatusPolicy windowStatusPolicy : 1;
      KDOMSettings::KJSWindowFocusPolicy windowFocusPolicy : 1;
      KDOMSettings::KJSWindowMovePolicy windowMovePolicy : 1;
      KDOMSettings::KJSWindowResizePolicy windowResizePolicy : 1;
      void dump(const QString &infix = QString::null) const
          kdDebug() << "KPerDomainSettings " << infix << " @" << this << ":" << endl;
          kdDebug() << "  enableJava: " << enableJava << endl;
          kdDebug() << "  enableJavaScript: " << enableJavaScript << endl;
          kdDebug() << "  enablePlugins: " << enablePlugins << endl;
          kdDebug() << "  windowOpenPolicy: " << windowOpenPolicy << endl;
          kdDebug() << "  windowStatusPolicy: " << windowStatusPolicy << endl;
          kdDebug() << "  windowFocusPolicy: " << windowFocusPolicy << endl;
          kdDebug() << "  windowMovePolicy: " << windowMovePolicy << endl;
          kdDebug() << "  windowResizePolicy: " << windowResizePolicy << endl;
  typedef QMap<QString, KPerDomainSettings> PolicyMap;
  class KDOMSettings::Private
      QStringList fonts;
      QStringList defaultFonts;
      int fontSize;
      int minFontSize;
      QColor textColor;
      QColor baseColor;
      QColor linkColor;
      QColor vLinkColor;
      // the virtual global "domain"
      KPerDomainSettings global;
      KDOMSettings::KAnimationAdvice showAnimations;
      QString encoding;
      QString userSheet;
      PolicyMap domainPolicy;
      Q3ValueVector<QRegExp> adFilters;
      Q3ValueList< QPair< QString, QChar > > fallbackAccessKeysAssignments;
      // Flags
      bool enforceCharset : 1;
      bool followSystemColors : 1;
      bool hideAdsEnabled : 1;
      bool adFilterEnabled : 1;
      bool jsErrorsEnabled : 1;
      bool jsPopupBlockerPassivePopup : 1;
      bool enableJavaScriptDebug : 1;
      bool enableJavaScriptErrorReporting : 1;
   * Returns a writeable per-domains settings instance for the given
   * domain or a deep copy of the global settings if not existent.
  static KPerDomainSettings &setup_per_domain_policy(PolicyMap &policies,
                                                     const KPerDomainSettings &global,
                                                     const QString &domain)
          kdWarning() << "setup_per_domain_policy: domain is empty" << endl;
      const QString ldomain = domain.lower();
      PolicyMap::iterator it = policies.find(ldomain);
      if(it == policies.end())
          // simply copy global domain settings (they should have been initialized by this time)
          it = policies.insert(ldomain, global);
      return *it;
   * Local helper for retrieving per-domain settings.
   * In case of doubt, the global domain is returned.
  static const KPerDomainSettings &lookup_hostname_policy(PolicyMap &policies,
                                                          const KPerDomainSettings &global,
                                                          const QString &hostname)
      kdDebug() << "lookup_hostname_policy(" << hostname << ")" << endl;
          return global;
      const PolicyMap::const_iterator notfound = policies.end();
      // First check whether there is a perfect match.
      PolicyMap::const_iterator it = policies.find(hostname);
      if(it != notfound)
          kdDebug() << "perfect match" << endl;
          // yes, use it (unless dunno)
          return *it;
      // Now, check for partial match.  Chop host from the left until
      // there's no dots left.
      QString host_part = hostname;
      int dot_idx = -1;
      while((dot_idx = host_part.find(QChar('.'))) >= 0)
          it = policies.find(host_part);
          Q_ASSERT(notfound == policies.end());
          if(it != notfound)
              kdDebug() << "partial match" << endl;
              return *it;
          // assert(host_part[0] == QChar('.'));
          host_part.remove(0,1); // Chop off the dot.
      // No domain-specific entry: use global domain
      kdDebug() << "no match" << endl;
      return global;
  KDOMSettings::KDOMSettings() : d(new Private())
  KDOMSettings::KDOMSettings(const KDOMSettings &other) : d(new Private())
      *d = *other.d;
      delete d;
  void KDOMSettings::init()
      KConfig global(QString::fromLatin1("kdomrc"), true, false);
      init(&global, true);
      KConfig *local = KGlobal::config();
      init(local, false);
  void KDOMSettings::init(KConfig *config, bool reset)
      QString group_save = config->group();
      if(reset || config->hasGroup("DOM Settings"))
          config->setGroup("DOM Settings");
          // Fonts and colors
              d->defaultFonts = QStringList();
              d->defaultFonts.append(config->readEntry(QString::fromLatin1("StandardFont"), KGlobalSettings::generalFont().family()));
              d->defaultFonts.append(config->readEntry(QString::fromLatin1("FixedFont"), KGlobalSettings::fixedFont().family()));
              d->defaultFonts.append(config->readEntry(QString::fromLatin1("SerifFont"), DOM_DEFAULT_VIEW_SERIF_FONT));
              d->defaultFonts.append(config->readEntry(QString::fromLatin1("SansSerifFont"), DOM_DEFAULT_VIEW_SANSSERIF_FONT));
              d->defaultFonts.append(config->readEntry(QString::fromLatin1("CursiveFont"), DOM_DEFAULT_VIEW_CURSIVE_FONT));
              d->defaultFonts.append(config->readEntry(QString::fromLatin1("FantasyFont"), DOM_DEFAULT_VIEW_FANTASY_FONT));
              d->defaultFonts.append(QString::fromLatin1("0")); // font size adjustment
          if(reset || config->hasKey("MinimumFontSize"))
              d->minFontSize = config->readNumEntry(QString::fromLatin1("MinimumFontSize"), DOM_DEFAULT_MIN_FONT_SIZE);
          if(reset || config->hasKey("MediumFontSize"))
              d->fontSize = config->readNumEntry(QString::fromLatin1("MediumFontSize"), 12);
          d->fonts = config->readListEntry("Fonts");
          if(reset || config->hasKey("DefaultEncoding"))
              d->encoding = config->readEntry(QString::fromLatin1("DefaultEncoding"), QString::fromLatin1(""));
          if(reset || config->hasKey("EnforceDefaultCharset"))
              d->enforceCharset = config->readBoolEntry(QString::fromLatin1("EnforceDefaultCharset"), false);
          if(reset || config->hasKey("ShowAnimations"))
              QString value = config->readEntry(QString::fromLatin1("ShowAnimations")).lower();
              if(value == QString::fromLatin1("disabled"))
                  d->showAnimations = KAnimationDisabled;
              else if(value == QString::fromLatin1("looponce"))
                  d->showAnimations = KAnimationLoopOnce;
                  d->showAnimations = KAnimationEnabled;
          if(config->readBoolEntry("UserStyleSheetEnabled", false) == true)
              if(reset || config->hasKey("UserStyleSheet"))
                  d->userSheet = config->readEntry(QString::fromLatin1("UserStyleSheet"), QString::fromLatin1(""));
      if(reset || config->hasKey("FollowSystemColors"))
          d->followSystemColors = config->readBoolEntry( "FollowSystemColors", false);
      if(reset || config->hasGroup("General"))
          config->setGroup("General"); // group will be restored by cgs anyway
          if(reset || config->hasKey("foreground"))
              d->textColor = config->readColorEntry("foreground", &txtDefault);
          if(reset || config->hasKey("linkColor"))
              d->linkColor = config->readColorEntry("linkColor", &lnkDefault);
          if(reset || config->hasKey("visitedLinkColor"))
              d->vLinkColor = config->readColorEntry("visitedLinkColor", &vlnkDefault);
          if(reset || config->hasKey("background"))
              d->baseColor = config->readColorEntry("background", &baseDefault);
      if(reset || config->hasGroup("Java/JavaScript Settings"))
          config->setGroup("Java/JavaScript Settings");
          // The global setting for JavaScript debugging
          // This is currently always enabled by default
          if(reset || config->hasKey("EnableJavaScriptDebug"))
              d->enableJavaScriptDebug = config->readBoolEntry("EnableJavaScriptDebug", false);
          // The global setting for JavaScript error reporting
          if(reset || config->hasKey( "ReportJavaScriptErrors"))
              d->enableJavaScriptErrorReporting = config->readBoolEntry("ReportJavaScriptErrors", false);
          // The global setting for popup block passive popup
          if(reset || config->hasKey( "PopupBlockerPassivePopup"))
              d->jsPopupBlockerPassivePopup = config->readBoolEntry("PopupBlockerPassivePopup", true);
          // Read options from the global "domain"
          readDomainSettings(config, reset, true, d->global);
          d->global.dump("init global");
          // The domain-specific settings. (always keep the order of these keys!)
          static const char *const domain_keys[] = { "ECMADomains", "JavaDomains", "PluginDomains" };
          bool check_old_ecma_settings = true;
          bool check_old_java_settings = true;
          // merge all domains into one list
          QMap<QString, int> domainList;   // why can't Qt have a QSet?
          for(unsigned i = 0; i < (sizeof(domain_keys) / sizeof(domain_keys[0])); ++i)
              if(reset || config->hasKey(domain_keys[i]))
                  if(i == 0)
                      check_old_ecma_settings = false;
                  else if(i == 1)
                      check_old_java_settings = false;
                  const QStringList dl = config->readListEntry(domain_keys[i]);
                  const QMap<QString, int>::Iterator notfound = domainList.end();
                  QStringList::ConstIterator it = dl.begin();
                  const QStringList::ConstIterator itEnd = dl.end();
                  for(; it != itEnd; ++it)
                      const QString domain = (*it).lower();
                      QMap<QString, int>::Iterator pos = domainList.find(domain);
                      if(pos == notfound)
                          domainList.insert(domain, 0);
          QString js_group_save = config->group();
              QMap<QString, int>::ConstIterator it = domainList.begin();
              const QMap<QString,int>::ConstIterator itEnd = domainList.end();
              for( ; it != itEnd; ++it)
                  const QString domain = it.key();
                  readDomainSettings(config, reset, false, d->domainPolicy[domain]);
                  d->domainPolicy[domain].dump("init " + domain);
          bool check_old_java = true;
          if((reset || config->hasKey( "JavaDomainSettings")) && check_old_java_settings)
              check_old_java = false;
              const QStringList domainList = config->readListEntry( "JavaDomainSettings" );
              QStringList::ConstIterator it = domainList.begin();
              const QStringList::ConstIterator itEnd = domainList.end();
              for(; it != itEnd; ++it)
                  QString domain;
                  KJavaScriptAdvice javaAdvice;
                  KJavaScriptAdvice javaScriptAdvice;
                  splitDomainAdvice(*it, domain, javaAdvice, javaScriptAdvice);
                  setup_per_domain_policy(d->domainPolicy, d->global, domain).enableJava = (javaAdvice == KJavaScriptAccept);
                  setup_per_domain_policy(d->domainPolicy, d->global, domain).dump("JavaDomainSettings 4 " + domain);
          bool check_old_ecma = true;
          if(( reset || config->hasKey("ECMADomainSettings")) && check_old_ecma_settings)
              check_old_ecma = false;
              const QStringList domainList = config->readListEntry( "ECMADomainSettings" );
              QStringList::ConstIterator it = domainList.begin();
              const QStringList::ConstIterator itEnd = domainList.end();
              for(; it != itEnd; ++it)
                  QString domain;
                  KJavaScriptAdvice javaAdvice;
                  KJavaScriptAdvice javaScriptAdvice;
                  splitDomainAdvice(*it, domain, javaAdvice, javaScriptAdvice);
                  setup_per_domain_policy(d->domainPolicy, d->global, domain).enableJavaScript = (javaScriptAdvice == KJavaScriptAccept);
                  setup_per_domain_policy(d->domainPolicy, d->global, domain).dump("ECMADomainSettings 4 " + domain);
          if((reset || config->hasKey("JavaScriptDomainAdvice")) &&
             (check_old_java || check_old_ecma) &&
             (check_old_ecma_settings || check_old_java_settings))
              const QStringList domainList = config->readListEntry( "JavaScriptDomainAdvice" );
              QStringList::ConstIterator it = domainList.begin();
              const QStringList::ConstIterator itEnd = domainList.end();
              for( ; it != itEnd; ++it)
                  QString domain;
                  KJavaScriptAdvice javaAdvice;
                  KJavaScriptAdvice javaScriptAdvice;
                  splitDomainAdvice(*it, domain, javaAdvice, javaScriptAdvice);
                      setup_per_domain_policy(d->domainPolicy, d->global, domain).enableJava = (javaAdvice == KJavaScriptAccept);
                      setup_per_domain_policy(d->domainPolicy, d->global, domain).enableJavaScript = (javaScriptAdvice == KJavaScriptAccept);
                  setup_per_domain_policy(d->domainPolicy, d->global, domain).dump("JavaScriptDomainAdvice 4 " + domain);
      if(reset || config->hasGroup("Filter Settings"))
          config->setGroup("Filter Settings");
          d->adFilterEnabled = config->readBoolEntry("Enabled", false);
          d->hideAdsEnabled = config->readBoolEntry("Shrink", false);
          QMap<QString,QString> entryMap = config->entryMap(QString::fromLatin1("Filter Settings"));
          QMap<QString,QString>::ConstIterator it;
          for( it = entryMap.constBegin(); it != entryMap.constEnd(); ++it)
              QString name = it.key();
              QString value = it.data();
                  if(value.length() > 2 && value[0] == '/' && value[value.length() - 1] == '/')
                      QString inside = value.mid(1, value.length()-2);
                      QRegExp rx(inside);
                      QRegExp rx(value);
  KDOMSettings::KAnimationAdvice KDOMSettings::showAnimations() const
      return d->showAnimations;
  KDOMSettings::KJSWindowOpenPolicy KDOMSettings::windowOpenPolicy(const QString &hostname) const
      return lookup_hostname_policy(d->domainPolicy, d->global, hostname.lower()).windowOpenPolicy;
  KDOMSettings::KJSWindowMovePolicy KDOMSettings::windowMovePolicy(const QString &hostname) const
      return lookup_hostname_policy(d->domainPolicy, d->global, hostname.lower()).windowMovePolicy;
  KDOMSettings::KJSWindowResizePolicy KDOMSettings::windowResizePolicy(const QString &hostname) const
      return lookup_hostname_policy(d->domainPolicy, d->global, hostname.lower()).windowResizePolicy;
  KDOMSettings::KJSWindowStatusPolicy KDOMSettings::windowStatusPolicy(const QString &hostname) const
      return lookup_hostname_policy(d->domainPolicy, d->global, hostname.lower()).windowStatusPolicy;
  KDOMSettings::KJSWindowFocusPolicy KDOMSettings::windowFocusPolicy(const QString &hostname) const
      return lookup_hostname_policy(d->domainPolicy, d->global, hostname.lower()).windowFocusPolicy;
  QString KDOMSettings::stdFontName() const
      return lookupFont(0);
  QString KDOMSettings::fixedFontName() const
      return lookupFont(1);
  QString KDOMSettings::serifFontName() const
      return lookupFont(2);
  QString KDOMSettings::sansSerifFontName() const
      return lookupFont(3);
  QString KDOMSettings::cursiveFontName() const
      return lookupFont(4);
  QString KDOMSettings::fantasyFontName() const
      return lookupFont(5);
  int KDOMSettings::minFontSize() const
      return d->minFontSize;
  int KDOMSettings::mediumFontSize() const
      return d->fontSize;
  const QString &KDOMSettings::encoding() const
      return d->encoding;
  static QString *avFamilies; // Helper
  const QString &KDOMSettings::availableFamilies()
          avFamilies = new QString;
          QFontDatabase db;
          QStringList families = db.families();
          QStringList s;
          QRegExp foundryExp(QString::fromLatin1(" \\[.+\\]"));
          // remove foundry info
          QStringList::Iterator f = families.begin();
          const QStringList::Iterator fEnd = families.end();
          for( ; f != fEnd; ++f)
              (*f).replace(foundryExp, QString::fromLatin1(""));
                  s << *f;
          *avFamilies = ',' + s.join(QString::fromLatin1(",")) + ',';
      return *avFamilies;
  const QColor &KDOMSettings::baseColor() const
      return d->baseColor;
  const QColor &KDOMSettings::linkColor() const
      return d->linkColor;
  const QColor &KDOMSettings::vLinkColor() const
      return d->vLinkColor;
  bool KDOMSettings::isJavaEnabled(const QString &hostname) const
      return lookup_hostname_policy(d->domainPolicy, d->global, hostname.lower()).enableJava;
  bool KDOMSettings::isJavaScriptEnabled(const QString &hostname) const
      return lookup_hostname_policy(d->domainPolicy, d->global, hostname.lower()).enableJavaScript;
  bool KDOMSettings::isJavaScriptDebugEnabled(const QString &/* hostname */) const
      // debug setting is global for now, but could change in the future
      return d->enableJavaScriptDebug;
  bool KDOMSettings::isJavaScriptErrorReportingEnabled(const QString &/* hostname */) const
      // error reporting setting is global for now, but could change in the future
      return d->enableJavaScriptErrorReporting;
  bool KDOMSettings::isPluginsEnabled(const QString &hostname) const
      return lookup_hostname_policy(d->domainPolicy, d->global, hostname.lower()).enablePlugins;
  bool KDOMSettings::isAdFiltered(const QString &url) const
              Q3ValueVector<QRegExp>::iterator it;
              for(it = d->adFilters.begin(); it != d->adFilters.end(); ++it)
                  if((*it).search(url) != -1)
                      kdDebug(6080) << "Filtered: " << url << endl;
                      return true;
      return false;
  bool KDOMSettings::isAdFilterEnabled() const
      return d->adFilterEnabled;
  bool KDOMSettings::isHideAdsEnabled() const
      return d->hideAdsEnabled;
  void KDOMSettings::addAdFilter(const QString &url)
      KConfig config(QString::fromLatin1("kdomrc"), false, false);
      config.setGroup("Filter Settings");
      QRegExp rx;
      if(url.length() > 2 && url[0] == '/' && url[url.length() - 1] == '/')
          QString inside = url.mid(1, url.length() - 2);
          int last = config.readNumEntry(QString::fromLatin1("Count"), 0);
          QString key = QString::fromLatin1("Filter-") + QString::number(last);
          config.writeEntry(key, url);
          KMessageBox::error(0, rx.errorString(), i18n("Filter error"));
  bool KDOMSettings::jsPopupBlockerPassivePopup() const
      return d->jsPopupBlockerPassivePopup;
  void KDOMSettings::setJSPopupBlockerPassivePopup(bool enabled)
      d->jsPopupBlockerPassivePopup = enabled;
      // save it
      KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();
      config->setGroup("Java/JavaScript Settings");
      config->writeEntry("PopupBlockerPassivePopup", enabled);
  bool KDOMSettings::jsErrorsEnabled() const
      return d->jsErrorsEnabled;
  void KDOMSettings::setJSErrorsEnabled(bool enabled)
      d->jsErrorsEnabled = enabled;
      // save it
      KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();
      config->setGroup("DOM Settings");
      config->writeEntry("ReportJSErrors", enabled);
  KDOMSettings::KJavaScriptAdvice KDOMSettings::strToAdvice(const QString &str)
      KJavaScriptAdvice ret = KJavaScriptDunno;
          ret = KJavaScriptDunno;
      if(str.lower() == QString::fromLatin1("accept"))
          ret = KJavaScriptAccept;
      else if (str.lower() == QString::fromLatin1("reject"))
          ret = KJavaScriptReject;
      return ret;
  void KDOMSettings::splitDomainAdvice(const QString &configStr, QString &domain,
                                       KJavaScriptAdvice &javaAdvice, KJavaScriptAdvice &javaScriptAdvice)
      QString tmp(configStr);
      int splitIndex = tmp.find(':');
      if(splitIndex == -1)
          domain = configStr.lower();
          javaAdvice = KJavaScriptDunno;
          javaScriptAdvice = KJavaScriptDunno;
          domain = tmp.left(splitIndex).lower();
          QString adviceString = tmp.mid(splitIndex + 1, tmp.length());
          int splitIndex2 = adviceString.find( ':' );
          if(splitIndex2 == -1)
              // Java advice only
              javaAdvice = strToAdvice(adviceString);
              javaScriptAdvice = KJavaScriptDunno;
              // Java and JavaScript advice
              javaAdvice = strToAdvice(adviceString.left(splitIndex2));
              javaScriptAdvice = strToAdvice(adviceString.mid(splitIndex2 + 1, adviceString.length()));
  const char *KDOMSettings::adviceToStr(KJavaScriptAdvice _advice)
          case KJavaScriptAccept:
              return I18N_NOOP("Accept");
          case KJavaScriptReject:
              return I18N_NOOP("Reject");
              return 0;
      return 0;
  void KDOMSettings::readDomainSettings(KConfig *config, bool reset, bool global, KPerDomainSettings &pd_settings)
      QString jsPrefix = global ? QString::null : QString::fromLatin1("javascript.");
      QString javaPrefix = global ? QString::null : QString::fromLatin1("java.");
      QString pluginsPrefix = global ? QString::null : QString::fromLatin1("plugins.");
      // The setting for Java
      QString key = javaPrefix + QString::fromLatin1("EnableJava");
      if((global && reset) || config->hasKey(key))
          pd_settings.enableJava = config->readBoolEntry(key, false);
      else if(!global)
          pd_settings.enableJava = d->global.enableJava;
      // The setting for Plugins
      key = pluginsPrefix + QString::fromLatin1("EnablePlugins");
      if((global && reset) || config->hasKey(key))
          pd_settings.enablePlugins = config->readBoolEntry(key, true);
      else if(!global)
          pd_settings.enablePlugins = d->global.enablePlugins;
      // The setting for JavaScript
      key = jsPrefix + QString::fromLatin1("EnableJavaScript");
      if((global && reset) || config->hasKey(key))
          pd_settings.enableJavaScript = config->readBoolEntry(key, true);
      else if(!global)
          pd_settings.enableJavaScript = d->global.enableJavaScript;
      // window property policies
      key = jsPrefix + QString::fromLatin1("WindowOpenPolicy");
      if((global && reset) || config->hasKey(key))
          pd_settings.windowOpenPolicy = (KJSWindowOpenPolicy) config->readUnsignedNumEntry(key, KJSWindowOpenAllow);
      else if(!global)
          pd_settings.windowOpenPolicy = d->global.windowOpenPolicy;
      key = jsPrefix + QString::fromLatin1("WindowMovePolicy");
      if((global && reset) || config->hasKey(key))
          pd_settings.windowMovePolicy = (KJSWindowMovePolicy) config->readUnsignedNumEntry(key, KJSWindowMoveAllow);
      else if(!global)
          pd_settings.windowMovePolicy = d->global.windowMovePolicy;
      key = jsPrefix + QString::fromLatin1("WindowResizePolicy");
      if((global && reset) || config->hasKey(key))
          pd_settings.windowResizePolicy = (KJSWindowResizePolicy) config->readUnsignedNumEntry(key, KJSWindowResizeAllow);
      else if(!global)
          pd_settings.windowResizePolicy = d->global.windowResizePolicy;
      key = jsPrefix + QString::fromLatin1("WindowStatusPolicy");
      if((global && reset) || config->hasKey(key))
          pd_settings.windowStatusPolicy = (KJSWindowStatusPolicy) config->readUnsignedNumEntry(key, KJSWindowStatusAllow);
      else if(!global)
          pd_settings.windowStatusPolicy = d->global.windowStatusPolicy;
      key = jsPrefix + QString::fromLatin1("WindowFocusPolicy");
      if((global && reset) || config->hasKey(key))
          pd_settings.windowFocusPolicy = (KJSWindowFocusPolicy) config->readUnsignedNumEntry(key, KJSWindowFocusAllow);
      else if(!global)
          pd_settings.windowFocusPolicy = d->global.windowFocusPolicy;
  QString KDOMSettings::settingsToCSS() const
      return QString::null;
  QString KDOMSettings::userStyleSheet() const
      return d->userSheet;
  QString KDOMSettings::lookupFont(unsigned int i) const
      QString font;
      if(d->fonts.count() > i)
          font = d->fonts[i];
          font = d->defaultFonts[i];
      return font;
  // vim:ts=4:noet
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/KDOMSettings.h
  Index: KDOMSettings.h
      Copyright (C) 2005 Nikolas Zimmermann <wildfox at kde.org>
                    2005 Rob Buis <buis at kde.org>
      This file is part of the KDE project
      This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
      License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      Library General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
      the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
      Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  #ifndef KDOM_KDOMSettings_H
  #define KDOM_KDOMSettings_H
  #include <qcolor.h>
  #include <qstring.h>
  class KConfig;
  struct KPerDomainSettings;
  // browser window color defaults -- Bernd
  #define DOM_DEFAULT_LNK_COLOR Qt::blue
  #define DOM_DEFAULT_TXT_COLOR Qt::black
  #define DOM_DEFAULT_VLNK_COLOR Qt::magenta
  #define DOM_DEFAULT_BASE_COLOR Qt::white
  // KEEP IN SYNC WITH konqdefaults.h in kdebase/libkonq!
  // lets be modern .. -- Bernd
  #define DOM_DEFAULT_VIEW_FONT QString::fromLatin1("Sans Serif")
  #define DOM_DEFAULT_VIEW_FIXED_FONT QString::fromLatin1("Monospace")
  #define DOM_DEFAULT_VIEW_SERIF_FONT QString::fromLatin1("Serif")
  #define DOM_DEFAULT_VIEW_SANSSERIF_FONT QString::fromLatin1("Sans Serif")
  #define DOM_DEFAULT_VIEW_CURSIVE_FONT QString::fromLatin1("Sans Serif")
  #define DOM_DEFAULT_VIEW_FANTASY_FONT QString::fromLatin1("Sans Serif")
  #define DOM_DEFAULT_MIN_FONT_SIZE 7 // everything smaller is usually unreadable.
  namespace KDOM
       * General KDOM settings....
      class KDOMSettings
           * This enum specifies whether Java/JavaScript execution is allowed.
          enum KJavaScriptAdvice
              KJavaScriptDunno = 0,
          enum KAnimationAdvice
              KAnimationDisabled = 0,
           * This enum specifies the policy for window.open
          enum KJSWindowOpenPolicy
              KJSWindowOpenAllow = 0,
           * This enum specifies the policy for window.status and .defaultStatus
          enum KJSWindowStatusPolicy
              KJSWindowStatusAllow = 0,
           * This enum specifies the policy for window.moveBy and .moveTo
          enum KJSWindowMovePolicy
              KJSWindowMoveAllow = 0,
           * This enum specifies the policy for window.resizeBy and .resizeTo
          enum KJSWindowResizePolicy
              KJSWindowResizeAllow = 0,
           * This enum specifies the policy for window.focus
          enum KJSWindowFocusPolicy
              KJSWindowFocusAllow = 0,
          KDOMSettings(const KDOMSettings &other);
          virtual ~KDOMSettings();
           * Called by constructor and reparseConfiguration
          virtual void init();
           * Read settings from @p config.
           * @param config is a pointer to KConfig object.
           * @param reset if true, settings are always set; if false,
           *        settings are only set if the config file has a corresponding key.
          virtual void init(KConfig *config, bool reset = true);
          // Behaviour settings
          KAnimationAdvice showAnimations() const;
          KJSWindowOpenPolicy windowOpenPolicy(const QString &hostname = QString::null) const;
          KJSWindowMovePolicy windowMovePolicy(const QString &hostname = QString::null) const;
          KJSWindowResizePolicy windowResizePolicy(const QString &hostname = QString::null) const;
          KJSWindowStatusPolicy windowStatusPolicy(const QString &hostname = QString::null) const;
          KJSWindowFocusPolicy windowFocusPolicy(const QString &hostname = QString::null) const;
          // Font settings
          QString stdFontName() const;
          QString fixedFontName() const;
          QString serifFontName() const;
          QString sansSerifFontName() const;
          QString cursiveFontName() const;
          QString fantasyFontName() const;
          int minFontSize() const;
          int mediumFontSize() const;
          const QString &encoding() const;
          static const QString &availableFamilies();
          // Color settings
          const QColor &textColor() const;
          const QColor &baseColor() const;
          const QColor &linkColor() const;
          const QColor &vLinkColor() const;
          // Java and JavaScript
          bool isJavaEnabled(const QString &hostname = QString::null) const;
          bool isJavaScriptEnabled(const QString &hostname = QString::null) const;
          bool isJavaScriptDebugEnabled(const QString &hostname = QString::null) const;
          bool isJavaScriptErrorReportingEnabled(const QString &hostname = QString::null) const;
          bool isPluginsEnabled(const QString &hostname = QString::null) const;
          // AdBlocK Filtering
          bool isAdFiltered(const QString &url) const;
          bool isAdFilterEnabled() const;
          bool isHideAdsEnabled() const;
          void addAdFilter(const QString &url);
          // Whether to show passive popup when windows are blocked (@since 3.5)
          bool jsPopupBlockerPassivePopup() const;
          void setJSPopupBlockerPassivePopup(bool enabled);
          bool jsErrorsEnabled() const;
          void setJSErrorsEnabled(bool enabled);
          // helpers for parsing domain-specific configuration, used in KControl module as well
          static KJavaScriptAdvice strToAdvice(const QString &str);
          static void splitDomainAdvice(const QString &configStr, QString &domain,
                                        KJavaScriptAdvice &javaAdvice, KJavaScriptAdvice &javaScriptAdvice);
          static const char *adviceToStr(KJavaScriptAdvice _advice);
          /** reads from @p config's current group, forcing initialization if @p reset is true.
           * @param config is a pointer to KConfig object.
           * @param reset true if initialization is to be forced.
           * @param global true if the global domain is to be read.
           * @param pd_settings will be initialised with the computed (inherited) settings.
          virtual void readDomainSettings(KConfig *config, bool reset, bool global, KPerDomainSettings &pd_settings);
          // CSS helpers
          virtual QString settingsToCSS() const;
          QString userStyleSheet() const;
          QString lookupFont(unsigned int i) const;
          class Private;
          Private *d;
  // vim:ts=4:noet
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/KDOMStubClasses.h
  Index: KDOMStubClasses.h
   *  KDOMStubClasses.h
   *  WebCore
   *  Created by Eric Seidel on 10/29/05.
   *  Copyright 2005 Apple Computer, Inc.. All rights reserved.
  #ifndef KDOMStubClasses_h
  #define KDOMStubClasses_h
  #define XMLElementImpl StyledElementImpl
  #include "dom_elementimpl.h"
  #include "KWQKPartsPart.h"
  namespace KDOM
      typedef NodeImpl EventTargetImpl;
      // FIXME: should be replaced by SharedPtr use.
      template<class T>
      inline void KDOM_SAFE_SET(T *&a, T *b)
          if (b) b->ref();
          if (a) a->deref();
          a = b;
       * The CDFInterface class has to be implemented by 'layers on top'
       * of kdom (ie. ksvg2/khtml2). This class connects kdom with the
       * layer on top in following ways:
       * - CSS values/properties access / render-style
       * - EcmaScript global object / EcmaInterface object
      class GlobalObject;
      class EcmaInterface;
      class CDFInterface
          virtual ~CDFInterface();
          // CSS values/properties
          virtual const char *getValueName(unsigned short) const = 0;
          virtual const char *getPropertyName(unsigned short) const = 0;
          virtual int getValueID(const char *valStr, int len) const = 0;
          virtual int getPropertyID(const char *propStr, int len) const = 0;
          virtual RenderStyle *renderStyle() const = 0;
          virtual bool cssPropertyApplyFirst(int) const = 0;
          // EcmaScript interface
          virtual EcmaInterface *ecmaInterface() const = 0;
          virtual GlobalObject *globalObject(DocumentImpl *doc) const = 0;
  #endif // KDOMStubClasses_h
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/Namespace.h
  Index: Namespace.h
      Copyright (C) 2005 Frans Englich <frans.englich at telia.com>
      This file is part of the KDE project
      This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
      License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      Library General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
      the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
      Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  #ifndef KDOM_Namespace_h
  #define KDOM_Namespace_h
   * @file Namespace.h
   * @short A collection of common namespaces.
  /* Micro styleguide for the Namespace class:
   * - Names are capitalized ala the DOM style: all caps.
   * - Don't overflow with tons of namespaces just for the sake of it or 
   *  completeness, we don't want overengineering or bloat. Add a namespace when 
   *  it is actually used, or it with confidence will be.
  #include <kdom/DOMString.h>
  namespace KDOM
       * Namespace for XML Inclusions(XInclude).
       * Specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/xinclude/
      const DOMString NS_XINCLUDE = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude";
       * Namespace for the special XML namespace. It is by definition
       * bound to the "xml" prefix, and should have no usage in 
       * ordinary code.
       * Specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/
      const DOMString NS_XML = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace";
       * The namespace for the xmlns prefix. The Namespaces in XML recommendation 
       * explicitly states that xmlns should not have a namespace, but has since 
       * been changed. See:
       * http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/
      const DOMString NS_XMLNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/";
       * Namespace for XML Hypertext Markup Language(XHTML).
       * Specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/
      const DOMString NS_XHTML = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
       * Namespace for Scalable Vector Graphics(SVG).
       * Specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/
      const DOMString NS_SVG = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
       * Namespace for OASIS XML Catalogs.
       * Specification: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/spec.html
      const DOMString NS_CATALOG = "urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog";
       * Not a namespace to be precise, but is a URI 
       * which identifies a schema of type DTD.
       * Specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-LS/
      const DOMString NS_SCHEMATYPE_DTD = "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml";
       * Not a namespace to be precise, but is a URI 
       * which identifies a schema of type W3C XML Schema(WXS).
       * Specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-LS/
      const DOMString NS_SCHEMATYPE_WXS = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
       * The namespace for one of the two parts in XSL: XSL-T. This namespace
       * is used for XSL-T 1.0 and 2.0.
       * Microsoft's XSL-T engine in MSXML, used in Internet Explorer, 
       * does in some circumstances use a proprietary namespace
       * which sometimes causes confusion.
       * For XSL-T 1.0, see: http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt; for XSL-T 2.0 see: 
       * http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt20/
      const DOMString NS_XSLT = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";
       * The namespace for W3C XML Schema. This is used for the XML language it
       * is, as well as its built-in data types.
       * Specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/
       * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/datatypes.html#namespaces">XML Schema 
       * Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, 3.1 Namespace considerations</a>
      const DOMString NS_WXS = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
       * The namespace for W3C XML Schema attributes used in schema instances.
       * Specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/
       * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/structures.html#Instance_Document_Constructions">XML 
       * Schema Part 1: Structures Second Edition, 2.6 Schema-Related Markup * in Documents Being Validated</a>
      const DOMString NS_XSI = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
       * The namespace for built-in XPath functions, as defined in for example
       * XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators and XSLT.
       * Specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery-operators/
      const DOMString NS_XFN = "http://www.w3.org/2005/04/xpath-functions";
       * The namespace for XPath Data Model Types. These are builtin data types 
       * defined by the XPath Data Model which are used in addition to W3C 
       * XML Schema's built-ins.
       * Specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-datamodel/
      const DOMString NS_XDT = "http://www.w3.org/2005/04/xpath-datatypes";
       * The namespace for identifying errors in XPath.
       * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/#id-identifying-errors">XML Path Language (XPath) 
       * 2.0, 2.3.2 Identifying and Reporting Errors</a>
      const DOMString NS_XPERR = "http://www.w3.org/2004/07/xqt-errors";
       * The XPath 2.0 Unicode codepoint collation URI identifier. Collations
       * specifies how strings are compared and ordered.
      const DOMString NS_UNICODE_COLLATION = "http://www.w3.org/2005/04/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint";
       * Namespace for identifying error conditions defined by the KXPATH implementation. That is,
       * error conditions that are not defined in for example <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/">XML 
       * Path Language (XPath) 2.0</a>.
       * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/#id-identifying-errors">XML Path Language (XPath) 
       * 2.0, 2.3.2 Identifying and Reporting Errors</a>
       * @see NS_XPERR
      const DOMString NS_KXPATH_ERR = "http://www.example.org/KXPATH/ErrorNamespace/TODO";
       * This namespace is similar to the W3C XML Schema namespace, with the difference that
       * it identifies artificial data types, used internally for implementation purposes. Using
       * this namespace in user code, most likely leads to severe, undefined errors.
      const DOMString NS_KDT = "http://www.example.org/KXPATH/DataTypeNamespace/TODO";
  #endif // KDOM_Namespace_h
  // vim:ts=4:noet
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/RGBColorImpl.cpp
  Index: RGBColorImpl.cpp
      Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Nikolas Zimmermann <wildfox at kde.org>
                    2004, 2005 Rob Buis <buis at kde.org>
      This file is part of the KDE project
      This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
      License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      Library General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
      the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
      Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  #include "config.h"
  #include "RGBColorImpl.h"
  #include "kdom/css/CSSPrimitiveValueImpl.h"
  using namespace KDOM;
  RGBColorImpl::RGBColorImpl(const QRgb &color) : Shared<RGBColorImpl>()
      m_color = color;
  RGBColorImpl::RGBColorImpl(const QColor &color) : Shared<RGBColorImpl>()
      m_color = color.rgb();
  CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *RGBColorImpl::red() const
      return new CSSPrimitiveValueImpl(float(qAlpha(m_color) ? qRed(m_color) : 0), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DIMENSION);
  CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *RGBColorImpl::green() const
      return new CSSPrimitiveValueImpl(float(qAlpha(m_color) ? qGreen(m_color) : 0), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DIMENSION);
  CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *RGBColorImpl::blue() const
      return new CSSPrimitiveValueImpl(float(qAlpha(m_color) ? qBlue(m_color) : 0), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DIMENSION);
  // vim:ts=4:noet
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/RGBColorImpl.h
  Index: RGBColorImpl.h
      Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Nikolas Zimmermann <wildfox at kde.org>
                    2004, 2005 Rob Buis <buis at kde.org>
      This file is part of the KDE project
      This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
      License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      Library General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
      the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
      Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  #ifndef KDOM_RGBColorImpl_H
  #define KDOM_RGBColorImpl_H
  #include <kdom/Shared.h>
  #include <qcolor.h>
  namespace KDOM
      class DOMString;
      class CSSPrimitiveValueImpl;
      class RGBColorImpl : public Shared<RGBColorImpl>
          RGBColorImpl(const QRgb &color);
          RGBColorImpl(const QColor &color);
          virtual ~RGBColorImpl();
          // 'RGBColorImpl' functions
          CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *red() const;
          CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *green() const;
          CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *blue() const;
          QRgb m_color;
  // vim:ts=4:noet
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/SVGNames.cpp
  Index: SVGNames.cpp
   * This file is part of the SVG DOM implementation for KDE.
   * Copyright (C) 2005 Apple Computer, Inc.
   * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   * Library General Public License for more details.
   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  #include "config.h"
  #include "SVGNames.h"
  namespace DOM { namespace SVGNames {
  // Define a properly-sized array of pointers to avoid static initialization.
  // Use an array of pointers instead of an array of char in case there is some alignment issue.
  #define DEFINE_UNINITIALIZED_GLOBAL(type, name) void *name[(sizeof(type) + sizeof(void *) - 1) / sizeof(void *)];
  #define DEFINE_TAG_GLOBAL(name) DEFINE_UNINITIALIZED_GLOBAL(QualifiedName, name##Tag)
  #define DEFINE_ATTR_GLOBAL(name) DEFINE_UNINITIALIZED_GLOBAL(QualifiedName, name##Attr)
  void init()
      static bool initialized = false;
      if (initialized)
      initialized = true;
      // Use placement new to initialize the globals.
      AtomicString svgNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg");
      // Namespace
      new (&svgNamespaceURI) AtomicString(svgNS);
      // Tags    #define DEFINE_TAG_STRING(name) const char *name##TagString = #name;
      color_profileTagString = "color-profile";
      definition_srcTagString = "definition-src";
      font_faceTagString = "font-face";
      font_face_formatTagString = "font-face_format";
      font_face_nameTagString = "font-face_name";
      font_face_srcTagString = "font-face_src";
      font_face_uriTagString = "font-face_uri";
      missing_glyphTagString = "missing-glyph";
      #define INITIALIZE_TAG_GLOBAL(name) new (&name##Tag) QualifiedName(nullAtom, name##TagString, svgNS);
      // Attributes    #define DEFINE_ATTR_STRING(name) const char *name##AttrString = #name;
      accent_heightAttrString = "accent-height";
      alignment_baselineAttrString = "alignment-baseline";
      arabic_formAttrString = "arabic-form";
      baseline_shiftAttrString = "baseline-shift";
      cap_heightAttrString = "cap-height";
      clip_pathAttrString = "clip-path";
      clip_ruleAttrString = "clip-rule";
      color_interpolationAttrString = "color-interpolation";
      color_interpolation_filtersAttrString = "color-interpolation_filters";
      color_profileAttrString = "color-profile";
      color_renderingAttrString = "color-rendering";
      dominant_baselineAttrString = "dominant-baseline";
      enable_backgroundAttrString = "enable-background";
      fill_opacityAttrString = "fill-opacity";
      fill_ruleAttrString = "fill-rule";
      flood_colorAttrString = "flood-color";
      flood_opacityAttrString = "flood-opacity";
      font_familyAttrString = "font-family";
      font_sizeAttrString = "font-size";
      font_size_adjustAttrString = "font-size_adjust";
      font_stretchAttrString = "font-stretch";
      font_styleAttrString = "font-style";
      font_variantAttrString = "font-variant";
      font_weightAttrString = "font-weight";
      glyph_nameAttrString = "glyph-name";
      glyph_orientation_horizontalAttrString = "glyph-orientation_horizontal";
      glyph_orientation_verticalAttrString = "glyph-orientation_vertical";
      horiz_adv_xAttrString = "horiz-adv_x";
      horiz_origin_xAttrString = "horiz-origin_x";
      horiz_origin_yAttrString = "horiz-origin_y";
      image_renderingAttrString = "image-rendering";
      letter_spacingAttrString = "letter-spacing";
      lighting_colorAttrString = "lighting-color";
      marker_endAttrString = "marker-end";
      marker_midAttrString = "marker-mid";
      marker_startAttrString = "marker-start";
      overline_positionAttrString = "overline-position";
      overline_thicknessAttrString = "overline-thickness";
      panose_1AttrString = "panose-1";
      pointer_eventsAttrString = "pointer-events";
      rendering_intentAttrString = "rendering-intent";
      shape_renderingAttrString = "shape-rendering";
      stop_colorAttrString = "stop-color";
      stop_opacityAttrString = "stop-opacity";
      strikethrough_positionAttrString = "strikethrough-position";
      strikethrough_thicknessAttrString = "strikethrough-thickness";
      stroke_dasharrayAttrString = "stroke-dasharray";
      stroke_dashoffsetAttrString = "stroke-dashoffset";
      stroke_linecapAttrString = "stroke-linecap";
      stroke_linejoinAttrString = "stroke-linejoin";
      stroke_miterlimitAttrString = "stroke-miterlimit";
      stroke_opacityAttrString = "stroke-opacity";
      stroke_widthAttrString = "stroke-width";
      text_anchorAttrString = "text-anchor";
      text_decorationAttrString = "text-decoration";
      text_renderingAttrString = "text-rendering";
      underline_positionAttrString = "underline-position";
      underline_thicknessAttrString = "underline-thickness";
      unicode_bidiAttrString = "unicode-bidi";
      unicode_rangeAttrString = "unicode-range";
      units_per_emAttrString = "units-per_em";
      v_alphabeticAttrString = "v-alphabetic";
      v_hangingAttrString = "v-hanging";
      v_ideographicAttrString = "v-ideographic";
      v_mathematicalAttrString = "v-mathematical";
      vert_adv_yAttrString = "vert-adv_y";
      vert_origin_xAttrString = "vert-origin_x";
      vert_origin_yAttrString = "vert-origin_y";
      word_spacingAttrString = "word-spacing";
      writing_modeAttrString = "writing-mode";
      x_heightAttrString = "x-height";
      #define INITIALIZE_ATTR_GLOBAL(name) new (&name##Attr) QualifiedName(nullAtom, name##AttrString, nullAtom);
  } }
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/SVGNames.h
  Index: SVGNames.h
   * This file is part of the SVG DOM implementation for KDE.
   * Copyright (C) 2005 Apple Computer, Inc.
   * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   * Library General Public License for more details.
   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
   #ifndef DOM_SVGNAMES_H
  #define DOM_SVGNAMES_H
  #include "dom_qname.h"
  namespace DOM { namespace SVGNames {
  #define DOM_SVGNAMES_FOR_EACH_TAG(macro) \
      macro(a) \
      macro(altglyph) \
      macro(altglyphdef) \
      macro(altglyphitem) \
      macro(animate) \
      macro(animatecolor) \
      macro(animatemotion) \
      macro(animatetransform) \
      macro(circle) \
      macro(clippath) \
      macro(color_profile) \
      macro(cursor) \
      macro(definition_src) \
      macro(defs) \
      macro(desc) \
      macro(ellipse) \
      macro(feblend) \
      macro(fecolormatrix) \
      macro(fecomponenttransfer) \
      macro(fecomposite) \
      macro(feconvolvematrix) \
      macro(fediffuselighting) \
      macro(fedisplacementmap) \
      macro(fedistantlight) \
      macro(feflood) \
      macro(fefunca) \
      macro(fefuncb) \
      macro(fefuncg) \
      macro(fefuncr) \
      macro(fegaussianblur) \
      macro(feimage) \
      macro(femerge) \
      macro(femergenode) \
      macro(femorphology) \
      macro(feoffset) \
      macro(fepointlight) \
      macro(fespecularlighting) \
      macro(fespotlight) \
      macro(fetile) \
      macro(feturbulence) \
      macro(filter) \
      macro(font) \
      macro(font_face) \
      macro(font_face_format) \
      macro(font_face_name) \
      macro(font_face_src) \
      macro(font_face_uri) \
      macro(foreignobject) \
      macro(g) \
      macro(glyph) \
      macro(glyphref) \
      macro(hkern) \
      macro(image) \
      macro(line) \
      macro(lineargradient) \
      macro(marker) \
      macro(mask) \
      macro(metadata) \
      macro(missing_glyph) \
      macro(mpath) \
      macro(path) \
      macro(pattern) \
      macro(polygon) \
      macro(polyline) \
      macro(radialgradient) \
      macro(rect) \
      macro(script) \
      macro(set) \
      macro(stop) \
      macro(style) \
      macro(svg) \
      macro(switch) \
      macro(symbol) \
      macro(text) \
      macro(textpath) \
      macro(title) \
      macro(tref) \
      macro(tspan) \
      macro(use) \
      macro(view) \
      macro(vkern) \
  // end of macro
  #define DOM_SVGNAMES_FOR_EACH_ATTR(macro) \
      macro(accent_height) \
      macro(accumulate) \
      macro(additive) \
      macro(alignment_baseline) \
      macro(alphabetic) \
      macro(amplitude) \
      macro(animate) \
      macro(arabic_form) \
      macro(ascent) \
      macro(attributename) \
      macro(attributetype) \
      macro(azimuth) \
      macro(basefrequency) \
      macro(baseline_shift) \
      macro(baseprofile) \
      macro(bbox) \
      macro(begin) \
      macro(bias) \
      macro(by) \
      macro(calcmode) \
      macro(cap_height) \
      macro(clip) \
      macro(clip_path) \
      macro(clip_rule) \
      macro(clippathunits) \
      macro(color) \
      macro(color_interpolation) \
      macro(color_interpolation_filters) \
      macro(color_profile) \
      macro(color_rendering) \
      macro(contentscripttype) \
      macro(contentstyletype) \
      macro(cursor) \
      macro(cx) \
      macro(cy) \
      macro(d) \
      macro(descent) \
      macro(diffuseconstant) \
      macro(direction) \
      macro(display) \
      macro(divisor) \
      macro(dominant_baseline) \
      macro(dur) \
      macro(dx) \
      macro(dy) \
      macro(edgemode) \
      macro(elevation) \
      macro(enable_background) \
      macro(end) \
      macro(exponent) \
      macro(externalresourcesrequired) \
      macro(fecolormatrix) \
      macro(fecomposite) \
      macro(fegaussianblur) \
      macro(femorphology) \
      macro(fetile) \
      macro(fill) \
      macro(fill_opacity) \
      macro(fill_rule) \
      macro(filter) \
      macro(filterres) \
      macro(filterunits) \
      macro(flood_color) \
      macro(flood_opacity) \
      macro(font_family) \
      macro(font_size) \
      macro(font_size_adjust) \
      macro(font_stretch) \
      macro(font_style) \
      macro(font_variant) \
      macro(font_weight) \
      macro(format) \
      macro(from) \
      macro(fx) \
      macro(fy) \
      macro(g1) \
      macro(g2) \
      macro(glyph_name) \
      macro(glyph_orientation_horizontal) \
      macro(glyph_orientation_vertical) \
      macro(glyphref) \
      macro(gradienttransform) \
      macro(gradientunits) \
      macro(hanging) \
      macro(height) \
      macro(horiz_adv_x) \
      macro(horiz_origin_x) \
      macro(horiz_origin_y) \
      macro(href) \
      macro(ideographic) \
      macro(image_rendering) \
      macro(in) \
      macro(in2) \
      macro(intercept) \
      macro(k) \
      macro(k1) \
      macro(k2) \
      macro(k3) \
      macro(k4) \
      macro(kernelmatrix) \
      macro(kernelunitlength) \
      macro(kerning) \
      macro(keypoints) \
      macro(keysplines) \
      macro(keytimes) \
      macro(lang) \
      macro(lengthadjust) \
      macro(letter_spacing) \
      macro(lighting_color) \
      macro(limitingconeangle) \
      macro(local) \
      macro(marker_end) \
      macro(marker_mid) \
      macro(marker_start) \
      macro(markerheight) \
      macro(markerunits) \
      macro(markerwidth) \
      macro(mask) \
      macro(maskcontentunits) \
      macro(maskunits) \
      macro(mathematical) \
      macro(max) \
      macro(media) \
      macro(method) \
      macro(min) \
      macro(mode) \
      macro(name) \
      macro(numoctaves) \
      macro(offset) \
      macro(onbegin) \
      macro(onend) \
      macro(onrepeat) \
      macro(onzoom) \
      macro(opacity) \
      macro(operator) \
      macro(order) \
      macro(orient) \
      macro(orientation) \
      macro(origin) \
      macro(overflow) \
      macro(overline_position) \
      macro(overline_thickness) \
      macro(panose_1) \
      macro(path) \
      macro(pathlength) \
      macro(patterncontentunits) \
      macro(patterntransform) \
      macro(patternunits) \
      macro(pointer_events) \
      macro(points) \
      macro(pointsatx) \
      macro(pointsaty) \
      macro(pointsatz) \
      macro(preservealpha) \
      macro(preserveaspectratio) \
      macro(primitiveunits) \
      macro(r) \
      macro(radius) \
      macro(refx) \
      macro(refy) \
      macro(rendering_intent) \
      macro(repeatcount) \
      macro(repeatdur) \
      macro(requiredextensions) \
      macro(requiredfeatures) \
      macro(restart) \
      macro(result) \
      macro(rotate) \
      macro(rx) \
      macro(ry) \
      macro(scale) \
      macro(seed) \
      macro(shape_rendering) \
      macro(slope) \
      macro(space) \
      macro(spacing) \
      macro(specularconstant) \
      macro(specularexponent) \
      macro(spreadmethod) \
      macro(startoffset) \
      macro(stddeviation) \
      macro(stemh) \
      macro(stemv) \
      macro(stitchtiles) \
      macro(stop_color) \
      macro(stop_opacity) \
      macro(strikethrough_position) \
      macro(strikethrough_thickness) \
      macro(stroke) \
      macro(stroke_dasharray) \
      macro(stroke_dashoffset) \
      macro(stroke_linecap) \
      macro(stroke_linejoin) \
      macro(stroke_miterlimit) \
      macro(stroke_opacity) \
      macro(stroke_width) \
      macro(style) \
      macro(surfacescale) \
      macro(systemlanguage) \
      macro(tablevalues) \
      macro(target) \
      macro(targetx) \
      macro(targety) \
      macro(text_anchor) \
      macro(text_decoration) \
      macro(text_rendering) \
      macro(textlength) \
      macro(title) \
      macro(to) \
      macro(transform) \
      macro(type) \
      macro(u1) \
      macro(u2) \
      macro(underline_position) \
      macro(underline_thickness) \
      macro(unicode) \
      macro(unicode_bidi) \
      macro(unicode_range) \
      macro(units_per_em) \
      macro(v_alphabetic) \
      macro(v_hanging) \
      macro(v_ideographic) \
      macro(v_mathematical) \
      macro(values) \
      macro(version) \
      macro(vert_adv_y) \
      macro(vert_origin_x) \
      macro(vert_origin_y) \
      macro(viewbox) \
      macro(viewtarget) \
      macro(visibility) \
      macro(width) \
      macro(widths) \
      macro(word_spacing) \
      macro(writing_mode) \
      macro(x) \
      macro(x_height) \
      macro(x1) \
      macro(x2) \
      macro(xchannelselector) \
      macro(y) \
      macro(y1) \
      macro(y2) \
      macro(ychannelselector) \
      macro(z) \
      macro(zoomandpan) \
  // end of macro
      // Namespace
      extern const AtomicString svgNamespaceURI;
      // Tags
      #define DOM_NAMES_DEFINE_TAG_GLOBAL(name) extern const QualifiedName name##Tag;
      // Attributes
      #define DOM_NAMES_DEFINE_ATTR_GLOBAL(name) extern const QualifiedName name##Attr;
      void init();
  } }
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/kdom.h
  Index: kdom.h
      Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Nikolas Zimmermann <wildfox at kde.org>
                    2004, 2005 Rob Buis <buis at kde.org>
      This file is part of the KDE project
      This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
      License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      Library General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
      the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
      Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  #ifndef KDOM_H
  #define KDOM_H
  #include <kdebug.h>
  #include <qstring.h>
  #include <kdom/DOMString.h>
   * @short General namespace specific definitions.
  namespace KDOM
       * All DOM constants
      enum NodeType
          ELEMENT_NODE                = 1,
          ATTRIBUTE_NODE              = 2,
          TEXT_NODE                   = 3,
          CDATA_SECTION_NODE          = 4,
          ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE       = 5,
          ENTITY_NODE                 = 6,
          COMMENT_NODE                = 8,
          DOCUMENT_NODE               = 9,
          DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE          = 10,
          DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE      = 11,
          NOTATION_NODE               = 12
      enum ExceptionCode
          INDEX_SIZE_ERR              = 1,
          DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR          = 2,
          HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR       = 3,
          WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR          = 4,
          INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR       = 5,
          NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR         = 6,
          NOT_FOUND_ERR               = 8,
          NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR           = 9,
          INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR         = 10,
          INVALID_STATE_ERR           = 11,
          SYNTAX_ERR                  = 12,
          NAMESPACE_ERR               = 14,
          INVALID_ACCESS_ERR          = 15,
          VALIDATION_ERR              = 16,   // DOM3
          TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR           = 17    // DOM3
      enum DocumentPosition
          DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED              = 0x01,
          DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING                 = 0x02,
          DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING                 = 0x04,
          DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS                  = 0x08,
          DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY              = 0x10,
      enum DerivationMethods
          DERIVATION_RESTRICTION         = 0x00000001,
          DERIVATION_EXTENSION           = 0x00000002,
          DERIVATION_UNION               = 0x00000004,
          DERIVATION_LIST                = 0x00000008
          FEATURE_CANONICAL_FORM                  = 0x000001,
          FEATURE_CDATA_SECTIONS                  = 0x000002,
          FEATURE_COMMENTS                        = 0x000004,
          FEATURE_DATATYPE_NORMALIZATION          = 0x000008,
          FEATURE_ENTITIES                        = 0x000010,
          FEATURE_WELL_FORMED                     = 0x000020,
          FEATURE_NAMESPACES                      = 0x000040,
          FEATURE_NAMESPACE_DECLARATIONS          = 0x000080,
          FEATURE_NORMALIZE_CHARACTERS            = 0x000100,
          FEATURE_SPLIT_CDATA_SECTIONS            = 0x000200,
          FEATURE_VALIDATE                        = 0x000400,
          FEATURE_VALIDATE_IF_SCHEMA              = 0x000800,
          // LSParser specific
          FEATURE_DISALLOW_DOCTYPE                 = 0x008000,
          FEATURE_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CD                = 0x010000,
          FEATURE_SUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE_ONLY        = 0x020000,
          // LS Serializer specific
          FEATURE_DISCARD_DEFAULT_CONTENT            = 0x040000,
          FEATURE_FORMAT_PRETTY_PRINT                = 0x080000,
          FEATURE_XML_DECLARATION                    = 0x100000
       * A TimeStamp represents a number of milliseconds
      typedef unsigned long long DOMTimeStamp;
      // Debugging helper
      inline kndbgstream &operator<<(kndbgstream &stream, const DOMString &string) { return (stream << string.qstring()); }
      inline kdbgstream  &operator<<(kdbgstream  &stream, const DOMString &string) { return (stream << string.qstring()); }
  // vim:ts=4:noet
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/kdomcss.h
  Index: kdomcss.h
      Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Nikolas Zimmermann <wildfox at kde.org>
                    2004, 2005 Rob Buis <buis at kde.org>
      This file is part of the KDE project
      This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
      License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      Library General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
      the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
      Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  #ifndef KDOMCSS_H
  #define KDOMCSS_H
  // General namespace specific definitions
  namespace KDOM
      enum RuleType
          UNKNOWN_RULE        = 0,
          STYLE_RULE            = 1,
          CHARSET_RULE        = 2,
          IMPORT_RULE            = 3,
          MEDIA_RULE            = 4,
          FONT_FACE_RULE        = 5,
          PAGE_RULE            = 6
      enum ValueTypes /* Was also named UnitTypes, in the css.idl! Name clash! */
          CSS_INHERIT            = 0,
          CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE    = 1,
          CSS_VALUE_LIST        = 2,
          CSS_CUSTOM            = 3,
          CSS_INITIAL            = 4
  // vim:ts=4:noet
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/kdomevents.h
  Index: kdomevents.h
      Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Nikolas Zimmermann <wildfox at kde.org>
                    2004, 2005 Rob Buis <buis at kde.org>
      This file is part of the KDE project
      This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
      License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      Library General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
      the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
      Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  #ifndef KDOMEVENTS_H
  #define KDOMEVENTS_H
  // General namespace specific definitions
  namespace KDOM
      enum PhaseType
          CAPTURING_PHASE    = 1,
          AT_TARGET        = 2,
          BUBBLING_PHASE    = 3
      // KeyLocationCode
      enum KeyLocationCode
          DOM_KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD      = 0x00,
          DOM_KEY_LOCATION_LEFT          = 0x01,
          DOM_KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT         = 0x02,
          DOM_KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD        = 0x03,
          DOM_KEY_LOCATION_UNKNOWN       = 0x04
      // VirtualKeyCode
      enum KeyCodes
          DOM_VK_UNDEFINED         = 0x0,
          DOM_VK_RIGHT_ALT         = 0x12,
          DOM_VK_LEFT_ALT             = 0x12,
          DOM_VK_LEFT_CONTROL         = 0x11,
          DOM_VK_RIGHT_CONTROL     = 0x11,
          DOM_VK_LEFT_SHIFT         = 0x10,
          DOM_VK_RIGHT_SHIFT         = 0x10,
          DOM_VK_META                 = 0x9D,
          DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE         = 0x08,
          DOM_VK_CAPS_LOCK         = 0x14,
          DOM_VK_DELETE             = 0x7F,
          DOM_VK_END                 = 0x23,
          DOM_VK_ENTER             = 0x0D,
          DOM_VK_ESCAPE             = 0x1B,
          DOM_VK_HOME                 = 0x24,
          DOM_VK_NUM_LOCK             = 0x90,
          DOM_VK_PAUSE             = 0x13,
          DOM_VK_PRINTSCREEN         = 0x9A,
          DOM_VK_SCROLL_LOCK         = 0x91,
          DOM_VK_SPACE             = 0x20,
          DOM_VK_TAB                 = 0x09,
          DOM_VK_LEFT                 = 0x25,
          DOM_VK_RIGHT             = 0x27,
          DOM_VK_UP                 = 0x26,
          DOM_VK_DOWN                 = 0x28,
          DOM_VK_PAGE_DOWN         = 0x22,
          DOM_VK_PAGE_UP             = 0x21,
          DOM_VK_F1                 = 0x70,
          DOM_VK_F2                 = 0x71,
          DOM_VK_F3                 = 0x72,
          DOM_VK_F4                 = 0x73,
          DOM_VK_F5                 = 0x74,
          DOM_VK_F6                 = 0x75,
          DOM_VK_F7                 = 0x76,
          DOM_VK_F8                 = 0x77,
          DOM_VK_F9                 = 0x78,
          DOM_VK_F10                 = 0x79,
          DOM_VK_F11                 = 0x7A,
          DOM_VK_F12                 = 0x7B,
          DOM_VK_F13                 = 0xF000,
          DOM_VK_F14                 = 0xF001,
          DOM_VK_F15                 = 0xF002,
          DOM_VK_F16                 = 0xF003,
          DOM_VK_F17                 = 0xF004,
          DOM_VK_F18                 = 0xF005,
          DOM_VK_F19                 = 0xF006,
          DOM_VK_F20                 = 0xF007,
          DOM_VK_F21                 = 0xF008,
          DOM_VK_F22                 = 0xF009,
          DOM_VK_F23                 = 0xF00A,
          DOM_VK_F24                 = 0xF00B
      enum AttrChangeType
          MODIFICATION    = 1,
          ADDITION        = 2,
          REMOVAL            = 3
      enum EventExceptionCode
  // vim:ts=4:noet
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/kdomls.h
  Index: kdomls.h
      Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Nikolas Zimmermann <wildfox at kde.org>
                    2004, 2005 Rob Buis <buis at kde.org>
      This file is part of the KDE project
      This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
      License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      Library General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
      the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
      Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  #ifndef KDOMLS_H
  #define KDOMLS_H
  // General namespace specific definitions
  namespace KDOM
      enum LSExceptionCode
          PARSE_ERR        = 81,
          SERIALIZE_ERR    = 82
      // Integer parser mode constants.
      enum DOMImplementationLSMode
          MODE_SYNCHRONOUS    = 1,
          MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS    = 2
      // A set of possible actions for the parseWithContext method.
      enum ACTION_TYPES
          ACTION_REPLACE_CHILDREN        = 2,
          ACTION_INSERT_BEFORE        = 3,
          ACTION_INSERT_AFTER            = 4,
          ACTION_REPLACE                = 5
  // vim:ts=4:noet
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/kdomrange.h
  Index: kdomrange.h
      Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Nikolas Zimmermann <wildfox at kde.org>
                    2004, 2005 Rob Buis <buis at kde.org>
      This file is part of the KDE project
      This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
      License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      Library General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
      the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
      Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  #ifndef KDOMRANGE_H
  #define KDOMRANGE_H
  // General namespace specific definitions
  namespace KDOM
       * An integer indicating the type of error generated.
      enum RangeExceptionCode
          BAD_BOUNDARYPOINTS_ERR         = 1,
          INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR          = 2,
      enum CompareHow
          START_TO_START = 0,
          START_TO_END = 1,
          END_TO_END = 2,
          END_TO_START = 3
  // vim:ts=4:noet
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/kdomtraversal.h
  Index: kdomtraversal.h
      Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Nikolas Zimmermann <wildfox at kde.org>
                    2004, 2005 Rob Buis <buis at kde.org>
      This file is part of the KDE project
      This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
      License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      Library General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
      the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
      Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  // General namespace specific definitions
  namespace KDOM
      // Constants returned by acceptNode
      enum AcceptCode
          FILTER_ACCEPT                  = 1,
          FILTER_REJECT                  = 2,
          FILTER_SKIP                    = 3
      // Constants for whatToShow
      enum ShowNode
          SHOW_ALL                       = 0xFFFFFFFF,
          SHOW_ELEMENT                   = 0x00000001,
          SHOW_ATTRIBUTE                 = 0x00000002,
          SHOW_TEXT                      = 0x00000004,
          SHOW_CDATA_SECTION             = 0x00000008,
          SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE          = 0x00000010,
          SHOW_ENTITY                    = 0x00000020,
          SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION    = 0x00000040,
          SHOW_COMMENT                   = 0x00000080,
          SHOW_DOCUMENT                  = 0x00000100,
          SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE             = 0x00000200,
          SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT         = 0x00000400,
          SHOW_NOTATION                  = 0x00000800
  // vim:ts=4:noet
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/kdomxpath.h
  Index: kdomxpath.h
   * kdomxpath.h - Copyright 2005 Frerich Raabe <raabe at kde.org>
   * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
   * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
   * are met:
   * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
   *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
   * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
   *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
   *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  #ifndef KDOMXPATH_H
  #define KDOMXPATH_H
  namespace KDOM
      namespace XPath
          enum XPathExceptionCode {
              INVALID_EXPRESSION_ERR = 1,
              TYPE_ERR = 2
          enum XPathResultType {
              ANY_TYPE = 0,
              NUMBER_TYPE = 1,
              STRING_TYPE = 2,
              BOOLEAN_TYPE = 3,
              ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE = 8,
              FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE = 9
          enum XPathNodeType {
              XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE = 13
  #endif // KDOMXPATH_H
  1.1                  SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG/kdomxpointer.h
  Index: kdomxpointer.h
   * This file is part of the KDE libraries
   * Copyright (C) 2005 Frans Englich     <frans.englich at telia.com>
   * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   * Library General Public License for more details.
   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
   * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  #ifndef KDOM_kxpointer_H
  #define KDOM_kxpointer_H
  namespace KDOM
   * @brief An implementation of XPointer.
   * \section conformance Conformance
   * The following is supported:
   * <ul>
   *     <li>The XPointer Framework</li>
   *     <li>Shorthand pointers</li>
   *     <li>The xmlns() scheme</li>
   *     <li>The element() scheme</li>
   * </ul>
   * The following is not supported:
   * <ul>
   *     <li>The xpointer() scheme</li>
   *     <li>Any 3rd party schemes.</li>
   * </ul>
   * \section usage Usage
   * Using XPointers is done via the DOM interface Document, inheriting from XPointerEvaluator(), which
   * contains the entry points for XPointer use.
   * @see XPointerEvaluator
   * \section reading Related Reading:
   * <ul>
   * <li>An EBNF grammar of the xpointer() scheme:
   * http://xpointerlib.mozdev.org/xpointerGrammar.html</li>
   * <li>Mozilla's XPointer Lib:
   * http://xpointerlib.mozdev.org/</li>
   * <li>An IDL For Mozilla's XPointer interface:
   * http://www.mozdev.org/source/browse/xpointerlib/src/idl/nsIXPointerService.idl?rev=1.6&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup</li>
   * <li>Listings of some 3rdparty schemes: http://simonstl.com/ietf/.</li>
   * </ul>
   * @author Frans Englich <frans.englich at telia.com>
  namespace XPointer
       * An integer indicating the type of error generated.
      enum ExceptionCode
           * An XPointer was syntactically invalid.
           * Thrown by the XPointerResultImpl's functions when requested
           * result type and contained result doesn't matc.
          TYPE_ERR = 3,
           * The circumflex(^) were used for invalid escaping. This is a subset of
           * syntax error.
          INVALID_ENCODING = 4
       * An integer indicating what type of result this is.
      enum ResultType
           * The pointer matched no nodes.
          NO_MATCH = 1,
           * The pointer identifed a single node.
          SINGLE_NODE = 2
  // vim:ts=4:noet
  No                   revision
  No                   revision  +108 -2850 WebCore/WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
  Index: project.pbxproj
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj,v
  retrieving revision 1.40
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.40 -r1.40.2.1
  --- project.pbxproj	28 Oct 2005 00:49:50 -0000	1.40
  +++ project.pbxproj	3 Nov 2005 10:27:22 -0000
  @@ -610,269 +610,85 @@
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  -		A8122EC108D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEComponentTransferElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D4908D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEComponentTransferElementWrapper.h */; };
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  -		A8122EC308D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFECompositeElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D4B08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFECompositeElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EC408D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEFloodElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D4C08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEFloodElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EC508D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEFloodElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D4D08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEFloodElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EC608D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEFuncAElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D4E08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEFuncAElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EC708D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEFuncAElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D4F08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEFuncAElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EC808D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEFuncBElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D5008D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEFuncBElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EC908D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEFuncBElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D5108D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEFuncBElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122ECA08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEFuncGElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D5208D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEFuncGElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122ECB08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEFuncGElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D5308D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEFuncGElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122ECC08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEFuncRElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D5408D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEFuncRElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122ECD08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEFuncRElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D5508D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEFuncRElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122ECE08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEGaussianBlurElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D5608D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEGaussianBlurElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122ECF08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEGaussianBlurElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D5708D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEGaussianBlurElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122ED008D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEImageElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D5808D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEImageElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122ED108D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEImageElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D5908D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEImageElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122ED208D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEMergeElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D5A08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEMergeElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122ED308D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEMergeElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D5B08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEMergeElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122ED408D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEMergeNodeElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D5C08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEMergeNodeElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122ED508D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEMergeNodeElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D5D08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEMergeNodeElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122ED608D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEOffsetElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D5E08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEOffsetElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122ED708D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFEOffsetElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D5F08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFEOffsetElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122ED808D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFETileElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D6008D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFETileElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122ED908D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFETileElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D6108D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFETileElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EDA08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFETurbulenceElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D6208D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFETurbulenceElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EDB08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFETurbulenceElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D6308D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFETurbulenceElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EDC08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFilterElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D6408D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFilterElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EDD08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFilterElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D6508D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFilterElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EDE08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D6608D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EDF08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D6708D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EE008D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFitToViewBoxWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D6808D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFitToViewBoxWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EE108D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFitToViewBoxWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D6908D564B200844FA3 /* SVGFitToViewBoxWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EE208D564B400844FA3 /* SVGGElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D6A08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGGElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EE308D564B400844FA3 /* SVGGElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D6B08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGGElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EE408D564B400844FA3 /* SVGGradientElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D6C08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGGradientElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EE508D564B400844FA3 /* SVGGradientElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D6D08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGGradientElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EE708D564B400844FA3 /* SVGICCColorWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D6F08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGICCColorWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EE808D564B400844FA3 /* SVGImageElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D7008D564B200844FA3 /* SVGImageElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EE908D564B400844FA3 /* SVGImageElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D7108D564B200844FA3 /* SVGImageElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EEA08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGLangSpaceWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D7208D564B200844FA3 /* SVGLangSpaceWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EEB08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGLangSpaceWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D7308D564B200844FA3 /* SVGLangSpaceWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EEC08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGLengthListWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D7408D564B200844FA3 /* SVGLengthListWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EED08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGLengthListWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D7508D564B200844FA3 /* SVGLengthListWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EEE08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGLengthWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D7608D564B200844FA3 /* SVGLengthWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EEF08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGLengthWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D7708D564B200844FA3 /* SVGLengthWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EF008D564B400844FA3 /* SVGLinearGradientElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D7808D564B200844FA3 /* SVGLinearGradientElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EF108D564B500844FA3 /* SVGLinearGradientElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D7908D564B200844FA3 /* SVGLinearGradientElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EF208D564B500844FA3 /* SVGLineElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D7A08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGLineElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EF308D564B500844FA3 /* SVGLineElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D7B08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGLineElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EF408D564B500844FA3 /* SVGLocatableWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D7C08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGLocatableWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EF508D564B500844FA3 /* SVGLocatableWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D7D08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGLocatableWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EF608D564B500844FA3 /* SVGMarkerElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D7E08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGMarkerElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EF708D564B500844FA3 /* SVGMarkerElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D7F08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGMarkerElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EF808D564B500844FA3 /* SVGMatrixWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D8008D564B200844FA3 /* SVGMatrixWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EF908D564B500844FA3 /* SVGMatrixWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D8108D564B200844FA3 /* SVGMatrixWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EFA08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGNumberListWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D8208D564B200844FA3 /* SVGNumberListWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EFB08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGNumberListWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D8308D564B200844FA3 /* SVGNumberListWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EFC08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGNumberWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D8408D564B200844FA3 /* SVGNumberWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EFD08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGNumberWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D8508D564B200844FA3 /* SVGNumberWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122EFE08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPaintWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D8608D564B200844FA3 /* SVGPaintWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8122EFF08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPaintWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D8708D564B200844FA3 /* SVGPaintWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F0008D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D8808D564B200844FA3 /* SVGPathElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F0108D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D8908D564B200844FA3 /* SVGPathElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F0208D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegArcAbsWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D8A08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGPathSegArcAbsWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F0308D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegArcAbsWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D8B08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGPathSegArcAbsWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F0408D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegArcRelWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D8C08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGPathSegArcRelWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F0508D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegArcRelWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D8D08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGPathSegArcRelWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F0608D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegClosePathWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D8E08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGPathSegClosePathWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F0708D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegClosePathWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D8F08D564B200844FA3 /* SVGPathSegClosePathWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F0808D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbsWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D9008D564B200844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbsWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F0908D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbsWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D9108D564B200844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbsWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F0A08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRelWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D9208D564B200844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRelWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F0B08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRelWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D9308D564B200844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRelWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F0C08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbsWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D9408D564B200844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbsWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F0D08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbsWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D9508D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbsWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F0E08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRelWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D9608D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRelWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F0F08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRelWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D9708D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRelWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F1008D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbsWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D9808D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbsWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F1108D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbsWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D9908D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbsWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F1208D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRelWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D9A08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRelWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F1308D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRelWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D9B08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRelWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F1408D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbsWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D9C08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbsWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F1508D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbsWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D9D08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbsWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F1608D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRelWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D9E08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRelWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F1708D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRelWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122D9F08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRelWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F1808D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoAbsWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DA008D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoAbsWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F1908D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoAbsWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DA108D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoAbsWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F1A08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbsWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DA208D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbsWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F1B08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbsWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DA308D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbsWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F1C08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRelWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DA408D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRelWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F1D08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRelWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DA508D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRelWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F1E08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoRelWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DA608D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoRelWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F1F08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoRelWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DA708D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoRelWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F2008D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbsWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DA808D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbsWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F2108D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbsWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DA908D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbsWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F2208D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRelWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DAA08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRelWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F2308D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRelWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DAB08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRelWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F2408D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegListWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DAC08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegListWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F2508D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegListWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DAD08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegListWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F2608D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegMovetoAbsWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DAE08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegMovetoAbsWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F2708D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegMovetoAbsWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DAF08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegMovetoAbsWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F2808D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegMovetoRelWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DB008D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegMovetoRelWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F2908D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegMovetoRelWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DB108D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegMovetoRelWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F2A08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DB208D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F2B08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DB308D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPathSegWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F2C08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPatternElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DB408D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPatternElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F2D08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPatternElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DB508D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPatternElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F2E08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPointListWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DB608D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPointListWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F2F08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPointListWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DB708D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPointListWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F3008D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPointWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DB808D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPointWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F3108D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPointWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DB908D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPointWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F3208D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPolygonElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DBA08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPolygonElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F3308D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPolygonElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DBB08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPolygonElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F3408D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPolylineElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DBC08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPolylineElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F3508D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPolylineElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DBD08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPolylineElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F3608D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPreserveAspectRatioWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DBE08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPreserveAspectRatioWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F3708D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPreserveAspectRatioWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DBF08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGPreserveAspectRatioWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F3808D564B500844FA3 /* SVGRadialGradientElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DC008D564B300844FA3 /* SVGRadialGradientElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F3908D564B500844FA3 /* SVGRadialGradientElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DC108D564B300844FA3 /* SVGRadialGradientElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F3A08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGRectElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DC208D564B300844FA3 /* SVGRectElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F3B08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGRectElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DC308D564B300844FA3 /* SVGRectElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F3C08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGRectWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DC408D564B300844FA3 /* SVGRectWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F3D08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGRectWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DC508D564B300844FA3 /* SVGRectWrapper.h */; };
   		A8122F3F08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGRenderingIntentWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DC708D564B300844FA3 /* SVGRenderingIntentWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F4008D564B500844FA3 /* SVGScriptElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DC808D564B300844FA3 /* SVGScriptElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F4108D564B500844FA3 /* SVGScriptElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DC908D564B300844FA3 /* SVGScriptElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F4208D564B500844FA3 /* SVGSetElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DCA08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGSetElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F4308D564B500844FA3 /* SVGSetElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DCB08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGSetElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F4408D564B500844FA3 /* SVGStopElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DCC08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGStopElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F4508D564B500844FA3 /* SVGStopElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DCD08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGStopElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F4608D564B500844FA3 /* SVGStringListWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DCE08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGStringListWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F4708D564B500844FA3 /* SVGStringListWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DCF08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGStringListWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F4808D564B500844FA3 /* SVGStylableWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DD008D564B300844FA3 /* SVGStylableWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F4908D564B500844FA3 /* SVGStylableWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DD108D564B300844FA3 /* SVGStylableWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F4A08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGStyleElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DD208D564B300844FA3 /* SVGStyleElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F4B08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGStyleElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DD308D564B300844FA3 /* SVGStyleElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F4C08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGSVGElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DD408D564B300844FA3 /* SVGSVGElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F4D08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGSVGElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DD508D564B300844FA3 /* SVGSVGElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F4E08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGSwitchElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DD608D564B300844FA3 /* SVGSwitchElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F4F08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGSwitchElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DD708D564B300844FA3 /* SVGSwitchElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F5008D564B500844FA3 /* SVGSymbolElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DD808D564B300844FA3 /* SVGSymbolElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F5108D564B500844FA3 /* SVGSymbolElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DD908D564B300844FA3 /* SVGSymbolElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F5208D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTestsWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DDA08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTestsWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F5308D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTestsWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DDB08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTestsWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F5408D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTextContentElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DDC08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTextContentElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F5508D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTextContentElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DDD08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTextContentElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F5608D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTextElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DDE08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTextElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F5708D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTextElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DDF08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTextElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F5808D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTextPositioningElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DE008D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTextPositioningElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F5908D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTextPositioningElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DE108D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTextPositioningElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F5A08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTitleElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DE208D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTitleElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F5B08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTitleElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DE308D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTitleElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F5C08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTransformableWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DE408D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTransformableWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F5D08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTransformableWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DE508D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTransformableWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F5E08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTransformListWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DE608D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTransformListWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F5F08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTransformListWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DE708D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTransformListWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F6008D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTransformWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DE808D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTransformWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F6108D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTransformWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DE908D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTransformWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F6208D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTSpanElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DEA08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTSpanElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F6308D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTSpanElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DEB08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGTSpanElementWrapper.h */; };
   		A8122F6508D564B500844FA3 /* SVGUnitTypesWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DED08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGUnitTypesWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F6608D564B500844FA3 /* SVGURIReferenceWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DEE08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGURIReferenceWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F6708D564B500844FA3 /* SVGURIReferenceWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DEF08D564B300844FA3 /* SVGURIReferenceWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F6808D564B500844FA3 /* SVGUseElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DF008D564B300844FA3 /* SVGUseElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F6908D564B500844FA3 /* SVGUseElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DF108D564B300844FA3 /* SVGUseElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F6A08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGViewElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DF208D564B300844FA3 /* SVGViewElementWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F6B08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGViewElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DF308D564B300844FA3 /* SVGViewElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F6C08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGZoomAndPanWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DF408D564B300844FA3 /* SVGZoomAndPanWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F6D08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGZoomAndPanWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DF508D564B300844FA3 /* SVGZoomAndPanWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8122F6E08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGZoomEventWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DF608D564B300844FA3 /* SVGZoomEventWrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8122F6F08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGZoomEventWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8122DF708D564B300844FA3 /* SVGZoomEventWrapper.h */; };
  -		A81D56A408ACAC7E00136AC1 /* XPointerHelper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D56A208ACAC7E00136AC1 /* XPointerHelper.h */; };
  -		A81D56A508ACAC7E00136AC1 /* XPointerHelper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D56A308ACAC7E00136AC1 /* XPointerHelper.cpp */; };
  -		A81D571908AD4A5700136AC1 /* DrawDocument.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6E1089701F100BA5114 /* DrawDocument.mm */; };
  -		A81D578808AD5F1200136AC1 /* DrawCanvasItem.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6DE089701F100BA5114 /* DrawCanvasItem.mm */; };
  -		A81D57BE08AD637400136AC1 /* ScriptInterpreter.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9C6089701F500BA5114 /* ScriptInterpreter.cpp */; };
  -		A81D57BF08AD637500136AC1 /* GlobalObject.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9C2089701F500BA5114 /* GlobalObject.cpp */; };
  -		A81D57C108AD637A00136AC1 /* Ecma.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9BF089701F500BA5114 /* Ecma.cpp */; };
  +		A8209067091379F3000BE4F4 /* KDOMHeaders.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8209066091379F3000BE4F4 /* KDOMHeaders.h */; };
  +		A820912F091381F5000BE4F4 /* KDOMStubClasses.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A820912E091381F5000BE4F4 /* KDOMStubClasses.h */; };
  +		A8209210091390B3000BE4F4 /* DOMList.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A820920F091390B3000BE4F4 /* DOMList.h */; };
  +		A82094CA09140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomtraversal.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A82094C409140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomtraversal.h */; };
  +		A82094CB09140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomevents.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A82094C509140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomevents.h */; };
  +		A82094CC09140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomls.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A82094C609140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomls.h */; };
  +		A82094CD09140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomrange.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A82094C709140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomrange.h */; };
  +		A82094CE09140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomcss.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A82094C809140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomcss.h */; };
  +		A82094CF09140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdom.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A82094C909140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdom.h */; };
   		A8212A8708794A2300677359 /* css_base.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = BC8F618B040594BA00A80004 /* css_base.h */; };
   		A8212A8808794A2300677359 /* css_ruleimpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = F523D16502DE42E6018635CA /* css_ruleimpl.h */; };
   		A8212A8908794A2300677359 /* css_stylesheetimpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = F523D16702DE42E6018635CA /* css_stylesheetimpl.h */; };
  @@ -1474,229 +1290,26 @@
   		A8212D0508794A2300677359 /* libxslt.dylib in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 840633070731A77200DB1FD1 /* libxslt.dylib */; };
   		A82FBB6608C6241300EFEE23 /* EventNames.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 939885C208B7E3D100E707C4 /* EventNames.h */; };
   		A82FBB6708C6241E00EFEE23 /* EventNames.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 939885C108B7E3D100E707C4 /* EventNames.cpp */; };
  -		A82FC27508C9292E00EFEE23 /* DOMImplementationLSImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A82FC27308C9292E00EFEE23 /* DOMImplementationLSImpl.h */; };
  -		A82FC27608C9292E00EFEE23 /* DOMImplementationLSImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A82FC27408C9292E00EFEE23 /* DOMImplementationLSImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A82FC2F208C9AAE400EFEE23 /* LinkStyleImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A82FC2F008C9AAE400EFEE23 /* LinkStyleImpl.h */; };
  -		A82FC2F308C9AAE400EFEE23 /* LinkStyleImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A82FC2F108C9AAE400EFEE23 /* LinkStyleImpl.cpp */; };
   		A82FC33D08CBB07C00EFEE23 /* SVGCursorElementImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A82FC33B08CBB07C00EFEE23 /* SVGCursorElementImpl.h */; };
   		A82FC33E08CBB07C00EFEE23 /* SVGCursorElementImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A82FC33C08CBB07C00EFEE23 /* SVGCursorElementImpl.cpp */; };
  +		A83A18D40914214F000EC311 /* Namespace.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A83A18D30914214F000EC311 /* Namespace.h */; };
   		A83C81A1091189B9009BF4A7 /* XSLTProcessor.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A83C819F091189B9009BF4A7 /* XSLTProcessor.h */; };
   		A83C81A2091189B9009BF4A7 /* XSLTProcessor.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A83C81A0091189B9009BF4A7 /* XSLTProcessor.cpp */; };
   		A83C81A3091189B9009BF4A7 /* XSLTProcessor.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A83C819F091189B9009BF4A7 /* XSLTProcessor.h */; };
   		A83C81A4091189B9009BF4A7 /* XSLTProcessor.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A83C81A0091189B9009BF4A7 /* XSLTProcessor.cpp */; };
   		A841EC7208C6636600DDA21C /* KCanvasPath.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4758C44308C5F217009BAF05 /* KCanvasPath.cpp */; };
  -		A856E9BC08B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathResultImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A5508ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathResultImpl.h */; };
  -		A856E9BD08B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathResultImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A5608ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathResultImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A856E9BE08B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathNSResolverImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A5708ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathNSResolverImpl.h */; };
  -		A856E9BF08B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathNSResolverImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A5808ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathNSResolverImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A856E9C008B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathNamespaceImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A5908ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathNamespaceImpl.h */; };
  -		A856E9C108B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathNamespaceImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A5A08ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathNamespaceImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A856E9C208B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathExpressionImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A5B08ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathExpressionImpl.h */; };
  -		A856E9C308B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathExpressionImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A5C08ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathExpressionImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A856E9C408B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathExceptionImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A5D08ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathExceptionImpl.h */; };
  -		A856E9C508B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathExceptionImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A5E08ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathExceptionImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A856E9C608B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathEvaluatorImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A5F08ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathEvaluatorImpl.h */; };
  -		A856E9C708B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathEvaluatorImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A6008ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathEvaluatorImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A856E9C808B45B1E0042E303 /* variablereference.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A838543108B0A00B000AF580 /* variablereference.h */; };
  -		A856E9C908B45B1E0042E303 /* variablereference.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A838543208B0A00B000AF580 /* variablereference.cpp */; };
  -		A856E9CA08B45B1E0042E303 /* util.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A8208ADF70400136AC1 /* util.h */; };
  -		A856E9CB08B45B1E0042E303 /* util.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A8108ADF70400136AC1 /* util.cpp */; };
  -		A856E9CC08B45B1E0042E303 /* tokenizer.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A7F08ADF70400136AC1 /* tokenizer.h */; };
  -		A856E9CD08B45B1E0042E303 /* tokenizer.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A7E08ADF70400136AC1 /* tokenizer.cpp */; };
  -		A856E9CE08B45B1E0042E303 /* step.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A7D08ADF70400136AC1 /* step.h */; };
  -		A856E9CF08B45B1E0042E303 /* step.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A7C08ADF70400136AC1 /* step.cpp */; };
  -		A856E9D008B45B1E0042E303 /* predicate.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A7B08ADF70400136AC1 /* predicate.h */; };
  -		A856E9D108B45B1E0042E303 /* predicate.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A7A08ADF70400136AC1 /* predicate.cpp */; };
  -		A856E9D208B45B1E0042E303 /* path.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A7908ADF70400136AC1 /* path.h */; };
  -		A856E9D308B45B1E0042E303 /* path.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A7808ADF70400136AC1 /* path.cpp */; };
  -		A856E9D408B45B1E0042E303 /* parsedstatement.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A7508ADF70400136AC1 /* parsedstatement.h */; };
  -		A856E9D508B45B1E0042E303 /* parsedstatement.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A7408ADF70400136AC1 /* parsedstatement.cpp */; };
  -		A856E9D608B45B1E0042E303 /* kdomxpath.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB21089701F700BA5114 /* kdomxpath.h */; };
  -		A856E9D708B45B1E0042E303 /* functions.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A7208ADF70400136AC1 /* functions.h */; };
  -		A856E9D808B45B1E0042E303 /* functions.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A7108ADF70400136AC1 /* functions.cpp */; };
  -		A856E9D908B45B1E0042E303 /* expression.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A7008ADF70400136AC1 /* expression.h */; };
  -		A856E9DA08B45B1E0042E303 /* expression.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A81D5A6F08ADF70400136AC1 /* expression.cpp */; };
  -		A856E9F908B4608F0042E303 /* xpath.y in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A856E9F808B4608F0042E303 /* xpath.y */; };
  +		A84B9FC009170DA200D71DD0 /* RGBColorImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A84B9FBC09170DA200D71DD0 /* RGBColorImpl.cpp */; };
  +		A84B9FC209170DA300D71DD0 /* RGBColorImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A84B9FBE09170DA200D71DD0 /* RGBColorImpl.h */; };
  +		A84B9FC309170DA300D71DD0 /* KDOMSettings.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A84B9FBF09170DA200D71DD0 /* KDOMSettings.h */; };
   		A85D7A300879EBA9006A9172 /* QuartzCore.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A85D7A2F0879EBA9006A9172 /* QuartzCore.framework */; };
   		A85D7A8E0879EC64006A9172 /* KWQWMatrix.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A85D7A8C0879EC64006A9172 /* KWQWMatrix.mm */; };
   		A85D7A8F0879EC64006A9172 /* KWQWMatrix.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A85D7A8D0879EC64006A9172 /* KWQWMatrix.h */; };
  -		A863312F08E3AB25009CFEF4 /* CDFInterface.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A863312E08E3AB24009CFEF4 /* CDFInterface.cpp */; };
  -		A8700A4808DD734300CC5A86 /* CDFInterface.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9FE089701F500BA5114 /* CDFInterface.cpp */; };
  +		A872593208F9BAA7006F10A1 /* libz.dylib in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A872593108F9BAA6006F10A1 /* libz.dylib */; };
   		A898F147088121E90075EFB2 /* htmlfactory.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = BCEF3433087B563E00BBF833 /* htmlfactory.h */; };
   		A898F148088121ED0075EFB2 /* htmlfactory.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = BCEF3432087B563E00BBF833 /* htmlfactory.cpp */; };
   		A8BA5C70090CB077004D1180 /* render_button.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = BC42035A08FC334100B782E0 /* render_button.cpp */; };
   		A8BA5C71090CB07A004D1180 /* render_arena.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 832557C3061E3172007B8054 /* render_arena.h */; };
   		A8BA5C72090CB07A004D1180 /* render_button.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = BC42035B08FC334100B782E0 /* render_button.h */; };
  -		A8BC0C8608D19F1A00379918 /* AttrWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BE608D19F1900379918 /* AttrWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0C8708D19F1A00379918 /* AttrWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BE708D19F1900379918 /* AttrWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0C8808D19F1A00379918 /* CDATASectionWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BE808D19F1900379918 /* CDATASectionWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0C8908D19F1A00379918 /* CDATASectionWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BE908D19F1900379918 /* CDATASectionWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0C8A08D19F1A00379918 /* CharacterDataWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BEA08D19F1900379918 /* CharacterDataWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0C8B08D19F1A00379918 /* CharacterDataWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BEB08D19F1900379918 /* CharacterDataWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0C8C08D19F1A00379918 /* CommentWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BEC08D19F1900379918 /* CommentWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0C8D08D19F1A00379918 /* CommentWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BED08D19F1900379918 /* CommentWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0C8E08D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentFragmentWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BEE08D19F1900379918 /* DocumentFragmentWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0C8F08D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentFragmentWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BEF08D19F1900379918 /* DocumentFragmentWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0C9008D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentTypeWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BF008D19F1900379918 /* DocumentTypeWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0C9108D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentTypeWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BF108D19F1900379918 /* DocumentTypeWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0C9208D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BF208D19F1900379918 /* DocumentWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0C9308D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BF308D19F1900379918 /* DocumentWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0C9408D19F1A00379918 /* DOMConfigurationWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BF408D19F1900379918 /* DOMConfigurationWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0C9508D19F1A00379918 /* DOMConfigurationWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BF508D19F1900379918 /* DOMConfigurationWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0C9608D19F1A00379918 /* DOMErrorHandlerWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BF608D19F1900379918 /* DOMErrorHandlerWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0C9708D19F1A00379918 /* DOMErrorHandlerWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BF708D19F1900379918 /* DOMErrorHandlerWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0C9808D19F1A00379918 /* DOMErrorWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BF808D19F1900379918 /* DOMErrorWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0C9908D19F1A00379918 /* DOMErrorWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BF908D19F1900379918 /* DOMErrorWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0C9A08D19F1A00379918 /* DOMExceptionWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BFA08D19F1900379918 /* DOMExceptionWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0C9B08D19F1A00379918 /* DOMExceptionWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BFB08D19F1900379918 /* DOMExceptionWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0C9C08D19F1A00379918 /* DOMImplementationWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BFC08D19F1900379918 /* DOMImplementationWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0C9D08D19F1A00379918 /* DOMImplementationWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BFD08D19F1900379918 /* DOMImplementationWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0C9E08D19F1A00379918 /* DOMLocatorWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BFE08D19F1900379918 /* DOMLocatorWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0C9F08D19F1A00379918 /* DOMLocatorWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0BFF08D19F1900379918 /* DOMLocatorWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CA008D19F1A00379918 /* DOMObjectWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C0008D19F1900379918 /* DOMObjectWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CA108D19F1A00379918 /* DOMObjectWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C0108D19F1900379918 /* DOMObjectWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CA208D19F1A00379918 /* DOMStringListWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C0208D19F1900379918 /* DOMStringListWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CA308D19F1A00379918 /* DOMStringListWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C0308D19F1900379918 /* DOMStringListWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CA408D19F1A00379918 /* DOMUserDataWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C0408D19F1900379918 /* DOMUserDataWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CA508D19F1A00379918 /* DOMUserDataWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C0508D19F1900379918 /* DOMUserDataWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CA608D19F1A00379918 /* ElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C0608D19F1900379918 /* ElementWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CA708D19F1A00379918 /* ElementWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C0708D19F1900379918 /* ElementWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CA808D19F1A00379918 /* EntityReferenceWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C0808D19F1900379918 /* EntityReferenceWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CA908D19F1A00379918 /* EntityReferenceWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C0908D19F1900379918 /* EntityReferenceWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CAA08D19F1A00379918 /* EntityWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C0A08D19F1900379918 /* EntityWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CAB08D19F1A00379918 /* EntityWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C0B08D19F1900379918 /* EntityWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CAC08D19F1A00379918 /* NamedNodeMapWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C0C08D19F1900379918 /* NamedNodeMapWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CAD08D19F1A00379918 /* NamedNodeMapWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C0D08D19F1900379918 /* NamedNodeMapWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CAE08D19F1A00379918 /* NodeListWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C0E08D19F1900379918 /* NodeListWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CAF08D19F1A00379918 /* NodeListWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C0F08D19F1900379918 /* NodeListWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CB008D19F1A00379918 /* NodeWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C1008D19F1900379918 /* NodeWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CB108D19F1A00379918 /* NodeWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C1108D19F1900379918 /* NodeWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CB208D19F1A00379918 /* NotationWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C1208D19F1900379918 /* NotationWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CB308D19F1A00379918 /* NotationWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C1308D19F1900379918 /* NotationWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CB408D19F1A00379918 /* ProcessingInstructionWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C1408D19F1900379918 /* ProcessingInstructionWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CB508D19F1A00379918 /* ProcessingInstructionWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C1508D19F1900379918 /* ProcessingInstructionWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CB608D19F1A00379918 /* TextWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C1608D19F1900379918 /* TextWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CB708D19F1A00379918 /* TextWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C1708D19F1900379918 /* TextWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CB808D19F1A00379918 /* TypeInfoWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C1808D19F1900379918 /* TypeInfoWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CB908D19F1A00379918 /* TypeInfoWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C1908D19F1900379918 /* TypeInfoWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CBA08D19F1A00379918 /* CounterWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C1B08D19F1900379918 /* CounterWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CBB08D19F1A00379918 /* CounterWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C1C08D19F1900379918 /* CounterWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CBC08D19F1A00379918 /* CSSCharsetRuleWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C1D08D19F1900379918 /* CSSCharsetRuleWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CBD08D19F1A00379918 /* CSSCharsetRuleWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C1E08D19F1900379918 /* CSSCharsetRuleWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CBE08D19F1A00379918 /* CSSFontFaceRuleWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C1F08D19F1900379918 /* CSSFontFaceRuleWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CBF08D19F1A00379918 /* CSSFontFaceRuleWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C2008D19F1900379918 /* CSSFontFaceRuleWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CC008D19F1A00379918 /* CSSImportRuleWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C2108D19F1900379918 /* CSSImportRuleWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CC108D19F1A00379918 /* CSSImportRuleWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C2208D19F1900379918 /* CSSImportRuleWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CC208D19F1A00379918 /* CSSMediaRuleWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C2308D19F1900379918 /* CSSMediaRuleWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CC308D19F1A00379918 /* CSSMediaRuleWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C2408D19F1900379918 /* CSSMediaRuleWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CC408D19F1A00379918 /* CSSPageRuleWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C2508D19F1900379918 /* CSSPageRuleWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CC508D19F1A00379918 /* CSSPageRuleWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C2608D19F1900379918 /* CSSPageRuleWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CC608D19F1A00379918 /* CSSPrimitiveValueWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C2708D19F1900379918 /* CSSPrimitiveValueWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CC708D19F1A00379918 /* CSSPrimitiveValueWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C2808D19F1900379918 /* CSSPrimitiveValueWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CC808D19F1A00379918 /* CSSRuleListWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C2908D19F1900379918 /* CSSRuleListWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CC908D19F1A00379918 /* CSSRuleListWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C2A08D19F1900379918 /* CSSRuleListWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CCA08D19F1A00379918 /* CSSRuleWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C2B08D19F1900379918 /* CSSRuleWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CCB08D19F1A00379918 /* CSSRuleWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C2C08D19F1900379918 /* CSSRuleWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CCC08D19F1A00379918 /* CSSStyleDeclarationWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C2D08D19F1900379918 /* CSSStyleDeclarationWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CCD08D19F1A00379918 /* CSSStyleDeclarationWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C2E08D19F1900379918 /* CSSStyleDeclarationWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CCE08D19F1A00379918 /* CSSStyleRuleWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C2F08D19F1900379918 /* CSSStyleRuleWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CCF08D19F1A00379918 /* CSSStyleRuleWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C3008D19F1900379918 /* CSSStyleRuleWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CD008D19F1A00379918 /* CSSStyleSheetWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C3108D19F1900379918 /* CSSStyleSheetWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CD108D19F1A00379918 /* CSSStyleSheetWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C3208D19F1900379918 /* CSSStyleSheetWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CD208D19F1A00379918 /* CSSUnknownRuleWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C3308D19F1900379918 /* CSSUnknownRuleWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CD308D19F1A00379918 /* CSSUnknownRuleWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C3408D19F1900379918 /* CSSUnknownRuleWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CD408D19F1A00379918 /* CSSValueListWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C3508D19F1900379918 /* CSSValueListWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CD508D19F1A00379918 /* CSSValueListWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C3608D19F1900379918 /* CSSValueListWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CD608D19F1A00379918 /* CSSValueWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C3708D19F1900379918 /* CSSValueWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CD708D19F1A00379918 /* CSSValueWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C3808D19F1900379918 /* CSSValueWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CD808D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentCSSWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C3908D19F1900379918 /* DocumentCSSWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CD908D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentCSSWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C3A08D19F1900379918 /* DocumentCSSWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CDA08D19F1A00379918 /* RectWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C3B08D19F1900379918 /* RectWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CDB08D19F1A00379918 /* RectWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C3C08D19F1900379918 /* RectWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CDC08D19F1A00379918 /* RGBColorWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C3D08D19F1900379918 /* RGBColorWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CDD08D19F1B00379918 /* RGBColorWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C3E08D19F1900379918 /* RGBColorWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CDE08D19F1B00379918 /* DocumentEventWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C4008D19F1900379918 /* DocumentEventWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CDF08D19F1B00379918 /* DocumentEventWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C4108D19F1900379918 /* DocumentEventWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CE008D19F1B00379918 /* EventExceptionWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C4208D19F1900379918 /* EventExceptionWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CE108D19F1B00379918 /* EventExceptionWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C4308D19F1900379918 /* EventExceptionWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CE208D19F1B00379918 /* EventListenerWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C4408D19F1900379918 /* EventListenerWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CE308D19F1B00379918 /* EventListenerWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C4508D19F1900379918 /* EventListenerWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CE408D19F1B00379918 /* EventTargetWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C4608D19F1900379918 /* EventTargetWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CE508D19F1B00379918 /* EventTargetWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C4708D19F1900379918 /* EventTargetWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CE608D19F1B00379918 /* EventWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C4808D19F1900379918 /* EventWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CE708D19F1B00379918 /* EventWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C4908D19F1900379918 /* EventWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CE808D19F1B00379918 /* MouseEventWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C4A08D19F1900379918 /* MouseEventWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CE908D19F1B00379918 /* MouseEventWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C4B08D19F1900379918 /* MouseEventWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CEA08D19F1B00379918 /* MutationEventWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C4C08D19F1900379918 /* MutationEventWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CEB08D19F1B00379918 /* MutationEventWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C4D08D19F1900379918 /* MutationEventWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CEC08D19F1B00379918 /* UIEventWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C4E08D19F1900379918 /* UIEventWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CED08D19F1B00379918 /* UIEventWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C4F08D19F1900379918 /* UIEventWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CEE08D19F1B00379918 /* DocumentRangeWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C5108D19F1900379918 /* DocumentRangeWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CEF08D19F1B00379918 /* DocumentRangeWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C5208D19F1900379918 /* DocumentRangeWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CF008D19F1B00379918 /* RangeExceptionWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C5308D19F1900379918 /* RangeExceptionWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CF108D19F1B00379918 /* RangeExceptionWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C5408D19F1A00379918 /* RangeExceptionWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CF208D19F1B00379918 /* RangeWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C5508D19F1A00379918 /* RangeWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CF308D19F1B00379918 /* RangeWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C5608D19F1A00379918 /* RangeWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CF408D19F1B00379918 /* DocumentStyleWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C5808D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentStyleWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CF508D19F1B00379918 /* DocumentStyleWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C5908D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentStyleWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CF608D19F1B00379918 /* LinkStyleWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C5A08D19F1A00379918 /* LinkStyleWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CF708D19F1B00379918 /* LinkStyleWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C5B08D19F1A00379918 /* LinkStyleWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CF808D19F1B00379918 /* MediaListWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C5C08D19F1A00379918 /* MediaListWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CF908D19F1B00379918 /* MediaListWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C5D08D19F1A00379918 /* MediaListWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CFA08D19F1B00379918 /* StyleSheetListWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C5E08D19F1A00379918 /* StyleSheetListWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CFB08D19F1B00379918 /* StyleSheetListWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C5F08D19F1A00379918 /* StyleSheetListWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CFC08D19F1B00379918 /* StyleSheetWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C6008D19F1A00379918 /* StyleSheetWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CFD08D19F1B00379918 /* StyleSheetWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C6108D19F1A00379918 /* StyleSheetWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0CFE08D19F1B00379918 /* DocumentTraversalWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C6308D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentTraversalWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0CFF08D19F1B00379918 /* DocumentTraversalWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C6408D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentTraversalWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0D0008D19F1B00379918 /* NodeFilterWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C6508D19F1A00379918 /* NodeFilterWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0D0108D19F1B00379918 /* NodeFilterWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C6608D19F1A00379918 /* NodeFilterWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0D0208D19F1B00379918 /* NodeIteratorWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C6708D19F1A00379918 /* NodeIteratorWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0D0308D19F1B00379918 /* NodeIteratorWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C6808D19F1A00379918 /* NodeIteratorWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0D0408D19F1B00379918 /* TreeWalkerWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C6908D19F1A00379918 /* TreeWalkerWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0D0508D19F1B00379918 /* TreeWalkerWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C6A08D19F1A00379918 /* TreeWalkerWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0D0708D19F1B00379918 /* AbstractViewWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C6D08D19F1A00379918 /* AbstractViewWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0D0A08D19F1B00379918 /* XPathEvaluatorWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C7108D19F1A00379918 /* XPathEvaluatorWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0D0B08D19F1B00379918 /* XPathEvaluatorWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C7208D19F1A00379918 /* XPathEvaluatorWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0D0C08D19F1B00379918 /* XPathExceptionWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C7308D19F1A00379918 /* XPathExceptionWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0D0D08D19F1B00379918 /* XPathExceptionWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C7408D19F1A00379918 /* XPathExceptionWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0D0E08D19F1B00379918 /* XPathExpressionWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C7508D19F1A00379918 /* XPathExpressionWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0D0F08D19F1B00379918 /* XPathExpressionWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C7608D19F1A00379918 /* XPathExpressionWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0D1008D19F1B00379918 /* XPathNamespaceWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C7708D19F1A00379918 /* XPathNamespaceWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0D1108D19F1B00379918 /* XPathNamespaceWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C7808D19F1A00379918 /* XPathNamespaceWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0D1208D19F1B00379918 /* XPathNSResolverWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C7908D19F1A00379918 /* XPathNSResolverWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0D1308D19F1B00379918 /* XPathNSResolverWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C7A08D19F1A00379918 /* XPathNSResolverWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0D1408D19F1B00379918 /* XPathResultWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C7B08D19F1A00379918 /* XPathResultWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0D1508D19F1B00379918 /* XPathResultWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C7C08D19F1A00379918 /* XPathResultWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0D1608D19F1B00379918 /* XPointerEvaluatorWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C7E08D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerEvaluatorWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0D1708D19F1B00379918 /* XPointerEvaluatorWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C7F08D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerEvaluatorWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0D1808D19F1B00379918 /* XPointerExceptionWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C8008D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerExceptionWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0D1908D19F1B00379918 /* XPointerExceptionWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C8108D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerExceptionWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0D1A08D19F1B00379918 /* XPointerExpressionWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C8208D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerExpressionWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0D1B08D19F1B00379918 /* XPointerExpressionWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C8308D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerExpressionWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0D1C08D19F1B00379918 /* XPointerResultWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C8408D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerResultWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0D1D08D19F1B00379918 /* XPointerResultWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C8508D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerResultWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0DB608D4233900379918 /* DOMImplementationLSWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DA408D4233900379918 /* DOMImplementationLSWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0DB708D4233900379918 /* DOMImplementationLSWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DA508D4233900379918 /* DOMImplementationLSWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0DB808D4233900379918 /* LSExceptionWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DA608D4233900379918 /* LSExceptionWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0DB908D4233900379918 /* LSExceptionWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DA708D4233900379918 /* LSExceptionWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0DBA08D4233900379918 /* LSInputWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DA808D4233900379918 /* LSInputWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0DBB08D4233900379918 /* LSInputWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DA908D4233900379918 /* LSInputWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0DBC08D4233900379918 /* LSOutputWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DAA08D4233900379918 /* LSOutputWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0DBD08D4233900379918 /* LSOutputWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DAB08D4233900379918 /* LSOutputWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0DBE08D4233900379918 /* LSParserFilterWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DAC08D4233900379918 /* LSParserFilterWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0DBF08D4233900379918 /* LSParserFilterWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DAD08D4233900379918 /* LSParserFilterWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0DC008D4233900379918 /* LSParserWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DAE08D4233900379918 /* LSParserWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0DC108D4233900379918 /* LSParserWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DAF08D4233900379918 /* LSParserWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0DC208D4233900379918 /* LSResourceResolverWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DB008D4233900379918 /* LSResourceResolverWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0DC308D4233900379918 /* LSResourceResolverWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DB108D4233900379918 /* LSResourceResolverWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0DC408D4233900379918 /* LSSerializerFilterWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DB208D4233900379918 /* LSSerializerFilterWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0DC508D4233900379918 /* LSSerializerFilterWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DB308D4233900379918 /* LSSerializerFilterWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0DC608D4233900379918 /* LSSerializerWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DB408D4233900379918 /* LSSerializerWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0DC708D4233900379918 /* LSSerializerWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0DB508D4233900379918 /* LSSerializerWrapper.h */; };
  -		A8BC0DCC08D4270C00379918 /* AbstractViewWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C6C08D19F1A00379918 /* AbstractViewWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0DCF08D4271400379918 /* DocumentViewWrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C6E08D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentViewWrapper.cpp */; };
  -		A8BC0DD008D4271500379918 /* DocumentViewWrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8BC0C6F08D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentViewWrapper.h */; };
   		A8C00000089701FC00BA5114 /* KCanvas.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB78089701F800BA5114 /* KCanvas.cpp */; };
   		A8C00001089701FC00BA5114 /* KCanvas.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB79089701F800BA5114 /* KCanvas.h */; };
   		A8C00002089701FC00BA5114 /* KCanvasContainer.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB7A089701F800BA5114 /* KCanvasContainer.cpp */; };
  @@ -1720,18 +1333,10 @@
   		A8C00014089701FC00BA5114 /* KCanvasTypes.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB8C089701F800BA5114 /* KCanvasTypes.h */; };
   		A8C00015089701FC00BA5114 /* KCanvasView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB8D089701F800BA5114 /* KCanvasView.cpp */; };
   		A8C00016089701FC00BA5114 /* KCanvasView.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB8E089701F800BA5114 /* KCanvasView.h */; };
  -		A8C005AF08974C2700BA5114 /* kdomparsercss.y in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F974089701F500BA5114 /* kdomparsercss.y */; };
   		A8C005DF08974E9000BA5114 /* render_theme.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = BC179890088D975F006068A5 /* render_theme.cpp */; };
   		A8C005E008974E9000BA5114 /* render_theme.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = BC179891088D975F006068A5 /* render_theme.h */; };
   		A8C005E108974E9000BA5114 /* render_theme_mac.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = BC1798D9088DA4F8006068A5 /* render_theme_mac.h */; };
   		A8C005E208974E9000BA5114 /* render_theme_mac.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = BC17988F088D975F006068A5 /* render_theme_mac.mm */; };
  -		A8C005EA08974EAC00BA5114 /* KDOMCachedObject.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F913089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedObject.h */; };
  -		A8C005EB08974EB100BA5114 /* KDOMCachedObject.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F912089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedObject.cpp */; };
  -		A8C005EC08974EB500BA5114 /* KDOMCachedScript.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F916089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedScript.h */; };
  -		A8C005ED08974EB500BA5114 /* KDOMCachedScript.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F915089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedScript.cpp */; };
  -		A8C005F608974EF700BA5114 /* KDOMCachedStyleSheet.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F917089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedStyleSheet.cpp */; };
  -		A8C005F708974EFC00BA5114 /* KDOMCachedStyleSheet.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F918089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedStyleSheet.h */; };
  -		A8C005F808974F0100BA5114 /* KDOMCachedObjectClient.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F914089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedObjectClient.h */; };
   		A8C0FB90089701F900BA5114 /* DrawCanvasItem.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6DD089701F100BA5114 /* DrawCanvasItem.h */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (Private, ); }; };
   		A8C0FB92089701F900BA5114 /* DrawCanvasItemPrivate.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6DF089701F100BA5114 /* DrawCanvasItemPrivate.h */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (Private, ); }; };
   		A8C0FB93089701F900BA5114 /* DrawDocument.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6E0089701F100BA5114 /* DrawDocument.h */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (Private, ); }; };
  @@ -1743,29 +1348,18 @@
   		A8C0FB9B089701F900BA5114 /* NSSVGImageRep.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6E8089701F100BA5114 /* NSSVGImageRep.m */; };
   		A8C0FB9C089701F900BA5114 /* KCanvasRenderingStyle.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6EB089701F100BA5114 /* KCanvasRenderingStyle.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FB9D089701F900BA5114 /* KCanvasRenderingStyle.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6EC089701F100BA5114 /* KCanvasRenderingStyle.h */; };
  -		A8C0FB9E089701F900BA5114 /* KSVGDocumentBuilder.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6ED089701F100BA5114 /* KSVGDocumentBuilder.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FB9F089701F900BA5114 /* KSVGDocumentBuilder.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6EE089701F100BA5114 /* KSVGDocumentBuilder.h */; };
   		A8C0FBA0089701F900BA5114 /* KSVGTimeScheduler.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6EF089701F100BA5114 /* KSVGTimeScheduler.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FBA1089701F900BA5114 /* KSVGTimeScheduler.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6F0089701F100BA5114 /* KSVGTimeScheduler.h */; };
  -		A8C0FBA5089701F900BA5114 /* KSVGCSSParser.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6F6089701F100BA5114 /* KSVGCSSParser.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FBA6089701F900BA5114 /* KSVGCSSParser.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6F7089701F100BA5114 /* KSVGCSSParser.h */; };
   		A8C0FBA7089701F900BA5114 /* svg.css in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6F8089701F100BA5114 /* svg.css */; };
  -		A8C0FBA8089701F900BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleDeclarationImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6F9089701F100BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleDeclarationImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FBA9089701F900BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleDeclarationImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6FA089701F100BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleDeclarationImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FBAA089701F900BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6FB089701F100BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FBAB089701F900BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleSelector.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6FC089701F100BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleSelector.h */; };
   		A8C0FBAC089701F900BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleSheetImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6FD089701F100BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleSheetImpl.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FBAD089701F900BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleSheetImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6FE089701F100BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleSheetImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FBAE089701F900BA5114 /* SVGRenderStyle.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F6FF089701F100BA5114 /* SVGRenderStyle.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FBAF089701F900BA5114 /* SVGRenderStyle.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F700089701F100BA5114 /* SVGRenderStyle.h */; };
   		A8C0FBB0089701F900BA5114 /* SVGRenderStyleDefs.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F701089701F100BA5114 /* SVGRenderStyleDefs.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FBB1089701F900BA5114 /* SVGRenderStyleDefs.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F702089701F100BA5114 /* SVGRenderStyleDefs.h */; };
  -		A8C0FC9D089701F900BA5114 /* SVGEventImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F7F3089701F300BA5114 /* SVGEventImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FC9E089701F900BA5114 /* SVGEventImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F7F4089701F300BA5114 /* SVGEventImpl.h */; };
   		A8C0FC9F089701F900BA5114 /* SVGZoomEventImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F7F5089701F300BA5114 /* SVGZoomEventImpl.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FCA0089701F900BA5114 /* SVGZoomEventImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F7F6089701F300BA5114 /* SVGZoomEventImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FCA1089701F900BA5114 /* ksvgevents.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F7F7089701F300BA5114 /* ksvgevents.h */; };
  -		A8C0FCA7089701F900BA5114 /* CDFInterface.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F7FE089701F300BA5114 /* CDFInterface.h */; };
   		A8C0FCA8089701F900BA5114 /* SVGAElementImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F7FF089701F300BA5114 /* SVGAElementImpl.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FCA9089701F900BA5114 /* SVGAElementImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F800089701F300BA5114 /* SVGAElementImpl.h */; };
   		A8C0FCAA089701F900BA5114 /* SVGAngleImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F801089701F300BA5114 /* SVGAngleImpl.cpp */; };
  @@ -1807,7 +1401,6 @@
   		A8C0FCCE089701F900BA5114 /* SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F825089701F300BA5114 /* SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.h */; };
   		A8C0FCCF089701F900BA5114 /* SVGAnimationElementImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F826089701F300BA5114 /* SVGAnimationElementImpl.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FCD0089701F900BA5114 /* SVGAnimationElementImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F827089701F300BA5114 /* SVGAnimationElementImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FCD2089701F900BA5114 /* svgattrs.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F829089701F300BA5114 /* svgattrs.h */; };
   		A8C0FCD4089701F900BA5114 /* SVGCircleElementImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F82B089701F300BA5114 /* SVGCircleElementImpl.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FCD5089701F900BA5114 /* SVGCircleElementImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F82C089701F300BA5114 /* SVGCircleElementImpl.h */; };
   		A8C0FCD6089701F900BA5114 /* SVGClipPathElementImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F82D089701F300BA5114 /* SVGClipPathElementImpl.cpp */; };
  @@ -1826,14 +1419,10 @@
   		A8C0FCE3089701F900BA5114 /* SVGDOMImplementationImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F83A089701F300BA5114 /* SVGDOMImplementationImpl.h */; };
   		A8C0FCE4089701F900BA5114 /* SVGElementImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F83B089701F300BA5114 /* SVGElementImpl.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FCE5089701F900BA5114 /* SVGElementImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F83C089701F300BA5114 /* SVGElementImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FCE6089701F900BA5114 /* SVGElementInstanceImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F83D089701F300BA5114 /* SVGElementInstanceImpl.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FCE7089701F900BA5114 /* SVGElementInstanceImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F83E089701F300BA5114 /* SVGElementInstanceImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FCE8089701F900BA5114 /* SVGElementInstanceListImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F83F089701F300BA5114 /* SVGElementInstanceListImpl.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FCE9089701F900BA5114 /* SVGElementInstanceListImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F840089701F300BA5114 /* SVGElementInstanceListImpl.h */; };
   		A8C0FCEA089701F900BA5114 /* SVGEllipseElementImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F841089701F300BA5114 /* SVGEllipseElementImpl.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FCEB089701F900BA5114 /* SVGEllipseElementImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F842089701F300BA5114 /* SVGEllipseElementImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FCEC089701F900BA5114 /* SVGExceptionImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F843089701F300BA5114 /* SVGExceptionImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FCED089701F900BA5114 /* SVGExceptionImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F844089701F300BA5114 /* SVGExceptionImpl.h */; };
   		A8C0FCEE089701F900BA5114 /* SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F845089701F300BA5114 /* SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FCEF089701F900BA5114 /* SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F846089701F300BA5114 /* SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl.h */; };
   		A8C0FCF0089701F900BA5114 /* SVGFEBlendElementImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F847089701F300BA5114 /* SVGFEBlendElementImpl.cpp */; };
  @@ -1973,7 +1562,6 @@
   		A8C0FD76089701FA00BA5114 /* SVGSwitchElementImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F8CD089701F400BA5114 /* SVGSwitchElementImpl.h */; };
   		A8C0FD77089701FA00BA5114 /* SVGSymbolElementImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F8CE089701F400BA5114 /* SVGSymbolElementImpl.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FD78089701FA00BA5114 /* SVGSymbolElementImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F8CF089701F400BA5114 /* SVGSymbolElementImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FD7A089701FA00BA5114 /* svgtags.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F8D1089701F400BA5114 /* svgtags.h */; };
   		A8C0FD7C089701FA00BA5114 /* SVGTestsImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F8D3089701F400BA5114 /* SVGTestsImpl.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FD7D089701FA00BA5114 /* SVGTestsImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F8D4089701F400BA5114 /* SVGTestsImpl.h */; };
   		A8C0FD7E089701FA00BA5114 /* SVGTextContentElementImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F8D5089701F400BA5114 /* SVGTextContentElementImpl.cpp */; };
  @@ -2002,240 +1590,6 @@
   		A8C0FD95089701FA00BA5114 /* SVGZoomAndPanImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F8EC089701F400BA5114 /* SVGZoomAndPanImpl.h */; };
   		A8C0FD96089701FA00BA5114 /* ksvg.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F8ED089701F400BA5114 /* ksvg.h */; };
   		A8C0FD9A089701FA00BA5114 /* KSVGSettings.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F8F1089701F400BA5114 /* KSVGSettings.h */; };
  -		A8C0FD9C089701FA00BA5114 /* KWQKSVGPart.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F8F3089701F400BA5114 /* KWQKSVGPart.h */; };
  -		A8C0FD9D089701FA00BA5114 /* KWQKSVGPart.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F8F4089701F400BA5114 /* KWQKSVGPart.mm */; };
  -		A8C0FD9E089701FA00BA5114 /* KWQKSVGView.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F8F5089701F400BA5114 /* KWQKSVGView.h */; };
  -		A8C0FD9F089701FA00BA5114 /* KWQKSVGView.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F8F6089701F400BA5114 /* KWQKSVGView.mm */; };
  -		A8C0FDA9089701FA00BA5114 /* LibXMLParser.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F904089701F400BA5114 /* LibXMLParser.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FDAA089701FA00BA5114 /* LibXMLParser.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F905089701F400BA5114 /* LibXMLParser.h */; };
  -		A8C0FDAF089701FA00BA5114 /* KDOMCache.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F90B089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCache.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FDB0089701FA00BA5114 /* KDOMCache.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F90C089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCache.h */; };
  -		A8C0FDB1089701FA00BA5114 /* KDOMCachedDocument.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F90D089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedDocument.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FDB2089701FA00BA5114 /* KDOMCachedDocument.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F90E089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedDocument.h */; };
  -		A8C0FDBE089701FA00BA5114 /* KDOMLoader.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F91A089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMLoader.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FDBF089701FA00BA5114 /* KDOMLoader.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F91B089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMLoader.h */; };
  -		A8C0FDCD089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSHelper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F92A089701F400BA5114 /* CSSHelper.h */; };
  -		A8C0FDEC089701FA00BA5114 /* CounterImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F94A089701F400BA5114 /* CounterImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FDED089701FA00BA5114 /* CounterImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F94B089701F400BA5114 /* CounterImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FDEE089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSCharsetRuleImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F94C089701F400BA5114 /* CSSCharsetRuleImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FDEF089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSCharsetRuleImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F94D089701F400BA5114 /* CSSCharsetRuleImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FDF0089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSFontFaceRuleImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F94E089701F400BA5114 /* CSSFontFaceRuleImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FDF1089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSFontFaceRuleImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F94F089701F400BA5114 /* CSSFontFaceRuleImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FDF2089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSImageValueImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F950089701F400BA5114 /* CSSImageValueImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FDF3089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSImageValueImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F951089701F400BA5114 /* CSSImageValueImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FDF4089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSImportRuleImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F952089701F400BA5114 /* CSSImportRuleImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FDF5089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSImportRuleImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F953089701F400BA5114 /* CSSImportRuleImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FDF6089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSMediaRuleImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F954089701F400BA5114 /* CSSMediaRuleImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FDF7089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSMediaRuleImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F955089701F400BA5114 /* CSSMediaRuleImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FDF8089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSPageRuleImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F956089701F400BA5114 /* CSSPageRuleImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FDF9089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSPageRuleImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F957089701F400BA5114 /* CSSPageRuleImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FDFA089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSPrimitiveValueImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F958089701F400BA5114 /* CSSPrimitiveValueImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FDFB089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSPrimitiveValueImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F959089701F400BA5114 /* CSSPrimitiveValueImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FDFD089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSRuleImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F95B089701F400BA5114 /* CSSRuleImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FDFE089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSRuleImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F95C089701F400BA5114 /* CSSRuleImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FDFF089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSRuleListImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F95D089701F400BA5114 /* CSSRuleListImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE00089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSRuleListImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F95E089701F400BA5114 /* CSSRuleListImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE01089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSStyleDeclarationImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F95F089701F500BA5114 /* CSSStyleDeclarationImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE02089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSStyleDeclarationImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F960089701F500BA5114 /* CSSStyleDeclarationImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE03089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSStyleRuleImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F961089701F500BA5114 /* CSSStyleRuleImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE04089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSStyleRuleImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F962089701F500BA5114 /* CSSStyleRuleImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE05089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSStyleSelector.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F963089701F500BA5114 /* CSSStyleSelector.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE06089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSStyleSelector.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F964089701F500BA5114 /* CSSStyleSelector.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE07089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSStyleSheetImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F965089701F500BA5114 /* CSSStyleSheetImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE08089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSStyleSheetImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F966089701F500BA5114 /* CSSStyleSheetImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE09089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSUnknownRuleImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F967089701F500BA5114 /* CSSUnknownRuleImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE0A089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSUnknownRuleImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F968089701F500BA5114 /* CSSUnknownRuleImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE0B089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSValueImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F969089701F500BA5114 /* CSSValueImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE0C089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSValueImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F96A089701F500BA5114 /* CSSValueImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE0D089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSValueListImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F96B089701F500BA5114 /* CSSValueListImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE0E089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSValueListImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F96C089701F500BA5114 /* CSSValueListImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE10089701FA00BA5114 /* DocumentStyleImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F96E089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentStyleImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE11089701FA00BA5114 /* DocumentStyleImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F96F089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentStyleImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE12089701FA00BA5114 /* Font.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F970089701F500BA5114 /* Font.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE13089701FA00BA5114 /* Font.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F971089701F500BA5114 /* Font.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE14089701FA00BA5114 /* KDOMCSSParser.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F972089701F500BA5114 /* KDOMCSSParser.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE15089701FA00BA5114 /* KDOMCSSParser.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F973089701F500BA5114 /* KDOMCSSParser.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE17089701FA00BA5114 /* MediaListImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F975089701F500BA5114 /* MediaListImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE18089701FA00BA5114 /* MediaListImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F976089701F500BA5114 /* MediaListImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE19089701FA00BA5114 /* RectImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F977089701F500BA5114 /* RectImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE1A089701FA00BA5114 /* RectImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F978089701F500BA5114 /* RectImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE1B089701FA00BA5114 /* RenderStyle.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F979089701F500BA5114 /* RenderStyle.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE1C089701FA00BA5114 /* RenderStyle.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F97A089701F500BA5114 /* RenderStyle.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE1D089701FA00BA5114 /* RenderStyleDefs.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F97B089701F500BA5114 /* RenderStyleDefs.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE1E089701FA00BA5114 /* RenderStyleDefs.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F97C089701F500BA5114 /* RenderStyleDefs.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE1F089701FA00BA5114 /* RGBColorImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F97D089701F500BA5114 /* RGBColorImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE20089701FA00BA5114 /* RGBColorImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F97E089701F500BA5114 /* RGBColorImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE21089701FA00BA5114 /* StyleBaseImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F97F089701F500BA5114 /* StyleBaseImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE22089701FA00BA5114 /* StyleBaseImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F980089701F500BA5114 /* StyleBaseImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE23089701FA00BA5114 /* StyleSheetImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F981089701F500BA5114 /* StyleSheetImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE24089701FA00BA5114 /* StyleSheetImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F982089701F500BA5114 /* StyleSheetImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE25089701FA00BA5114 /* StyleSheetListImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F983089701F500BA5114 /* StyleSheetListImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE26089701FA00BA5114 /* StyleSheetListImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F984089701F500BA5114 /* StyleSheetListImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE28089701FA00BA5114 /* kdomcss.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F986089701F500BA5114 /* kdomcss.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE55089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMString.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9B4089701F500BA5114 /* DOMString.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE56089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMString.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9B5089701F500BA5114 /* DOMString.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE5D089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMBridge.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9BD089701F500BA5114 /* DOMBridge.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE5E089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMLookup.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9BE089701F500BA5114 /* DOMLookup.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE60089701FB00BA5114 /* Ecma.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9C0089701F500BA5114 /* Ecma.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE63089701FB00BA5114 /* GlobalObject.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9C3089701F500BA5114 /* GlobalObject.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE67089701FB00BA5114 /* ScriptInterpreter.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9C7089701F500BA5114 /* ScriptInterpreter.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE78089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentEventImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9DA089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentEventImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE79089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentEventImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9DB089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentEventImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE7A089701FB00BA5114 /* EventExceptionImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9DC089701F500BA5114 /* EventExceptionImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE7B089701FB00BA5114 /* EventExceptionImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9DD089701F500BA5114 /* EventExceptionImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE7C089701FB00BA5114 /* EventImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9DE089701F500BA5114 /* EventImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE7D089701FB00BA5114 /* EventImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9DF089701F500BA5114 /* EventImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE7E089701FB00BA5114 /* EventListenerImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9E0089701F500BA5114 /* EventListenerImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE7F089701FB00BA5114 /* EventListenerImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9E1089701F500BA5114 /* EventListenerImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE80089701FB00BA5114 /* EventTargetImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9E2089701F500BA5114 /* EventTargetImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE81089701FB00BA5114 /* EventTargetImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9E3089701F500BA5114 /* EventTargetImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE82089701FB00BA5114 /* KeyboardEventImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9E4089701F500BA5114 /* KeyboardEventImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE83089701FB00BA5114 /* KeyboardEventImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9E5089701F500BA5114 /* KeyboardEventImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE84089701FB00BA5114 /* MouseEventImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9E6089701F500BA5114 /* MouseEventImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE85089701FB00BA5114 /* MouseEventImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9E7089701F500BA5114 /* MouseEventImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE86089701FB00BA5114 /* MutationEventImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9E8089701F500BA5114 /* MutationEventImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE87089701FB00BA5114 /* MutationEventImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9E9089701F500BA5114 /* MutationEventImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE88089701FB00BA5114 /* RegisteredEventListener.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9EA089701F500BA5114 /* RegisteredEventListener.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE89089701FB00BA5114 /* RegisteredEventListener.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9EB089701F500BA5114 /* RegisteredEventListener.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE8A089701FB00BA5114 /* UIEventImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9EC089701F500BA5114 /* UIEventImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE8B089701FB00BA5114 /* UIEventImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9ED089701F500BA5114 /* UIEventImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE8C089701FB00BA5114 /* kdomevents.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9EE089701F500BA5114 /* kdomevents.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE95089701FB00BA5114 /* Helper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9F7089701F500BA5114 /* Helper.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE96089701FB00BA5114 /* Helper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9F8089701F500BA5114 /* Helper.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE97089701FB00BA5114 /* AttrImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9FA089701F500BA5114 /* AttrImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE98089701FB00BA5114 /* AttrImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9FB089701F500BA5114 /* AttrImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE99089701FB00BA5114 /* CDATASectionImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9FC089701F500BA5114 /* CDATASectionImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE9A089701FB00BA5114 /* CDATASectionImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9FD089701F500BA5114 /* CDATASectionImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE9C089701FB00BA5114 /* CDFInterface.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0F9FF089701F500BA5114 /* CDFInterface.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE9D089701FB00BA5114 /* CharacterDataImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA00089701F500BA5114 /* CharacterDataImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FE9E089701FB00BA5114 /* CharacterDataImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA01089701F500BA5114 /* CharacterDataImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FE9F089701FB00BA5114 /* CommentImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA02089701F500BA5114 /* CommentImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEA0089701FB00BA5114 /* CommentImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA03089701F500BA5114 /* CommentImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEA1089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentFragmentImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA04089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentFragmentImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEA2089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentFragmentImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA05089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentFragmentImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEA3089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA06089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEA4089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA07089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEA5089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentTypeImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA08089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentTypeImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEA6089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentTypeImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA09089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentTypeImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEA8089701FB00BA5114 /* domattrs.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA0B089701F500BA5114 /* domattrs.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEAA089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMConfigurationImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA0D089701F500BA5114 /* DOMConfigurationImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEAB089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMConfigurationImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA0E089701F500BA5114 /* DOMConfigurationImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEAC089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMErrorHandlerImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA0F089701F500BA5114 /* DOMErrorHandlerImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEAD089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMErrorHandlerImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA10089701F500BA5114 /* DOMErrorHandlerImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEAE089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMErrorImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA11089701F500BA5114 /* DOMErrorImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEAF089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMErrorImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA12089701F500BA5114 /* DOMErrorImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEB0089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMExceptionImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA13089701F500BA5114 /* DOMExceptionImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEB1089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMExceptionImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA14089701F500BA5114 /* DOMExceptionImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEB2089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMImplementationImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA15089701F500BA5114 /* DOMImplementationImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEB3089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMImplementationImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA16089701F500BA5114 /* DOMImplementationImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEB4089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMList.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA17089701F500BA5114 /* DOMList.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEB5089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMLocatorImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA18089701F500BA5114 /* DOMLocatorImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEB6089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMLocatorImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA19089701F500BA5114 /* DOMLocatorImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEB7089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMStringImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA1A089701F500BA5114 /* DOMStringImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEB8089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMStringImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA1B089701F500BA5114 /* DOMStringImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEB9089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMStringListImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA1C089701F500BA5114 /* DOMStringListImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEBA089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMStringListImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA1D089701F500BA5114 /* DOMStringListImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEBB089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMUserDataImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA1E089701F600BA5114 /* DOMUserDataImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEBC089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMUserDataImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA1F089701F600BA5114 /* DOMUserDataImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEBD089701FB00BA5114 /* ElementImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA20089701F600BA5114 /* ElementImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEBE089701FB00BA5114 /* ElementImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA21089701F600BA5114 /* ElementImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEBF089701FB00BA5114 /* EntityImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA22089701F600BA5114 /* EntityImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEC0089701FB00BA5114 /* EntityImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA23089701F600BA5114 /* EntityImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEC1089701FB00BA5114 /* EntityReferenceImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA24089701F600BA5114 /* EntityReferenceImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEC2089701FB00BA5114 /* EntityReferenceImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA25089701F600BA5114 /* EntityReferenceImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEC3089701FB00BA5114 /* NamedAttrMapImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA26089701F600BA5114 /* NamedAttrMapImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEC4089701FB00BA5114 /* NamedAttrMapImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA27089701F600BA5114 /* NamedAttrMapImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEC5089701FB00BA5114 /* NamedNodeMapImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA28089701F600BA5114 /* NamedNodeMapImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEC6089701FB00BA5114 /* NamedNodeMapImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA29089701F600BA5114 /* NamedNodeMapImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEC7089701FB00BA5114 /* NodeImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA2A089701F600BA5114 /* NodeImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEC8089701FB00BA5114 /* NodeImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA2B089701F600BA5114 /* NodeImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEC9089701FB00BA5114 /* NodeListImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA2C089701F600BA5114 /* NodeListImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FECA089701FB00BA5114 /* NodeListImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA2D089701F600BA5114 /* NodeListImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FECB089701FB00BA5114 /* NotationImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA2E089701F600BA5114 /* NotationImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FECC089701FB00BA5114 /* NotationImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA2F089701F600BA5114 /* NotationImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FECD089701FB00BA5114 /* ProcessingInstructionImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA30089701F600BA5114 /* ProcessingInstructionImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FECE089701FB00BA5114 /* ProcessingInstructionImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA31089701F600BA5114 /* ProcessingInstructionImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FECF089701FB00BA5114 /* TagNodeListImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA32089701F600BA5114 /* TagNodeListImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FED0089701FB00BA5114 /* TagNodeListImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA33089701F600BA5114 /* TagNodeListImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FED1089701FB00BA5114 /* TextImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA34089701F600BA5114 /* TextImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FED2089701FB00BA5114 /* TextImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA35089701F600BA5114 /* TextImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FED3089701FB00BA5114 /* TypeInfoImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA36089701F600BA5114 /* TypeInfoImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FED4089701FB00BA5114 /* TypeInfoImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA37089701F600BA5114 /* TypeInfoImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FED5089701FB00BA5114 /* XMLElementImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA38089701F600BA5114 /* XMLElementImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FED6089701FB00BA5114 /* XMLElementImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA39089701F600BA5114 /* XMLElementImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FED7089701FB00BA5114 /* kdom.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA3A089701F600BA5114 /* kdom.h */; };
  -		A8C0FED8089701FB00BA5114 /* KDOMPart.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA3B089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMPart.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FED9089701FB00BA5114 /* KDOMPart.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA3C089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMPart.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEDB089701FB00BA5114 /* KDOMSettings.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA3E089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMSettings.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEDC089701FB00BA5114 /* KDOMView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA3F089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMView.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEDD089701FB00BA5114 /* KDOMView.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA40089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMView.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEE0089701FB00BA5114 /* LSExceptionImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA45089701F600BA5114 /* LSExceptionImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEE1089701FB00BA5114 /* LSExceptionImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA46089701F600BA5114 /* LSExceptionImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEE2089701FB00BA5114 /* LSInputImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA47089701F600BA5114 /* LSInputImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEE3089701FB00BA5114 /* LSInputImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA48089701F600BA5114 /* LSInputImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEE4089701FB00BA5114 /* LSOutputImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA49089701F600BA5114 /* LSOutputImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEE5089701FB00BA5114 /* LSOutputImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA4A089701F600BA5114 /* LSOutputImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEE6089701FB00BA5114 /* LSParserFilterImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA4B089701F600BA5114 /* LSParserFilterImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEE7089701FB00BA5114 /* LSParserFilterImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA4C089701F600BA5114 /* LSParserFilterImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEE8089701FB00BA5114 /* LSParserImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA4D089701F600BA5114 /* LSParserImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEE9089701FB00BA5114 /* LSParserImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA4E089701F600BA5114 /* LSParserImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEEA089701FB00BA5114 /* LSResourceResolverImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA4F089701F600BA5114 /* LSResourceResolverImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEEB089701FB00BA5114 /* LSResourceResolverImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA50089701F600BA5114 /* LSResourceResolverImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEEC089701FB00BA5114 /* LSSerializerFilterImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA51089701F600BA5114 /* LSSerializerFilterImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEED089701FB00BA5114 /* LSSerializerFilterImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA52089701F600BA5114 /* LSSerializerFilterImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEEE089701FB00BA5114 /* LSSerializerImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA53089701F600BA5114 /* LSSerializerImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FEEF089701FB00BA5114 /* LSSerializerImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA54089701F600BA5114 /* LSSerializerImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FEF0089701FB00BA5114 /* kdomls.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA55089701F600BA5114 /* kdomls.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF03089701FB00BA5114 /* Namespace.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA68089701F600BA5114 /* Namespace.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF0C089701FB00BA5114 /* KDOMDocumentBuilder.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA72089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMDocumentBuilder.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FF0D089701FB00BA5114 /* KDOMDocumentBuilder.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA73089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMDocumentBuilder.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF0E089701FB00BA5114 /* KDOMParser.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA74089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMParser.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FF0F089701FB00BA5114 /* KDOMParser.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA75089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMParser.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF15089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentRangeImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA7D089701F600BA5114 /* DocumentRangeImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FF16089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentRangeImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA7E089701F600BA5114 /* DocumentRangeImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF17089701FB00BA5114 /* RangeExceptionImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA7F089701F600BA5114 /* RangeExceptionImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FF18089701FB00BA5114 /* RangeExceptionImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA80089701F600BA5114 /* RangeExceptionImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF19089701FB00BA5114 /* RangeImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA81089701F600BA5114 /* RangeImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FF1A089701FB00BA5114 /* RangeImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA82089701F600BA5114 /* RangeImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF1B089701FB00BA5114 /* kdomrange.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA83089701F600BA5114 /* kdomrange.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF2F089701FB00BA5114 /* Shared.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA98089701F600BA5114 /* Shared.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF34089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentTraversalImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FA9F089701F600BA5114 /* DocumentTraversalImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FF35089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentTraversalImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FAA0089701F600BA5114 /* DocumentTraversalImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF36089701FB00BA5114 /* NodeFilterImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FAA1089701F600BA5114 /* NodeFilterImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FF37089701FB00BA5114 /* NodeFilterImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FAA2089701F600BA5114 /* NodeFilterImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF38089701FB00BA5114 /* NodeIteratorImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FAA3089701F600BA5114 /* NodeIteratorImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FF39089701FB00BA5114 /* NodeIteratorImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FAA4089701F600BA5114 /* NodeIteratorImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF3A089701FB00BA5114 /* TraversalImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FAA5089701F600BA5114 /* TraversalImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FF3B089701FB00BA5114 /* TraversalImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FAA6089701F600BA5114 /* TraversalImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF3C089701FB00BA5114 /* TreeWalkerImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FAA7089701F600BA5114 /* TreeWalkerImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FF3D089701FB00BA5114 /* TreeWalkerImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FAA8089701F600BA5114 /* TreeWalkerImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF3E089701FB00BA5114 /* kdomtraversal.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FAA9089701F600BA5114 /* kdomtraversal.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF45089701FB00BA5114 /* TreeShared.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FAB0089701F600BA5114 /* TreeShared.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF4C089701FB00BA5114 /* AbstractViewImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FAB9089701F600BA5114 /* AbstractViewImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FF4D089701FB00BA5114 /* AbstractViewImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FABA089701F600BA5114 /* AbstractViewImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FF4E089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentViewImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FABB089701F600BA5114 /* DocumentViewImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FF4F089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentViewImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FABC089701F600BA5114 /* DocumentViewImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FFBB089701FC00BA5114 /* ElementSchemeImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB30089701F700BA5114 /* ElementSchemeImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FFBC089701FC00BA5114 /* ElementSchemeImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB31089701F700BA5114 /* ElementSchemeImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FFBD089701FC00BA5114 /* NBCImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB32089701F700BA5114 /* NBCImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FFBE089701FC00BA5114 /* NBCImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB33089701F700BA5114 /* NBCImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FFBF089701FC00BA5114 /* PointerPartImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB34089701F700BA5114 /* PointerPartImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FFC0089701FC00BA5114 /* PointerPartImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB35089701F700BA5114 /* PointerPartImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FFC1089701FC00BA5114 /* ShortHandImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB36089701F700BA5114 /* ShortHandImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FFC2089701FC00BA5114 /* ShortHandImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB37089701F700BA5114 /* ShortHandImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FFC3089701FC00BA5114 /* XMLNSSchemeImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB38089701F700BA5114 /* XMLNSSchemeImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FFC4089701FC00BA5114 /* XMLNSSchemeImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB39089701F700BA5114 /* XMLNSSchemeImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FFC7089701FC00BA5114 /* XPointerEvaluatorImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB3C089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerEvaluatorImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FFC8089701FC00BA5114 /* XPointerEvaluatorImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB3D089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerEvaluatorImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FFC9089701FC00BA5114 /* XPointerExceptionImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB3E089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerExceptionImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FFCA089701FC00BA5114 /* XPointerExceptionImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB3F089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerExceptionImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FFCB089701FC00BA5114 /* XPointerExpressionImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB40089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerExpressionImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FFCC089701FC00BA5114 /* XPointerExpressionImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB41089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerExpressionImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FFCD089701FC00BA5114 /* XPointerResultImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB42089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerResultImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FFCE089701FC00BA5114 /* XPointerResultImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB43089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerResultImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FFCF089701FC00BA5114 /* XPointerSchemeImpl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB44089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerSchemeImpl.cpp */; };
  -		A8C0FFD0089701FC00BA5114 /* XPointerSchemeImpl.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB45089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerSchemeImpl.h */; };
  -		A8C0FFD1089701FC00BA5114 /* kdomxpointer.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB46089701F700BA5114 /* kdomxpointer.h */; };
   		A8C0FFDD089701FC00BA5114 /* KRenderingDevice.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB54089701F700BA5114 /* KRenderingDevice.cpp */; };
   		A8C0FFDE089701FC00BA5114 /* KRenderingDevice.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB55089701F700BA5114 /* KRenderingDevice.h */; };
   		A8C0FFE2089701FC00BA5114 /* KRenderingFillPainter.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB59089701F700BA5114 /* KRenderingFillPainter.cpp */; };
  @@ -2268,16 +1622,13 @@
   		A8C0FFFD089701FC00BA5114 /* KRenderingPaintServerQuartz.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB75089701F800BA5114 /* KRenderingPaintServerQuartz.mm */; };
   		A8C0FFFE089701FC00BA5114 /* QuartzSupport.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB76089701F800BA5114 /* QuartzSupport.h */; };
   		A8C0FFFF089701FC00BA5114 /* QuartzSupport.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C0FB77089701F800BA5114 /* QuartzSupport.mm */; };
  -		A8DC63E908E0DD0A004507F7 /* EcmaInterface.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8DC63E808E0DD0A004507F7 /* EcmaInterface.cpp */; };
  -		A8DC63EC08E0DD2A004507F7 /* EcmaInterface.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8DC63EB08E0DD2A004507F7 /* EcmaInterface.cpp */; };
  -		A8EA434508E14EAC004BC396 /* xml_kdomtokenizer.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8EA433D08E14EAB004BC396 /* xml_kdomtokenizer.h */; };
  -		A8EA434608E14EAC004BC396 /* xml_kdomtokenizer.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8EA433E08E14EAC004BC396 /* xml_kdomtokenizer.cpp */; };
  +		A8C8015709143574006A5E5B /* SVGElementFactory.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C8015509143574006A5E5B /* SVGElementFactory.h */; };
  +		A8C8015809143574006A5E5B /* SVGElementFactory.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C8015609143574006A5E5B /* SVGElementFactory.cpp */; };
  +		A8C801A709143E3B006A5E5B /* SVGNames.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C801A509143E3B006A5E5B /* SVGNames.h */; };
  +		A8C801A809143E3B006A5E5B /* SVGNames.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8C801A609143E3B006A5E5B /* SVGNames.cpp */; };
   		A8EA434708E14EAC004BC396 /* render_kcanvaswrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8EA433F08E14EAC004BC396 /* render_kcanvaswrapper.h */; };
  -		A8EA434808E14EAC004BC396 /* render_kcanvaswrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8EA434008E14EAC004BC396 /* render_kcanvaswrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8EA434908E14EAC004BC396 /* dom_kdomnodetreewrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8EA434108E14EAC004BC396 /* dom_kdomnodetreewrapper.h */; };
  -		A8EA434A08E14EAC004BC396 /* dom_kdomnodetreewrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8EA434208E14EAC004BC396 /* dom_kdomnodetreewrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8EA434B08E14EAC004BC396 /* dom_kdomdocumentwrapper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8EA434308E14EAC004BC396 /* dom_kdomdocumentwrapper.h */; };
  -		A8EA434C08E14EAC004BC396 /* dom_kdomdocumentwrapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A8EA434408E14EAC004BC396 /* dom_kdomdocumentwrapper.cpp */; };
   		A8FD8B86087CB44C00DC3707 /* KWQWMatrix.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A85D7A8C0879EC64006A9172 /* KWQWMatrix.mm */; };
   		A8FD8B87087CB45700DC3707 /* KWQWMatrix.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A85D7A8D0879EC64006A9172 /* KWQWMatrix.h */; };
   		BC179892088D975F006068A5 /* render_theme_mac.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = BC17988F088D975F006068A5 /* render_theme_mac.mm */; };
  @@ -2520,10 +1871,6 @@
   		93F19B1908245E59001E9ABC /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.xml; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		93F19B1A08245E5A001E9ABC /* WebCore.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.framework; includeInIndex = 0; path = WebCore.framework; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
   		93F1D31A0558CC5C00821BC0 /* libicucore.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libicucore.dylib; path = /usr/lib/libicucore.dylib; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
  -		A802434C08AC85EA001B29DA /* DocumentCSSImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentCSSImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A802434D08AC85EA001B29DA /* DocumentCSSImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentCSSImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A802435008AC8651001B29DA /* DOMObjectImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMObjectImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A802435108AC8651001B29DA /* DOMObjectImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMObjectImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A810E39308A4160F00333D98 /* KCanvasTreeDebug.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KCanvasTreeDebug.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A810E39408A4160F00333D98 /* KCanvasTreeDebug.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; indentWidth = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KCanvasTreeDebug.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; tabWidth = 4; usesTabs = 0; };
   		A8122C7E08D564B000844FA3 /* GetSVGDocument.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = GetSVGDocument.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  @@ -2899,308 +2246,29 @@
   		A8122DF508D564B300844FA3 /* SVGZoomAndPanWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGZoomAndPanWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8122DF608D564B300844FA3 /* SVGZoomEventWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGZoomEventWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8122DF708D564B300844FA3 /* SVGZoomEventWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGZoomEventWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D56A208ACAC7E00136AC1 /* XPointerHelper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPointerHelper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D56A308ACAC7E00136AC1 /* XPointerHelper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPointerHelper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D581608ADDFF600136AC1 /* Attr.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = Attr.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D581708ADDFF600136AC1 /* CDATASection.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = CDATASection.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D581808ADDFF600136AC1 /* CharacterData.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = CharacterData.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D581908ADDFF600136AC1 /* Comment.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = Comment.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D581A08ADDFF600136AC1 /* docs-core.xml */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.xml; path = "docs-core.xml"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D581B08ADDFF700136AC1 /* Document.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = Document.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D581C08ADDFF700136AC1 /* DocumentFragment.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DocumentFragment.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D581D08ADDFF700136AC1 /* DocumentType.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DocumentType.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D581E08ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMConfiguration.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DOMConfiguration.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D581F08ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMError.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DOMError.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D582008ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMErrorHandler.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DOMErrorHandler.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D582108ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMException.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DOMException.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D582208ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMImplementation.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DOMImplementation.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D582508ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMLocator.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DOMLocator.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D582608ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMObject.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DOMObject.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D582808ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMStringList.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DOMStringList.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D582908ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMUserData.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DOMUserData.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D582A08ADDFF700136AC1 /* Element.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = Element.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D582B08ADDFF700136AC1 /* Entity.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = Entity.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D582C08ADDFF700136AC1 /* EntityReference.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = EntityReference.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D582E08ADDFF700136AC1 /* NamedNodeMap.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = NamedNodeMap.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D583008ADDFF700136AC1 /* Node.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = Node.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D583108ADDFF700136AC1 /* NodeList.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = NodeList.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D583208ADDFF700136AC1 /* Notation.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = Notation.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D583308ADDFF700136AC1 /* ProcessingInstruction.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = ProcessingInstruction.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D583408ADDFF700136AC1 /* Text.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = Text.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D583508ADDFF700136AC1 /* TypeInfo.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = TypeInfo.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D583808ADDFF700136AC1 /* Counter.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = Counter.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D583A08ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSCharsetRule.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = CSSCharsetRule.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D583B08ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSFontFaceRule.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = CSSFontFaceRule.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D583C08ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSImportRule.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = CSSImportRule.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D583D08ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSMediaRule.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = CSSMediaRule.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D583E08ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSPageRule.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = CSSPageRule.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D583F08ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSPrimitiveValue.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = CSSPrimitiveValue.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D584008ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSRule.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = CSSRule.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D584108ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSRuleList.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = CSSRuleList.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D584208ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSStyleDeclaration.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = CSSStyleDeclaration.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D584308ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSStyleRule.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = CSSStyleRule.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D584408ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSStyleSheet.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = CSSStyleSheet.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D584508ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSUnknownRule.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = CSSUnknownRule.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D584608ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSValue.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = CSSValue.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D584708ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSValueList.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = CSSValueList.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D584808ADDFF700136AC1 /* DocumentCSS.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DocumentCSS.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D584B08ADDFF700136AC1 /* Rect.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = Rect.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D584C08ADDFF700136AC1 /* RGBColor.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = RGBColor.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D584F08ADDFF700136AC1 /* DocumentEvent.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DocumentEvent.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D585008ADDFF700136AC1 /* Event.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = Event.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D585108ADDFF700136AC1 /* EventException.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = EventException.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D585208ADDFF700136AC1 /* EventListener.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = EventListener.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D585308ADDFF700136AC1 /* EventTarget.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = EventTarget.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D585508ADDFF700136AC1 /* MouseEvent.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = MouseEvent.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D585608ADDFF700136AC1 /* MutationEvent.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = MutationEvent.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D585708ADDFF700136AC1 /* UIEvent.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = UIEvent.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D585908ADDFF700136AC1 /* DocumentRange.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DocumentRange.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D585B08ADDFF700136AC1 /* Range.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = Range.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D585C08ADDFF700136AC1 /* RangeException.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = RangeException.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D585E08ADDFF700136AC1 /* DocumentStyle.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DocumentStyle.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D586008ADDFF700136AC1 /* LinkStyle.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = LinkStyle.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D586108ADDFF700136AC1 /* MediaList.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = MediaList.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D586208ADDFF700136AC1 /* StyleSheet.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = StyleSheet.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D586308ADDFF700136AC1 /* StyleSheetList.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = StyleSheetList.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D586508ADDFF700136AC1 /* DocumentTraversal.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DocumentTraversal.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D586708ADDFF800136AC1 /* NodeFilter.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = NodeFilter.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D586808ADDFF800136AC1 /* NodeIterator.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = NodeIterator.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D586908ADDFF800136AC1 /* TreeWalker.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = TreeWalker.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D586B08ADDFF800136AC1 /* AbstractView.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = AbstractView.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D586C08ADDFF800136AC1 /* DocumentView.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DocumentView.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D587008ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPathEvaluator.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = XPathEvaluator.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D587108ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPathException.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = XPathException.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D587208ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPathExpression.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = XPathExpression.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D587308ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPathNamespace.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = XPathNamespace.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D587408ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPathNSResolver.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = XPathNSResolver.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D587508ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPathResult.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = XPathResult.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D587808ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPointerEvaluator.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = XPointerEvaluator.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D587908ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPointerException.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = XPointerException.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D587A08ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPointerExpression.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = XPointerExpression.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D587B08ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPointerResult.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = XPointerResult.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A5508ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathResultImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPathResultImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A5608ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathResultImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPathResultImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A5708ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathNSResolverImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPathNSResolverImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A5808ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathNSResolverImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPathNSResolverImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A5908ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathNamespaceImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPathNamespaceImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A5A08ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathNamespaceImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPathNamespaceImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A5B08ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathExpressionImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPathExpressionImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A5C08ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathExpressionImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPathExpressionImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A5D08ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathExceptionImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPathExceptionImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A5E08ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathExceptionImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPathExceptionImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A5F08ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathEvaluatorImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPathEvaluatorImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A6008ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathEvaluatorImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPathEvaluatorImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A6F08ADF70400136AC1 /* expression.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = expression.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A7008ADF70400136AC1 /* expression.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = expression.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A7108ADF70400136AC1 /* functions.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = functions.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A7208ADF70400136AC1 /* functions.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = functions.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A7408ADF70400136AC1 /* parsedstatement.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = parsedstatement.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A7508ADF70400136AC1 /* parsedstatement.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = parsedstatement.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A7808ADF70400136AC1 /* path.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = path.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A7908ADF70400136AC1 /* path.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = path.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A7A08ADF70400136AC1 /* predicate.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = predicate.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A7B08ADF70400136AC1 /* predicate.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = predicate.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A7C08ADF70400136AC1 /* step.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = step.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A7D08ADF70400136AC1 /* step.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = step.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A7E08ADF70400136AC1 /* tokenizer.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = tokenizer.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A7F08ADF70400136AC1 /* tokenizer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = tokenizer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A8108ADF70400136AC1 /* util.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = util.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A81D5A8208ADF70400136AC1 /* util.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = util.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A8209066091379F3000BE4F4 /* KDOMHeaders.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMHeaders.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A820912E091381F5000BE4F4 /* KDOMStubClasses.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMStubClasses.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A820920F091390B3000BE4F4 /* DOMList.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMList.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A82094C409140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomtraversal.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = kdomtraversal.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A82094C509140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomevents.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = kdomevents.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A82094C609140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomls.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = kdomls.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A82094C709140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomrange.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = kdomrange.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A82094C809140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomcss.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = kdomcss.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A82094C909140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdom.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = kdom.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8212D0708794A2300677359 /* WebCore.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.framework; includeInIndex = 0; path = WebCore.framework; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
  -		A82FC27308C9292E00EFEE23 /* DOMImplementationLSImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMImplementationLSImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A82FC27408C9292E00EFEE23 /* DOMImplementationLSImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMImplementationLSImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A82FC2F008C9AAE400EFEE23 /* LinkStyleImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LinkStyleImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A82FC2F108C9AAE400EFEE23 /* LinkStyleImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LinkStyleImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A82FC33B08CBB07C00EFEE23 /* SVGCursorElementImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGCursorElementImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A82FC33C08CBB07C00EFEE23 /* SVGCursorElementImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGCursorElementImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A838543108B0A00B000AF580 /* variablereference.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = variablereference.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A838543208B0A00B000AF580 /* variablereference.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = variablereference.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A83A18D30914214F000EC311 /* Namespace.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Namespace.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A83C819F091189B9009BF4A7 /* XSLTProcessor.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XSLTProcessor.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A83C81A0091189B9009BF4A7 /* XSLTProcessor.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XSLTProcessor.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A856E9F808B4608F0042E303 /* xpath.y */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.yacc; path = xpath.y; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A84B9FBC09170DA200D71DD0 /* RGBColorImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = RGBColorImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A84B9FBD09170DA200D71DD0 /* KDOMSettings.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KDOMSettings.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A84B9FBE09170DA200D71DD0 /* RGBColorImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RGBColorImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A84B9FBF09170DA200D71DD0 /* KDOMSettings.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMSettings.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A85D7A2F0879EBA9006A9172 /* QuartzCore.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = QuartzCore.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
   		A85D7A8C0879EC64006A9172 /* KWQWMatrix.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = KWQWMatrix.mm; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A85D7A8D0879EC64006A9172 /* KWQWMatrix.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KWQWMatrix.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A863312E08E3AB24009CFEF4 /* CDFInterface.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CDFInterface.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BE608D19F1900379918 /* AttrWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = AttrWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BE708D19F1900379918 /* AttrWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AttrWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BE808D19F1900379918 /* CDATASectionWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CDATASectionWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BE908D19F1900379918 /* CDATASectionWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CDATASectionWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BEA08D19F1900379918 /* CharacterDataWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CharacterDataWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BEB08D19F1900379918 /* CharacterDataWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CharacterDataWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BEC08D19F1900379918 /* CommentWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CommentWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BED08D19F1900379918 /* CommentWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CommentWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BEE08D19F1900379918 /* DocumentFragmentWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentFragmentWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BEF08D19F1900379918 /* DocumentFragmentWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentFragmentWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BF008D19F1900379918 /* DocumentTypeWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentTypeWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BF108D19F1900379918 /* DocumentTypeWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentTypeWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BF208D19F1900379918 /* DocumentWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BF308D19F1900379918 /* DocumentWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BF408D19F1900379918 /* DOMConfigurationWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMConfigurationWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BF508D19F1900379918 /* DOMConfigurationWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMConfigurationWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BF608D19F1900379918 /* DOMErrorHandlerWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMErrorHandlerWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BF708D19F1900379918 /* DOMErrorHandlerWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMErrorHandlerWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BF808D19F1900379918 /* DOMErrorWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMErrorWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BF908D19F1900379918 /* DOMErrorWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMErrorWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BFA08D19F1900379918 /* DOMExceptionWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMExceptionWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BFB08D19F1900379918 /* DOMExceptionWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMExceptionWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BFC08D19F1900379918 /* DOMImplementationWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMImplementationWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BFD08D19F1900379918 /* DOMImplementationWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMImplementationWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BFE08D19F1900379918 /* DOMLocatorWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMLocatorWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0BFF08D19F1900379918 /* DOMLocatorWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMLocatorWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C0008D19F1900379918 /* DOMObjectWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMObjectWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C0108D19F1900379918 /* DOMObjectWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMObjectWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C0208D19F1900379918 /* DOMStringListWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMStringListWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C0308D19F1900379918 /* DOMStringListWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMStringListWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C0408D19F1900379918 /* DOMUserDataWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMUserDataWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C0508D19F1900379918 /* DOMUserDataWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMUserDataWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C0608D19F1900379918 /* ElementWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ElementWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C0708D19F1900379918 /* ElementWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ElementWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C0808D19F1900379918 /* EntityReferenceWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = EntityReferenceWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C0908D19F1900379918 /* EntityReferenceWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = EntityReferenceWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C0A08D19F1900379918 /* EntityWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = EntityWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C0B08D19F1900379918 /* EntityWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = EntityWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C0C08D19F1900379918 /* NamedNodeMapWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = NamedNodeMapWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C0D08D19F1900379918 /* NamedNodeMapWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = NamedNodeMapWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C0E08D19F1900379918 /* NodeListWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = NodeListWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C0F08D19F1900379918 /* NodeListWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = NodeListWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C1008D19F1900379918 /* NodeWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = NodeWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C1108D19F1900379918 /* NodeWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = NodeWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C1208D19F1900379918 /* NotationWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = NotationWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C1308D19F1900379918 /* NotationWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = NotationWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C1408D19F1900379918 /* ProcessingInstructionWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ProcessingInstructionWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C1508D19F1900379918 /* ProcessingInstructionWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ProcessingInstructionWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C1608D19F1900379918 /* TextWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = TextWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C1708D19F1900379918 /* TextWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = TextWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C1808D19F1900379918 /* TypeInfoWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = TypeInfoWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C1908D19F1900379918 /* TypeInfoWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = TypeInfoWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C1B08D19F1900379918 /* CounterWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CounterWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C1C08D19F1900379918 /* CounterWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CounterWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C1D08D19F1900379918 /* CSSCharsetRuleWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSCharsetRuleWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C1E08D19F1900379918 /* CSSCharsetRuleWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSCharsetRuleWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C1F08D19F1900379918 /* CSSFontFaceRuleWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSFontFaceRuleWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C2008D19F1900379918 /* CSSFontFaceRuleWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSFontFaceRuleWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C2108D19F1900379918 /* CSSImportRuleWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSImportRuleWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C2208D19F1900379918 /* CSSImportRuleWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSImportRuleWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C2308D19F1900379918 /* CSSMediaRuleWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSMediaRuleWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C2408D19F1900379918 /* CSSMediaRuleWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSMediaRuleWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C2508D19F1900379918 /* CSSPageRuleWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSPageRuleWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C2608D19F1900379918 /* CSSPageRuleWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSPageRuleWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C2708D19F1900379918 /* CSSPrimitiveValueWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSPrimitiveValueWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C2808D19F1900379918 /* CSSPrimitiveValueWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSPrimitiveValueWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C2908D19F1900379918 /* CSSRuleListWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSRuleListWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C2A08D19F1900379918 /* CSSRuleListWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSRuleListWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C2B08D19F1900379918 /* CSSRuleWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSRuleWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C2C08D19F1900379918 /* CSSRuleWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSRuleWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C2D08D19F1900379918 /* CSSStyleDeclarationWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSStyleDeclarationWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C2E08D19F1900379918 /* CSSStyleDeclarationWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSStyleDeclarationWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C2F08D19F1900379918 /* CSSStyleRuleWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSStyleRuleWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C3008D19F1900379918 /* CSSStyleRuleWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSStyleRuleWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C3108D19F1900379918 /* CSSStyleSheetWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSStyleSheetWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C3208D19F1900379918 /* CSSStyleSheetWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSStyleSheetWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C3308D19F1900379918 /* CSSUnknownRuleWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSUnknownRuleWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C3408D19F1900379918 /* CSSUnknownRuleWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSUnknownRuleWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C3508D19F1900379918 /* CSSValueListWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSValueListWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C3608D19F1900379918 /* CSSValueListWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSValueListWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C3708D19F1900379918 /* CSSValueWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSValueWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C3808D19F1900379918 /* CSSValueWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSValueWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C3908D19F1900379918 /* DocumentCSSWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentCSSWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C3A08D19F1900379918 /* DocumentCSSWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentCSSWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C3B08D19F1900379918 /* RectWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = RectWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C3C08D19F1900379918 /* RectWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RectWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C3D08D19F1900379918 /* RGBColorWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = RGBColorWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C3E08D19F1900379918 /* RGBColorWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RGBColorWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C4008D19F1900379918 /* DocumentEventWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentEventWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C4108D19F1900379918 /* DocumentEventWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentEventWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C4208D19F1900379918 /* EventExceptionWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = EventExceptionWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C4308D19F1900379918 /* EventExceptionWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = EventExceptionWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C4408D19F1900379918 /* EventListenerWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = EventListenerWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C4508D19F1900379918 /* EventListenerWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = EventListenerWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C4608D19F1900379918 /* EventTargetWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = EventTargetWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C4708D19F1900379918 /* EventTargetWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = EventTargetWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C4808D19F1900379918 /* EventWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = EventWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C4908D19F1900379918 /* EventWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = EventWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C4A08D19F1900379918 /* MouseEventWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = MouseEventWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C4B08D19F1900379918 /* MouseEventWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = MouseEventWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C4C08D19F1900379918 /* MutationEventWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = MutationEventWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C4D08D19F1900379918 /* MutationEventWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = MutationEventWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C4E08D19F1900379918 /* UIEventWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = UIEventWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C4F08D19F1900379918 /* UIEventWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = UIEventWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C5108D19F1900379918 /* DocumentRangeWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentRangeWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C5208D19F1900379918 /* DocumentRangeWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentRangeWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C5308D19F1900379918 /* RangeExceptionWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = RangeExceptionWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C5408D19F1A00379918 /* RangeExceptionWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RangeExceptionWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C5508D19F1A00379918 /* RangeWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = RangeWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C5608D19F1A00379918 /* RangeWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RangeWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C5808D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentStyleWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentStyleWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C5908D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentStyleWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentStyleWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C5A08D19F1A00379918 /* LinkStyleWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LinkStyleWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C5B08D19F1A00379918 /* LinkStyleWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LinkStyleWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C5C08D19F1A00379918 /* MediaListWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = MediaListWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C5D08D19F1A00379918 /* MediaListWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = MediaListWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C5E08D19F1A00379918 /* StyleSheetListWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = StyleSheetListWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C5F08D19F1A00379918 /* StyleSheetListWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = StyleSheetListWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C6008D19F1A00379918 /* StyleSheetWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = StyleSheetWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C6108D19F1A00379918 /* StyleSheetWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = StyleSheetWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C6308D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentTraversalWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentTraversalWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C6408D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentTraversalWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentTraversalWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C6508D19F1A00379918 /* NodeFilterWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = NodeFilterWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C6608D19F1A00379918 /* NodeFilterWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = NodeFilterWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C6708D19F1A00379918 /* NodeIteratorWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = NodeIteratorWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C6808D19F1A00379918 /* NodeIteratorWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = NodeIteratorWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C6908D19F1A00379918 /* TreeWalkerWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = TreeWalkerWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C6A08D19F1A00379918 /* TreeWalkerWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = TreeWalkerWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C6C08D19F1A00379918 /* AbstractViewWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = AbstractViewWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C6D08D19F1A00379918 /* AbstractViewWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AbstractViewWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C6E08D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentViewWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentViewWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C6F08D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentViewWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentViewWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C7108D19F1A00379918 /* XPathEvaluatorWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPathEvaluatorWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C7208D19F1A00379918 /* XPathEvaluatorWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPathEvaluatorWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C7308D19F1A00379918 /* XPathExceptionWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPathExceptionWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C7408D19F1A00379918 /* XPathExceptionWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPathExceptionWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C7508D19F1A00379918 /* XPathExpressionWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPathExpressionWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C7608D19F1A00379918 /* XPathExpressionWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPathExpressionWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C7708D19F1A00379918 /* XPathNamespaceWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPathNamespaceWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C7808D19F1A00379918 /* XPathNamespaceWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPathNamespaceWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C7908D19F1A00379918 /* XPathNSResolverWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPathNSResolverWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C7A08D19F1A00379918 /* XPathNSResolverWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPathNSResolverWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C7B08D19F1A00379918 /* XPathResultWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPathResultWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C7C08D19F1A00379918 /* XPathResultWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPathResultWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C7E08D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerEvaluatorWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPointerEvaluatorWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C7F08D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerEvaluatorWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPointerEvaluatorWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C8008D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerExceptionWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPointerExceptionWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C8108D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerExceptionWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPointerExceptionWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C8208D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerExpressionWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPointerExpressionWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C8308D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerExpressionWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPointerExpressionWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C8408D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerResultWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPointerResultWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0C8508D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerResultWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPointerResultWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0D6008D2A27600379918 /* DOMImplementationLS.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = DOMImplementationLS.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0D6208D2A27600379918 /* LSException.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = LSException.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0D6308D2A27600379918 /* LSInput.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = LSInput.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0D6508D2A27600379918 /* LSOutput.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = LSOutput.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0D6608D2A27600379918 /* LSParser.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = LSParser.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0D6708D2A27600379918 /* LSParserFilter.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = LSParserFilter.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0D6908D2A27600379918 /* LSResourceResolver.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = LSResourceResolver.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0D6A08D2A27600379918 /* LSSerializer.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = LSSerializer.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0D6B08D2A27600379918 /* LSSerializerFilter.idl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = LSSerializerFilter.idl; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DA408D4233900379918 /* DOMImplementationLSWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMImplementationLSWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DA508D4233900379918 /* DOMImplementationLSWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMImplementationLSWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DA608D4233900379918 /* LSExceptionWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LSExceptionWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DA708D4233900379918 /* LSExceptionWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LSExceptionWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DA808D4233900379918 /* LSInputWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LSInputWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DA908D4233900379918 /* LSInputWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LSInputWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DAA08D4233900379918 /* LSOutputWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LSOutputWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DAB08D4233900379918 /* LSOutputWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LSOutputWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DAC08D4233900379918 /* LSParserFilterWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LSParserFilterWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DAD08D4233900379918 /* LSParserFilterWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LSParserFilterWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DAE08D4233900379918 /* LSParserWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LSParserWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DAF08D4233900379918 /* LSParserWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LSParserWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DB008D4233900379918 /* LSResourceResolverWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LSResourceResolverWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DB108D4233900379918 /* LSResourceResolverWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LSResourceResolverWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DB208D4233900379918 /* LSSerializerFilterWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LSSerializerFilterWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DB308D4233900379918 /* LSSerializerFilterWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LSSerializerFilterWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DB408D4233900379918 /* LSSerializerWrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LSSerializerWrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8BC0DB508D4233900379918 /* LSSerializerWrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LSSerializerWrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A872593108F9BAA6006F10A1 /* libz.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libz.dylib; path = /usr/lib/libz.dylib; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
   		A8C0F6DD089701F100BA5114 /* DrawCanvasItem.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DrawCanvasItem.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F6DE089701F100BA5114 /* DrawCanvasItem.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = DrawCanvasItem.mm; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F6DF089701F100BA5114 /* DrawCanvasItemPrivate.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DrawCanvasItemPrivate.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  @@ -3214,8 +2282,6 @@
   		A8C0F6E8089701F100BA5114 /* NSSVGImageRep.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = NSSVGImageRep.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F6EB089701F100BA5114 /* KCanvasRenderingStyle.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KCanvasRenderingStyle.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F6EC089701F100BA5114 /* KCanvasRenderingStyle.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KCanvasRenderingStyle.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F6ED089701F100BA5114 /* KSVGDocumentBuilder.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KSVGDocumentBuilder.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F6EE089701F100BA5114 /* KSVGDocumentBuilder.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KSVGDocumentBuilder.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F6EF089701F100BA5114 /* KSVGTimeScheduler.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KSVGTimeScheduler.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F6F0089701F100BA5114 /* KSVGTimeScheduler.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KSVGTimeScheduler.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F6F4089701F100BA5114 /* cssproperties.in */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = cssproperties.in; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  @@ -3223,8 +2289,6 @@
   		A8C0F6F6089701F100BA5114 /* KSVGCSSParser.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KSVGCSSParser.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F6F7089701F100BA5114 /* KSVGCSSParser.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KSVGCSSParser.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F6F8089701F100BA5114 /* svg.css */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = svg.css; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F6F9089701F100BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleDeclarationImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGCSSStyleDeclarationImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F6FA089701F100BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleDeclarationImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGCSSStyleDeclarationImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F6FB089701F100BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F6FC089701F100BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleSelector.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGCSSStyleSelector.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F6FD089701F100BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleSheetImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGCSSStyleSheetImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  @@ -3238,12 +2302,8 @@
   		A8C0F7EE089701F300BA5114 /* GlobalObject.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = GlobalObject.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F7EF089701F300BA5114 /* GlobalObject.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = GlobalObject.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F7F0089701F300BA5114 /* SVGLookup.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGLookup.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F7F3089701F300BA5114 /* SVGEventImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGEventImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F7F4089701F300BA5114 /* SVGEventImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGEventImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F7F5089701F300BA5114 /* SVGZoomEventImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGZoomEventImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F7F6089701F300BA5114 /* SVGZoomEventImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGZoomEventImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F7F7089701F300BA5114 /* ksvgevents.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ksvgevents.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F7FE089701F300BA5114 /* CDFInterface.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CDFInterface.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F7FF089701F300BA5114 /* SVGAElementImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGAElementImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F800089701F300BA5114 /* SVGAElementImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGAElementImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F801089701F300BA5114 /* SVGAngleImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGAngleImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  @@ -3285,8 +2345,6 @@
   		A8C0F825089701F300BA5114 /* SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F826089701F300BA5114 /* SVGAnimationElementImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGAnimationElementImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F827089701F300BA5114 /* SVGAnimationElementImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGAnimationElementImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F828089701F300BA5114 /* svgattrs.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = svgattrs.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F829089701F300BA5114 /* svgattrs.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = svgattrs.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F82A089701F300BA5114 /* svgattrs.in */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = svgattrs.in; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F82B089701F300BA5114 /* SVGCircleElementImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGCircleElementImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F82C089701F300BA5114 /* SVGCircleElementImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGCircleElementImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  @@ -3312,8 +2370,6 @@
   		A8C0F840089701F300BA5114 /* SVGElementInstanceListImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGElementInstanceListImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F841089701F300BA5114 /* SVGEllipseElementImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGEllipseElementImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F842089701F300BA5114 /* SVGEllipseElementImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGEllipseElementImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F843089701F300BA5114 /* SVGExceptionImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGExceptionImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F844089701F300BA5114 /* SVGExceptionImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGExceptionImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F845089701F300BA5114 /* SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F846089701F300BA5114 /* SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F847089701F300BA5114 /* SVGFEBlendElementImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGFEBlendElementImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  @@ -3453,8 +2509,6 @@
   		A8C0F8CD089701F400BA5114 /* SVGSwitchElementImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGSwitchElementImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F8CE089701F400BA5114 /* SVGSymbolElementImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGSymbolElementImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F8CF089701F400BA5114 /* SVGSymbolElementImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGSymbolElementImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F8D0089701F400BA5114 /* svgtags.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = svgtags.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F8D1089701F400BA5114 /* svgtags.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = svgtags.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F8D2089701F400BA5114 /* svgtags.in */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = svgtags.in; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F8D3089701F400BA5114 /* SVGTestsImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGTestsImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F8D4089701F400BA5114 /* SVGTestsImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGTestsImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  @@ -3487,269 +2541,6 @@
   		A8C0F8EF089701F400BA5114 /* KSVGFactory.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KSVGFactory.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F8F0089701F400BA5114 /* KSVGSettings.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KSVGSettings.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0F8F1089701F400BA5114 /* KSVGSettings.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KSVGSettings.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F8F3089701F400BA5114 /* KWQKSVGPart.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KWQKSVGPart.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F8F4089701F400BA5114 /* KWQKSVGPart.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = KWQKSVGPart.mm; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F8F5089701F400BA5114 /* KWQKSVGView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KWQKSVGView.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F8F6089701F400BA5114 /* KWQKSVGView.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = KWQKSVGView.mm; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F904089701F400BA5114 /* LibXMLParser.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LibXMLParser.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F905089701F400BA5114 /* LibXMLParser.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LibXMLParser.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F908089701F400BA5114 /* IconData.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = IconData.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F909089701F400BA5114 /* ImageSource.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ImageSource.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F90A089701F400BA5114 /* ImageSource.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ImageSource.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F90B089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCache.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KDOMCache.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F90C089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCache.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMCache.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F90D089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedDocument.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KDOMCachedDocument.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F90E089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedDocument.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMCachedDocument.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F90F089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedImage.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KDOMCachedImage.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F910089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedImage.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMCachedImage.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F912089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedObject.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KDOMCachedObject.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F913089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedObject.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMCachedObject.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F914089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedObjectClient.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMCachedObjectClient.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F915089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedScript.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KDOMCachedScript.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F916089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedScript.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMCachedScript.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F917089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedStyleSheet.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KDOMCachedStyleSheet.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F918089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCachedStyleSheet.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMCachedStyleSheet.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F919089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMCacheHelper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMCacheHelper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F91A089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMLoader.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KDOMLoader.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F91B089701F400BA5114 /* KDOMLoader.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMLoader.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F92A089701F400BA5114 /* CSSHelper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSHelper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F94A089701F400BA5114 /* CounterImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CounterImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F94B089701F400BA5114 /* CounterImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CounterImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F94C089701F400BA5114 /* CSSCharsetRuleImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSCharsetRuleImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F94D089701F400BA5114 /* CSSCharsetRuleImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSCharsetRuleImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F94E089701F400BA5114 /* CSSFontFaceRuleImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSFontFaceRuleImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F94F089701F400BA5114 /* CSSFontFaceRuleImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSFontFaceRuleImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F950089701F400BA5114 /* CSSImageValueImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSImageValueImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F951089701F400BA5114 /* CSSImageValueImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSImageValueImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F952089701F400BA5114 /* CSSImportRuleImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSImportRuleImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F953089701F400BA5114 /* CSSImportRuleImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSImportRuleImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F954089701F400BA5114 /* CSSMediaRuleImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSMediaRuleImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F955089701F400BA5114 /* CSSMediaRuleImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSMediaRuleImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F956089701F400BA5114 /* CSSPageRuleImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSPageRuleImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F957089701F400BA5114 /* CSSPageRuleImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSPageRuleImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F958089701F400BA5114 /* CSSPrimitiveValueImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSPrimitiveValueImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F959089701F400BA5114 /* CSSPrimitiveValueImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSPrimitiveValueImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F95A089701F400BA5114 /* cssproperties.in */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = cssproperties.in; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F95B089701F400BA5114 /* CSSRuleImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSRuleImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F95C089701F400BA5114 /* CSSRuleImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSRuleImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F95D089701F400BA5114 /* CSSRuleListImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSRuleListImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F95E089701F400BA5114 /* CSSRuleListImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSRuleListImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F95F089701F500BA5114 /* CSSStyleDeclarationImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSStyleDeclarationImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F960089701F500BA5114 /* CSSStyleDeclarationImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSStyleDeclarationImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F961089701F500BA5114 /* CSSStyleRuleImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSStyleRuleImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F962089701F500BA5114 /* CSSStyleRuleImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSStyleRuleImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F963089701F500BA5114 /* CSSStyleSelector.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSStyleSelector.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F964089701F500BA5114 /* CSSStyleSelector.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSStyleSelector.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F965089701F500BA5114 /* CSSStyleSheetImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSStyleSheetImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F966089701F500BA5114 /* CSSStyleSheetImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSStyleSheetImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F967089701F500BA5114 /* CSSUnknownRuleImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSUnknownRuleImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F968089701F500BA5114 /* CSSUnknownRuleImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSUnknownRuleImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F969089701F500BA5114 /* CSSValueImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSValueImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F96A089701F500BA5114 /* CSSValueImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSValueImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F96B089701F500BA5114 /* CSSValueListImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CSSValueListImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F96C089701F500BA5114 /* CSSValueListImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSSValueListImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F96D089701F500BA5114 /* cssvalues.in */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = cssvalues.in; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F96E089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentStyleImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentStyleImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F96F089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentStyleImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentStyleImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F970089701F500BA5114 /* Font.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = Font.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F971089701F500BA5114 /* Font.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Font.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F972089701F500BA5114 /* KDOMCSSParser.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KDOMCSSParser.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F973089701F500BA5114 /* KDOMCSSParser.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMCSSParser.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F974089701F500BA5114 /* kdomparsercss.y */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.yacc; path = kdomparsercss.y; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F975089701F500BA5114 /* MediaListImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = MediaListImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F976089701F500BA5114 /* MediaListImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = MediaListImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F977089701F500BA5114 /* RectImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = RectImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F978089701F500BA5114 /* RectImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RectImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F979089701F500BA5114 /* RenderStyle.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = RenderStyle.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F97A089701F500BA5114 /* RenderStyle.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RenderStyle.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F97B089701F500BA5114 /* RenderStyleDefs.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = RenderStyleDefs.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F97C089701F500BA5114 /* RenderStyleDefs.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RenderStyleDefs.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F97D089701F500BA5114 /* RGBColorImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = RGBColorImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F97E089701F500BA5114 /* RGBColorImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RGBColorImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F97F089701F500BA5114 /* StyleBaseImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = StyleBaseImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F980089701F500BA5114 /* StyleBaseImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = StyleBaseImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F981089701F500BA5114 /* StyleSheetImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = StyleSheetImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F982089701F500BA5114 /* StyleSheetImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = StyleSheetImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F983089701F500BA5114 /* StyleSheetListImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = StyleSheetListImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F984089701F500BA5114 /* StyleSheetListImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = StyleSheetListImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F985089701F500BA5114 /* tokenizer.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = tokenizer.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F986089701F500BA5114 /* kdomcss.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = kdomcss.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9B4089701F500BA5114 /* DOMString.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMString.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9B5089701F500BA5114 /* DOMString.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMString.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9BD089701F500BA5114 /* DOMBridge.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMBridge.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9BE089701F500BA5114 /* DOMLookup.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMLookup.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9BF089701F500BA5114 /* Ecma.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = Ecma.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9C0089701F500BA5114 /* Ecma.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Ecma.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9C2089701F500BA5114 /* GlobalObject.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = GlobalObject.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9C3089701F500BA5114 /* GlobalObject.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = GlobalObject.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9C5089701F500BA5114 /* Helper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = Helper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9C6089701F500BA5114 /* ScriptInterpreter.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ScriptInterpreter.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9C7089701F500BA5114 /* ScriptInterpreter.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ScriptInterpreter.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9DA089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentEventImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentEventImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9DB089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentEventImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentEventImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9DC089701F500BA5114 /* EventExceptionImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = EventExceptionImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9DD089701F500BA5114 /* EventExceptionImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = EventExceptionImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9DE089701F500BA5114 /* EventImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = EventImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9DF089701F500BA5114 /* EventImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = EventImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9E0089701F500BA5114 /* EventListenerImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = EventListenerImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9E1089701F500BA5114 /* EventListenerImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = EventListenerImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9E2089701F500BA5114 /* EventTargetImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = EventTargetImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9E3089701F500BA5114 /* EventTargetImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = EventTargetImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9E4089701F500BA5114 /* KeyboardEventImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KeyboardEventImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9E5089701F500BA5114 /* KeyboardEventImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KeyboardEventImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9E6089701F500BA5114 /* MouseEventImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = MouseEventImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9E7089701F500BA5114 /* MouseEventImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = MouseEventImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9E8089701F500BA5114 /* MutationEventImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = MutationEventImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9E9089701F500BA5114 /* MutationEventImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = MutationEventImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9EA089701F500BA5114 /* RegisteredEventListener.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = RegisteredEventListener.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9EB089701F500BA5114 /* RegisteredEventListener.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RegisteredEventListener.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9EC089701F500BA5114 /* UIEventImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = UIEventImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9ED089701F500BA5114 /* UIEventImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = UIEventImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9EE089701F500BA5114 /* kdomevents.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = kdomevents.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9F7089701F500BA5114 /* Helper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = Helper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9F8089701F500BA5114 /* Helper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Helper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9FA089701F500BA5114 /* AttrImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = AttrImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9FB089701F500BA5114 /* AttrImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AttrImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9FC089701F500BA5114 /* CDATASectionImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CDATASectionImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9FD089701F500BA5114 /* CDATASectionImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CDATASectionImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9FE089701F500BA5114 /* CDFInterface.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CDFInterface.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0F9FF089701F500BA5114 /* CDFInterface.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CDFInterface.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA00089701F500BA5114 /* CharacterDataImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CharacterDataImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA01089701F500BA5114 /* CharacterDataImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CharacterDataImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA02089701F500BA5114 /* CommentImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CommentImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA03089701F500BA5114 /* CommentImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CommentImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA04089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentFragmentImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentFragmentImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA05089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentFragmentImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentFragmentImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA06089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA07089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA08089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentTypeImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentTypeImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA09089701F500BA5114 /* DocumentTypeImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentTypeImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA0A089701F500BA5114 /* domattrs.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = domattrs.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA0B089701F500BA5114 /* domattrs.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = domattrs.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA0C089701F500BA5114 /* domattrs.in */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = domattrs.in; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA0D089701F500BA5114 /* DOMConfigurationImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMConfigurationImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA0E089701F500BA5114 /* DOMConfigurationImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMConfigurationImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA0F089701F500BA5114 /* DOMErrorHandlerImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMErrorHandlerImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA10089701F500BA5114 /* DOMErrorHandlerImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMErrorHandlerImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA11089701F500BA5114 /* DOMErrorImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMErrorImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA12089701F500BA5114 /* DOMErrorImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMErrorImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA13089701F500BA5114 /* DOMExceptionImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMExceptionImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA14089701F500BA5114 /* DOMExceptionImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMExceptionImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA15089701F500BA5114 /* DOMImplementationImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMImplementationImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA16089701F500BA5114 /* DOMImplementationImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMImplementationImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA17089701F500BA5114 /* DOMList.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMList.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA18089701F500BA5114 /* DOMLocatorImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMLocatorImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA19089701F500BA5114 /* DOMLocatorImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMLocatorImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA1A089701F500BA5114 /* DOMStringImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMStringImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA1B089701F500BA5114 /* DOMStringImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMStringImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA1C089701F500BA5114 /* DOMStringListImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMStringListImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA1D089701F500BA5114 /* DOMStringListImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMStringListImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA1E089701F600BA5114 /* DOMUserDataImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DOMUserDataImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA1F089701F600BA5114 /* DOMUserDataImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DOMUserDataImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA20089701F600BA5114 /* ElementImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ElementImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA21089701F600BA5114 /* ElementImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ElementImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA22089701F600BA5114 /* EntityImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = EntityImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA23089701F600BA5114 /* EntityImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = EntityImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA24089701F600BA5114 /* EntityReferenceImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = EntityReferenceImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA25089701F600BA5114 /* EntityReferenceImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = EntityReferenceImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA26089701F600BA5114 /* NamedAttrMapImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = NamedAttrMapImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA27089701F600BA5114 /* NamedAttrMapImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = NamedAttrMapImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA28089701F600BA5114 /* NamedNodeMapImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = NamedNodeMapImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA29089701F600BA5114 /* NamedNodeMapImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = NamedNodeMapImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA2A089701F600BA5114 /* NodeImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = NodeImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA2B089701F600BA5114 /* NodeImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = NodeImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA2C089701F600BA5114 /* NodeListImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = NodeListImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA2D089701F600BA5114 /* NodeListImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = NodeListImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA2E089701F600BA5114 /* NotationImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = NotationImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA2F089701F600BA5114 /* NotationImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = NotationImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA30089701F600BA5114 /* ProcessingInstructionImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ProcessingInstructionImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA31089701F600BA5114 /* ProcessingInstructionImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ProcessingInstructionImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA32089701F600BA5114 /* TagNodeListImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = TagNodeListImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA33089701F600BA5114 /* TagNodeListImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = TagNodeListImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA34089701F600BA5114 /* TextImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = TextImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA35089701F600BA5114 /* TextImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = TextImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA36089701F600BA5114 /* TypeInfoImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = TypeInfoImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA37089701F600BA5114 /* TypeInfoImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = TypeInfoImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA38089701F600BA5114 /* XMLElementImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XMLElementImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA39089701F600BA5114 /* XMLElementImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XMLElementImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA3A089701F600BA5114 /* kdom.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = kdom.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA3B089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMPart.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KDOMPart.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA3C089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMPart.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMPart.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA3D089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMSettings.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KDOMSettings.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA3E089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMSettings.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMSettings.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA3F089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMView.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KDOMView.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA40089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMView.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA45089701F600BA5114 /* LSExceptionImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LSExceptionImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA46089701F600BA5114 /* LSExceptionImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LSExceptionImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA47089701F600BA5114 /* LSInputImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LSInputImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA48089701F600BA5114 /* LSInputImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LSInputImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA49089701F600BA5114 /* LSOutputImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LSOutputImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA4A089701F600BA5114 /* LSOutputImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LSOutputImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA4B089701F600BA5114 /* LSParserFilterImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LSParserFilterImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA4C089701F600BA5114 /* LSParserFilterImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LSParserFilterImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA4D089701F600BA5114 /* LSParserImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LSParserImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA4E089701F600BA5114 /* LSParserImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LSParserImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA4F089701F600BA5114 /* LSResourceResolverImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LSResourceResolverImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA50089701F600BA5114 /* LSResourceResolverImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LSResourceResolverImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA51089701F600BA5114 /* LSSerializerFilterImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LSSerializerFilterImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA52089701F600BA5114 /* LSSerializerFilterImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LSSerializerFilterImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA53089701F600BA5114 /* LSSerializerImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LSSerializerImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA54089701F600BA5114 /* LSSerializerImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LSSerializerImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA55089701F600BA5114 /* kdomls.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = kdomls.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA68089701F600BA5114 /* Namespace.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Namespace.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA72089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMDocumentBuilder.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KDOMDocumentBuilder.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA73089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMDocumentBuilder.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMDocumentBuilder.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA74089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMParser.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KDOMParser.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA75089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMParser.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KDOMParser.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA7D089701F600BA5114 /* DocumentRangeImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentRangeImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA7E089701F600BA5114 /* DocumentRangeImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentRangeImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA7F089701F600BA5114 /* RangeExceptionImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = RangeExceptionImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA80089701F600BA5114 /* RangeExceptionImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RangeExceptionImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA81089701F600BA5114 /* RangeImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = RangeImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA82089701F600BA5114 /* RangeImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RangeImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA83089701F600BA5114 /* kdomrange.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = kdomrange.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA97089701F600BA5114 /* Shared.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = Shared.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA98089701F600BA5114 /* Shared.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Shared.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FA9F089701F600BA5114 /* DocumentTraversalImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentTraversalImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FAA0089701F600BA5114 /* DocumentTraversalImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentTraversalImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FAA1089701F600BA5114 /* NodeFilterImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = NodeFilterImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FAA2089701F600BA5114 /* NodeFilterImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = NodeFilterImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FAA3089701F600BA5114 /* NodeIteratorImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = NodeIteratorImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FAA4089701F600BA5114 /* NodeIteratorImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = NodeIteratorImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FAA5089701F600BA5114 /* TraversalImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = TraversalImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FAA6089701F600BA5114 /* TraversalImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = TraversalImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FAA7089701F600BA5114 /* TreeWalkerImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = TreeWalkerImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FAA8089701F600BA5114 /* TreeWalkerImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = TreeWalkerImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FAA9089701F600BA5114 /* kdomtraversal.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = kdomtraversal.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FAB0089701F600BA5114 /* TreeShared.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = TreeShared.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FAB9089701F600BA5114 /* AbstractViewImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = AbstractViewImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FABA089701F600BA5114 /* AbstractViewImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AbstractViewImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FABB089701F600BA5114 /* DocumentViewImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DocumentViewImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FABC089701F600BA5114 /* DocumentViewImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DocumentViewImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB21089701F700BA5114 /* kdomxpath.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = kdomxpath.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB30089701F700BA5114 /* ElementSchemeImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ElementSchemeImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB31089701F700BA5114 /* ElementSchemeImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ElementSchemeImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB32089701F700BA5114 /* NBCImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = NBCImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB33089701F700BA5114 /* NBCImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = NBCImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB34089701F700BA5114 /* PointerPartImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = PointerPartImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB35089701F700BA5114 /* PointerPartImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = PointerPartImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB36089701F700BA5114 /* ShortHandImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ShortHandImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB37089701F700BA5114 /* ShortHandImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ShortHandImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB38089701F700BA5114 /* XMLNSSchemeImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XMLNSSchemeImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB39089701F700BA5114 /* XMLNSSchemeImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XMLNSSchemeImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB3A089701F700BA5114 /* XPath1SchemeImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPath1SchemeImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB3B089701F700BA5114 /* XPath1SchemeImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPath1SchemeImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB3C089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerEvaluatorImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPointerEvaluatorImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB3D089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerEvaluatorImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPointerEvaluatorImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB3E089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerExceptionImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPointerExceptionImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB3F089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerExceptionImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPointerExceptionImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB40089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerExpressionImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPointerExpressionImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB41089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerExpressionImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPointerExpressionImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB42089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerResultImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPointerResultImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB43089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerResultImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPointerResultImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB44089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerSchemeImpl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = XPointerSchemeImpl.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB45089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerSchemeImpl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = XPointerSchemeImpl.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8C0FB46089701F700BA5114 /* kdomxpointer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = kdomxpointer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0FB54089701F700BA5114 /* KRenderingDevice.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KRenderingDevice.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0FB55089701F700BA5114 /* KRenderingDevice.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KRenderingDevice.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0FB57089701F700BA5114 /* KRenderingDeviceFactory.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KRenderingDeviceFactory.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  @@ -3807,9 +2598,11 @@
   		A8C0FB8C089701F800BA5114 /* KCanvasTypes.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KCanvasTypes.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0FB8D089701F800BA5114 /* KCanvasView.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = KCanvasView.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8C0FB8E089701F800BA5114 /* KCanvasView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = KCanvasView.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  -		A8DC63E808E0DD0A004507F7 /* EcmaInterface.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = EcmaInterface.cpp; path = kdom/ecma/EcmaInterface.cpp; sourceTree = DERIVED_FILE_DIR; };
  +		A8C8015509143574006A5E5B /* SVGElementFactory.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGElementFactory.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A8C8015609143574006A5E5B /* SVGElementFactory.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGElementFactory.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A8C801A509143E3B006A5E5B /* SVGNames.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SVGNames.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  +		A8C801A609143E3B006A5E5B /* SVGNames.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SVGNames.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8DC63EB08E0DD2A004507F7 /* EcmaInterface.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = EcmaInterface.cpp; path = ksvg2/ecma/EcmaInterface.cpp; sourceTree = DERIVED_FILE_DIR; };
  -		A8EA433D08E14EAB004BC396 /* xml_kdomtokenizer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = xml_kdomtokenizer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8EA433E08E14EAC004BC396 /* xml_kdomtokenizer.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = xml_kdomtokenizer.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8EA433F08E14EAC004BC396 /* render_kcanvaswrapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = render_kcanvaswrapper.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		A8EA434008E14EAC004BC396 /* render_kcanvaswrapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = render_kcanvaswrapper.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
  @@ -4286,7 +3079,6 @@
   		F690CFEA031C47F401CA2AC4 /* render_layer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = render_layer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		F690CFEB031C47F401CA2AC4 /* render_layer.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = render_layer.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   		F8216299029F4FB501000131 /* JavaScriptCore.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; path = JavaScriptCore.framework; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
  -		F9A7A992090467BE00BD59C9 /* SharedPtr.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SharedPtr.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
   /* End PBXFileReference section */
   /* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */
  @@ -4314,6 +3106,7 @@
   				A8212D0308794A2300677359 /* JavaScriptCore.framework in Frameworks */,
   				A8212D0408794A2300677359 /* libicucore.dylib in Frameworks */,
   				A8212D0508794A2300677359 /* libxslt.dylib in Frameworks */,
  +				A872593208F9BAA7006F10A1 /* libz.dylib in Frameworks */,
   			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
  @@ -4335,7 +3128,6 @@
   				F523D16302DE42AE018635CA /* khtml */,
   				F58785E802DE377601EA4122 /* kwq */,
   				F58785E902DE378A01EA4122 /* WebCore SPI */,
  -				A8C0F8FE089701F400BA5114 /* kdom */,
   				A8C0FB51089701F700BA5114 /* kcanvas */,
   				A8C0F6E9089701F100BA5114 /* ksvg2 */,
   				A8C0F6DC089701F100BA5114 /* WebCore+SVG */,
  @@ -4356,6 +3148,7 @@
   				F8216299029F4FB501000131 /* JavaScriptCore.framework */,
   				93F1D31A0558CC5C00821BC0 /* libicucore.dylib */,
   				840633070731A77200DB1FD1 /* libxslt.dylib */,
  +				A872593108F9BAA6006F10A1 /* libz.dylib */,
   			name = Frameworks;
   			sourceTree = "<group>";
  @@ -4814,469 +3607,25 @@
   			path = svg;
   			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		A81D57FD08ADDFF500136AC1 /* bindings */ = {
  +		A82094BC09140E83000BE4F4 /* KDOM Support */ = {
   			isa = PBXGroup;
   			children = (
  -				A81D581408ADDFF600136AC1 /* idl */,
  -				A8BC0BE408D19F1900379918 /* js */,
  +				A83A18D30914214F000EC311 /* Namespace.h */,
  +				A82094C409140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomtraversal.h */,
  +				A82094C509140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomevents.h */,
  +				A82094C609140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomls.h */,
  +				A82094C709140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomrange.h */,
  +				A82094C809140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdomcss.h */,
  +				A82094C909140EA5000BE4F4 /* kdom.h */,
  +				A8209066091379F3000BE4F4 /* KDOMHeaders.h */,
  +				A820912E091381F5000BE4F4 /* KDOMStubClasses.h */,
  +				A820920F091390B3000BE4F4 /* DOMList.h */,
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  +				A84B9FBC09170DA200D71DD0 /* RGBColorImpl.cpp */,
  +				A84B9FBF09170DA200D71DD0 /* KDOMSettings.h */,
  +				A84B9FBD09170DA200D71DD0 /* KDOMSettings.cpp */,
  -			path = bindings;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A81D581408ADDFF600136AC1 /* idl */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A81D581508ADDFF600136AC1 /* core */,
  -				A81D583708ADDFF700136AC1 /* css */,
  -				A81D584E08ADDFF700136AC1 /* events */,
  -				A8BC0D5F08D2A27600379918 /* ls */,
  -				A81D585808ADDFF700136AC1 /* range */,
  -				A81D585D08ADDFF700136AC1 /* stylesheets */,
  -				A81D586408ADDFF700136AC1 /* traversal */,
  -				A81D586A08ADDFF800136AC1 /* views */,
  -				A81D586E08ADDFF800136AC1 /* xpath */,
  -				A81D587608ADDFF800136AC1 /* xpointer */,
  -			);
  -			path = idl;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A81D581508ADDFF600136AC1 /* core */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A81D581608ADDFF600136AC1 /* Attr.idl */,
  -				A81D581708ADDFF600136AC1 /* CDATASection.idl */,
  -				A81D581808ADDFF600136AC1 /* CharacterData.idl */,
  -				A81D581908ADDFF600136AC1 /* Comment.idl */,
  -				A81D581A08ADDFF600136AC1 /* docs-core.xml */,
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  -				A81D581D08ADDFF700136AC1 /* DocumentType.idl */,
  -				A81D581E08ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMConfiguration.idl */,
  -				A81D581F08ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMError.idl */,
  -				A81D582008ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMErrorHandler.idl */,
  -				A81D582108ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMException.idl */,
  -				A81D582208ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMImplementation.idl */,
  -				A81D582508ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMLocator.idl */,
  -				A81D582608ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMObject.idl */,
  -				A81D582808ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMStringList.idl */,
  -				A81D582908ADDFF700136AC1 /* DOMUserData.idl */,
  -				A81D582A08ADDFF700136AC1 /* Element.idl */,
  -				A81D582B08ADDFF700136AC1 /* Entity.idl */,
  -				A81D582C08ADDFF700136AC1 /* EntityReference.idl */,
  -				A81D582E08ADDFF700136AC1 /* NamedNodeMap.idl */,
  -				A81D583008ADDFF700136AC1 /* Node.idl */,
  -				A81D583108ADDFF700136AC1 /* NodeList.idl */,
  -				A81D583208ADDFF700136AC1 /* Notation.idl */,
  -				A81D583308ADDFF700136AC1 /* ProcessingInstruction.idl */,
  -				A81D583408ADDFF700136AC1 /* Text.idl */,
  -				A81D583508ADDFF700136AC1 /* TypeInfo.idl */,
  -			);
  -			path = core;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A81D583708ADDFF700136AC1 /* css */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A81D583808ADDFF700136AC1 /* Counter.idl */,
  -				A81D583A08ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSCharsetRule.idl */,
  -				A81D583B08ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSFontFaceRule.idl */,
  -				A81D583C08ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSImportRule.idl */,
  -				A81D583D08ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSMediaRule.idl */,
  -				A81D583E08ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSPageRule.idl */,
  -				A81D583F08ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSPrimitiveValue.idl */,
  -				A81D584008ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSRule.idl */,
  -				A81D584108ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSRuleList.idl */,
  -				A81D584208ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSStyleDeclaration.idl */,
  -				A81D584308ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSStyleRule.idl */,
  -				A81D584408ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSStyleSheet.idl */,
  -				A81D584508ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSUnknownRule.idl */,
  -				A81D584608ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSValue.idl */,
  -				A81D584708ADDFF700136AC1 /* CSSValueList.idl */,
  -				A81D584808ADDFF700136AC1 /* DocumentCSS.idl */,
  -				A81D584B08ADDFF700136AC1 /* Rect.idl */,
  -				A81D584C08ADDFF700136AC1 /* RGBColor.idl */,
  -			);
  -			path = css;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A81D584E08ADDFF700136AC1 /* events */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A81D584F08ADDFF700136AC1 /* DocumentEvent.idl */,
  -				A81D585008ADDFF700136AC1 /* Event.idl */,
  -				A81D585108ADDFF700136AC1 /* EventException.idl */,
  -				A81D585208ADDFF700136AC1 /* EventListener.idl */,
  -				A81D585308ADDFF700136AC1 /* EventTarget.idl */,
  -				A81D585508ADDFF700136AC1 /* MouseEvent.idl */,
  -				A81D585608ADDFF700136AC1 /* MutationEvent.idl */,
  -				A81D585708ADDFF700136AC1 /* UIEvent.idl */,
  -			);
  -			path = events;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A81D585808ADDFF700136AC1 /* range */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A81D585908ADDFF700136AC1 /* DocumentRange.idl */,
  -				A81D585B08ADDFF700136AC1 /* Range.idl */,
  -				A81D585C08ADDFF700136AC1 /* RangeException.idl */,
  -			);
  -			path = range;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A81D585D08ADDFF700136AC1 /* stylesheets */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A81D585E08ADDFF700136AC1 /* DocumentStyle.idl */,
  -				A81D586008ADDFF700136AC1 /* LinkStyle.idl */,
  -				A81D586108ADDFF700136AC1 /* MediaList.idl */,
  -				A81D586208ADDFF700136AC1 /* StyleSheet.idl */,
  -				A81D586308ADDFF700136AC1 /* StyleSheetList.idl */,
  -			);
  -			path = stylesheets;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A81D586408ADDFF700136AC1 /* traversal */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A81D586508ADDFF700136AC1 /* DocumentTraversal.idl */,
  -				A81D586708ADDFF800136AC1 /* NodeFilter.idl */,
  -				A81D586808ADDFF800136AC1 /* NodeIterator.idl */,
  -				A81D586908ADDFF800136AC1 /* TreeWalker.idl */,
  -			);
  -			path = traversal;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A81D586A08ADDFF800136AC1 /* views */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A81D586B08ADDFF800136AC1 /* AbstractView.idl */,
  -				A81D586C08ADDFF800136AC1 /* DocumentView.idl */,
  -			);
  -			path = views;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A81D586E08ADDFF800136AC1 /* xpath */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A81D587008ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPathEvaluator.idl */,
  -				A81D587108ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPathException.idl */,
  -				A81D587208ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPathExpression.idl */,
  -				A81D587308ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPathNamespace.idl */,
  -				A81D587408ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPathNSResolver.idl */,
  -				A81D587508ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPathResult.idl */,
  -			);
  -			path = xpath;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A81D587608ADDFF800136AC1 /* xpointer */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A81D587808ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPointerEvaluator.idl */,
  -				A81D587908ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPointerException.idl */,
  -				A81D587A08ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPointerExpression.idl */,
  -				A81D587B08ADDFF800136AC1 /* XPointerResult.idl */,
  -			);
  -			path = xpointer;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A81D5A6D08ADF70400136AC1 /* impl */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A81D5A6F08ADF70400136AC1 /* expression.cpp */,
  -				A81D5A7008ADF70400136AC1 /* expression.h */,
  -				A81D5A7108ADF70400136AC1 /* functions.cpp */,
  -				A81D5A7208ADF70400136AC1 /* functions.h */,
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  -				A81D5A7508ADF70400136AC1 /* parsedstatement.h */,
  -				A81D5A7808ADF70400136AC1 /* path.cpp */,
  -				A81D5A7908ADF70400136AC1 /* path.h */,
  -				A81D5A7A08ADF70400136AC1 /* predicate.cpp */,
  -				A81D5A7B08ADF70400136AC1 /* predicate.h */,
  -				A81D5A7C08ADF70400136AC1 /* step.cpp */,
  -				A81D5A7D08ADF70400136AC1 /* step.h */,
  -				A81D5A7E08ADF70400136AC1 /* tokenizer.cpp */,
  -				A81D5A7F08ADF70400136AC1 /* tokenizer.h */,
  -				A81D5A8108ADF70400136AC1 /* util.cpp */,
  -				A81D5A8208ADF70400136AC1 /* util.h */,
  -				A838543108B0A00B000AF580 /* variablereference.h */,
  -				A838543208B0A00B000AF580 /* variablereference.cpp */,
  -				A856E9F808B4608F0042E303 /* xpath.y */,
  -			);
  -			path = impl;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
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  -			isa = PBXGroup;
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  -				A8BC0BE508D19F1900379918 /* core */,
  -				A8BC0C1A08D19F1900379918 /* css */,
  -				A8BC0C3F08D19F1900379918 /* events */,
  -				A8BC0DA308D4233800379918 /* ls */,
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  -				A8BC0C5708D19F1A00379918 /* stylesheets */,
  -				A8BC0C6208D19F1A00379918 /* traversal */,
  -				A8BC0C6B08D19F1A00379918 /* views */,
  -				A8BC0C7008D19F1A00379918 /* xpath */,
  -				A8BC0C7D08D19F1A00379918 /* xpointer */,
  -			);
  -			path = js;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
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  -			isa = PBXGroup;
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  -				A8BC0BE708D19F1900379918 /* AttrWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0BE808D19F1900379918 /* CDATASectionWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0BE908D19F1900379918 /* CDATASectionWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0BF708D19F1900379918 /* DOMErrorHandlerWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C0908D19F1900379918 /* EntityReferenceWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C0A08D19F1900379918 /* EntityWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C0B08D19F1900379918 /* EntityWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C0D08D19F1900379918 /* NamedNodeMapWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C0F08D19F1900379918 /* NodeListWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C1108D19F1900379918 /* NodeWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C1308D19F1900379918 /* NotationWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C1408D19F1900379918 /* ProcessingInstructionWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C1508D19F1900379918 /* ProcessingInstructionWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C1708D19F1900379918 /* TextWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C1808D19F1900379918 /* TypeInfoWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C1908D19F1900379918 /* TypeInfoWrapper.h */,
  -			);
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  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
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  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
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  -				A8BC0C1C08D19F1900379918 /* CounterWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C1E08D19F1900379918 /* CSSCharsetRuleWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C2E08D19F1900379918 /* CSSStyleDeclarationWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C2F08D19F1900379918 /* CSSStyleRuleWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C3008D19F1900379918 /* CSSStyleRuleWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C3208D19F1900379918 /* CSSStyleSheetWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C3408D19F1900379918 /* CSSUnknownRuleWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C3608D19F1900379918 /* CSSValueListWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C3708D19F1900379918 /* CSSValueWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C3808D19F1900379918 /* CSSValueWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C3C08D19F1900379918 /* RectWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C3E08D19F1900379918 /* RGBColorWrapper.h */,
  -			);
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  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
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  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
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  -				A8BC0C4108D19F1900379918 /* DocumentEventWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C4308D19F1900379918 /* EventExceptionWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C4508D19F1900379918 /* EventListenerWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C4608D19F1900379918 /* EventTargetWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C4708D19F1900379918 /* EventTargetWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C4808D19F1900379918 /* EventWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C4908D19F1900379918 /* EventWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C4D08D19F1900379918 /* MutationEventWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C4E08D19F1900379918 /* UIEventWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C4F08D19F1900379918 /* UIEventWrapper.h */,
  -			);
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  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
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  -			isa = PBXGroup;
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  -				A8BC0C5208D19F1900379918 /* DocumentRangeWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C5308D19F1900379918 /* RangeExceptionWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C5408D19F1A00379918 /* RangeExceptionWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C5508D19F1A00379918 /* RangeWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C5608D19F1A00379918 /* RangeWrapper.h */,
  -			);
  -			path = range;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A8BC0C5708D19F1A00379918 /* stylesheets */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
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  -				A8BC0C5908D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentStyleWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C5D08D19F1A00379918 /* MediaListWrapper.h */,
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  -				A8BC0C6108D19F1A00379918 /* StyleSheetWrapper.h */,
  -			);
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  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A8BC0C6208D19F1A00379918 /* traversal */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
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  -				A8BC0C6408D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentTraversalWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C6508D19F1A00379918 /* NodeFilterWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C6608D19F1A00379918 /* NodeFilterWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C6708D19F1A00379918 /* NodeIteratorWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C6808D19F1A00379918 /* NodeIteratorWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C6908D19F1A00379918 /* TreeWalkerWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C6A08D19F1A00379918 /* TreeWalkerWrapper.h */,
  -			);
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  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
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  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A8BC0C6C08D19F1A00379918 /* AbstractViewWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C6D08D19F1A00379918 /* AbstractViewWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C6E08D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentViewWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C6F08D19F1A00379918 /* DocumentViewWrapper.h */,
  -			);
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  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A8BC0C7008D19F1A00379918 /* xpath */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A8BC0C7108D19F1A00379918 /* XPathEvaluatorWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C7208D19F1A00379918 /* XPathEvaluatorWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C7308D19F1A00379918 /* XPathExceptionWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C7408D19F1A00379918 /* XPathExceptionWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C7508D19F1A00379918 /* XPathExpressionWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C7608D19F1A00379918 /* XPathExpressionWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C7708D19F1A00379918 /* XPathNamespaceWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C7808D19F1A00379918 /* XPathNamespaceWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C7908D19F1A00379918 /* XPathNSResolverWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C7A08D19F1A00379918 /* XPathNSResolverWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C7B08D19F1A00379918 /* XPathResultWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C7C08D19F1A00379918 /* XPathResultWrapper.h */,
  -			);
  -			path = xpath;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A8BC0C7D08D19F1A00379918 /* xpointer */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A8BC0C7E08D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerEvaluatorWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C7F08D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerEvaluatorWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C8008D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerExceptionWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C8108D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerExceptionWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C8208D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerExpressionWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C8308D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerExpressionWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0C8408D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerResultWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0C8508D19F1A00379918 /* XPointerResultWrapper.h */,
  -			);
  -			path = xpointer;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A8BC0D5F08D2A27600379918 /* ls */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A8BC0D6008D2A27600379918 /* DOMImplementationLS.idl */,
  -				A8BC0D6208D2A27600379918 /* LSException.idl */,
  -				A8BC0D6308D2A27600379918 /* LSInput.idl */,
  -				A8BC0D6508D2A27600379918 /* LSOutput.idl */,
  -				A8BC0D6608D2A27600379918 /* LSParser.idl */,
  -				A8BC0D6708D2A27600379918 /* LSParserFilter.idl */,
  -				A8BC0D6908D2A27600379918 /* LSResourceResolver.idl */,
  -				A8BC0D6A08D2A27600379918 /* LSSerializer.idl */,
  -				A8BC0D6B08D2A27600379918 /* LSSerializerFilter.idl */,
  -			);
  -			path = ls;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A8BC0DA308D4233800379918 /* ls */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A8BC0DA408D4233900379918 /* DOMImplementationLSWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0DA508D4233900379918 /* DOMImplementationLSWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0DA608D4233900379918 /* LSExceptionWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0DA708D4233900379918 /* LSExceptionWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0DA808D4233900379918 /* LSInputWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0DA908D4233900379918 /* LSInputWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0DAA08D4233900379918 /* LSOutputWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0DAB08D4233900379918 /* LSOutputWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0DAC08D4233900379918 /* LSParserFilterWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0DAD08D4233900379918 /* LSParserFilterWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0DAE08D4233900379918 /* LSParserWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0DAF08D4233900379918 /* LSParserWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0DB008D4233900379918 /* LSResourceResolverWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0DB108D4233900379918 /* LSResourceResolverWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0DB208D4233900379918 /* LSSerializerFilterWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0DB308D4233900379918 /* LSSerializerFilterWrapper.h */,
  -				A8BC0DB408D4233900379918 /* LSSerializerWrapper.cpp */,
  -				A8BC0DB508D4233900379918 /* LSSerializerWrapper.h */,
  -			);
  -			path = ls;
  +			name = "KDOM Support";
   			sourceTree = "<group>";
   		A8C0F6DC089701F100BA5114 /* WebCore+SVG */ = {
  @@ -5293,7 +3642,6 @@
   				A8C0F6E6089701F100BA5114 /* DrawViewPrivate.h */,
   				A8C0F6E7089701F100BA5114 /* NSSVGImageRep.h */,
   				A8C0F6E8089701F100BA5114 /* NSSVGImageRep.m */,
  -				A8EA433D08E14EAB004BC396 /* xml_kdomtokenizer.h */,
   				A8EA433E08E14EAC004BC396 /* xml_kdomtokenizer.cpp */,
   				A8EA433F08E14EAC004BC396 /* render_kcanvaswrapper.h */,
   				A8EA434008E14EAC004BC396 /* render_kcanvaswrapper.cpp */,
  @@ -5301,6 +3649,7 @@
   				A8EA434208E14EAC004BC396 /* dom_kdomnodetreewrapper.cpp */,
   				A8EA434308E14EAC004BC396 /* dom_kdomdocumentwrapper.h */,
   				A8EA434408E14EAC004BC396 /* dom_kdomdocumentwrapper.cpp */,
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   			path = "../SVGSupport/WebCore+SVG";
  @@ -5320,10 +3669,6 @@
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   				A8C0F8F1089701F400BA5114 /* KSVGSettings.h */,
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  -				A8C0F8F6089701F400BA5114 /* KWQKSVGView.mm */,
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   			path = ../SVGSupport/ksvg2;
  @@ -5334,8 +3679,6 @@
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   				A8C0F6EC089701F100BA5114 /* KCanvasRenderingStyle.h */,
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  @@ -5350,8 +3693,6 @@
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  @@ -5380,9 +3721,6 @@
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  @@ -5392,8 +3730,6 @@
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  @@ -5435,8 +3771,6 @@
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  @@ -5464,8 +3798,6 @@
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  @@ -5605,8 +3937,6 @@
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   				A8C0F8CF089701F400BA5114 /* SVGSymbolElementImpl.h */,
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   				A8C0F8D4089701F400BA5114 /* SVGTestsImpl.h */,
  @@ -5634,415 +3964,14 @@
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   				A8C0F8EC089701F400BA5114 /* SVGZoomAndPanImpl.h */,
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  -				A8C0F9CE089701F500BA5114 /* events */,
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  -				A8C0F9F8089701F500BA5114 /* Helper.h */,
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  -				A8C0FA3C089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMPart.h */,
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  -				A8C0FA79089701F600BA5114 /* range */,
  -				A8C0FA97089701F600BA5114 /* Shared.cpp */,
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  -				A8C0FB2E089701F700BA5114 /* xpointer */,
  -			);
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  -			path = ../SVGSupport/kdom;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
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  -			);
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  -				A8C0F905089701F400BA5114 /* LibXMLParser.h */,
  -			);
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  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
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  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
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  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
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  -				A8C0F9FB089701F500BA5114 /* AttrImpl.h */,
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  -				A8C0FA27089701F600BA5114 /* NamedAttrMapImpl.h */,
  -				A8C0FA28089701F600BA5114 /* NamedNodeMapImpl.cpp */,
  -				A8C0FA29089701F600BA5114 /* NamedNodeMapImpl.h */,
  -				A8C0FA2A089701F600BA5114 /* NodeImpl.cpp */,
  -				A8C0FA2B089701F600BA5114 /* NodeImpl.h */,
  -				A8C0FA2C089701F600BA5114 /* NodeListImpl.cpp */,
  -				A8C0FA2D089701F600BA5114 /* NodeListImpl.h */,
  -				A8C0FA2E089701F600BA5114 /* NotationImpl.cpp */,
  -				A8C0FA2F089701F600BA5114 /* NotationImpl.h */,
  -				A8C0FA30089701F600BA5114 /* ProcessingInstructionImpl.cpp */,
  -				A8C0FA31089701F600BA5114 /* ProcessingInstructionImpl.h */,
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  -				A8C0FA35089701F600BA5114 /* TextImpl.h */,
  -				A8C0FA36089701F600BA5114 /* TypeInfoImpl.cpp */,
  -				A8C0FA37089701F600BA5114 /* TypeInfoImpl.h */,
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  -				A8C0FA39089701F600BA5114 /* XMLElementImpl.h */,
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  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
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  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A82FC27308C9292E00EFEE23 /* DOMImplementationLSImpl.h */,
  -				A82FC27408C9292E00EFEE23 /* DOMImplementationLSImpl.cpp */,
  -				A8C0FA55089701F600BA5114 /* kdomls.h */,
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  -				A8C0FA54089701F600BA5114 /* LSSerializerImpl.h */,
  -			);
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  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
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  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
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  -				A8C0FA73089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMDocumentBuilder.h */,
  -				A8C0FA74089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMParser.cpp */,
  -				A8C0FA75089701F600BA5114 /* KDOMParser.h */,
  -			);
  -			path = parser;
  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
  -		A8C0FA79089701F600BA5114 /* range */ = {
  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A8C0FA83089701F600BA5114 /* kdomrange.h */,
  -				A8C0FA7D089701F600BA5114 /* DocumentRangeImpl.cpp */,
  -				A8C0FA7E089701F600BA5114 /* DocumentRangeImpl.h */,
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  -				A8C0FA80089701F600BA5114 /* RangeExceptionImpl.h */,
  -				A8C0FA81089701F600BA5114 /* RangeImpl.cpp */,
  -				A8C0FA82089701F600BA5114 /* RangeImpl.h */,
  -			);
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  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
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  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
  -				A8C0FAA9089701F600BA5114 /* kdomtraversal.h */,
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  -				A8C0FAA4089701F600BA5114 /* NodeIteratorImpl.h */,
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  -				A8C0FAA6089701F600BA5114 /* TraversalImpl.h */,
  -				A8C0FAA7089701F600BA5114 /* TreeWalkerImpl.cpp */,
  -				A8C0FAA8089701F600BA5114 /* TreeWalkerImpl.h */,
  -			);
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  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
  -		};
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  -			isa = PBXGroup;
  -			children = (
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  -				A8C0FABA089701F600BA5114 /* AbstractViewImpl.h */,
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  -				A8C0FABC089701F600BA5114 /* DocumentViewImpl.h */,
  -			);
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  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
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  -			isa = PBXGroup;
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  -				A81D5A6008ADF6EB00136AC1 /* XPathEvaluatorImpl.cpp */,
  -			);
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  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
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  -			isa = PBXGroup;
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  -				A8C0FB35089701F700BA5114 /* PointerPartImpl.h */,
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  -				A8C0FB37089701F700BA5114 /* ShortHandImpl.h */,
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  -				A8C0FB39089701F700BA5114 /* XMLNSSchemeImpl.h */,
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  -				A8C0FB3E089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerExceptionImpl.cpp */,
  -				A8C0FB3F089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerExceptionImpl.h */,
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  -				A8C0FB43089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerResultImpl.h */,
  -				A8C0FB44089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerSchemeImpl.cpp */,
  -				A8C0FB45089701F700BA5114 /* XPointerSchemeImpl.h */,
  -			);
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  -			sourceTree = "<group>";
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   			isa = PBXGroup;
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  @@ -7590,18 +5519,13 @@
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   				A8C0FB9D089701F900BA5114 /* KCanvasRenderingStyle.h in Headers */,
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   				A8C0FBA1089701F900BA5114 /* KSVGTimeScheduler.h in Headers */,
   				A8C0FBA6089701F900BA5114 /* KSVGCSSParser.h in Headers */,
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   				A8C0FCAD089701F900BA5114 /* SVGAnimateColorElementImpl.h in Headers */,
  @@ -7623,7 +5547,6 @@
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  @@ -7636,7 +5559,6 @@
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  @@ -7707,7 +5629,6 @@
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  @@ -7723,133 +5644,6 @@
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  -				A8C0FEE5089701FB00BA5114 /* LSOutputImpl.h in Headers */,
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  -				A8C0FEE9089701FB00BA5114 /* LSParserImpl.h in Headers */,
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  -				A8C0FEED089701FB00BA5114 /* LSSerializerFilterImpl.h in Headers */,
  -				A8C0FEEF089701FB00BA5114 /* LSSerializerImpl.h in Headers */,
  -				A8C0FEF0089701FB00BA5114 /* kdomls.h in Headers */,
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  @@ -7881,191 +5675,22 @@
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   				A837AEF108B6991100EBFFDC /* ksvgcssproperties.c/h */,
   				A837AEF308B6992C00EBFFDC /* ksvgcssvalues.c/h */,
  -				A8BC0A9E08D18E8500379918 /* KDOM EcmaInterface.cpp/h */,
  -				A8122C7008D55F2A00844FA3 /* Generate KDOM JS Bindings */,
   				A8BC0B0108D1954500379918 /* KSVG EcmaInterface.cpp/h */,
   				A8122C7208D55F3C00844FA3 /* Generate KSVG JS Bindings */,
   				A8212A8608794A2300677359 /* Headers */,
  @@ -8766,23 +6403,6 @@
   			shellPath = /bin/sh;
   			shellScript = "gperf -a -L ANSI-C -C -G -c -o -t -k '*' -NfindEntity -D -s 2 khtml/html/kentities.gperf > \"$DERIVED_FILE_DIR/kentities.c\"";
  -		A8122C7008D55F2A00844FA3 /* Generate KDOM JS Bindings */ = {
  -			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
  -			buildActionMask = 2147483647;
  -			files = (
  -			);
  -			inputPaths = (
  -				kdom/bindings/kdomidl.pl,
  -				kdom/bindings/IDLCodeGeneratorJs.pm,
  -			);
  -			name = "Generate KDOM JS Bindings";
  -			outputPaths = (
  -				kdom/bindings/js/core/AttrWrapper.h,
  -			);
  -			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
  -			shellPath = /bin/sh;
  -			shellScript = "# This is a temporary hack until these issues are resolved:\n# <rdar://problem/4251781> Order not respected in \"compile sources\" build phase (custom build rule files run last)\n# <rdar://problem/4251785> Generated source files should be fed back into dependency system before further processing\n\n../SVGSupport/generateJSBindings.pl";
  -		};
   		A8122C7208D55F3C00844FA3 /* Generate KSVG JS Bindings */ = {
   			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
   			buildActionMask = 2147483647;
  @@ -8800,23 +6420,6 @@
   			shellPath = /bin/sh;
   			shellScript = "# This is a temporary hack until these issues are resolved:\n# <rdar://problem/4251781> Order not respected in \"compile sources\" build phase (custom build rule files run last)\n# <rdar://problem/4251785> Generated source files should be fed back into dependency system before further processing\n\n../SVGSupport/generateJSBindings.pl --namespace ksvg2";
  -		A81D5AAB08ADFAA200136AC1 /* GlobalObject.lut.h */ = {
  -			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
  -			buildActionMask = 2147483647;
  -			files = (
  -			);
  -			inputPaths = (
  -				"$(CREATE_HASH_TABLE)",
  -				kdom/ecma/GlobalObject.cpp,
  -			);
  -			name = GlobalObject.lut.h;
  -			outputPaths = (
  -				$DERIVED_FILE_DIR/GlobalObject.lut.h,
  -			);
  -			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
  -			shellPath = /bin/sh;
  -			shellScript = "\"$CREATE_HASH_TABLE\" kdom/ecma/GlobalObject.cpp -n KDOM > \"$DERIVED_FILE_DIR/GlobalObject.lut.h\"";
  -		};
   		A8212A6F08794A2300677359 /* cssproperties.c/h */ = {
   			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
   			buildActionMask = 2147483647;
  @@ -9262,42 +6865,56 @@
   			shellPath = /bin/sh;
   			shellScript = "cat kdom/css/cssproperties.in > \"$DERIVED_FILE_DIR/kdomcssproperties.in\"\ncd \"$DERIVED_FILE_DIR\"\n\"$SRCROOT/kdom/scripts/cssmakeprops\" -n KDOM -f kdomcssproperties.in";
  -		A8AA619B089CDABF00666825 /* WebCore+SVG.exp */ = {
  +		A8981B8808FB5E3B00FF2F46 /* XSLTProcessor.lut.h */ = {
   			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
   			buildActionMask = 2147483647;
   			files = (
   			inputPaths = (
  -				WebCore.exp,
  -				"WebCore-svg.exp",
  +				"$(CREATE_HASH_TABLE)",
  +				khtml/ecma/XSLTProcessor.cpp,
  -			name = "WebCore+SVG.exp";
  +			name = XSLTProcessor.lut.h;
   			outputPaths = (
  -				"$(DERIVED_FILE_DIR)/WebCore+SVG.exp",
  +				"$(DERIVED_FILE_DIR)/XSLTProcessor.lut.h",
   			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
   			shellPath = /bin/sh;
  -			shellScript = "if gcc -dumpversion | grep -q '^3\\.'\nthen\n    cat WebCore.exp WebCore-svg.exp | grep -v '^__ZTI' > \"$DERIVED_FILE_DIR/WebCore+SVG.exp\"\nelse\n    cat WebCore.exp WebCore-svg.exp > \"$DERIVED_FILE_DIR/WebCore+SVG.exp\"\nfi";
  +			shellScript = "\"$CREATE_HASH_TABLE\" khtml/ecma/XSLTProcessor.cpp > \"$DERIVED_FILE_DIR/XSLTProcessor.lut.h\"";
  -		A8BC0A9E08D18E8500379918 /* KDOM EcmaInterface.cpp/h */ = {
  +		A8981D1D08FBBB2000FF2F46 /* XSLTProcessor.lut.h */ = {
   			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
   			buildActionMask = 2147483647;
   			files = (
   			inputPaths = (
  -				kdom/bindings/idl/core/Node.idl,
  -				kdom/bindings/IDLCodeGeneratorEcmaInterface.pm,
  -				kdom/bindings/kdomidl.pl,
  -				kdom/bindings/IDLCodeGeneratorJs.pm,
  +				"$(CREATE_HASH_TABLE)",
  +				khtml/ecma/XSLTProcessor.cpp,
  +			);
  +			name = XSLTProcessor.lut.h;
  +			outputPaths = (
  +				"$(DERIVED_FILE_DIR)/XSLTProcessor.lut.h",
  +			);
  +			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
  +			shellPath = /bin/sh;
  +			shellScript = "\"$CREATE_HASH_TABLE\" khtml/ecma/XSLTProcessor.cpp > \"$DERIVED_FILE_DIR/XSLTProcessor.lut.h\"";
  +		};
  +		A8AA619B089CDABF00666825 /* WebCore+SVG.exp */ = {
  +			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
  +			buildActionMask = 2147483647;
  +			files = (
  +			);
  +			inputPaths = (
  +				WebCore.exp,
  +				"WebCore-svg.exp",
  -			name = "KDOM EcmaInterface.cpp/h";
  +			name = "WebCore+SVG.exp";
   			outputPaths = (
  -				kdom/ecma/EcmaInterface.cpp,
  -				$DERIVED_FILE_DIR/kdom/ecma/EcmaInterface.h,
  +				"$(DERIVED_FILE_DIR)/WebCore+SVG.exp",
   			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
   			shellPath = /bin/sh;
  -			shellScript = "ECMA_OUTPUT_DIR=\"${DERIVED_FILE_DIR}/kdom/ecma\"\nmkdir -p \"${ECMA_OUTPUT_DIR}\"\n\n/usr/bin/perl -Ikdom/bindings kdom/bindings/kdomidl.pl \\\n\t--generator ecmaInterface \\\n\t--outputdir \"${ECMA_OUTPUT_DIR}\" \\\n\t--includedir kdom/bindings/idl \\\n\t--input kdom/bindings/idl/core/Node.idl \\\n\t--documentation empty ;\n\n# Hack until <rdar://problem/4251784> \"DerivedSources (build intermediates) relative filepaths should be possible\" is fixed.\nln -sf \"$ECMA_OUTPUT_DIR/EcmaInterface.cpp\" kdom/ecma/EcmaInterface.cpp";
  +			shellScript = "if gcc -dumpversion | grep -q '^3\\.'\nthen\n    cat WebCore.exp WebCore-svg.exp | grep -v '^__ZTI' > \"$DERIVED_FILE_DIR/WebCore+SVG.exp\"\nelse\n    cat WebCore.exp WebCore-svg.exp > \"$DERIVED_FILE_DIR/WebCore+SVG.exp\"\nfi";
   		A8BC0B0108D1954500379918 /* KSVG EcmaInterface.cpp/h */ = {
   			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
  @@ -9857,15 +7474,9 @@
   				A8C0FB97089701F900BA5114 /* DrawView.mm in Sources */,
   				A8C0FB9B089701F900BA5114 /* NSSVGImageRep.m in Sources */,
   				A8C0FB9C089701F900BA5114 /* KCanvasRenderingStyle.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FB9E089701F900BA5114 /* KSVGDocumentBuilder.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FBA0089701F900BA5114 /* KSVGTimeScheduler.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FBA5089701F900BA5114 /* KSVGCSSParser.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FBA8089701F900BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleDeclarationImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FBAA089701F900BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FBAC089701F900BA5114 /* SVGCSSStyleSheetImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FBAE089701F900BA5114 /* SVGRenderStyle.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FBB0089701F900BA5114 /* SVGRenderStyleDefs.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FC9D089701F900BA5114 /* SVGEventImpl.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FC9F089701F900BA5114 /* SVGZoomEventImpl.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FCA8089701F900BA5114 /* SVGAElementImpl.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FCAA089701F900BA5114 /* SVGAngleImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  @@ -9896,10 +7507,7 @@
   				A8C0FCE0089701F900BA5114 /* SVGDocumentImpl.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FCE2089701F900BA5114 /* SVGDOMImplementationImpl.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FCE4089701F900BA5114 /* SVGElementImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FCE6089701F900BA5114 /* SVGElementInstanceImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FCE8089701F900BA5114 /* SVGElementInstanceListImpl.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FCEA089701F900BA5114 /* SVGEllipseElementImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FCEC089701F900BA5114 /* SVGExceptionImpl.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FCEE089701F900BA5114 /* SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FCF0089701F900BA5114 /* SVGFEBlendElementImpl.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FCF2089701F900BA5114 /* SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  @@ -9982,113 +7590,6 @@
   				A8C0FD90089701FA00BA5114 /* SVGUseElementImpl.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FD92089701FA00BA5114 /* SVGViewElementImpl.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FD94089701FA00BA5114 /* SVGZoomAndPanImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FD9D089701FA00BA5114 /* KWQKSVGPart.mm in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FD9F089701FA00BA5114 /* KWQKSVGView.mm in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FDA9089701FA00BA5114 /* LibXMLParser.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FDAF089701FA00BA5114 /* KDOMCache.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FDB1089701FA00BA5114 /* KDOMCachedDocument.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FDBE089701FA00BA5114 /* KDOMLoader.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FDEC089701FA00BA5114 /* CounterImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FDEE089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSCharsetRuleImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FDF0089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSFontFaceRuleImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FDF2089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSImageValueImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FDF4089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSImportRuleImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FDF6089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSMediaRuleImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FDF8089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSPageRuleImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FDFA089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSPrimitiveValueImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FDFD089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSRuleImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FDFF089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSRuleListImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE01089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSStyleDeclarationImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE03089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSStyleRuleImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE05089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSStyleSelector.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE07089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSStyleSheetImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE09089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSUnknownRuleImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE0B089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSValueImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE0D089701FA00BA5114 /* CSSValueListImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE10089701FA00BA5114 /* DocumentStyleImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE12089701FA00BA5114 /* Font.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE14089701FA00BA5114 /* KDOMCSSParser.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE17089701FA00BA5114 /* MediaListImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE19089701FA00BA5114 /* RectImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE1B089701FA00BA5114 /* RenderStyle.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE1D089701FA00BA5114 /* RenderStyleDefs.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE1F089701FA00BA5114 /* RGBColorImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE21089701FA00BA5114 /* StyleBaseImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE23089701FA00BA5114 /* StyleSheetImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE25089701FA00BA5114 /* StyleSheetListImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE55089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMString.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE78089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentEventImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE7A089701FB00BA5114 /* EventExceptionImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE7C089701FB00BA5114 /* EventImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE7E089701FB00BA5114 /* EventListenerImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE80089701FB00BA5114 /* EventTargetImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE82089701FB00BA5114 /* KeyboardEventImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE84089701FB00BA5114 /* MouseEventImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE86089701FB00BA5114 /* MutationEventImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE88089701FB00BA5114 /* RegisteredEventListener.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE8A089701FB00BA5114 /* UIEventImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE95089701FB00BA5114 /* Helper.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE97089701FB00BA5114 /* AttrImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE99089701FB00BA5114 /* CDATASectionImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE9D089701FB00BA5114 /* CharacterDataImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FE9F089701FB00BA5114 /* CommentImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEA1089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentFragmentImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEA3089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEA5089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentTypeImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEAA089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMConfigurationImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEAC089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMErrorHandlerImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEAE089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMErrorImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEB0089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMExceptionImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEB2089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMImplementationImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEB5089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMLocatorImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEB7089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMStringImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEB9089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMStringListImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEBB089701FB00BA5114 /* DOMUserDataImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEBD089701FB00BA5114 /* ElementImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEBF089701FB00BA5114 /* EntityImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEC1089701FB00BA5114 /* EntityReferenceImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEC3089701FB00BA5114 /* NamedAttrMapImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEC5089701FB00BA5114 /* NamedNodeMapImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEC7089701FB00BA5114 /* NodeImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEC9089701FB00BA5114 /* NodeListImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FECB089701FB00BA5114 /* NotationImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FECD089701FB00BA5114 /* ProcessingInstructionImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FECF089701FB00BA5114 /* TagNodeListImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FED1089701FB00BA5114 /* TextImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FED3089701FB00BA5114 /* TypeInfoImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FED5089701FB00BA5114 /* XMLElementImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FED8089701FB00BA5114 /* KDOMPart.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEDC089701FB00BA5114 /* KDOMView.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEE0089701FB00BA5114 /* LSExceptionImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEE2089701FB00BA5114 /* LSInputImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEE4089701FB00BA5114 /* LSOutputImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEE6089701FB00BA5114 /* LSParserFilterImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEE8089701FB00BA5114 /* LSParserImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEEA089701FB00BA5114 /* LSResourceResolverImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEEC089701FB00BA5114 /* LSSerializerFilterImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FEEE089701FB00BA5114 /* LSSerializerImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FF0C089701FB00BA5114 /* KDOMDocumentBuilder.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FF0E089701FB00BA5114 /* KDOMParser.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FF15089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentRangeImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FF17089701FB00BA5114 /* RangeExceptionImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FF19089701FB00BA5114 /* RangeImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FF34089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentTraversalImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FF36089701FB00BA5114 /* NodeFilterImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FF38089701FB00BA5114 /* NodeIteratorImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FF3A089701FB00BA5114 /* TraversalImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FF3C089701FB00BA5114 /* TreeWalkerImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FF4C089701FB00BA5114 /* AbstractViewImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FF4E089701FB00BA5114 /* DocumentViewImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FFBB089701FC00BA5114 /* ElementSchemeImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FFBD089701FC00BA5114 /* NBCImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FFBF089701FC00BA5114 /* PointerPartImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FFC1089701FC00BA5114 /* ShortHandImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FFC3089701FC00BA5114 /* XMLNSSchemeImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FFC7089701FC00BA5114 /* XPointerEvaluatorImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FFC9089701FC00BA5114 /* XPointerExceptionImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FFCB089701FC00BA5114 /* XPointerExpressionImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FFCD089701FC00BA5114 /* XPointerResultImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C0FFCF089701FC00BA5114 /* XPointerSchemeImpl.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FFDD089701FC00BA5114 /* KRenderingDevice.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FFE2089701FC00BA5114 /* KRenderingFillPainter.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C0FFE5089701FC00BA5114 /* KRenderingPaintServerGradient.cpp in Sources */,
  @@ -10115,262 +7616,19 @@
   				A8C0000F089701FC00BA5114 /* KCanvasRegistry.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C00012089701FC00BA5114 /* KCanvasResources.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C00015089701FC00BA5114 /* KCanvasView.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C005AF08974C2700BA5114 /* kdomparsercss.y in Sources */,
   				A8C005DF08974E9000BA5114 /* render_theme.cpp in Sources */,
   				A8C005E208974E9000BA5114 /* render_theme_mac.mm in Sources */,
  -				A8C005EB08974EB100BA5114 /* KDOMCachedObject.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C005ED08974EB500BA5114 /* KDOMCachedScript.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8C005F608974EF700BA5114 /* KDOMCachedStyleSheet.cpp in Sources */,
   				7E6FEEDB0898582300C44C3F /* WebCoreScriptDebugger.mm in Sources */,
   				A810E39608A4160F00333D98 /* KCanvasTreeDebug.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A802434F08AC85EA001B29DA /* DocumentCSSImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A802435208AC8651001B29DA /* DOMObjectImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A81D56A508ACAC7E00136AC1 /* XPointerHelper.cpp in Sources */,
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  -				A81D578808AD5F1200136AC1 /* DrawCanvasItem.mm in Sources */,
  -				A81D57BE08AD637400136AC1 /* ScriptInterpreter.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A81D57BF08AD637500136AC1 /* GlobalObject.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A81D57C108AD637A00136AC1 /* Ecma.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A856E9BD08B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathResultImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A856E9BF08B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathNSResolverImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A856E9C108B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathNamespaceImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A856E9C308B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathExpressionImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A856E9C508B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathExceptionImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A856E9C708B45B1E0042E303 /* XPathEvaluatorImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A856E9C908B45B1E0042E303 /* variablereference.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A856E9CB08B45B1E0042E303 /* util.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A856E9CD08B45B1E0042E303 /* tokenizer.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A856E9CF08B45B1E0042E303 /* step.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A856E9D108B45B1E0042E303 /* predicate.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A856E9D308B45B1E0042E303 /* path.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A856E9D508B45B1E0042E303 /* parsedstatement.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A856E9D808B45B1E0042E303 /* functions.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A856E9DA08B45B1E0042E303 /* expression.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A856E9F908B4608F0042E303 /* xpath.y in Sources */,
   				A82FBB6708C6241E00EFEE23 /* EventNames.cpp in Sources */,
   				A841EC7208C6636600DDA21C /* KCanvasPath.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A82FC27608C9292E00EFEE23 /* DOMImplementationLSImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A82FC2F308C9AAE400EFEE23 /* LinkStyleImpl.cpp in Sources */,
   				A82FC33E08CBB07C00EFEE23 /* SVGCursorElementImpl.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8BC0C8608D19F1A00379918 /* AttrWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8BC0C8808D19F1A00379918 /* CDATASectionWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8BC0C8A08D19F1A00379918 /* CharacterDataWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8BC0C8C08D19F1A00379918 /* CommentWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
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  -				A8122EDE08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
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  -				A8122EEE08D564B400844FA3 /* SVGLengthWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
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  -				A8122EF808D564B500844FA3 /* SVGMatrixWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
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  -				A8122EFC08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGNumberWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
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  -				A8122F1208D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRelWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8122F1408D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbsWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
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  -				A8122F1E08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGPathSegLinetoRelWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
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  -				A8122F5C08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTransformableWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8122F5E08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTransformListWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8122F6008D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTransformWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8122F6208D564B500844FA3 /* SVGTSpanElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8122F6608D564B500844FA3 /* SVGURIReferenceWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8122F6808D564B500844FA3 /* SVGUseElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8122F6A08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGViewElementWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
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  -				A8122F6E08D564B500844FA3 /* SVGZoomEventWrapper.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8700A4808DD734300CC5A86 /* CDFInterface.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8DC63E908E0DD0A004507F7 /* EcmaInterface.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8DC63EC08E0DD2A004507F7 /* EcmaInterface.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8EA434608E14EAC004BC396 /* xml_kdomtokenizer.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8EA434808E14EAC004BC396 /* render_kcanvaswrapper.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8EA434A08E14EAC004BC396 /* dom_kdomnodetreewrapper.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A8EA434C08E14EAC004BC396 /* dom_kdomdocumentwrapper.cpp in Sources */,
  -				A863312F08E3AB25009CFEF4 /* CDFInterface.cpp in Sources */,
   				E1EE773A08F1086C00166870 /* WebCoreTextDecoder.mm in Sources */,
   				A8BA5C70090CB077004D1180 /* render_button.cpp in Sources */,
   				A83C81A2091189B9009BF4A7 /* XSLTProcessor.cpp in Sources */,
  +				A8C8015809143574006A5E5B /* SVGElementFactory.cpp in Sources */,
  +				A8C801A809143E3B006A5E5B /* SVGNames.cpp in Sources */,
  +				A84B9FC009170DA200D71DD0 /* RGBColorImpl.cpp in Sources */,
   			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
  No                   revision
  No                   revision   +1 -1      SVGSupport/kcanvas/KCanvasTreeDebug.cpp
  Index: KCanvasTreeDebug.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/kcanvas/KCanvasTreeDebug.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- KCanvasTreeDebug.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:36:45 -0000	1.7
  +++ KCanvasTreeDebug.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:27:27 -0000
  @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
       KSVG::SVGStyledElementImpl *elem = static_cast<KSVG::SVGStyledElementImpl *>(node);
       if (elem)
  -        return KDOM::DOMString(elem->nodeName()).string();
  +        return KDOM::DOMString(elem->nodeName()).qstring();
       return QString();
  No                   revision
  No                   revision +9 -0      WebCore/khtml/khtml_part.h
  Index: khtml_part.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/khtml_part.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.138
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.138 -r1.138.4.1
  --- khtml_part.h	24 Sep 2005 01:18:52 -0000	1.138
  +++ khtml_part.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:11 -0000
  @@ -89,6 +89,12 @@
     class XMLTokenizer;
  +#ifdef SVG_SUPPORT
  +namespace KSVG {
  +    class SVGAElementImpl;
   namespace KJS {
       class DOMDocument;
       class Selection;
  @@ -171,6 +177,9 @@
     friend class khtml::RenderWidget;
     friend class khtml::CSSStyleSelector;
     friend class KHTMLPartIface;
  +#ifdef SVG_SUPPORT
  +    friend class KSVG::SVGAElementImpl;
     Q_PROPERTY( bool javaScriptEnabled READ jScriptEnabled WRITE setJScriptEnabled )
     Q_PROPERTY( bool javaEnabled READ javaEnabled WRITE setJavaEnabled )
  No                   revision
  No                   revision  +3 -8      WebCore/khtml/css/css_valueimpl.h
  Index: css_valueimpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/css/css_valueimpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.51
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.51 -r1.51.4.1
  --- css_valueimpl.h	3 Oct 2005 21:12:07 -0000	1.51
  +++ css_valueimpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:11 -0000
  @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
   class CSSValueImpl : public StyleBaseImpl
  -    virtual unsigned short cssValueType() const = 0;
  +    virtual unsigned short cssValueType() const { return CSSValue::CSS_CUSTOM; }
       virtual DOMString cssText() const = 0;
       void setCssText(const DOMString &) { } // FIXME: Not implemented.
  @@ -340,7 +340,6 @@
       virtual ~CSSBorderImageValueImpl();
       virtual DOMString cssText() const;
  -    virtual unsigned short cssValueType() const { return CSSValue::CSS_CUSTOM; }
       // The border image.
  @@ -374,9 +373,7 @@
       virtual ~FontValueImpl();
  -    virtual unsigned short cssValueType() const { return CSSValue::CSS_CUSTOM; }
       virtual DOMString cssText() const;
       virtual bool isFontValue() { return true; }
  @@ -396,9 +393,7 @@
       ShadowValueImpl(CSSPrimitiveValueImpl* _x, CSSPrimitiveValueImpl* _y,
                       CSSPrimitiveValueImpl* _blur, CSSPrimitiveValueImpl* _color);
       virtual ~ShadowValueImpl();
  -    virtual unsigned short cssValueType() const { return CSSValue::CSS_CUSTOM; }
       virtual DOMString cssText() const;
       CSSPrimitiveValueImpl* x;
  No                   revision
  No                   revision   +3 -4      WebCore/khtml/ecma/domparser.cpp
  Index: domparser.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/domparser.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.4.1
  --- domparser.cpp	3 Oct 2005 21:12:12 -0000	1.7
  +++ domparser.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:12 -0000
  @@ -78,15 +78,14 @@
     switch (id) {
     case DOMParser::ParseFromString:
  -      if (args.size() != 2) {
  -				return Undefined();
  -      }
  +        if (args.size() != 2)
  +            return Undefined();
         QString str = args[0]->toString(exec).qstring();
         QString contentType = args[1]->toString(exec).qstring().stripWhiteSpace();
         if (contentType == "text/xml" || contentType == "application/xml" || contentType == "application/xhtml+xml") {
  -        DocumentImpl *docImpl = parser->doc->impl()->createDocument();
  +        DocumentImpl *docImpl = parser->doc->implementation()->createDocument();
  +1 -1      WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_dom.cpp
  Index: kjs_dom.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_dom.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.105
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.105 -r1.105.2.1
  --- kjs_dom.cpp	1 Nov 2005 16:59:46 -0000	1.105
  +++ kjs_dom.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:12 -0000
  @@ -954,7 +954,7 @@
     case DocType:
       return getDOMNode(exec,doc.doctype());
     case Implementation:
  -    return getDOMDOMImplementation(exec,doc.impl());
  +    return getDOMDOMImplementation(exec, doc.implementation());
     case DocumentElement:
       return getDOMNode(exec,doc.documentElement());
     case StyleSheets:
   +1 -1      WebCore/khtml/ecma/xmlhttprequest.cpp
  Index: xmlhttprequest.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/xmlhttprequest.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.44
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.44 -r1.44.2.1
  --- xmlhttprequest.cpp	27 Oct 2005 23:15:00 -0000	1.44
  +++ xmlhttprequest.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:12 -0000
  @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
         if (mimeType == "text/xml" || mimeType == "application/xml" || mimeType == "application/xhtml+xml" ||
             mimeType == "text/xsl" || mimeType == "application/rss+xml" || mimeType == "application/atom+xml") {
  -	responseXML.reset(doc->impl()->createDocument());
  +	responseXML.reset(doc->implementation()->createDocument());
   	DocumentImpl *docImpl = responseXML.get();
  No                   revision
  No                   revision  +0 -13     WebCore/khtml/html/html_documentimpl.cpp
  Index: html_documentimpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/html/html_documentimpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.73
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.73 -r1.73.2.1
  --- html_documentimpl.cpp	26 Oct 2005 06:10:09 -0000	1.73
  +++ html_documentimpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:13 -0000
  @@ -134,19 +134,6 @@
       return static_cast<ElementImpl*>(_first);
  -DOMString HTMLDocumentImpl::referrer() const
  -    if ( part() )
  -        return KWQ(part())->incomingReferrer();
  -        // This is broken; returns the referrer used for links within this page (basically
  -        // the same as the URL), not the referrer used for loading this page itself.
  -        return part()->referrer();
  -    return DOMString();
   DOMString HTMLDocumentImpl::lastModified() const
       if ( part() )
   +0 -1      WebCore/khtml/html/html_documentimpl.h
  Index: html_documentimpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/html/html_documentimpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.33
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.33 -r1.33.4.1
  --- html_documentimpl.h	28 Sep 2005 22:01:32 -0000	1.33
  +++ html_documentimpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:13 -0000
  @@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
       virtual bool isHTMLDocument() const { return true; }
       virtual ElementImpl *documentElement() const;
  -    DOMString referrer() const;
       DOMString lastModified() const;
       DOMString cookie() const;
       void setCookie( const DOMString &);
  No                   revision
  No                   revision  +1 -1      WebCore/khtml/rendering/render_style.cpp
  Index: render_style.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/rendering/render_style.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.73
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.73 -r1.73.4.1
  --- render_style.cpp	6 Oct 2005 00:53:59 -0000	1.73
  +++ render_style.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:13 -0000
  @@ -902,7 +902,7 @@
       data->clip.left = left;
  -bool RenderStyle::contentDataEquivalent(RenderStyle* otherStyle)
  +bool RenderStyle::contentDataEquivalent(const RenderStyle* otherStyle) const
       ContentData* c1 = content;
       ContentData* c2 = otherStyle->content;
   +1 -1      WebCore/khtml/rendering/render_style.h
  Index: render_style.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/rendering/render_style.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.97
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.97 -r1.97.2.1
  --- render_style.h	2 Nov 2005 08:52:46 -0000	1.97
  +++ render_style.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:14 -0000
  @@ -1641,7 +1641,7 @@
       ContentData* contentData() { return content; }
  -    bool contentDataEquivalent(RenderStyle* otherStyle);
  +    bool contentDataEquivalent(const RenderStyle *otherStyle) const;
       void setContent(DOM::DOMStringImpl* s, bool add = false);
       void setContent(CachedObject* o, bool add = false);
  No                   revision
  No                   revision   +1 -0      WebCore/khtml/xml/EventNames.h
  Index: EventNames.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/xml/EventNames.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.2.4.1
  --- EventNames.h	3 Sep 2005 23:10:01 -0000	1.2
  +++ EventNames.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:14 -0000
  @@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
       macro(submit) \
       macro(textInput) \
       macro(unload) \
  +    macro(zoom) \
       macro(DOMActivate) \
       macro(DOMAttrModified) \
  +69 -6     WebCore/khtml/xml/dom_docimpl.cpp
  Index: dom_docimpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/xml/dom_docimpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.266
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.266 -r1.266.2.1
  --- dom_docimpl.cpp	1 Nov 2005 07:16:08 -0000	1.266
  +++ dom_docimpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:14 -0000
  @@ -95,6 +95,11 @@
   #include "dom_kdomdocumentwrapper.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
  +#include "SVGElementFactory.h"
  +#include "SVGElementImpl.h"
  +#include "SVGZoomEventImpl.h"
  +#include "SVGStyleElementImpl.h"
   using namespace DOM;
  @@ -202,7 +207,7 @@
  -bool DOMImplementationImpl::hasFeature ( const DOMString &feature, const DOMString &version )
  +bool DOMImplementationImpl::hasFeature (const DOMString& feature, const DOMString& version) const
       QString lower = feature.qstring().lower();
       if (lower == "core" || lower == "html" || lower == "xml" || lower == "xhtml")
  @@ -295,7 +300,7 @@
       // WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if doctype has already been used with a different document or was
       // created from a different implementation.
  -    if (doctype && (doctype->getDocument() || doctype->impl() != this)) {
  +    if (doctype && (doctype->getDocument() || doctype->implementation() != this)) {
           exceptioncode = DOMException::WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR;
           return 0;
  @@ -562,7 +567,7 @@
       return m_docType.get();
  -DOMImplementationImpl *DocumentImpl::impl() const
  +DOMImplementationImpl *DocumentImpl::implementation() const
       return m_implementation;
  @@ -714,20 +719,31 @@
           return 0;
  +    QualifiedName qName = QualifiedName(AtomicString(prefix), AtomicString(localName), AtomicString(_namespaceURI));
       ElementImpl *e = 0;
       // FIXME: Use registered namespaces and look up in a hash to find the right factory.
       if (_namespaceURI == xhtmlNamespaceURI) {
  -        e = HTMLElementFactory::createHTMLElement(AtomicString(localName), this, 0, false);
  +        e = HTMLElementFactory::createHTMLElement(qName.localName(), this, 0, false);
           if (e && !prefix.isNull()) {
  -            e->setPrefix(AtomicString(prefix), exceptioncode);
  +            e->setPrefix(qName.prefix(), exceptioncode);
               if (exceptioncode)
                   return 0;
  +#ifdef SVG_SUPPORT
  +    else if (_namespaceURI == KSVG::SVGNames::svgNamespaceURI) {
  +        e = KSVG::SVGElementFactory::createSVGElement(qName, this, false);
  +        if (e && !prefix.isNull()) {
  +            e->setPrefix(qName.prefix(), exceptioncode);
  +            if (exceptioncode)
  +                return 0;
  +        }
  +    }
       if (!e)
  -        e = new ElementImpl(QualifiedName(AtomicString(prefix), AtomicString(localName), AtomicString(_namespaceURI)), document);
  +        e = new ElementImpl(qName, document);
       return e;
  @@ -2141,6 +2157,34 @@
                   if (title != m_preferredStylesheetSet)
                       sheet = 0;
  +            else if (n->isSVGElement() && n->hasTagName(KSVG::SVGNames::styleTag))
  +            {
  +                QString title;
  +                // <STYLE> element
  +                KSVG::SVGStyleElementImpl *s = static_cast<KSVG::SVGStyleElementImpl*>(n);
  +                if(!s->isLoading())
  +                {
  +                    sheet = s->sheet();
  +                    if(sheet)
  +                        title = DOM::DOMString(s->getAttribute(KSVG::SVGNames::titleAttr)).qstring();
  +                }
  +                if(!title.isEmpty() && m_preferredStylesheetSet.isEmpty())
  +                    m_preferredStylesheetSet = view()->part()->d->m_sheetUsed = title;
  +                if(!title.isEmpty())
  +                {
  +                    if(title != m_preferredStylesheetSet)
  +                        sheet = 0; // don't use it
  +                    title = title.replace('&', QString::fromLatin1("&&"));
  +                    if(!m_availableSheets.contains(title))
  +                        m_availableSheets.append(title);
  +                }
  +            }
           if (sheet) {
  @@ -2419,6 +2463,12 @@
           return new KeyboardEventImpl();
       else if (eventType == "HTMLEvents" || eventType == "Event" || eventType == "Events")
           return new EventImpl();
  +#ifdef SVG_SUPPORT
  +    else if (eventType == "SVGEvents")
  +        return new EventImpl();
  +    else if(eventType == "SVGZoomEvents")
  +        return new KSVG::SVGZoomEventImpl();
       else {
           exceptioncode = DOMException::NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR;
           return 0;
  @@ -2602,6 +2652,19 @@
       return static_cast<ElementImpl *>(renderPart->element());
  +DOMString DocumentImpl::referrer() const
  +    if ( part() )
  +        return KWQ(part())->incomingReferrer();
  +        // This is broken; returns the referrer used for links within this page (basically
  +        // the same as the URL), not the referrer used for loading this page itself.
  +        return part()->referrer();
  +    return DOMString();
   DOMString DocumentImpl::domain() const
       if ( m_domain.isEmpty() ) // not set yet (we set it on demand to save time and space)
  +5 -4      WebCore/khtml/xml/dom_docimpl.h
  Index: dom_docimpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/xml/dom_docimpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.134
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.134 -r1.134.2.1
  --- dom_docimpl.h	27 Oct 2005 23:15:03 -0000	1.134
  +++ dom_docimpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:15 -0000
  @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
       // DOM methods & attributes for DOMImplementation
  -    bool hasFeature ( const DOMString &feature, const DOMString &version );
  +    bool hasFeature(const DOMString& feature, const DOMString& version) const;
       DocumentTypeImpl *createDocumentType( const DOMString &qualifiedName, const DOMString &publicId,
                                             const DOMString &systemId, int &exceptioncode );
       DocumentImpl *createDocument( const DOMString &namespaceURI, const DOMString &qualifiedName,
  @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
       virtual DocumentTypeImpl *doctype() const; // returns 0 for HTML documents
       DocumentTypeImpl *realDocType() const { return m_docType.get(); }
  -    DOMImplementationImpl *impl() const;
  +    DOMImplementationImpl *implementation() const;
       virtual ElementImpl *documentElement() const;
       virtual ElementImpl *createElement(const DOMString &tagName, int &exceptioncode);
       DocumentFragmentImpl *createDocumentFragment ();
  @@ -508,7 +508,8 @@
       // Returns the owning element in the parent document.
       // Returns 0 if this is the top level document.
       ElementImpl *ownerElement();
  +    DOMString referrer() const;
       DOMString domain() const;
       void setDomain( const DOMString &newDomain, bool force = false ); // not part of the DOM
  @@ -822,7 +823,7 @@
       virtual NodeImpl *cloneNode(bool deep);
       // Other methods (not part of DOM)
  -    DOMImplementationImpl *impl() const { return m_implementation.get(); }
  +    DOMImplementationImpl *implementation() const { return m_implementation.get(); }
       virtual DOMString toString() const;
   +5 -0      WebCore/khtml/xml/dom_elementimpl.cpp
  Index: dom_elementimpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/xml/dom_elementimpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.88
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.88 -r1.88.2.1
  --- dom_elementimpl.cpp	26 Oct 2005 20:44:11 -0000	1.88
  +++ dom_elementimpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:15 -0000
  @@ -337,6 +337,11 @@
       return namedAttrMap ? namedAttrMap->id() : nullAtom;
  +bool ElementImpl::hasAttribute(const QualifiedName& name) const
  +    return hasAttributeNS(name.namespaceURI(), name.localName());
   const AtomicString& ElementImpl::getAttribute(const QualifiedName& name) const
       if (name == styleAttr)
   +1 -0      WebCore/khtml/xml/dom_elementimpl.h
  Index: dom_elementimpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/xml/dom_elementimpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.58
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.58 -r1.58.2.1
  --- dom_elementimpl.h	2 Nov 2005 08:52:49 -0000	1.58
  +++ dom_elementimpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:15 -0000
  @@ -171,6 +171,7 @@
       // Used to quickly determine whether or not an element has a given CSS class.
       virtual const AtomicStringList* getClassList() const;
       const AtomicString& getIDAttribute() const;
  +    bool hasAttribute(const QualifiedName& name) const;
       const AtomicString& getAttribute(const QualifiedName& name) const;
       void setAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, DOMStringImpl* value, int &exceptioncode);
       void removeAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, int &exceptioncode);
  +3 -0      WebCore/khtml/xml/dom_nodeimpl.h
  Index: dom_nodeimpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/xml/dom_nodeimpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.112
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.112 -r1.112.2.1
  --- dom_nodeimpl.h	1 Nov 2005 16:59:50 -0000	1.112
  +++ dom_nodeimpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:15 -0000
  @@ -122,6 +122,9 @@
       // Other methods (not part of DOM)
       virtual bool isElementNode() const { return false; }
       virtual bool isHTMLElement() const { return false; }
  +    virtual bool isSVGElement() const { return false; }
       virtual bool isStyledElement() const { return false; }
       virtual bool isAttributeNode() const { return false; }
       virtual bool isTextNode() const { return false; }
   +18 -0     WebCore/khtml/xml/dom_stringimpl.cpp
  Index: dom_stringimpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/xml/dom_stringimpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.32
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.32 -r1.32.4.1
  --- dom_stringimpl.cpp	3 Oct 2005 21:12:53 -0000	1.32
  +++ dom_stringimpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:15 -0000
  @@ -60,6 +60,24 @@
  +DOMStringImpl::DOMStringImpl(const QString &string)
  +    const QChar *str = string.unicode();
  +    unsigned len = string.length();
  +    _hash = 0;
  +    _inTable = false;
  +    bool havestr = str && len;
  +    s = QT_ALLOC_QCHAR_VEC(havestr ? len : 1);
  +    if (havestr) {
  +        memcpy( s, str, len * sizeof(QChar) );
  +        l = len;
  +    } else {
  +        // crash protection
  +        s[0] = 0x0;
  +        l = 0;
  +    }
   DOMStringImpl::DOMStringImpl(const char *str)
       _hash = 0;
   +1 -0      WebCore/khtml/xml/dom_stringimpl.h
  Index: dom_stringimpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/xml/dom_stringimpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.17
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.17 -r1.17.4.1
  --- dom_stringimpl.h	3 Oct 2005 21:12:53 -0000	1.17
  +++ dom_stringimpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:15 -0000
  @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
       DOMStringImpl(const char *str);
       DOMStringImpl(const char *str, unsigned int len);
       DOMStringImpl(const QChar &ch);
  +    DOMStringImpl(const QString &str);
       unsigned hash() const { if (_hash == 0) _hash = computeHash(s, l); return _hash; }
  No                   revision
  No                   revision  +2 -2      WebCore/khtml/xsl/xslt_processorimpl.cpp
  Index: xslt_processorimpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/xsl/xslt_processorimpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.14
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.14 -r1.14.2.1
  --- xslt_processorimpl.cpp	27 Oct 2005 22:34:52 -0000	1.14
  +++ xslt_processorimpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:17 -0000
  @@ -185,9 +185,9 @@
       SharedPtr<DocumentImpl> result;
       if (sourceMIMEType == "text/html")
  -        result = ownerDocument->impl()->createHTMLDocument(view);
  +        result = ownerDocument->implementation()->createHTMLDocument(view);
       else {
  -        result = ownerDocument->impl()->createDocument(view);
  +        result = ownerDocument->implementation()->createDocument(view);
           if (sourceMIMEType == "text/plain")
  No                   revision
  No                   revision   +9 -9      SVGSupport/ksvg2/css/SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp
  Index: SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/css/SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.8 -r1.8.2.1
  --- SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:10 -0000	1.8
  +++ SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:17 -0000
  @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
   #include <kdom/css/CSSStyleDeclarationImpl.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgtags.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include <ksvg2/css/cssvalues.h>
   #include "SVGColorImpl.h"
   #include "SVGPaintImpl.h"
  @@ -153,14 +153,14 @@
       KDOM::DOMString str(style);
       s_defaultSheet = new SVGCSSStyleSheetImpl(doc);
  -    s_defaultSheet->parseString(str.handle());
  +    s_defaultSheet->parseString(str.impl());
       // Collect only strict-mode rules.
       s_defaultStyle = new KDOM::CSSStyleSelectorList();
  -    s_defaultStyle->append(s_defaultSheet, KDOM::DOMString("screen").handle());
  +    s_defaultStyle->append(s_defaultSheet, KDOM::DOMString("screen").impl());
       s_defaultPrintStyle = new KDOM::CSSStyleSelectorList();
  -    s_defaultPrintStyle->append(s_defaultSheet, KDOM::DOMString("print").handle());
  +    s_defaultPrintStyle->append(s_defaultSheet, KDOM::DOMString("print").impl());
   unsigned int SVGCSSStyleSelector::addExtraDeclarations(KDOM::ElementImpl *e, unsigned int numProps)
  @@ -634,7 +634,7 @@
               QString s;
               int type = primitiveValue->primitiveType();
               if(type == KDOM::CSS_URI)
  -                s = KDOM::DOMString(primitiveValue->getDOMStringValue()).string();
  +                s = KDOM::DOMString(primitiveValue->getDOMStringValue()).qstring();
  @@ -650,7 +650,7 @@
               QString s;
               int type = primitiveValue->primitiveType();
               if(type == KDOM::CSS_URI)
  -                s = KDOM::DOMString(primitiveValue->getDOMStringValue()).string();
  +                s = KDOM::DOMString(primitiveValue->getDOMStringValue()).qstring();
  @@ -666,7 +666,7 @@
               QString s;
               int type = primitiveValue->primitiveType();
               if(type == KDOM::CSS_URI)
  -                s = KDOM::DOMString(primitiveValue->getDOMStringValue()).string();
  +                s = KDOM::DOMString(primitiveValue->getDOMStringValue()).qstring();
  @@ -706,7 +706,7 @@
               QString s;
               int type = primitiveValue->primitiveType();
               if(type == KDOM::CSS_URI)
  -                s = KDOM::DOMString(primitiveValue->getDOMStringValue()).string();
  +                s = KDOM::DOMString(primitiveValue->getDOMStringValue()).qstring();
  @@ -721,7 +721,7 @@
               QString s;
               int type = primitiveValue->primitiveType();
               if(type == KDOM::CSS_URI)
  -                s = KDOM::DOMString(primitiveValue->getDOMStringValue()).string();
  +                s = KDOM::DOMString(primitiveValue->getDOMStringValue()).qstring();
    +6 -6      SVGSupport/ksvg2/css/SVGRenderStyle.cpp
  Index: SVGRenderStyle.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/css/SVGRenderStyle.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGRenderStyle.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:10 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGRenderStyle.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:17 -0000
  @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
   SVGRenderStyle *SVGRenderStyle::s_defaultStyle = 0;
  -SVGRenderStyle::SVGRenderStyle() : KDOM::RenderStyle()
  +SVGRenderStyle::SVGRenderStyle() : khtml::RenderStyle()
           s_defaultStyle = new SVGRenderStyle(true);
  @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
  -SVGRenderStyle::SVGRenderStyle(bool) : KDOM::RenderStyle(true)
  +SVGRenderStyle::SVGRenderStyle(bool) : khtml::RenderStyle(true)
  @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
  -SVGRenderStyle::SVGRenderStyle(const SVGRenderStyle &other) : KDOM::RenderStyle(other)
  +SVGRenderStyle::SVGRenderStyle(const SVGRenderStyle &other) : khtml::RenderStyle(other)
       fill = other.fill;
       stroke = other.stroke;
  @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
       s_defaultStyle = 0;
  -bool SVGRenderStyle::equals(KDOM::RenderStyle *other) const
  +bool SVGRenderStyle::equals(khtml::RenderStyle *other) const
       SVGRenderStyle *svgOther = dynamic_cast<SVGRenderStyle *>(other);
  @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
       return (fill == svgOther->fill && stroke == svgOther->stroke &&
           stops == svgOther->stops && clip == svgOther->clip &&
           misc == svgOther->misc && markers == svgOther->markers &&
  -        KDOM::RenderStyle::equals(other));
  +        khtml::RenderStyle::contentDataEquivalent(other));
   void SVGRenderStyle::inheritFrom(const RenderStyle *inheritParent)
  @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
  -    KDOM::RenderStyle::inheritFrom(inheritParent);
  +    khtml::RenderStyle::inheritFrom(inheritParent);
       fill = svgInheritParent->fill;
       stroke = svgInheritParent->stroke;
    +26 -3     SVGSupport/ksvg2/css/SVGRenderStyle.h
  Index: SVGRenderStyle.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/css/SVGRenderStyle.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGRenderStyle.h	1 Sep 2005 09:39:12 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGRenderStyle.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:17 -0000
  @@ -29,9 +29,32 @@
   #include <kdom/css/RenderStyle.h>
   #include <ksvg2/css/SVGRenderStyleDefs.h>
  +// Helper macros for 'RenderStyle'
  +#define RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE(Data, Type, Name, Initial) \
  +    void set##Type(Data val) { noninherited_flags.f._##Name = val; } \
  +    Data Name() const { return (Data) noninherited_flags.f._##Name; } \
  +    static Data initial##Type() { return Initial; }
  +#define RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(Data, Type, Name, Initial) \
  +    void set##Type(Data val) { inherited_flags.f._##Name = val; } \
  +    Data Name() const { return (Data) inherited_flags.f._##Name; } \
  +    static Data initial##Type() { return Initial; }
  +#define RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF(Data, Group, Variable, Type, Name) \
  +    Data Name() const { return Group->Variable; } \
  +    void set##Type(Data obj) { RS_SET_VARIABLE(Group, Variable, obj) }
  +#define RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(Data, Group, Variable, Type, Name, Initial) \
  +    RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF(Data, Group, Variable, Type, Name) \
  +    static Data initial##Type() { return Initial; }
  +#define RS_SET_VARIABLE(Group, Variable, Value) \
  +    if(!(Group->Variable == Value)) \
  +        Group.access()->Variable = Value;
   namespace KSVG
  -    class SVGRenderStyle : public KDOM::RenderStyle
  +    class SVGRenderStyle : public khtml::RenderStyle
  @@ -39,7 +62,7 @@
           SVGRenderStyle(const SVGRenderStyle &other);
           virtual ~SVGRenderStyle();
  -        virtual bool equals(KDOM::RenderStyle *other) const;
  +        virtual bool equals(RenderStyle *other) const;
           static void cleanup();
  @@ -154,7 +177,7 @@
           static SVGRenderStyle *s_defaultStyle;
  -        SVGRenderStyle(const SVGRenderStyle *) : KDOM::RenderStyle() { }
  +        SVGRenderStyle(const SVGRenderStyle *) : khtml::RenderStyle() { }
           void setBitDefaults()
  No                   revision
  No                   revision   +1 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/ecma/Ecma.cpp
  Index: Ecma.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/ecma/Ecma.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- Ecma.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:11 -0000	1.7
  +++ Ecma.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:18 -0000
  @@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
   #include "SVGPaintImpl.h"
   #include "GlobalObject.h"
   #include "SVGColorImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGEventImpl.h"
   #include "SVGZoomEvent.h"
   #include "SVGUseElement.h"
   #include "SVGSVGElement.h"
  @@ -141,7 +140,7 @@
       if(n.nodeType() == KDOM::DOCUMENT_NODE)
           return SVGDocument(n).bridge(exec);
  -    switch(nodeImpl->id())
  +    switch(nodeImpl->getIDAttribute())
           // TODO: Add all remaining nodes here...
           case ID_SVG:
  No                   revision
  No                   revision   +1 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/events/SVGZoomEventImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGZoomEventImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/events/SVGZoomEventImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGZoomEventImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:12 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGZoomEventImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:18 -0000
  @@ -23,12 +23,11 @@
   #include "config.h"
   #include "SVGRectImpl.h"
   #include "SVGPointImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGEventImpl.h"
   #include "SVGZoomEventImpl.h"
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGZoomEventImpl::SVGZoomEventImpl() : KDOM::UIEventImpl((KDOM::EventImplType) TypeSVGZoomEvent)
       m_newScale = 0.0;
       m_previousScale = 0.0;
    +0 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/events/SVGZoomEventImpl.h
  Index: SVGZoomEventImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/events/SVGZoomEventImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGZoomEventImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 09:39:13 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGZoomEventImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:18 -0000
  @@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
   #include <kdom/events/UIEventImpl.h>
  -#include <ksvg2/events/ksvgevents.h>
   namespace KSVG
       class SVGRectImpl;
  No                   revision
  No                   revision   +9 -8      SVGSupport/ksvg2/misc/KCanvasRenderingStyle.cpp
  Index: KCanvasRenderingStyle.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/misc/KCanvasRenderingStyle.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.9
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.9 -r1.9.2.1
  --- KCanvasRenderingStyle.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:12 -0000	1.9
  +++ KCanvasRenderingStyle.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:19 -0000
  @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerGradient.h>
   #include <kdom/core/DocumentImpl.h>
  +#include <kdom/DOMString.h>
   #include <kdom/css/RenderStyle.h>
   #include <kdom/css/CSSValueListImpl.h>
   #include <kdom/css/CSSPrimitiveValueImpl.h>
  @@ -83,7 +84,7 @@
           KDOM::DOMString id(fill->uri());
  -        KRenderingPaintServer *fillPaintServer = m_canvas->registry()->getPaintServerById(id.string().mid(1));
  +        KRenderingPaintServer *fillPaintServer = m_canvas->registry()->getPaintServerById(id.qstring().mid(1));
           if(item && fillPaintServer)
  @@ -120,7 +121,7 @@
           KDOM::DOMString id(stroke->uri());
  -        KRenderingPaintServer *strokePaintServer = m_canvas->registry()->getPaintServerById(id.string().mid(1));
  +        KRenderingPaintServer *strokePaintServer = m_canvas->registry()->getPaintServerById(id.qstring().mid(1));
           if(item && strokePaintServer)
  @@ -194,8 +195,8 @@
       KDOM::CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *primitive = static_cast<KDOM::CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *>(value);
  -    unsigned short cssType = (primitive ? primitive->primitiveType() : (unsigned short) KDOM::CSS_UNKNOWN);
  -    if(!(cssType > KDOM::CSS_UNKNOWN && cssType <= KDOM::CSS_PC))
  +    unsigned short cssType = (primitive ? primitive->primitiveType() : (unsigned short) KDOM::CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_UNKNOWN);
  +    if(!(cssType > KDOM::CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_UNKNOWN && cssType <= KDOM::CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PC))
           return defaultValue;
       Q3PaintDeviceMetrics *paintDeviceMetrics = 0;
  @@ -204,12 +205,12 @@
       if(element && element->ownerDocument())
           paintDeviceMetrics = element->ownerDocument()->paintDeviceMetrics();
  -    if(cssType == KDOM::CSS_PERCENTAGE)
  +    if(cssType == KDOM::CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE)
           SVGElementImpl *viewportElement = (element ? element->viewportElement() : 0);
  -            double result = primitive->getFloatValue(KDOM::CSS_PERCENTAGE) / 100.0;
  +            double result = primitive->getFloatValue(KDOM::CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) / 100.0;
               return SVGHelper::PercentageOfViewport(result, viewportElement, LM_OTHER);
  @@ -268,8 +269,8 @@
   // Display states
   bool KCanvasRenderingStyle::visible() const
  -    return (m_style->display() != KDOM::DS_NONE) &&
  -           (m_style->visibility() == KDOM::VS_VISIBLE);
  +    return (m_style->display() != KDOM::NONE) &&
  +           (m_style->visibility() == KDOM::VISIBLE);
   void KCanvasRenderingStyle::setVisible(bool)
    +8 -5      SVGSupport/ksvg2/misc/KSVGTimeScheduler.cpp
  Index: KSVGTimeScheduler.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/misc/KSVGTimeScheduler.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.8 -r1.8.2.1
  --- KSVGTimeScheduler.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:13 -0000	1.8
  +++ KSVGTimeScheduler.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:19 -0000
  @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
   #include "config.h"
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvas.h>
  +#include "ksvg2/svg/SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGMatrixImpl.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
   #include "KSVGTimeScheduler.moc"
  @@ -33,7 +34,7 @@
   #include "SVGAnimatedTransformListImpl.h"
   #include "SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.h"
  -using namespace KSVG;
  +namespace KSVG {
   SVGTimer::SVGTimer(TimeScheduler *scheduler, unsigned int ms, bool singleShot)
  @@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
               // Special cases for animate* objects depending on 'additive' attribute
  -            if(animation->id() == ID_ANIMATETRANSFORM)
  +            if(animation->hasTagName(SVGNames::animatetransformTag))
                   SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl *animTransform = static_cast<SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl *>(animation);
  @@ -256,7 +257,7 @@
  -            else if(animation->id() == ID_ANIMATECOLOR)
  +            else if(animation->hasTagName(SVGNames::animatecolorTag))
                   SVGAnimateColorElementImpl *animColor = static_cast<SVGAnimateColorElementImpl *>(animation);
  @@ -324,8 +325,8 @@
  -                                                            KDOM::DOMString(cit.key()).handle(),
  -                                                            KDOM::DOMString(cit.data().name()).handle());
  +                                                            KDOM::DOMString(cit.key()).impl(),
  +                                                            KDOM::DOMString(cit.data().name()).impl());
  @@ -511,4 +512,6 @@
       return float(m_creationTime.elapsed()) / 1000.0;
  +} // namespace;
   // vim:ts=4:noet
  No                   revision
  No                   revision   +24 -31    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGAElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGAElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:14 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGAElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:19 -0000
  @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvasContainer.h>
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include <ksvg2/KSVGPart.h>
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
  @@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGAElementImpl::SVGAElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGURIReferenceImpl(), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
  +SVGAElementImpl::SVGAElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGURIReferenceImpl(), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
       m_target = 0;
  @@ -58,30 +58,22 @@
   void SVGAElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_TARGET:
  -        {
  -            target()->setBaseVal(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::targetAttr) {
  +        target()->setBaseVal(value.impl());
  +    } else {
  +        if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr))
  -            if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr))
  -            {
  -                m_hasAnchor = attr->value() != 0;
  -                return;
  -            }
  -            if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +            m_isLink = attr->value() != 0;
  +            return;
  -    };
  +        if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   KCanvasItem *SVGAElementImpl::createCanvasItem(KCanvas *canvas, KRenderingStyle *style) const
  @@ -93,11 +85,9 @@
       // TODO : should use CLICK instead
       kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
  -    if((evt->id() == KDOM::MOUSEUP_EVENT && m_hasAnchor))
  +    if((evt->type() == KDOM::EventNames::mouseupEvent && m_isLink))
  -        KDOM::MouseEventImpl *e = 0;
  -        if(evt->id() == KDOM::MOUSEUP_EVENT)
  -            e = static_cast<KDOM::MouseEventImpl*>(evt);
  +        KDOM::MouseEventImpl *e = static_cast<KDOM::MouseEventImpl*>(evt);
           QString url;
           QString utarget;
  @@ -106,10 +96,13 @@
  -        url = KDOM::DOMString(KDOM::Helper::parseURL(href()->baseVal())).string();
  +        url = KDOM::parseURL(href()->baseVal()).qstring();
  +        url = KDOM::DOMString(KDOM::Helper::parseURL(href()->baseVal())).qstring();
           kdDebug() << "url : " << url << endl;
  -        utarget = KDOM::DOMString(getAttribute(ATTR_TARGET)).string();
  +        utarget = KDOM::DOMString(getAttribute(SVGNames::targetAttr)).qstring();
           kdDebug() << "utarget : " << utarget << endl;
           if(e && e->button() == 1)
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGAElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGAElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:31 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGAElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:19 -0000
  @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
                               public SVGTransformableImpl
  -        SVGAElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGAElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGAElementImpl();
           // 'SVGAElement' functions
    +6 -6      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAngleImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGAngleImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAngleImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGAngleImpl.cpp	24 Oct 2005 06:31:51 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGAngleImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:19 -0000
  @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
       m_valueAsString = KDOM::DOMString(valueAsString);
  -    QString s = m_valueAsString.string();
  +    QString s = m_valueAsString.qstring();
       bool bOK;
       m_valueInSpecifiedUnits = s.toDouble(&bOK);
  @@ -110,23 +110,23 @@
   KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGAngleImpl::valueAsString() const
  -    m_valueAsString.string().setNum(m_valueInSpecifiedUnits);
  +    m_valueAsString.qstring().setNum(m_valueInSpecifiedUnits);
           case SVG_ANGLETYPE_DEG:
  -            m_valueAsString.string() += QString::fromLatin1("deg");
  +            m_valueAsString.qstring() += QString::fromLatin1("deg");
           case SVG_ANGLETYPE_RAD:
  -            m_valueAsString.string() += QString::fromLatin1("rad");
  +            m_valueAsString.qstring() += QString::fromLatin1("rad");
           case SVG_ANGLETYPE_GRAD:
  -            m_valueAsString.string() += QString::fromLatin1("grad");
  +            m_valueAsString.qstring() += QString::fromLatin1("grad");
  -    return m_valueAsString.handle();
  +    return m_valueAsString.impl();
   void SVGAngleImpl::newValueSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short unitType, float valueInSpecifiedUnits)
    +11 -10    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateColorElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGAnimateColorElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateColorElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGAnimateColorElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:14 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGAnimateColorElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -23,13 +23,14 @@
   #include "config.h"
   #include "SVGAnimateColorElementImpl.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
  +#include "kdom/DOMString.h"
   #include <kdebug.h>
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGAnimateColorElementImpl::SVGAnimateColorElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGAnimationElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGAnimateColorElementImpl::SVGAnimateColorElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGAnimationElementImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_toColor = new SVGColorImpl();
  @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@
           SVGColorImpl *temp = new SVGColorImpl();
  -        temp->setRGBColor(targetAttribute());
  +        temp->setRGBColor(targetAttribute().impl());
           m_initialColor = temp->color();
  @@ -74,7 +75,7 @@
               case FROM_TO_ANIMATION:
                   KDOM::DOMString toColorString(m_to);
  -                m_toColor->setRGBColor(toColorString.handle());
  +                m_toColor->setRGBColor(toColorString.impl());
                   KDOM::DOMString fromColorString;
                   if(!m_from.isEmpty()) // from-to animation
  @@ -82,7 +83,7 @@
                   else // to animation
                       fromColorString = m_initialColor.name();
  -                m_fromColor->setRGBColor(fromColorString.handle());    
  +                m_fromColor->setRGBColor(fromColorString.impl());    
                   // Calculate color differences, once.
                   QColor qTo = m_toColor->color();
  @@ -98,7 +99,7 @@
               case FROM_BY_ANIMATION:
                   KDOM::DOMString byColorString(m_by);
  -                m_toColor->setRGBColor(byColorString.handle());
  +                m_toColor->setRGBColor(byColorString.impl());
                   KDOM::DOMString fromColorString;
  @@ -107,7 +108,7 @@
                   else // by animation
                       fromColorString = m_initialColor.name();
  -                m_fromColor->setRGBColor(fromColorString.handle());
  +                m_fromColor->setRGBColor(fromColorString.impl());
                   QColor qBy = m_toColor->color();
                   QColor qFrom = m_fromColor->color();
  @@ -120,7 +121,7 @@
                   QColor qTo = clampColor(r, g, b);
                   KDOM::DOMString toColorString(qTo.name());
  -                m_toColor->setRGBColor(toColorString.handle());
  +                m_toColor->setRGBColor(toColorString.impl());
                   m_redDiff = qTo.red() - qFrom.red();
                   m_greenDiff = qTo.green() - qFrom.green();
  @@ -181,10 +182,10 @@
                   KDOM::DOMString toColorString(value2);
  -                m_toColor->setRGBColor(toColorString.handle());
  +                m_toColor->setRGBColor(toColorString.impl());
                   KDOM::DOMString fromColorString(value1);
  -                m_fromColor->setRGBColor(fromColorString.handle());    
  +                m_fromColor->setRGBColor(fromColorString.impl());    
                   QColor qTo = m_toColor->color();
                   QColor qFrom = m_fromColor->color();
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateColorElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGAnimateColorElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateColorElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGAnimateColorElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:31 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGAnimateColorElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
       class SVGAnimateColorElementImpl : public SVGAnimationElementImpl
  -        SVGAnimateColorElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGAnimateColorElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGAnimateColorElementImpl();
           virtual void handleTimerEvent(double timePercentage);
    +11 -11    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGAnimateElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGAnimateElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:14 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGAnimateElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGAnimateElementImpl::SVGAnimateElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGAnimationElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGAnimateElementImpl::SVGAnimateElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGAnimationElementImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_currentItem = -1;
  @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
           // Save initial attribute value...
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *attr = targetAttribute();
  -        m_savedTo = (attr ? attr->string() : QString::null);
  +        KDOM::DOMString attr(targetAttribute());
  +        m_savedTo = attr.qstring();
           // Animation mode handling
  @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
               case FROM_TO_ANIMATION:
                   KDOM::DOMString toColorString(m_to);
  -                m_toColor->setRGBColor(toColorString.handle());
  +                m_toColor->setRGBColor(toColorString.impl());
                   KDOM::DOMString fromColorString;
                   if(!m_from.isEmpty()) // from-to animation
  @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
                   else // to animation
                       fromColorString = m_initialColor.name();
  -                m_fromColor->setRGBColor(fromColorString.handle());    
  +                m_fromColor->setRGBColor(fromColorString.impl());    
                   // Calculate color differences, once.
                   QColor qTo = m_toColor->color();
  @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
               case FROM_BY_ANIMATION:
                   KDOM::DOMString byColorString(m_by);
  -                m_toColor->setRGBColor(byColorString.handle());
  +                m_toColor->setRGBColor(byColorString.impl());
                   KDOM::DOMString fromColorString;
  @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
                   else // by animation
                       fromColorString = m_initialColor.name();
  -                m_fromColor->setRGBColor(fromColorString.handle());
  +                m_fromColor->setRGBColor(fromColorString.impl());
                   QColor qBy = m_toColor->color();
                   QColor qFrom = m_fromColor->color();
  @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
                   QColor qTo = clampColor(r, g, b);
                   KDOM::DOMString toColorString(qTo.name());
  -                m_toColor->setRGBColor(toColorString.handle());
  +                m_toColor->setRGBColor(toColorString.impl());
                   m_redDiff = qTo.red() - qFrom.red();
                   m_greenDiff = qTo.green() - qFrom.green();
  @@ -161,10 +161,10 @@
                   KDOM::DOMString toColorString(value2);
  -                m_toColor->setRGBColor(toColorString.handle());
  +                m_toColor->setRGBColor(toColorString.impl());
                   KDOM::DOMString fromColorString(value1);
  -                m_fromColor->setRGBColor(fromColorString.handle());    
  +                m_fromColor->setRGBColor(fromColorString.impl());    
                   QColor qTo = m_toColor->color();
                   QColor qFrom = m_fromColor->color();
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGAnimateElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGAnimateElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:32 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGAnimateElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
       class SVGAnimateElementImpl : public SVGAnimationElementImpl
  -        SVGAnimateElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGAnimateElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGAnimateElementImpl();
           virtual void handleTimerEvent(double timePercentage);
    +18 -26    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:15 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvasItem.h>
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvasMatrix.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
   #include "SVGAngleImpl.h"
   #include "SVGMatrixImpl.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
  @@ -43,8 +42,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
   using namespace std;
  -SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl::SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGAnimationElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl::SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGAnimationElementImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_type = SVG_TRANSFORM_UNKNOWN;
  @@ -79,28 +78,21 @@
   void SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_TYPE:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "translate")
  -                m_type = SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE;
  -            else if(value == "scale")
  -                m_type = SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE;
  -            else if(value == "rotate")
  -                m_type = SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE;
  -            else if(value == "skewX")
  -                m_type = SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX;
  -            else if(value == "skewY")
  -                m_type = SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY;
  -            break;
  -        }                
  -        default:
  -            SVGAnimationElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -    };
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::typeAttr) {
  +        if(value == "translate")
  +            m_type = SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE;
  +        else if(value == "scale")
  +            m_type = SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE;
  +        else if(value == "rotate")
  +            m_type = SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE;
  +        else if(value == "skewX")
  +            m_type = SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX;
  +        else if(value == "skewY")
  +            m_type = SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY;
  +    } else {
  +        SVGAnimationElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   void SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl::handleTimerEvent(double timePercentage)
  @@ -264,13 +256,13 @@
  -                m_toTransform = parseTransformValue(value2.string());
  +                m_toTransform = parseTransformValue(value2.qstring());
                   m_toRotateSpecialCase = m_rotateSpecialCase;
  -                m_fromTransform = parseTransformValue(value1.string());
  +                m_fromTransform = parseTransformValue(value1.qstring());
                   m_fromRotateSpecialCase = m_rotateSpecialCase;
                   m_currentItem = itemByPercentage;
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:32 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
       class SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl : public SVGAnimationElementImpl
  -        SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl();
           virtual void parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr);
    +8 -8      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedLengthListImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGAnimatedLengthListImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedLengthListImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGAnimatedLengthListImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:16 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGAnimatedLengthListImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
       return new SVGLengthListImpl(m_context);
  -void SVGAnimatedLengthListImpl::assign(SVGLengthListImpl *src, SVGLengthListImpl *dst) const
  -    if(!src || !dst)
  -        return;
  -    // Use SVGList<SVGLengthImpl>::operator=
  -    *dst = *src;
  +//void SVGAnimatedLengthListImpl::assign(SVGLengthListImpl *src, SVGLengthListImpl *dst) const
  +//    if(!src || !dst)
  +//        return;
  +//    // Use SVGList<SVGLengthImpl>::operator=
  +//    *dst = *src;
   // vim:ts=4:noet
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedLengthListImpl.h
  Index: SVGAnimatedLengthListImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedLengthListImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.3 -r1.3.2.1
  --- SVGAnimatedLengthListImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:33 -0000	1.3
  +++ SVGAnimatedLengthListImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
           virtual SVGLengthListImpl *create() const;
  -        virtual void assign(SVGLengthListImpl *src, SVGLengthListImpl *dst) const;
  +        //virtual void assign(SVGLengthListImpl *src, SVGLengthListImpl *dst) const;
    +8 -8      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedNumberListImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGAnimatedNumberListImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedNumberListImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGAnimatedNumberListImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:16 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGAnimatedNumberListImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
       return new SVGNumberListImpl(m_context);
  -void SVGAnimatedNumberListImpl::assign(SVGNumberListImpl *src, SVGNumberListImpl *dst) const
  -    if(!src || !dst)
  -        return;
  -    // Use SVGList<SVGNumberImpl>::operator=
  -    *dst = *src;
  +//void SVGAnimatedNumberListImpl::assign(SVGNumberListImpl *src, SVGNumberListImpl *dst) const
  +//    if(!src || !dst)
  +//        return;
  +//    // Use SVGList<SVGNumberImpl>::operator=
  +//    *dst = *src;
   // vim:ts=4:noet
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedNumberListImpl.h
  Index: SVGAnimatedNumberListImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedNumberListImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.3 -r1.3.2.1
  --- SVGAnimatedNumberListImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:34 -0000	1.3
  +++ SVGAnimatedNumberListImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
           virtual SVGNumberListImpl *create() const;
  -        virtual void assign(SVGNumberListImpl *src, SVGNumberListImpl *dst) const;
  +        //virtual void assign(SVGNumberListImpl *src, SVGNumberListImpl *dst) const;
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedStringImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGAnimatedStringImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedStringImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGAnimatedStringImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:16 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGAnimatedStringImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGAnimatedStringImpl::create() const
       // TODO: Do we need notifications on string manipulations? ie. appendData()?
  -    return new KDOM::DOMStringImpl();
  +    return new KDOM::DOMStringImpl("");
   void SVGAnimatedStringImpl::assign(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *src, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *dst) const
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedStringImpl.h
  Index: SVGAnimatedStringImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedStringImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.3 -r1.3.2.1
  --- SVGAnimatedStringImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:34 -0000	1.3
  +++ SVGAnimatedStringImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   #ifndef KSVG_SVGAnimatedStringImpl_H
   #define KSVG_SVGAnimatedStringImpl_H
  -#include "DOMStringImpl.h"
  +#include "kdom/core/DOMStringImpl.h"
   #include "SVGAnimatedTemplate.h"
   namespace KSVG
    +3 -3      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedTemplate.h
  Index: SVGAnimatedTemplate.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedTemplate.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGAnimatedTemplate.h	24 Oct 2005 06:31:52 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGAnimatedTemplate.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
           void setBaseVal(T *baseVal) const
  -            KDOM_SAFE_SET(m_baseVal, baseVal);
  +            KDOM::KDOM_SAFE_SET(m_baseVal, baseVal);
  @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
           void setAnimVal(T *animVal) const
  -            KDOM_SAFE_SET(m_animVal, animVal);
  +            KDOM::KDOM_SAFE_SET(m_animVal, animVal);
               // I think this is superfluous... -- ECS 4/25/05
  @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
           // This methods need to be reimplemented.        
           virtual T *create() const = 0;
  -        virtual void assign(T *src, T *dst) const = 0;
  +        //virtual void assign(T *src, T *dst) const = 0;
           // Attribute notification context
           const SVGStyledElementImpl *m_context;
    +8 -8      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedTransformListImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGAnimatedTransformListImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedTransformListImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGAnimatedTransformListImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:17 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGAnimatedTransformListImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
       return new SVGTransformListImpl(m_context);
  -void SVGAnimatedTransformListImpl::assign(SVGTransformListImpl *src, SVGTransformListImpl *dst) const
  -    if(!src || !dst)
  -        return;
  -    // Use SVGList<SVGTransformImpl>::operator=
  -    *dst = *src;
  +//void SVGAnimatedTransformListImpl::assign(SVGTransformListImpl *src, SVGTransformListImpl *dst) const
  +//    if(!src || !dst)
  +//        return;
  +//    // Use SVGList<SVGTransformImpl>::operator=
  +//    *dst = *src;
   // vim:ts=4:noet
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedTransformListImpl.h
  Index: SVGAnimatedTransformListImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedTransformListImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.3 -r1.3.2.1
  --- SVGAnimatedTransformListImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:34 -0000	1.3
  +++ SVGAnimatedTransformListImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
           virtual SVGTransformListImpl *create() const;
  -        virtual void assign(SVGTransformListImpl *src, SVGTransformListImpl *dst) const;
  +        //virtual void assign(SVGTransformListImpl *src, SVGTransformListImpl *dst) const;
    +207 -255  SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimationElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGAnimationElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimationElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.9
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.9 -r1.9.2.1
  --- SVGAnimationElementImpl.cpp	14 Oct 2005 20:20:54 -0000	1.9
  +++ SVGAnimationElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -25,12 +25,10 @@
   #include <kdom/kdom.h>
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
  -#include <kdom/core/CDFInterface.h>
   #include <kdom/core/DOMImplementationImpl.h>
   #include <kdom/css/CSSStyleDeclarationImpl.h>
   #include <kdom/DOMString.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
   #include "SVGURIReferenceImpl.h"
  @@ -42,8 +40,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
   using namespace std;
  -SVGAnimationElementImpl::SVGAnimationElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl()
  +SVGAnimationElementImpl::SVGAnimationElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl()
       m_connected = false;
  @@ -90,7 +88,7 @@
               KDOM::DOMString targetId = SVGURIReferenceImpl::getTarget(m_href);
  -            KDOM::ElementImpl *element = ownerDocument()->getElementById(targetId.handle());
  +            KDOM::ElementImpl *element = ownerDocument()->getElementById(targetId.impl());
               m_targetElement = svg_dynamic_cast(element);
           else if(parentNode())
  @@ -132,257 +130,210 @@
   void SVGAnimationElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_HREF:
  -        {
  -            m_href = value.string();
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_ATTRIBUTENAME:
  -        {
  -            m_attributeName = value.string();
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_ATTRIBUTETYPE:
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::hrefAttr)
  +            m_href = value.qstring();
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::attributenameAttr)
  +            m_attributeName = value.qstring();
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::attributetypeAttr)
  +    {
  +        if(value == "CSS")
  +            m_attributeType = ATTRIBUTETYPE_CSS;
  +        else if(value == "XML")
  +            m_attributeType = ATTRIBUTETYPE_XML;
  +        else if(value == "auto")
  +            m_attributeType = ATTRIBUTETYPE_AUTO;
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::beginAttr || attr->name() == SVGNames::endAttr)
  +    {
  +        // Create list
  +        SVGStringListImpl *temp = new SVGStringListImpl();
  +        temp->ref();
  +        // Feed data into list
  +        SVGHelper::ParseSeperatedList(temp, value.qstring(), ';');
  +        // Parse data
  +        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < temp->numberOfItems(); i++)
  -            if(value == "CSS")
  -                m_attributeType = ATTRIBUTETYPE_CSS;
  -            else if(value == "XML")
  -                m_attributeType = ATTRIBUTETYPE_XML;
  -            else if(value == "auto")
  -                m_attributeType = ATTRIBUTETYPE_AUTO;
  +            QString current = KDOM::DOMString(temp->getItem(i)).qstring();
  -            break;
  -        }                
  -        case ATTR_BEGIN:
  -        case ATTR_END:
  -        {
  -            // Create list
  -            SVGStringListImpl *temp = new SVGStringListImpl();
  -            temp->ref();
  +            if(current.startsWith(QString::fromLatin1("accessKey")))
  +            {
  +                // Register keyDownEventListener for the character
  +                QString character = current.mid(current.length() - 2, 1);
  -            // Feed data into list
  -            SVGHelper::ParseSeperatedList(temp, value.string(), ';');
  +                kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " Supposed to register accessKey Character: " << character << " UNSUPPORTED!" << endl;
  +            }
  +            else if(current.startsWith(QString::fromLatin1("wallclock")))
  +            {
  +                int firstBrace = current.find('(');
  +                int secondBrace = current.find(')');
  -            // Parse data
  -            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < temp->numberOfItems(); i++)
  +                QString wallclockValue = current.mid(firstBrace + 1, secondBrace - firstBrace - 2);
  +                kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " Supposed to use wallClock value: " << wallclockValue << " UNSUPPORTED!" << endl;
  +            }
  +            else if(current.contains('.'))
  -                QString current = KDOM::DOMString(temp->getItem(i)).string();
  +                int dotPosition = current.find('.');
  -                if(current.startsWith(QString::fromLatin1("accessKey")))
  +                QString element = current.mid(0, dotPosition);
  +                QString clockValue;
  +                if(current.contains(QString::fromLatin1("begin")))
  +                    clockValue = current.mid(dotPosition + 6);
  +                else if(current.contains(QString::fromLatin1("end")))
  +                    clockValue = current.mid(dotPosition + 4);
  +                else if(current.contains(QString::fromLatin1("repeat")))
  +                    clockValue = current.mid(dotPosition + 7);
  +                else // DOM2 Event Reference
  -                    // Register keyDownEventListener for the character
  -                    QString character = current.mid(current.length() - 2, 1);
  +                    int plusMinusPosition = -1;
  -                    kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " Supposed to register accessKey Character: " << character << " UNSUPPORTED!" << endl;
  -                }
  -                else if(current.startsWith(QString::fromLatin1("wallclock")))
  -                {
  -                    int firstBrace = current.find('(');
  -                    int secondBrace = current.find(')');
  +                    if(current.contains('+'))
  +                        plusMinusPosition = current.find('+');
  +                    else if(current.contains('-'))
  +                        plusMinusPosition = current.find('-');
  -                    QString wallclockValue = current.mid(firstBrace + 1, secondBrace - firstBrace - 2);
  -                    kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " Supposed to use wallClock value: " << wallclockValue << " UNSUPPORTED!" << endl;
  +                    QString event = current.mid(dotPosition + 1, plusMinusPosition - dotPosition - 1);
  +                    clockValue = current.mid(dotPosition + event.length() + 1);
  +                    kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " Supposed to use DOM Event: " << event << " UNSUPPORTED!" << endl;
  -                else if(current.contains('.'))
  +            }
  +            else
  +            {
  +                if(attr->name() == SVGNames::beginAttr)
  -                    int dotPosition = current.find('.');
  -                    QString element = current.mid(0, dotPosition);
  -                    QString clockValue;
  -                    if(current.contains(QString::fromLatin1("begin")))
  -                        clockValue = current.mid(dotPosition + 6);
  -                    else if(current.contains(QString::fromLatin1("end")))
  -                        clockValue = current.mid(dotPosition + 4);
  -                    else if(current.contains(QString::fromLatin1("repeat")))
  -                        clockValue = current.mid(dotPosition + 7);
  -                    else // DOM2 Event Reference
  -                    {
  -                        int plusMinusPosition = -1;
  -                        if(current.contains('+'))
  -                            plusMinusPosition = current.find('+');
  -                        else if(current.contains('-'))
  -                            plusMinusPosition = current.find('-');
  +                    m_begin = parseClockValue(current);
  +                    if(!isIndefinite(m_begin))
  +                        m_begin *= 1000.0;
  -                        QString event = current.mid(dotPosition + 1, plusMinusPosition - dotPosition - 1);
  -                        clockValue = current.mid(dotPosition + event.length() + 1);
  -                        kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " Supposed to use DOM Event: " << event << " UNSUPPORTED!" << endl;
  -                    }
  +                    kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " Setting begin time to " << m_begin << " ms!" << endl;
  -                    if(id == ATTR_BEGIN)
  -                    {
  -                        m_begin = parseClockValue(current);
  -                        if(!isIndefinite(m_begin))
  -                            m_begin *= 1000.0;
  -                        kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " Setting begin time to " << m_begin << " ms!" << endl;
  -                    }
  -                    else
  -                    {
  -                        m_end = parseClockValue(current);
  -                        if(!isIndefinite(m_end))
  -                            m_end *= 1000.0;
  +                    m_end = parseClockValue(current);
  +                    if(!isIndefinite(m_end))
  +                        m_end *= 1000.0;
  -                        kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " Setting end time to " << m_end << " ms!" << endl;
  -                    }
  +                    kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " Setting end time to " << m_end << " ms!" << endl;
  -            temp->deref();
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_DUR:
  -        {
  -            m_simpleDuration = parseClockValue(value.string());
  -            if(!isIndefinite(m_simpleDuration))
  -                m_simpleDuration *= 1000.0;
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_MIN:
  -        {
  -            m_min = parseClockValue(value.string());
  -            if(!isIndefinite(m_min))
  -                m_min *= 1000.0;
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_MAX:
  -        {
  -            m_max = parseClockValue(value.string());
  -            if(!isIndefinite(m_max))
  -                m_max *= 1000.0;
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_RESTART:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "whenNotActive")
  -                m_restart = RESTART_WHENNOTACTIVE;
  -            else if(value == "never")
  -                m_restart = RESTART_NEVER;
  -            else if(value == "always")
  -                m_restart = RESTART_ALWAYS;
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_REPEATCOUNT:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "indefinite")
  -                m_repeatCount = DBL_MAX;
  -            else
  -                m_repeatCount = value.string().toDouble();
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_REPEATDUR:
  -        {
  -            m_repeatDur = value.string();
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_FILL:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "freeze")
  -                m_fill = FILL_FREEZE;
  -            else if(value == "remove")
  -                m_fill = FILL_REMOVE;
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_CALCMODE:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "discrete")
  -                m_calcMode = CALCMODE_DISCRETE;
  -            else if(value == "linear")
  -                m_calcMode = CALCMODE_LINEAR;
  -            else if(value == "spline")
  -                m_calcMode = CALCMODE_SPLINE;
  -            else if(value == "paced")
  -                m_calcMode = CALCMODE_PACED;
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_VALUES:
  -        {
  -            if(m_values)
  -                m_values->deref();
  -            m_values = new SVGStringListImpl();
  -            m_values->ref();
  -            SVGHelper::ParseSeperatedList(m_values, value.string(), ';');
  -            break;
  -        case ATTR_KEYTIMES:
  -        {
  -            if(m_keyTimes)
  -                m_keyTimes->deref();
  -            m_keyTimes = new SVGStringListImpl();
  -            m_keyTimes->ref();
  -            SVGHelper::ParseSeperatedList(m_keyTimes, value.string(), ';');
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_KEYSPLINES:
  -        {
  -            if(m_keySplines)
  -                m_keySplines->deref();
  -            m_keySplines = new SVGStringListImpl();
  -            m_keySplines->ref();
  -            SVGHelper::ParseSeperatedList(m_keySplines, value.string(), ';');
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_FROM:
  -        {
  -            m_from = value.string();
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_TO:
  -        {
  -            m_to = value.string();
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_BY:
  -        {
  -            m_by = value.string();
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_ADDITIVE:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "sum")
  -                m_additive = ADDITIVE_SUM;
  -            else if(value == "replace")
  -                m_additive = ADDITIVE_REPLACE;
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_ACCUMULATE:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "sum")
  -                m_accumulate = ACCUMULATE_SUM;
  -            else if(value == "none")
  -                m_accumulate = ACCUMULATE_NONE;
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        temp->deref();
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::durAttr)
  +    {
  +        m_simpleDuration = parseClockValue(value.qstring());
  +        if(!isIndefinite(m_simpleDuration))
  +            m_simpleDuration *= 1000.0;
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::minAttr)
  +    {
  +        m_min = parseClockValue(value.qstring());
  +        if(!isIndefinite(m_min))
  +            m_min *= 1000.0;
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::maxAttr)
  +    {
  +        m_max = parseClockValue(value.qstring());
  +        if(!isIndefinite(m_max))
  +            m_max *= 1000.0;
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::restartAttr)
  +    {
  +        if(value == "whenNotActive")
  +            m_restart = RESTART_WHENNOTACTIVE;
  +        else if(value == "never")
  +            m_restart = RESTART_NEVER;
  +        else if(value == "always")
  +            m_restart = RESTART_ALWAYS;
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::repeatcountAttr)
  +    {
  +        if(value == "indefinite")
  +            m_repeatCount = DBL_MAX;
  +        else
  +            m_repeatCount = value.qstring().toDouble();
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::repeatdurAttr)
  +        m_repeatDur = value.qstring();
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::fillAttr)
  +    {
  +        if(value == "freeze")
  +            m_fill = FILL_FREEZE;
  +        else if(value == "remove")
  +            m_fill = FILL_REMOVE;
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::calcmodeAttr)
  +    {
  +        if(value == "discrete")
  +            m_calcMode = CALCMODE_DISCRETE;
  +        else if(value == "linear")
  +            m_calcMode = CALCMODE_LINEAR;
  +        else if(value == "spline")
  +            m_calcMode = CALCMODE_SPLINE;
  +        else if(value == "paced")
  +            m_calcMode = CALCMODE_PACED;
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::valuesAttr)
  +    {
  +        if(m_values)
  +            m_values->deref();
  +        m_values = new SVGStringListImpl();
  +        m_values->ref();
  +        SVGHelper::ParseSeperatedList(m_values, value.qstring(), ';');
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::keytimesAttr)
  +    {
  +        if(m_keyTimes)
  +            m_keyTimes->deref();
  +        m_keyTimes = new SVGStringListImpl();
  +        m_keyTimes->ref();
  +        SVGHelper::ParseSeperatedList(m_keyTimes, value.qstring(), ';');
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::keysplinesAttr)
  +    {
  +        if(m_keySplines)
  +            m_keySplines->deref();
  +        m_keySplines = new SVGStringListImpl();
  +        m_keySplines->ref();
  +        SVGHelper::ParseSeperatedList(m_keySplines, value.qstring(), ';');
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::fromAttr)
  +        m_from = value.qstring();
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::toAttr)
  +        m_to = value.qstring();
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::byAttr)
  +        m_by = value.qstring();
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::additiveAttr)
  +    {
  +        if(value == "sum")
  +            m_additive = ADDITIVE_SUM;
  +        else if(value == "replace")
  +            m_additive = ADDITIVE_REPLACE;
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::accumulateAttr)
  +    {
  +        if(value == "sum")
  +            m_accumulate = ACCUMULATE_SUM;
  +        else if(value == "none")
  +            m_accumulate = ACCUMULATE_NONE;
  +    }
  +    else
  +    {
  +        if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        SVGElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   double SVGAnimationElementImpl::parseClockValue(const QString &data) const
  @@ -483,7 +434,7 @@
       return result;
  -void SVGAnimationElementImpl::close()
  +void SVGAnimationElementImpl::closeRenderer()
       kdDebug() << " --> ADDING " << KDOM::DOMString(localName()) << " animation (startTime = " << getStartTime() << " ms) to scheduler!" << endl;
       SVGDocumentImpl *document = static_cast<SVGDocumentImpl *>(ownerDocument());
  @@ -493,18 +444,17 @@
       document->timeScheduler()->addTimer(this, qRound(getStartTime()));
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGAnimationElementImpl::targetAttribute() const
  +KDOM::DOMString SVGAnimationElementImpl::targetAttribute() const
  -        return 0;
  +        return KDOM::DOMString();
       SVGElementImpl *target = targetElement();
       SVGStyledElementImpl *styled = NULL;
       if (target && target->isStyled())
           styled = static_cast<SVGStyledElementImpl *>(target);
  -    KDOM::CDFInterface *interface = (styled ? styled->ownerDocument()->implementation()->cdfInterface() : 0);
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *ret = 0;
  +    KDOM::DOMString ret;
       EAttributeType attributeType = m_attributeType;
       if(attributeType == ATTRIBUTETYPE_AUTO)
  @@ -515,9 +465,9 @@
           // for the target element. The implementation must first search through the
           // list of CSS properties for a matching property name, and if none is found,
           // search the default XML namespace for the element.
  -        if(styled && styled->style() && interface)
  +        if(styled && styled->style())
  -            int id = interface->getPropertyID(m_attributeName.ascii(), m_attributeName.length());
  +            int id = KDOM::getPropertyID(m_attributeName.ascii(), m_attributeName.length());
                   attributeType = ATTRIBUTETYPE_CSS;
  @@ -525,33 +475,33 @@
       if(attributeType == ATTRIBUTETYPE_CSS)
  -        if(styled && styled->style() && interface)
  +        if(styled && styled->style())
  -            int id = interface->getPropertyID(m_attributeName.ascii(), m_attributeName.length());
  +            int id = KDOM::getPropertyID(m_attributeName.ascii(), m_attributeName.length());
               ret = styled->style()->getPropertyValue(id);
  -    if(attributeType == ATTRIBUTETYPE_XML || (!ret || (ret && ret->isEmpty())))
  -        ret = targetElement()->getAttribute(KDOM::DOMString(m_attributeName).handle());
  +    if(attributeType == ATTRIBUTETYPE_XML || ret.isEmpty())
  +        ret = targetElement()->getAttribute(KDOM::DOMString(m_attributeName).impl());
       return ret;
   void SVGAnimationElementImpl::setTargetAttribute(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value)
  -    SVGAnimationElementImpl::setTargetAttribute(targetElement(), KDOM::DOMString(m_attributeName).handle(), value, m_attributeType);
  +    SVGAnimationElementImpl::setTargetAttribute(targetElement(), KDOM::DOMString(m_attributeName).impl(), value, m_attributeType);
  -void SVGAnimationElementImpl::setTargetAttribute(SVGElementImpl *target, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *name, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value, EAttributeType type)
  +void SVGAnimationElementImpl::setTargetAttribute(SVGElementImpl *target, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *nameImpl, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value, EAttributeType type)
  -    if(!target || !name || !value)
  +    if(!target || !nameImpl || !value)
  +    KDOM::DOMString name(nameImpl);
       SVGStyledElementImpl *styled = NULL;
       if (target && target->isStyled())
           styled = static_cast<SVGStyledElementImpl *>(target);
  -    KDOM::CDFInterface *interface = (styled ? styled->ownerDocument()->implementation()->cdfInterface() : 0);
       EAttributeType attributeType = type;
       if(type == ATTRIBUTETYPE_AUTO)
  @@ -564,19 +514,21 @@
           // search the default XML namespace for the element.
           if(styled && styled->style())
  -            int id = interface->getPropertyID(name->string().ascii(), name->string().length());
  +            QString attrName = name.qstring();
  +            int id = KDOM::getPropertyID(attrName.ascii(), attrName.length());
                   attributeType = ATTRIBUTETYPE_CSS;
  +    int exceptioncode;
       if(attributeType == ATTRIBUTETYPE_CSS && styled && styled->style())
  -        int id = interface->getPropertyID(name->string().ascii(), name->string().length());
  -        styled->style()->setProperty(id, value);
  +        QString attrName = name.qstring();
  +        int id = KDOM::getPropertyID(attrName.ascii(), attrName.length());
  +        styled->style()->setProperty(id, value, exceptioncode);
       else if(attributeType == ATTRIBUTETYPE_XML)
  -        target->setAttribute(name, value);
  +        target->setAttribute(nameImpl, value, exceptioncode);
   QString SVGAnimationElementImpl::attributeName() const
    +3 -3      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimationElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGAnimationElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimationElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGAnimationElementImpl.h	8 Sep 2005 08:03:34 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGAnimationElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
                                       public SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl
  -        SVGAnimationElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGAnimationElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGAnimationElementImpl();
           // 'SVGAnimationElement' functions
  @@ -99,14 +99,14 @@
           virtual void parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr);
           virtual bool implementsCanvasItem() const { return false; }
  -        virtual void close();
  +        virtual void closeRenderer();
           // Helpers
           virtual void handleTimerEvent(double timePercentage) = 0;
           double parseClockValue(const QString &data) const;
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *targetAttribute() const;
  +        KDOM::DOMString targetAttribute() const;
           void setTargetAttribute(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value);
           static void setTargetAttribute(SVGElementImpl *target,
    +18 -31    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGCircleElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGCircleElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGCircleElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGCircleElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:17 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGCircleElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   #include "config.h"
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGCircleElementImpl.h"
   #include "SVGAnimatedLengthImpl.h"
  @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGCircleElementImpl::SVGCircleElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
  +SVGCircleElementImpl::SVGCircleElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
       m_cx = m_cy = m_r = 0;
  @@ -66,35 +66,22 @@
   void SVGCircleElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = attr->value();
  -    switch(id)
  +    const KDOM::AtomicString& value = attr->value();
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::cxAttr)
  +        cx()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::cyAttr)
  +        cy()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::rAttr)
  +        r()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else
  -        case ATTR_CX:
  -        {
  -            cx()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_CY:
  -        {
  -            cy()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_R:
  -        {
  -            r()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   KCPathDataList SVGCircleElementImpl::toPathData() const
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGCircleElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGCircleElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGCircleElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGCircleElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:35 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGCircleElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
                                    public SVGTransformableImpl
  -        SVGCircleElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGCircleElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGCircleElementImpl();
           // 'SVGCircleElement' functions
    +20 -25    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGClipPathElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGClipPathElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGClipPathElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGClipPathElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:17 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGClipPathElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
  @@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGClipPathElementImpl::SVGClipPathElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
  +SVGClipPathElementImpl::SVGClipPathElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
       m_clipPathUnits = 0;
       m_clipper = 0;
  @@ -64,31 +64,26 @@
   void SVGClipPathElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::clippathunitsAttr)
  -        case ATTR_CLIPPATHUNITS:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "userSpaceOnUse")
  -                clipPathUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE);
  -            else if(value == "objectBoundingBox")
  -                clipPathUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        if(value == "userSpaceOnUse")
  +            clipPathUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE);
  +        else if(value == "objectBoundingBox")
  +            clipPathUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX);
  +    }
  +   else
  +    {
  +        if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
  -void SVGClipPathElementImpl::close()
  +void SVGClipPathElementImpl::closeRenderer()
  @@ -98,7 +93,7 @@
           m_clipper = static_cast<KCanvasClipper *>(canvas->renderingDevice()->createResource(RS_CLIPPER));
  -        canvas->registry()->addResourceById(KDOM::DOMString(getId()).string(), m_clipper);
  +        canvas->registry()->addResourceById(getIDAttribute().qstring(), m_clipper);
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGClipPathElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGClipPathElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGClipPathElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGClipPathElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:35 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGClipPathElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:20 -0000
  @@ -41,11 +41,11 @@
                                      public SVGTransformableImpl
  -        SVGClipPathElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id,  KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGClipPathElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGClipPathElementImpl();
           // Derived from: 'ElementImpl'
  -        virtual void close();
  +        virtual void closeRenderer();
           // 'SVGClipPathElement' functions
           SVGAnimatedEnumerationImpl *clipPathUnits() const;
    +6 -7      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGColorImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGColorImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGColorImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGColorImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:18 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGColorImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
   #include "ksvg.h"
   #include <ksvg2/css/cssvalues.h>
   #include "SVGColorImpl.h"
  -#include "CDFInterface.h"
   #include "SVGDOMImplementationImpl.h"
   using namespace KSVG;
  @@ -62,7 +61,7 @@
   KDOM::RGBColorImpl *SVGColorImpl::rgbColor() const
  -    return new KDOM::RGBColorImpl(SVGDOMImplementationImpl::self()->cdfInterface(), m_qColor);
  +    return new KDOM::RGBColorImpl(m_qColor);
   static const QColor cmap[] =
  @@ -223,7 +222,7 @@
  -    QString parse = KDOM::DOMString(m_rgbColor).string().stripWhiteSpace();
  +    QString parse = KDOM::DOMString(m_rgbColor).qstring().stripWhiteSpace();
           QStringList colors = QStringList::split(',', parse);
  @@ -253,8 +252,8 @@
  -        QString name(m_rgbColor->unicode(), m_rgbColor->length());
  -        name = name.lower();
  +        KDOM::DOMString colorName = m_rgbColor->lower();
  +        QString name = colorName.qstring();
           int col = KSVG::getValueID(name.ascii(), name.length());
           if(col == 0)
               m_qColor = QColor(name);
  @@ -274,12 +273,12 @@
       m_colorType = colorType;
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGColorImpl::cssText() const
  +KDOM::DOMString SVGColorImpl::cssText() const
       if(m_colorType == SVG_COLORTYPE_RGBCOLOR)
           return m_rgbColor;
  -    return 0;
  +    return KDOM::DOMString();
   const QColor &SVGColorImpl::color() const
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGColorImpl.h
  Index: SVGColorImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGColorImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGColorImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 09:39:14 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGColorImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
           void setRGBColorICCColor(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *rgbColor, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *iccColor);
           void setColor(unsigned short colorType, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *rgbColor, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *iccColor);
  -        virtual KDOM::DOMStringImpl *cssText() const;
  +        virtual KDOM::DOMString cssText() const;
           // Helpers
           const QColor &color() const;
    +29 -54    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:18 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
   #include "SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl.h"
  @@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl::SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : 
  -SVGElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl::SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : 
  +SVGElementImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_type = 0;
       m_tableValues = 0;
  @@ -111,59 +111,34 @@
   void SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::typeAttr)
  -        case ATTR_TYPE:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "identity")
  -                type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER_TYPE_IDENTITY);
  -            else if(value == "table")
  -                type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER_TYPE_TABLE);
  -            else if(value == "discrete")
  -                type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER_TYPE_DISCRETE);
  -            else if(value == "linear")
  -                type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER_TYPE_LINEAR);
  -            else if(value == "gamma")
  -                type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER_TYPE_GAMMA);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_VALUES:
  -        {
  -            tableValues()->baseVal()->parse(value.string());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_SLOPE:
  -        {
  -            slope()->setBaseVal(value.string().toDouble());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_INTERCEPT:
  -        {
  -            intercept()->setBaseVal(value.string().toDouble());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_AMPLITUDE:
  -        {
  -            amplitude()->setBaseVal(value.string().toDouble());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_EXPONENT:
  -        {
  -            exponent()->setBaseVal(value.string().toDouble());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_OFFSET:
  -        {
  -            offset()->setBaseVal(value.string().toDouble());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            SVGElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        if(value == "identity")
  +            type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER_TYPE_IDENTITY);
  +        else if(value == "table")
  +            type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER_TYPE_TABLE);
  +        else if(value == "discrete")
  +            type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER_TYPE_DISCRETE);
  +        else if(value == "linear")
  +            type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER_TYPE_LINEAR);
  +        else if(value == "gamma")
  +            type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER_TYPE_GAMMA);
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::valuesAttr)
  +        tableValues()->baseVal()->parse(value.qstring());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::slopeAttr)
  +        slope()->setBaseVal(value.qstring().toDouble());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::interceptAttr)
  +        intercept()->setBaseVal(value.qstring().toDouble());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::amplitudeAttr)
  +        amplitude()->setBaseVal(value.qstring().toDouble());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::exponentAttr)
  +        exponent()->setBaseVal(value.qstring().toDouble());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::offsetAttr)
  +        offset()->setBaseVal(value.qstring().toDouble());
  +    else
  +        SVGElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
   // vim:ts=4:noet
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:36 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
       class SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl : public SVGElementImpl
  -        SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl();
           // 'SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement' functions
    +19 -32    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGCursorElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGCursorElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGCursorElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.2.2.1
  --- SVGCursorElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:18 -0000	1.2
  +++ SVGCursorElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
   #include <kdebug.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "Namespace.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
  @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
   using namespace khtmlImLoad;
  -SVGCursorElementImpl::SVGCursorElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGURIReferenceImpl(), KDOM::CachedObjectClient()
  +SVGCursorElementImpl::SVGCursorElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGURIReferenceImpl(), KDOM::CachedObjectClient()
       m_x = m_y = 0;
       m_cachedImage = 0;
  @@ -68,39 +68,26 @@
   void SVGCursorElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = attr->value();
  -    switch(id)
  +     const KDOM::AtomicString& value = attr->value();
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::xAttr)
  +        x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::yAttr)
  +        y()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else
  -        case ATTR_X:
  +        if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr))
  -            x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_Y:
  -        {
  -            y()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr))
  -            {
  -                QString fname = KDOM::DOMString(href()->baseVal()).string();
  -                KURL fullUrl(ownerDocument()->documentKURI(), fname);
  -                //kdDebug() << "Loading : " << fullUrl << endl;
  -                m_cachedImage = ownerDocument()->docLoader()->requestImage(fullUrl);
  -                if(m_cachedImage)
  -                    m_cachedImage->ref(this);
  -                return;
  -            }
  +            m_cachedImage = ownerDocument()->docLoader()->requestImage(href()->baseVal());
  -            SVGElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +            if(m_cachedImage)
  +                m_cachedImage->ref(this);
  +            return;
  -    };
  +        SVGElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   void SVGCursorElementImpl::notifyFinished(KDOM::CachedObject *finishedObj)
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGCursorElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGCursorElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGCursorElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1
  --- SVGCursorElementImpl.h	8 Sep 2005 08:03:34 -0000	1.1
  +++ SVGCursorElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
                                    public KDOM::CachedObjectClient
  -        SVGCursorElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id,  KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGCursorElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGCursorElementImpl();
           // 'SVGCursorElement' functions
    +26 -72    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGDOMImplementationImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGDOMImplementationImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGDOMImplementationImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGDOMImplementationImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:18 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGDOMImplementationImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -34,8 +34,6 @@
   #include <kdom/css/MediaListImpl.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "ksvgevents.h"
  -#include "CDFInterface.h"
   #include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
   #include "SVGSVGElementImpl.h"
  @@ -57,7 +55,6 @@
       // clean up static data
  -    SVGCSSStyleSelector::clear();
  @@ -117,17 +114,17 @@
   bool SVGDOMImplementationImpl::hasFeature(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *featureImpl, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *versionImpl) const
  -    QString feature = (featureImpl ? KDOM::DOMString(featureImpl).upper().string() : QString::null);
  -    QString version = (versionImpl ? versionImpl->string() : QString::null);
  +    QString feature = (featureImpl ? KDOM::DOMString(featureImpl).upper().qstring() : QString::null);
  +    KDOM::DOMString version(versionImpl);
  -    if((version.isEmpty() || version == QString::fromLatin1("1.1")) &&
  +    if((version.isEmpty() || version == "1.1") &&
           if(s_features.contains(feature.right(feature.length() - 35)))
               return true;
  -    if((version.isEmpty() || version == QString::fromLatin1("1.0")) &&
  +    if((version.isEmpty() || version == "1.0") &&
           if(s_features.contains(feature.right(feature.length() - 8)))
  @@ -137,45 +134,48 @@
       return KDOM::DOMImplementationImpl::hasFeature(featureImpl, versionImpl);
  -KDOM::DocumentTypeImpl *SVGDOMImplementationImpl::createDocumentType(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *qualifiedName, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *publicId, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *systemId) const
  +KDOM::DocumentTypeImpl *SVGDOMImplementationImpl::createDocumentType(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *qualifiedNameImpl, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *publicId, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *systemId, int& exceptioncode) const
  +    KDOM::DOMString qualifiedName(qualifiedNameImpl);
       // INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the specified qualified name contains an illegal character.
  -    if((!qualifiedName || qualifiedName->isEmpty()) || !KDOM::Helper::ValidateAttributeName(qualifiedName))
  -        throw new KDOM::DOMExceptionImpl(KDOM::INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR);
  +    if(!qualifiedName.isEmpty() && !KDOM::Helper::ValidateAttributeName(qualifiedNameImpl)) {
  +        exceptioncode = KDOM::INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR;
  +        return 0;
  +    }
       // NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if no qualifiedName supplied (not mentioned in the spec!)
  -    if(!qualifiedName || qualifiedName->isEmpty())
  -        throw new KDOM::DOMExceptionImpl(KDOM::NAMESPACE_ERR);
  +    if(qualifiedName.isEmpty()) {
  +        exceptioncode = KDOM::NAMESPACE_ERR;
  +        return 0;
  +    }
       // NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the qualifiedName is malformed.
  -    KDOM::Helper::CheckMalformedQualifiedName(qualifiedName);
  +    KDOM::Helper::CheckMalformedQualifiedName(qualifiedNameImpl);
       return new KDOM::DocumentTypeImpl(new KDOM::DocumentPtr(), qualifiedName, publicId, systemId);
  -KDOM::DocumentImpl *SVGDOMImplementationImpl::createDocument(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *namespaceURI, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *qualifiedNameImpl, KDOM::DocumentTypeImpl *doctype) const
  +KDOM::DocumentImpl *SVGDOMImplementationImpl::createDocument(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *namespaceURI, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *qualifiedNameImpl, KDOM::DocumentTypeImpl *doctype, int& exceptioncode) const
  -    return createDocument(namespaceURI, qualifiedNameImpl, doctype, true, 0);
  +    return createDocument(namespaceURI, qualifiedNameImpl, doctype, true, 0, exceptioncode);
  -KDOM::DocumentImpl *SVGDOMImplementationImpl::createDocument(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *namespaceURIImpl, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *qualifiedNameImpl, KDOM::DocumentTypeImpl *doctype, bool createDocElement, KDOM::KDOMView *view) const
  +KDOM::DocumentImpl *SVGDOMImplementationImpl::createDocument(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *namespaceURIImpl, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *qualifiedNameImpl, KDOM::DocumentTypeImpl *doctype, bool createDocElement, KDOM::KDOMView *view, int& exceptioncode) const
  -    if(namespaceURIImpl)
  -        namespaceURIImpl->ref();
  -    if(qualifiedNameImpl)
  -        qualifiedNameImpl->ref();
       KDOM::DOMString namespaceURI(namespaceURIImpl);
       KDOM::DOMString qualifiedName(qualifiedNameImpl);
       if((namespaceURI != KDOM::NS_SVG) || (qualifiedName != "svg" && qualifiedName != "svg:svg"))
  -        return KDOM::DOMImplementationImpl::createDocument(namespaceURIImpl, qualifiedNameImpl, doctype, createDocElement, view);
  +        return KDOM::DOMImplementationImpl::createDocument(namespaceURIImpl, qualifiedNameImpl, doctype, createDocElement, view, exceptioncode);
       int dummy;
       KDOM::Helper::CheckQualifiedName(qualifiedNameImpl, namespaceURIImpl, dummy, true /*nameCanBeNull*/, true /*nameCanBeEmpty, see #61650*/);
       // WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if docType has already been used with a different
       //                     document or was created from a different implementation.
  -    if(doctype != 0 && doctype->ownerDocument() != 0)
  -            throw new KDOM::DOMExceptionImpl(KDOM::WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR);
  +    if(doctype != 0 && doctype->ownerDocument() != 0) {
  +        exceptioncode = KDOM::WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR;
  +        return 0;
  +    }
       SVGDocumentImpl *doc = new SVGDocumentImpl(const_cast<SVGDOMImplementationImpl *>(this), view);
  @@ -186,15 +186,10 @@
       // Add root element...
  -        KDOM::ElementImpl *svg = doc->createElementNS(namespaceURIImpl, qualifiedNameImpl);
  -        doc->appendChild(svg);
  +        KDOM::ElementImpl *svg = doc->createElementNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, exceptioncode);
  +        doc->appendChild(svg, exceptioncode);
  -    if(namespaceURIImpl)
  -        namespaceURIImpl->deref();
  -    if(qualifiedNameImpl)
  -        qualifiedNameImpl->deref();
       return doc;
  @@ -203,7 +198,7 @@
       // TODO : check whether media is valid
       SVGCSSStyleSheetImpl *parent = 0;
       SVGCSSStyleSheetImpl *sheet = new SVGCSSStyleSheetImpl(parent, 0);
  -    sheet->setTitle(title);
  +    //sheet->setTitle(title);
       sheet->setMedia(new KDOM::MediaListImpl(sheet, media));
       return sheet;
  @@ -217,42 +212,6 @@
  -int SVGDOMImplementationImpl::typeToId(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *typeImpl)
  -    if(!typeImpl)
  -        return -1;
  -    QString type = typeImpl->string();
  -    if(type == QString::fromLatin1("load")) return KDOM::LOAD_EVENT;
  -    else if(type == QString::fromLatin1("unload")) return KDOM::UNLOAD_EVENT;
  -    else if(type == QString::fromLatin1("abort")) return KDOM::ABORT_EVENT;
  -    else if(type == QString::fromLatin1("error")) return KDOM::ERROR_EVENT;
  -    else if(type == QString::fromLatin1("resize")) return KDOM::RESIZE_EVENT;
  -    else if(type == QString::fromLatin1("scroll")) return KDOM::SCROLL_EVENT;
  -    else if(type == QString::fromLatin1("zoom")) return ZOOM_EVENT;
  -    return KDOM::DOMImplementationImpl::typeToId(typeImpl);
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGDOMImplementationImpl::idToType(int eventId)
  -    QString ret;
  -    switch(eventId)
  -    {
  -        case KDOM::LOAD_EVENT: ret = QString::fromLatin1("load"); break;
  -        case KDOM::UNLOAD_EVENT: ret = QString::fromLatin1("unload"); break;
  -        case KDOM::ABORT_EVENT: ret = QString::fromLatin1("abort"); break;
  -        case KDOM::ERROR_EVENT: ret = QString::fromLatin1("error"); break;
  -        case KDOM::RESIZE_EVENT: ret = QString::fromLatin1("resize"); break;
  -        case KDOM::SCROLL_EVENT: ret = QString::fromLatin1("scroll"); break;
  -        case ZOOM_EVENT: ret = QString::fromLatin1("zoom"); break;
  -        default: return KDOM::DOMImplementationImpl::idToType(eventId);
  -    }
  -    return new KDOM::DOMStringImpl(ret);
   bool SVGDOMImplementationImpl::inAnimationContext() const
       return m_animationContext;
  @@ -263,9 +222,4 @@
       m_animationContext = value;
  -KDOM::CDFInterface *SVGDOMImplementationImpl::createCDFInterface() const
  -    return new KSVG::CDFInterface();
   // vim:ts=4:noet
    +3 -10     SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGDOMImplementationImpl.h
  Index: SVGDOMImplementationImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGDOMImplementationImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGDOMImplementationImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 09:39:15 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGDOMImplementationImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -46,24 +46,17 @@
           // 'SVGDOMImplementationImpl' functions
           bool hasFeature(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *feature, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *version) const;
  -        KDOM::DocumentTypeImpl *createDocumentType(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *qualifiedName, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *publicId, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *systemId) const;
  -        KDOM::DocumentImpl *createDocument(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *namespaceURI, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *qualifiedName, KDOM::DocumentTypeImpl *doctype) const;
  -        KDOM::DocumentImpl *createDocument(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *namespaceURI, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *qualifiedName, KDOM::DocumentTypeImpl *doctype, bool createDocElement, KDOM::KDOMView *view) const;
  +        KDOM::DocumentTypeImpl *createDocumentType(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *qualifiedName, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *publicId, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *systemId, int& exceptioncode) const;
  +        KDOM::DocumentImpl *createDocument(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *namespaceURI, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *qualifiedName, KDOM::DocumentTypeImpl *doctype, int& exceptioncode) const;
  +        KDOM::DocumentImpl *createDocument(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *namespaceURI, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *qualifiedName, KDOM::DocumentTypeImpl *doctype, bool createDocElement, KDOM::KDOMView *view, int& exceptioncode) const;
           virtual KDOM::CSSStyleSheetImpl *createCSSStyleSheet(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *title, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *media) const;
  -        // Internal
  -        virtual int typeToId(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *type);
  -        virtual KDOM::DOMStringImpl *idToType(int eventId);
           virtual KDOM::DocumentTypeImpl *defaultDocumentType() const;
           bool inAnimationContext() const;
           void setAnimationContext(bool value);
  -    protected:
  -        virtual KDOM::CDFInterface *createCDFInterface() const;
           bool m_animationContext : 1;
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGDefsElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGDefsElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGDefsElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGDefsElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:18 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGDefsElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGDefsElementImpl::SVGDefsElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
  +SVGDefsElementImpl::SVGDefsElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGDefsElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGDefsElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGDefsElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGDefsElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:36 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGDefsElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
                                  public SVGTransformableImpl
  -        SVGDefsElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGDefsElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGDefsElementImpl();
           // Derived from: 'SVGStyledElementImpl'
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGDescElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGDescElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGDescElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGDescElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:18 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGDescElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGDescElementImpl::SVGDescElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGLangSpaceImpl()
  +SVGDescElementImpl::SVGDescElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGLangSpaceImpl()
  @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGDescElementImpl::description() const
  -    return new KDOM::DOMStringImpl(KDOM::DOMString(textContent()).string().simplifyWhiteSpace());
  +    return new KDOM::DOMStringImpl(KDOM::DOMString(textContent()).qstring().simplifyWhiteSpace());
   // vim:ts=4:noet
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGDescElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGDescElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGDescElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGDescElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:36 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGDescElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
                                  public SVGLangSpaceImpl
  -        SVGDescElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGDescElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGDescElementImpl();
           KDOM::DOMStringImpl *description() const;
   +81 -621   SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGDocumentImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGDocumentImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGDocumentImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.11
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.11 -r1.11.2.1
  --- SVGDocumentImpl.cpp	8 Oct 2005 09:18:15 -0000	1.11
  +++ SVGDocumentImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
   #include "ksvg.h"
   //#include "Ecma.h"
   #include <ksvg2/KSVGView.h>
  -#include "SVGEventImpl.h"
   #include "SVGElementImpl.h"
   #include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
  @@ -59,71 +58,17 @@
   #include "SVGCSSStyleSheetImpl.h"
   #include "SVGAnimatedStringImpl.h"
   #include "SVGDOMImplementationImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGAElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGGElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGUseElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGSVGElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGSetElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGDescElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGRectElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGDefsElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGStopElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGPathElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGLineElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGViewElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGTextElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGTSpanElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGImageElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGTitleElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGCursorElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGFilterElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGFEImageElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGFEBlendElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGFEFloodElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGFEOffsetElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGFEMergeElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGFEFuncRElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGFEFuncGElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGFEFuncBElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGFEFuncAElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGStyleElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGSwitchElementImpl.h"
   #include "SVGScriptElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGCircleElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGSymbolElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGMarkerElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGEllipseElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGAnimateElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGPolygonElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGPatternElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGPolylineElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGClipPathElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGAnimateColorElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGFECompositeElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGLinearGradientElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGRadialGradientElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl.h"
  -#include "svgtags.c"
  -#include "svgtags.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.c"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGElementFactory.h"
  +#include "SVGStyleElementImpl.h"
  +#include "SVGTitleElementImpl.h"
   using namespace KSVG;
  +using namespace khtml;
  -SVGDocumentImpl::SVGDocumentImpl(SVGDOMImplementationImpl *i, KDOM::KDOMView *view) : KDOM::DocumentImpl(i, view, ID_LAST_SVGTAG + 1, ATTR_LAST_SVGATTR + 1), KDOM::CachedObjectClient()
  +SVGDocumentImpl::SVGDocumentImpl(SVGDOMImplementationImpl *i, KDOM::KDOMView *view) : KDOM::DocumentImpl(i, view), KDOM::CachedObjectClient()
       setPaintDevice(svgView()); // Assign our KSVGView as document paint device
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *svgNamespace = KDOM::NS_SVG.handle();
  -    svgNamespace->ref();
  -    m_namespaceMap->names.insert(0, svgNamespace);
  -    m_namespaceMap->count++;
       m_canvasView = 0;
       m_lastTarget = 0;
  @@ -137,15 +82,12 @@
       // Fire UNLOAD_EVENT upon destruction...
  -    if(KDOM::DocumentImpl::hasListenerType(KDOM::UNLOAD_EVENT))
  +    //if(KDOM::DocumentImpl::hasListenerType(KDOM::UNLOAD_EVENT))
  -        SVGEventImpl *event = static_cast<SVGEventImpl *>(createEvent(KDOM::DOMString("SVGEvents").handle()));
  -        event->ref();
  -        event->initEvent(KDOM::DOMString("unload").handle(), false, false);
  -        dispatchRecursiveEvent(event, lastChild());
  -        event->deref();
  +        int exceptioncode;
  +        SharedPtr<KDOM::EventImpl> event = createEvent("SVGEvents", exceptioncode);
  +        event->initEvent(KDOM::EventNames::unloadEvent, false, false);
  +        dispatchRecursiveEvent(event.get(), lastChild());
       delete m_scriptsIt;
  @@ -153,347 +95,24 @@
       delete m_cachedScript;
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGDocumentImpl::title() const
  +KDOM::DOMString SVGDocumentImpl::title() const
           for(NodeImpl *child = rootElement()->firstChild(); child != 0; child = child->nextSibling())
  -            if(child->id() == ID_TITLE)
  +            if(child->hasTagName(SVGNames::titleTag))
                   return static_cast<SVGTitleElementImpl *>(child)->title();
  -    return 0;
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGDocumentImpl::referrer() const
  -    // TODO
  -    return 0;
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGDocumentImpl::domain() const
  -    // TODO
  -    return 0;
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGDocumentImpl::URL() const
  -    return new KDOM::DOMStringImpl(m_url.prettyURL());
  +    return KDOM::DOMString();
  -SVGElementImpl *SVGDocumentImpl::createSVGElement(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *localName)
  +KDOM::ElementImpl *SVGDocumentImpl::createElement(const KDOM::DOMString& tagName, int& exceptionCode)
  -    SVGElementImpl *element = 0;
  -    QString local = (localName ? localName->string() : QString::null);
  -    KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id = implementation()->cdfInterface()->getTagID(local.ascii(), local.length());
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ID_SVG:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGSVGElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_STYLE:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGStyleElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_SCRIPT:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGScriptElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_RECT:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGRectElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_CIRCLE:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGCircleElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_ELLIPSE:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGEllipseElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_POLYLINE:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGPolylineElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_POLYGON:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGPolygonElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_G:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGGElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_SWITCH:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGSwitchElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_DEFS:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGDefsElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_STOP:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGStopElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_PATH:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGPathElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_IMAGE:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGImageElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_CLIPPATH:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGClipPathElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_A:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGAElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_LINE:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGLineElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_LINEARGRADIENT:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGLinearGradientElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_RADIALGRADIENT:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGRadialGradientElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_TITLE:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGTitleElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_DESC:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGDescElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_SYMBOL:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGSymbolElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_USE:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGUseElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_PATTERN:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGPatternElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_ANIMATECOLOR:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGAnimateColorElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_ANIMATETRANSFORM:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_SET:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGSetElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_ANIMATE:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGAnimateElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_MARKER:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGMarkerElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_VIEW:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGViewElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_FILTER:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGFilterElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_FEGAUSSIANBLUR:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_FEFLOOD:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGFEFloodElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_FEBLEND:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGFEBlendElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_FEOFFSET:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGFEOffsetElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_FECOMPOSITE:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGFECompositeElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_FECOLORMATRIX:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_FEIMAGE:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGFEImageElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_FEMERGE:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGFEMergeElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_FEMERGENODE:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_FEFUNCR:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGFEFuncRElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_FEFUNCG:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGFEFuncGElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_FEFUNCB:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGFEFuncRElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_FEFUNCA:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGFEFuncAElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_FETURBULENCE:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_TEXT:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGTextElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_TSPAN:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGTSpanElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ID_CURSOR:
  -        {
  -            element = new SVGCursorElementImpl(docPtr(), id, prefix);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -            element = 0;
  -    };
  -    return element;
  -KDOM::ElementImpl *SVGDocumentImpl::createElement(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *tagName)
  -    if(tagName)
  -        tagName->ref();
  -    SVGElementImpl *elem = createSVGElement(0, tagName);
  +    KDOM::QualifiedName qname(KDOM::nullAtom, tagName.impl(), SVGNames::svgNamespaceURI);
  +    SVGElementImpl *elem = SVGElementFactory::createSVGElement(qname, this, false);
  -        return KDOM::DocumentImpl::createElement(tagName);
  -    if(tagName)
  -        tagName->deref();
  -    return elem;
  -KDOM::ElementImpl *SVGDocumentImpl::createElementNS(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *namespaceURIImpl, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *qualifiedName)
  -    KDOM::ElementImpl *elem = NULL;
  -    if(namespaceURIImpl)
  -        namespaceURIImpl->ref();
  -    if(qualifiedName)
  -        qualifiedName->ref();
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix = 0, *localName = 0;
  -    KDOM::Helper::SplitPrefixLocalName(qualifiedName, prefix, localName);
  -    if(prefix)
  -        prefix->ref();
  -    if(localName)
  -        localName->ref();
  -    KDOM::DOMString namespaceURI(namespaceURIImpl);
  -    if(!((!prefix || prefix->length() == 0) || KDOM::DOMString(prefix) == "svg") &&
  -        (namespaceURI == KDOM::NS_SVG || namespaceURI.isEmpty()))
  -        elem = KDOM::DocumentImpl::createElementNS(namespaceURIImpl, qualifiedName);
  -    else {
  -        int dummy;
  -        KDOM::Helper::CheckQualifiedName(qualifiedName, namespaceURIImpl, dummy, false, false);
  -        elem = createSVGElement(prefix, localName);
  -        if(!elem)
  -            elem = KDOM::DocumentImpl::createElementNS(namespaceURIImpl, qualifiedName);
  -    }
  -    if(prefix)
  -        prefix->deref();
  -    if(localName)
  -        localName->deref();
  -    if(namespaceURIImpl)
  -        namespaceURIImpl->deref();
  -    if(qualifiedName)
  -        qualifiedName->deref();
  +        return KDOM::DocumentImpl::createElement(tagName, exceptionCode);
       return elem;
  @@ -501,23 +120,12 @@
   SVGSVGElementImpl *SVGDocumentImpl::rootElement() const
       KDOM::ElementImpl *elem = documentElement();
  -    if(elem && elem->id() == ID_SVG)
  +    if(elem && elem->hasTagName(SVGNames::svgTag))
           return static_cast<SVGSVGElementImpl *>(elem);
       return 0;
  -KDOM::EventImpl *SVGDocumentImpl::createEvent(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *eventTypeImpl)
  -    QString eventType = (eventTypeImpl ? eventTypeImpl->string() : QString::null);
  -    if(eventType == QString::fromLatin1("SVGEvents"))
  -        return new SVGEventImpl();
  -    else if(eventType == QString::fromLatin1("SVGZoomEvents"))
  -        return new SVGZoomEventImpl();
  -    return DocumentEventImpl::createEvent(eventTypeImpl);
   void SVGDocumentImpl::notifyFinished(KDOM::CachedObject *finishedObj)
       // This is called when a script has finished loading that was requested from
  @@ -530,7 +138,7 @@
           m_cachedScript = 0;
  -        SVGScriptElementImpl::executeScript(this, KDOM::DOMString(scriptSource.string()).handle());
  +        SVGScriptElementImpl::executeScript(this, KDOM::DOMString(scriptSource.qstring()).impl());
  @@ -566,173 +174,54 @@
       // Iterate the tree, backwards, and dispatch the event to every child
       for(KDOM::NodeImpl *n = obj; n != 0; n = n->previousSibling())
  +        int exceptioncode;
               // Dispatch to all children
               dispatchRecursiveEvent(event, n->lastChild());
               // Dispatch, locally
  -            n->dispatchEvent(event);
  +            n->dispatchEvent(event, exceptioncode);
  -            n->dispatchEvent(event);
  +            n->dispatchEvent(event, exceptioncode);
   void SVGDocumentImpl::dispatchZoomEvent(float prevScale, float newScale)
       // dispatch zoom event
  -    SVGZoomEventImpl *event = static_cast<SVGZoomEventImpl *>(createEvent(KDOM::DOMString("SVGZoomEvents").handle()));
  -    event->ref();
  -    event->initEvent(KDOM::DOMString("zoom").handle(), true, false);
  +    int exceptioncode;
  +    SharedPtr<SVGZoomEventImpl> event = static_cast<SVGZoomEventImpl *>(createEvent("SVGZoomEvents", exceptioncode));
  +    event->initEvent(KDOM::EventNames::zoomEvent, true, false);
  -    rootElement()->dispatchEvent(event);
  -    event->deref();
  +    rootElement()->dispatchEvent(event.get(), exceptioncode);
   void SVGDocumentImpl::dispatchScrollEvent()
       // dispatch zoom event
  -    SVGEventImpl *event = static_cast<SVGEventImpl *>(createEvent(KDOM::DOMString("SVGEvents").handle()));
  -    event->ref();
  -    event->initEvent(KDOM::DOMString("scroll").handle(), true, false);
  -    rootElement()->dispatchEvent(event);
  -    event->deref();
  +    int exceptioncode;
  +    SharedPtr<KDOM::EventImpl> event = createEvent("SVGEvents", exceptioncode);
  +    event->initEvent(KDOM::EventNames::scrollEvent, true, false);
  +    rootElement()->dispatchEvent(event.get(), exceptioncode);
   bool SVGDocumentImpl::dispatchKeyEvent(KDOM::EventTargetImpl *target, QKeyEvent *key, bool keypress)
       // dispatch key event
  -    KDOM::KeyboardEventImpl *keyEventImpl = static_cast<KDOM::KeyboardEventImpl *>(createEvent(KDOM::DOMString("KeyboardEvents").handle()));
  -    keyEventImpl->ref();
  +    int exceptioncode;
  +    SharedPtr<KDOM::KeyboardEventImpl> keyEventImpl = static_cast<KDOM::KeyboardEventImpl *>(createEvent("KeyboardEvents", exceptioncode));
  -    target->dispatchEvent(keyEventImpl);
  +    target->dispatchEvent(keyEventImpl.get(), exceptioncode);
  -    bool r = /*keyEventImpl->defaultHandled() ||*/ keyEventImpl->defaultPrevented();
  -    keyEventImpl->deref();
  -    return r;
  +    return /*keyEventImpl->defaultHandled() ||*/ keyEventImpl->defaultPrevented();
   KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGDocumentImpl::defaultNS() const
  -    return KDOM::NS_SVG.handle();
  -void SVGDocumentImpl::recalcStyleSelector()
  -    if(!attached())
  -        return;
  -    assert(m_pendingStylesheets == 0);
  -    QString sheetUsed; // Empty sheet
  -    Q3PtrList<KDOM::StyleSheetImpl> oldStyleSheets = m_styleSheets->styleSheets;
  -    m_styleSheets->styleSheets.clear();
  -    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
  -    {
  -        m_availableSheets.clear();
  -        m_availableSheets << i18n("Basic Page Style");
  -        for(KDOM::NodeImpl *n = this; n != 0; n = n->traverseNextNode())
  -        {
  -            KDOM::StyleSheetImpl *sheet = 0;
  -            if(n->nodeType() == KDOM::PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE)
  -            {
  -                // Processing instruction (XML documents only)
  -                KDOM::ProcessingInstructionImpl *pi = static_cast<KDOM::ProcessingInstructionImpl *>(n);
  -                sheet = pi->sheet();
  -                if(!sheet && pi->localHref() && !pi->localHref()->isEmpty())
  -                {
  -                    // Processing instruction with reference to an element in this document
  -                    // - e.g. <?xml-stylesheet href="#mystyle">, with the element
  -                    // <foo id="mystyle">heading { color: red; }</foo> at some location in the document
  -                    KDOM::ElementImpl *elem = getElementById(pi->localHref());
  -                    if(elem)
  -                    {
  -                        KDOM::DOMString sheetText("");
  -                        for(KDOM::NodeImpl *c = elem->firstChild(); c != 0; c = c->nextSibling())
  -                        {
  -                            if(c->nodeType() == KDOM::TEXT_NODE ||
  -                               c->nodeType() == KDOM::CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
  -                            {
  -                                sheetText += KDOM::DOMString(c->nodeValue());
  -                            }
  -                        }
  -                        KDOM::CSSStyleSheetImpl *cssSheet = createCSSStyleSheet(this, 0);
  -                        cssSheet->parseString(sheetText.handle());
  -                        pi->setStyleSheet(cssSheet);
  -                        sheet = cssSheet;
  -                    }
  -                }
  -            }
  -            else
  -            {
  -                QString title;
  -                if(n && n->id() == ID_STYLE)
  -                {
  -                    // <STYLE> element
  -                    SVGStyleElementImpl *s = static_cast<SVGStyleElementImpl*>(n);
  -                    if(!s->isLoading())
  -                    {
  -                        sheet = s->sheet();
  -                        if(sheet)
  -                            title = KDOM::DOMString(s->getAttribute(ATTR_TITLE)).string();
  -                    }
  -                }
  -                if(!title.isEmpty() && sheetUsed.isEmpty())
  -                    sheetUsed = title;
  -                if(!title.isEmpty())
  -                {
  -                    if(title != sheetUsed)
  -                        sheet = 0; // don't use it
  -                    title = title.replace('&', QString::fromLatin1("&&"));
  -                    if(!m_availableSheets.contains(title))
  -                        m_availableSheets.append(title);
  -                }
  -            }
  -            if(sheet)
  -            {
  -                sheet->ref();
  -                m_styleSheets->styleSheets.append(sheet);
  -            }
  -        }
  -        // we're done if we don't select an alternative sheet or we found the sheet we selected
  -        if(sheetUsed.isEmpty() || m_availableSheets.contains(sheetUsed))
  -            break;
  -    }
  -    // De-reference all the stylesheets in the old list
  -    Q3PtrListIterator<KDOM::StyleSheetImpl> it(oldStyleSheets);
  -    for(;it.current(); ++it)
  -        it.current()->deref();
  -    QString userSheet = m_userSheet;
  -    if(m_view && m_view->mediaType() == QString::fromLatin1("print"))
  -        userSheet += m_printSheet;
  -    // Create a new style selector
  -    delete m_styleSelector;
  -    m_styleSelector = createStyleSelector(userSheet);
  +    return KDOM::NS_SVG.impl();
   KDOM::CSSStyleSelector *SVGDocumentImpl::createStyleSelector(const QString &usersheet)
  @@ -745,25 +234,14 @@
       return m_canvasView ? m_canvasView->canvas() : 0;
  -void SVGDocumentImpl::attach()
  -    if(!canvasView())
  -        return;
  -    assert(!m_styleSelector);
  -    m_styleSelector = createStyleSelector(m_userSheet);
  -    NodeBaseImpl::attach();
   void SVGDocumentImpl::addScripts(KDOM::NodeImpl *n)
  -    // Recursively go through the entire document tree, looking for html <script> tags.
  +    // Recursively go through the entire document tree, looking for svg <script> tags.
       // For each of these that is found, add it to the m_scripts list from which they will be executed
  -    if(n->localId() == ID_SCRIPT)
  +    if (n->hasTagName(SVGNames::scriptTag))
           m_scripts.append(static_cast<SVGScriptElementImpl *>(n));
       NodeImpl *child;
  @@ -780,13 +258,12 @@
       while((script = m_scriptsIt->current()))
           KDOM::DOMString hrefAttr(script->href()->baseVal());
  -        QString charset; // TODO m_scriptsIt->current()->getAttribute(ATTR_CHARSET).string();
  +        QString charset; // TODO m_scriptsIt->current()->getAttribute(SVGNames::charsetAttr).qstring();
               // we have a src attribute
  -            KURL fullUrl(documentKURI(), hrefAttr.string());
  -            m_cachedScript = docLoader()->requestScript(fullUrl, charset);
  +            m_cachedScript = docLoader()->requestScript(hrefAttr, charset);
               m_cachedScript->ref(this); // will call executeScripts() again if already cached
  @@ -794,7 +271,7 @@
               // no src attribute - execute from contents of tag
  -            SVGScriptElementImpl::executeScript(this, script->textContent());
  +            SVGScriptElementImpl::executeScript(this, script->textContent().impl());
               needsStyleSelectorUpdate = true;
  @@ -802,15 +279,12 @@
       // Fire LOAD_EVENT after all scripts are evaluated
  -    if(KDOM::DocumentImpl::hasListenerType(KDOM::LOAD_EVENT) && !m_scriptsIt->current())
  +    if(!m_scriptsIt->current())
  -        SVGEventImpl *event = static_cast<SVGEventImpl *>(createEvent(KDOM::DOMString("SVGEvents").handle()));
  -        event->ref();
  -        event->initEvent(KDOM::DOMString("load").handle(), false, false);
  -        dispatchRecursiveEvent(event, lastChild());
  -        event->deref();
  +        int exceptioncode;
  +        SharedPtr<KDOM::EventImpl> event = createEvent("SVGEvents", exceptioncode);
  +        event->initEvent(KDOM::EventNames::loadEvent, false, false);
  +        dispatchRecursiveEvent(event.get(), lastChild());
       // All scripts have finished executing, so calculate the
  @@ -822,8 +296,8 @@
       Q3PtrListIterator<SVGElementImpl> it(m_forwardReferences);
       for(;it.current(); ++it)
  -        if(!it.current()->closed())
  -            it.current()->close();
  +        if(!it.current()->isClosed())
  +            it.current()->closeRenderer();
  @@ -869,15 +343,15 @@
       KCanvasItemList::ConstIterator end = hits.end();
       // Check for mouseout/focusout events first..
  -    if(event->id() == KDOM::MOUSEMOVE_EVENT && hits.isEmpty())
  +    if(event->type() == KDOM::EventNames::mousemoveEvent && hits.isEmpty())
           if(m_lastTarget && m_lastTarget != current)
  -            if(m_lastTarget->hasListenerType(KDOM::DOMFOCUSOUT_EVENT))
  -                dispatchUIEvent(m_lastTarget, KDOM::DOMString("DOMFocusOut").handle());
  +            //if(m_lastTarget->hasListenerType(KDOM::DOMFOCUSOUT_EVENT))
  +                dispatchUIEvent(m_lastTarget, KDOM::DOMString("DOMFocusOut").impl());
  -            if(m_lastTarget->hasListenerType(KDOM::MOUSEOUT_EVENT))
  -                dispatchMouseEvent(m_lastTarget, KDOM::DOMString("mouseout").handle());
  +            //if(m_lastTarget->hasListenerType(KDOM::MOUSEOUT_EVENT))
  +                dispatchMouseEvent(m_lastTarget, KDOM::DOMString("mouseout").impl());
               m_lastTarget = 0;
  @@ -894,7 +368,7 @@
                   return false;
               bool isStroked = (style->strokePaint() != 0);
  -            bool isVisible = (style->visibility() == KDOM::VS_VISIBLE);
  +            bool isVisible = (style->visibility() == KDOM::VISIBLE);
               KCanvasItem *canvasItem = current->canvasItem();
  @@ -945,48 +419,48 @@
                   if((testFill && canvasItem->fillContains(coordinate)) ||
                      (testStroke && canvasItem->strokeContains(coordinate)))
  -                    if(event->id() == KDOM::MOUSEUP_EVENT)
  +                    if(event->type() == KDOM::EventNames::mouseupEvent)
  -                        if(current->hasListenerType(KDOM::CLICK_EVENT))
  -                            dispatchMouseEvent(current, KDOM::DOMString("click").handle());
  +                        //if(current->hasListenerType(KDOM::CLICK_EVENT))
  +                            dispatchMouseEvent(current, "click");
  -                        if(current->hasListenerType(KDOM::DOMACTIVATE_EVENT))
  -                            dispatchUIEvent(current, KDOM::DOMString("DOMActivate").handle());
  +                        //if(current->hasListenerType(KDOM::DOMACTIVATE_EVENT))
  +                            dispatchUIEvent(current, "DOMActivate");
  -                        if(current->hasListenerType(KDOM::DOMFOCUSIN_EVENT))
  -                            dispatchUIEvent(current, KDOM::DOMString("DOMFocusIn").handle());    
  +                        //if(current->hasListenerType(KDOM::DOMFOCUSIN_EVENT))
  +                            dispatchUIEvent(current, "DOMFocusIn");    
  -                    else if(event->id() == KDOM::MOUSEMOVE_EVENT)
  +                    else if(event->type() == KDOM::EventNames::mousemoveEvent)
                           if(m_lastTarget && m_lastTarget != current)
  -                            if(m_lastTarget->hasListenerType(KDOM::DOMFOCUSOUT_EVENT))
  -                                dispatchUIEvent(m_lastTarget, KDOM::DOMString("DOMFocusOut").handle());
  +                            //if(m_lastTarget->hasListenerType(KDOM::DOMFOCUSOUT_EVENT))
  +                                dispatchUIEvent(m_lastTarget, "DOMFocusOut");
  -                            if(m_lastTarget->hasListenerType(KDOM::MOUSEOUT_EVENT))
  -                                dispatchMouseEvent(m_lastTarget, KDOM::DOMString("mouseout").handle());
  +                            //if(m_lastTarget->hasListenerType(KDOM::MOUSEOUT_EVENT))
  +                                dispatchMouseEvent(m_lastTarget, "mouseout");
                               m_lastTarget = 0;
  -                        if(current->hasListenerType(KDOM::MOUSEOVER_EVENT))
  -                        {
  -                            if(m_lastTarget != current)
  -                                dispatchMouseEvent(current, KDOM::DOMString("mouseover").handle());
  -                        }
  +                        //if(current->hasListenerType(KDOM::MOUSEOVER_EVENT))
  +                            //if(m_lastTarget != current)
  +                                dispatchMouseEvent(current, "mouseover");
                       m_lastTarget = current;
  -                    event->setRelatedTarget(current);
  +                    // FIXME: HACKED OUT.
  +                    //event->setRelatedTarget(current);
                       // TODO : investigate hasListenerType
                       // in some cases default actions need
                       // to take place when there are no
                       // listeners, so dispatchEvent has to be
                       // called, that is the problem here...
  -                    //if(current->hasListenerType(event->id()))
  -                        current->dispatchEvent(event);
  +                    int exceptioncode;
  +                    //if(current->hasListenerType(event->getIDAttribute()))
  +                        current->dispatchEvent(event, exceptioncode);
                       return true;
  @@ -1002,36 +476,22 @@
       return m_timeScheduler;
  -void SVGDocumentImpl::dispatchUIEvent(KDOM::EventTargetImpl *target, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *type)
  +void SVGDocumentImpl::dispatchUIEvent(KDOM::EventTargetImpl *target, const KDOM::AtomicString &type)
       // Setup kdom 'UIEvent'...
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *eventType = new KDOM::DOMStringImpl("UIEvents");
  -    eventType->ref();
  -    KDOM::UIEventImpl *event = static_cast<KDOM::UIEventImpl *>(createEvent(eventType));
  -    event->ref();
  +    int exceptioncode;
  +    SharedPtr<KDOM::UIEventImpl> event = static_cast<KDOM::UIEventImpl *>(createEvent("UIEvents", exceptioncode));
       event->initUIEvent(type, true, true, 0, 0);
  -    target->dispatchEvent(event);
  -    event->deref();
  -    eventType->deref();
  +    target->dispatchEvent(event.get(), exceptioncode);
  -void SVGDocumentImpl::dispatchMouseEvent(KDOM::EventTargetImpl *target, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *type)
  +void SVGDocumentImpl::dispatchMouseEvent(KDOM::EventTargetImpl *target, const KDOM::AtomicString &type)
       // Setup kdom 'MouseEvent'...
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *eventType = new KDOM::DOMStringImpl("MouseEvents");
  -    eventType->ref();
  -    KDOM::MouseEventImpl *event = static_cast<KDOM::MouseEventImpl *>(createEvent(eventType));
  -    event->ref();
  +    int exceptioncode;
  +    SharedPtr<KDOM::MouseEventImpl> event = static_cast<KDOM::MouseEventImpl *>(createEvent("MouseEvents", exceptioncode));
       event->initEvent(type, true, true);
  -    target->dispatchEvent(event);
  -    event->deref();
  -    eventType->deref();
  +    target->dispatchEvent(event.get(), exceptioncode);
   void SVGDocumentImpl::addForwardReference(const SVGElementImpl *element)
    +10 -16    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGDocumentImpl.h
  Index: SVGDocumentImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGDocumentImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.8 -r1.8.2.1
  --- SVGDocumentImpl.h	8 Oct 2005 09:18:15 -0000	1.8
  +++ SVGDocumentImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -34,6 +34,10 @@
   class KCanvas;
   class KCanvasView;
  +class KHTMLView;
   namespace KSVG
       class KSVGView;
  @@ -49,19 +53,11 @@
           SVGDocumentImpl(SVGDOMImplementationImpl *i, KDOM::KDOMView *view);
           virtual ~SVGDocumentImpl();
  -        // 'SVGDocumentImpl' functions
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *title() const;
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *referrer() const;
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *domain() const;
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *URL() const;
           SVGSVGElementImpl *rootElement() const;
  -        virtual KDOM::ElementImpl *createElement(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *tagName);
  -        virtual KDOM::ElementImpl *createElementNS(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *namespaceURI, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *qualifiedName);
  -        // 'DocumentEvent' functions
  -        virtual KDOM::EventImpl *createEvent(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *eventType);
  +        KDOM::DOMString title() const;
  +        virtual KDOM::ElementImpl *createElement(const KDOM::DOMString& tagName, int& exceptionCode);
           // Derived from: 'CachedObjectClient'
           virtual void notifyFinished(KDOM::CachedObject *finishedObj);
  @@ -103,10 +99,8 @@
           virtual KDOM::CSSStyleSelector *createStyleSelector(const QString &);
  -        void dispatchUIEvent(KDOM::EventTargetImpl *target, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *type);
  -        void dispatchMouseEvent(KDOM::EventTargetImpl *target, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *type);
  -        SVGElementImpl *createSVGElement(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *localName);
  +        void dispatchUIEvent(KDOM::EventTargetImpl *target, const KDOM::AtomicString &type);
  +        void dispatchMouseEvent(KDOM::EventTargetImpl *target, const KDOM::AtomicString &type);
           KCanvasView *m_canvasView;
           KDOM::EventTargetImpl *m_lastTarget;
    +30 -85    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:19 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -30,17 +30,16 @@
   #include <kdom/events/EventListenerImpl.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   //#include "SVGException.h"
   #include "SVGElementImpl.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
   #include "SVGSVGElementImpl.h"
   #include "SVGDOMImplementationImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGCSSStyleDeclarationImpl.h"
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGElementImpl::SVGElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : KDOM::XMLElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGElementImpl::SVGElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : KDOM::XMLElementImpl(tagName, doc), m_closed(false)
  @@ -50,31 +49,10 @@
   bool SVGElementImpl::isSupported(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *feature, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *version) const
  -    if(SVGDOMImplementationImpl::self()->hasFeature(feature, version))
  +    if(SVGDOMImplementationImpl::instance()->hasFeature(feature, version))
           return true;
  -    return KDOM::DOMImplementationImpl::self()->hasFeature(feature, version);
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGElementImpl::getId() const
  -    KDOM::DOMString id("id");
  -    return tryGetAttribute(id.handle());
  -void SVGElementImpl::setGetId(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *)
  -    throw new KDOM::DOMExceptionImpl(KDOM::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR);
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGElementImpl::xmlbase() const
  -    return tryGetAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("xml:base").handle());
  -void SVGElementImpl::setXmlbase(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *)
  -    throw new KDOM::DOMExceptionImpl(KDOM::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR);
  +    return KDOM::DOMImplementationImpl::instance()->hasFeature(feature, version);
   SVGSVGElementImpl *SVGElementImpl::ownerSVGElement() const
  @@ -82,7 +60,7 @@
       NodeImpl *n = parentNode();
  -        if(n->nodeType() == KDOM::ELEMENT_NODE && n->id() == ID_SVG)
  +        if(n->nodeType() == KDOM::ELEMENT_NODE && n->hasTagName(SVGNames::svgTag))
               return static_cast<SVGSVGElementImpl *>(n);
           n = n->parentNode();
  @@ -97,7 +75,7 @@
           if(n->nodeType() == KDOM::ELEMENT_NODE &&
  -            (n->id() == ID_SVG || n->id() == ID_IMAGE || n->id() == ID_SYMBOL))
  +            (n->hasTagName(SVGNames::svgTag) || n->hasTagName(SVGNames::imageTag) || n->hasTagName(SVGNames::symbolTag)))
               return static_cast<SVGElementImpl *>(n);
           n = n->parentNode();
  @@ -106,20 +84,20 @@
       return 0;
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGElementImpl::tryGetAttribute(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *name, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *defaultVal) const
  +const KDOM::AtomicString& SVGElementImpl::tryGetAttribute(const KDOM::DOMString& name, const KDOM::AtomicString& defaultVal) const
           return getAttribute(name);
  -    return defaultVal->copy();
  +    return defaultVal;
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGElementImpl::tryGetAttributeNS(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *namespaceURI, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *localName, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *defaultVal) const
  +const KDOM::AtomicString&  SVGElementImpl::tryGetAttributeNS(const KDOM::DOMString& namespaceURI, const KDOM::DOMString& localName, const KDOM::AtomicString& defaultVal) const
       if(hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName))
           return getAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName);
  -    return defaultVal->copy();
  +    return defaultVal;
   void SVGElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  @@ -128,58 +106,33 @@
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_ONLOAD:
  -        {
  +//    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::onloadAttr)
   //            addSVGEventListener(doc->ecmaEngine(), KDOM::DOMString("load"), value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_ONUNLOAD:
  -        {
  +//    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::onunloadAttr)
   //            addSVGEventListener(doc->ecmaEngine(), KDOM::DOMString("unload"), value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_ONABORT:
  -        {
  +//    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::onabortAttr)
   //            addSVGEventListener(doc->ecmaEngine(), KDOM::DOMString("abort"), value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_ONERROR:
  -        {
  +//    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::onerrorAttr)
   //            addSVGEventListener(doc->ecmaEngine(), KDOM::DOMString("error"), value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_ONRESIZE:
  -        {
  +//    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::onresizeAttr)
   //            addSVGEventListener(doc->ecmaEngine(), KDOM::DOMString("resize"), value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_ONSCROLL:
  -        {
  +//    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::onscrollAttr)
   //            addSVGEventListener(doc->ecmaEngine(), KDOM::DOMString("scroll"), value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_ONZOOM:
  -        {
  +//    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::onzoomAttr)
   //            addSVGEventListener(doc->ecmaEngine(), KDOM::DOMString("zoom"), value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_ID:
  -        {
  -            KDOM::DOMString svg(KDOM::NS_SVG);
  -            KDOM::DOMString id("id");
  -            KDOM::AttrImpl *attr = getAttributeNodeNS(svg.handle(), id.handle());
  -            if(attr)
  -                attr->setIsId(true);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -            KDOM::ElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -    };
  +//    else
  +    // We don't yet know how to support setIsId/isId
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::idAttr)
  +    {
  +        // FIXME: This seems bogus.  id should be in the null or xml namespace, right? -- ecs 10/31/05
  +        KDOM::AttrImpl *attr = getAttributeNodeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG, "id");
  +        if(attr)
  +            attr->setIsId(true);
  +    }
  +    else
  +        KDOM::ElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
   #if 0
   void SVGElementImpl::addSVGEventListener(KDOM::Ecma *ecmaEngine, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *type, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value)
  @@ -195,14 +148,6 @@
  -void SVGElementImpl::createStyleDeclaration() const
  -    m_styleDeclarations = new SVGCSSStyleDeclarationImpl(ownerDocument()->implementation()->cdfInterface(), 0);
  -    m_styleDeclarations->ref();
  -    m_styleDeclarations->setNode(const_cast<SVGElementImpl *>(this));
  -    m_styleDeclarations->setParent(ownerDocument()->elementSheet());
   SVGDocumentImpl *SVGElementImpl::getDocument() const
    +10 -12    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGElementImpl.h	28 Sep 2005 05:06:07 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   #ifndef KSVG_SVGElementImpl_H
   #define KSVG_SVGElementImpl_H
  -#include <ksvg2/svg/svgtags.h>
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include <kdom/core/XMLElementImpl.h>
   namespace KDOM
  @@ -42,32 +42,24 @@
       class SVGElementImpl : public KDOM::XMLElementImpl
  -        SVGElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGElementImpl();
           virtual bool isSVGElement() { return true; }
           virtual bool isSupported(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *feature, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *version) const;
  -        // 'SVGElement' functions
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *getId() const;
  -        void setGetId(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *);
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *xmlbase() const;
  -        void setXmlbase(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *);
           SVGSVGElementImpl *ownerSVGElement() const;
           SVGElementImpl *viewportElement() const;
           // Helper methods that returns the attr value if attr is set, otherwise the default value.
           // It throws NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if the element is read-only.
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *tryGetAttribute(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *name, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *defaultVal = 0) const;
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *tryGetAttributeNS(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *namespaceURI, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *localName, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *defaultVal = 0) const;
  +        const KDOM::AtomicString& tryGetAttribute(const KDOM::DOMString& name, const KDOM::AtomicString& defaultValue = KDOM::AtomicString()) const;
  +        const KDOM::AtomicString& tryGetAttributeNS(const KDOM::DOMString& namespaceURI, const KDOM::DOMString& localName, const KDOM::AtomicString& defaultValue = KDOM::AtomicString()) const;
           // Internal
           virtual void parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr);
  -        virtual void createStyleDeclaration() const;
           // To be implemented by any element which can establish new viewports...
           virtual QString adjustViewportClipping() const { return QString::null; }
  @@ -75,8 +67,14 @@
           virtual bool isStyled() const { return false; }
           virtual bool isSVG() const { return false; }
  +        virtual void closeRenderer() { m_closed = true; }
  +        // helper:
  +        bool isClosed() { return m_closed; }
  +        bool m_closed;
   #if 0
           void addSVGEventListener(KDOM::Ecma *ecmaEngine, const KDOM::DOMString &type, const KDOM::DOMString &value);
    +23 -37    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGEllipseElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGEllipseElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGEllipseElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGEllipseElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:19 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGEllipseElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:21 -0000
  @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   #include "config.h"
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGEllipseElementImpl.h"
   #include "SVGAnimatedLengthImpl.h"
  @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvas.h>
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvasCreator.h>
  -using namespace KSVG;
  +namespace KSVG {
  -SVGEllipseElementImpl::SVGEllipseElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
  +SVGEllipseElementImpl::SVGEllipseElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
       m_cx = m_cy = m_rx = m_ry = 0;
  @@ -73,40 +73,24 @@
   void SVGEllipseElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = attr->value();
  -    switch(id)
  +    const KDOM::AtomicString& value = attr->value();
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::cxAttr)
  +        cx()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::cyAttr)
  +        cy()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::rxAttr)
  +        rx()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::ryAttr)
  +        ry()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else
  -        case ATTR_CX:
  -        {
  -            cx()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_CY:
  -        {
  -            cy()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_RX:
  -        {
  -            rx()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_RY:
  -        {
  -            ry()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   KCPathDataList SVGEllipseElementImpl::toPathData() const
  @@ -131,4 +115,6 @@
       return restore;
   // vim:ts=4:noet
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGEllipseElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGEllipseElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGEllipseElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGEllipseElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:37 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGEllipseElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
                                     public SVGTransformableImpl
  -        SVGEllipseElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGEllipseElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGEllipseElementImpl();
           // 'SVGEllipseElement' functions
    +2 -4      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:20 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   #include "config.h"
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGElementImpl.h"
   #include "SVGAnimatedBooleanImpl.h"
  @@ -49,10 +49,8 @@
   bool SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    {
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::externalresourcesrequiredAttr) {
           externalResourcesRequired()->setBaseVal(value == "true");
           return true;
    +22 -36    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEBlendElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFEBlendElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEBlendElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGFEBlendElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:20 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGFEBlendElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
   #include "SVGFEBlendElementImpl.h"
  @@ -41,8 +40,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFEBlendElementImpl::SVGFEBlendElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : 
  -SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGFEBlendElementImpl::SVGFEBlendElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : 
  +SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_in1 = m_in2 = 0;
       m_mode = 0;
  @@ -79,47 +78,34 @@
   void SVGFEBlendElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::modeAttr)
  -        case ATTR_MODE:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "normal")
  -                mode()->setBaseVal(SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_NORMAL);
  -            else if(value == "multiply")
  -                mode()->setBaseVal(SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY);
  -            else if(value == "screen")
  -                mode()->setBaseVal(SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_SCREEN);
  -            else if(value == "darken")
  -                mode()->setBaseVal(SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_DARKEN);
  -            else if(value == "lighten")
  -                mode()->setBaseVal(SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_IN:
  -        {
  -            in1()->setBaseVal(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_IN2:
  -        {
  -            in2()->setBaseVal(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        if(value == "normal")
  +            mode()->setBaseVal(SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_NORMAL);
  +        else if(value == "multiply")
  +            mode()->setBaseVal(SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY);
  +        else if(value == "screen")
  +            mode()->setBaseVal(SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_SCREEN);
  +        else if(value == "darken")
  +            mode()->setBaseVal(SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_DARKEN);
  +        else if(value == "lighten")
  +            mode()->setBaseVal(SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN);
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::inAttr)
  +        in1()->setBaseVal(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::in2Attr)
  +        in2()->setBaseVal(value.impl());
  +    else
  +        SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
   KCanvasItem *SVGFEBlendElementImpl::createCanvasItem(KCanvas *canvas, KRenderingStyle *style) const
       m_filterEffect = static_cast<KCanvasFEBlend *>(canvas->renderingDevice()->createFilterEffect(FE_BLEND));
  -    m_filterEffect->setIn(KDOM::DOMString(in1()->baseVal()).string());
  -    m_filterEffect->setIn2(KDOM::DOMString(in2()->baseVal()).string());
  +    m_filterEffect->setIn(KDOM::DOMString(in1()->baseVal()).qstring());
  +    m_filterEffect->setIn2(KDOM::DOMString(in2()->baseVal()).qstring());
       return 0;
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEBlendElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFEBlendElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEBlendElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGFEBlendElementImpl.h	4 Sep 2005 09:10:54 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGFEBlendElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
       class SVGFEBlendElementImpl : public SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl
  -        SVGFEBlendElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFEBlendElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFEBlendElementImpl();
           // 'SVGFEBlendElement' functions
    +20 -33    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:20 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerGradient.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
   #include "SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl.h"
  @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl::SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : 
  -SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl::SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : 
  +SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_in1 = 0;
       m_type = 0;
  @@ -83,43 +83,30 @@
   void SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::typeAttr)
  -        case ATTR_TYPE:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "matrix")
  -                type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_MATRIX);
  -            else if(value == "saturate")
  -                type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_SATURATE);
  -            else if(value == "hueRotate")
  -                type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_HUEROTATE);
  -            else if(value == "luminanceToAlpha")
  -                type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_LUMINANCETOALPHA);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_IN:
  -        {
  -            in1()->setBaseVal(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_VALUES:
  -        {
  -            values()->baseVal()->parse(value.string(), this);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        if(value == "matrix")
  +            type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_MATRIX);
  +        else if(value == "saturate")
  +            type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_SATURATE);
  +        else if(value == "hueRotate")
  +            type()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_HUEROTATE);
  +        else if(value == "luminanceToAlpha")
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::inAttr)
  +        in1()->setBaseVal(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::valuesAttr)
  +        values()->baseVal()->parse(value.qstring(), this);
  +    else
  +        SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
   KCanvasItem *SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl::createCanvasItem(KCanvas *canvas, KRenderingStyle *) const
       m_filterEffect = static_cast<KCanvasFEColorMatrix *>(canvas->renderingDevice()->createFilterEffect(FE_COLOR_MATRIX));
  -    m_filterEffect->setIn(KDOM::DOMString(in1()->baseVal()).string());
  +    m_filterEffect->setIn(KDOM::DOMString(in1()->baseVal()).qstring());
       Q3ValueList<float> _values;
       SVGNumberListImpl *numbers = values()->baseVal();
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:38 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
       class SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl : public SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl
  -        SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFEColorMatrixElementImpl();
           // 'SVGFEColorMatrixElement' functions
    +13 -22    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:20 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvasFilters.h>
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
   #include "SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl.h"
  @@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl::SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : 
  -SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl::SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : 
  +SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_in1 = 0;
       m_filterEffect = 0;
  @@ -67,20 +67,11 @@
   void SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_IN:
  -        {
  -            in1()->setBaseVal(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::inAttr)
  +        in1()->setBaseVal(value.impl());
  +    else
  +        SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
   KCanvasItem *SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl::createCanvasItem(KCanvas *canvas, KRenderingStyle *style) const
  @@ -89,7 +80,7 @@
       if (!m_filterEffect)
           return 0;
  -    m_filterEffect->setIn(KDOM::DOMString(in1()->baseVal()).string());
  +    m_filterEffect->setIn(KDOM::DOMString(in1()->baseVal()).qstring());
       return 0;
  @@ -99,7 +90,7 @@
       return m_filterEffect;
  -void SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl::close()
  +void SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl::closeRenderer()
       if (!m_filterEffect)
  @@ -107,7 +98,7 @@
       for(KDOM::NodeImpl *n = firstChild(); n != 0; n = n->nextSibling())
           KCComponentTransferFunction func;
  -        if(n->id() == ID_FEFUNCR)
  +        if(n->hasTagName(SVGNames::fefuncrTag))
               SVGFEFuncRElementImpl *funcR = static_cast<SVGFEFuncRElementImpl *>(n);
               func.type = (KCComponentTransferType)(funcR->type()->baseVal() - 1);
  @@ -118,7 +109,7 @@
               func.offset = funcR->offset()->baseVal();
  -        else if(n->id() == ID_FEFUNCG)
  +        else if(n->hasTagName(SVGNames::fefuncgTag))
               SVGFEFuncGElementImpl *funcG = static_cast<SVGFEFuncGElementImpl *>(n);
               func.type = (KCComponentTransferType)(funcG->type()->baseVal() - 1);
  @@ -129,7 +120,7 @@
               func.offset = funcG->offset()->baseVal();
  -        else if(n->id() == ID_FEFUNCB)
  +        else if(n->hasTagName(SVGNames::fefuncbTag))
               SVGFEFuncBElementImpl *funcB = static_cast<SVGFEFuncBElementImpl *>(n);
               func.type = (KCComponentTransferType)(funcB->type()->baseVal() - 1);
  @@ -140,7 +131,7 @@
               func.offset = funcB->offset()->baseVal();
  -        else if(n->id() == ID_FEFUNCA)
  +        else if(n->hasTagName(SVGNames::fefuncaTag))
               SVGFEFuncAElementImpl *funcA = static_cast<SVGFEFuncAElementImpl *>(n);
               func.type = (KCComponentTransferType)(funcA->type()->baseVal() - 1);
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:38 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
       class SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl : public SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl
  -        SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl();
           // 'SVGFEComponentTransferElement' functions
  @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
           virtual KCanvasFilterEffect *filterEffect() const;
  -        virtual void close();
  +        virtual void closeRenderer();
           mutable SVGAnimatedStringImpl *m_in1;
    +25 -38    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFECompositeElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFECompositeElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFECompositeElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGFECompositeElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:20 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGFECompositeElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerGradient.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
   #include "SVGFECompositeElementImpl.h"
  @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFECompositeElementImpl::SVGFECompositeElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : 
  -SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGFECompositeElementImpl::SVGFECompositeElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : 
  +SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_in1 = m_in2 = 0;
       m_k1 = m_k2 = m_k3 = m_k4 = 0;
  @@ -115,49 +115,36 @@
   void SVGFECompositeElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::operatorAttr)
  -        case ATTR_OPERATOR:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "over")
  -                _operator()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_OVER);
  -            else if(value == "in")
  -                _operator()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_IN);
  -            else if(value == "out")
  -                _operator()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_OUT);
  -            else if(value == "atop")
  -                _operator()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_ATOP);
  -            else if(value == "xor")
  -                _operator()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_XOR);
  -            else if(value == "arithmatic")
  -                _operator()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_ARITHMETIC);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_IN:
  -        {
  -            in1()->setBaseVal(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_IN2:
  -        {
  -            in2()->setBaseVal(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        if(value == "over")
  +            _operator()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_OVER);
  +        else if(value == "in")
  +            _operator()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_IN);
  +        else if(value == "out")
  +            _operator()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_OUT);
  +        else if(value == "atop")
  +            _operator()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_ATOP);
  +        else if(value == "xor")
  +            _operator()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_XOR);
  +        else if(value == "arithmatic")
  +            _operator()->setBaseVal(SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_ARITHMETIC);
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::inAttr)
  +        in1()->setBaseVal(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::in2Attr)
  +        in2()->setBaseVal(value.impl());
  +    else
  +        SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
   KCanvasItem *SVGFECompositeElementImpl::createCanvasItem(KCanvas *canvas, KRenderingStyle *style) const
       m_filterEffect = static_cast<KCanvasFEComposite *>(canvas->renderingDevice()->createFilterEffect(FE_COMPOSITE));
       m_filterEffect->setOperation((KCCompositeOperationType)(_operator()->baseVal() - 1));
  -    m_filterEffect->setIn(KDOM::DOMString(in1()->baseVal()).string());
  -    m_filterEffect->setIn2(KDOM::DOMString(in2()->baseVal()).string());
  +    m_filterEffect->setIn(KDOM::DOMString(in1()->baseVal()).qstring());
  +    m_filterEffect->setIn2(KDOM::DOMString(in2()->baseVal()).qstring());
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFECompositeElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFECompositeElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFECompositeElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGFECompositeElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:38 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGFECompositeElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
       class SVGFECompositeElementImpl : public SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl
  -        SVGFECompositeElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFECompositeElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFECompositeElementImpl();
           // 'SVGFECompositeElement' functions
    +8 -17     SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFloodElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFEFloodElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFloodElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGFEFloodElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:20 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGFEFloodElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvasFilters.h>
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
   #include "SVGFEFloodElementImpl.h"
  @@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFEFloodElementImpl::SVGFEFloodElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : 
  -SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGFEFloodElementImpl::SVGFEFloodElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : 
  +SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_in1 = 0;
       m_filterEffect = 0;
  @@ -60,26 +60,17 @@
   void SVGFEFloodElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_IN:
  -        {
  -            in1()->setBaseVal(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::inAttr)
  +        in1()->setBaseVal(value.impl());
  +    else
  +        SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
   KCanvasItem *SVGFEFloodElementImpl::createCanvasItem(KCanvas *canvas, KRenderingStyle *style) const
       m_filterEffect = static_cast<KCanvasFEFlood *>(canvas->renderingDevice()->createFilterEffect(FE_FLOOD));
  -    m_filterEffect->setIn(KDOM::DOMString(in1()->baseVal()).string());
  +    m_filterEffect->setIn(KDOM::DOMString(in1()->baseVal()).qstring());
       m_filterEffect->setFloodColor(static_cast<SVGRenderStyle *>(renderStyle())->floodColor());
       m_filterEffect->setFloodOpacity(static_cast<SVGRenderStyle *>(renderStyle())->floodOpacity());
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFloodElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFEFloodElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFloodElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGFEFloodElementImpl.h	4 Sep 2005 09:10:54 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGFEFloodElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
       class SVGFEFloodElementImpl : public SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl
  -        SVGFEFloodElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFEFloodElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFEFloodElementImpl();
           // 'SVGFEFloodElement' functions
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncAElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFEFuncAElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncAElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGFEFuncAElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:20 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGFEFuncAElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFEFuncAElementImpl::SVGFEFuncAElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : 
  -SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGFEFuncAElementImpl::SVGFEFuncAElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : 
  +SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl(tagName, doc)
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncAElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFEFuncAElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncAElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGFEFuncAElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:39 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGFEFuncAElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
       class SVGFEFuncAElementImpl : public SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl
  -        SVGFEFuncAElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFEFuncAElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFEFuncAElementImpl();
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncBElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFEFuncBElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncBElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGFEFuncBElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:21 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGFEFuncBElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFEFuncBElementImpl::SVGFEFuncBElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : 
  -SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGFEFuncBElementImpl::SVGFEFuncBElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : 
  +SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl(tagName, doc)
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncBElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFEFuncBElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncBElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGFEFuncBElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:39 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGFEFuncBElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
       class SVGFEFuncBElementImpl : public SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl
  -        SVGFEFuncBElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFEFuncBElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFEFuncBElementImpl();
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncGElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFEFuncGElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncGElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGFEFuncGElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:21 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGFEFuncGElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:22 -0000
  @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFEFuncGElementImpl::SVGFEFuncGElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : 
  -SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGFEFuncGElementImpl::SVGFEFuncGElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : 
  +SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl(tagName, doc)
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncGElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFEFuncGElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncGElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGFEFuncGElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:39 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGFEFuncGElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
       class SVGFEFuncGElementImpl : public SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl
  -        SVGFEFuncGElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFEFuncGElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFEFuncGElementImpl();
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncRElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFEFuncRElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncRElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGFEFuncRElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:21 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGFEFuncRElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFEFuncRElementImpl::SVGFEFuncRElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : 
  -SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGFEFuncRElementImpl::SVGFEFuncRElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : 
  +SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl(tagName, doc)
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncRElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFEFuncRElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncRElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGFEFuncRElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:39 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGFEFuncRElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
       class SVGFEFuncRElementImpl : public SVGComponentTransferFunctionElementImpl
  -        SVGFEFuncRElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFEFuncRElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFEFuncRElementImpl();
    +16 -28    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:21 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h>
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerGradient.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
   #include "SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl.h"
  @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl::SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : 
  -SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl::SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : 
  +SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_in1 = 0;
       m_stdDeviationX = 0;
  @@ -85,37 +85,25 @@
   void SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_STDDEVIATION:
  -        {
  -            QStringList numbers = QStringList::split(' ', value.string());
  -            stdDeviationX()->setBaseVal(numbers[0].toDouble());
  -            if(numbers.count() == 1)
  -                stdDeviationY()->setBaseVal(numbers[0].toDouble());
  -            else
  -                stdDeviationY()->setBaseVal(numbers[1].toDouble());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_IN:
  -        {
  -            in1()->setBaseVal(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::stddeviationAttr) {
  +        QStringList numbers = QStringList::split(' ', value.qstring());
  +        stdDeviationX()->setBaseVal(numbers[0].toDouble());
  +        if(numbers.count() == 1)
  +            stdDeviationY()->setBaseVal(numbers[0].toDouble());
  +        else
  +            stdDeviationY()->setBaseVal(numbers[1].toDouble());
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::inAttr)
  +        in1()->setBaseVal(value.impl());
  +    else
  +        SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
   KCanvasItem *SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl::createCanvasItem(KCanvas *canvas, KRenderingStyle *style) const
       m_filterEffect = static_cast<KCanvasFEGaussianBlur *>(canvas->renderingDevice()->createFilterEffect(FE_GAUSSIAN_BLUR));
  -    m_filterEffect->setIn(KDOM::DOMString(in1()->baseVal()).string());
  +    m_filterEffect->setIn(KDOM::DOMString(in1()->baseVal()).qstring());
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:39 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
       class SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl : public SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl
  -        SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl();
           // 'SVGFEGaussianBlurElement' functions
    +16 -21    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEImageElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFEImageElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEImageElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGFEImageElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:21 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGFEImageElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
   #include <kdom/cache/KDOMLoader.h>
   #include <kdom/cache/KDOMCachedObject.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
   #include "SVGFEImageElementImpl.h"
  @@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFEImageElementImpl::SVGFEImageElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGURIReferenceImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl()
  +SVGFEImageElementImpl::SVGFEImageElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(tagName, doc), SVGURIReferenceImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl()
       m_preserveAspectRatio = 0;
       m_cachedImage = 0;
  @@ -66,24 +66,17 @@
   void SVGFEImageElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::preserveaspectratioAttr)
  +        preserveAspectRatio()->baseVal()->parsePreserveAspectRatio(value.impl());
  +    else
  -        {
  -            preserveAspectRatio()->baseVal()->parsePreserveAspectRatio(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   void SVGFEImageElementImpl::notifyFinished(KDOM::CachedObject *finishedObj)
  @@ -103,10 +96,12 @@
   void SVGFEImageElementImpl::finalizeStyle(KCanvasRenderingStyle *style, bool /* needFillStrokeUpdate */)
  -    KURL fullUrl(ownerDocument()->documentKURI(), KDOM::DOMString(href()->baseVal()).string());
  +#ifndef APPLE_CHANGES
  +    KURL fullUrl(ownerDocument()->documentKURI(), KDOM::DOMString(href()->baseVal()).qstring());
       kdDebug() << "REQUESTING LOAD OF " << fullUrl.prettyURL() << endl;
  -    m_cachedImage = ownerDocument()->docLoader()->requestImage(fullUrl);
  +    m_cachedImage = ownerDocument()->docLoader()->requestImage(href()->baseVal());
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEImageElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFEImageElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEImageElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGFEImageElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:40 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGFEImageElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
                                     public KDOM::CachedObjectClient
  -        SVGFEImageElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id,  KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFEImageElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFEImageElementImpl();
           // 'SVGFEImageElement' functions
    +5 -6      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFEMergeElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGFEMergeElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:21 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGFEMergeElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
   #include "SVGFEMergeElementImpl.h"
  @@ -42,8 +41,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFEMergeElementImpl::SVGFEMergeElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : 
  -SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGFEMergeElementImpl::SVGFEMergeElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : 
  +SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_filterEffect = 0;
  @@ -64,15 +63,15 @@
       return m_filterEffect;
  -void SVGFEMergeElementImpl::close()
  +void SVGFEMergeElementImpl::closeRenderer()
       QStringList mergeInputs;
       for(KDOM::NodeImpl *n = firstChild(); n != 0; n = n->nextSibling())
  -        if(n->id() == ID_FEMERGENODE)
  +        if(n->hasTagName(SVGNames::femergenodeTag))
               SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl *mergeNode = static_cast<SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl *>(n);
  -            mergeInputs.append(KDOM::DOMString(mergeNode->in1()->baseVal()).string());
  +            mergeInputs.append(KDOM::DOMString(mergeNode->in1()->baseVal()).qstring());
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFEMergeElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGFEMergeElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:40 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGFEMergeElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
       class SVGFEMergeElementImpl : public SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl
  -        SVGFEMergeElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFEMergeElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFEMergeElementImpl();
           virtual KCanvasItem *createCanvasItem(KCanvas *canvas, KRenderingStyle *style) const;
  @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
           virtual KCanvasFilterEffect *filterEffect() const;
  -        virtual void close();
  +        virtual void closeRenderer();
           mutable KCanvasFEMerge *m_filterEffect;
    +5 -15     SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:22 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
   #include "config.h"
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
   #include "SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl.h"
  @@ -31,7 +30,7 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl::SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : SVGElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl::SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : SVGElementImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_in1 = 0;
  @@ -50,20 +49,11 @@
   void SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_IN:
  -        {
  -            in1()->setBaseVal(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            SVGElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::inAttr)
  +        in1()->setBaseVal(value.impl());
  +    else
  +        SVGElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:40 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
       class SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl : public SVGElementImpl
  -        SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl();
           // Derived from: 'ElementImpl'
    +11 -27    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEOffsetElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFEOffsetElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEOffsetElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGFEOffsetElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:22 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGFEOffsetElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h>
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerGradient.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
   #include "SVGFEOffsetElementImpl.h"
  @@ -42,8 +41,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFEOffsetElementImpl::SVGFEOffsetElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : 
  -SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGFEOffsetElementImpl::SVGFEOffsetElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : 
  +SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_in1 = 0;
       m_dx = 0;
  @@ -81,36 +80,21 @@
   void SVGFEOffsetElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_DX:
  -        {
  -            dx()->setBaseVal(value.string().toDouble());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_DY:
  -        {
  -            dy()->setBaseVal(value.string().toDouble());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_IN:
  -        {
  -            in1()->setBaseVal(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::dxAttr)
  +        dx()->setBaseVal(value.qstring().toDouble());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::dyAttr)
  +        dy()->setBaseVal(value.qstring().toDouble());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::inAttr)
  +        in1()->setBaseVal(value.impl());
  +    else
  +        SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
   KCanvasItem *SVGFEOffsetElementImpl::createCanvasItem(KCanvas *canvas, KRenderingStyle *style) const
       m_filterEffect = static_cast<KCanvasFEOffset *>(canvas->renderingDevice()->createFilterEffect(FE_OFFSET));
  -    m_filterEffect->setIn(KDOM::DOMString(in1()->baseVal()).string());
  +    m_filterEffect->setIn(KDOM::DOMString(in1()->baseVal()).qstring());
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEOffsetElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFEOffsetElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFEOffsetElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGFEOffsetElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:41 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGFEOffsetElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
       class SVGFEOffsetElementImpl : public SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl
  -        SVGFEOffsetElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFEOffsetElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFEOffsetElementImpl();
           // 'SVGFEOffsetElement' functions
    +7 -17     SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFETileElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFETileElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFETileElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGFETileElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:22 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGFETileElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvasFilters.h>
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
   #include "SVGFETileElementImpl.h"
  @@ -39,8 +38,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFETileElementImpl::SVGFETileElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : 
  -SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGFETileElementImpl::SVGFETileElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : 
  +SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_in1 = 0;
       m_filterEffect = 0;
  @@ -60,26 +59,17 @@
   void SVGFETileElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_IN:
  -        {
  -            in1()->setBaseVal(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::inAttr)
  +        in1()->setBaseVal(value.impl());
  +    else
  +        SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
   KCanvasItem *SVGFETileElementImpl::createCanvasItem(KCanvas *canvas, KRenderingStyle *style) const
       m_filterEffect = static_cast<KCanvasFETile *>(canvas->renderingDevice()->createFilterEffect(FE_TILE));
  -    m_filterEffect->setIn(KDOM::DOMString(in1()->baseVal()).string());
  +    m_filterEffect->setIn(KDOM::DOMString(in1()->baseVal()).qstring());
       return 0;
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFETileElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFETileElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFETileElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGFETileElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:41 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGFETileElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
       class SVGFETileElementImpl : public SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl
  -        SVGFETileElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFETileElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFETileElementImpl();
           // 'SVGFETileElement' functions
    +30 -47    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.8 -r1.8.2.1
  --- SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:22 -0000	1.8
  +++ SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerGradient.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
   #include "SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl.h"
  @@ -44,8 +43,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl::SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : 
  -SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl::SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : 
  +SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_baseFrequencyX = m_baseFrequencyY = m_seed = 0;
       m_numOctaves = 0;
  @@ -107,52 +106,36 @@
   void SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::typeAttr)
  -        case ATTR_TYPE:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "fractalNoise")
  -                type()->setBaseVal(SVG_TURBULENCE_TYPE_FRACTALNOISE);
  -            else if(value == "turbulence")
  -                type()->setBaseVal(SVG_TURBULENCE_TYPE_TURBULENCE);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_STITCHTILES:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "stitch")
  -                stitchTiles()->setBaseVal(SVG_STITCHTYPE_STITCH);
  -            else if(value == "nostitch")
  -                stitchTiles()->setBaseVal(SVG_STITCHTYPE_NOSTITCH);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_BASEFREQUENCY:
  -        {
  -            QStringList numbers = QStringList::split(' ', value.string());
  -            baseFrequencyX()->setBaseVal(numbers[0].toDouble());
  -            if(numbers.count() == 1)
  -                baseFrequencyY()->setBaseVal(numbers[0].toDouble());
  -            else
  -                baseFrequencyY()->setBaseVal(numbers[1].toDouble());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_SEED:
  -        {
  -            seed()->setBaseVal(value.string().toDouble());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_NUMOCTAVES:
  -        {
  -            numOctaves()->setBaseVal(value.string().toUInt());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        if(value == "fractalNoise")
  +            type()->setBaseVal(SVG_TURBULENCE_TYPE_FRACTALNOISE);
  +        else if(value == "turbulence")
  +            type()->setBaseVal(SVG_TURBULENCE_TYPE_TURBULENCE);
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::stitchtilesAttr)
  +    {
  +        if(value == "stitch")
  +            stitchTiles()->setBaseVal(SVG_STITCHTYPE_STITCH);
  +        else if(value == "nostitch")
  +            stitchTiles()->setBaseVal(SVG_STITCHTYPE_NOSTITCH);
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::basefrequencyAttr)
  +    {
  +        QStringList numbers = QStringList::split(' ', value.qstring());
  +        baseFrequencyX()->setBaseVal(numbers[0].toDouble());
  +        if(numbers.count() == 1)
  +            baseFrequencyY()->setBaseVal(numbers[0].toDouble());
  +        else
  +            baseFrequencyY()->setBaseVal(numbers[1].toDouble());
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::seedAttr)
  +        seed()->setBaseVal(value.qstring().toDouble());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::numoctavesAttr)
  +        numOctaves()->setBaseVal(value.qstring().toUInt());
  +    else
  +        SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
   KCanvasItem *SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl::createCanvasItem(KCanvas *canvas, KRenderingStyle *style) const
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:41 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
       class SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl : public SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl
  -        SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl();
           // 'SVGFETurbulenceElement' functions
    +37 -55    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFilterElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFilterElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFilterElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGFilterElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:22 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGFilterElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h>
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvasFilters.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
   #include "SVGFilterElementImpl.h"
  @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFilterElementImpl::SVGFilterElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGURIReferenceImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl()
  +SVGFilterElementImpl::SVGFilterElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGURIReferenceImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl()
       m_filterUnits = m_primitiveUnits = 0;
       m_x = m_y = m_width = m_height = 0;
  @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
            lazy_create<SVGAnimatedLengthImpl>(m_x, this, LM_WIDTH, viewportElement());
  -        m_x->baseVal()->setValueAsString(KDOM::DOMString("-10%").handle());
  +        m_x->baseVal()->setValueAsString(KDOM::DOMString("-10%").impl());
           return m_x;
  @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
            lazy_create<SVGAnimatedLengthImpl>(m_y, this, LM_HEIGHT, viewportElement());
  -        m_y->baseVal()->setValueAsString(KDOM::DOMString("-10%").handle());
  +        m_y->baseVal()->setValueAsString(KDOM::DOMString("-10%").impl());
           return m_y;
  @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
            lazy_create<SVGAnimatedLengthImpl>(m_width, this, LM_WIDTH, viewportElement());
  -        m_width->baseVal()->setValueAsString(KDOM::DOMString("120%").handle());
  +        m_width->baseVal()->setValueAsString(KDOM::DOMString("120%").impl());
           return m_width;
  @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
            lazy_create<SVGAnimatedLengthImpl>(m_height, this, LM_HEIGHT, viewportElement());
  -        m_height->baseVal()->setValueAsString(KDOM::DOMString("120%").handle());
  +        m_height->baseVal()->setValueAsString(KDOM::DOMString("120%").impl());
           return m_height;
  @@ -160,58 +160,40 @@
   void SVGFilterElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::filterunitsAttr)
  -        case ATTR_FILTERUNITS:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "userSpaceOnUse")
  -                filterUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE);
  -            else if(value == "objectBoundingBox")
  -                filterUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_PRIMITIVEUNITS:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "userSpaceOnUse")
  -                primitiveUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE);
  -            else if(value == "objectBoundingBox")
  -                primitiveUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_X:
  -        {
  -            x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_Y:
  -        {
  -            y()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_WIDTH:
  -        {
  -            width()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_HEIGHT:
  -        {
  -            height()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(value == "userSpaceOnUse")
  +            filterUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE);
  +        else if(value == "objectBoundingBox")
  +            filterUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX);
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::primitiveunitsAttr)
  +    {
  +        if(value == "userSpaceOnUse")
  +            primitiveUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE);
  +        else if(value == "objectBoundingBox")
  +            primitiveUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX);
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::xAttr)
  +        x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::yAttr)
  +        y()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::widthAttr)
  +        width()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::heightAttr)
  +        height()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else
  +    {
  +        if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
  -void SVGFilterElementImpl::close()
  +void SVGFilterElementImpl::closeRenderer()
  @@ -220,7 +202,7 @@
           m_filter = static_cast<KCanvasFilter *>(_canvas->renderingDevice()->createResource(RS_FILTER));
  -        _canvas->registry()->addResourceById(KDOM::DOMString(getId()).string(), m_filter);
  +        _canvas->registry()->addResourceById(getIDAttribute().qstring(), m_filter);
       bool filterBBoxMode = filterUnits()->baseVal() == SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX;
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFilterElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGFilterElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFilterElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGFilterElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:41 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGFilterElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -42,11 +42,11 @@
                                    public SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl
  -        SVGFilterElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id,  KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFilterElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFilterElementImpl();
           // Derived from: 'ElementImpl'
  -        virtual void close();
  +        virtual void closeRenderer();
           // 'SVGFilterElement' functions
           SVGAnimatedEnumerationImpl *filterUnits() const;
    +20 -42    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:22 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:23 -0000
  @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl.h"
   #include "SVGAnimatedEnumerationImpl.h"
   #include "SVGAnimatedStringImpl.h"
  @@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_x = m_y = m_width = m_height = 0;
       m_result = 0;
  @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
           lazy_create<SVGAnimatedLengthImpl>(m_width, this, LM_WIDTH);
  -        m_width->baseVal()->setValueAsString(KDOM::DOMString("100%").handle());
  +        m_width->baseVal()->setValueAsString(KDOM::DOMString("100%").impl());
           return m_width;
  @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
           lazy_create<SVGAnimatedLengthImpl>(m_height, this, LM_HEIGHT);
  -        m_height->baseVal()->setValueAsString(KDOM::DOMString("100%").handle());
  +        m_height->baseVal()->setValueAsString(KDOM::DOMString("100%").impl());
           return m_height;
  @@ -102,48 +102,26 @@
   void SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = attr->value();
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_X:
  -        {
  -            x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_Y:
  -        {
  -            y()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_WIDTH:
  -        {
  -            width()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_HEIGHT:
  -        {
  -            height()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_RESULT:
  -        {
  -            result()->setBaseVal(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            return SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +    const KDOM::AtomicString& value = attr->value();
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::xAttr)
  +        x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::yAttr)
  +        y()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::widthAttr)
  +        width()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::heightAttr)
  +        height()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::resultAttr)
  +        result()->setBaseVal(value.impl());
  +    else
  +        return SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
   void SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl::setStandardAttributes(KCanvasFilterEffect *filterEffect) const
       if (!filterEffect) return;
       bool bbox = false;
  -    if(parentNode() && parentNode()->id() == ID_FILTER)
  +    if(parentNode() && parentNode()->hasTagName(SVGNames::filterTag))
           bbox = static_cast<SVGFilterElementImpl *>(parentNode())->primitiveUnits()->baseVal() == SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX;
  @@ -157,7 +135,7 @@
           filterEffect->setSubRegion(QRect(int(_x), int(_y), int(_width), int(_height)));
  -    filterEffect->setResult(KDOM::DOMString(result()->baseVal()).string());
  +    filterEffect->setResult(KDOM::DOMString(result()->baseVal()).qstring());
   // vim:ts=4:noet
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl.h
  Index: SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:42 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
       class SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl : public SVGStyledElementImpl
  -        SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributesImpl();
           // 'SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes' functions
    +10 -14    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFitToViewBoxImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGFitToViewBoxImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGFitToViewBoxImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGFitToViewBoxImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:22 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGFitToViewBoxImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
   #include <kdom/core/DOMStringImpl.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGRectImpl.h"
   #include "SVGSVGElementImpl.h"
   #include "SVGAnimatedRectImpl.h"
  @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
   void SVGFitToViewBoxImpl::parseViewBox(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *str)
       // allow for viewbox def with ',' or whitespace
  -    QString viewbox(str->unicode(), str->length());
  +    QString viewbox = KDOM::DOMString(str).qstring();
       QStringList points = QStringList::split(' ', viewbox.replace(',', ' ').simplifyWhiteSpace());
       if (points.count() == 4) {
  @@ -103,19 +103,15 @@
   bool SVGFitToViewBoxImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    switch(id)
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::viewboxAttr)
  -        case ATTR_VIEWBOX:
  -        {
  -            parseViewBox(attr->value());
  -            return true;
  -        }
  -        {
  -            preserveAspectRatio()->baseVal()->parsePreserveAspectRatio(attr->value());
  -            return true;
  -        }
  +        parseViewBox(attr->value().impl());
  +        return true;
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::preserveaspectratioAttr)
  +    {
  +        preserveAspectRatio()->baseVal()->parsePreserveAspectRatio(attr->value().impl());
  +        return true;
       return false;
    +4 -4      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGGElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGGElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGGElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGGElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:23 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGGElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGGElementImpl::SVGGElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
  +SVGGElementImpl::SVGGElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
  @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
   // Helper class for <use> support
  -SVGDummyElementImpl::SVGDummyElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : SVGGElementImpl(doc, 0, prefix)
  +SVGDummyElementImpl::SVGDummyElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : SVGGElementImpl(tagName, doc),  m_localName("dummy")
  @@ -69,9 +69,9 @@
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGDummyElementImpl::localName() const
  +const KDOM::AtomicString& SVGDummyElementImpl::localName() const
  -    return new KDOM::DOMStringImpl("dummy");
  +    return m_localName;
   // vim:ts=4:noet
    +5 -3      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGGElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGGElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGGElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGGElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:42 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGGElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
                               public SVGTransformableImpl
  -        SVGGElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGGElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGGElementImpl();
           virtual void parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr);
  @@ -52,11 +52,13 @@
       class SVGDummyElementImpl : public SVGGElementImpl
  -        SVGDummyElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGDummyElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGDummyElementImpl();
           // Derived from: 'ElementImpl'
  -        virtual KDOM::DOMStringImpl *localName() const;
  +        virtual const KDOM::AtomicString& localName() const;
  +    private:
  +        KDOM::AtomicString m_localName;
    +30 -37    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGGradientElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGGradientElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGGradientElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGGradientElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:23 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGGradientElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
   #include "SVGTransformableImpl.h"
  @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGGradientElementImpl::SVGGradientElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGURIReferenceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl()
  +SVGGradientElementImpl::SVGGradientElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGURIReferenceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl()
       m_spreadMethod = 0;
       m_gradientUnits = 0;
  @@ -80,42 +80,35 @@
   void SVGGradientElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::gradientunitsAttr)
  -        case ATTR_GRADIENTUNITS:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "userSpaceOnUse")
  -                gradientUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE);
  -            else if(value == "objectBoundingBox")
  -                gradientUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        {
  -            SVGTransformListImpl *gradientTransforms = gradientTransform()->baseVal();
  -            SVGTransformableImpl::parseTransformAttribute(gradientTransforms, attr->value());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_SPREADMETHOD:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "reflect")
  -                spreadMethod()->setBaseVal(SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REFLECT);
  -            else if(value == "repeat")
  -                spreadMethod()->setBaseVal(SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REPEAT);
  -            else if(value == "pad")
  -                spreadMethod()->setBaseVal(SVG_SPREADMETHOD_PAD);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        if(value == "userSpaceOnUse")
  +            gradientUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE);
  +        else if(value == "objectBoundingBox")
  +            gradientUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX);
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::gradienttransformAttr)
  +    {
  +        SVGTransformListImpl *gradientTransforms = gradientTransform()->baseVal();
  +        SVGTransformableImpl::parseTransformAttribute(gradientTransforms, attr->value().impl());
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::spreadmethodAttr)
  +    {
  +        if(value == "reflect")
  +            spreadMethod()->setBaseVal(SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REFLECT);
  +        else if(value == "repeat")
  +            spreadMethod()->setBaseVal(SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REPEAT);
  +        else if(value == "pad")
  +            spreadMethod()->setBaseVal(SVG_SPREADMETHOD_PAD);
  +    }
  +    else
  +    {
  +        if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   void SVGGradientElementImpl::notifyAttributeChange() const
  @@ -128,7 +121,7 @@
       KCanvas *canvas = (document ? document->canvas() : 0);
  -        KRenderingPaintServerGradient *pserver = static_cast<KRenderingPaintServerGradient *>(canvas->registry()->getPaintServerById(KDOM::DOMString(getId()).string()));
  +        KRenderingPaintServerGradient *pserver = static_cast<KRenderingPaintServerGradient *>(canvas->registry()->getPaintServerById(getIDAttribute().qstring()));
               buildGradient(pserver, canvas);
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGGradientElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGGradientElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGGradientElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGGradientElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:42 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGGradientElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
                                      public KCanvasResourceListener
  -        SVGGradientElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGGradientElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGGradientElementImpl();
           // 'SVGGradientElement' functions
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGHelper.cpp
  Index: SVGHelper.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGHelper.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGHelper.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:23 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGHelper.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
           const SVGSVGElementImpl *svg = static_cast<const SVGSVGElementImpl *>(viewportElement);
           KDOM::DOMString viewBox("viewBox");
  -        if(svg->hasAttribute(viewBox.handle()))
  +        if(svg->hasAttribute(viewBox.impl()))
               width = svg->viewBox()->baseVal()->width();
               height = svg->viewBox()->baseVal()->height();
    +33 -52    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGImageElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGImageElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGImageElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGImageElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:23 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGImageElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
   #include <kdom/cache/KDOMLoader.h>
   #include <kdom/cache/KDOMCachedObject.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "Namespace.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
  @@ -40,7 +40,9 @@
   #include "SVGAnimatedStringImpl.h"
   #include "KCanvasRenderingStyle.h"
   #include "SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatioImpl.h"
  +#ifndef APPLE_CHANGES
   #include "KSVGDocumentBuilder.h"
   #include <ksvg2/KSVGView.h>
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvas.h>
  @@ -62,8 +64,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGImageElementImpl::SVGImageElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl(), SVGURIReferenceImpl(), KDOM::CachedObjectClient()
  +SVGImageElementImpl::SVGImageElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl(), SVGURIReferenceImpl(), KDOM::CachedObjectClient()
       m_x = m_y = m_width = m_height = 0;
       m_preserveAspectRatio = 0;
  @@ -115,51 +117,32 @@
   void SVGImageElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = attr->value();
  -    switch(id)
  +    const KDOM::AtomicString& value = attr->value();
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::xAttr)
  +        x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::yAttr)
  +        y()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::preserveaspectratioAttr)
  +        preserveAspectRatio()->baseVal()->parsePreserveAspectRatio(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::widthAttr)
  +        width()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::heightAttr)
  +        height()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else
  -        case ATTR_X:
  -        {
  -            x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_Y:
  -        {
  -            y()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        {
  -            preserveAspectRatio()->baseVal()->parsePreserveAspectRatio(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_WIDTH:
  -        {
  -            width()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_HEIGHT:
  -        {
  -            height()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   KCanvasItem *SVGImageElementImpl::createCanvasItem(KCanvas *canvas, KRenderingStyle *style) const
  -    QString fname = KDOM::DOMString(href()->baseVal()).string();
  +    QString fname = KDOM::DOMString(href()->baseVal()).qstring();
       KURL fullUrl(ownerDocument()->documentKURI(), fname);
       KMimeType::Ptr mimeType = KMimeType::findByURL(fullUrl);
  @@ -193,8 +176,8 @@
           KSVG::DocumentBuilder *builder = new KSVG::DocumentBuilder(0);
           KDOM::Parser *parser = KDOM::ParserFactory::self()->request(KURL(), builder);
  -        parser->domConfig()->setParameter(KDOM::ENTITIES.handle(), false);
  -        parser->domConfig()->setParameter(KDOM::ELEMENT_CONTENT_WHITESPACE.handle(), false);
  +        parser->domConfig()->setParameter(KDOM::ENTITIES.impl(), false);
  +        parser->domConfig()->setParameter(KDOM::ELEMENT_CONTENT_WHITESPACE.impl(), false);
           QBuffer *temp = new QBuffer(&m_cachedDocument->documentBuffer()->buffer());
           m_svgDoc = static_cast<SVGDocumentImpl *>(parser->syncParse(temp));
  @@ -204,10 +187,10 @@
               KDOM::DOMStringImpl *_x = x()->baseVal()->valueAsString(), *_y = y()->baseVal()->valueAsString();
               KDOM::DOMStringImpl *_width = width()->baseVal()->valueAsString(), *_height = height()->baseVal()->valueAsString();
  -            root->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), KDOM::DOMString("x").handle(), _x);
  -            root->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), KDOM::DOMString("y").handle(), _y);
  -            root->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), KDOM::DOMString("width").handle(), _width);
  -            root->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), KDOM::DOMString("height").handle(), _height);
  +            root->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.impl(), KDOM::DOMString("x").impl(), _x);
  +            root->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.impl(), KDOM::DOMString("y").impl(), _y);
  +            root->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.impl(), KDOM::DOMString("width").impl(), _width);
  +            root->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.impl(), KDOM::DOMString("height").impl(), _height);
               // TODO: viewBox handling? animations? ecmascript?
  @@ -265,9 +248,7 @@
       if(!m_cachedDocument) // bitmap
  -        QString fname = KDOM::DOMString(href()->baseVal()).string();
  -        KURL fullUrl(ownerDocument()->documentKURI(), fname);
  -        m_cachedImage = ownerDocument()->docLoader()->requestImage(fullUrl);
  +        m_cachedImage = ownerDocument()->docLoader()->requestImage(href()->baseVal());
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGImageElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGImageElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGImageElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGImageElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:43 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGImageElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
                                   public KDOM::CachedObjectClient
  -        SVGImageElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id,  KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGImageElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGImageElementImpl();
           // 'SVGImageElement' functions
    +16 -34    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLangSpaceImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGLangSpaceImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLangSpaceImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGLangSpaceImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:23 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGLangSpaceImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
   #include <kdom/core/DOMStringImpl.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGElementImpl.h"
   #include "SVGLangSpaceImpl.h"
  @@ -34,62 +34,44 @@
  -    m_lang = 0;
  -    m_space = 0;
  -    if(m_lang)
  -        m_lang->deref();
  -    if(m_space)
  -        m_space->deref();
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGLangSpaceImpl::xmllang() const
  +const KDOM::AtomicString& SVGLangSpaceImpl::xmllang() const
       return m_lang;
  -void SVGLangSpaceImpl::setXmllang(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *xmlLang)
  +void SVGLangSpaceImpl::setXmllang(const KDOM::AtomicString& xmlLang)
  -    KDOM_SAFE_SET(m_lang, xmlLang);
  +    m_lang = xmlLang;
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGLangSpaceImpl::xmlspace() const
  +const KDOM::AtomicString& SVGLangSpaceImpl::xmlspace() const
       return m_space;
  -void SVGLangSpaceImpl::setXmlspace(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *xmlSpace)
  +void SVGLangSpaceImpl::setXmlspace(const KDOM::AtomicString& xmlSpace)
  -    KDOM_SAFE_SET(m_space, xmlSpace);
  +    m_space = xmlSpace;
   bool SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    switch(id)
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::langAttr)
  -        case ATTR_LANG:
  -        {
  -            if(attr->value())
  -                setXmllang(attr->value()->copy());
  -            else
  -                setXmllang(0);
  -            return true;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_SPACE:
  -        {
  -            if(attr->value())
  -                setXmlspace(attr->value()->copy());
  -            else
  -                setXmlspace(0);
  -            return true;
  -        }
  -    };
  +        setXmllang(attr->value());
  +        return true;
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::spaceAttr)
  +    {
  +        setXmlspace(attr->value());
  +        return true;
  +    }
       return false;
    +8 -6      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLangSpaceImpl.h
  Index: SVGLangSpaceImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLangSpaceImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGLangSpaceImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:43 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGLangSpaceImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
   #ifndef KSVG_SVGLangSpaceImpl_H
   #define KSVG_SVGLangSpaceImpl_H
  +#include "dom_atomicstring.h"
   namespace KDOM
       class DOMStringImpl;
  @@ -41,17 +43,17 @@
           virtual ~SVGLangSpaceImpl();
           // 'SVGLangSpace' functions
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *xmllang() const;
  -        void setXmllang(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *xmlLang);
  +        const KDOM::AtomicString& xmllang() const;
  +        void setXmllang(const KDOM::AtomicString& xmlLang);
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *xmlspace() const;
  -        void setXmlspace(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *xmlSpace);
  +        const KDOM::AtomicString& xmlspace() const;
  +        void setXmlspace(const KDOM::AtomicString& xmlSpace);
           bool parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr);
  -        mutable KDOM::DOMStringImpl *m_lang;
  -        mutable KDOM::DOMStringImpl *m_space;
  +        KDOM::AtomicString m_lang;
  +        KDOM::AtomicString m_space;
    +6 -5      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLengthImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGLengthImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLengthImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGLengthImpl.cpp	24 Oct 2005 06:31:53 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGLengthImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -125,12 +125,13 @@
       return m_valueInSpecifiedUnits;
  -void SVGLengthImpl::setValueAsString(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *valueAsString)
  +void SVGLengthImpl::setValueAsString(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *valueAsStringImpl)
  -    if(!valueAsString || valueAsString->isEmpty())
  +    KDOM::DOMString valueAsString(valueAsStringImpl);
  +    if(valueAsString.isEmpty())
  -    QString valueAsQString = valueAsString->string();
  +    QString valueAsQString = valueAsString.qstring();
       double convertedNumber = 0;
       const char *start = valueAsQString.latin1();
  @@ -253,9 +254,9 @@
                       useSize = parentStyle->getFontSize();
  -                    useFont = style->getFontFamily()->getFirst()->string();
  +                    useFont = style->getFontFamily()->getFirst()->qstring();
                   else if(parentStyle && parentStyle->getFontFamily() && parentStyle->getFontFamily()->getFirst())
  -                    useFont = parentStyle->getFontFamily()->getFirst()->string();
  +                    useFont = parentStyle->getFontFamily()->getFirst()->qstring();
                   if(unitType == SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EMS)
                       value = valueInSpecifiedUnits * useSize;
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLengthListImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGLengthListImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLengthListImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGLengthListImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:24 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGLengthListImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
           SVGLengthImpl *length = new SVGLengthImpl(context, mode);
           KDOM::DOMString str(lengths[i]);
  -        length->setValueAsString(str.handle());
  +        length->setValueAsString(str.impl());
    +20 -36    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLineElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGLineElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLineElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGLineElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:24 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGLineElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   #include "config.h"
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGLineElementImpl.h"
   #include "SVGAnimatedLengthImpl.h"
  @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGLineElementImpl::SVGLineElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
  +SVGLineElementImpl::SVGLineElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
       m_x1 = m_y1 = m_x2 = m_y2 = 0;
  @@ -73,40 +73,24 @@
   void SVGLineElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = attr->value();
  -    switch(id)
  +    const KDOM::AtomicString& value = attr->value();
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::x1Attr)
  +        x1()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::y1Attr)
  +        y1()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::x2Attr)
  +        x2()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::y2Attr)
  +        y2()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else
  -        case ATTR_X1:
  -        {
  -            x1()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_Y1:
  -        {
  -            y1()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_X2:
  -        {
  -            x2()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_Y2:
  -        {
  -            y2()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   KCPathDataList SVGLineElementImpl::toPathData() const
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLineElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGLineElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLineElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGLineElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:44 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGLineElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
                                  public SVGTransformableImpl
  -        SVGLineElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGLineElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGLineElementImpl();
           // 'SVGLineElement' functions
    +23 -39    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLinearGradientElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGLinearGradientElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLinearGradientElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGLinearGradientElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:24 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGLinearGradientElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGMatrixImpl.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
  @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGLinearGradientElementImpl::SVGLinearGradientElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : SVGGradientElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGLinearGradientElementImpl::SVGLinearGradientElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : SVGGradientElementImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_x1 = m_y1 = m_x2 = m_y2 = 0;
  @@ -95,38 +95,22 @@
   void SVGLinearGradientElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = attr->value();
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_X1:
  -        {
  -            x1()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_Y1:
  -        {
  -            y1()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_X2:
  -        {
  -            x2()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_Y2:
  -        {
  -            y2()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -            SVGGradientElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -    };
  +    const KDOM::AtomicString& value = attr->value();
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::x1Attr)
  +        x1()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::y1Attr)
  +        y1()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::x2Attr)
  +        x2()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::y2Attr)
  +        y2()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else
  +        SVGGradientElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
   void SVGLinearGradientElementImpl::buildGradient(KRenderingPaintServerGradient *_grad, KCanvas *canvas) const
  -    QString ref = KDOM::DOMString(href()->baseVal()).string();
  +    QString ref = KDOM::DOMString(href()->baseVal()).qstring();
       bool bbox = (gradientUnits()->baseVal() == SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX);
  @@ -151,28 +135,28 @@
           bool isLinear = pserver->type() == PS_LINEAR_GRADIENT;
           KRenderingPaintServerGradient *gradient = static_cast<KRenderingPaintServerGradient *>(pserver);
  -        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("gradientUnits").handle()))
  +        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("gradientUnits").impl()))
               bbox = gradient->boundingBoxMode();
               KRenderingPaintServerLinearGradient *linear = static_cast<KRenderingPaintServerLinearGradient *>(pserver);
  -            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("x1").handle()))
  +            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("x1").impl()))
                   _x1 = linear->gradientStart().x();
               else if(bbox)
                   _x1 *= 100.;
  -            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("y1").handle()))
  +            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("y1").impl()))
                   _y1 = linear->gradientStart().y();
               else if(bbox)
                   _y1 *= 100.;
  -            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("x2").handle()))
  +            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("x2").impl()))
                   _x2 = linear->gradientEnd().x();
               else if(bbox)
                   _x2 *= 100.;
  -            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("y2").handle()))
  +            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("y2").impl()))
                   _y2 = linear->gradientEnd().y();
               else if(bbox)
                   _y2 *= 100.;
  @@ -185,7 +169,7 @@
               _y2 *= 100.0;
  -        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("gradientTransform").handle()))
  +        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("gradientTransform").impl()))
               mat = gradient->gradientTransform();
           // Inherit color stops if empty
  @@ -196,7 +180,7 @@
                   grad->gradientStops().addStop(it.current()->offset, it.current()->color);
  -        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("spreadMethod").handle()))
  +        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("spreadMethod").impl()))
  @@ -230,14 +214,14 @@
       pserver->setListener(const_cast<SVGLinearGradientElementImpl *>(this));
  -    canvas->registry()->addPaintServerById(KDOM::DOMString(getId()).string(), pserver);
  +    canvas->registry()->addPaintServerById(getIDAttribute().qstring(), pserver);
       return 0;
   void SVGLinearGradientElementImpl::resourceNotification() const
       // We're referenced by a "client", build the gradient now...
  -    KRenderingPaintServer *pserver = canvas()->registry()->getPaintServerById(KDOM::DOMString(getId()).string());
  +    KRenderingPaintServer *pserver = canvas()->registry()->getPaintServerById(getIDAttribute().qstring());
       KRenderingPaintServerGradient *gradient = static_cast<KRenderingPaintServerGradient *>(pserver);
       buildGradient(gradient, canvas());
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLinearGradientElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGLinearGradientElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLinearGradientElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGLinearGradientElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:44 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGLinearGradientElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
       class SVGLinearGradientElementImpl : public SVGGradientElementImpl
  -        SVGLinearGradientElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGLinearGradientElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGLinearGradientElementImpl();
           // 'SVGLinearGradientElement' functions
    +4 -4      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLocatableImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGLocatableImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGLocatableImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGLocatableImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:24 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGLocatableImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:24 -0000
  @@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
       while(n && n->nodeType() != KDOM::DOCUMENT_NODE)
           if(n->nodeType() == KDOM::ELEMENT_NODE &&
  -            (n->id() == ID_SVG || n->id() == ID_SYMBOL ||
  -             n->id() == ID_FOREIGNOBJECT || n->id() == ID_IMAGE))
  +            (n->hasTagName(SVGNames::svgTag) || n->hasTagName(SVGNames::symbolTag) ||
  +             n->hasTagName(SVGNames::foreignobjectTag) || n->hasTagName(SVGNames::imageTag)))
               return static_cast<SVGElementImpl *>(n);
           n = n->parentNode();
  @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
       while(n && n->nodeType() != KDOM::DOCUMENT_NODE)
           if(n->nodeType() == KDOM::ELEMENT_NODE &&
  -            (n->id() == ID_SVG || n->id() == ID_SYMBOL ||
  -             n->id() == ID_FOREIGNOBJECT || n->id() == ID_IMAGE))
  +            (n->hasTagName(SVGNames::svgTag) || n->hasTagName(SVGNames::symbolTag) ||
  +             n->hasTagName(SVGNames::foreignobjectTag) || n->hasTagName(SVGNames::imageTag)))
               farthest = static_cast<SVGElementImpl *>(n);
           n = n->parentNode();
    +31 -48    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGMarkerElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGMarkerElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGMarkerElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGMarkerElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:24 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGMarkerElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:25 -0000
  @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "ksvg2/svg/SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGAngleImpl.h"
   #include "SVGLengthImpl.h"
  @@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGMarkerElementImpl::SVGMarkerElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGLangSpaceImpl(),
  +SVGMarkerElementImpl::SVGMarkerElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGLangSpaceImpl(),
     SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGFitToViewBoxImpl()
       m_refX = m_refY = m_markerWidth = m_markerHeight = 0;
  @@ -76,51 +76,34 @@
   void SVGMarkerElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = attr->value();
  -    switch(id)
  +    const KDOM::AtomicString& value = attr->value();
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::refxAttr)
  +        refX()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::refxAttr)
  +        refY()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::markerwidthAttr)
  +        markerWidth()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::markerheightAttr)
  +        markerHeight()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::orientAttr)
  -        case ATTR_REFX:
  -        {
  -            refX()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_REFY:
  -        {
  -            refY()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_MARKERWIDTH:
  -        {
  -            markerWidth()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_MARKERHEIGHT:
  -        {
  -            markerHeight()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  +        if(KDOM::DOMString(value) == "auto")
  +            setOrientToAuto();
  +        else
  +        {
  +            SVGAngleImpl *angle = SVGSVGElementImpl::createSVGAngle();
  +            angle->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +            setOrientToAngle(angle);
  -        case ATTR_ORIENT:
  -        {
  -            if(KDOM::DOMString(value) == "auto")
  -                setOrientToAuto();
  -            else
  -            {
  -                SVGAngleImpl *angle = SVGSVGElementImpl::createSVGAngle();
  -                angle->setValueAsString(value);
  -                setOrientToAngle(angle);
  -            }
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGFitToViewBoxImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +    }
  +    else
  +    {
  +        if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGFitToViewBoxImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   SVGAnimatedLengthImpl *SVGMarkerElementImpl::refX() const
  @@ -175,12 +158,12 @@
  -void SVGMarkerElementImpl::close()
  +void SVGMarkerElementImpl::closeRenderer()
           m_marker = static_cast<KCanvasMarker *>(canvas()->renderingDevice()->createResource(RS_MARKER));
  -        canvas()->registry()->addResourceById(KDOM::DOMString(getId()).string(), m_marker);
  +        canvas()->registry()->addResourceById(getIDAttribute().qstring(), m_marker);
  @@ -190,7 +173,7 @@
           SVGAngleImpl *angle = SVGSVGElementImpl::createSVGAngle();
  -        angle->setValueAsString(KDOM::DOMString("0").handle());
  +        angle->setValueAsString(KDOM::DOMString("0").impl());
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGMarkerElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGMarkerElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGMarkerElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGMarkerElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:45 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGMarkerElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:25 -0000
  @@ -47,11 +47,11 @@
                                    public SVGFitToViewBoxImpl
  -        SVGMarkerElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGMarkerElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGMarkerElementImpl();
           // Derived from: 'ElementImpl'
  -        virtual void close();
  +        virtual void closeRenderer();
           // 'SVGMarkerElement' functions
           SVGAnimatedLengthImpl *refX() const;
    +3 -3      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPaintImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGPaintImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPaintImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGPaintImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:24 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGPaintImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:25 -0000
  @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
   void SVGPaintImpl::setUri(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *uri)
  -    KDOM_SAFE_SET(m_uri, uri);
  +    KDOM::KDOM_SAFE_SET(m_uri, uri);
   void SVGPaintImpl::setPaint(unsigned short paintType, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *uri, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *rgbPaint, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *)
  @@ -79,14 +79,14 @@
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGPaintImpl::cssText() const
  +KDOM::DOMString SVGPaintImpl::cssText() const
       if(m_paintType == SVG_PAINTTYPE_NONE)
           return new KDOM::DOMStringImpl("none");
       else if(m_paintType == SVG_PAINTTYPE_CURRENTCOLOR)
           return new KDOM::DOMStringImpl("currentColor");
       else if(m_paintType == SVG_PAINTTYPE_URI)
  -        return new KDOM::DOMStringImpl(QString::fromLatin1("url(") + KDOM::DOMString(m_uri).string() + QString::fromLatin1(")"));
  +        return new KDOM::DOMStringImpl(QString::fromLatin1("url(") + KDOM::DOMString(m_uri).qstring() + QString::fromLatin1(")"));
       return SVGColorImpl::cssText();
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPaintImpl.h
  Index: SVGPaintImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPaintImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGPaintImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:45 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGPaintImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:25 -0000
  @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
           void setUri(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *uri);
           void setPaint(unsigned short paintType, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *uri, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *rgbPaint, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *iccPaint);
  -        virtual KDOM::DOMStringImpl *cssText() const;
  +        virtual KDOM::DOMString cssText() const;
           unsigned short m_paintType;
    +15 -20    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPathElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGPathElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPathElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGPathElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:25 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGPathElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:25 -0000
  @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGRectImpl.h"
   #include "SVGPointImpl.h"
  @@ -47,10 +47,10 @@
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvas.h>
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvasCreator.h>
  -using namespace KSVG;
  +namespace KSVG {
  -SVGPathElementImpl::SVGPathElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl(), SVGPathParser()
  +SVGPathElementImpl::SVGPathElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl(), SVGPathParser()
       m_pathLength = 0;
       m_pathSegList = 0;
  @@ -352,24 +352,17 @@
   void SVGPathElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    switch(id)
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::dAttr)
  +        parseSVG(KDOM::DOMString(attr->value()).qstring(), true);
  +    else
  -        case ATTR_D:
  -        {
  -            parseSVG(KDOM::DOMString(attr->value()).string(), true);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   SVGPathSegListImpl *SVGPathElementImpl::pathSegList() const
  @@ -438,4 +431,6 @@
       return pathData;
   // vim:ts=4:noet
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPathElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGPathElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPathElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGPathElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:46 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGPathElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:25 -0000
  @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
                                  public SVGPathParser
  -        SVGPathElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGPathElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGPathElementImpl();
           SVGAnimatedNumberImpl *pathLength() const;
    +48 -67    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGPatternElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.8 -r1.8.2.1
  --- SVGPatternElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:26 -0000	1.8
  +++ SVGPatternElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:25 -0000
  @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerPattern.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGMatrixImpl.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
  @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGPatternElementImpl::SVGPatternElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGURIReferenceImpl(), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGFitToViewBoxImpl(), KCanvasResourceListener()
  +SVGPatternElementImpl::SVGPatternElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGURIReferenceImpl(), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGFitToViewBoxImpl(), KCanvasResourceListener()
       m_patternUnits = 0;
       m_patternTransform = 0;
  @@ -131,63 +131,44 @@
   void SVGPatternElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::patternunitsAttr)
  -        case ATTR_PATTERNUNITS:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "userSpaceOnUse")
  -                patternUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE);
  -            else if(value == "objectBoundingBox")
  -                patternUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        {
  -            if(value == "userSpaceOnUse")
  -                patternContentUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE);
  -            else if(value == "objectBoundingBox")
  -                patternContentUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        {
  -            SVGTransformListImpl *patternTransforms = patternTransform()->baseVal();
  -            SVGTransformableImpl::parseTransformAttribute(patternTransforms, attr->value());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_X:
  -        {
  -            x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_Y:
  -        {
  -            y()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_WIDTH:
  -        {
  -            width()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_HEIGHT:
  -        {
  -            height()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.handle());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGFitToViewBoxImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(value == "userSpaceOnUse")
  +            patternUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE);
  +        else if(value == "objectBoundingBox")
  +            patternUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX);
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::patterncontentunitsAttr)
  +    {
  +        if(value == "userSpaceOnUse")
  +            patternContentUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE);
  +        else if(value == "objectBoundingBox")
  +            patternContentUnits()->setBaseVal(SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX);
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::patterntransformAttr)
  +    {
  +        SVGTransformListImpl *patternTransforms = patternTransform()->baseVal();
  +        SVGTransformableImpl::parseTransformAttribute(patternTransforms, value.impl());
  +    }
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::xAttr)
  +        x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::yAttr)
  +        y()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::widthAttr)
  +        width()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::heightAttr)
  +        height()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else
  +    {
  +        if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGFitToViewBoxImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   const SVGStyledElementImpl *SVGPatternElementImpl::pushAttributeContext(const SVGStyledElementImpl *context)
  @@ -232,9 +213,9 @@
       const KDOM::NodeImpl *test = this;
       while(test && !test->hasChildNodes())
  -        QString ref = KDOM::DOMString(href()->baseVal()).string();
  -        test = ownerDocument()->getElementById(KDOM::DOMString(ref.mid(1)).handle());
  -        if(test && test->id() == ID_PATTERN)
  +        QString ref = KDOM::DOMString(href()->baseVal()).qstring();
  +        test = ownerDocument()->getElementById(KDOM::DOMString(ref.mid(1)).impl());
  +        if(test && test->hasTagName(SVGNames::patternTag))
               target = static_cast<const KDOM::ElementImpl *>(test);
  @@ -242,7 +223,7 @@
       unsigned short savedPatternContentUnits = patternContentUnits()->baseVal();
       KRenderingPaintServer *refServer = 0;
  -    QString ref = KDOM::DOMString(href()->baseVal()).string();
  +    QString ref = KDOM::DOMString(href()->baseVal()).qstring();
           SVGDocumentImpl *document = static_cast<SVGDocumentImpl *>(ownerDocument());
  @@ -260,25 +241,25 @@
           KRenderingPaintServerPattern *refPattern = static_cast<KRenderingPaintServerPattern *>(refServer);
  -        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("patternUnits").handle()))
  +        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("patternUnits").impl()))
  -            KDOM::DOMString value(target->getAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("patternUnits").handle()));
  +            KDOM::DOMString value(target->getAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("patternUnits").impl()));
               if(value == "userSpaceOnUse")
               else if(value == "objectBoundingBox")
  -        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("patternContentUnits").handle()))
  +        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("patternContentUnits").impl()))
  -            KDOM::DOMString value(target->getAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("patternContentUnits").handle()));
  +            KDOM::DOMString value(target->getAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("patternContentUnits").impl()));
               if(value == "userSpaceOnUse")
               else if(value == "objectBoundingBox")
  -        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("patternTransform").handle()))
  +        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("patternTransform").impl()))
               patternTransformMatrix = refPattern->patternTransform();
  @@ -331,7 +312,7 @@
               // Take into account viewportElement's viewBox, if existant...
  -            if(viewportElement() && viewportElement()->id() == ID_SVG)
  +            if(viewportElement() && viewportElement()->hasTagName(SVGNames::svgTag))
                   SVGSVGElementImpl *svgElement = static_cast<SVGSVGElementImpl *>(viewportElement());
  @@ -399,7 +380,7 @@
       pserver->setListener(const_cast<SVGPatternElementImpl *>(this));
  -    canvas->registry()->addPaintServerById(KDOM::DOMString(getId()).string(), pserver);
  +    canvas->registry()->addPaintServerById(getIDAttribute().qstring(), pserver);
       return 0;
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGPatternElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGPatternElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:49 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGPatternElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:25 -0000
  @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
                                     public KCanvasResourceListener
  -        SVGPatternElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGPatternElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGPatternElementImpl();
           // 'SVGPatternElement' functions
    +20 -25    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPolyElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGPolyElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPolyElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGPolyElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:27 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGPolyElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:25 -0000
  @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
   #include <kdom/Namespace.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGPointListImpl.h"
   #include "SVGPolyElementImpl.h"
  @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGPolyElementImpl::SVGPolyElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl(), SVGAnimatedPointsImpl(), SVGPolyParser()
  +SVGPolyElementImpl::SVGPolyElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl(), SVGAnimatedPointsImpl(), SVGPolyParser()
       m_points = 0;
  @@ -57,24 +57,17 @@
   void SVGPolyElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    switch(id)
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::y1Attr)
  +        parsePoints(KDOM::DOMString(attr->value()).qstring());
  +    else
  -        case ATTR_POINTS:
  -        {
  -            parsePoints(KDOM::DOMString(attr->value()).string());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   void SVGPolyElementImpl::svgPolyTo(double x1, double y1, int) const
  @@ -84,7 +77,8 @@
   void SVGPolyElementImpl::notifyAttributeChange() const
  -    if(ownerDocument()->parsing())
  +    static bool ignoreNotifications = false;
  +    if (ignoreNotifications || ownerDocument()->parsing())
  @@ -101,12 +95,13 @@
       KDOM::DOMString p("points");
  -    KDOM::AttrImpl *attr = const_cast<SVGPolyElementImpl *>(this)->getAttributeNode(p.handle());
  +    KDOM::AttrImpl *attr = const_cast<SVGPolyElementImpl *>(this)->getAttributeNode(p.impl());
  -        attr->setOwnerElement(0);
  -        attr->setValue(_points.handle());
  -        attr->setOwnerElement(const_cast<SVGPolyElementImpl *>(this));
  +        int exceptionCode;
  +        ignoreNotifications = true; // prevent recursion.
  +        attr->setValue(_points, exceptionCode);
  +        ignoreNotifications = false;
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPolyElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGPolyElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPolyElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGPolyElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:49 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGPolyElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:25 -0000
  @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
                                   public SVGPolyParser
  -        SVGPolyElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGPolyElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGPolyElementImpl();
           // Derived from: 'SVGAnimatedPoints'
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPolygonElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGPolygonElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPolygonElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGPolygonElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:27 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGPolygonElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:25 -0000
  @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGPolygonElementImpl::SVGPolygonElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGPolyElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGPolygonElementImpl::SVGPolygonElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGPolyElementImpl(tagName, doc)
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPolygonElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGPolygonElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPolygonElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGPolygonElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:49 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGPolygonElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:25 -0000
  @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
       class SVGPolygonElementImpl :    public SVGPolyElementImpl
  -        SVGPolygonElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGPolygonElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGPolygonElementImpl();
           virtual KCPathDataList toPathData() const;
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPolylineElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGPolylineElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPolylineElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGPolylineElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:27 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGPolylineElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:25 -0000
  @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGPolylineElementImpl::SVGPolylineElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGPolyElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGPolylineElementImpl::SVGPolylineElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGPolyElementImpl(tagName, doc)
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPolylineElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGPolylineElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPolylineElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGPolylineElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:49 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGPolylineElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:25 -0000
  @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
       class SVGPolylineElementImpl :  public SVGPolyElementImpl
  -        SVGPolylineElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGPolylineElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGPolylineElementImpl();
           virtual KCPathDataList toPathData() const;
    +4 -3      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPreserveAspectRatioImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGPreserveAspectRatioImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGPreserveAspectRatioImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.8 -r1.8.2.1
  --- SVGPreserveAspectRatioImpl.cpp	24 Oct 2005 06:31:54 -0000	1.8
  +++ SVGPreserveAspectRatioImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:25 -0000
  @@ -64,13 +64,14 @@
       return m_meetOrSlice;
  -void SVGPreserveAspectRatioImpl::parsePreserveAspectRatio(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *s)
  +void SVGPreserveAspectRatioImpl::parsePreserveAspectRatio(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *strImpl)
       // Spec: set the defaults
  -    QString str(s->unicode(), s->length());
  +    KDOM::DOMString s(strImpl);
  +    QString str = s.qstring();
       QStringList params = QStringList::split(' ', str.simplifyWhiteSpace());
       if(params[0].compare(QString::fromLatin1("none")) == 0)
    +28 -47    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGRadialGradientElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGRadialGradientElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGRadialGradientElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGRadialGradientElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:27 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGRadialGradientElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:26 -0000
  @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGMatrixImpl.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
  @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGRadialGradientElementImpl::SVGRadialGradientElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : SVGGradientElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGRadialGradientElementImpl::SVGRadialGradientElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : SVGGradientElementImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_cx = m_cy = m_fx = m_fy = m_r = 0;
  @@ -113,47 +113,28 @@
   void SVGRadialGradientElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = attr->value();
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_CX:
  -        {
  -            cx()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_CY:
  -        {
  -            cy()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_R:
  -        {
  -            r()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_FX:
  -        {
  -            fx()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_FY:
  -        {
  -            fy()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -            SVGGradientElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -    };
  +    const KDOM::AtomicString& value = attr->value();
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::cxAttr)
  +        cx()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::cyAttr)
  +        cy()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::rAttr)
  +        r()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::fxAttr)
  +        fx()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::fyAttr)
  +        fy()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else
  +        SVGGradientElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
   void SVGRadialGradientElementImpl::buildGradient(KRenderingPaintServerGradient *_grad, KCanvas *canvas) const
  -    QString ref = KDOM::DOMString(href()->baseVal()).string();
  +    QString ref = KDOM::DOMString(href()->baseVal()).qstring();
       bool bbox = (gradientUnits()->baseVal() == SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX);
  -    bool fxSet = hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("fx").handle());
  -    bool fySet = hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("fy").handle());
  +    bool fxSet = hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("fx").impl());
  +    bool fySet = hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("fy").impl());
  @@ -178,31 +159,31 @@
           bool isRadial = pserver->type() == PS_RADIAL_GRADIENT;
           KRenderingPaintServerGradient *gradient = static_cast<KRenderingPaintServerGradient *>(pserver);
  -        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("gradientUnits").handle()))
  +        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("gradientUnits").impl()))
               bbox = gradient->boundingBoxMode();
               KRenderingPaintServerRadialGradient *radial = static_cast<KRenderingPaintServerRadialGradient *>(pserver);
  -            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("cx").handle()))
  +            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("cx").impl()))
                   _cx = radial->gradientCenter().x();
               else if(bbox)
                   _cx *= 100.;
  -            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("cy").handle()))
  +            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("cy").impl()))
                   _cy = radial->gradientCenter().y();
               else if(bbox)
                   _cy *= 100.;
  -            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("fx").handle()))
  +            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("fx").impl()))
                   _fx = radial->gradientFocal().x();
               else if(bbox)
                   _fx *= 100.;
  -            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("fy").handle()))
  +            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("fy").impl()))
                   _fy = radial->gradientFocal().y();
               else if(bbox)
                   _fy *= 100.;
  -            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("r").handle()))
  +            if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("r").impl()))
                   _r = radial->gradientRadius();
               else if(bbox)
                   _r *= 100.;
  @@ -216,7 +197,7 @@
               _r *= 100.0;
  -        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("gradientTransform").handle()))
  +        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("gradientTransform").impl()))
               mat = gradient->gradientTransform();
           // Inherit color stops if empty
  @@ -227,7 +208,7 @@
                   grad->gradientStops().addStop(it.current()->offset, it.current()->color);
  -        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("spreadMethod").handle()))
  +        if(!hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("spreadMethod").impl()))
  @@ -263,14 +244,14 @@
       pserver->setListener(const_cast<SVGRadialGradientElementImpl *>(this));
  -    canvas->registry()->addPaintServerById(KDOM::DOMString(getId()).string(), pserver);
  +    canvas->registry()->addPaintServerById(getIDAttribute().qstring(), pserver);
       return 0;
   void SVGRadialGradientElementImpl::resourceNotification() const
       // We're referenced by a "client", build the gradient now...
  -    KRenderingPaintServer *pserver = canvas()->registry()->getPaintServerById(KDOM::DOMString(getId()).string());
  +    KRenderingPaintServer *pserver = canvas()->registry()->getPaintServerById(getIDAttribute().qstring());
       KRenderingPaintServerGradient *gradient = static_cast<KRenderingPaintServerGradient *>(pserver);
       buildGradient(gradient, canvas());
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGRadialGradientElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGRadialGradientElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGRadialGradientElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGRadialGradientElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:50 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGRadialGradientElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:26 -0000
  @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
       class SVGRadialGradientElementImpl : public SVGGradientElementImpl
  -        SVGRadialGradientElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGRadialGradientElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGRadialGradientElementImpl();
           // 'SVGRadialGradientElement' functions
    +25 -47    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGRectElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGRectElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGRectElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGRectElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:27 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGRectElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:26 -0000
  @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   #include "config.h"
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
   #include "SVGRectElementImpl.h"
  @@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGRectElementImpl::SVGRectElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
  +SVGRectElementImpl::SVGRectElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
       m_x = m_y = m_rx = m_ry = m_width = m_height = 0;
  @@ -92,50 +92,28 @@
   void SVGRectElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = attr->value();
  -    switch(id)
  +    const KDOM::AtomicString& value = attr->value();
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::xAttr)
  +        x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::yAttr)
  +        y()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::rxAttr)
  +        rx()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::ryAttr)
  +        ry()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::widthAttr)
  +        width()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::heightAttr)
  +        height()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else
  -        case ATTR_X:
  -        {
  -            x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_Y:
  -        {
  -            y()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_RX:
  -        {
  -            rx()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_RY:
  -        {
  -            ry()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_WIDTH:
  -        {
  -            width()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_HEIGHT:
  -        {
  -            height()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   KCPathDataList SVGRectElementImpl::toPathData() const
  @@ -143,7 +121,7 @@
       float _x = x()->baseVal()->value(), _y = y()->baseVal()->value();
       float _width = width()->baseVal()->value(), _height = height()->baseVal()->value();
  -    if(hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("rx").handle()) || hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("ry").handle()))
  +    if(hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("rx").impl()) || hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("ry").impl()))
           float _rx = rx()->baseVal()->value(), _ry = rx()->baseVal()->value();
           return KCanvasCreator::self()->createRoundedRectangle(_x, _y, _width, _height, _rx, _ry);
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGRectElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGRectElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGRectElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGRectElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:50 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGRectElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:26 -0000
  @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
                                  public SVGTransformableImpl
  -        SVGRectElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id,  KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGRectElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGRectElementImpl();
           // 'SVGRectElement' functions
    +40 -69    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGSVGElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.9
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.9 -r1.9.2.1
  --- SVGSVGElementImpl.cpp	13 Oct 2005 08:29:20 -0000	1.9
  +++ SVGSVGElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:26 -0000
  @@ -35,12 +35,11 @@
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGRectImpl.h"
   #include "SVGAngleImpl.h"
   #include "SVGPointImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGEventImpl.h"
   #include "SVGMatrixImpl.h"
   #include "SVGNumberImpl.h"
   #include "SVGLengthImpl.h"
  @@ -61,10 +60,10 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGSVGElementImpl::SVGSVGElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(),
  +SVGSVGElementImpl::SVGSVGElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(),
     SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGLocatableImpl(), SVGFitToViewBoxImpl(),
  -  SVGZoomAndPanImpl(), KDOM::DocumentEventImpl()
  +  SVGZoomAndPanImpl()
       m_clipper = 0;
  @@ -101,7 +100,7 @@
           KDOM::DOMString temp("100%");
           lazy_create<SVGAnimatedLengthImpl>(m_width, static_cast<const SVGStyledElementImpl *>(0), LM_WIDTH, ownerDocument()->documentElement() == static_cast<const KDOM::ElementImpl *>(this) ? this : viewportElement());
  -        m_width->baseVal()->setValueAsString(temp.handle());
  +        m_width->baseVal()->setValueAsString(temp.impl());
       return m_width;
  @@ -113,31 +112,30 @@
           KDOM::DOMString temp("100%");
           lazy_create<SVGAnimatedLengthImpl>(m_height, static_cast<const SVGStyledElementImpl *>(0), LM_HEIGHT, ownerDocument()->documentElement() == static_cast<const KDOM::ElementImpl *>(this) ? this : viewportElement());
  -        m_height->baseVal()->setValueAsString(temp.handle());
  +        m_height->baseVal()->setValueAsString(temp.impl());
       return m_height;
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGSVGElementImpl::contentScriptType() const
  +const KDOM::AtomicString& SVGSVGElementImpl::contentScriptType() const
  -    return tryGetAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("contentScriptType").handle(), KDOM::DOMString("text/ecmascript").handle());
  +    return tryGetAttribute("contentScriptType", "text/ecmascript");
  -void SVGSVGElementImpl::setContentScriptType(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *type)
  +void SVGSVGElementImpl::setContentScriptType(const KDOM::AtomicString& type)
  -    KDOM::DOMString name("contentScriptType");    
  -    setAttribute(name.handle(), type);
  +    setAttribute(SVGNames::contentscripttypeAttr, type);
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGSVGElementImpl::contentStyleType() const
  +const KDOM::AtomicString& SVGSVGElementImpl::contentStyleType() const
  -    return tryGetAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("contentStyleType").handle(), KDOM::DOMString("text/css").handle());
  +    return tryGetAttribute("contentStyleType", "text/css");
  -void SVGSVGElementImpl::setContentStyleType(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *type)
  +void SVGSVGElementImpl::setContentStyleType(const KDOM::AtomicString& type)
  -    setAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("contentStyleType").handle(), type);
  +    setAttribute(SVGNames::contentstyletypeAttr, type);
   SVGRectImpl *SVGSVGElementImpl::viewport() const
  @@ -238,62 +236,35 @@
       return createSVGPoint(canvasView()->pan());
  -KDOM::EventImpl *SVGSVGElementImpl::createEvent(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *eventTypeImpl)
  -    QString eventType = (eventTypeImpl ? eventTypeImpl->string() : QString::null);
  -    if(eventType == QString::fromLatin1("SVGEvents"))
  -        return new SVGEventImpl();
  -    else if(eventType == QString::fromLatin1("SVGZoomEvents"))
  -        return new SVGZoomEventImpl();
  -    return DocumentEventImpl::createEvent(eventTypeImpl);
   void SVGSVGElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = attr->value();
  -    switch(id)
  +    const KDOM::AtomicString& value = attr->value();
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::xAttr)
  +        x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::yAttr)
  +        y()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::widthAttr || attr->name() == SVGNames::heightAttr)
  -        case ATTR_X:
  -        {
  -            x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_Y:
  -        {
  -            y()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_WIDTH:
  -        case ATTR_HEIGHT:
  -        {
  -            if(id == ATTR_WIDTH)
  -                width()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            else
  -                height()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            SVGDocumentImpl *document = static_cast<SVGDocumentImpl *>(ownerDocument());
  -            if(document->canvas() && canvasItem() == document->canvas()->rootContainer())
  -            {
  -                document->canvas()->setCanvasSize(QSize(qRound(width()->baseVal()->value()),
  -                                                        qRound(height()->baseVal()->value())));
  -            }
  +        if(attr->name() == SVGNames::widthAttr)
  +            width()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +        else
  +            height()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  +        SVGDocumentImpl *document = static_cast<SVGDocumentImpl *>(ownerDocument());
  +        if(document->canvas() && canvasItem() == document->canvas()->rootContainer())
  -            if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGFitToViewBoxImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGZoomAndPanImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +            document->canvas()->setCanvasSize(QSize(qRound(width()->baseVal()->value()),
  +                                                    qRound(height()->baseVal()->value())));
  -    };
  +    } else {
  +        if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGFitToViewBoxImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGZoomAndPanImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   unsigned long SVGSVGElementImpl::suspendRedraw(unsigned long /* max_wait_milliseconds */)
  @@ -449,7 +420,7 @@
           mat->translate(x()->baseVal()->value(), y()->baseVal()->value());
  -        if(attributes()->getValue(ATTR_VIEWBOX))
  +        if(attributes()->getNamedItem(SVGNames::viewboxAttr))
               SVGMatrixImpl *viewBox = viewBoxToViewTransform(width()->baseVal()->value(), height()->baseVal()->value());
  @@ -468,7 +439,7 @@
           mat->translate(x()->baseVal()->value(), y()->baseVal()->value());
  -        if(attributes()->getValue(ATTR_VIEWBOX))
  +        if(attributes()->getNamedItem(SVGNames::viewboxAttr))
               SVGMatrixImpl *viewBox = viewBoxToViewTransform(width()->baseVal()->value(), height()->baseVal()->value());
  @@ -486,7 +457,7 @@
       QTextStream keyStream(&key, IO_WriteOnly);
       keyStream << ((void *) this);
  -    if(renderStyle()->overflow() == KDOM::OF_VISIBLE)
  +    if(renderStyle()->overflow() == KDOM::OVISIBLE)
           return QString();
    +6 -12     SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGSVGElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGSVGElementImpl.h	28 Sep 2005 05:06:08 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGSVGElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:26 -0000
  @@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
   #include <qpoint.h>
  -#include <kdom/events/DocumentEventImpl.h>
   #include "SVGTestsImpl.h"
   #include "SVGLangSpaceImpl.h"
   #include "SVGLocatableImpl.h"
  @@ -58,11 +56,10 @@
                                 public SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl,
                                 public SVGLocatableImpl,
                                 public SVGFitToViewBoxImpl,
  -                              public SVGZoomAndPanImpl,
  -                              public KDOM::DocumentEventImpl
  +                              public SVGZoomAndPanImpl
  -        SVGSVGElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGSVGElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGSVGElementImpl();
           virtual bool isSVG() const { return true; }
  @@ -73,11 +70,11 @@
           SVGAnimatedLengthImpl *width() const;
           SVGAnimatedLengthImpl *height() const;
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *contentScriptType() const;
  -        void setContentScriptType(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *type);
  +        const KDOM::AtomicString& contentScriptType() const;
  +        void setContentScriptType(const KDOM::AtomicString& type);
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *contentStyleType() const;
  -        void setContentStyleType(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *type);
  +        const KDOM::AtomicString& contentStyleType() const;
  +        void setContentStyleType(const KDOM::AtomicString& type);
           SVGRectImpl *viewport() const;
  @@ -123,9 +120,6 @@
           static SVGTransformImpl *createSVGTransform();
           static SVGTransformImpl *createSVGTransformFromMatrix(SVGMatrixImpl *matrix);
  -        // 'DocumentEvent' functions
  -        virtual KDOM::EventImpl *createEvent(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *eventType);
           virtual void parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *);
           // 'virtual SVGLocatable' functions
    +13 -26    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGScriptElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGScriptElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGScriptElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.9
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.9 -r1.9.2.1
  --- SVGScriptElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:28 -0000	1.9
  +++ SVGScriptElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:26 -0000
  @@ -27,15 +27,13 @@
   #include <kdom/core/DOMStringImpl.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  -#include "ksvgevents.h"
  -#include "SVGEventImpl.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
   #include "SVGScriptElementImpl.h"
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGScriptElementImpl::SVGScriptElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : SVGElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGURIReferenceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl()
  +SVGScriptElementImpl::SVGScriptElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : SVGElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGURIReferenceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl()
       m_type = 0;
  @@ -58,22 +56,15 @@
   void SVGScriptElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    switch(id)
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::typeAttr)
  +            setType(attr->value().impl());
  +    else
  -        case ATTR_TYPE:
  -        {
  -            setType(attr->value());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        SVGElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   void SVGScriptElementImpl::executeScript(KDOM::DocumentImpl *document, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *jsCode)
  @@ -90,7 +81,7 @@
       // Run script
  -    KJS::Completion comp = ecmaEngine->evaluate(jsCode.string(), ecmaEngine->globalObject());
  +    KJS::Completion comp = ecmaEngine->evaluate(jsCode.qstring(), ecmaEngine->globalObject());
       if(comp.complType() == KJS::Throw)
           KJS::ExecState *exec = ecmaEngine->globalExec();
  @@ -108,13 +99,9 @@
           SVGDocumentImpl *svgDocument = static_cast<SVGDocumentImpl *>(document);
           if(svgDocument && document->hasListenerType(KDOM::ERROR_EVENT))
  -            SVGEventImpl *event = static_cast<SVGEventImpl *>(svgDocument->createEvent(KDOM::DOMString("SVGEvents").handle()));
  -            event->ref();
  -            event->initEvent(KDOM::DOMString("error").handle(), false, false);
  -            svgDocument->dispatchRecursiveEvent(event, svgDocument->lastChild());
  -            event->deref();
  +            SharedPtr<KDOM::EventImpl> event = svgDocument->createEvent("SVGEvents");
  +            event->initEvent(KDOM::EventNames::errorEvent, false, false);
  +            svgDocument->dispatchRecursiveEvent(event.get(), svgDocument->lastChild());
           kdDebug() << "[SVGScriptElement] Evaluation error, line " << (lineno != -1 ? QString::number(lineno) : QString::fromLatin1("N/A"))  << " " << exVal->toString(exec).qstring() << endl;
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGScriptElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGScriptElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGScriptElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGScriptElementImpl.h	8 Sep 2005 08:03:37 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGScriptElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:26 -0000
  @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
                                    public SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl
  -        SVGScriptElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGScriptElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGScriptElementImpl();
           // 'SVGScriptElement' functions
    +6 -6      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGSetElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGSetElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGSetElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGSetElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:28 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGSetElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:26 -0000
  @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGSetElementImpl::SVGSetElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGAnimationElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGSetElementImpl::SVGSetElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGAnimationElementImpl(tagName, doc)
  @@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
       // Commit change now...
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *attr = targetAttribute();
  -        m_savedTo = (attr ? attr->string() : QString::null);
  -        setTargetAttribute(KDOM::DOMString(m_to).handle());
  +        KDOM::DOMString attr(targetAttribute());
  +        m_savedTo = attr.qstring();
  +        setTargetAttribute(KDOM::DOMString(m_to).impl());
       // End condition.
  @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
  -            setTargetAttribute(KDOM::DOMString(m_savedTo).handle());
  +            setTargetAttribute(KDOM::DOMString(m_savedTo).impl());
           m_savedTo = QString();
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGSetElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGSetElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGSetElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGSetElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:51 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGSetElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:26 -0000
  @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
       class SVGSetElementImpl : public SVGAnimationElementImpl
  -        SVGSetElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGSetElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGSetElementImpl();
           virtual void handleTimerEvent(double timePercentage);
    +10 -17    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGStopElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGStopElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGStopElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGStopElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:28 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGStopElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:26 -0000
  @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvasRegistry.h>
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerGradient.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
  @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGStopElementImpl::SVGStopElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGStopElementImpl::SVGStopElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_offset = 0;
  @@ -55,21 +55,14 @@
   void SVGStopElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_OFFSET:
  -        {
  -            if(value.string().endsWith(QString::fromLatin1("%")))
  -                offset()->setBaseVal(value.string().left(value.length() - 1).toDouble() / 100.);
  -            else
  -                offset()->setBaseVal(value.string().toDouble());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -    };
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::offsetAttr) {
  +        if(value.qstring().endsWith(QString::fromLatin1("%")))
  +            offset()->setBaseVal(value.qstring().left(value.length() - 1).toDouble() / 100.);
  +        else
  +            offset()->setBaseVal(value.qstring().toDouble());
  +    } else
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  @@ -91,7 +84,7 @@
  -        QString gradientId = KDOM::DOMString(static_cast<SVGElementImpl *>(parentNode())->getId()).string();
  +        QString gradientId = KDOM::DOMString(static_cast<SVGElementImpl *>(parentNode())->getIDAttribute()).qstring();
           KRenderingPaintServer *paintServer = canvas->registry()->getPaintServerById(gradientId);
           KRenderingPaintServerGradient *paintServerGradient  = static_cast<KRenderingPaintServerGradient *>(paintServer);
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGStopElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGStopElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGStopElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGStopElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:51 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGStopElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:26 -0000
  @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
       class SVGStopElementImpl : public SVGStyledElementImpl
  -        SVGStopElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGStopElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGStopElementImpl();
           // 'SVGStoplement' functions
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGStylableImpl.h
  Index: SVGStylableImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGStylableImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGStylableImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:52 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGStylableImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:26 -0000
  @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
           // 'SVGStylable' functions
           virtual SVGAnimatedStringImpl *className() const = 0;
  -        virtual KDOM::CSSStyleDeclarationImpl *style() = 0;
  +        virtual DOM::CSSStyleDeclarationImpl *style() = 0;
           virtual KDOM::CSSValueImpl *getPresentationAttribute(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *name) = 0;
    +21 -21    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGStyleElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGStyleElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGStyleElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGStyleElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:28 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGStyleElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:26 -0000
  @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGStyleElementImpl::SVGStyleElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : SVGElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGStyleElementImpl::SVGStyleElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : SVGElementImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_sheet = 0;
       m_loading = false;
  @@ -45,44 +45,44 @@
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGStyleElementImpl::xmlspace() const
  +const KDOM::AtomicString& SVGStyleElementImpl::xmlspace() const
  -    return tryGetAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("xml:space").handle());
  +    return tryGetAttribute("xml:space");
  -void SVGStyleElementImpl::setXmlspace(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *)
  +void SVGStyleElementImpl::setXmlspace(const KDOM::AtomicString&, int &exceptioncode)
  -    throw new KDOM::DOMExceptionImpl(KDOM::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR);
  +    exceptioncode = KDOM::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR;
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGStyleElementImpl::type() const
  +const KDOM::AtomicString& SVGStyleElementImpl::type() const
  -    return tryGetAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("type").handle(), KDOM::DOMString("text/css").handle());
  +    return tryGetAttribute("type", "text/css");
  -void SVGStyleElementImpl::setType(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *)
  +void SVGStyleElementImpl::setType(const KDOM::AtomicString&, int &exceptioncode)
  -    throw new KDOM::DOMExceptionImpl(KDOM::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR);
  +    exceptioncode = KDOM::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR;
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGStyleElementImpl::media() const
  +const KDOM::AtomicString& SVGStyleElementImpl::media() const
  -    return tryGetAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("media").handle(), KDOM::DOMString("all").handle());
  +    return tryGetAttribute("media", "all");
  -void SVGStyleElementImpl::setMedia(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *)
  +void SVGStyleElementImpl::setMedia(const KDOM::AtomicString&, int& exceptioncode)
  -    throw new KDOM::DOMExceptionImpl(KDOM::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR);
  +    exceptioncode = KDOM::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR;
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGStyleElementImpl::title() const
  +const KDOM::AtomicString& SVGStyleElementImpl::title() const
  -    return tryGetAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("title").handle());
  +    return tryGetAttribute("title");
  -void SVGStyleElementImpl::setTitle(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *)
  +void SVGStyleElementImpl::setTitle(const KDOM::AtomicString&, int& exceptioncode)
  -    throw new KDOM::DOMExceptionImpl(KDOM::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR);
  +    exceptioncode = KDOM::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR;
   KDOM::CSSStyleSheetImpl *SVGStyleElementImpl::sheet()
  @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
       m_loading = false;
       KDOM::DOMString mediaDomString(media());
  -    QString _media = mediaDomString.string();
  +    QString _media = mediaDomString.qstring();
       if((KDOM::DOMString(type()).isEmpty() || KDOM::DOMString(type()) == "text/css") && (_media.isNull() ||
           _media.contains(QString::fromLatin1("screen")) ||
           _media.contains(QString::fromLatin1("all")) |
  @@ -116,9 +116,9 @@
           m_sheet = new SVGCSSStyleSheetImpl(this);
  -        m_sheet->parseString(text.handle(), false);//!getDocument()->inCompatMode());
  +        m_sheet->parseString(text.impl(), false);//!getDocument()->inCompatMode());
  -        KDOM::MediaListImpl *media = new KDOM::MediaListImpl(m_sheet, mediaDomString.handle());
  +        KDOM::MediaListImpl *media = new KDOM::MediaListImpl(m_sheet, mediaDomString.impl());
           m_loading = false;
  @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
       if(!isLoading() && m_sheet)
  -            getDocument()->styleSheetLoaded();
  +            getDocument()->stylesheetLoaded();
    +9 -9      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGStyleElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGStyleElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGStyleElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGStyleElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:52 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGStyleElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:26 -0000
  @@ -35,24 +35,24 @@
       class SVGStyleElementImpl : public SVGElementImpl
  -        SVGStyleElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGStyleElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGStyleElementImpl();
           // Derived from: 'ElementImpl'
           virtual void childrenChanged();
           // 'SVGStyleElement' functions
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *xmlspace() const;
  -        void setXmlspace(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *);
  +        const KDOM::AtomicString& xmlspace() const;
  +        void setXmlspace(const KDOM::AtomicString&, int &exceptioncode);
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *type() const;
  -        void setType(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *);
  +        const KDOM::AtomicString& type() const;
  +        void setType(const KDOM::AtomicString&, int &exceptioncode);
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *media() const;
  -        void setMedia(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *);
  +        const KDOM::AtomicString& media() const;
  +        void setMedia(const KDOM::AtomicString&, int &exceptioncode);
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *title() const;
  -        void setTitle(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *);
  +        const KDOM::AtomicString& title() const;
  +        void setTitle(const KDOM::AtomicString&, int &exceptioncode);
           KDOM::CSSStyleSheetImpl *sheet();
    +21 -103   SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGStyledElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.9
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.9 -r1.9.2.1
  --- SVGStyledElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:29 -0000	1.9
  +++ SVGStyledElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:26 -0000
  @@ -45,15 +45,14 @@
   #include "SVGAnimatedStringImpl.h"
   #include "KCanvasRenderingStyle.h"
   #include "SVGDOMImplementationImpl.h"
  -#include "SVGCSSStyleDeclarationImpl.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include <ksvg2/css/cssproperties.h>
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGStyledElementImpl::SVGStyledElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGStylableImpl(), m_pa(0), m_className(0)
  +SVGStyledElementImpl::SVGStyledElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGElementImpl(tagName, doc), m_pa(0), m_className(0)
       m_canvasItem = 0;
       m_renderStyle = 0;
  @@ -81,16 +80,11 @@
       return m_className;
  -KDOM::CSSStyleDeclarationImpl *SVGStyledElementImpl::style()
  -    return styleRules();
   KDOM::CSSStyleDeclarationImpl *SVGStyledElementImpl::pa() const
  -        m_pa = new SVGCSSStyleDeclarationImpl(ownerDocument()->implementation()->cdfInterface(), 0);
  +        m_pa = new KDOM::CSSStyleDeclarationImpl(0);
  @@ -118,47 +112,16 @@
   void SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = attr->value();
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_CLASS:
  -        {
  -            className()->setBaseVal(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_STYLE:
  -        {
  -            style()->setProperty(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            KDOM::CDFInterface *interface = (ownerDocument() ? ownerDocument()->implementation()->cdfInterface() : 0);
  -            if(interface)
  -            {
  -                QString qProp = QString::fromLatin1(interface->getAttrName(id));
  -                int svgPropId = interface->getPropertyID(qProp.ascii(), qProp.length());
  -                if(svgPropId > 0)
  -                {
  -                    if(value)
  -                        pa()->setProperty(svgPropId, value);
  -                    else
  -                        pa()->removeProperty(svgPropId);
  -                    if(!ownerDocument()->parsing())
  -                        setChanged(true);
  -                    return;
  -                }
  -            }
  -            SVGElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +    const KDOM::AtomicString& value = attr->value();
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::classAttr)
  +        className()->setBaseVal(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::styleAttr)
  +        style()->setProperty(value);
  +    else
  +        SVGElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -KDOM::RenderStyle *SVGStyledElementImpl::renderStyle() const
  +khtml::RenderStyle *SVGStyledElementImpl::renderStyle() const
  @@ -210,7 +173,7 @@
           SVGRenderStyle *svgStyle = static_cast<SVGRenderStyle *>(renderStyle());
           KCanvasRenderingStyle *renderingStyle = new KCanvasRenderingStyle(canvas, svgStyle);
           if (m_canvasItem)
  -            fprintf(stderr, "DOUBLE ATTACH: <%s> %p\n", KDOM::DOMString(nodeName()).string().ascii(), this);
  +            fprintf(stderr, "DOUBLE ATTACH: <%s> %p\n", KDOM::DOMString(nodeName()).qstring().ascii(), this);
           m_canvasItem = createCanvasItem(canvas, renderingStyle);
  @@ -232,11 +195,11 @@
                       styledParent = static_cast<SVGStyledElementImpl *>(parentElement);
               if(styledParent && styledParent->canvasItem() && styledParent->allowAttachChildren(this))
  -            else if (styledParent && (styledParent->id() != ID_PATTERN)) {
  +            else if (styledParent && !styledParent->hasTagName(SVGNames::patternTag)) {
                   // FIXME: This exists until we can find a better way to create root && pattern nodes. -- ecs 8/7/05
                   delete m_canvasItem;
                   m_canvasItem = NULL;
  -                //fprintf(stderr, "FAILED CANVAS INSERTION: <%s>\n", KDOM::DOMString(nodeName()).string().ascii())
  +                //fprintf(stderr, "FAILED CANVAS INSERTION: <%s>\n", KDOM::DOMString(nodeName()).qstring().ascii())
  @@ -256,7 +219,9 @@
           kdDebug(26002) << "[SVGStyledElementImpl::attach] Unable to attach canvas item. (not necessarily wrong!)" << endl;
  +#ifndef APPLE_CHANGES
   void SVGStyledElementImpl::detach()
  @@ -280,7 +245,9 @@
       delete m_renderStyle;
       m_renderStyle = 0;
  +#ifndef APPLE_CHANGES
   KCanvasItem *SVGStyledElementImpl::canvasItem() const
  @@ -328,55 +295,6 @@
  -void SVGStyledElementImpl::recalcStyle(StyleChange change)
  -    KDOM::RenderStyle *_style = m_renderStyle;
  -    bool hasParentRenderer = parentNode() ? parentNode()->attached() : false;
  -    if(hasParentRenderer && (change >= Inherit) || changed())
  -    {
  -        KDOM::EDisplay oldDisplay = _style ? _style->display() : KDOM::DS_NONE;
  -        KDOM::RenderStyle *newStyle = ownerDocument()->styleSelector()->styleForElement(this);
  -        newStyle->ref();
  -        StyleChange ch = diff(_style, newStyle);
  -        if(ch != NoChange)
  -        {
  -            if(oldDisplay != newStyle->display())
  -            {
  -                if(attached()) detach();
  -                // ### uuhm, suboptimal. style gets calculated again
  -                attach();
  -                // attach recalulates the style for all children. No need to do it twice.
  -                setChanged(false);
  -                setHasChangedChild(false);
  -                newStyle->deref();
  -                return;
  -            }
  -            if(newStyle)
  -                setStyle(newStyle);
  -        }
  -        newStyle->deref();
  -        if(change != Force)
  -        {
  -            if(ownerDocument()->usesDescendantRules())
  -                change = Force;
  -            else
  -                change = ch;
  -        }
  -    }
  -    for(NodeImpl *n = firstChild(); n; n = n->nextSibling())
  -    {
  -        if(change >= Inherit || n->hasChangedChild() || n->changed())
  -            n->recalcStyle(change);
  -    }
   const SVGStyledElementImpl *SVGStyledElementImpl::pushAttributeContext(const SVGStyledElementImpl *)
  @@ -388,9 +306,9 @@
       return 0;
  -void SVGStyledElementImpl::setStyle(KDOM::RenderStyle *newStyle)
  +void SVGStyledElementImpl::setStyle(khtml::RenderStyle *newStyle)
  -    KDOM_SAFE_SET(m_renderStyle, newStyle);
  +    KDOM::KDOM_SAFE_SET(m_renderStyle, newStyle);
       KCanvasRenderingStyle *style = (m_canvasItem ? static_cast<KCanvasRenderingStyle *>(m_canvasItem->style()) : 0);
    +10 -10    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGStyledElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGStyledElementImpl.h	28 Sep 2005 05:06:08 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGStyledElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -35,23 +35,24 @@
   class KCanvasItem;
   class KRenderingStyle;
  +namespace KDOM {
  +    class CSSStyleDeclarationImpl;
   namespace KSVG
       class KCanvasRenderingStyle;
       class SVGStyledElementImpl;
  -    class SVGCSSStyleDeclarationImpl;
  -    class SVGStyledElementImpl : public SVGElementImpl,
  -                                 public SVGStylableImpl
  +    class SVGStyledElementImpl : public SVGElementImpl
  -        SVGStyledElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGStyledElementImpl();
           virtual bool isStyled() const { return true; }
           // 'SVGStylable' functions
           virtual SVGAnimatedStringImpl *className() const;
  -        virtual KDOM::CSSStyleDeclarationImpl *style();
           virtual KDOM::CSSStyleDeclarationImpl *pa() const;
           virtual KDOM::CSSValueImpl *getPresentationAttribute(KDOM::DOMStringImpl *name);
  @@ -71,7 +72,6 @@
           KCanvasItem *canvasItem() const;
           virtual void notifyAttributeChange() const;
  -        virtual void recalcStyle(StyleChange = NoChange);
           // Imagine we're a <rect> inside of a <pattern> section with patternContentUnits="objectBoundingBox"
           // and our 'width' attribute is set to 50%. When the pattern gets referenced it knows the "bbox"
  @@ -86,19 +86,19 @@
           KCanvas *canvas() const;
           KCanvasView *canvasView() const;
  -        virtual KDOM::RenderStyle *renderStyle() const;
  +        virtual khtml::RenderStyle *renderStyle() const;
           virtual void finalizeStyle(KCanvasRenderingStyle *style, bool needFillStrokeUpdate = true);
  -        void setStyle(KDOM::RenderStyle *newStyle);
  +        void setStyle(khtml::RenderStyle *newStyle);
           void updateCanvasItem(); // Handles "path data" object changes... (not for style/transform!)
           KCanvasItem *m_canvasItem;
  -        mutable SVGCSSStyleDeclarationImpl *m_pa;
  +        mutable KDOM::CSSStyleDeclarationImpl *m_pa;
           mutable SVGAnimatedStringImpl *m_className;
  -        mutable KDOM::RenderStyle *m_renderStyle;
  +        mutable khtml::RenderStyle *m_renderStyle;
           // Optimized updating logic
           bool m_updateVectorial : 1;
    +3 -3      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGSwitchElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGSwitchElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGSwitchElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGSwitchElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:29 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGSwitchElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvasContainer.h>
   #include <kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGTestsImpl.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
  @@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGSwitchElementImpl::SVGSwitchElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
  +SVGSwitchElementImpl::SVGSwitchElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl()
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGSwitchElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGSwitchElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGSwitchElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGSwitchElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:53 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGSwitchElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
                                    public SVGTransformableImpl
  -        SVGSwitchElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id,  KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGSwitchElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGSwitchElementImpl();
           // Derived from: 'SVGStyledElementImpl'
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGSymbolElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGSymbolElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGSymbolElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGSymbolElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:29 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGSymbolElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGSymbolElementImpl::SVGSymbolElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGFitToViewBoxImpl()
  +SVGSymbolElementImpl::SVGSymbolElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGFitToViewBoxImpl()
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGSymbolElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGSymbolElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGSymbolElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGSymbolElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:53 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGSymbolElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
                                    public SVGFitToViewBoxImpl
  -        SVGSymbolElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGSymbolElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGSymbolElementImpl();
           virtual void parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *);
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTSpanElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGTSpanElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTSpanElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGTSpanElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:29 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGTSpanElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGTSpanElementImpl::SVGTSpanElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGTextPositioningElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGTSpanElementImpl::SVGTSpanElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGTextPositioningElementImpl(tagName, doc)
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTSpanElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGTSpanElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTSpanElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGTSpanElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:53 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGTSpanElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
       class SVGTSpanElementImpl : public SVGTextPositioningElementImpl
  -        SVGTSpanElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id,  KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGTSpanElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGTSpanElementImpl();
           // 'SVGTSpanElement' functions
    +20 -28    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTestsImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGTestsImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTestsImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGTestsImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:29 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGTestsImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -21,11 +21,12 @@
   #include "config.h"
  +#include <kglobal.h>
   #include <klocale.h>
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGTestsImpl.h"
   #include "SVGElementImpl.h"
  @@ -77,7 +78,7 @@
       for(unsigned long i = 0;i < list->numberOfItems();i++)
           KDOM::DOMString value = KDOM::DOMString(list->getItem(i));
  -        if(value.isEmpty() || !SVGDOMImplementationImpl::self()->hasFeature(value.handle(), 0))
  +        if(value.isEmpty() || !SVGDOMImplementationImpl::self()->hasFeature(value.impl(), 0))
               return false;
  @@ -85,7 +86,7 @@
       for(unsigned long i = 0;i < list->numberOfItems();i++)
           KDOM::DOMString value = KDOM::DOMString(list->getItem(i));
  -        if(value.isEmpty() || value.string() != (KGlobal::locale()->language()).left(2))
  +        if(value.isEmpty() || value.qstring() != (KGlobal::locale()->language()).left(2))
               return false;
  @@ -96,30 +97,21 @@
       return true;
  -bool SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        {
  -            requiredFeatures()->reset(value.string());
  -            return true;
  -        }
  -        {
  -            requiredExtensions()->reset(value.string());
  -            return true;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_SYSTEMLANGUAGE:
  -        {
  -            systemLanguage()->reset(value.string());
  -            return true;
  -        }
  -    };
  -    return false;
  +//bool SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  +//    KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  +//    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::requiredfeaturesAttr) {
  +//        requiredFeatures()->reset(value.qstring());
  +//        return true;
  +//    } else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::requiredextensionsAttr) {
  +//        requiredExtensions()->reset(value.qstring());
  +//        return true;
  +//    } else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::systemlanguageAttr)
  +//        systemLanguage()->reset(value.qstring());
  +//        return true;
  +//    }
  +//    return false;
   // vim:ts=4:noet
    +13 -19    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTextContentElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGTextContentElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTextContentElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGTextContentElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:29 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGTextContentElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   #include "config.h"
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   //#include "SVGDocument.h"
   #include "SVGTextContentElementImpl.h"
  @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGTextContentElementImpl::SVGTextContentElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl()
  +SVGTextContentElementImpl::SVGTextContentElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl()
       m_textLength = 0;
       m_lengthAdjust = 0;
  @@ -103,24 +103,18 @@
   void SVGTextContentElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  +    //if (attr->name() == SVGNames::lengthAdjustAttr)
  +    //    x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    //else
  -        case ATTR_LENGTHADJUST:
  -        {
  -            //x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
   // vim:ts=4:noet
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTextContentElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGTextContentElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTextContentElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGTextContentElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:54 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGTextContentElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
                                         public SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl
  -        SVGTextContentElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id,  KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGTextContentElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGTextContentElementImpl();
           // 'SVGTextContentElement' functions
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTextElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGTextElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTextElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGTextElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:29 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGTextElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGTextElementImpl::SVGTextElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGTextPositioningElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTransformableImpl()
  +SVGTextElementImpl::SVGTextElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGTextPositioningElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTransformableImpl()
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTextElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGTextElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTextElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGTextElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:54 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGTextElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
                                  public SVGTransformableImpl
  -        SVGTextElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id,  KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGTextElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGTextElementImpl();
           // 'SVGTextElement' functions
    +16 -36    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTextPositioningElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGTextPositioningElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTextPositioningElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGTextPositioningElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:29 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGTextPositioningElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   #include "config.h"
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   //#include "SVGDocument.h"
   #include "SVGTextPositioningElementImpl.h"
  @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGTextPositioningElementImpl::SVGTextPositioningElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGTextContentElementImpl(doc, id, prefix)
  +SVGTextPositioningElementImpl::SVGTextPositioningElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGTextContentElementImpl(tagName, doc)
       m_x = m_y = m_dx = m_dy = 0;
       m_rotate = 0;
  @@ -80,40 +80,20 @@
   void SVGTextPositioningElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_X:
  -        {
  -            x()->baseVal()->parse(value.string(), this, LM_WIDTH);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_Y:
  -        {
  -            y()->baseVal()->parse(value.string(), this, LM_HEIGHT);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_DX:
  -        {
  -            dx()->baseVal()->parse(value.string(), this, LM_WIDTH);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_DY:
  -        {
  -            dy()->baseVal()->parse(value.string(), this, LM_HEIGHT);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_ROTATE:
  -        {
  -            rotate()->baseVal()->parse(value.string(), this);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            SVGTextContentElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::xAttr)
  +        x()->baseVal()->parse(value.qstring(), this, LM_WIDTH);
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::yAttr)
  +        y()->baseVal()->parse(value.qstring(), this, LM_HEIGHT);
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::dxAttr)
  +        dx()->baseVal()->parse(value.qstring(), this, LM_WIDTH);
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::dyAttr)
  +        dy()->baseVal()->parse(value.qstring(), this, LM_HEIGHT);
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::rotateAttr)
  +        rotate()->baseVal()->parse(value.qstring(), this);
  +    else
  +        SVGTextContentElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
   // vim:ts=4:noet
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTextPositioningElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGTextPositioningElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTextPositioningElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGTextPositioningElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:54 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGTextPositioningElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
       class SVGTextPositioningElementImpl : public SVGTextContentElementImpl
  -        SVGTextPositioningElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id,  KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGTextPositioningElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGTextPositioningElementImpl();
           // 'SVGTextPositioningElement' functions
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTitleElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGTitleElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTitleElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGTitleElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:30 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGTitleElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGTitleElementImpl::SVGTitleElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix) : SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGLangSpaceImpl()
  +SVGTitleElementImpl::SVGTitleElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc) : SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGLangSpaceImpl()
  @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
  -KDOM::DOMStringImpl *SVGTitleElementImpl::title() const
  +KDOM::DOMString SVGTitleElementImpl::title() const
       return textContent();
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTitleElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGTitleElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTitleElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGTitleElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:54 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGTitleElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -32,10 +32,10 @@
                                   public SVGLangSpaceImpl
  -        SVGTitleElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGTitleElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGTitleElementImpl();
  -        KDOM::DOMStringImpl *title() const;
  +        KDOM::DOMString title() const;
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTransformImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGTransformImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTransformImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGTransformImpl.cpp	24 Oct 2005 06:31:54 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGTransformImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
       m_type = SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX;
       m_angle = 0;
  -    KDOM_SAFE_SET(m_matrix, matrix);
  +    KDOM::KDOM_SAFE_SET(m_matrix, matrix);
   void SVGTransformImpl::setTranslate(double tx, double ty)
    +6 -7      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTransformableImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGTransformableImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGTransformableImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.7.2.1
  --- SVGTransformableImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:30 -0000	1.7
  +++ SVGTransformableImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvas.h>
   #include <kcanvas/KCanvasItem.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGMatrixImpl.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
  @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
  -        KDOM_SAFE_SET(m_localMatrix, localTransform->matrix());
  +        KDOM::KDOM_SAFE_SET(m_localMatrix, localTransform->matrix());
  @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
           QMatrix useMatrix = transform->localMatrix()->qmatrix();
           KDOM::NodeImpl *parentElement = node->parentNode();
  -        if(parentElement && parentElement->id() == ID_G)
  +        if(parentElement && parentElement->hasTagName(SVGNames::gTag))
               SVGMatrixImpl *ctm = transform->getCTM();
  @@ -133,13 +133,12 @@
   bool SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    if(id == ATTR_TRANSFORM)
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::transformAttr)
           SVGTransformListImpl *localTransforms = transform()->baseVal();
  -        SVGTransformableImpl::parseTransformAttribute(localTransforms, attr->value());
  +        SVGTransformableImpl::parseTransformAttribute(localTransforms, attr->value().impl());
           // Update cached local matrix
  @@ -161,7 +160,7 @@
       // Split string for handling 1 transform statement at a time
  -    QStringList subtransforms = QStringList::split(')', KDOM::DOMString(transform).string());
  +    QStringList subtransforms = QStringList::split(')', KDOM::DOMString(transform).qstring());
       QStringList::ConstIterator it = subtransforms.begin();
       QStringList::ConstIterator end = subtransforms.end();
       for(; it != end; ++it)
    +3 -5      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGURIReferenceImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGURIReferenceImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGURIReferenceImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGURIReferenceImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:30 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGURIReferenceImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   #include <kdom/core/NodeImpl.h>
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGURIReferenceImpl.h"
   #include "SVGStyledElementImpl.h"
  @@ -51,11 +51,9 @@
   bool SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    if(id == ATTR_HREF || KDOM::DOMString(attr->name()) == "xlink:href")
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::hrefAttr || attr->name() == XLinkNames::hrefAttr)
  -        href()->setBaseVal(value.handle());
  +        href()->setBaseVal(attr->value().impl());
           return true;
    +2 -0      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGURIReferenceImpl.h
  Index: SVGURIReferenceImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGURIReferenceImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.3 -r1.3.2.1
  --- SVGURIReferenceImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:56 -0000	1.3
  +++ SVGURIReferenceImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:27 -0000
  @@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
   #ifndef KSVG_SVGURIReferenceImpl_H
   #define KSVG_SVGURIReferenceImpl_H
  +#include <qstring.h>
   namespace KDOM
       class AttributeImpl;
    +57 -70    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGUseElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGUseElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGUseElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.9
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.9 -r1.9.2.1
  --- SVGUseElementImpl.cpp	11 Oct 2005 09:19:23 -0000	1.9
  +++ SVGUseElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:28 -0000
  @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
   #include "SVGGElementImpl.h"
  @@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGUseElementImpl::SVGUseElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl(), SVGURIReferenceImpl()
  +SVGUseElementImpl::SVGUseElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGTransformableImpl(), SVGURIReferenceImpl()
       m_x = m_y = m_width = m_height = 0;
  @@ -85,48 +85,32 @@
   void SVGUseElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
  -    KDOM::DOMStringImpl *value = attr->value();
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_X:
  -        {
  -            x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_Y:
  -        {
  -            y()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_WIDTH:
  -        {
  -            width()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        case ATTR_HEIGHT:
  -        {
  -            height()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value);
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +    const KDOM::AtomicString& value = attr->value();
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::xAttr)
  +        x()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::yAttr)
  +        y()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::widthAttr)
  +        width()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::heightAttr)
  +        height()->baseVal()->setValueAsString(value.impl());
  +    else {
  +        if(SVGTestsImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGLangSpaceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGTransformableImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  +        if(SVGURIReferenceImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
  -void SVGUseElementImpl::close()
  +void SVGUseElementImpl::closeRenderer()
  -    QString ref = KDOM::DOMString(href()->baseVal()).string();
  +    QString ref = KDOM::DOMString(href()->baseVal()).qstring();
       KDOM::DOMString targetId = SVGURIReferenceImpl::getTarget(ref);
  -    KDOM::ElementImpl *targetElement = ownerDocument()->getElementById(targetId.handle());
  +    KDOM::ElementImpl *targetElement = ownerDocument()->getElementById(targetId.impl());
       SVGElementImpl *target = svg_dynamic_cast(targetElement);
       if (!target)
  @@ -137,56 +121,59 @@
       float _x = x()->baseVal()->value(), _y = y()->baseVal()->value();
       float _w = width()->baseVal()->value(), _h = height()->baseVal()->value();
  -    QString w = QString::number(_w);
  -    QString h = QString::number(_h);
  +    KDOM::DOMString wString = QString::number(_w);
  +    KDOM::DOMString hString = QString::number(_h);
  -    QString trans = QString::fromLatin1("translate(%1, %2)").arg(_x).arg(_y);    
  -    if(target->id() == ID_SYMBOL)
  +    int exceptioncode;
  +    QString trans = QString::fromLatin1("translate(%1, %2)").arg(_x).arg(_y);
  +    if(target->hasTagName(SVGNames::symbolTag))
  -        SVGElementImpl *dummy = new SVGSVGElementImpl(docPtr(), ID_SVG, 0);
  +        SVGElementImpl *dummy = new SVGSVGElementImpl(SVGNames::svgTag, docPtr());
           if(_w > 0)
  -            dummy->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), KDOM::DOMString("width").handle(), KDOM::DOMString(w).handle());
  +            dummy->setAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr, wString.impl());
           if(_h > 0)
  -            dummy->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), KDOM::DOMString("height").handle(), KDOM::DOMString(h).handle());
  +            dummy->setAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr, hString.impl());
           SVGSymbolElementImpl *symbol = static_cast<SVGSymbolElementImpl *>(target);
  -        if(symbol->hasAttribute(new KDOM::DOMStringImpl("viewBox")))
  -            dummy->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), KDOM::DOMString("viewBox").handle(), symbol->getAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), KDOM::DOMString("viewBox").handle()));
  -        target->cloneChildNodes(dummy, docPtr());
  +        if (symbol->hasAttribute(SVGNames::viewboxAttr)) {
  +            const KDOM::AtomicString& symbolViewBox = symbol->getAttribute(SVGNames::viewboxAttr);
  +            dummy->setAttribute(SVGNames::viewboxAttr, symbolViewBox);
  +        }
  +        target->cloneChildNodes(dummy);
  -        SVGElementImpl *dummy2 = new SVGDummyElementImpl(docPtr(), ID_G, 0);
  -        dummy2->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), KDOM::DOMString("transform").handle(), KDOM::DOMString(trans).handle());
  +        SVGElementImpl *dummy2 = new SVGDummyElementImpl(SVGNames::gTag, docPtr());
  +        dummy2->setAttribute(SVGNames::transformAttr, KDOM::DOMString(trans));
  -        appendChild(dummy2);        
  -        dummy2->appendChild(dummy);
  +        appendChild(dummy2, exceptioncode);
  +        dummy2->appendChild(dummy, exceptioncode);
  -    else if(target->id() == ID_SVG)
  +    else if(target->hasTagName(SVGNames::svgTag))
  -        SVGDummyElementImpl *dummy = new SVGDummyElementImpl(docPtr(), ID_G, 0);
  -        dummy->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), KDOM::DOMString("transform").handle(), KDOM::DOMString(trans).handle());
  +        SVGDummyElementImpl *dummy = new SVGDummyElementImpl(SVGNames::gTag, docPtr());
  +        dummy->setAttribute(SVGNames::transformAttr, KDOM::DOMString(trans));
  -        SVGElementImpl *root = static_cast<SVGElementImpl *>(target->cloneNode(true, docPtr()));
  -        if(hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("width").handle()))
  -            root->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), KDOM::DOMString("width").handle(), KDOM::DOMString(w).handle());
  +        SVGElementImpl *root = static_cast<SVGElementImpl *>(target->cloneNode(true));
  +        if(hasAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr))
  +            root->setAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr, wString.impl());
  -        if(hasAttribute(KDOM::DOMString("height").handle()))
  -            root->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), KDOM::DOMString("height").handle(), KDOM::DOMString(h).handle());
  +        if(hasAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr))
  +            root->setAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr, hString.impl());
  -        appendChild(dummy);
  -        dummy->appendChild(root);
  +        appendChild(dummy, exceptioncode);
  +        dummy->appendChild(root, exceptioncode);
  -        SVGDummyElementImpl *dummy = new SVGDummyElementImpl(docPtr(), ID_G, 0);
  -        dummy->setAttributeNS(KDOM::NS_SVG.handle(), KDOM::DOMString("transform").handle(), KDOM::DOMString(trans).handle());
  +        SVGDummyElementImpl *dummy = new SVGDummyElementImpl(SVGNames::gTag, docPtr());
  +        dummy->setAttribute(SVGNames::transformAttr, trans);
  -        KDOM::NodeImpl *root = target->cloneNode(true, docPtr());
  +        KDOM::NodeImpl *root = target->cloneNode(true);
  -        appendChild(dummy);
  -        dummy->appendChild(root);
  +        appendChild(dummy, exceptioncode);
  +        dummy->appendChild(root, exceptioncode);
  -    SVGElementImpl::close();
  +    SVGElementImpl::closeRenderer();
   bool SVGUseElementImpl::hasChildNodes() const
    +2 -2      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGUseElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGUseElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGUseElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGUseElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:56 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGUseElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:28 -0000
  @@ -42,13 +42,13 @@
                                 public SVGURIReferenceImpl
  -        SVGUseElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id,  KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGUseElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGUseElementImpl();
           // Derived from: 'ElementImpl'
           virtual bool hasChildNodes() const;
  -        virtual void close();
  +        virtual void closeRenderer();
           // 'SVGUseElement' functions
           SVGAnimatedLengthImpl *x() const;
    +13 -20    SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGViewElementImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGViewElementImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGViewElementImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.6.2.1
  --- SVGViewElementImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:30 -0000	1.6
  +++ SVGViewElementImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:28 -0000
  @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
   #include <kdom/core/NamedAttrMapImpl.h>
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGStringListImpl.h"
   #include "SVGViewElementImpl.h"
  @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
   using namespace KSVG;
  -SVGViewElementImpl::SVGViewElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix)
  -: SVGStyledElementImpl(doc, id, prefix), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(),
  +SVGViewElementImpl::SVGViewElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc)
  +: SVGStyledElementImpl(tagName, doc), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(),
   SVGFitToViewBoxImpl(), SVGZoomAndPanImpl()
       m_viewTarget = 0;
  @@ -54,23 +54,16 @@
   void SVGViewElementImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_VIEWTARGET:
  -        {
  -            viewTarget()->reset(value.string());
  -            break;
  -        }
  -        default:
  -        {
  -            if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGFitToViewBoxImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            if(SVGZoomAndPanImpl::parseAttribute(attr)) return;
  -            SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  -        }
  -    };
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::viewtargetAttr) {
  +        viewTarget()->reset(value.qstring());
  +    } else {
  +        if(SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl::parseAttribute(attr)
  +           || SVGFitToViewBoxImpl::parseAttribute(attr)
  +           || SVGZoomAndPanImpl::parseAttribute(attr))
  +            return;
  +        SVGStyledElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr);
  +    }
    +1 -1      SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGViewElementImpl.h
  Index: SVGViewElementImpl.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGViewElementImpl.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1
  --- SVGViewElementImpl.h	1 Sep 2005 07:35:56 -0000	1.4
  +++ SVGViewElementImpl.h	3 Nov 2005 10:28:28 -0000
  @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
                                  public SVGZoomAndPanImpl
  -        SVGViewElementImpl(KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc, KDOM::NodeImpl::Id id, KDOM::DOMStringImpl *prefix);
  +        SVGViewElementImpl(const KDOM::QualifiedName& tagName, KDOM::DocumentPtr *doc);
           virtual ~SVGViewElementImpl();
           virtual void parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *);
    +7 -12     SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGZoomAndPanImpl.cpp
  Index: SVGZoomAndPanImpl.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGZoomAndPanImpl.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
  --- SVGZoomAndPanImpl.cpp	5 Oct 2005 05:35:30 -0000	1.5
  +++ SVGZoomAndPanImpl.cpp	3 Nov 2005 10:28:28 -0000
  @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   #include <kdom/core/AttrImpl.h>
   #include "ksvg.h"
  -#include "svgattrs.h"
  +#include "SVGNames.h"
   #include "SVGHelper.h"
   #include "SVGZoomAndPanImpl.h"
  @@ -51,18 +51,13 @@
   bool SVGZoomAndPanImpl::parseAttribute(KDOM::AttributeImpl *attr)
  -    int id = (attr->id() & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask);
       KDOM::DOMString value(attr->value());
  -    switch(id)
  -    {
  -        case ATTR_ZOOMANDPAN:
  -        {
  -            if(value == "disable")
  -                setZoomAndPan(SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_DISABLE);
  -            else if(value == "magnify")
  -                setZoomAndPan(SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_MAGNIFY);
  -            return true;
  -        }
  +    if (attr->name() == SVGNames::zoomandpanAttr) {
  +        if(value == "disable")
  +            setZoomAndPan(SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_DISABLE);
  +        else if(value == "magnify")
  +            setZoomAndPan(SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_MAGNIFY);
  +        return true;
       return false;
  1.1                  SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGElementFactory.cpp
  Index: SVGElementFactory.cpp
   * This file is part of the SVG DOM implementation for KDE.
   * Copyright (C) 2005 Apple Computer, Inc.
   * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   * Library General Public License for more details.
   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  #include "config.h"
  #include "SVGElementFactory.h"
  #include "SVGAElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGAnimateElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGAnimateColorElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGCircleElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGClipPathElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGCursorElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGDefsElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGDescElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGEllipseElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGFEBlendElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGFECompositeElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGFEFloodElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGFEFuncAElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGFEFuncBElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGFEFuncGElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGFEFuncRElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGFEImageElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGFEMergeElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGFEOffsetElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGFETileElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGFilterElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGGElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGImageElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGLineElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGLinearGradientElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGMarkerElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGPathElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGPatternElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGPolygonElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGPolylineElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGRadialGradientElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGRectElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGScriptElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGSetElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGStopElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGStyleElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGSVGElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGSwitchElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGSymbolElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGTextElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGTitleElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGTSpanElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGUseElementImpl.h"
  #include "SVGViewElementImpl.h"
  #include <kxmlcore/HashMap.h>
  using namespace KDOM;
  using namespace KSVG::SVGNames;
  typedef KXMLCore::HashMap<DOMStringImpl *, void *, KXMLCore::PointerHash<DOMStringImpl *> > FunctionMap;
  static FunctionMap *gFunctionMap = 0;
  namespace KSVG
  typedef SVGElementImpl *(*ConstructorFunc)(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser);
  SVGElementImpl *aConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGAElementImpl(aTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *animateConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGAnimateElementImpl(animateTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *animatecolorConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGAnimateColorElementImpl(animatecolorTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *animatetransformConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl(animatetransformTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *circleConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGCircleElementImpl(circleTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *clippathConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGClipPathElementImpl(clippathTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *cursorConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGCursorElementImpl(cursorTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *defsConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGDefsElementImpl(defsTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *descConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGDescElementImpl(descTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *ellipseConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGEllipseElementImpl(ellipseTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *feblendConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGFEBlendElementImpl(feblendTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *fecomponenttransferConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGFEComponentTransferElementImpl(fecomponenttransferTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *fecompositeConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGFECompositeElementImpl(fecompositeTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *fefloodConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGFEFloodElementImpl(fefloodTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *fefuncaConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGFEFuncAElementImpl(fefuncaTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *fefuncbConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGFEFuncBElementImpl(fefuncbTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *fefuncgConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGFEFuncGElementImpl(fefuncgTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *fefuncrConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGFEFuncRElementImpl(fefuncrTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *fegaussianblurConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGFEGaussianBlurElementImpl(fegaussianblurTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *feimageConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGFEImageElementImpl(feimageTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *femergeConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGFEMergeElementImpl(femergeTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *femergenodeConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGFEMergeNodeElementImpl(femergenodeTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *feoffsetConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGFEOffsetElementImpl(feoffsetTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *fetileConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGFETileElementImpl(fetileTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *feturbulenceConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGFETurbulenceElementImpl(feturbulenceTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *filterConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGFilterElementImpl(filterTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *gConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGGElementImpl(gTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *imageConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGImageElementImpl(imageTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *lineConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGLineElementImpl(lineTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *lineargradientConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGLinearGradientElementImpl(lineargradientTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *markerConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGMarkerElementImpl(markerTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *pathConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGPathElementImpl(pathTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *patternConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGPatternElementImpl(patternTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *polygonConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGPolygonElementImpl(polygonTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *polylineConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGPolylineElementImpl(polylineTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *radialgradientConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGRadialGradientElementImpl(radialgradientTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *rectConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGRectElementImpl(rectTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *scriptConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGScriptElementImpl(scriptTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *setConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGSetElementImpl(setTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *stopConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGStopElementImpl(stopTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *styleConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGStyleElementImpl(styleTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *svgConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGSVGElementImpl(svgTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *switchConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGSwitchElementImpl(switchTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *symbolConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGSymbolElementImpl(symbolTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *textConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGTextElementImpl(textTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *titleConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGTitleElementImpl(titleTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *tspanConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGTSpanElementImpl(tspanTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *useConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGUseElementImpl(useTag, docPtr);
  SVGElementImpl *viewConstructor(DocumentPtr *docPtr, bool createdByParser)
      return new SVGViewElementImpl(viewTag, docPtr);
  static inline void createFunctionMapIfNecessary()
      if (gFunctionMap)
      // Create the table.
      gFunctionMap = new FunctionMap;
      // Populate it with constructor functions.
      gFunctionMap->set(aTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&aConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(animateTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&animateConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(animatecolorTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&animatecolorConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(animatetransformTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&animatetransformConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(circleTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&circleConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(clippathTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&clippathConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(cursorTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&cursorConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(defsTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&defsConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(descTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&descConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(ellipseTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&ellipseConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(feblendTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&feblendConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(fecomponenttransferTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&fecomponenttransferConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(fecompositeTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&fecompositeConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(fefloodTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&fefloodConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(fefuncaTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&fefuncaConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(fefuncbTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&fefuncbConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(fefuncgTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&fefuncgConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(fefuncrTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&fefuncrConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(fegaussianblurTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&fegaussianblurConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(feimageTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&feimageConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(femergeTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&femergeConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(femergenodeTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&femergenodeConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(feoffsetTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&feoffsetConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(fetileTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&fetileConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(feturbulenceTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&feturbulenceConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(filterTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&filterConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(gTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&gConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(imageTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&imageConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(lineTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&lineConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(lineargradientTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&lineargradientConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(markerTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&markerConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(pathTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&pathConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(patternTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&patternConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(polygonTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&polygonConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(polylineTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&polylineConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(radialgradientTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&radialgradientConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(rectTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&rectConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(scriptTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&scriptConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(setTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&setConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(stopTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&stopConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(styleTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&styleConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(svgTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&svgConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(switchTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&switchConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(symbolTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&symbolConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(textTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&textConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(titleTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&titleConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(tspanTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&tspanConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(useTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&useConstructor);
      gFunctionMap->set(viewTag.localName().impl(), (void*)&viewConstructor);
  SVGElementImpl *SVGElementFactory::createSVGElement(const QualifiedName& qName, DocumentImpl* doc, bool createdByParser)
      if (!doc)
          return 0; // Don't allow elements to ever be made without having a doc.
      DocumentPtr *docPtr = doc->docPtr();
      void* result = gFunctionMap->get(qName.localName().impl());
      if (result) {
          ConstructorFunc func = (ConstructorFunc)result;
          return (func)(docPtr, createdByParser);
      return 0;
  }; // namespace
  1.1                  SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGElementFactory.h
  Index: SVGElementFactory.h
   * This file is part of the SVG DOM implementation for KDE.
   * Copyright (C) 2005 Apple Computer, Inc.
   * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   * Library General Public License for more details.
   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  namespace KDOM {
  	class ElementImpl;
  	class DocumentImpl;
  	class QualifiedName;
  	class AtomicString;
  namespace KSVG
  	class SVGElementImpl;
  	// The idea behind this class is that there will eventually be a mapping from namespace URIs to ElementFactories that can dispense
  	// elements.  In a compound document world, the generic createElement function (will end up being virtual) will be called.
  	class SVGElementFactory
  		KDOM::ElementImpl *createElement(const KDOM::QualifiedName& qName, KDOM::DocumentImpl *doc, bool createdByParser = true);
  		static SVGElementImpl *createSVGElement(const KDOM::QualifiedName& qName, KDOM::DocumentImpl *doc, bool createdByParser = true);
  1.1                  SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGNames.cpp
  Index: SVGNames.cpp
   * This file is part of the SVG DOM implementation for KDE.
   * Copyright (C) 2005 Apple Computer, Inc.
   * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   * Library General Public License for more details.
   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  #include "config.h"
  #include "SVGNames.h"
  namespace KSVG { namespace SVGNames {
  using namespace KDOM;
  // Define a properly-sized array of pointers to avoid static initialization.
  // Use an array of pointers instead of an array of char in case there is some alignment issue.
  #define DEFINE_UNINITIALIZED_GLOBAL(type, name) void *name[(sizeof(type) + sizeof(void *) - 1) / sizeof(void *)];
  #define DEFINE_TAG_GLOBAL(name) DEFINE_UNINITIALIZED_GLOBAL(DOM::QualifiedName, name##Tag)
  #define DEFINE_ATTR_GLOBAL(name) DEFINE_UNINITIALIZED_GLOBAL(DOM::QualifiedName, name##Attr)
  void init()
      static bool initialized = false;
      if (initialized)
      initialized = true;
      // Use placement new to initialize the globals.
      DOM::AtomicString svgNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg");
      // Namespace
      new (&svgNamespaceURI) DOM::AtomicString(svgNS);
      // Tags
      #define DEFINE_TAG_STRING(name) const char *name##TagString = #name;
      color_profileTagString = "color-profile";
      definition_srcTagString = "definition-src";
      font_faceTagString = "font-face";
      font_face_formatTagString = "font-face_format";
      font_face_nameTagString = "font-face_name";
      font_face_srcTagString = "font-face_src";
      font_face_uriTagString = "font-face_uri";
      missing_glyphTagString = "missing-glyph";
      #define INITIALIZE_TAG_GLOBAL(name) new (&name##Tag) DOM::QualifiedName(nullAtom, name##TagString, svgNS);
      // Attributes
      #define DEFINE_ATTR_STRING(name) const char *name##AttrString = #name;
      accent_heightAttrString = "accent-height";
      alignment_baselineAttrString = "alignment-baseline";
      arabic_formAttrString = "arabic-form";
      baseline_shiftAttrString = "baseline-shift";
      cap_heightAttrString = "cap-height";
      clip_pathAttrString = "clip-path";
      clip_ruleAttrString = "clip-rule";
      color_interpolationAttrString = "color-interpolation";
      color_interpolation_filtersAttrString = "color-interpolation_filters";
      color_profileAttrString = "color-profile";
      color_renderingAttrString = "color-rendering";
      dominant_baselineAttrString = "dominant-baseline";
      enable_backgroundAttrString = "enable-background";
      fill_opacityAttrString = "fill-opacity";
      fill_ruleAttrString = "fill-rule";
      flood_colorAttrString = "flood-color";
      flood_opacityAttrString = "flood-opacity";
      font_familyAttrString = "font-family";
      font_sizeAttrString = "font-size";
      font_size_adjustAttrString = "font-size_adjust";
      font_stretchAttrString = "font-stretch";
      font_styleAttrString = "font-style";
      font_variantAttrString = "font-variant";
      font_weightAttrString = "font-weight";
      glyph_nameAttrString = "glyph-name";
      glyph_orientation_horizontalAttrString = "glyph-orientation_horizontal";
      glyph_orientation_verticalAttrString = "glyph-orientation_vertical";
      horiz_adv_xAttrString = "horiz-adv_x";
      horiz_origin_xAttrString = "horiz-origin_x";
      horiz_origin_yAttrString = "horiz-origin_y";
      image_renderingAttrString = "image-rendering";
      letter_spacingAttrString = "letter-spacing";
      lighting_colorAttrString = "lighting-color";
      marker_endAttrString = "marker-end";
      marker_midAttrString = "marker-mid";
      marker_startAttrString = "marker-start";
      overline_positionAttrString = "overline-position";
      overline_thicknessAttrString = "overline-thickness";
      panose_1AttrString = "panose-1";
      pointer_eventsAttrString = "pointer-events";
      rendering_intentAttrString = "rendering-intent";
      shape_renderingAttrString = "shape-rendering";
      stop_colorAttrString = "stop-color";
      stop_opacityAttrString = "stop-opacity";
      strikethrough_positionAttrString = "strikethrough-position";
      strikethrough_thicknessAttrString = "strikethrough-thickness";
      stroke_dasharrayAttrString = "stroke-dasharray";
      stroke_dashoffsetAttrString = "stroke-dashoffset";
      stroke_linecapAttrString = "stroke-linecap";
      stroke_linejoinAttrString = "stroke-linejoin";
      stroke_miterlimitAttrString = "stroke-miterlimit";
      stroke_opacityAttrString = "stroke-opacity";
      stroke_widthAttrString = "stroke-width";
      text_anchorAttrString = "text-anchor";
      text_decorationAttrString = "text-decoration";
      text_renderingAttrString = "text-rendering";
      underline_positionAttrString = "underline-position";
      underline_thicknessAttrString = "underline-thickness";
      unicode_bidiAttrString = "unicode-bidi";
      unicode_rangeAttrString = "unicode-range";
      units_per_emAttrString = "units-per_em";
      v_alphabeticAttrString = "v-alphabetic";
      v_hangingAttrString = "v-hanging";
      v_ideographicAttrString = "v-ideographic";
      v_mathematicalAttrString = "v-mathematical";
      vert_adv_yAttrString = "vert-adv_y";
      vert_origin_xAttrString = "vert-origin_x";
      vert_origin_yAttrString = "vert-origin_y";
      word_spacingAttrString = "word-spacing";
      writing_modeAttrString = "writing-mode";
      x_heightAttrString = "x-height";
      #define INITIALIZE_ATTR_GLOBAL(name) new (&name##Attr) DOM::QualifiedName(nullAtom, name##AttrString, nullAtom);
  } }
  1.1                  SVGSupport/ksvg2/svg/SVGNames.h
  Index: SVGNames.h
   * This file is part of the SVG DOM implementation for KDE.
   * Copyright (C) 2005 Apple Computer, Inc.
   * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   * Library General Public License for more details.
   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  #ifndef DOM_SVGNAMES_H
  #define DOM_SVGNAMES_H
  #include "dom_qname.h"
  namespace KSVG { namespace SVGNames {
  #define DOM_SVGNAMES_FOR_EACH_TAG(macro) \
      macro(a) \
      macro(altglyph) \
      macro(altglyphdef) \
      macro(altglyphitem) \
      macro(animate) \
      macro(animatecolor) \
      macro(animatemotion) \
      macro(animatetransform) \
      macro(circle) \
      macro(clippath) \
      macro(color_profile) \
      macro(cursor) \
      macro(definition_src) \
      macro(defs) \
      macro(desc) \
      macro(ellipse) \
      macro(feblend) \
      macro(fecolormatrix) \
      macro(fecomponenttransfer) \
      macro(fecomposite) \
      macro(feconvolvematrix) \
      macro(fediffuselighting) \
      macro(fedisplacementmap) \
      macro(fedistantlight) \
      macro(feflood) \
      macro(fefunca) \
      macro(fefuncb) \
      macro(fefuncg) \
      macro(fefuncr) \
      macro(fegaussianblur) \
      macro(feimage) \
      macro(femerge) \
      macro(femergenode) \
      macro(femorphology) \
      macro(feoffset) \
      macro(fepointlight) \
      macro(fespecularlighting) \
      macro(fespotlight) \
      macro(fetile) \
      macro(feturbulence) \
      macro(filter) \
      macro(font) \
      macro(font_face) \
      macro(font_face_format) \
      macro(font_face_name) \
      macro(font_face_src) \
      macro(font_face_uri) \
      macro(foreignobject) \
      macro(g) \
      macro(glyph) \
      macro(glyphref) \
      macro(hkern) \
      macro(image) \
      macro(line) \
      macro(lineargradient) \
      macro(marker) \
      macro(mask) \
      macro(metadata) \
      macro(missing_glyph) \
      macro(mpath) \
      macro(path) \
      macro(pattern) \
      macro(polygon) \
      macro(polyline) \
      macro(radialgradient) \
      macro(rect) \
      macro(script) \
      macro(set) \
      macro(stop) \
      macro(style) \
      macro(svg) \
      macro(switch) \
      macro(symbol) \
      macro(text) \
      macro(textpath) \
      macro(title) \
      macro(tref) \
      macro(tspan) \
      macro(use) \
      macro(view) \
      macro(vkern) \
  // end of macro
  #define DOM_SVGNAMES_FOR_EACH_ATTR(macro) \
      macro(accent_height) \
      macro(accumulate) \
      macro(additive) \
      macro(alignment_baseline) \
      macro(alphabetic) \
      macro(amplitude) \
      macro(animate) \
      macro(arabic_form) \
      macro(ascent) \
      macro(attributename) \
      macro(attributetype) \
      macro(azimuth) \
      macro(basefrequency) \
      macro(baseline_shift) \
      macro(baseprofile) \
      macro(bbox) \
      macro(begin) \
      macro(bias) \
      macro(by) \
      macro(calcmode) \
      macro(cap_height) \
      macro(clip) \
      macro(clip_path) \
      macro(clip_rule) \
      macro(clippathunits) \
      macro(color) \
      macro(color_interpolation) \
      macro(color_interpolation_filters) \
      macro(color_profile) \
      macro(color_rendering) \
      macro(contentscripttype) \
      macro(contentstyletype) \
      macro(cursor) \
      macro(cx) \
      macro(cy) \
      macro(d) \
      macro(descent) \
      macro(diffuseconstant) \
      macro(direction) \
      macro(display) \
      macro(divisor) \
      macro(dominant_baseline) \
      macro(dur) \
      macro(dx) \
      macro(dy) \
      macro(edgemode) \
      macro(elevation) \
      macro(enable_background) \
      macro(end) \
      macro(exponent) \
      macro(externalresourcesrequired) \
      macro(fecolormatrix) \
      macro(fecomposite) \
      macro(fegaussianblur) \
      macro(femorphology) \
      macro(fetile) \
      macro(fill) \
      macro(fill_opacity) \
      macro(fill_rule) \
      macro(filter) \
      macro(filterres) \
      macro(filterunits) \
      macro(flood_color) \
      macro(flood_opacity) \
      macro(font_family) \
      macro(font_size) \
      macro(font_size_adjust) \
      macro(font_stretch) \
      macro(font_style) \
      macro(font_variant) \
      macro(font_weight) \
      macro(format) \
      macro(from) \
      macro(fx) \
      macro(fy) \
      macro(g1) \
      macro(g2) \
      macro(glyph_name) \
      macro(glyph_orientation_horizontal) \
      macro(glyph_orientation_vertical) \
      macro(glyphref) \
      macro(gradienttransform) \
      macro(gradientunits) \
      macro(hanging) \
      macro(height) \
      macro(horiz_adv_x) \
      macro(horiz_origin_x) \
      macro(horiz_origin_y) \
      macro(href) \
      macro(ideographic) \
      macro(image_rendering) \
      macro(in) \
      macro(in2) \
      macro(intercept) \
      macro(k) \
      macro(k1) \
      macro(k2) \
      macro(k3) \
      macro(k4) \
      macro(kernelmatrix) \
      macro(kernelunitlength) \
      macro(kerning) \
      macro(keypoints) \
      macro(keysplines) \
      macro(keytimes) \
      macro(lang) \
      macro(lengthadjust) \
      macro(letter_spacing) \
      macro(lighting_color) \
      macro(limitingconeangle) \
      macro(local) \
      macro(marker_end) \
      macro(marker_mid) \
      macro(marker_start) \
      macro(markerheight) \
      macro(markerunits) \
      macro(markerwidth) \
      macro(mask) \
      macro(maskcontentunits) \
      macro(maskunits) \
      macro(mathematical) \
      macro(max) \
      macro(media) \
      macro(method) \
      macro(min) \
      macro(mode) \
      macro(name) \
      macro(numoctaves) \
      macro(offset) \
      macro(onbegin) \
      macro(onend) \
      macro(onrepeat) \
      macro(onzoom) \
      macro(opacity) \
      macro(operator) \
      macro(order) \
      macro(orient) \
      macro(orientation) \
      macro(origin) \
      macro(overflow) \
      macro(overline_position) \
      macro(overline_thickness) \
      macro(panose_1) \
      macro(path) \
      macro(pathlength) \
      macro(patterncontentunits) \
      macro(patterntransform) \
      macro(patternunits) \
      macro(pointer_events) \
      macro(points) \
      macro(pointsatx) \
      macro(pointsaty) \
      macro(pointsatz) \
      macro(preservealpha) \
      macro(preserveaspectratio) \
      macro(primitiveunits) \
      macro(r) \
      macro(radius) \
      macro(refx) \
      macro(refy) \
      macro(rendering_intent) \
      macro(repeatcount) \
      macro(repeatdur) \
      macro(requiredextensions) \
      macro(requiredfeatures) \
      macro(restart) \
      macro(result) \
      macro(rotate) \
      macro(rx) \
      macro(ry) \
      macro(scale) \
      macro(seed) \
      macro(shape_rendering) \
      macro(slope) \
      macro(space) \
      macro(spacing) \
      macro(specularconstant) \
      macro(specularexponent) \
      macro(spreadmethod) \
      macro(startoffset) \
      macro(stddeviation) \
      macro(stemh) \
      macro(stemv) \
      macro(stitchtiles) \
      macro(stop_color) \
      macro(stop_opacity) \
      macro(strikethrough_position) \
      macro(strikethrough_thickness) \
      macro(stroke) \
      macro(stroke_dasharray) \
      macro(stroke_dashoffset) \
      macro(stroke_linecap) \
      macro(stroke_linejoin) \
      macro(stroke_miterlimit) \
      macro(stroke_opacity) \
      macro(stroke_width) \
      macro(style) \
      macro(surfacescale) \
      macro(systemlanguage) \
      macro(tablevalues) \
      macro(target) \
      macro(targetx) \
      macro(targety) \
      macro(text_anchor) \
      macro(text_decoration) \
      macro(text_rendering) \
      macro(textlength) \
      macro(title) \
      macro(to) \
      macro(transform) \
      macro(type) \
      macro(u1) \
      macro(u2) \
      macro(underline_position) \
      macro(underline_thickness) \
      macro(unicode) \
      macro(unicode_bidi) \
      macro(unicode_range) \
      macro(units_per_em) \
      macro(v_alphabetic) \
      macro(v_hanging) \
      macro(v_ideographic) \
      macro(v_mathematical) \
      macro(values) \
      macro(version) \
      macro(vert_adv_y) \
      macro(vert_origin_x) \
      macro(vert_origin_y) \
      macro(viewbox) \
      macro(viewtarget) \
      macro(visibility) \
      macro(width) \
      macro(widths) \
      macro(word_spacing) \
      macro(writing_mode) \
      macro(x) \
      macro(x_height) \
      macro(x1) \
      macro(x2) \
      macro(xchannelselector) \
      macro(y) \
      macro(y1) \
      macro(y2) \
      macro(ychannelselector) \
      macro(z) \
      macro(zoomandpan) \
  // end of macro
      // Namespace
      extern const DOM::AtomicString svgNamespaceURI;
      // Tags
      #define DOM_NAMES_DEFINE_TAG_GLOBAL(name) extern const DOM::QualifiedName name##Tag;
      // Attributes
      #define DOM_NAMES_DEFINE_ATTR_GLOBAL(name) extern const DOM::QualifiedName name##Attr;
      void init();
  } }
  No                   revision
  No                   revision  +1 -1      WebCore/kwq/DOM.mm
  Index: DOM.mm
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/kwq/DOM.mm,v
  retrieving revision 1.55
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.55 -r1.55.2.1
  --- DOM.mm	1 Nov 2005 16:59:53 -0000	1.55
  +++ DOM.mm	3 Nov 2005 10:28:52 -0000
  @@ -963,7 +963,7 @@
   - (DOMImplementation *)implementation
  -    return [DOMImplementation _DOMImplementationWithImpl:[self _documentImpl]->impl()];
  +    return [DOMImplementation _DOMImplementationWithImpl:[self _documentImpl]->implementation()];
   - (DOMElement *)documentElement

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