[webkit-changes] cvs commit: WebCore/manual-tests write-after-open.html

Geoffrey ggaren at opensource.apple.com
Fri Jul 29 15:04:31 PDT 2005

ggaren      05/07/29 15:04:30

  Modified:    .        ChangeLog
  Added:       manual-tests write-after-open.html
          - Oops. Last checkin omitted the actual test for:
          <rdar://problem/3461547> can't use document.writeln() on windows opened via window.open("about:blank") in same function
          * manual-tests/write-after-open.html: Added.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.4495    +7 -0      WebCore/ChangeLog
  Index: ChangeLog
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/ChangeLog,v
  retrieving revision 1.4494
  retrieving revision 1.4495
  diff -u -r1.4494 -r1.4495
  --- ChangeLog	29 Jul 2005 21:43:47 -0000	1.4494
  +++ ChangeLog	29 Jul 2005 22:04:27 -0000	1.4495
  @@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
  +2005-07-29  Geoffrey Garen  <ggaren at apple.com>
  +        - Oops. Last checkin omitted the actual test for:
  +        <rdar://problem/3461547> can't use document.writeln() on windows opened via window.open("about:blank") in same function
  +        * manual-tests/write-after-open.html: Added.
   2005-07-29  Eric Seidel  <eseidel at apple.com>
           No review necessary
  1.1                  WebCore/manual-tests/write-after-open.html
  Index: write-after-open.html
  i = 0;
  windowArgs = "top=100, left=100, height=200, width=200";
  windowName = "";
  w = window.open("", windowName + i++, windowArgs);
  w.document.write("PASS: document.write after window.open(\"\", ...) worked.");
  w = window.open("", windowName + i++, windowArgs);
  w.document.write("PASS: document.write after window.open(\"\", ...) worked.");
  w = window.open("about:blank", windowName + i++, windowArgs);
  w.document.write("PASS: document.write after window.open(\"about:blank\", ...) worked.");
  w = window.open("about:blank", windowName + i++, windowArgs);
  w.document.write("PASS: document.write after window.open(\"about:blank\", ...) worked.");
  w = window.open("resources/write-after-open-popup.html", windowName + i++, windowArgs);
  w.document.write("PASS: document.write after window.open(\"resources/write-after-open-popup.html\", ...) worked.");
  w = window.open("resources/write-after-open-popup.html", windowName + i++, windowArgs);
  w.document.write("PASS: document.write after window.open(\"resources/write-after-open-popup.html\", ...) worked.");
  <p>This test checks for regression against: <rdar://problem/3461547> can't use document.writeln() on windows opened via window.open("about:blank") in same function. </p>
  <p>On success, 6 windows will open, one on top of the other, each containing a PASS message.</p>

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