[webkit-changes] cvs commit: WebCore/khtml/ecma kjs_css.cpp kjs_css.h kjs_dom.cpp kjs_dom.h kjs_events.cpp kjs_events.h kjs_html.cpp kjs_html.h kjs_navigator.cpp kjs_navigator.h kjs_range.cpp kjs_range.h kjs_traversal.cpp kjs_traversal.h kjs_views.cpp kjs_views.h kjs_window.cpp kjs_window.h xmlhttprequest.cpp xmlhttprequest.h

Maciej mjs at opensource.apple.com
Mon Jul 25 15:17:23 PDT 2005

mjs         05/07/25 15:17:22

  Modified:    .        ChangeLog
               bindings runtime_array.cpp runtime_array.h
                        runtime_method.cpp runtime_method.h
                        runtime_object.cpp runtime_object.h
               bindings/objc objc_runtime.h objc_runtime.mm
               kjs      array_instance.h array_object.cpp array_object.h
                        date_object.cpp date_object.h function.cpp
                        function.h lookup.h math_object.cpp math_object.h
                        nodes.cpp number_object.cpp number_object.h
                        object.cpp object.h object_object.cpp
                        regexp_object.cpp regexp_object.h string_object.cpp
               .        ChangeLog
               khtml/ecma kjs_css.cpp kjs_css.h kjs_dom.cpp kjs_dom.h
                        kjs_events.cpp kjs_events.h kjs_html.cpp kjs_html.h
                        kjs_navigator.cpp kjs_navigator.h kjs_range.cpp
                        kjs_range.h kjs_traversal.cpp kjs_traversal.h
                        kjs_views.cpp kjs_views.h kjs_window.cpp
                        kjs_window.h xmlhttprequest.cpp xmlhttprequest.h
          Reviewed by Darin.
  	- http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4124
  	(change JavaScript property access to avoid double lookup)
  	- 10% speedup on JavaScript iBench
  	- 5% speedup on 24fun BenchJS benchmark
  	Changed all get methods to getOwnProperty - they are no longer
  	responsible for prototype lookup, and determine if the property
  	was found as a side efect.
  	get() is now a nonvirtual ObjectImp method which calls the virtual
  	getOwnProperty and walks the prototype chain. A few selected
  	methods were inlined.
  	Changed ResolveNode::evaluate plus some other places to use
  	getProperty which does get() and hasProperty() in one lookup.
  	Also miscellaneous code cleanup.
  	* bindings/objc/objc_runtime.h:
          * bindings/objc/objc_runtime.mm:
          * bindings/runtime_array.cpp:
          * bindings/runtime_array.h:
          * bindings/runtime_method.cpp:
          * bindings/runtime_method.h:
          * bindings/runtime_object.cpp:
          * bindings/runtime_object.h:
          * kjs/array_instance.h:
          * kjs/array_object.cpp:
          * kjs/array_object.h:
          * kjs/date_object.cpp:
          * kjs/date_object.h:
          * kjs/function.cpp:
          * kjs/function.h:
          * kjs/lookup.h:
          * kjs/math_object.cpp:
          * kjs/math_object.h:
          * kjs/nodes.cpp:
          * kjs/number_object.cpp:
          * kjs/number_object.h:
          * kjs/object.cpp:
          * kjs/object.h:
          * kjs/object_object.cpp:
          * kjs/regexp_object.cpp:
          * kjs/regexp_object.h:
          * kjs/string_object.cpp:
          * kjs/string_object.h:
          Reviewed by Darin.
  	- http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4124
  	(change JavaScript property access to avoid double lookup)
  	- 10% speedup on JavaScript iBench
  	- 5% speedup on 24fun BenchJS benchmark
  	Changed all get methods to getOwnProperty - they are no longer responsible for
  	prototype lookup, and determine if the property was found as a side efect.
  	Also miscellaneous code cleanup.
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_css.cpp:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_css.h:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_dom.cpp:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_dom.h:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_events.cpp:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_events.h:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_html.cpp:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_html.h:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_navigator.cpp:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_navigator.h:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_range.cpp:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_range.h:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_traversal.cpp:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_traversal.h:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_views.cpp:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_views.h:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_window.cpp:
          * khtml/ecma/kjs_window.h:
          * khtml/ecma/xmlhttprequest.cpp:
          * khtml/ecma/xmlhttprequest.h:
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.763     +81 -0     JavaScriptCore/ChangeLog
  Index: ChangeLog
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/ChangeLog,v
  retrieving revision 1.762
  retrieving revision 1.763
  diff -u -r1.762 -r1.763
  --- ChangeLog	25 Jul 2005 20:38:31 -0000	1.762
  +++ ChangeLog	25 Jul 2005 22:17:10 -0000	1.763
  @@ -1,3 +1,84 @@
  +2005-07-24  Maciej Stachowiak  <mjs at apple.com>
  +        Reviewed by Darin.
  +	- http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4124
  +	(change JavaScript property access to avoid double lookup)
  +	- 10% speedup on JavaScript iBench
  +	- 5% speedup on 24fun BenchJS benchmark
  +	Changed all get methods to getOwnProperty - they are no longer
  +	responsible for prototype lookup, and determine if the property
  +	was found as a side efect. 
  +	get() is now a nonvirtual ObjectImp method which calls the virtual
  +	getOwnProperty and walks the prototype chain. A few selected
  +	methods were inlined.
  +	Changed ResolveNode::evaluate plus some other places to use
  +	getProperty which does get() and hasProperty() in one lookup.
  +	Also miscellaneous code cleanup.
  +	* bindings/objc/objc_runtime.h:
  +        * bindings/objc/objc_runtime.mm:
  +        (ObjcFallbackObjectImp::ObjcFallbackObjectImp):
  +        (ObjcFallbackObjectImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        * bindings/runtime_array.cpp:
  +        (RuntimeArrayImp::RuntimeArrayImp):
  +        (RuntimeArrayImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        * bindings/runtime_array.h:
  +        * bindings/runtime_method.cpp:
  +        (RuntimeMethodImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        * bindings/runtime_method.h:
  +        * bindings/runtime_object.cpp:
  +        (RuntimeObjectImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        * bindings/runtime_object.h:
  +        * kjs/array_instance.h:
  +        * kjs/array_object.cpp:
  +        (ArrayInstanceImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        (ArrayPrototypeImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        (ArrayProtoFuncImp::call):
  +        * kjs/array_object.h:
  +        * kjs/date_object.cpp:
  +        (DatePrototypeImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        * kjs/date_object.h:
  +        * kjs/function.cpp:
  +        (KJS::FunctionImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::ArgumentsImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::ActivationImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        * kjs/function.h:
  +        * kjs/lookup.h:
  +        (KJS::lookupGetOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::lookupGetOwnFunction):
  +        (KJS::lookupGetOwnValue):
  +        * kjs/math_object.cpp:
  +        (MathObjectImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        (MathObjectImp::getValueProperty):
  +        * kjs/math_object.h:
  +        * kjs/nodes.cpp:
  +        (ResolveNode::evaluate):
  +        * kjs/number_object.cpp:
  +        (NumberObjectImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        * kjs/number_object.h:
  +        * kjs/object.cpp:
  +        (KJS::ObjectImp::get):
  +        (KJS::ObjectImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::ObjectImp::getProperty):
  +        * kjs/object.h:
  +        (KJS::ObjectImp::getProperty):
  +        (KJS::ObjectImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        * kjs/object_object.cpp:
  +        (ObjectProtoFuncImp::call):
  +        * kjs/regexp_object.cpp:
  +        (RegExpObjectImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        * kjs/regexp_object.h:
  +        * kjs/string_object.cpp:
  +        (StringInstanceImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        (StringPrototypeImp::getOwnProperty):
  +        * kjs/string_object.h:
   2005-07-25  Geoffrey Garen  <ggaren at apple.com>
           - fixed http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3971
  1.8       +18 -11    JavaScriptCore/bindings/runtime_array.cpp
  Index: runtime_array.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/bindings/runtime_array.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision 1.8
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
  --- runtime_array.cpp	3 Jul 2005 10:47:51 -0000	1.7
  +++ runtime_array.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:10 -0000	1.8
  @@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
   const ClassInfo RuntimeArrayImp::info = {"RuntimeArray", &ArrayInstanceImp::info, 0, 0};
  -RuntimeArrayImp::RuntimeArrayImp(ExecState *exec, Bindings::Array *a) : ArrayInstanceImp (exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinArrayPrototype().imp(), a->getLength())
  +RuntimeArrayImp::RuntimeArrayImp(ExecState *exec, Bindings::Array *a)
  +    : ArrayInstanceImp (exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinArrayPrototype().imp(), a->getLength())
       // Always takes ownership of concrete array.
       _array = a;
  @@ -42,28 +43,34 @@
       delete _array;
  -Value RuntimeArrayImp::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool RuntimeArrayImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, Value& result) const
  -    if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName)
  -        return Number(getLength());
  +    if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName) {
  +        result = Number(getLength());
  +        return true;
  +    }
       bool ok;
       unsigned index = propertyName.toArrayIndex(&ok);
       if (ok) {
           if (index >= getLength())
  -            return Undefined();
  -        return getConcreteArray()->valueAt(exec, index);
  +            result =  Undefined();
  +        else
  +            result = getConcreteArray()->valueAt(exec, index);
  +        return true;
  -    return ObjectImp::get(exec, propertyName);
  +    return ArrayInstanceImp::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
  -Value RuntimeArrayImp::get(ExecState *exec, unsigned index) const
  +bool RuntimeArrayImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, unsigned index, Value& result) const
       if (index >= getLength())
  -        return Undefined();
  -    return getConcreteArray()->valueAt(exec, index);
  +        result = Undefined();
  +    else
  +        result = getConcreteArray()->valueAt(exec, index);
  +    return true;
   void RuntimeArrayImp::put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value &value, int attr)
  1.10      +2 -2      JavaScriptCore/bindings/runtime_array.h
  Index: runtime_array.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/bindings/runtime_array.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.9
  retrieving revision 1.10
  diff -u -r1.9 -r1.10
  --- runtime_array.h	3 Jul 2005 10:47:51 -0000	1.9
  +++ runtime_array.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:10 -0000	1.10
  @@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
       RuntimeArrayImp(ExecState *exec, Bindings::Array *i);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, unsigned index) const ;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, unsigned index, Value& result) const ;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value &value, int attr = None);
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, unsigned propertyName, const Value &value, int attr = None);
  1.11      +4 -15     JavaScriptCore/bindings/runtime_method.cpp
  Index: runtime_method.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/bindings/runtime_method.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.10
  retrieving revision 1.11
  diff -u -r1.10 -r1.11
  --- runtime_method.cpp	29 Jan 2005 00:13:35 -0000	1.10
  +++ runtime_method.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:10 -0000	1.11
  @@ -40,30 +40,19 @@
  -Value RuntimeMethodImp::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool RuntimeMethodImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -    // Find the arguments from the closest context.
  -    if (propertyName == argumentsPropertyName) {
  -        ContextImp *context = exec->_context;
  -        while (context) {
  -            if (context->function() == this)
  -                return static_cast<ActivationImp *>
  -                    (context->activationObject())->get(exec, propertyName);
  -            context = context->callingContext();
  -        }
  -        return Undefined();
  -    }
       // Compute length of parameters.
       if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName) {
           // Ick!  There may be more than one method with this name.  Arbitrarily
           // just pick the first method.  The fundamental problem here is that 
           // JavaScript doesn't have the notion of method overloading and
           // Java does.
  -        return Number(_methodList.methodAt(0)->numParameters());
  +        result = Number(_methodList.methodAt(0)->numParameters());
  +        return result;
  -    return FunctionImp::get(exec, propertyName);
  +    return FunctionImp::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
   bool RuntimeMethodImp::implementsCall() const
  1.5       +2 -2      JavaScriptCore/bindings/runtime_method.h
  Index: runtime_method.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/bindings/runtime_method.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
  --- runtime_method.h	13 Feb 2004 22:39:36 -0000	1.4
  +++ runtime_method.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:11 -0000	1.5
  @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
       virtual ~RuntimeMethodImp();
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual bool implementsCall() const;
       virtual Value call(ExecState *exec, Object &thisObj, const List &args);
  @@ -53,4 +53,4 @@
   } // namespace KJS
  \ No newline at end of file
  1.26      +10 -11    JavaScriptCore/bindings/runtime_object.cpp
  Index: runtime_object.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/bindings/runtime_object.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.25
  retrieving revision 1.26
  diff -u -r1.25 -r1.26
  --- runtime_object.cpp	3 Jul 2005 10:47:51 -0000	1.25
  +++ runtime_object.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:11 -0000	1.26
  @@ -60,40 +60,39 @@
       instance = i;
  -Value RuntimeObjectImp::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool RuntimeObjectImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -    Value result = Undefined();
       Class *aClass = instance->getClass();
       if (aClass) {
           // See if the instance have a field with the specified name.
           Field *aField = aClass->fieldNamed(propertyName.ascii(), instance);
           if (aField) {
  -            result = instance->getValueOfField (exec, aField); 
  -        }
  -        else {
  +            result = instance->getValueOfField(exec, aField); 
  +            return true;
  +        } else {
               // Now check if a method with specified name exists, if so return a function object for
               // that method.
               MethodList methodList = aClass->methodsNamed(propertyName.ascii(), instance);
               if (methodList.length() > 0) {
  -                result = Object (new RuntimeMethodImp(exec, propertyName, methodList));
  +                result = Object(new RuntimeMethodImp(exec, propertyName, methodList));
  +                return true;
           if (result.type() == UndefinedType) {
               // Try a fallback object.
  -            result = aClass->fallbackObject (exec, instance, propertyName);
  +            result = aClass->fallbackObject(exec, instance, propertyName);
  +            return true;
  -    return result;
  +    // don't call superclass, because runtime objects can't have custom properties or a prototype
  +    return false;
   void RuntimeObjectImp::put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName,
  1.14      +1 -1      JavaScriptCore/bindings/runtime_object.h
  Index: runtime_object.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/bindings/runtime_object.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.13
  retrieving revision 1.14
  diff -u -r1.13 -r1.14
  --- runtime_object.h	3 Jul 2005 10:47:51 -0000	1.13
  +++ runtime_object.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:11 -0000	1.14
  @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
       const ClassInfo *classInfo() const { return &info; }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName,
                        const Value &value, int attr = None);
  1.11      +1 -1      JavaScriptCore/bindings/objc/objc_runtime.h
  Index: objc_runtime.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/bindings/objc/objc_runtime.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.10
  retrieving revision 1.11
  diff -u -r1.10 -r1.11
  --- objc_runtime.h	3 Jul 2005 10:47:52 -0000	1.10
  +++ objc_runtime.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:11 -0000	1.11
  @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
       const ClassInfo *classInfo() const { return &info; }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName,
                        const Value &value, int attr = None);
  1.17      +6 -3      JavaScriptCore/bindings/objc/objc_runtime.mm
  Index: objc_runtime.mm
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/bindings/objc/objc_runtime.mm,v
  retrieving revision 1.16
  retrieving revision 1.17
  diff -u -r1.16 -r1.17
  --- objc_runtime.mm	3 Jul 2005 10:47:52 -0000	1.16
  +++ objc_runtime.mm	25 Jul 2005 22:17:11 -0000	1.17
  @@ -261,15 +261,18 @@
       _instance = 0;
  -ObjcFallbackObjectImp::ObjcFallbackObjectImp(ObjcInstance *i, const KJS::Identifier propertyName) : ObjectImp ((ObjectImp *)0)
  +ObjcFallbackObjectImp::ObjcFallbackObjectImp(ObjcInstance *i, const KJS::Identifier propertyName)
  +    : ObjectImp ((ObjectImp *)0)
       _instance = i;
       _item = propertyName;
  -Value ObjcFallbackObjectImp::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool ObjcFallbackObjectImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -    return Undefined();
  +    // keep the prototype from getting called instead of just returning false
  +    result = Undefined();
  +    return true;
   void ObjcFallbackObjectImp::put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName,
  1.14      +2 -2      JavaScriptCore/kjs/array_instance.h
  Index: array_instance.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/array_instance.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.13
  retrieving revision 1.14
  diff -u -r1.13 -r1.14
  --- array_instance.h	14 Jul 2005 18:27:01 -0000	1.13
  +++ array_instance.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.14
  @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
       ArrayInstanceImp(ObjectImp *proto, const List &initialValues);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, unsigned propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, unsigned index, Value& result) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value &value, int attr = None);
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, unsigned propertyName, const Value &value, int attr = None);
       virtual bool hasOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  1.46      +58 -58    JavaScriptCore/kjs/array_object.cpp
  Index: array_object.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/array_object.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.45
  retrieving revision 1.46
  diff -u -r1.45 -r1.46
  --- array_object.cpp	20 Jul 2005 02:23:57 -0000	1.45
  +++ array_object.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.46
  @@ -70,35 +70,45 @@
  -Value ArrayInstanceImp::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool ArrayInstanceImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -  if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName)
  -    return Number(length);
  +  if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName) {
  +    result = Number(length);
  +    return true;
  +  }
     bool ok;
     unsigned index = propertyName.toArrayIndex(&ok);
     if (ok) {
       if (index >= length)
  -      return Undefined();
  +      return false;
       if (index < storageLength) {
         ValueImp *v = storage[index];
  -      return v ? Value(v) : Undefined();
  +      if (!v || v == UndefinedImp::staticUndefined)
  +        return false;
  +      result = Value(v);
  +      return true;
  -  return ObjectImp::get(exec, propertyName);
  +  return ObjectImp::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
  -Value ArrayInstanceImp::get(ExecState *exec, unsigned index) const
  +bool ArrayInstanceImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, unsigned index, Value& result) const
     if (index >= length)
  -    return Undefined();
  +    return false;
     if (index < storageLength) {
       ValueImp *v = storage[index];
  -    return v ? Value(v) : Undefined();
  +    if (!v || v == UndefinedImp::staticUndefined)
  +      return false;
  +    result = Value(v);
  +    return true;
  -  return ObjectImp::get(exec, Identifier::from(index));
  +  return ObjectImp::getOwnProperty(exec, Identifier::from(index), result);
   // Special implementation of [[Put]] - see ECMA
  @@ -418,10 +428,9 @@
  -Value ArrayPrototypeImp::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool ArrayPrototypeImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -  //fprintf( stderr, "ArrayPrototypeImp::get(%s)\n", propertyName.ascii() );
  -  return lookupGetFunction<ArrayProtoFuncImp, ArrayInstanceImp>( exec, propertyName, &arrayTable, this );
  +  return lookupGetOwnFunction<ArrayProtoFuncImp, ArrayInstanceImp>(exec, propertyName, &arrayTable, this, result);
   // ------------------------------ ArrayProtoFuncImp ----------------------------
  @@ -444,6 +453,7 @@
   Value ArrayProtoFuncImp::call(ExecState *exec, Object &thisObj, const List &args)
     unsigned int length = thisObj.get(exec,lengthPropertyName).toUInt32(exec);
  +  ObjectImp *thisImp = thisObj.imp();
     Value result;
  @@ -501,8 +511,9 @@
           // by checking for n != 0, but that doesn't work if thisObj is an empty array.
           length = curObj.get(exec,lengthPropertyName).toUInt32(exec);
           while (k < length) {
  -          if (curObj.hasProperty(exec,k))
  -            arr.put(exec, n, curObj.get(exec, k));
  +          Value v;
  +          if (curObj.imp()->getProperty(exec, k, v))
  +            arr.put(exec, n, v);
  @@ -544,26 +555,20 @@
       for (unsigned int k = 0; k < middle; k++) {
         unsigned lk1 = length - k - 1;
  -      Value obj = thisObj.get(exec,k);
  -      Value obj2 = thisObj.get(exec,lk1);
  -      if (thisObj.hasProperty(exec,lk1)) {
  -        if (thisObj.hasProperty(exec,k)) {
  -          thisObj.put(exec, k, obj2);
  -          thisObj.put(exec, lk1, obj);
  -        } else {
  -          thisObj.put(exec, k, obj2);
  -          thisObj.deleteProperty(exec, lk1);
  -        }
  -      } else {
  -        if (thisObj.hasProperty(exec, k)) {
  -          thisObj.deleteProperty(exec, k);
  -          thisObj.put(exec, lk1, obj);
  -        } else {
  -          // why delete something that's not there ? Strange.
  -          thisObj.deleteProperty(exec, k);
  -          thisObj.deleteProperty(exec, lk1);
  -        }
  -      }
  +      Value obj;
  +      Value obj2;
  +      bool has2 = thisImp->getProperty(exec, lk1, obj2);
  +      bool has1 = thisImp->getProperty(exec, k, obj);
  +      if (has2) 
  +        thisObj.put(exec, k, obj2);
  +      else
  +        thisObj.deleteProperty(exec, k);
  +      if (has1)
  +        thisObj.put(exec, lk1, obj);
  +      else
  +        thisObj.deleteProperty(exec, lk1);
       result = thisObj;
  @@ -575,10 +580,10 @@
       } else {
         result = thisObj.get(exec, 0);
         for(unsigned int k = 1; k < length; k++) {
  -        if (thisObj.hasProperty(exec, k)) {
  -          Value obj = thisObj.get(exec, k);
  +        Value obj;
  +        if (thisImp->getProperty(exec, k, obj))
             thisObj.put(exec, k-1, obj);
  -        } else
  +        else
             thisObj.deleteProperty(exec, k-1);
         thisObj.deleteProperty(exec, length - 1);
  @@ -622,10 +627,9 @@
       int b = static_cast<int>(begin);
       int e = static_cast<int>(end);
       for(int k = b; k < e; k++, n++) {
  -      if (thisObj.hasProperty(exec, k)) {
  -        Value obj = thisObj.get(exec, k);
  +      Value obj;
  +      if (thisImp->getProperty(exec, k, obj))
           resObj.put(exec, n, obj);
  -      }
       resObj.put(exec, lengthPropertyName, Number(n), DontEnum | DontDelete);
  @@ -645,11 +649,11 @@
             useSortFunction = false;
  -    if (thisObj.imp()->classInfo() == &ArrayInstanceImp::info) {
  +    if (thisImp->classInfo() == &ArrayInstanceImp::info) {
         if (useSortFunction)
  -        ((ArrayInstanceImp *)thisObj.imp())->sort(exec, sortFunction);
  +        ((ArrayInstanceImp *)thisImp)->sort(exec, sortFunction);
  -        ((ArrayInstanceImp *)thisObj.imp())->sort(exec);
  +        ((ArrayInstanceImp *)thisImp)->sort(exec);
         result = thisObj;
  @@ -718,10 +722,9 @@
       //printf( "Splicing from %d, deleteCount=%d \n", begin, deleteCount );
       for(unsigned int k = 0; k < deleteCount; k++) {
  -      if (thisObj.hasProperty(exec,k+begin)) {
  -        Value obj = thisObj.get(exec, k+begin);
  +      Value obj;
  +      if (thisImp->getProperty(exec, k+begin, obj))
           resObj.put(exec, k, obj);
  -      }
       resObj.put(exec, lengthPropertyName, Number(deleteCount), DontEnum | DontDelete);
  @@ -732,10 +735,9 @@
           for ( unsigned int k = begin; k < length - deleteCount; ++k )
  -          if (thisObj.hasProperty(exec,k+deleteCount)) {
  -            Value obj = thisObj.get(exec, k+deleteCount);
  +          Value obj;
  +          if (thisImp->getProperty(exec, k+deleteCount, obj))
               thisObj.put(exec, k+additionalArgs, obj);
  -          }
               thisObj.deleteProperty(exec, k+additionalArgs);
  @@ -746,10 +748,9 @@
           for ( unsigned int k = length - deleteCount; (int)k > begin; --k )
  -          if (thisObj.hasProperty(exec,k+deleteCount-1)) {
  -            Value obj = thisObj.get(exec, k+deleteCount-1);
  -            thisObj.put(exec, k+additionalArgs-1, obj);
  -          }
  +          Value obj;
  +          if (thisImp->getProperty(exec, k + deleteCount - 1, obj))
  +            thisObj.put(exec, k + additionalArgs - 1, obj);
               thisObj.deleteProperty(exec, k+additionalArgs-1);
  @@ -766,12 +767,11 @@
       unsigned int nrArgs = args.size();
       for ( unsigned int k = length; k > 0; --k )
  -      if (thisObj.hasProperty(exec,k-1)) {
  -        Value obj = thisObj.get(exec, k-1);
  +      Value obj;
  +      if (thisImp->getProperty(exec, k - 1, obj))
           thisObj.put(exec, k+nrArgs-1, obj);
  -      } else {
  +      else
           thisObj.deleteProperty(exec, k+nrArgs-1);
  -      }
       for ( unsigned int k = 0; k < nrArgs; ++k )
         thisObj.put(exec, k, args[k]);
  1.14      +1 -1      JavaScriptCore/kjs/array_object.h
  Index: array_object.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/array_object.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.13
  retrieving revision 1.14
  diff -u -r1.13 -r1.14
  --- array_object.h	14 Jul 2005 18:27:01 -0000	1.13
  +++ array_object.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.14
  @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
       ArrayPrototypeImp(ExecState *exec,
                         ObjectPrototypeImp *objProto);
  -    Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const;
  +    bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual const ClassInfo *classInfo() const { return &info; }
       static const ClassInfo info;
  1.45      +2 -2      JavaScriptCore/kjs/date_object.cpp
  Index: date_object.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/date_object.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.44
  retrieving revision 1.45
  diff -u -r1.44 -r1.45
  --- date_object.cpp	23 Jul 2005 00:50:36 -0000	1.44
  +++ date_object.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.45
  @@ -466,9 +466,9 @@
     // The constructor will be added later, after DateObjectImp has been built
  -Value DatePrototypeImp::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool DatePrototypeImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetFunction<DateProtoFuncImp, ObjectImp>( exec, propertyName, &dateTable, this );
  +  return lookupGetOwnFunction<DateProtoFuncImp, ObjectImp>(exec, propertyName, &dateTable, this, result);
   // ------------------------------ DateProtoFuncImp -----------------------------
  1.12      +1 -1      JavaScriptCore/kjs/date_object.h
  Index: date_object.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/date_object.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.11
  retrieving revision 1.12
  diff -u -r1.11 -r1.12
  --- date_object.h	14 Jul 2005 18:27:02 -0000	1.11
  +++ date_object.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.12
  @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
     class DatePrototypeImp : public DateInstanceImp {
       DatePrototypeImp(ExecState *exec, ObjectPrototypeImp *objectProto);
  -    Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const;
  +    bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const;
       virtual const ClassInfo *classInfo() const { return &info; }
       static const ClassInfo info;
  1.49      +27 -21    JavaScriptCore/kjs/function.cpp
  Index: function.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/function.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.48
  retrieving revision 1.49
  diff -u -r1.48 -r1.49
  --- function.cpp	14 Jul 2005 18:27:02 -0000	1.48
  +++ function.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.49
  @@ -202,18 +202,20 @@
  -Value FunctionImp::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool FunctionImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
       // Find the arguments from the closest context.
       if (propertyName == argumentsPropertyName) {
           ContextImp *context = exec->_context;
           while (context) {
  -            if (context->function() == this)
  -                return static_cast<ActivationImp *>
  -                    (context->activationObject())->get(exec, propertyName);
  -            context = context->callingContext();
  +          if (context->function() == this) {
  +            result = static_cast<ActivationImp *>(context->activationObject())->get(exec, propertyName);
  +            return true;
  +          }
  +          context = context->callingContext();
  -        return Null();
  +        result = Null();
  +        return true;
       // Compute length of parameters.
  @@ -224,10 +226,11 @@
               p = p->next;
  -        return Number(count);
  +        result = Number(count);
  +        return true;
  -    return InternalFunctionImp::get(exec, propertyName);
  +    return InternalFunctionImp::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
   void FunctionImp::put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value &value, int attr)
  @@ -440,13 +443,14 @@
  -Value ArgumentsImp::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool ArgumentsImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
     if (indexToNameMap.isMapped(propertyName)) {
  -    return _activationObject->get(exec, indexToNameMap[propertyName]);
  -  } else {
  -    return ObjectImp::get(exec, propertyName);
  +    result = _activationObject->get(exec, indexToNameMap[propertyName]);
  +    return true;
  +  return ObjectImp::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
   void ArgumentsImp::put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value &value, int attr)
  @@ -488,20 +492,22 @@
     // FIXME: Do we need to support enumerating the arguments property?
  -Value ActivationImp::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool ActivationImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -    if (propertyName == argumentsPropertyName) {
  -        // check for locally declared arguments property
  -        ValueImp *v = getDirect(propertyName);
  -        if (v)
  -            return Value(v);
  +    // do this first so property map arguments property wins over the below
  +    if (ObjectImp::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result))
  +        return true;
  +    if (propertyName == argumentsPropertyName) {
           // default: return builtin arguments array
           if (!_argumentsObject)
  -                createArgumentsObject(exec);
  -        return Value(_argumentsObject);
  +            createArgumentsObject(exec);
  +        result = Value(_argumentsObject);
  +        return true;
  -    return ObjectImp::get(exec, propertyName);
  +    return false;
   bool ActivationImp::hasOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  1.27      +3 -3      JavaScriptCore/kjs/function.h
  Index: function.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/function.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.26
  retrieving revision 1.27
  diff -u -r1.26 -r1.27
  --- function.h	14 Jul 2005 18:27:02 -0000	1.26
  +++ function.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.27
  @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
       FunctionImp(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &n = Identifier::null());
       virtual ~FunctionImp();
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value &value, int attr = None);
       virtual bool hasOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
       virtual bool deleteProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName);
  @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
       ArgumentsImp(ExecState *exec, FunctionImp *func, const List &args, ActivationImp *act);
       virtual void mark();
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName,
                        const Value &value, int attr = None);
       virtual bool hasOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
       ActivationImp(FunctionImp *function, const List &arguments);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual bool hasOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
       virtual bool deleteProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName);
  1.15      +28 -29    JavaScriptCore/kjs/lookup.h
  Index: lookup.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/lookup.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.14
  retrieving revision 1.15
  diff -u -r1.14 -r1.15
  --- lookup.h	19 Jul 2005 21:16:49 -0000	1.14
  +++ lookup.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.15
  @@ -164,18 +164,20 @@
      * @param thisObj "this"
     template <class FuncImp, class ThisImp, class ParentImp>
  -  inline Value lookupGet(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName,
  -                         const HashTable* table, const ThisImp* thisObj)
  +  inline bool lookupGetOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName,
  +                                   const HashTable* table, const ThisImp* thisObj, Value& result)
       const HashEntry* entry = Lookup::findEntry(table, propertyName);
       if (!entry) // not found, forward to parent
  -      return thisObj->ParentImp::get(exec, propertyName);
  +      return thisObj->ParentImp::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
  -    //fprintf(stderr, "lookupGet: found value=%d attr=%d\n", entry->value, entry->attr);
       if (entry->attr & Function)
  -      return lookupOrCreateFunction<FuncImp>(exec, propertyName, thisObj, entry->value, entry->params, entry->attr);
  -    return thisObj->getValueProperty(exec, entry->value);
  +      result = lookupOrCreateFunction<FuncImp>(exec, propertyName, thisObj, entry->value, entry->params, entry->attr);
  +    else 
  +      result = thisObj->getValueProperty(exec, entry->value);
  +    return true;
  @@ -183,19 +185,18 @@
      * Using this instead of lookupGet prevents 'this' from implementing a dummy getValueProperty.
     template <class FuncImp, class ParentImp>
  -  inline Value lookupGetFunction(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName,
  -                         const HashTable* table, const ObjectImp* thisObj)
  +  inline bool lookupGetOwnFunction(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName,
  +                                   const HashTable* table, const ObjectImp* thisObj, Value& result)
       const HashEntry* entry = Lookup::findEntry(table, propertyName);
       if (!entry) // not found, forward to parent
  -      return static_cast<const ParentImp *>(thisObj)->ParentImp::get(exec, propertyName);
  +      return static_cast<const ParentImp *>(thisObj)->ParentImp::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
  -    if (entry->attr & Function)
  -      return lookupOrCreateFunction<FuncImp>(exec, propertyName, thisObj, entry->value, entry->params, entry->attr);
  +    assert(entry->attr & Function);
  -    fprintf(stderr, "Function bit not set! Shouldn't happen in lookupGetFunction!\n" );
  -    return Undefined();
  +    result = lookupOrCreateFunction<FuncImp>(exec, propertyName, thisObj, entry->value, entry->params, entry->attr);
  +    return true;
  @@ -203,17 +204,18 @@
      * Using this instead of lookupGet removes the need for a FuncImp class.
     template <class ThisImp, class ParentImp>
  -  inline Value lookupGetValue(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName,
  -                           const HashTable* table, const ThisImp* thisObj)
  +  inline bool lookupGetOwnValue(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName,
  +                                const HashTable* table, const ThisImp* thisObj, Value& result)
       const HashEntry* entry = Lookup::findEntry(table, propertyName);
       if (!entry) // not found, forward to parent
  -      return thisObj->ParentImp::get(exec, propertyName);
  +      return thisObj->ParentImp::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
  -    if (entry->attr & Function)
  -      fprintf(stderr, "Function bit set! Shouldn't happen in lookupGetValue! propertyName was %s\n", propertyName.ascii() );
  -    return thisObj->getValueProperty(exec, entry->value);
  +    assert(!entry->attr & Function);
  +    result = thisObj->getValueProperty(exec, entry->value);
  +    return true;
  @@ -293,16 +295,15 @@
     public: \
       virtual const ClassInfo *classInfo() const { return &info; } \
       static const ClassInfo info; \
  -    Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const; \
  +    bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, Value& result) const; \
       bool hasOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const; \
     }; \
     const ClassInfo ClassProto::info = { ClassName, 0, &ClassProto##Table, 0 };
   #define IMPLEMENT_PROTOTYPE(ClassProto,ClassFunc) \
  -    Value ClassProto::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const \
  +    bool ClassProto::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, Value& result) const \
       { \
  -      /*fprintf( stderr, "%sProto::get(%s) [in macro, no parent]\n", info.className, propertyName.ascii());*/ \
  -      return lookupGetFunction<ClassFunc,ObjectImp>(exec, propertyName, &ClassProto##Table, this ); \
  +      return lookupGetOwnFunction<ClassFunc,ObjectImp>(exec, propertyName, &ClassProto##Table, this, result); \
       } \
       bool ClassProto::hasOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const \
       { /*stupid but we need this to have a common macro for the declaration*/ \
  @@ -310,13 +311,11 @@
   #define IMPLEMENT_PROTOTYPE_WITH_PARENT(ClassProto,ClassFunc,ParentProto)  \
  -    Value ClassProto::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const \
  +    bool ClassProto::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, Value& result) const \
       { \
  -      /*fprintf( stderr, "%sProto::get(%s) [in macro]\n", info.className, propertyName.ascii());*/ \
  -      Value val = lookupGetFunction<ClassFunc,ObjectImp>(exec, propertyName, &ClassProto##Table, this ); \
  -      if ( val.type() != UndefinedType ) return val; \
  -      /* Not found -> forward request to "parent" prototype */ \
  -      return ParentProto::self(exec)->get( exec, propertyName ); \
  +      if (lookupGetOwnFunction<ClassFunc,ObjectImp>(exec, propertyName, &ClassProto##Table, this, result)) \
  +          return true; \
  +      return ParentProto::self(exec)->getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result); \
       } \
       bool ClassProto::hasOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const \
       { \
  1.15      +4 -5      JavaScriptCore/kjs/math_object.cpp
  Index: math_object.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/math_object.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.14
  retrieving revision 1.15
  diff -u -r1.14 -r1.15
  --- math_object.cpp	14 Jul 2005 18:27:03 -0000	1.14
  +++ math_object.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.15
  @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
   #include <math.h>
   #include <stdlib.h>
  -#include <stdio.h>
   #include <assert.h>
   #include "value.h"
  @@ -81,9 +80,10 @@
   // ECMA 15.8
  -Value MathObjectImp::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool MathObjectImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGet<MathFuncImp, MathObjectImp, ObjectImp>( exec, propertyName, &mathTable, this );
  +  return lookupGetOwnProperty<MathFuncImp, MathObjectImp, ObjectImp>(exec, propertyName, &mathTable, this, result);
   Value MathObjectImp::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  @@ -115,8 +115,7 @@
       d = sqrt(2.0);
  -    fprintf( stderr, "Internal error in MathObjectImp: unhandled token %d\n", token );
  -    break;
  +    assert(0);
     return Number(d);
  1.6       +1 -1      JavaScriptCore/kjs/math_object.h
  Index: math_object.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/math_object.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision 1.6
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
  --- math_object.h	14 Jul 2005 18:27:03 -0000	1.5
  +++ math_object.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.6
  @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
       MathObjectImp(ExecState *exec,
                     ObjectPrototypeImp *objProto);
  -    Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const;
  +    bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual const ClassInfo *classInfo() const { return &info; }
       static const ClassInfo info;
  1.67      +16 -1     JavaScriptCore/kjs/nodes.cpp
  Index: nodes.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/nodes.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.66
  retrieving revision 1.67
  diff -u -r1.66 -r1.67
  --- nodes.cpp	14 Jul 2005 18:27:03 -0000	1.66
  +++ nodes.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.67
  @@ -284,7 +284,22 @@
   // ECMA 11.1.2 & 10.1.4
   Value ResolveNode::evaluate(ExecState *exec)
  -  return evaluateReference(exec).getValue(exec);
  +  ScopeChain chain = exec->context().imp()->scopeChain();
  +  Value result;
  +  while (!chain.isEmpty()) {
  +    ObjectImp *o = chain.top();
  +    if (o->getProperty(exec, ident, result))
  +      return result;
  +    chain.pop();
  +  }
  +  UString m = I18N_NOOP("Can't find variable: ") + ident.ustring();
  +  Object err = Error::create(exec, ReferenceError, m.ascii());
  +  exec->setException(err);
  +  return err;
   Reference ResolveNode::evaluateReference(ExecState *exec)
  1.18      +2 -2      JavaScriptCore/kjs/number_object.cpp
  Index: number_object.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/number_object.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.17
  retrieving revision 1.18
  diff -u -r1.17 -r1.18
  --- number_object.cpp	14 Jul 2005 18:27:03 -0000	1.17
  +++ number_object.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.18
  @@ -402,9 +402,9 @@
     putDirect(lengthPropertyName, NumberImp::one(), ReadOnly|DontDelete|DontEnum);
  -Value NumberObjectImp::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool NumberObjectImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<NumberObjectImp, InternalFunctionImp>( exec, propertyName, &numberTable, this );
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<NumberObjectImp, InternalFunctionImp>(exec, propertyName, &numberTable, this, result);
   Value NumberObjectImp::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  1.8       +1 -1      JavaScriptCore/kjs/number_object.h
  Index: number_object.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/number_object.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision 1.8
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
  --- number_object.h	14 Jul 2005 18:27:03 -0000	1.7
  +++ number_object.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.8
  @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
       virtual bool implementsCall() const;
       virtual Value call(ExecState *exec, Object &thisObj, const List &args);
  -    Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const;
  +    bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual const ClassInfo *classInfo() const { return &info; }
       static const ClassInfo info;
  1.47      +51 -10    JavaScriptCore/kjs/object.cpp
  Index: object.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/object.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.46
  retrieving revision 1.47
  diff -u -r1.46 -r1.47
  --- object.cpp	14 Jul 2005 18:27:03 -0000	1.46
  +++ object.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.47
  @@ -208,24 +208,65 @@
   Value ObjectImp::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  -  ValueImp *imp = getDirect(propertyName);
  -  if (imp)
  -    return Value(imp);
  +  Value result;
  -  // non-standard netscape extension
  -  if (propertyName == specialPrototypePropertyName)
  -    return Value(_proto);
  +  const ObjectImp *imp = this;
  -  if (_proto->dispatchType() != ObjectType) {
  -    return Undefined();
  +  while (true) {
  +    if (imp->getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result))
  +      return result;
  +    const ValueImp *proto = imp->_proto;
  +    if (proto->dispatchType() != ObjectType)
  +      break;
  +    imp = static_cast<const ObjectImp *>(proto);
  -  return static_cast<ObjectImp *>(_proto)->get(exec, propertyName);
  +  return Undefined();
  +bool ObjectImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, unsigned propertyName, Value& result) const
  +  return getOwnProperty(exec, Identifier::from(propertyName), result);
   Value ObjectImp::get(ExecState *exec, unsigned propertyName) const
  -  return get(exec, Identifier::from(propertyName));
  +  Value result;
  +  const ObjectImp *imp = this;
  +  while (imp) {
  +    if (imp->getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result))
  +      return result;
  +    const ValueImp *proto = imp->_proto;
  +    if (proto->dispatchType() != ObjectType)
  +      break;
  +    imp = static_cast<const ObjectImp *>(proto);
  +  }
  +  return Undefined();
  +bool ObjectImp::getProperty(ExecState *exec, unsigned propertyName, Value& result) const
  +  const ObjectImp *imp = this;
  +  while (true) {
  +    if (imp->getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result))
  +      return true;
  +    const ValueImp *proto = imp->_proto;
  +      if (proto->dispatchType() != ObjectType)
  +        break;
  +      imp = static_cast<const ObjectImp *>(proto);
  +  }
  +  return false;
   // ECMA
  1.39      +49 -2     JavaScriptCore/kjs/object.h
  Index: object.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/object.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.38
  retrieving revision 1.39
  diff -u -r1.38 -r1.39
  --- object.h	15 Jul 2005 16:58:56 -0000	1.38
  +++ object.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.39
  @@ -503,8 +503,14 @@
        * @see Object::get()
       // [[Get]] - must be implemented by all Objects
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, unsigned propertyName) const;
  +    Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    Value get(ExecState *exec, unsigned propertyName) const;
  +    bool getProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
  +    bool getProperty(ExecState *exec, unsigned propertyName, Value& result) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, unsigned propertyName, Value& result) const;
        * Implementation of the [[Put]] internal property (implemented by all
  @@ -632,6 +638,47 @@
       ScopeChain _scope;
  +  // it may seem crazy to inline a function this large but it makes a big difference
  +  // since this is function very hot in variable lookup
  +  inline bool ObjectImp::getProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  +  {
  +    const ObjectImp *imp = this;
  +    while (true) {
  +      if (imp->getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result))
  +        return true;
  +      const ValueImp *proto = imp->_proto;
  +      if (proto->dispatchType() != ObjectType)
  +        break;
  +      imp = static_cast<const ObjectImp *>(proto);
  +    }
  +    return false;
  +  }
  +  // it may seem crazy to inline a function this large, especially a virtual function,
  +  // but it makes a big difference to property lookup if subclasses can inline their
  +  // superclass call to this
  +  inline bool ObjectImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, Value &result) const
  +  {
  +      ValueImp *imp = getDirect(propertyName);
  +      if (imp) {
  +        result = Value(imp);
  +        return true;
  +      }
  +      // non-standard netscape extension
  +      if (propertyName == specialPrototypePropertyName) {
  +        result = Value(_proto);
  +        return true;
  +      }
  +      return false;
  +  }
      * Types of Native Errors available. For custom errors, GeneralError
      * should be used.
  1.12      +1 -1      JavaScriptCore/kjs/object_object.cpp
  Index: object_object.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/object_object.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.11
  retrieving revision 1.12
  diff -u -r1.11 -r1.12
  --- object_object.cpp	14 Jul 2005 18:27:03 -0000	1.11
  +++ object_object.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.12
  @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
           case ValueOf:
               return thisObj;
           case HasOwnProperty: {
  -            // Same as hasProperty() but without checking the prototype
  +            // Same as the in operator but without checking the prototype
               Identifier propertyName(args[0].toString(exec));
               bool exists = thisObj.hasOwnProperty(exec, propertyName);
               return Value(exists ? BooleanImp::staticTrue : BooleanImp::staticFalse);
  1.19      +8 -5      JavaScriptCore/kjs/regexp_object.cpp
  Index: regexp_object.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/regexp_object.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.18
  retrieving revision 1.19
  diff -u -r1.18 -r1.19
  --- regexp_object.cpp	14 Jul 2005 18:27:03 -0000	1.18
  +++ regexp_object.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.19
  @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
     return arr;
  -Value RegExpObjectImp::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool RegExpObjectImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
     UString s = p.ustring();
     if (s[0] == '$' && lastOvector)
  @@ -228,12 +228,15 @@
         if (i < lastNrSubPatterns + 1)
           UString substring = lastString.substr( lastOvector[2*i], lastOvector[2*i+1] - lastOvector[2*i] );
  -        return String(substring);
  -      }
  -      return String("");
  +        result = String(substring);
  +      } else
  +        result = String("");
  +      return true;
  -  return InternalFunctionImp::get(exec, p);
  +  return InternalFunctionImp::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   bool RegExpObjectImp::implementsConstruct() const
  1.9       +1 -1      JavaScriptCore/kjs/regexp_object.h
  Index: regexp_object.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/regexp_object.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision 1.9
  diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
  --- regexp_object.h	14 Jul 2005 18:27:03 -0000	1.8
  +++ regexp_object.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.9
  @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
       virtual bool implementsCall() const;
       virtual Value call(ExecState *exec, Object &thisObj, const List &args);
  -    Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       int ** registerRegexp( const RegExp* re, const UString& s );
       void setSubPatterns(int num) { lastNrSubPatterns = num; }
       Object arrayOfMatches(ExecState *exec, const UString &result) const;
  1.40      +10 -7     JavaScriptCore/kjs/string_object.cpp
  Index: string_object.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/string_object.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.39
  retrieving revision 1.40
  diff -u -r1.39 -r1.40
  --- string_object.cpp	14 Jul 2005 18:27:03 -0000	1.39
  +++ string_object.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.40
  @@ -50,10 +50,12 @@
  -Value StringInstanceImp::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool StringInstanceImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -  if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName)
  -    return Number(internalValue().toString(exec).size());
  +  if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName) {
  +    result = Value(internalValue().toString(exec).size());
  +    return true;
  +  }
     bool ok;
     const unsigned index = propertyName.toArrayIndex(&ok);
  @@ -63,10 +65,11 @@
       if (index >= length)
         return Undefined();
       const UChar c = s[index];
  -    return String(UString(&c, 1));
  +    result = Value(UString(&c, 1));
  +    return true;
  -  return ObjectImp::get(exec, propertyName);
  +  return ObjectImp::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
   void StringInstanceImp::put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value &value, int attr)
  @@ -151,9 +154,9 @@
  -Value StringPrototypeImp::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool StringPrototypeImp::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetFunction<StringProtoFuncImp, StringInstanceImp>( exec, propertyName, &stringTable, this );
  +  return lookupGetOwnFunction<StringProtoFuncImp, StringInstanceImp>(exec, propertyName, &stringTable, this, result);
   // ------------------------------ StringProtoFuncImp ---------------------------
  1.12      +2 -2      JavaScriptCore/kjs/string_object.h
  Index: string_object.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/kjs/string_object.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.11
  retrieving revision 1.12
  diff -u -r1.11 -r1.12
  --- string_object.h	14 Jul 2005 18:27:03 -0000	1.11
  +++ string_object.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:12 -0000	1.12
  @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
       StringInstanceImp(ObjectImp *proto);
       StringInstanceImp(ObjectImp *proto, const UString &string);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value &value, int attr = None);
       virtual bool hasOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
       virtual bool deleteProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName);
  @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
       StringPrototypeImp(ExecState *exec,
                          ObjectPrototypeImp *objProto);
  -    Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual const ClassInfo *classInfo() const { return &info; }
       static const ClassInfo info;
  1.4468    +110 -0    WebCore/ChangeLog
  Index: ChangeLog
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/ChangeLog,v
  retrieving revision 1.4467
  retrieving revision 1.4468
  diff -u -r1.4467 -r1.4468
  --- ChangeLog	25 Jul 2005 21:50:23 -0000	1.4467
  +++ ChangeLog	25 Jul 2005 22:17:15 -0000	1.4468
  @@ -1,3 +1,113 @@
  +2005-07-24  Maciej Stachowiak  <mjs at apple.com>
  +        Reviewed by Darin.
  +	- http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4124
  +	(change JavaScript property access to avoid double lookup)
  +	- 10% speedup on JavaScript iBench
  +	- 5% speedup on 24fun BenchJS benchmark
  +	Changed all get methods to getOwnProperty - they are no longer responsible for
  +	prototype lookup, and determine if the property was found as a side efect.
  +	Also miscellaneous code cleanup.
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_css.cpp:
  +        (KJS::DOMCSSStyleDeclaration::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMStyleSheet::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMStyleSheetList::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMMediaList::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMCSSStyleSheet::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMCSSRuleList::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMCSSRule::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMCSSRule::getValueProperty):
  +        (KJS::CSSRuleConstructor::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMCSSValue::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::CSSValueConstructor::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMCSSPrimitiveValue::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::CSSPrimitiveValueConstructor::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMCSSValueList::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMRGBColor::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMRect::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMCounter::getOwnProperty):
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_css.h:
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_dom.cpp:
  +        (KJS::DOMNode::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMNodeList::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMAttr::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMDocument::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMElement::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMDocumentType::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMNamedNodeMap::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMProcessingInstruction::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMNotation::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMEntity::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::NodeConstructor::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMExceptionConstructor::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMNamedNodesCollection::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMCharacterData::getOwnProperty):
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_dom.h:
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_events.cpp:
  +        (KJS::EventConstructor::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMEvent::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::EventExceptionConstructor::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMUIEvent::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMMouseEvent::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMKeyboardEvent::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::MutationEventConstructor::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMMutationEvent::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMWheelEvent::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::Clipboard::getOwnProperty):
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_events.h:
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_html.cpp:
  +        (KJS::HTMLDocument::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::KJS::HTMLElement::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::KJS::HTMLCollection::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::KJS::HTMLSelectCollection::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::Image::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::Context2D::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::Gradient::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::ImagePattern::getOwnProperty):
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_html.h:
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_navigator.cpp:
  +        (KJS::Plugin::Plugin):
  +        (KJS::Navigator::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::Plugins::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::MimeTypes::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::Plugin::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::MimeType::getOwnProperty):
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_navigator.h:
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_range.cpp:
  +        (KJS::DOMRange::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::RangeConstructor::getOwnProperty):
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_range.h:
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_traversal.cpp:
  +        (KJS::DOMNodeIterator::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::NodeFilterConstructor::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::DOMTreeWalker::getOwnProperty):
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_traversal.h:
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_views.cpp:
  +        (KJS::DOMAbstractView::getOwnProperty):
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_views.h:
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_window.cpp:
  +        (KJS::Screen::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::Window::~Window):
  +        (KJS::Window::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::Window::put):
  +        (KJS::FrameArray::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::Location::Location):
  +        (KJS::Location::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::Location::put):
  +        (KJS::Selection::Selection):
  +        (KJS::Selection::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::BarInfo::getOwnProperty):
  +        (KJS::History::getOwnProperty):
  +        * khtml/ecma/kjs_window.h:
  +        * khtml/ecma/xmlhttprequest.cpp:
  +        (KJS::XMLHttpRequest::getOwnProperty):
  +        * khtml/ecma/xmlhttprequest.h:
   2005-07-25  Justin Garcia  <justin.garcia at apple.com>
           Reviewed by hyatt
  1.31      +129 -94   WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_css.cpp
  Index: kjs_css.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_css.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.30
  retrieving revision 1.31
  diff -u -r1.30 -r1.31
  --- kjs_css.cpp	19 Jul 2005 19:52:48 -0000	1.30
  +++ kjs_css.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:18 -0000	1.31
  @@ -143,34 +143,42 @@
     return ObjectImp::hasOwnProperty(exec, p);
  -Value DOMCSSStyleDeclaration::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool DOMCSSStyleDeclaration::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
   #ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
     kdDebug(6070) << "DOMCSSStyleDeclaration::get " << propertyName.qstring() << endl;
     const HashEntry* entry = Lookup::findEntry(&DOMCSSStyleDeclarationTable, propertyName);
     CSSStyleDeclarationImpl &styleDecl = *m_impl;
  -  if (entry)
  +  if (entry) {
       switch (entry->value) {
       case CssText:
  -      return getStringOrNull(styleDecl.cssText());
  +      result = getStringOrNull(styleDecl.cssText());
  +      return true;
       case Length:
  -      return Number(styleDecl.length());
  +      result = Value(styleDecl.length());
  +      return true;
       case ParentRule:
  -      return getDOMCSSRule(exec,styleDecl.parentRule());
  +      result = getDOMCSSRule(exec,styleDecl.parentRule());
  +      return true;
  -      break;
  +      assert(0);
  +  }
     // Look in the prototype (for functions) before assuming it's a name
  +  // FIXME: is this really needed? do any property names conflict with names
  +  // of functions from the prototype?
     Object proto = Object::dynamicCast(prototype());
     if (!proto.isNull() && proto.hasProperty(exec,propertyName))
  -    return proto.get(exec,propertyName);
  +    return false;
     bool ok;
     long unsigned int u = propertyName.toULong(&ok);
  -  if (ok)
  -    return getStringOrNull(styleDecl.item(u));
  +  if (ok) {
  +    result = getStringOrNull(styleDecl.item(u));
  +    return true;
  +  }
   #ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
     kdDebug(6070) << "DOMCSSStyleDeclaration: converting to css property name: " << cssPropertyName(propertyName) << endl;
  @@ -187,13 +195,15 @@
       CSSValueImpl *v = styleDecl.getPropertyCSSValue(prop);
       if (v) {
         if (pixelOrPos && v->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE)
  -        return Number(static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *>(v)->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX));
  -      return getStringOrNull(v->cssText());
  -    }
  -    return String("");
  +        result = Number(static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *>(v)->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX));
  +      else
  +        result =  getStringOrNull(v->cssText());
  +    } else
  +      result = String("");
  +    return true;
  -  return DOMObject::get(exec, propertyName);
  +  return DOMObject::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
  @@ -290,9 +300,9 @@
  -Value DOMStyleSheet::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool DOMStyleSheet::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMStyleSheet,DOMObject>(exec,propertyName,&DOMStyleSheetTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMStyleSheet, DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &DOMStyleSheetTable, this, result);
   Value DOMStyleSheet::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -361,22 +371,27 @@
  -Value DOMStyleSheetList::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMStyleSheetList::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
   #ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
     kdDebug(6070) << "DOMStyleSheetList::get " << p.qstring() << endl;
     StyleSheetListImpl &styleSheetList = *m_impl;
  -  if (p == lengthPropertyName)
  -    return Number(styleSheetList.length());
  -  else if (p == "item")
  -    return lookupOrCreateFunction<DOMStyleSheetListFunc>(exec,p,this,DOMStyleSheetList::Item,1,DontDelete|Function);
  +  if (p == lengthPropertyName) {
  +    result = Number(styleSheetList.length());
  +    return true;
  +  } else if (p == "item") {
  +    result = lookupOrCreateFunction<DOMStyleSheetListFunc>(exec, p, this, DOMStyleSheetList::Item, 1, DontDelete|Function);
  +    return true;
  +  }
     // Retrieve stylesheet by index
     bool ok;
     long unsigned int u = p.toULong(&ok);
  -  if (ok)
  -    return getDOMStyleSheet(exec, styleSheetList.item(u));
  +  if (ok) {
  +    result = getDOMStyleSheet(exec, styleSheetList.item(u));
  +    return true;
  +  }
     // IE also supports retrieving a stylesheet by name, using the name/id of the <style> tag
     // (this is consistent with all the other collections)
  @@ -405,10 +420,12 @@
     // and doesn't look for name attribute (see implementation above).
     // But unicity of stylesheet ids is good practice anyway ;)
     ElementImpl *element = m_doc->getElementById(p.string());
  -  if (element && element->hasTagName(HTMLTags::style()))
  -    return getDOMStyleSheet(exec, static_cast<HTMLStyleElementImpl *>(element)->sheet());
  +  if (element && element->hasTagName(HTMLTags::style())) {
  +    result = getDOMStyleSheet(exec, static_cast<HTMLStyleElementImpl *>(element)->sheet());
  +    return true;
  +  }
  -  return DOMObject::get(exec, p);
  +  return DOMObject::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   ValueImp *getDOMStyleSheetList(ExecState *exec, StyleSheetListImpl *ssl, DocumentImpl *doc)
  @@ -470,20 +487,25 @@
  -Value DOMMediaList::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMMediaList::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
     MediaListImpl &mediaList = *m_impl;
  -  if (p == "mediaText")
  -    return getStringOrNull(mediaList.mediaText());
  -  else if (p == lengthPropertyName)
  -    return Number(mediaList.length());
  +  if (p == "mediaText") {
  +    result = getStringOrNull(mediaList.mediaText());
  +    return true;
  +  } else if (p == lengthPropertyName) {
  +    result = Number(mediaList.length());
  +    return true;
  +  }
     bool ok;
     long unsigned int u = p.toULong(&ok);
  -  if (ok)
  -    return getStringOrNull(mediaList.item(u));
  +  if (ok) {
  +    result = getStringOrNull(mediaList.item(u));
  +    return true;
  +  }
  -  return DOMObject::get(exec, p);
  +  return DOMObject::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   void DOMMediaList::put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr)
  @@ -554,14 +576,17 @@
  -Value DOMCSSStyleSheet::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMCSSStyleSheet::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
     CSSStyleSheetImpl &cssStyleSheet = *static_cast<CSSStyleSheetImpl *>(impl());
  -  if (p == "ownerRule")
  -    return getDOMCSSRule(exec,cssStyleSheet.ownerRule());
  -  else if (p == "cssRules" || p == "rules" /* MSIE extension */)
  -    return getDOMCSSRuleList(exec,cssStyleSheet.cssRules());
  -  return DOMStyleSheet::get(exec,p);
  +  if (p == "ownerRule") {
  +    result = getDOMCSSRule(exec,cssStyleSheet.ownerRule());
  +    return true;
  +  } else if (p == "cssRules" || p == "rules" /* MSIE extension */) {
  +    result =  getDOMCSSRuleList(exec,cssStyleSheet.cssRules());
  +    return true;
  +  }
  +  return DOMStyleSheet::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   Value DOMCSSStyleSheetProtoFunc::call(ExecState *exec, Object &thisObj, const List &args)
  @@ -607,20 +632,25 @@
  -Value DOMCSSRuleList::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMCSSRuleList::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
     CSSRuleListImpl &cssRuleList = *m_impl;
  -  if (p == lengthPropertyName)
  -    return Number(cssRuleList.length());
  -  else if (p == "item")
  -    return lookupOrCreateFunction<DOMCSSRuleListFunc>(exec, p, this, DOMCSSRuleList::Item, 1, DontDelete|Function);
  +  if (p == lengthPropertyName) {
  +    result = Number(cssRuleList.length());
  +    return true;
  +  } else if (p == "item") {
  +    result = lookupOrCreateFunction<DOMCSSRuleListFunc>(exec, p, this, DOMCSSRuleList::Item, 1, DontDelete|Function);
  +    return true;
  +  }
     bool ok;
     long unsigned int u = p.toULong(&ok);
  -  if (ok)
  -    return getDOMCSSRule(exec, cssRuleList.item(u));
  +  if (ok) {
  +    result = getDOMCSSRule(exec, cssRuleList.item(u));
  +    return true;
  +  }
  -  return DOMObject::get(exec, p);
  +  return DOMObject::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   Value DOMCSSRuleListFunc::call(ExecState *exec, Object &thisObj, const List &args)
  @@ -715,20 +745,17 @@
     encoding		DOMCSSRule::Charset_Encoding	DontDelete
  -Value DOMCSSRule::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool DOMCSSRule::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "DOMCSSRule::get " << propertyName.qstring() << endl;
  -  const HashEntry *entry = Lookup::findEntry(classInfo()->propHashTable, propertyName);
  +  // first try the properties specific to this rule type
  +  const HashEntry* entry = Lookup::findEntry(classInfo()->propHashTable, propertyName);
     if (entry) {
  -    if (entry->attr & Function)
  -      return lookupOrCreateFunction<DOMCSSRuleFunc>(exec, propertyName, this, entry->value, entry->params, entry->attr);
  -    return getValueProperty(exec, entry->value);
  +    result = getValueProperty(exec, entry->value);
  +    return true;
  -  // Base CSSRule stuff or parent class forward, as usual
  -  return lookupGet<DOMCSSRuleFunc, DOMCSSRule, DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &DOMCSSRuleTable, this);
  +  // now the stuff that applies to all rules
  +  return lookupGetOwnProperty<DOMCSSRuleFunc, DOMCSSRule, DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &DOMCSSRuleTable, this, result);
   Value DOMCSSRule::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -779,7 +806,7 @@
       return getStringOrNull(static_cast<CSSCharsetRuleImpl *>(m_impl.get())->encoding());
  -    kdWarning() << "DOMCSSRule::getValueProperty unhandled token " << token << endl;
  +    assert(0);
     return Undefined();
  @@ -866,9 +893,9 @@
  -Value CSSRuleConstructor::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool CSSRuleConstructor::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<CSSRuleConstructor,DOMObject>(exec,p,&CSSRuleConstructorTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<CSSRuleConstructor, DOMObject>(exec, p, &CSSRuleConstructorTable, this, result);
   Value CSSRuleConstructor::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  @@ -912,14 +939,18 @@
  -Value DOMCSSValue::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMCSSValue::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
     CSSValueImpl &cssValue = *m_impl;
  -  if (p == "cssText")
  -    return getStringOrNull(cssValue.cssText());
  -  else if (p == "cssValueType");
  -    return Number(cssValue.cssValueType());
  -  return DOMObject::get(exec,p);
  +  if (p == "cssText") {
  +    result = getStringOrNull(cssValue.cssText());
  +    return true;
  +  } else if (p == "cssValueType"); {
  +    result = Number(cssValue.cssValueType());
  +    return true;
  +  }
  +  return DOMObject::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   void DOMCSSValue::put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr)
  @@ -962,9 +993,9 @@
     CSS_CUSTOM		CSSValueConstructor::CSS_CUSTOM			DontDelete|ReadOnly
  -Value CSSValueConstructor::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool CSSValueConstructor::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<CSSValueConstructor,DOMObject>(exec,p,&CSSValueConstructorTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<CSSValueConstructor, DOMObject>(exec, p, &CSSValueConstructorTable, this, result);
   Value CSSValueConstructor::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  @@ -1014,11 +1045,14 @@
  -Value DOMCSSPrimitiveValue::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMCSSPrimitiveValue::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  if (p == "primitiveType")
  -    return Number(static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *>(impl())->primitiveType());
  -  return DOMObject::get(exec,p);
  +  if (p == "primitiveType") {
  +    result = Number(static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *>(impl())->primitiveType());
  +    return result;
  +  }
  +  return DOMObject::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   Value DOMCSSPrimitiveValueProtoFunc::call(ExecState *exec, Object &thisObj, const List &args)
  @@ -1087,9 +1121,9 @@
  -Value CSSPrimitiveValueConstructor::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool CSSPrimitiveValueConstructor::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<CSSPrimitiveValueConstructor,CSSValueConstructor>(exec,p,&CSSPrimitiveValueConstructorTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<CSSPrimitiveValueConstructor, CSSValueConstructor>(exec, p, &CSSPrimitiveValueConstructorTable, this, result);
   Value CSSPrimitiveValueConstructor::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  @@ -1120,21 +1154,26 @@
  -Value DOMCSSValueList::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMCSSValueList::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
     CSSValueListImpl &valueList = *static_cast<CSSValueListImpl *>(impl());
  -  if (p == lengthPropertyName)
  -    return Number(valueList.length());
  -  else if (p == "item")
  -    return lookupOrCreateFunction<DOMCSSValueListFunc>(exec,p,this,DOMCSSValueList::Item,1,DontDelete|Function);
  +  if (p == lengthPropertyName) {
  +    result = Number(valueList.length());
  +    return true;
  +  } else if (p == "item") {
  +    result = lookupOrCreateFunction<DOMCSSValueListFunc>(exec,p,this,DOMCSSValueList::Item,1,DontDelete|Function);
  +    return true;
  +  }
     bool ok;
     long unsigned int u = p.toULong(&ok);
  -  if (ok)
  -    return getDOMCSSValue(exec,valueList.item(u));
  +  if (ok) {
  +    result = getDOMCSSValue(exec,valueList.item(u));
  +    return true;
  +  }
  -  return DOMCSSValue::get(exec,p);
  +  return DOMCSSValue::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   Value DOMCSSValueListFunc::call(ExecState *exec, Object &thisObj, const List &args)
  @@ -1169,11 +1208,9 @@
  -Value DOMRGBColor::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMRGBColor::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMRGBColor,DOMObject>(exec, p,
  -						       &DOMRGBColorTable,
  -						       this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMRGBColor, DOMObject>(exec, p, &DOMRGBColorTable, this, result);
   Value DOMRGBColor::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -1215,10 +1252,9 @@
  -Value DOMRect::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMRect::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMRect,DOMObject>(exec, p,
  -						    &DOMRectTable, this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMRect, DOMObject>(exec, p, &DOMRectTable, this, result);
   Value DOMRect::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -1259,10 +1295,9 @@
  -Value DOMCounter::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMCounter::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMCounter,DOMObject>(exec, p,
  -						       &DOMCounterTable, this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMCounter, DOMObject>(exec, p, &DOMCounterTable, this, result);
   Value DOMCounter::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  1.17      +16 -16    WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_css.h
  Index: kjs_css.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_css.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.16
  retrieving revision 1.17
  diff -u -r1.16 -r1.17
  --- kjs_css.h	19 Jul 2005 19:52:48 -0000	1.16
  +++ kjs_css.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:18 -0000	1.17
  @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
       DOMCSSStyleDeclaration(ExecState *exec, DOM::CSSStyleDeclarationImpl *s);
       virtual ~DOMCSSStyleDeclaration();
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       virtual bool hasOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
       virtual const ClassInfo *classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
       DOMStyleSheet(ExecState *, DOM::StyleSheetImpl *ss) : m_impl(ss) { }
       virtual ~DOMStyleSheet();
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       virtual bool toBoolean(ExecState *) const { return true; }
  @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
       DOMStyleSheetList(ExecState *, DOM::StyleSheetListImpl *ssl, DOM::DocumentImpl *doc)
         : m_impl(ssl), m_doc(doc) { }
       virtual ~DOMStyleSheetList();
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
       virtual bool toBoolean(ExecState* ) const { return true; }
  @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
       DOMMediaList(ExecState *, DOM::MediaListImpl *ml);
       virtual ~DOMMediaList();
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
       virtual bool toBoolean(ExecState* ) const { return true; }
  @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
       DOMCSSStyleSheet(ExecState *exec, DOM::CSSStyleSheetImpl *ss);
       virtual ~DOMCSSStyleSheet();
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
       static const ClassInfo info;
  @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
       DOMCSSRuleList(ExecState *, DOM::CSSRuleListImpl *rl) : m_impl(rl) { }
       virtual ~DOMCSSRuleList();
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
       static const ClassInfo info;
  @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
       DOMCSSRule(ExecState *, DOM::CSSRuleImpl *r) : m_impl(r) { }
       virtual ~DOMCSSRule();
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       void putValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token, const Value& value, int attr);
  @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
     class CSSRuleConstructor : public DOMObject {
       CSSRuleConstructor(ExecState *) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
       DOMCSSValue(ExecState *, DOM::CSSValueImpl *v) : m_impl(v) { }
       virtual ~DOMCSSValue();
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
       static const ClassInfo info;
  @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
     class CSSValueConstructor : public DOMObject {
       CSSValueConstructor(ExecState *) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
     class DOMCSSPrimitiveValue : public DOMCSSValue {
       DOMCSSPrimitiveValue(ExecState *exec, DOM::CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *v);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
       static const ClassInfo info;
  @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
     class CSSPrimitiveValueConstructor : public CSSValueConstructor {
       CSSPrimitiveValueConstructor(ExecState *exec) : CSSValueConstructor(exec) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
     class DOMCSSValueList : public DOMCSSValue {
       DOMCSSValueList(ExecState *exec, DOM::CSSValueListImpl *l);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
       static const ClassInfo info;
  @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
       DOMRGBColor(unsigned color) : m_color(color) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
       DOMRect(ExecState *, DOM::RectImpl *r) : m_rect(r) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
       DOMCounter(ExecState *, DOM::CounterImpl *c) : m_counter(c) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  1.82      +68 -83    WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_dom.cpp
  Index: kjs_dom.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_dom.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.81
  retrieving revision 1.82
  diff -u -r1.81 -r1.82
  --- kjs_dom.cpp	19 Jul 2005 22:41:47 -0000	1.81
  +++ kjs_dom.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:18 -0000	1.82
  @@ -271,12 +271,9 @@
     scrollHeight  DOMNode::ScrollHeight           DontDelete|ReadOnly
  -Value DOMNode::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool DOMNode::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "DOMNode::get " << propertyName.qstring() << endl;
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMNode, DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &DOMNodeTable, this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMNode, DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &DOMNodeTable, this, result);
   Value DOMNode::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -733,39 +730,35 @@
     return ObjectImp::hasOwnProperty(exec, p);
  -Value DOMNodeList::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMNodeList::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "DOMNodeList::get " << p.ascii() << endl;
  -  Value result;
     NodeListImpl &list = *m_impl;
  -  if (p == lengthPropertyName)
  +  if (p == lengthPropertyName) {
       result = Number(list.length());
  -  else if (p == "item") {
  +    return true;
  +  } else if (p == "item") {
       // No need for a complete hashtable for a single func, but we still want
       // to use the caching feature of lookupOrCreateFunction.
       result = lookupOrCreateFunction<DOMNodeListFunc>(exec, p, this, DOMNodeListFunc::Item, 1, DontDelete|Function);
  -  }
  -  else {
  +    return true;
  +  } else {
       // array index ?
       bool ok;
       long unsigned int idx = p.toULong(&ok);
       if (ok) {
         result = getDOMNode(exec,list.item(idx));
  +      return true;
       } else {
         NodeImpl *node = list.itemById(p.string());
         if (node) {
           result = getDOMNode(exec, node);
  -      } else {
  -        result = ObjectImp::get(exec, p);
  -      }
  +        return true;
  +      } 
  -  return result;
  +  return DOMNodeList::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   // Need to support both get and call, so that list[0] and list(0) work.
  @@ -823,13 +816,9 @@
  -Value DOMAttr::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool DOMAttr::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "DOMAttr::put " << propertyName.qstring() << endl;
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMAttr,DOMNode>(exec, propertyName,
  -                                                  &DOMAttrTable, this );
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMAttr, DOMNode>(exec, propertyName, &DOMAttrTable, this, result);
   Value DOMAttr::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -943,13 +932,9 @@
     ScriptInterpreter::forgetDOMObject(static_cast<DocumentImpl *>(m_impl.get()));
  -Value DOMDocument::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool DOMDocument::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "DOMDocument::get " << propertyName.qstring() << endl;
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMDocument, DOMNode>(
  -    exec, propertyName, &DOMDocumentTable, this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMDocument, DOMNode>(exec, propertyName, &DOMDocumentTable, this, result);
   Value DOMDocument::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -1161,39 +1146,42 @@
  -Value DOMElement::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool DOMElement::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "DOMElement::get " << propertyName.qstring() << endl;
     ElementImpl &element = *static_cast<ElementImpl *>(impl());
     const HashEntry* entry = Lookup::findEntry(&DOMElementTable, propertyName);
     if (entry)
  -    switch( entry->value ) {
  +    switch (entry->value) {
       case TagName:
  -      return getStringOrNull(element.nodeName());
  +      result = getStringOrNull(element.nodeName());
  +      break;
       case Style:
  -      return getDOMCSSStyleDeclaration(exec,element.style());
  -    default:
  -      kdWarning() << "Unhandled token in DOMElement::get : " << entry->value << endl;
  +      result = getDOMCSSStyleDeclaration(exec,element.style());
  +    default:
  +      assert(0);
  +    return true;
     // We have to check in DOMNode before giving access to attributes, otherwise
     // onload="..." would make onload return the string (attribute value) instead of
     // the listener object (function).
     ValueImp *proto = prototype().imp();
  -  if (DOMNode::hasOwnProperty(exec, propertyName) || (proto->dispatchType() == ObjectType && static_cast<ObjectImp *>(proto)->hasProperty(exec, propertyName)))
  -    return DOMNode::get(exec, propertyName);
  +  if (DOMNode::hasOwnProperty(exec, propertyName))
  +    return DOMNode::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
  +  if (proto->dispatchType() == ObjectType && static_cast<ObjectImp *>(proto)->hasProperty(exec, propertyName))
  +    return false;
  -  DOM::DOMString attr = element.getAttribute( propertyName.string() );
  +  DOM::DOMString attr = element.getAttribute(propertyName.string());
     // Give access to attributes
  -  if ( !attr.isNull() )
  -    return getStringOrNull( attr );
  +  if (!attr.isNull()) {
  +    result = getStringOrNull(attr);
  +    return true;
  +  }
  -  return Undefined();
  +  return false;
   Value DOMElementProtoFunc::call(ExecState *exec, Object &thisObj, const List &args)
  @@ -1353,9 +1341,9 @@
   DOMDocumentType::DOMDocumentType(ExecState *exec, DocumentTypeImpl *dt)
     : DOMNode( /*### no proto yet*/exec, dt ) { }
  -Value DOMDocumentType::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool DOMDocumentType::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMDocumentType, DOMNode>(exec, propertyName, &DOMDocumentTypeTable, this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMDocumentType, DOMNode>(exec, propertyName, &DOMDocumentTypeTable, this, result);
   Value DOMDocumentType::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -1427,20 +1415,24 @@
     return DOMObject::hasOwnProperty(exec, p);
  -Value DOMNamedNodeMap::get(ExecState* exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMNamedNodeMap::getOwnProperty(ExecState* exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
     NamedNodeMapImpl &map = *m_impl;
  -  if (p == lengthPropertyName)
  -    return Number(map.length());
  +  if (p == lengthPropertyName) {
  +    result = Number(map.length());
  +    return true;
  +  }
     // array index ?
     bool ok;
     long unsigned int idx = p.toULong(&ok);
  -  if (ok)
  -    return getDOMNode(exec,map.item(idx));
  +  if (ok) {
  +    result = getDOMNode(exec,map.item(idx));
  +    return true;
  +  }
     // Anything else (including functions, defined in the prototype)
  -  return DOMObject::get(exec, p);
  +  return DOMObject::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   Value DOMNamedNodeMapProtoFunc::call(ExecState *exec, Object &thisObj, const List &args)
  @@ -1492,9 +1484,9 @@
  -Value DOMProcessingInstruction::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool DOMProcessingInstruction::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMProcessingInstruction, DOMNode>(exec, propertyName, &DOMProcessingInstructionTable, this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMProcessingInstruction, DOMNode>(exec, propertyName, &DOMProcessingInstructionTable, this, result);
   Value DOMProcessingInstruction::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -1540,9 +1532,9 @@
  -Value DOMNotation::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool DOMNotation::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMNotation, DOMNode>(exec, propertyName, &DOMNotationTable, this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMNotation, DOMNode>(exec, propertyName, &DOMNotationTable, this, result);
   Value DOMNotation::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  @@ -1575,9 +1567,9 @@
  -Value DOMEntity::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool DOMEntity::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMEntity, DOMNode>(exec, propertyName, &DOMEntityTable, this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMEntity, DOMNode>(exec, propertyName, &DOMEntityTable, this, result);
   Value DOMEntity::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  @@ -1749,9 +1741,9 @@
     NOTATION_NODE		DOM::Node::NOTATION_NODE		DontDelete|ReadOnly
  -Value NodeConstructor::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool NodeConstructor::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<NodeConstructor, DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &NodeConstructorTable, this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<NodeConstructor, DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &NodeConstructorTable, this, result);
   Value NodeConstructor::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  @@ -1820,9 +1812,9 @@
  -Value DOMExceptionConstructor::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool DOMExceptionConstructor::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMExceptionConstructor, DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &DOMExceptionConstructorTable, this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMExceptionConstructor, DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &DOMExceptionConstructorTable, this, result);
   Value DOMExceptionConstructor::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  @@ -1883,15 +1875,18 @@
  -Value DOMNamedNodesCollection::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool DOMNamedNodesCollection::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -  if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName)
  -    return Number(m_nodes.count());
  +  if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName) {
  +    result = Number(m_nodes.count());
  +    return true;
  +  }
     // index?
     bool ok;
     unsigned int u = propertyName.toULong(&ok);
     if (ok && u < m_nodes.count()) {
  -    return getDOMNode(exec, m_nodes[u].get());
  +    result = getDOMNode(exec, m_nodes[u].get());
  +    return true;
     // For IE compatibility, we need to be able to look up elements in a
     // document.formName.name result by id as well as be index.
  @@ -1911,12 +1906,13 @@
         if (idAttr->nodeValue() == propertyName.string()) {
  -	return getDOMNode(exec,node);
  +	result = getDOMNode(exec,node);
  +        return true;
  -  return DOMObject::get(exec,propertyName);
  +  return DOMObject::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
   // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  @@ -1951,12 +1947,9 @@
  -Value DOMCharacterData::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMCharacterData::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070)<<"DOMCharacterData::get "<<p.string().string()<<endl;
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMCharacterData,DOMNode>(exec,p,&DOMCharacterDataTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMCharacterData, DOMNode>(exec, p, &DOMCharacterDataTable, this, result);
   Value DOMCharacterData::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  @@ -2045,14 +2038,6 @@
  -Value DOMText::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  -  if (p == "")
  -    return Undefined(); // ### TODO
  -  else
  -    return DOMCharacterData::get(exec, p);
   Value DOMTextProtoFunc::call(ExecState *exec, Object &thisObj, const List &args)
     if (!thisObj.inherits(&KJS::DOMText::info)) {
  1.45      +14 -16    WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_dom.h
  Index: kjs_dom.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_dom.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.44
  retrieving revision 1.45
  diff -u -r1.44 -r1.45
  --- kjs_dom.h	19 Jul 2005 22:41:47 -0000	1.44
  +++ kjs_dom.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:19 -0000	1.45
  @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
       DOMNode(ExecState *exec, DOM::NodeImpl *n);
       virtual ~DOMNode();
       virtual bool toBoolean(ExecState *) const;
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual void mark();
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
  @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
       DOMNodeList(ExecState *, DOM::NodeListImpl *l) : m_impl(l) { }
       virtual bool hasOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const;
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual Value call(ExecState *exec, Object &thisObj, const List&args);
       virtual bool implementsCall() const { return true; }
       // no put - all read-only
  @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
       DOMDocument(ExecState *exec, DOM::DocumentImpl *d);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       void putValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token, const Value& value, int attr);
  @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
     class DOMAttr : public DOMNode {
       DOMAttr(ExecState *exec, DOM::AttrImpl *a);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       void putValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token, const Value& value, int attr);
  @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
     class DOMElement : public DOMNode {
       DOMElement(ExecState *exec, DOM::ElementImpl *e);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
       static const ClassInfo info;
  @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
     class DOMDocumentType : public DOMNode {
       DOMDocumentType(ExecState *exec, DOM::DocumentTypeImpl *dt);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
       DOMNamedNodeMap(ExecState *, DOM::NamedNodeMapImpl *m);
       virtual bool hasOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const;
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
       virtual bool toBoolean(ExecState *) const { return true; }
  @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
     class DOMProcessingInstruction : public DOMNode {
       DOMProcessingInstruction(ExecState *exec, DOM::ProcessingInstructionImpl *pi);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
     class DOMNotation : public DOMNode {
       DOMNotation(ExecState *exec, DOM::NotationImpl *n);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
     class DOMEntity : public DOMNode {
       DOMEntity(ExecState *exec, DOM::EntityImpl *e);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
     class NodeConstructor : public DOMObject {
       NodeConstructor(ExecState *) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
     class DOMExceptionConstructor : public DOMObject {
       DOMExceptionConstructor(ExecState *) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
     class DOMNamedNodesCollection : public DOMObject {
       DOMNamedNodesCollection(ExecState *exec, const QValueList< khtml::SharedPtr<DOM::NodeImpl> >& nodes );
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       QValueList< khtml::SharedPtr<DOM::NodeImpl> > m_nodes;
  @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
     class DOMCharacterData : public DOMNode {
       DOMCharacterData(ExecState *exec, DOM::CharacterDataImpl *d);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -307,8 +307,6 @@
     class DOMText : public DOMCharacterData {
       DOMText(ExecState *exec, DOM::TextImpl *t);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  -    Value getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const;
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
       static const ClassInfo info;
       DOM::TextImpl *toText() const;
  1.52      +20 -29    WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_events.cpp
  Index: kjs_events.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_events.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.51
  retrieving revision 1.52
  diff -u -r1.51 -r1.52
  --- kjs_events.cpp	19 Jul 2005 19:52:49 -0000	1.51
  +++ kjs_events.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:19 -0000	1.52
  @@ -351,9 +351,9 @@
  -Value EventConstructor::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool EventConstructor::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<EventConstructor, DOMObject>(exec,p,&EventConstructorTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<EventConstructor, DOMObject>(exec, p, &EventConstructorTable, this, result);
   Value EventConstructor::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  @@ -414,12 +414,9 @@
  -Value DOMEvent::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMEvent::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug() << "KJS::DOMEvent::get " << p.qstring() << endl;
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMEvent,DOMObject>(exec, p, &DOMEventTable, this );
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMEvent, DOMObject>(exec, p, &DOMEventTable, this, result);
   Value DOMEvent::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -565,9 +562,9 @@
  -Value EventExceptionConstructor::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool EventExceptionConstructor::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<EventExceptionConstructor, DOMObject>(exec,p,&EventExceptionConstructorTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<EventExceptionConstructor, DOMObject>(exec, p, &EventExceptionConstructorTable, this, result);
   Value EventExceptionConstructor::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  @@ -614,9 +611,9 @@
  -Value DOMUIEvent::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMUIEvent::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMUIEvent,DOMEvent>(exec,p,&DOMUIEventTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMUIEvent,DOMEvent>(exec, p, &DOMUIEventTable, this, result);
   Value DOMUIEvent::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -708,12 +705,9 @@
  -Value DOMMouseEvent::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMMouseEvent::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "DOMMouseEvent::get " << p.qstring() << endl;
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMMouseEvent,DOMUIEvent>(exec,p,&DOMMouseEventTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMMouseEvent, DOMUIEvent>(exec, p, &DOMMouseEventTable, this, result);
   static QPoint offsetFromTarget(const MouseRelatedEventImpl *e)
  @@ -859,12 +853,9 @@
       return &info;
  -Value DOMKeyboardEvent::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMKeyboardEvent::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "DOMKeyboardEvent::get " << p.qstring() << endl;
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMKeyboardEvent, DOMUIEvent>(exec, p, &DOMKeyboardEventTable, this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMKeyboardEvent, DOMUIEvent>(exec, p, &DOMKeyboardEventTable, this, result);
   Value DOMKeyboardEvent::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -927,9 +918,9 @@
     REMOVAL	DOM::MutationEvent::REMOVAL		DontDelete|ReadOnly
  -Value MutationEventConstructor::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool MutationEventConstructor::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<MutationEventConstructor,DOMObject>(exec,p,&MutationEventConstructorTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<MutationEventConstructor,DOMObject>(exec, p, &MutationEventConstructorTable, this, result);
   Value MutationEventConstructor::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  @@ -972,9 +963,9 @@
  -Value DOMMutationEvent::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMMutationEvent::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMMutationEvent,DOMEvent>(exec,p,&DOMMutationEventTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMMutationEvent, DOMEvent>(exec, p, &DOMMutationEventTable, this, result);
   Value DOMMutationEvent::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -1051,9 +1042,9 @@
  -Value DOMWheelEvent::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMWheelEvent::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p, Value& result) const
  -    return lookupGetValue<DOMWheelEvent,DOMEvent>(exec, p, &DOMWheelEventTable, this);
  +    return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMWheelEvent,DOMEvent>(exec, p, &DOMWheelEventTable, this, result);
   Value DOMWheelEvent::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -1144,9 +1135,9 @@
  -Value Clipboard::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool Clipboard::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -    return lookupGetValue<Clipboard,DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &ClipboardTable, this);
  +    return lookupGetOwnValue<Clipboard, DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &ClipboardTable, this, result);
   Value Clipboard::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  1.28      +10 -10    WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_events.h
  Index: kjs_events.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_events.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.27
  retrieving revision 1.28
  diff -u -r1.27 -r1.28
  --- kjs_events.h	19 Jul 2005 19:52:49 -0000	1.27
  +++ kjs_events.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:19 -0000	1.28
  @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
     class EventConstructor : public DOMObject {
       EventConstructor(ExecState *) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &p) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& p, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
       DOMEvent(ExecState *exec, DOM::EventImpl *e);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &p) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& p, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName,
   			const Value& value, int attr = None);
  @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
     class EventExceptionConstructor : public DOMObject {
       EventExceptionConstructor(ExecState *) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &p) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& p, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
       DOMUIEvent(ExecState *exec, DOM::UIEventImpl *ue);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &p) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& p, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
       DOMMouseEvent(ExecState *exec, DOM::MouseEventImpl *me);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &p) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& p, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const;
       virtual void mark();
       // no put - all read-only
  @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
       DOMKeyboardEvent(ExecState *exec, DOM::KeyboardEventImpl *ke);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const;
  @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
     class MutationEventConstructor : public DOMObject {
       MutationEventConstructor(ExecState *) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &p) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& p, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
       DOMMutationEvent(ExecState *exec, DOM::MutationEventImpl *me);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &p) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& p, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
       class DOMWheelEvent : public DOMUIEvent {
           DOMWheelEvent(ExecState *, DOM::WheelEventImpl *);
  -        virtual Value get(ExecState *, const Identifier &p) const;
  +        virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *, const Identifier &p, Value& result) const;
           Value getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const;
           // no put - all read-only
           virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
       Clipboard(ExecState *exec, DOM::ClipboardImpl *ds);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       void putValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token, const Value& value, int /*attr*/);
  1.129     +167 -137  WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_html.cpp
  Index: kjs_html.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_html.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.128
  retrieving revision 1.129
  diff -u -r1.128 -r1.129
  --- kjs_html.cpp	24 Jul 2005 22:44:55 -0000	1.128
  +++ kjs_html.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:19 -0000	1.129
  @@ -282,11 +282,8 @@
     return doc->hasNamedItem(name) || doc->hasDocExtraNamedItem(name);
  -Value HTMLDocument::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool HTMLDocument::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "KJS::HTMLDocument::get " << propertyName.qstring() << endl;
     HTMLDocumentImpl &doc = *static_cast<HTMLDocumentImpl *>(impl());
     HTMLElementImpl *body = doc.body();
  @@ -298,63 +295,83 @@
       SharedPtr<DOM::HTMLCollectionImpl> collection = doc.documentNamedItems(name);
       if (collection->length() == 1) {
         NodeImpl *node = collection->firstItem();
  -      if (node->hasTagName(HTMLTags::iframe())) {
  -        KHTMLPart *part = static_cast<DOM::HTMLIFrameElementImpl *>(node)->contentPart();
  -        if (part)
  -          return Window::retrieve(part);
  -      }
  -      return getDOMNode(exec, node);
  +      KHTMLPart *part;
  +      if (node->hasTagName(HTMLTags::iframe()) && 
  +          (part = static_cast<DOM::HTMLIFrameElementImpl *>(node)->contentPart()))
  +        result = Window::retrieve(part);
  +      else
  +        result = getDOMNode(exec, node);
       } else 
  -      return getHTMLCollection(exec, collection.get());
  +      result = getHTMLCollection(exec, collection.get());
  +    return true;
  +  HTMLBodyElementImpl *bodyElement = (body && body->hasTagName(HTMLTags::body())) ? static_cast<HTMLBodyElementImpl *>(body) : 0;
     const HashEntry* entry = Lookup::findEntry(&HTMLDocumentTable, propertyName);
     if (entry) {
       switch (entry->value) {
       case Title:
  -      return String(doc.title());
  +      result = String(doc.title());
  +      return true;
       case Referrer:
  -      return String(doc.referrer());
  +      result = String(doc.referrer());
  +      return true;
       case Domain:
  -      return String(doc.domain());
  +      result = String(doc.domain());
  +      return true;
       case URL:
  -      return String(doc.URL());
  +      result = String(doc.URL());
  +      return true;
       case Body:
  -      return getDOMNode(exec, body);
  +      result = getDOMNode(exec, body);
  +      return true;
       case Location:
         if (part) {
           Window* win = Window::retrieveWindow(part);
  -        if (win)
  -          return Value(win->location());
  +        if (win) {
  +          result = Value(win->location());
  +          return true;
  +        }
  -      return Undefined();
  +      result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Cookie:
  -      return String(doc.cookie());
  +      result = String(doc.cookie());
  +      return true;
       case Images:
  -      return getHTMLCollection(exec, doc.images().get());
  +      result = getHTMLCollection(exec, doc.images().get());
  +      return true;
       case Embeds:
  -      return getHTMLCollection(exec, doc.embeds().get());
  +      result = getHTMLCollection(exec, doc.embeds().get());
  +      return true;
       case Applets:
  -      return getHTMLCollection(exec, doc.applets().get());
  +      result = getHTMLCollection(exec, doc.applets().get());
  +      return true;
       case Links:
  -      return getHTMLCollection(exec, doc.links().get());
  +      result = getHTMLCollection(exec, doc.links().get());
  +      return true;
       case Forms:
  -      return getHTMLCollection(exec, doc.forms().get());
  +      result = getHTMLCollection(exec, doc.forms().get());
  +      return true;
       case Anchors:
  -      return getHTMLCollection(exec, doc.anchors().get());
  +      result = getHTMLCollection(exec, doc.anchors().get());
  +      return true;
       case Scripts: // TODO (IE-specific)
         // To be implemented. Meanwhile, return an object with a length property set to 0
         kdWarning() << "KJS::HTMLDocument document.scripts called - not implemented" << endl;
  -      Object obj( new ObjectImp() );
  -      obj.put( exec, lengthPropertyName, Number(0) );
  -      return obj;
  +      Object obj(new ObjectImp());
  +      obj.put(exec, lengthPropertyName, Number(0));
  +      result = obj;
  +      return true;
       case All:
         // Disable document.all when we try to be Netscape-compatible
  -      if ( exec->dynamicInterpreter()->compatMode() == Interpreter::NetscapeCompat )
  -        return Undefined();
  -      return getHTMLCollection(exec, doc.all().get());
  +      if (exec->dynamicInterpreter()->compatMode() == Interpreter::NetscapeCompat)
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      result = getHTMLCollection(exec, doc.all().get());
  +      return true;
       case Clear:
       case Open:
       case Close:
  @@ -363,53 +380,62 @@
       case GetElementsByName:
       case CaptureEvents:
       case ReleaseEvents:
  -      return lookupOrCreateFunction<HTMLDocFunction>( exec, propertyName, this, entry->value, entry->params, entry->attr );
  -    }
  -  }
  -  // Look for overrides
  -  ValueImp *val = ObjectImp::getDirect(propertyName);
  -  if (val)
  -    return Value(val);
  -  HTMLBodyElementImpl *bodyElement = (body && body->hasTagName(HTMLTags::body())) ? static_cast<HTMLBodyElementImpl *>(body) : 0;
  -  if (entry) {
  -    switch (entry->value) {
  +      result = lookupOrCreateFunction<HTMLDocFunction>( exec, propertyName, this, entry->value, entry->params, entry->attr );
  +      return true;
       case BgColor:
  -      if (!bodyElement)
  -        return Undefined();
  -      return String(bodyElement->bgColor());
  +      if (bodyElement)
  +        result = String(bodyElement->bgColor());
  +      else
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case FgColor:
  -      if (!bodyElement)
  -        return Undefined();
  -      return String(bodyElement->text());
  +      if (bodyElement)
  +        result = String(bodyElement->text());
  +      else
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case AlinkColor:
  -      if (!bodyElement)
  -        return Undefined();
  -      return String(bodyElement->aLink());
  +      if (bodyElement)
  +        result = String(bodyElement->aLink());
  +      else
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case LinkColor:
  -      if (!bodyElement)
  -        return Undefined();
  -      return String(bodyElement->link());
  +      if (bodyElement)
  +        result = String(bodyElement->link());
  +      else
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case VlinkColor:
  -      if (!bodyElement)
  -        return Undefined();
  -      return String(bodyElement->vLink());
  +      if (bodyElement)
  +        result = String(bodyElement->vLink());
  +      else
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case LastModified:
  -      return String(doc.lastModified());
  +      result = String(doc.lastModified());
  +      return true;
       case Height:
  -      return Number(view ? view->contentsHeight() : 0);
  +      result = Number(view ? view->contentsHeight() : 0);
  +      return true;
       case Width:
  -      return Number(view ? view->contentsWidth() : 0);
  +      result = Number(view ? view->contentsWidth() : 0);
  +      return true;
       case Dir:
  -        return Undefined();
  -      return String(bodyElement->dir());
  +      if (bodyElement)
  +        result = String(bodyElement->dir());
  +      else 
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case DesignMode:
  -      return String(doc.inDesignMode() ? "on" : "off");
  +      result = String(doc.inDesignMode() ? "on" : "off");
  +      return true;
  +    default:
  +      assert(0);
  -  return DOMDocument::get(exec, propertyName);
  +  return DOMDocument::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
   void KJS::HTMLDocument::put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr)
  @@ -1274,30 +1300,36 @@
  -Value KJS::HTMLElement::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool KJS::HTMLElement::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
       HTMLElementImpl &element = *static_cast<HTMLElementImpl *>(impl());
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -    kdDebug(6070) << "KJS::HTMLElement::tryGet " << propertyName.qstring() << " thisTag=" << element.tagName().string() << endl;
       // First look at dynamic properties
       if (element.hasLocalName(HTMLTags::form())) {
           HTMLFormElementImpl &form = static_cast<HTMLFormElementImpl &>(element);
           // Check if we're retrieving an element (by index or by name)
           bool ok;
           uint u = propertyName.toULong(&ok);
  -        if (ok)
  -            return getDOMNode(exec, form.elements()->item(u));
  +        if (ok) {
  +            result = getDOMNode(exec, form.elements()->item(u));
  +            return true;
  +        }
           ValueImp *namedItems = HTMLCollection(exec, form.elements().get()).getNamedItems(exec, propertyName);
  -        if (!namedItems->isUndefined())
  -            return namedItems;
  +        if (!namedItems->isUndefined()) {
  +            result = namedItems;
  +            return true;
  +        }
       else if (element.hasLocalName(HTMLTags::select())) {
           HTMLSelectElementImpl &select = static_cast<HTMLSelectElementImpl &>(element);
           bool ok;
           uint u = propertyName.toULong(&ok);
  -        if (ok)
  -            return getDOMNode(exec, select.optionsHTMLCollection()->item(u)); // not specified by DOM(?) but supported in netscape/IE
  +        if (ok) {
  +            // not specified by DOM(?) but supported in netscape/IE
  +            result = getDOMNode(exec, select.optionsHTMLCollection()->item(u));
  +            return true;
  +        }
       else if (element.hasLocalName(HTMLTags::frameset())) {
           NodeImpl *frame = element.children()->namedItem(propertyName.string());
  @@ -1308,7 +1340,8 @@
                   if (part) {
                       Window *window = Window::retrieveWindow(part);
                       if (window) {
  -                        return Value(window);
  +                        result = Value(window);
  +                        return true;
  @@ -1319,22 +1352,28 @@
           if (doc) {
               KHTMLPart* part = doc->part();
               if (part) {
  -              Window *window = Window::retrieveWindow(part);
  -	      if (window && window->hasProperty(exec, propertyName))
  -                return window->get(exec, propertyName);
  +                Window *window = Window::retrieveWindow(part);
  +                if (window && window->hasProperty(exec, propertyName)) {
  +                    result = window->get(exec, propertyName);
  +                    return result;
  +                }
       else if (element.hasLocalName(HTMLTags::embed()) || element.hasLocalName(HTMLTags::object()) ||
                element.hasLocalName(HTMLTags::applet())) {
  -	if (propertyName == "__apple_runtime_object")
  -	    return getRuntimeObject(exec,&element);
  +        if (propertyName == "__apple_runtime_object") {
  +	    result = getRuntimeObject(exec,&element);
  +            return true;
  +        }
   	Value runtimeObject = getRuntimeObject(exec,&element);
   	if (!runtimeObject.isNull()) {
   	    ObjectImp *imp = static_cast<ObjectImp *>(runtimeObject.imp());
  -	    if (imp->hasProperty(exec, propertyName))
  -		return imp->get (exec, propertyName);
  +	    if (imp->hasProperty(exec, propertyName)) {
  +		result = imp->get(exec, propertyName);
  +                return true;
  +            }
  @@ -1343,12 +1382,14 @@
       const HashEntry* entry = Lookup::findEntry(table, propertyName);
       if (entry) {
           if (entry->attr & Function)
  -            return lookupOrCreateFunction<KJS::HTMLElementFunction>(exec, propertyName, this, entry->value, entry->params, entry->attr);
  -        return getValueProperty(exec, entry->value);
  +            result = lookupOrCreateFunction<KJS::HTMLElementFunction>(exec, propertyName, this, entry->value, entry->params, entry->attr);
  +        else
  +            result = getValueProperty(exec, entry->value);
  +        return true;
       // Base HTMLElement stuff or parent class forward, as usual
  -    return lookupGet<KJS::HTMLElementFunction, KJS::HTMLElement, DOMElement>(exec, propertyName, &HTMLElementTable, this);
  +    return lookupGetOwnProperty<KJS::HTMLElementFunction, KJS::HTMLElement, DOMElement>(exec, propertyName, &HTMLElementTable, this, result);
   bool KJS::HTMLElement::implementsCall() const
  @@ -3319,37 +3360,47 @@
     return DOMObject::hasOwnProperty(exec, p);
  -Value KJS::HTMLCollection::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool KJS::HTMLCollection::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug() << "KJS::HTMLCollection::get " << propertyName.ascii() << endl;
     HTMLCollectionImpl &collection = *m_impl;
  -  if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName)
  -    return Number(collection.length());
  -  else if (propertyName == "selectedIndex") {
  +  if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName) {
  +    result = Number(collection.length());
  +    return true;
  +  } else if (propertyName == "selectedIndex") {
  +    // FIXME: should we really handle selectedIndex here, as well as in HTMLSelectCollection?
       // NON-STANDARD options.selectedIndex
       NodeImpl *option = collection.item(0);
       if (option->hasTagName(HTMLTags::option())) {
         NodeImpl *select = option;
         while ((select = select->parentNode()))
  -        if (select->hasTagName(HTMLTags::select()))
  -	  return Number(static_cast<HTMLSelectElementImpl *>(select)->selectedIndex());
  +        if (select->hasTagName(HTMLTags::select())) {
  +	  result =  Number(static_cast<HTMLSelectElementImpl *>(select)->selectedIndex());
  +          return true;
  +        }
  -    return Undefined();
     } else {
       // Look in the prototype (for functions) before assuming it's an item's name
       Object proto = Object::dynamicCast(prototype());
       if (!proto.isNull() && proto.hasProperty(exec,propertyName))
  -      return proto.get(exec,propertyName);
  +      return false;
       // name or index ?
       bool ok;
       unsigned int u = propertyName.toULong(&ok);
  -    if (ok)
  -      return getDOMNode(exec, collection.item(u));
  -    return getNamedItems(exec, propertyName);
  +    if (ok) {
  +      result = getDOMNode(exec, collection.item(u));
  +      return true;
  +    }
  +    Value items = getNamedItems(exec, propertyName);
  +    if (!items.imp()->isUndefined()) {
  +      result = items;
  +      return true;
  +    }
  +  return DOMObject::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
   // HTMLCollections are strange objects, they support both get and call,
  @@ -3447,12 +3498,14 @@
  -Value KJS::HTMLSelectCollection::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool KJS::HTMLSelectCollection::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p, Value& result) const
  -  if (p == "selectedIndex")
  -    return Number(m_element->selectedIndex());
  +  if (p == "selectedIndex") {
  +    result = Number(m_element->selectedIndex());
  +    return true;
  +  }
  -  return  HTMLCollection::get(exec, p);
  +  return HTMLCollection::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   void KJS::HTMLSelectCollection::put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int)
  @@ -3621,9 +3674,9 @@
  -Value Image::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool Image::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, Value &result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<Image,DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &ImageTable, this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<Image,DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &ImageTable, this, result);
   Value Image::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  @@ -4643,17 +4696,10 @@
  -Value Context2D::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool Context2D::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -    const HashTable* table = classInfo()->propHashTable; // get the right hashtable
  -    const HashEntry* entry = Lookup::findEntry(table, propertyName);
  -    if (entry) {
  -        if (entry->attr & Function)
  -            return lookupOrCreateFunction<KJS::Context2DFunction>(exec, propertyName, this, entry->value, entry->params, entry->attr);
  -        return getValueProperty(exec, entry->value);
  -    }
  -    return lookupGetValue<Context2D,DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &Context2DTable, this);
  +    // FIXME: functions should be on the prototype, not in the object itself
  +    return lookupGetOwnProperty<Context2DFunction, Context2D, DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &Context2DTable, this, result);
   Value Context2D::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  @@ -5212,17 +5258,9 @@
  -Value Gradient::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool Gradient::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -    const HashTable* table = classInfo()->propHashTable; // get the right hashtable
  -    const HashEntry* entry = Lookup::findEntry(table, propertyName);
  -    if (entry) {
  -        if (entry->attr & Function)
  -            return lookupOrCreateFunction<KJS::GradientFunction>(exec, propertyName, this, entry->value, entry->params, entry->attr);
  -        return getValueProperty(exec, entry->value);
  -    }
  -    return lookupGetValue<Gradient,DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &GradientTable, this);
  +    return lookupGetOwnProperty<GradientFunction, Gradient, DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &GradientTable, this, result);
   Value Gradient::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  @@ -5416,17 +5454,9 @@
       return CGPatternCreate(this, _bounds, patternTransform, _rw, _rh, kCGPatternTilingConstantSpacing, true, &patternCallbacks);
  -Value ImagePattern::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool ImagePattern::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -    const HashTable* table = classInfo()->propHashTable; // get the right hashtable
  -    const HashEntry* entry = Lookup::findEntry(table, propertyName);
  -    if (entry) {
  -        if (entry->attr & Function)
  -            return lookupOrCreateFunction<GradientFunction>(exec, propertyName, this, entry->value, entry->params, entry->attr);
  -        return getValueProperty(exec, entry->value);
  -    }
  -    return lookupGetValue<ImagePattern,DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &ImagePatternTable, this);
  +    return lookupGetOwnValue<ImagePattern, DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &ImagePatternTable, this, result);
   Value ImagePattern::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  1.53      +8 -8      WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_html.h
  Index: kjs_html.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_html.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.52
  retrieving revision 1.53
  diff -u -r1.52 -r1.53
  --- kjs_html.h	24 Jul 2005 22:44:55 -0000	1.52
  +++ kjs_html.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:19 -0000	1.53
  @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
     class HTMLDocument : public DOMDocument {
       HTMLDocument(ExecState *exec, DOM::HTMLDocumentImpl *d);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       void putValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token, const Value& value, int /*attr*/);
       virtual bool hasOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
     class HTMLElement : public DOMElement {
       HTMLElement(ExecState *exec, DOM::HTMLElementImpl *e);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       void putValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token, const Value& value, int);
  @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
       HTMLCollection(ExecState *exec, DOM::HTMLCollectionImpl *c);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual Value call(ExecState *exec, Object &thisObj, const List&args);
       virtual bool implementsCall() const { return true; }
       virtual bool toBoolean(ExecState *) const { return true; }
  @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
     class HTMLSelectCollection : public HTMLCollection {
       HTMLSelectCollection(ExecState *exec, DOM::HTMLCollectionImpl *c, DOM::HTMLSelectElementImpl *e);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       khtml::SharedPtr<DOM::HTMLSelectElementImpl> m_element;
  @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
       Image(DOM::DocumentImpl *d, bool ws, int w, bool hs, int h);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       void putValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token, const Value& value, int /*attr*/);
  @@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
       Context2D(DOM::HTMLElementImpl *e);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       void putValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token, const Value& value, int /*attr*/);
  @@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
       Gradient(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1);
       Gradient(float x0, float y0, float r0, float x1, float y1, float r1);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       void putValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token, const Value& value, int /*attr*/);
  @@ -512,7 +512,7 @@
     class ImagePattern : public DOMObject {
       ImagePattern(Image *i, int type);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       void putValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token, const Value& value, int /*attr*/);
  1.30      +81 -78    WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_navigator.cpp
  Index: kjs_navigator.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_navigator.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.29
  retrieving revision 1.30
  diff -u -r1.29 -r1.30
  --- kjs_navigator.cpp	19 Jul 2005 19:52:49 -0000	1.29
  +++ kjs_navigator.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:19 -0000	1.30
  @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
       class Plugins : public PluginBase {
           Plugins(ExecState *exec) : PluginBase(exec) {};
  -        virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +        virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
           virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
           static const ClassInfo info;
  @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
       class MimeTypes : public PluginBase {
           MimeTypes(ExecState *exec) : PluginBase(exec) { };
  -        virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +        virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
           virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
           static const ClassInfo info;
  @@ -96,8 +96,8 @@
       class Plugin : public PluginBase {
  -        Plugin( ExecState *exec, PluginInfo *info ) : PluginBase(exec), m_info(info) { }
  -        virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +        Plugin(ExecState *exec, PluginInfo *info) : PluginBase(exec), m_info(info) { }
  +        virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
           virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
           static const ClassInfo info;
  @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
       class MimeType : public PluginBase {
           MimeType( ExecState *exec, MimeClassInfo *info ) : PluginBase(exec), m_info(info) { }
  -        virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +        virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
           virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
           static const ClassInfo info;
  @@ -144,12 +144,9 @@
   Navigator::Navigator(ExecState *exec, KHTMLPart *p)
     : ObjectImp(exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinObjectPrototype()), m_part(p) { }
  -Value Navigator::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool Navigator::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "Navigator::get " << propertyName.ascii() << endl;
  -  return lookupGet<NavigatorFunc,Navigator,ObjectImp>(exec,propertyName,&NavigatorTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnProperty<NavigatorFunc, Navigator, ObjectImp>(exec, propertyName, &NavigatorTable, this, result);
   Value Navigator::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -339,120 +336,126 @@
  -Value Plugins::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool Plugins::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "Plugins::get " << propertyName.qstring() << endl;
  -    if (propertyName == "refresh")
  -      return lookupOrCreateFunction<PluginsFunc>(exec,propertyName,this,0,0,DontDelete|Function);
  -    else if ( propertyName ==lengthPropertyName )
  -      return Number(plugins->count());
  -    else {
  +    if (propertyName == "refresh") {
  +        result = lookupOrCreateFunction<PluginsFunc>(exec, propertyName, this, 0, 0, DontDelete|Function);
  +        return true;
  +    } else if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName) {
  +        result = Number(plugins->count());
  +        return true;
  +    } else {
           // plugins[#]
           bool ok;
           unsigned int i = propertyName.toULong(&ok);
  -        if( ok && i<plugins->count() )
  -            return Value( new Plugin( exec, plugins->at(i) ) );
  +        if (ok && i < plugins->count()) {
  +            result = Value(new Plugin(exec, plugins->at(i)));
  +            return true;
  +        }
           // plugin[name]
  -        for ( PluginInfo *pl = plugins->first(); pl!=0; pl = plugins->next() ) {
  -            if ( pl->name==propertyName.qstring() )
  -                return Value( new Plugin( exec, pl ) );
  +        for (PluginInfo *pl = plugins->first(); pl; pl = plugins->next()) {
  +            if (pl->name==propertyName.qstring()) {
  +                result = Value(new Plugin(exec, pl));
  +                return true;
  +            }
  -    return PluginBase::get(exec, propertyName);
  +    return PluginBase::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
  -Value MimeTypes::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool MimeTypes::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "MimeTypes::get " << propertyName.qstring() << endl;
  -    if( propertyName==lengthPropertyName )
  -        return Number( mimes->count() );
  -    else {
  +    if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName) {
  +        result = Number(mimes->count());
  +        return true;
  +    } else {
           // mimeTypes[#]
           bool ok;
           unsigned int i = propertyName.toULong(&ok);
  -        if( ok && i<mimes->count() )
  -            return Value( new MimeType( exec, mimes->at(i) ) );
  +        if (ok && i < mimes->count()) {
  +            result = Value(new MimeType(exec, mimes->at(i)));
  +            return true;
  +        }
           // mimeTypes[name]
  -        //kdDebug(6070) << "MimeTypes[" << propertyName.ascii() << "]" << endl;
  -        for ( MimeClassInfo *m=mimes->first(); m!=0; m=mimes->next() ) {
  -            //kdDebug(6070) << "m->type=" << m->type.ascii() << endl;
  -            if ( m->type == propertyName.qstring() )
  -                return Value( new MimeType( exec, m ) );
  +        for (MimeClassInfo *m = mimes->first(); m; m = mimes->next()) {
  +            if (m->type == propertyName.qstring()) {
  +                result = Value(new MimeType(exec, m));
  +                return true;
  +            }
  -    return PluginBase::get(exec, propertyName);
  +    return PluginBase::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
  -Value Plugin::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool Plugin::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "Plugin::get " << propertyName.qstring() << endl;
  -    if ( propertyName=="name" )
  -        return String( m_info->name );
  -    else if ( propertyName == "filename" )
  -        return String( m_info->file );
  -    else if ( propertyName == "description" )
  -        return String( m_info->desc );
  -    else if ( propertyName == lengthPropertyName )
  -        return Number( m_info->mimes.count() );
  -    else {
  +    // FIXME: should use the hashtable mechanism for properties
  +    if (propertyName == "name") {
  +        result = String(m_info->name);
  +        return true;
  +    } else if (propertyName == "filename") {
  +        result = String(m_info->file);
  +        return true;
  +    } else if (propertyName == "description") {
  +        result = String(m_info->desc);
  +        return true;
  +    } else if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName) {
  +        result = Number(m_info->mimes.count());
  +        return true;
  +    } else {
           // plugin[#]
           bool ok;
           unsigned int i = propertyName.toULong(&ok);
  -        //kdDebug(6070) << "Plugin::get plugin[" << i << "]" << endl;
  -        if( ok && i<m_info->mimes.count() )
  -        {
  -            //kdDebug(6070) << "returning mimetype " << m_info->mimes.at(i)->type << endl;
  -            return Value(new MimeType(exec, m_info->mimes.at(i)));
  +        if (ok && i < m_info->mimes.count()) {
  +            result = Value(new MimeType(exec, m_info->mimes.at(i)));
  +            return result;
           // plugin["name"]
  -        for ( MimeClassInfo *m=m_info->mimes.first();
  -              m!=0; m=m_info->mimes.next() ) {
  -            if ( m->type==propertyName.qstring() )
  -                return Value(new MimeType(exec, m));
  +        for (MimeClassInfo *m=m_info->mimes.first(); m; m = m_info->mimes.next()) {
  +            if (m->type==propertyName.qstring()) {
  +                result = Value(new MimeType(exec, m));
  +                return result;
  +            }
  -    return ObjectImp::get(exec,propertyName);
  +    return ObjectImp::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
  -Value MimeType::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool MimeType::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "MimeType::get " << propertyName.qstring() << endl;
  -    if ( propertyName == "type" )
  -        return String( m_info->type );
  -    else if ( propertyName == "suffixes" )
  -        return String( m_info->suffixes );
  -    else if ( propertyName == "description" )
  -        return String( m_info->desc );
  -    else if ( propertyName == "enabledPlugin" )
  -        return Value(new Plugin(exec, m_info->plugin));
  +    // FIXME: should use hashtable mechanism
  +    if (propertyName == "type") {
  +        result = String(m_info->type);
  +        return true;
  +    } else if (propertyName == "suffixes") {
  +        result = String(m_info->suffixes);
  +        return true;
  +    } else if (propertyName == "description") {
  +        result = String(m_info->desc);
  +        return true;
  +    } else if (propertyName == "enabledPlugin") {
  +        result = Value(new Plugin(exec, m_info->plugin));
  +        return true;
  +    }
  -    return ObjectImp::get(exec,propertyName);
  +    return ObjectImp::getOwnProperty(exec, propertyName, result);
  1.6       +1 -1      WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_navigator.h
  Index: kjs_navigator.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_navigator.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision 1.6
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
  --- kjs_navigator.h	15 Dec 2002 04:43:53 -0000	1.5
  +++ kjs_navigator.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:19 -0000	1.6
  @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
     class Navigator : public ObjectImp {
       Navigator(ExecState *exec, KHTMLPart *p);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
       static const ClassInfo info;
  1.12      +4 -4      WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_range.cpp
  Index: kjs_range.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_range.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.11
  retrieving revision 1.12
  diff -u -r1.11 -r1.12
  --- kjs_range.cpp	19 Jul 2005 19:52:49 -0000	1.11
  +++ kjs_range.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:19 -0000	1.12
  @@ -83,9 +83,9 @@
  -Value DOMRange::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMRange::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMRange, DOMObject>(exec, p, &DOMRangeTable, this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMRange, DOMObject>(exec, p, &DOMRangeTable, this, result);
   Value DOMRange::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -204,9 +204,9 @@
     END_TO_START		DOM::Range::END_TO_START	DontDelete|ReadOnly
  -Value RangeConstructor::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool RangeConstructor::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<RangeConstructor,DOMObject>(exec, p, &RangeConstructorTable, this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<RangeConstructor,DOMObject>(exec, p, &RangeConstructorTable, this, result);
   Value RangeConstructor::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  1.7       +2 -2      WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_range.h
  Index: kjs_range.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_range.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision 1.7
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
  --- kjs_range.h	19 Jul 2005 19:52:49 -0000	1.6
  +++ kjs_range.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:19 -0000	1.7
  @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
       DOMRange(ExecState *exec, DOM::RangeImpl *r);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &p) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& p, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
     class RangeConstructor : public DOMObject {
       RangeConstructor(ExecState *) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &p) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& p, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  1.13      +6 -6      WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_traversal.cpp
  Index: kjs_traversal.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_traversal.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.12
  retrieving revision 1.13
  diff -u -r1.12 -r1.13
  --- kjs_traversal.cpp	19 Jul 2005 19:52:49 -0000	1.12
  +++ kjs_traversal.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:19 -0000	1.13
  @@ -68,9 +68,9 @@
  -Value DOMNodeIterator::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMNodeIterator::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMNodeIterator,DOMObject>(exec,p,&DOMNodeIteratorTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMNodeIterator, DOMObject>(exec, p, &DOMNodeIteratorTable, this, result);
   Value DOMNodeIterator::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -145,9 +145,9 @@
     SHOW_NOTATION		DOM::NodeFilter::SHOW_NOTATION	DontDelete|ReadOnly
  -Value NodeFilterConstructor::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool NodeFilterConstructor::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<NodeFilterConstructor,DOMObject>(exec,p,&NodeFilterConstructorTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<NodeFilterConstructor, DOMObject>(exec, p, &NodeFilterConstructorTable, this, result);
   Value NodeFilterConstructor::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  @@ -247,9 +247,9 @@
  -Value DOMTreeWalker::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMTreeWalker::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<DOMTreeWalker,DOMObject>(exec,p,&DOMTreeWalkerTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<DOMTreeWalker, DOMObject>(exec, p, &DOMTreeWalkerTable, this, result);
   Value DOMTreeWalker::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  1.8       +3 -3      WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_traversal.h
  Index: kjs_traversal.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_traversal.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision 1.8
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
  --- kjs_traversal.h	19 Jul 2005 19:52:49 -0000	1.7
  +++ kjs_traversal.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:19 -0000	1.8
  @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
       DOMNodeIterator(ExecState *exec, DOM::NodeIteratorImpl *ni);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &p) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& p, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
     class NodeFilterConstructor : public DOMObject {
       NodeFilterConstructor(ExecState *) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &p) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& p, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
       DOMTreeWalker(ExecState *exec, DOM::TreeWalkerImpl *tw);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &p) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& p, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName,
                           const Value& value, int attr = None);
  1.7       +10 -6     WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_views.cpp
  Index: kjs_views.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_views.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision 1.7
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
  --- kjs_views.cpp	19 Jul 2005 19:52:49 -0000	1.6
  +++ kjs_views.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:19 -0000	1.7
  @@ -54,13 +54,17 @@
  -Value DOMAbstractView::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool DOMAbstractView::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  if (p == "document")
  -    return getDOMNode(exec, m_impl->document());
  -  else if (p == "getComputedStyle")
  -    return lookupOrCreateFunction<DOMAbstractViewFunc>(exec,p,this,DOMAbstractView::GetComputedStyle,2,DontDelete|Function);
  -  return DOMObject::get(exec, p);
  +    if (p == "document") {
  +        result = getDOMNode(exec, m_impl->document());
  +        return true;
  +    } else if (p == "getComputedStyle") {
  +        result = lookupOrCreateFunction<DOMAbstractViewFunc>(exec, p, this, DOMAbstractView::GetComputedStyle, 2, DontDelete|Function);
  +        return true;
  +    }
  +    return DOMObject::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   Value DOMAbstractViewFunc::call(ExecState *exec, Object &thisObj, const List &args)
  1.6       +1 -1      WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_views.h
  Index: kjs_views.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_views.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision 1.6
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
  --- kjs_views.h	19 Jul 2005 19:52:49 -0000	1.5
  +++ kjs_views.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:19 -0000	1.6
  @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
       DOMAbstractView(ExecState *, DOM::AbstractViewImpl *av) : m_impl(av) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec,const Identifier &p) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec,const Identifier& p, Value& result) const;
       // no put - all read-only
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
       static const ClassInfo info;
  1.168     +390 -352  WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_window.cpp
  Index: kjs_window.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_window.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.167
  retrieving revision 1.168
  diff -u -r1.167 -r1.168
  --- kjs_window.cpp	21 Jul 2005 04:10:52 -0000	1.167
  +++ kjs_window.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:19 -0000	1.168
  @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
       History(ExecState *exec, KHTMLPart *p)
         : ObjectImp(exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinObjectPrototype()), part(p) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
       static const ClassInfo info;
  @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
       FrameArray(ExecState *exec, KHTMLPart *p)
         : ObjectImp(exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinObjectPrototype()), part(p) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual UString toString(ExecState *exec) const;
       QGuardedPtr<KHTMLPart> part;
  @@ -165,12 +165,9 @@
   Screen::Screen(ExecState *exec)
     : ObjectImp(exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinObjectPrototype()) {}
  -Value Screen::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool Screen::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "Screen::get " << p.qstring() << endl;
  -  return lookupGetValue<Screen,ObjectImp>(exec,p,&ScreenTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<Screen, ObjectImp>(exec, p, &ScreenTable, this, result);
   Value Screen::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  @@ -347,7 +344,6 @@
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "Window::~Window this=" << this << " part=" << m_part << endl;
     delete winq;
  @@ -692,24 +688,27 @@
       return returnValue;
  -Value Window::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool Window::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "Window("<<this<<")::get " << p.qstring() << endl;
  -  if ( p == "closed" )
  -    return Boolean(m_part.isNull());
  +  if (p == "closed") {
  +      result = Boolean(m_part.isNull());
  +      return false;
  +  }
     // we don't want any properties other than "closed" on a closed window
  -  if (m_part.isNull())
  -    return Undefined();
  +  if (m_part.isNull()) {
  +      result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
  +  }
     // Look for overrides first
     ValueImp * val = ObjectImp::getDirect(p);
     if (val) {
  -    //kdDebug(6070) << "Window::get found dynamic property '" << p.ascii() << "'" << endl;
       if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -      return Value(val);
  +      result = Value(val);
  +    else
  +      result = Undefined();
  +    return true;
     // Check for child frames by name before built-in properties to
  @@ -718,198 +717,244 @@
     // are in Moz but not IE. Since we have some of these, we have to do
     // it the Moz way.
     KHTMLPart *childFrame = m_part->childFrameNamed(p.ustring().qstring());
  -  if (childFrame) 
  -    return retrieve(childFrame);
  +  if (childFrame) {
  +    result = retrieve(childFrame);
  +    return true;
  +  }
     const HashEntry* entry = Lookup::findEntry(&WindowTable, p);
  -  if (entry)
  -  {
  -    //kdDebug(6070) << "token: " << entry->value << endl;
  -    switch( entry->value ) {
  +  if (entry) {
  +    switch(entry->value) {
       case Crypto:
  -      return Undefined(); // ###
  +      result = Undefined(); // ###
  +      return true;
       case DefaultStatus:
  -      return String(UString(m_part->jsDefaultStatusBarText()));
  +      result = String(UString(m_part->jsDefaultStatusBarText()));
  +      return true;
       case Status:
  -      return String(UString(m_part->jsStatusBarText()));
  +      result = String(UString(m_part->jsStatusBarText()));
  +      return true;
       case Document:
  -      if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -      {
  +      if (isSafeScript(exec)) {
           if (!m_part->xmlDocImpl()) {
  -          kdDebug(6070) << "Document.write: adding <HTML><BODY> to create document" << endl;
  -        return getDOMNode(exec, m_part->xmlDocImpl());
  -      }
  -      else
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = getDOMNode(exec, m_part->xmlDocImpl());
  +      } else
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Node:
  -      return getNodeConstructor(exec);
  +      result = getNodeConstructor(exec);
  +      return true;
       case Range:
  -      return getRangeConstructor(exec);
  +      result = getRangeConstructor(exec);
  +      return true;
       case NodeFilter:
  -      return getNodeFilterConstructor(exec);
  +      result = getNodeFilterConstructor(exec);
  +      return true;
       case DOMException:
  -      return getDOMExceptionConstructor(exec);
  +      result = getDOMExceptionConstructor(exec);
  +      return true;
       case CSSRule:
  -      return getCSSRuleConstructor(exec);
  +      result = getCSSRuleConstructor(exec);
  +      return true;
       case EventCtor:
  -      return getEventConstructor(exec);
  +      result = getEventConstructor(exec);
  +      return true;
       case Frames:
  -      return Value(frames ? frames :
  -                   (const_cast<Window*>(this)->frames = new FrameArray(exec,m_part)));
  +      result = Value(frames ? frames :
  +                     (const_cast<Window*>(this)->frames = new FrameArray(exec,m_part)));
  +      return true;
       case _History:
  -      return Value(history ? history :
  -                   (const_cast<Window*>(this)->history = new History(exec,m_part)));
  +      result = Value(history ? history :
  +                     (const_cast<Window*>(this)->history = new History(exec,m_part)));
  +      return true;
       case Event:
         if (m_evt)
  -        return getDOMEvent(exec, m_evt);
  -      else {
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -        kdWarning(6070) << "window(" << this << "," << m_part->name() << ").event, no event!" << endl;
  -        return Undefined();
  -      }
  +        result = getDOMEvent(exec, m_evt);
  +      else
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case InnerHeight:
  -      if (!m_part->view())
  -        return Undefined();
  -      return Number(m_part->view()->visibleHeight());
  +      if (m_part->view())
  +        result = Number(m_part->view()->visibleHeight());
  +      else
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case InnerWidth:
  -      if (!m_part->view())
  -        return Undefined();
  -      return Number(m_part->view()->visibleWidth());
  +      if (m_part->view())
  +        result = Number(m_part->view()->visibleWidth());
  +      else
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Length:
  -      return Number(m_part->frames().count());
  +      result = Number(m_part->frames().count());
  +      return true;
       case _Location:
  -      return Value(location());
  +      result = Value(location());
  +      return true;
       case Name:
  -      return String(m_part->name());
  +      result = String(m_part->name());
  +      return true;
       case _Navigator:
       case ClientInformation: {
         // Store the navigator in the object so we get the same one each time.
         Navigator *n = new Navigator(exec, m_part);
         const_cast<Window *>(this)->putDirect("navigator", n, DontDelete|ReadOnly);
         const_cast<Window *>(this)->putDirect("clientInformation", n, DontDelete|ReadOnly);
  -      return Value(n);
  +      result = Value(n);
  +      return true;
   #ifdef Q_WS_QWS
       case _Konqueror:
  -      return Value(new Konqueror(m_part));
  +      result = Value(new Konqueror(m_part));
  +      return true;
       case Locationbar:
  -      return Value(locationbar(exec));
  +      result = Value(locationbar(exec));
  +      return true;
       case Menubar:
  -      return Value(menubar(exec));
  +      result = Value(menubar(exec));
  +      return true;
       case OffscreenBuffering:
  -      return Boolean(true);
  +      result = Boolean(true);
  +      return true;
       case Opener:
  -      if (!m_part->opener())
  -        return Null();    // ### a null Window might be better, but == null
  -      else                // doesn't work yet
  -        return retrieve(m_part->opener());
  +      if (m_part->opener())
  +        result = retrieve(m_part->opener());
  +      else
  +        result = Null();
  +      return true;
       case OuterHeight:
       case OuterWidth:
  -      if (!m_part->view())
  -        return Number(0);
  -      KWin::Info inf = KWin::info(m_part->view()->topLevelWidget()->winId());
  -      return Number(entry->value == OuterHeight ?
  -                    inf.geometry.height() : inf.geometry.width());
  +      if (m_part->view()) {
  +        KWin::Info inf = KWin::info(m_part->view()->topLevelWidget()->winId());
  +        result = Number(entry->value == OuterHeight ?
  +                        inf.geometry.height() : inf.geometry.width());
  +      } else
  +        result = Number(0);
  +      return true;
       case PageXOffset:
  -      if (!m_part->view())
  -        return Undefined();
  -      updateLayout();
  -      return Number(m_part->view()->contentsX());
  +      if (m_part->view()) {
  +        updateLayout();
  +        result = Number(m_part->view()->contentsX());
  +      } else
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case PageYOffset:
  -      if (!m_part->view())
  -        return Undefined();
  -      updateLayout();
  -      return Number(m_part->view()->contentsY());
  +      if (m_part->view()) {
  +        updateLayout();
  +        result = Number(m_part->view()->contentsY());
  +      } else
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Parent:
  -      return Value(retrieve(m_part->parentPart() ? m_part->parentPart() : (KHTMLPart*)m_part));
  +      result = Value(retrieve(m_part->parentPart() ? m_part->parentPart() : (KHTMLPart*)m_part));
  +      return true;
       case Personalbar:
  -      return Value(personalbar(exec));
  +      result = Value(personalbar(exec));
  +      return true;
       case ScreenLeft:
       case ScreenX: {
  -      if (!m_part->view())
  -        return Undefined();
  +      if (m_part->view()) {
  -      // We want to use frameGeometry here instead of mapToGlobal because it goes through
  -      // the windowFrame method of the WebKit's UI delegate. Also we don't want to try
  -      // to do anything relative to the screen the window is on, so the code below is no
  -      // good of us anyway.
  -      return Number(m_part->view()->topLevelWidget()->frameGeometry().x());
  +        // We want to use frameGeometry here instead of mapToGlobal because it goes through
  +        // the windowFrame method of the WebKit's UI delegate. Also we don't want to try
  +        // to do anything relative to the screen the window is on, so the code below is no
  +        // good of us anyway.
  +        result = Number(m_part->view()->topLevelWidget()->frameGeometry().x());
  -      QRect sg = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(m_part->view()));
  -      return Number(m_part->view()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)).x() + sg.x());
  +        QRect sg = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(m_part->view()));
  +        result = Number(m_part->view()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)).x() + sg.x());
  +      } else
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case ScreenTop:
       case ScreenY: {
  -      if (!m_part->view())
  -        return Undefined();
  +      if (m_part->view()) {
  -      // See comment above in ScreenX.
  -      return Number(m_part->view()->topLevelWidget()->frameGeometry().y());
  +        // See comment above in ScreenX.
  +        result = Number(m_part->view()->topLevelWidget()->frameGeometry().y());
  -      QRect sg = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(m_part->view()));
  -      return Number(m_part->view()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)).y() + sg.y());
  +        QRect sg = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(m_part->view()));
  +        result = Number(m_part->view()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)).y() + sg.y());
  +      } else 
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
  -    case ScrollX: {
  -      if (!m_part->view())
  -        return Undefined();
  -      updateLayout();
  -      return Number(m_part->view()->contentsX());
  -    }
  -    case ScrollY: {
  -      if (!m_part->view())
  -        return Undefined();
  -      updateLayout();
  -      return Number(m_part->view()->contentsY());
  -    }
  +    case ScrollX:
  +      if (m_part->view()) {
  +        updateLayout();
  +        result = Number(m_part->view()->contentsX());
  +      } else
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
  +    case ScrollY:
  +      if (m_part->view()) {
  +        updateLayout();
  +        result = Number(m_part->view()->contentsY());
  +      } else
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Scrollbars:
  -      return Value(scrollbars(exec));
  +      result = Value(scrollbars(exec));
  +      return true;
       case Statusbar:
  -      return Value(statusbar(exec));
  +      result = Value(statusbar(exec));
  +      return true;
       case Toolbar:
  -      return Value(toolbar(exec));
  +      result = Value(toolbar(exec));
  +      return true;
       case Self:
       case _Window:
  -      return Value(retrieve(m_part));
  +      result = Value(retrieve(m_part));
  +      return true;
       case Top: {
         KHTMLPart *p = m_part;
         while (p->parentPart())
           p = p->parentPart();
  -      return Value(retrieve(p));
  +      result = Value(retrieve(p));
  +      return true;
       case _Screen:
  -      return Value(screen ? screen :
  -                   (const_cast<Window*>(this)->screen = new Screen(exec)));
  +      result = Value(screen ? screen :
  +                     (const_cast<Window*>(this)->screen = new Screen(exec)));
  +      return true;
       case Image:
  -      return new ImageConstructorImp(exec, m_part->xmlDocImpl());
  +      // FIXME: this property (and the few below) probably shouldn't create a new object every
  +      // time
  +      result = new ImageConstructorImp(exec, m_part->xmlDocImpl());
  +      return true;
       case Option:
  -      return new OptionConstructorImp(exec, m_part->xmlDocImpl());
  +      result = new OptionConstructorImp(exec, m_part->xmlDocImpl());
  +      return true;
       case XMLHttpRequest:
  -      return new XMLHttpRequestConstructorImp(exec, m_part->xmlDocImpl());
  +      result = new XMLHttpRequestConstructorImp(exec, m_part->xmlDocImpl());
  +      return true;
       case XMLSerializer:
  -      return new XMLSerializerConstructorImp(exec);
  +      result = new XMLSerializerConstructorImp(exec);
  +      return true;
       case DOMParser:
  -      return new DOMParserConstructorImp(exec, m_part->xmlDocImpl());
  +      result = new DOMParserConstructorImp(exec, m_part->xmlDocImpl());
  +      return true;
       case Focus:
       case Blur:
       case Close:
  -	return lookupOrCreateFunction<WindowFunc>(exec,p,this,entry->value,entry->params,entry->attr);
  +      result = lookupOrCreateFunction<WindowFunc>(exec,p,this,entry->value,entry->params,entry->attr);
  +      return true;
       case ShowModalDialog:
           if (!canShowModalDialog(this))
  -            return Undefined();
  +          return false;
           // fall through
       case Alert:
       case Confirm:
  @@ -935,153 +980,185 @@
       case ClearInterval:
       case GetSelection:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return lookupOrCreateFunction<WindowFunc>(exec,p,this,entry->value,entry->params,entry->attr);
  +        result = lookupOrCreateFunction<WindowFunc>(exec, p, this, entry->value, entry->params, entry->attr);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onabort:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::ABORT_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::ABORT_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onblur:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::BLUR_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::BLUR_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onchange:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::CHANGE_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::CHANGE_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onclick:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::KHTML_CLICK_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::KHTML_CLICK_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Ondblclick:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::KHTML_DBLCLICK_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::KHTML_DBLCLICK_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Ondragdrop:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::KHTML_DRAGDROP_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::KHTML_DRAGDROP_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onerror:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::KHTML_ERROR_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::KHTML_ERROR_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onfocus:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::FOCUS_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::FOCUS_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onkeydown:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::KEYDOWN_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::KEYDOWN_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onkeypress:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::KEYPRESS_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::KEYPRESS_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onkeyup:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::KEYUP_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::KEYUP_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onload:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::LOAD_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::LOAD_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onmousedown:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::MOUSEDOWN_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::MOUSEDOWN_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onmousemove:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::MOUSEMOVE_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::MOUSEMOVE_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onmouseout:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::MOUSEOUT_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::MOUSEOUT_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onmouseover:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::MOUSEOVER_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::MOUSEOVER_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onmouseup:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::MOUSEUP_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::MOUSEUP_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case OnWindowMouseWheel:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec, DOM::EventImpl::MOUSEWHEEL_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec, DOM::EventImpl::MOUSEWHEEL_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onmove:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::KHTML_MOVE_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::KHTML_MOVE_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onreset:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::RESET_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::RESET_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onresize:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::RESIZE_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::RESIZE_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onscroll:
  -        if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -            return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::SCROLL_EVENT);
  -        else
  -            return Undefined();
  +      if (isSafeScript(exec))
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::SCROLL_EVENT);
  +      else
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onsearch:
  -        if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -            return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::SEARCH_EVENT);
  -        else
  -            return Undefined();
  +      if (isSafeScript(exec))
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::SEARCH_EVENT);
  +      else
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onselect:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::SELECT_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::SELECT_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onsubmit:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::SUBMIT_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::SUBMIT_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case Onunload:
         if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -        return getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::UNLOAD_EVENT);
  +        result = getListener(exec,DOM::EventImpl::UNLOAD_EVENT);
  -        return Undefined();
  +        result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
       case FrameElement:
         if (DocumentImpl *doc = m_part->xmlDocImpl())
           if (ElementImpl *fe = doc->ownerElement())
  -          if (checkNodeSecurity(exec, fe))
  -            return getDOMNode(exec, fe);
  -      return Undefined();
  +          if (checkNodeSecurity(exec, fe)) {
  +            result = getDOMNode(exec, fe);
  +            return true;
  +          }
  +      result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
  -  KHTMLPart *kp = m_part->findFrame( p.qstring() );
  -  if (kp)
  -    return Value(retrieve(kp));
  +  KHTMLPart *kp = m_part->findFrame(p.qstring());
  +  if (kp) {
  +    result = Value(retrieve(kp));
  +    return true;
  +  }
     // allow window[1] or parent[1] etc. (#56983)
     bool ok;
  @@ -1093,7 +1170,8 @@
         KParts::ReadOnlyPart* frame = frames.at(i);
         if (frame && frame->inherits("KHTMLPart")) {
   	KHTMLPart *khtml = static_cast<KHTMLPart*>(frame);
  -	return Window::retrieve(khtml);
  +	result = Window::retrieve(khtml);
  +        return true;
  @@ -1102,26 +1180,22 @@
     DocumentImpl *doc = m_part->xmlDocImpl();
     if (isSafeScript(exec) && doc && doc->isHTMLDocument()) {
       DOMString name = p.string();
  -    if (static_cast<HTMLDocumentImpl *>(doc)->hasNamedItem(name) ||
  -        doc->getElementById(name)) {
  +    if (static_cast<HTMLDocumentImpl *>(doc)->hasNamedItem(name) || doc->getElementById(name)) {
         SharedPtr<DOM::HTMLCollectionImpl> collection = doc->windowNamedItems(name);
         if (collection->length() == 1)
  -        return getDOMNode(exec, collection->firstItem());
  +        result = getDOMNode(exec, collection->firstItem());
  -        return getHTMLCollection(exec, collection.get());
  +        result = getHTMLCollection(exec, collection.get());
  +      return true;
  -  // This isn't necessarily a bug. Some code uses if(!window.blah) window.blah=1
  -  // But it can also mean something isn't loaded or implemented, hence the WARNING to help grepping.
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "WARNING: Window::get property not found: " << p.qstring() << endl;
  -  if (isSafeScript(exec))
  -    return ObjectImp::get(exec, p);
  +  if (!isSafeScript(exec)) {
  +    result = Undefined();
  +    return true;
  +  }
  -  return Undefined();
  +  return ObjectImp::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   bool Window::hasOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  @@ -1167,9 +1241,6 @@
     const HashEntry* entry = Lookup::findEntry(&WindowTable, propertyName);
     if (entry)
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -    kdDebug(6070) << "Window("<<this<<")::put " << propertyName.qstring() << endl;
       switch( entry->value ) {
       case Status: {
         String s = value.toString(exec);
  @@ -1317,7 +1388,6 @@
     if (isSafeScript(exec)) {
  -    //kdDebug(6070) << "Window("<<this<<")::put storing " << propertyName.qstring() << endl;
       ObjectImp::put(exec, propertyName, value, attr);
  @@ -2178,11 +2248,6 @@
  -  //kdDebug(6070) << "ScheduledAction::~ScheduledAction " << this << endl;
   ////////////////////// WindowQObject ////////////////////////
   WindowQObject::WindowQObject(Window *w)
  @@ -2314,24 +2379,23 @@
  -Value FrameArray::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool FrameArray::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "FrameArray::get " << p.qstring() << " part=" << (void*)part << endl;
     if (part.isNull())
       return Undefined();
     QPtrList<KParts::ReadOnlyPart> frames = part->frames();
     unsigned int len = frames.count();
  -  if (p == lengthPropertyName)
  -    return Number(len);
  -  else if (p== "location") // non-standard property, but works in NS and IE
  -  {
  -    Object obj = Object::dynamicCast( Window::retrieve( part ) );
  -    if ( !obj.isNull() )
  -      return obj.get( exec, "location" );
  -    return Undefined();
  +  if (p == lengthPropertyName) {
  +    result = Number(len);
  +    return true;
  +  } else if (p== "location") {
  +    // non-standard property, but works in NS and IE
  +    Object obj = Object::dynamicCast(Window::retrieve(part));
  +    if (!obj.isNull()) {
  +      result = obj.get(exec, "location");
  +      return true;
  +    }
     // check for the name or number
  @@ -2343,15 +2407,13 @@
         frame = frames.at(i);
  -  // we are potentially fetching a reference to a another Window object here.
  -  // i.e. we may be accessing objects from another interpreter instance.
  -  // Therefore we have to be a bit careful with memory managment.
     if (frame && frame->inherits("KHTMLPart")) {
       KHTMLPart *khtml = static_cast<KHTMLPart*>(frame);
  -    return Window::retrieve(khtml);
  +    result = Window::retrieve(khtml);
  +    return true;
  -  return ObjectImp::get(exec, p);
  +  return ObjectImp::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   UString FrameArray::toString(ExecState *) const
  @@ -2382,84 +2444,74 @@
   Location::Location(KHTMLPart *p) : m_part(p)
  -  //kdDebug(6070) << "Location::Location " << this << " m_part=" << (void*)m_part << endl;
  +bool Location::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  //kdDebug(6070) << "Location::~Location " << this << " m_part=" << (void*)m_part << endl;
  -Value Location::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "Location::get " << p.qstring() << " m_part=" << (void*)m_part << endl;
     if (m_part.isNull())
  -    return Undefined();
  +    return false;
     const Window* window = Window::retrieveWindow(m_part);
  -  if (!window || !window->isSafeScript(exec))
  -      return Undefined();
  +  if (!window || !window->isSafeScript(exec)) {
  +      result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
  +  }
     KURL url = m_part->url();
     const HashEntry *entry = Lookup::findEntry(&LocationTable, p);
  -  if (entry)
  +  if (entry) {
       switch (entry->value) {
       case Hash:
  -      return String( url.ref().isNull() ? QString("") : "#" + url.ref() );
  +      result = String(url.ref().isNull() ? QString("") : "#" + url.ref());
  +      return true;
       case Host: {
  -      UString str = url.host();
  -      if (url.port())
  -        str += ":" + QString::number((int)url.port());
  -      return String(str);
         // Note: this is the IE spec. The NS spec swaps the two, it says
         // "The hostname property is the concatenation of the host and port properties, separated by a colon."
         // Bleh.
  +      UString str = url.host();
  +      if (url.port())
  +        str += ":" + QString::number((int)url.port());
  +      result = String(str);
  +      return true;
       case Hostname:
  -      return String( url.host() );
  +      result = String(url.host());
  +      return true;
       case Href:
         if (!url.hasPath())
  -        return String( url.prettyURL()+"/" );
  +        result = String(url.prettyURL() + "/");
  -        return String( url.prettyURL() );
  +        result = String(url.prettyURL());
  +      return true;
       case Pathname:
  -      return String( url.path().isEmpty() ? QString("/") : url.path() );
  +      result = String(url.path().isEmpty() ? QString("/") : url.path());
  +      return true;
       case Port:
  -      return String( url.port() ? QString::number((int)url.port()) : QString::fromLatin1("") );
  +      result = String(url.port() ? QString::number((int)url.port()) : QString::fromLatin1(""));
  +      return true;
       case Protocol:
  -      return String( url.protocol()+":" );
  +      result = String(url.protocol()+":");
  +      return true;
       case Search:
  -      return String( url.query() );
  -    case EqualEqual: // [[==]]
  -      return String(toString(exec));
  +      result = String(url.query());
  +      return true;
       case ToString:
  -      return lookupOrCreateFunction<LocationFunc>(exec,p,this,entry->value,entry->params,entry->attr);
  -    }
  -  // Look for overrides
  -  ValueImp * val = ObjectImp::getDirect(p);
  -  if (val)
  -    return Value(val);
  -  if (entry)
  -    switch (entry->value) {
  +      result = String(toString(exec));
  +      return true;
       case Replace:
  -      return lookupOrCreateFunction<LocationFunc>(exec,p,this,entry->value,entry->params,entry->attr);
       case Reload:
  -      return lookupOrCreateFunction<LocationFunc>(exec,p,this,entry->value,entry->params,entry->attr);
       case Assign:
  -      return lookupOrCreateFunction<LocationFunc>(exec,p,this,entry->value,entry->params,entry->attr);
  +    case EqualEqual: // [[==]]
  +      result = lookupOrCreateFunction<LocationFunc>(exec, p, this, entry->value, entry->params, entry->attr);
  +      return true;
  +  }
  -  return Undefined();
  +  return ObjectImp::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   void Location::put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p, const Value &v, int attr)
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "Location::put " << p.qstring() << " m_part=" << (void*)m_part << endl;
     if (m_part.isNull())
  @@ -2627,85 +2679,81 @@
   Selection::Selection(KHTMLPart *p) : m_part(p)
  -  //kdDebug(6070) << "Selection::Selection " << this << " m_part=" << (void*)m_part << endl;
  +bool Selection::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
  -  //kdDebug(6070) << "Selection::~Selection " << this << " m_part=" << (void*)m_part << endl;
  -Value Selection::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  -#ifdef KJS_VERBOSE
  -  kdDebug(6070) << "Selection::get " << p.qstring() << " m_part=" << (void*)m_part << endl;
     if (m_part.isNull())
  -    return Undefined();
  +    return false;
     const Window* window = Window::retrieveWindow(m_part);
  -  if (!window || !window->isSafeScript(exec))
  -      return Undefined();
  +  if (!window || !window->isSafeScript(exec)) {
  +      result = Undefined();
  +      return true;
  +  }
     DocumentImpl *docimpl = m_part->xmlDocImpl();
     if (docimpl)
  +  // FIXME: should use lookupGetOwnProperty here...
     KURL url = m_part->url();
     const HashEntry *entry = Lookup::findEntry(&SelectionTable, p);
     if (entry)
       switch (entry->value) {
           case AnchorNode:
           case BaseNode:
  -            return getDOMNode(exec, m_part->selection().base().node());
  +            result = getDOMNode(exec, m_part->selection().base().node());
  +            return true;
           case AnchorOffset:
           case BaseOffset:
  -            return Number(m_part->selection().base().offset());
  +             result = Number(m_part->selection().base().offset());
  +             return true;
           case FocusNode:
           case ExtentNode:
  -            return getDOMNode(exec, m_part->selection().extent().node());
  +             result = getDOMNode(exec, m_part->selection().extent().node());
  +             return true;
           case FocusOffset:
           case ExtentOffset:
  -            return Number(m_part->selection().extent().offset());
  +             result = Number(m_part->selection().extent().offset());
  +             return true;
           case IsCollapsed:
  -            return Boolean(!m_part->selection().isRange());
  +             result = Boolean(!m_part->selection().isRange());
  +             return true;
           case _Type: {
               switch (m_part->selection().state()) {
  -                case khtml::Selection::NONE:
  -                    return String("None");
  -                case khtml::Selection::CARET:
  -                    return String("Caret");
  -                case khtml::Selection::RANGE:
  -                    return String("Range");
  +            case khtml::Selection::NONE:
  +                result = String("None");
  +                break;
  +            case khtml::Selection::CARET:
  +                result = String("Caret");
  +                break;
  +            case khtml::Selection::RANGE:
  +                result = String("Range");
  +                break;
  +            default:
  +                assert(0);
  +            return true;
           case EqualEqual:
  -            return String(toString(exec));
  +            result = lookupOrCreateFunction<SelectionFunc>(exec, p, this, entry->value, entry->params, entry->attr);
  +            return true;
           case ToString:
  -          return lookupOrCreateFunction<SelectionFunc>(exec,p,this,entry->value,entry->params,entry->attr);
  +            result = String(toString(exec));
  +            return true;
  +        case Collapse:
  +        case CollapseToEnd:
  +        case CollapseToStart:
  +        case Empty:
  +        case SetBaseAndExtent:
  +        case SetPosition:
  +        case Modify:
  +            result = lookupOrCreateFunction<SelectionFunc>(exec,p,this,entry->value,entry->params,entry->attr);
  +            return true;
  -    // Look for overrides
  -    ValueImp * val = ObjectImp::getDirect(p);
  -    if (val)
  -        return Value(val);
  -    if (entry)
  -        switch (entry->value) {
  -            case Collapse:
  -            case CollapseToEnd:
  -            case CollapseToStart:
  -            case Empty:
  -            case SetBaseAndExtent:
  -            case SetPosition:
  -            case Modify:
  -                return lookupOrCreateFunction<SelectionFunc>(exec,p,this,entry->value,entry->params,entry->attr);
  -        }
  -    return Undefined();
  -void Selection::put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p, const Value &v, int attr)
  +    return ObjectImp::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   Value Selection::toPrimitive(ExecState *exec, Type) const
  @@ -2810,52 +2858,42 @@
  -Value BarInfo::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool BarInfo::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& p, Value& result) const
     if (m_part.isNull())
  -    return Undefined();
  +    return false;
     const HashEntry *entry = Lookup::findEntry(&BarInfoTable, p);
     if (entry && entry->value == Visible) {
       switch (m_type) {
  -    case Locationbar:
  -      return Boolean(KWQ(m_part)->locationbarVisible());
  +    case Locationbar:
  +      result = Boolean(KWQ(m_part)->locationbarVisible());
  +      break;
       case Menubar: 
  -      return Boolean(KWQ(m_part)->locationbarVisible());
  +      result = Boolean(KWQ(m_part)->locationbarVisible());
  +      break;
       case Personalbar:
  -      return Boolean(KWQ(m_part)->personalbarVisible());
  +      result = Boolean(KWQ(m_part)->personalbarVisible());
  +      break;
       case Scrollbars: 
  -      return Boolean(KWQ(m_part)->scrollbarsVisible());
  +      result = Boolean(KWQ(m_part)->scrollbarsVisible());
  +      break;
       case Statusbar:
  -      return Boolean(KWQ(m_part)->statusbarVisible());
  +      result =  Boolean(KWQ(m_part)->statusbarVisible());
  +      break;
       case Toolbar:
  -      return Boolean(KWQ(m_part)->toolbarVisible());
  +      result = Boolean(KWQ(m_part)->toolbarVisible());
  +      break;
  -      return Boolean(false);
  +      result = Boolean(false);
  +    return true;
  -  return Undefined();
  -void BarInfo::put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p, const Value &v, int attr)
  +  return ObjectImp::getOwnProperty(exec, p, result);
   ////////////////////// History Object ////////////////////////
  @@ -2871,9 +2909,9 @@
  -Value History::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const
  +bool History::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGet<HistoryFunc,History,ObjectImp>(exec,p,&HistoryTable,this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnProperty<HistoryFunc, History, ObjectImp>(exec, p, &HistoryTable, this, result);
   Value History::getValueProperty(ExecState *, int token) const
  1.47      +6 -12     WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_window.h
  Index: kjs_window.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/kjs_window.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.46
  retrieving revision 1.47
  diff -u -r1.46 -r1.47
  --- kjs_window.h	16 Jul 2005 06:17:31 -0000	1.46
  +++ kjs_window.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:19 -0000	1.47
  @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
         Height, Width, ColorDepth, PixelDepth, AvailLeft, AvailTop, AvailHeight,
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       KHTMLView *view;
  @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
       static Window *retrieveActive(ExecState *exec);
       QGuardedPtr<KHTMLPart> part() const { return m_part; }
       virtual void mark();
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual bool hasOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value &value, int attr = None);
       virtual bool toBoolean(ExecState *exec) const;
  @@ -182,7 +182,6 @@
       ScheduledAction(Object _func, List _args, bool _singleShot);
       ScheduledAction(const QString &_code, bool _singleShot);
  -    ~ScheduledAction();
       void execute(Window *window);
       ProtectedObject func;
  @@ -220,8 +219,7 @@
     class Location : public ObjectImp {
  -    ~Location();
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value &value, int attr = None);
       virtual Value toPrimitive(ExecState *exec, Type preferred) const;
       virtual UString toString(ExecState *exec) const;
  @@ -238,9 +236,7 @@
     class Selection : public ObjectImp {
  -    ~Selection();
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  -    virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value &value, int attr = None);
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual Value toPrimitive(ExecState *exec, Type preferred) const;
       virtual UString toString(ExecState *exec) const;
       enum { AnchorNode, AnchorOffset, FocusNode, FocusOffset, BaseNode, BaseOffset, ExtentNode, ExtentOffset, 
  @@ -257,9 +253,7 @@
     class BarInfo : public ObjectImp {
  -    ~BarInfo();
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  -    virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value &value, int attr = None);
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       enum { Visible };
       enum Type { Locationbar, Menubar, Personalbar, Scrollbars, Statusbar, Toolbar };
       KHTMLPart *part() const { return m_part; }
  @@ -277,7 +271,7 @@
       friend class KonquerorFunc;
       Konqueror(KHTMLPart *p) : part(p) { }
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       virtual bool hasOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &p) const;
       virtual UString toString(ExecState *exec) const;
       virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
  1.33      +2 -2      WebCore/khtml/ecma/xmlhttprequest.cpp
  Index: xmlhttprequest.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/xmlhttprequest.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.32
  retrieving revision 1.33
  diff -u -r1.32 -r1.33
  --- xmlhttprequest.cpp	19 Jul 2005 19:52:49 -0000	1.32
  +++ xmlhttprequest.cpp	25 Jul 2005 22:17:20 -0000	1.33
  @@ -127,9 +127,9 @@
  -Value XMLHttpRequest::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
  +bool XMLHttpRequest::getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, Value& result) const
  -  return lookupGetValue<XMLHttpRequest,DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &XMLHttpRequestTable, this);
  +  return lookupGetOwnValue<XMLHttpRequest,DOMObject>(exec, propertyName, &XMLHttpRequestTable, this, result);
   Value XMLHttpRequest::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const
  1.16      +1 -1      WebCore/khtml/ecma/xmlhttprequest.h
  Index: xmlhttprequest.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/ecma/xmlhttprequest.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.15
  retrieving revision 1.16
  diff -u -r1.15 -r1.16
  --- xmlhttprequest.h	19 Jul 2005 19:52:49 -0000	1.15
  +++ xmlhttprequest.h	25 Jul 2005 22:17:20 -0000	1.16
  @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
       XMLHttpRequest(ExecState *, DOM::DocumentImpl *d);
  -    virtual Value get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const;
  +    virtual bool getOwnProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, Value& result) const;
       Value getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const;
       virtual void put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, const Value& value, int attr = None);
       void putValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token, const Value& value, int /*attr*/);

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