[webkit-changes] cvs commit: LayoutTests/fast/xsl/resources
xslt-param.xml xslt-param.xsl
eseidel at opensource.apple.com
Wed Dec 21 02:44:41 PST 2005
eseidel 05/12/21 02:44:40
Modified: . ChangeLog
fast/xsl xslt-processer-expected.txt xslt-processer.html
Added: fast/xsl/resources xslt-param.xml xslt-param.xsl
Bug #: none
Submitted by: eseidel
Reviewed by: mjs
Beef up our XSLT processor tests to include a test which passes
a parameter into the transform. I also took this opportunity
to clean up the output a bit, and in the process found another
bug and file: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6180
* fast/xsl/resources/xslt-param.xml: Added.
* fast/xsl/resources/xslt-param.xsl: Added.
* fast/xsl/xslt-processer-expected.txt:
* fast/xsl/xslt-processer.html:
Revision Changes Path
1.176 +14 -0 LayoutTests/ChangeLog
Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvs/root/LayoutTests/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.175
retrieving revision 1.176
diff -u -r1.175 -r1.176
--- ChangeLog 21 Dec 2005 02:06:17 -0000 1.175
+++ ChangeLog 21 Dec 2005 10:44:39 -0000 1.176
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+2005-12-21 Eric Seidel <eseidel at apple.com>
+ Reviewed by mjs.
+ Beef up our XSLT processor tests to include a test which passes
+ a parameter into the transform. I also took this opportunity
+ to clean up the output a bit, and in the process found another
+ bug and file: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6180
+ * fast/xsl/resources/xslt-param.xml: Added.
+ * fast/xsl/resources/xslt-param.xsl: Added.
+ * fast/xsl/xslt-processer-expected.txt:
+ * fast/xsl/xslt-processer.html:
2005-12-20 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia at apple.com>
Reviewed by justin
1.2 +13 -16 LayoutTests/fast/xsl/xslt-processer-expected.txt
Index: xslt-processer-expected.txt
RCS file: /cvs/root/LayoutTests/fast/xsl/xslt-processer-expected.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- xslt-processer-expected.txt 27 Oct 2005 22:42:31 -0000 1.1
+++ xslt-processer-expected.txt 21 Dec 2005 10:44:39 -0000 1.2
@@ -53,39 +53,36 @@
1.4 Import undefined stylesheet:
****Failure**** (expected exception, instead got result: "undefined")
1.5 Don't import stylesheet:
2.0 DOMDocumentFragment transformToFragment(in DOMNode source, in DOMDocument output):
2.1 fragment with undefined source:
****Failure**** (expected exception, instead got result: "undefined")
2.2 fragment with undefined output document:
2.3 use non-DOMDocument output parameter:
****Failure**** (expected exception, instead got result: "undefined")
2.4 transform to same fragment twice:
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+2.5 transformed fragment containing only text:
+****Failure**** (expected: "SUCCESS" actual: "<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head><title /></head>
-<pre>CHARACTERS IN XSLT: <<<&ÑеÑÑ&>>>
-SOURCE XML: <<<&ÑеÑÑ&>>>
+ </pre>
+2.6 fragment using passed parameters:
+****Failure**** (expected: "SUCCESS" actual: "null")
3.0 DOMDocument transformToDocument(in DOMNode source):
3.1 use non-DOMDocument output parameter:
****Failure**** (expected exception, instead got result: "undefined")
-3.2 document from undefined source:
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-<head><title /></head>
-<pre>CHARACTERS IN XSLT: <<<&ÑеÑÑ&>>>
-SOURCE XML: <<<&ÑеÑÑ&>>>
+3.2 transform twice:
4.0 void setParameter(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName, in Value value):
1.2 +47 -24 LayoutTests/fast/xsl/xslt-processer.html
Index: xslt-processer.html
RCS file: /cvs/root/LayoutTests/fast/xsl/xslt-processer.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- xslt-processer.html 27 Oct 2005 22:42:31 -0000 1.1
+++ xslt-processer.html 21 Dec 2005 10:44:39 -0000 1.2
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
- pre { border:1px solid blue }
- span { font-weight: bold }
+pre { border:1px solid blue }
+span { font-weight: bold }
+.success { color: green; }
+.failure { color: red; }
<body id="body">
@@ -27,10 +29,10 @@
function addResultExpectException(name, func) {
try {
var result = func();
- addStringResult(testname, "****Failure**** (expected exception, instead got result: \"" + result + "\")");
+ addStringResult(testname, "****Failure**** (expected exception, instead got result: \"" + result + "\")", "failure");
} catch (e) {
// FIXME: probably should check exception type
- addStringResult(testname, "Success");
+ addSuccessResult(testname);
@@ -38,18 +40,17 @@
var serializedValue;
if (value)
serializedValue = serializer.serializeToString(value);
- if (value == expectedValue)
- addStringResult(name, "Success");
+ if (serializedValue == expectedValue)
+ addSuccessResult(name);
- addStringResult(name, "****Failure**** (expected: \"" + expectedValue + "\" actual: \"" + serializedValue + "\")");
+ addFailureResult(name, expectedValue, serializedValue);
function addResultExpectValue(name, value, expectedValue) {
if (value == expectedValue)
- addStringResult(name, "Success");
+ addSuccessResult(name);
- addStringResult(name, "****Failure**** (expected: \"" + expectedValue + "\" actual: \"" + value + "\")");
+ addFailureResult(name, expectedValue, value);
function getXMLDocument(name)
@@ -59,16 +60,26 @@
return requester.responseXML;
-function addStringResult(name, result)
+function addStringResult(name, result, cssClass)
var testNumberString = "" + sectionId + "." + testId
var testIdString = "id" + testNumberString;
document.writeln("<span>" + testNumberString + " " + name + ":</span>");
- document.writeln("<pre id=\"" + testIdString + "\">@@NO VALUE@@</pre>");
+ document.writeln("<pre id=\"" + testIdString + "\" class=\"" + cssClass + "\">@@NO VALUE@@</pre>");
document.getElementById(testIdString).firstChild.nodeValue = result;
+function addFailureResult(name, expectedValue, actual)
+ addStringResult(name, "****Failure**** (expected: \"" + expectedValue + "\" actual: \"" + actual + "\")", "failure");
+function addSuccessResult(name)
+ addStringResult(name, "Success", "success");
function addXMLResult(name, result)
var str;
@@ -120,7 +131,7 @@
var newXML = processor.transformToDocument(xml);
-addXMLResult("Don't import stylesheet", newXML);
+addResultExpectValueWhenSerialized("Don't import stylesheet", newXML, undefined);
@@ -138,7 +149,7 @@
ownerDocument = document.implementation.createDocument("", "test", null);
newFragment = processor.transformToFragment(xml, undefined);
-addXMLResult("fragment with undefined output document", newFragment);
+addResultExpectValueWhenSerialized("fragment with undefined output document", newFragment, undefined);
// 2.3 use non-DOMDocument output parameter
@@ -151,7 +162,22 @@
var secondDocument = document.implementation.createDocument("", "test", null);
newFragment = processor.transformToFragment(xml, ownerDocument);
var secondFragment = processor.transformToFragment(xml, secondDocument);
-addXMLResult("transform to same fragment twice", secondFragment);
+addResultExpectValueWhenSerialized("transform to same fragment twice", secondFragment, serializer.serializeToString(newFragment));
+// 2.5 transform to text
+// 2.6 fragment using passed parameters
+var paramXSL = getXMLDocument("resources/xslt-param.xsl");
+var paramXML = getXMLDocument("resources/xslt-param.xml");
+var paramProcessor = new XSLTProcessor;
+paramProcessor.setParameter(null, "param", "SUCCESS");
+var ownerDocument = document.implementation.createDocument("", "test", null);
+var fragment = paramProcessor.transformToFragment(paramXML, ownerDocument);
+addResultExpectValueWhenSerialized("transformed fragment containing only text", fragment, "SUCCESS");
+addResultExpectValue("fragment using passed parameters", fragment.firstChild.nodeValue, "SUCCESS");
@@ -162,15 +188,15 @@
-addResultExpectException(testname, function () { return processor.transformToDocument(undefined); } );
+addResultExpectException("document from undefined source", function () { return processor.transformToDocument(undefined); } );
// 3.2 transform twice
var newXML = processor.transformToDocument(xml);
-var newXML = processor.transformToDocument(xml);
-addXMLResult("document from undefined source", newXML);
+var newerXML = processor.transformToDocument(xml);
+addResultExpectValueWhenSerialized("transform twice", newXML, serializer.serializeToString(newerXML));
@@ -188,7 +214,7 @@
// 4.2 pass undefined namespace
processor.setParameter(undefined, "foo", "Success");
-addStringResult("pass undefined namespace", processor.getParameter(undefined, "foo"));
+addResultExpectValue("pass undefined namespace", processor.getParameter(undefined, "foo"), "Success");
// 4.3 pass setParameter an undefined name
@@ -253,7 +279,7 @@
// 6.4 pass removeParameter a name which has not been set
processor.removeParameter(undefined, "neverbeensetforremove");
-addStringResult("pass removeParameter a name which has not been set", "Success");
+addResultExpectValue("pass removeParameter a name which has not been set", "Success", "Success");
// 6.5 verify removeParameter actually removes
processor.setParameter(null, "test", "testValue");
@@ -287,10 +313,7 @@
// 8.2 call, verify that stylesheet has been cleared after reset()
var testname = "verify that stylesheet has been cleared";
var resultDocument = processor.transformToDocument(xml);
-if (resultDocument)
- addStringResult(testname, "****Failure**** (actual: " + serializer.serializeToString(resultDocument) + ")");
- addStringResult(testname, "Success");
+addResultExpectValueWhenSerialized(testname, resultDocument, undefined);
1.1 LayoutTests/fast/xsl/resources/xslt-param.xml
Index: xslt-param.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
1.1 LayoutTests/fast/xsl/resources/xslt-param.xsl
Index: xslt-param.xsl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
<xsl:output method="text" encoding="UTF-8" />
<xsl:param name="param">
<xsl:template match="TEST">
<xsl:value-of select="$param" />
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