[webkit-changes] cvs commit: LayoutTests/fast/js property-getters-and-setters-expected.txt property-getters-and-setters.html

Anders andersca at opensource.apple.com
Tue Dec 13 13:37:10 PST 2005

andersca    05/12/13 13:37:10

  Modified:    .        ChangeLog
  Added:       fast/js  property-getters-and-setters-expected.txt
  2005-12-13  Anders Carlsson  <andersca at mac.com>
          Reviewed by Darin.
          - Add test for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6041
          Support property getters and setters.
          * fast/js/property-getters-and-setters-expected.txt: Added.
          * fast/js/property-getters-and-setters.html: Added.
          * ChangeLog: Add titles for the bugzilla urls.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.149     +16 -2     LayoutTests/ChangeLog
  Index: ChangeLog
  RCS file: /cvs/root/LayoutTests/ChangeLog,v
  retrieving revision 1.148
  retrieving revision 1.149
  diff -u -r1.148 -r1.149
  --- ChangeLog	13 Dec 2005 21:26:50 -0000	1.148
  +++ ChangeLog	13 Dec 2005 21:37:08 -0000	1.149
  @@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
  +2005-12-13  Anders Carlsson  <andersca at mac.com>
  +        Reviewed by Darin.
  +        - Add test for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6041
  +        Support property getters and setters.
  +        * fast/js/property-getters-and-setters-expected.txt: Added.
  +        * fast/js/property-getters-and-setters.html: Added.
  +        * ChangeLog: Add titles for the bugzilla urls.
   2005-12-13  Eric Seidel  <eseidel at apple.com>
           Reviewed by darin.
  @@ -414,7 +426,8 @@
           Add new tests for
  +        Object.prototype is missing propertyIsEnumerable
           * fast/js/test-propertyIsEnumerable-expected.txt: Added.
           * fast/js/test-propertyIsEnumerable.html: Added.
  @@ -491,7 +504,8 @@
           Reviewed by Geoffrey.
           - Add test for <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3382>
  +        nodes2strings.cpp fails to print left expression of ForInNode when 'var' is not used
           * fast/js/for-in-to-text-expected.txt: Added.
           * fast/js/for-in-to-text.html: Added.
  1.1                  LayoutTests/fast/js/property-getters-and-setters-expected.txt
  Index: property-getters-and-setters-expected.txt
  This performs a number of different tests on JavaScript getters and setters. If this test is successful, the text "SUCCESS" should be shown below. Otherwise, "FAILURE" and the reason for the failure is shown.
  1.1                  LayoutTests/fast/js/property-getters-and-setters.html
  Index: property-getters-and-setters.html
  function debug(str) {
      var c = document.getElementById('console')
      c.innerHTML += (str + "<br>")
  function runTests() {
      if (window.layoutTestController)
      // the get set object declaration syntax
      var o1 = { 'a':7, get b() { return this.a + 1 }, set b(x) { this.a = x } }
      if (o1.b != 8) {
          debug('FAILURE: get function did not return the correct value')
      o1.b = 10;
      if (o1.b != 11) {
          debug('FAILURE: get function did not return the correct value')
      // __defineGetter__ and __defineSetter__
      var o2 = new Object()
      o2.a = 7;
      o2.__defineGetter__('b', function getB() { return this.a + 1} )
      o2.__defineSetter__('b', function setB(x) { this.a = x})
      if (o2.b != 8) {
             debug('FAILURE: get function did not return the correct value')
      o2.b = 10;
      if (o2.b != 11) {
          debug('FAILURE: get function did not return the correct value')
      // Setting a value without having a setter
      var o3 = { get x() { return 42; } }
      var numExceptions = 0;
      try {
          o3.x = 10;
      } catch (e) {
      if (numExceptions != 1) {
          debug('FAILURE: Setting a value without a setter did not throw an exception')
      // Getting a value without having a getter
      var o4 = { set x(y) { }}
      if (o4.x != undefined) {
          debug('FAILURE: Getting a value without a getter did not return undefined')
      // __lookupGetter__ and __lookupSetter__
      var o4 = new Object()
      function getB() { return this.a }
      function setB(x) { this.a = x }
      o4.__defineGetter__('b', getB)
      o4.__defineSetter__('b', setB)
      if (o4.__lookupGetter__('b') != getB) {
          debug('FAILURE: __lookupGetter__ did not return the correct function')
      if (o4.__lookupSetter__('b') != setB) {
          debug('FAILURE: __lookupSetter__ did not return the correct function')
      // __defineGetter__ and __defineSetter__ with various invalid arguments
      var numExceptions = 0;
      var o5 = new Object();
      try { o5.__defineSetter__('a', null) } catch (e) { numExceptions++; }
      try { o5.__defineSetter__('a', o5) } catch (e) { numExceptions++; }
      try { o5.__defineGetter__('a', null) } catch (e) { numExceptions++; }
      try { o5.__defineGetter__('a', o5) } catch (e) { numExceptions++; }
      if (numExceptions != 4) {
          debug('FAILURE: one of the invalid getter/setter definitions did not throw an exception')
      // setters and getters with exceptions
      var o6 = { get x() { throw 'Exception in get'}, set x(f) { throw 'Exception in set'}}
      var x = 0;
      var numExceptions = 0;
      try {
          x = o6.x;
      } catch (e) {
          if (x != 0) {
              debug('FAILURE: x was updated even though the getter threw an exception')
              return false;
      if (numExceptions != 1) {
          debug('FAILURE: did not get an exception even though the x getter threw one')
      var numExceptions = 0;
      try {
          o6.x = 42;
      } catch (e) {
      if (numExceptions != 1) {
          debug('FAILURE: did not get an exception even though the x setter threw one')
      // Defining a setter should also define a getter for the same property
      // which returns undefined. Thus, a getter defined on the prototype should not
      // be called.
      o6 = { 'a':7, set x(b) { this.a = b; }}
      o6.prototype = { get x() { return 42; }}
      if (o6.x != undefined) {
          debug('FAILURE: x should be undefined!');
      // If an object has a property and its prototype has a setter function for that
      // property, then setting the property should set the property directly and not call
      // the setter function.
      var o7 = new Object()
      o7.numSets = 0;
      o7.x = 10;
      o7.__proto__.__defineSetter__('x', function() { this.numSets++; })
      o7.x = 20;
      if (o7.numSets != 0) {
          debug('FAILURE: setter function should not be called.')
  <body onload="runTests();">
  This performs a number of different tests on JavaScript getters and setters. If this test is successful, the text "SUCCESS" should be shown below. Otherwise, "FAILURE" and the reason for the failure is shown.
  <pre id="console"></pre>

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