[webkit-changes] cvs commit: WebKit ChangeLog

Vicki vicki at opensource.apple.com
Thu Dec 1 13:59:23 PST 2005

vicki       05/12/01 13:59:23

  Modified:    WebView.subproj WebHTMLView.m
               .        ChangeLog
          Reviewed by Vicki.
  	- fix <rdar://problem/4349721> Regression: Hovering over menu item doesn't highlight menu item or
  	mousing up on menu item in applet does not open URL in new window at smartmoney.com
  	Since Java depends on doing a hit test inside it's mouse moved handling, let hit testing on Java
  	applets go through the standard NSView code path. Since this should only happen for Java, add a global
  	so that we can Use our own WebHTMLView hit testing when calling from _updateMouseoverWithEvent.
          * WebView.subproj/WebHTMLView.m:
          (-[WebHTMLView _hitViewForEvent:]): rename forceRealHitTest to forceNSViewHitTest
          (-[WebHTMLView _updateMouseoverWithEvent:]): set global variable  to force a WebHTMLView-style hit test from here
          (-[WebHTMLView hitTest:]): perform the appropriate hit test based on global variables
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.482     +36 -8     WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebHTMLView.m
  Index: WebHTMLView.m
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebHTMLView.m,v
  retrieving revision 1.481
  retrieving revision 1.482
  diff -u -r1.481 -r1.482
  --- WebHTMLView.m	30 Nov 2005 02:07:49 -0000	1.481
  +++ WebHTMLView.m	1 Dec 2005 21:59:14 -0000	1.482
  @@ -157,7 +157,11 @@
   } WebDeletionAction;
  -static BOOL forceRealHitTest = NO;
  +// if YES, do the standard NSView hit test (which can't give the right result when HTML overlaps a view)
  +static BOOL forceNSViewHitTest = NO;
  +// if YES, do the "top WebHTMLView" it test (which we'd like to do all the time but can't because of Java requirements [see bug 4349721])
  +static BOOL forceWebHTMLViewHitTest = NO;
   // Used to avoid linking with ApplicationServices framework for _DCMDictionaryServiceWindowShow
   void *_NSSoftLinkingGetFrameworkFuncPtr(NSString *inUmbrellaFrameworkName,
  @@ -570,9 +574,9 @@
       // Usually, we hack AK's hitTest method to catch all events at the topmost WebHTMLView.  
       // Callers of this method, however, want to query the deepest view instead.
  -    forceRealHitTest = YES;
  +    forceNSViewHitTest = YES;
       NSView *hitView = [[[self window] contentView] hitTest:[event locationInWindow]];
  -    forceRealHitTest = NO;    
  +    forceNSViewHitTest = NO;    
       return hitView;
  @@ -855,15 +859,37 @@
   - (NSView *)hitTest:(NSPoint)point
  -    // WebHTMLView objects handle all left mouse clicks for objects inside them.
  -    // That does not include left mouse clicks with the control key held down.
  +    // WebHTMLView objects handle all events for objects inside them.
  +    // To get those events, we prevent hit testing from AppKit.
  +    // But there are three exceptions to this:
  +    //   1) For right mouse clicks and control clicks we don't yet have an implementation
  +    //      that works for nested views, so we let the hit testing go through the
  +    //      standard NSView code path (needs to be fixed, see bug 4361618).
  +    //   2) Java depends on doing a hit test inside it's mouse moved handling,
  +    //      so we let the hit testing go through the standard NSView code path
  +    //      when the current event is a mouse move (except when we are calling
  +    //      from _updateMouseoverWithEvent, so we have to use a global,
  +    //      forceWebHTMLViewHitTest, for that)
  +    //   3) The acceptsFirstMouse: and shouldDelayWindowOrderingForEvent: methods
  +    //      both need to figure out which view to check with inside the WebHTMLView.
  +    //      They use a global to change the behavior of hitTest: so they can get the
  +    //      right view. The global is forceNSViewHitTest and the method they use to
  +    //      do the hit testing is _hitViewForEvent:. (But this does not work correctly
  +    //      when there is HTML overlapping the view, see bug 4361626)
       BOOL captureHitsOnSubviews;
  -    if (forceRealHitTest) {
  +    if (forceNSViewHitTest)
           captureHitsOnSubviews = NO;
  -    } else {
  +    else if (forceWebHTMLViewHitTest)
  +        captureHitsOnSubviews = YES;
  +    else {
           NSEvent *event = [[self window] currentEvent];
  -        captureHitsOnSubviews = !([event type] == NSRightMouseDown || ([event type] == NSLeftMouseDown && ([event modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask) != 0));
  +        captureHitsOnSubviews = !([event type] == NSMouseMoved
  +            || [event type] == NSRightMouseDown
  +            || ([event type] == NSLeftMouseDown && ([event modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask) != 0));
       if (!captureHitsOnSubviews)
           return [super hitTest:point];
       if ([[self superview] mouse:point inRect:[self frame]])
  @@ -989,7 +1015,9 @@
   - (void)_updateMouseoverWithEvent:(NSEvent *)event
       WebHTMLView *view = nil;
  +    forceWebHTMLViewHitTest = YES;
       NSView *hitView = [[[event window] contentView] hitTest:[event locationInWindow]];
  +    forceWebHTMLViewHitTest = NO;
       if ([hitView isKindOfClass:[WebHTMLView class]]) 
           view = (WebHTMLView *)hitView; 
  1.3379    +16 -0     WebKit/ChangeLog
  Index: ChangeLog
  RCS file: /cvs/root/WebKit/ChangeLog,v
  retrieving revision 1.3378
  retrieving revision 1.3379
  diff -u -r1.3378 -r1.3379
  --- ChangeLog	30 Nov 2005 02:07:41 -0000	1.3378
  +++ ChangeLog	1 Dec 2005 21:59:16 -0000	1.3379
  @@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
  +2005-12-01  Darin Adler <darin at apple.com>
  +        Reviewed by Vicki.
  +	- fix <rdar://problem/4349721> Regression: Hovering over menu item doesn't highlight menu item or 
  +	mousing up on menu item in applet does not open URL in new window at smartmoney.com
  +	Since Java depends on doing a hit test inside it's mouse moved handling, let hit testing on Java 
  +	applets go through the standard NSView code path. Since this should only happen for Java, add a global
  +	so that we can Use our own WebHTMLView hit testing when calling from _updateMouseoverWithEvent.
  +        * WebView.subproj/WebHTMLView.m:
  +        (-[WebHTMLView _hitViewForEvent:]): rename forceRealHitTest to forceNSViewHitTest
  +        (-[WebHTMLView _updateMouseoverWithEvent:]): set global variable  to force a WebHTMLView-style hit test from here
  +        (-[WebHTMLView hitTest:]): perform the appropriate hit test based on global variables 
   2005-11-29  Andrew Wellington  <proton at wiretapped.net>
           Reviewed by darin.  Committed by eseidel.

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