[webkit-changes] cvs commit: JavaScriptCore/bindings/jni jni_class.cpp jni_class.h jni_instance.cpp jni_instance.h

Adele adele at opensource.apple.com
Wed Aug 10 14:41:01 PDT 2005

adele       05/08/10 14:41:01

  Modified:    .        Tag: Safari-2-0-branch ChangeLog
               bindings/jni Tag: Safari-2-0-branch jni_class.cpp
                        jni_class.h jni_instance.cpp jni_instance.h
          Merged fix from TOT to Safari-2-0-branch
      2005-08-10  Geoffrey Garen  <ggaren at apple.com>
          -fixed <rdar://problem/4151132> REGRESSION: Some applet liveconnect calls
          throws privilege exception.
          Reviewed by richard and mjs.
          -I removed the global static JavaClass cache, since it violated Java
          security to cache classes between websites and applets.
          * bindings/jni/jni_class.cpp:
              -removed global static cache dictionary
              -instance constructor and destructor now do the work that used to
              be done by static factory methods
              -removed obsolete functions
          * bindings/jni/jni_class.h:
              -removed obsolete function declarations
              -made copying private since it's unused and it's also not clear
              excatly how copying would work with Java security
              -made default construction private since it's meaningless
          * bindings/jni/jni_instance.cpp:
              -removed obsolete functions
          * bindings/jni/jni_instance.h:
             -made copying private since it's unused and it's also not clear
              excatly how copying would work with Java security
              -made default construction private since it's meaningless
  Revision  Changes    Path
  No                   revision
  No                   revision
  1.677.6.25 +35 -0     JavaScriptCore/ChangeLog
  Index: ChangeLog
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/ChangeLog,v
  retrieving revision 1.677.6.24
  retrieving revision 1.677.6.25
  diff -u -r1.677.6.24 -r1.677.6.25
  --- ChangeLog	10 Aug 2005 02:45:47 -0000	1.677.6.24
  +++ ChangeLog	10 Aug 2005 21:40:59 -0000	1.677.6.25
  @@ -1,3 +1,38 @@
  +2005-08-10  Adele Peterson  <adele at apple.com>
  +        Merged fix from TOT to Safari-2-0-branch
  +    2005-08-10  Geoffrey Garen  <ggaren at apple.com>
  +        -fixed <rdar://problem/4151132> REGRESSION: Some applet liveconnect calls 
  +        throws privilege exception.
  +        Reviewed by richard and mjs.
  +        -I removed the global static JavaClass cache, since it violated Java
  +        security to cache classes between websites and applets.
  +        * bindings/jni/jni_class.cpp: 
  +            -removed global static cache dictionary
  +            -instance constructor and destructor now do the work that used to 
  +            be done by static factory methods
  +            -removed obsolete functions
  +        (JavaClass::JavaClass):
  +        (JavaClass::~JavaClass):
  +        * bindings/jni/jni_class.h:
  +            -removed obsolete function declarations
  +            -made copying private since it's unused and it's also not clear
  +            excatly how copying would work with Java security
  +            -made default construction private since it's meaningless
  +        * bindings/jni/jni_instance.cpp:
  +            -removed obsolete functions
  +        (JavaInstance::~JavaInstance):
  +        (JavaInstance::getClass):
  +        * bindings/jni/jni_instance.h:
  +           -made copying private since it's unused and it's also not clear
  +            excatly how copying would work with Java security
  +            -made default construction private since it's meaningless
   2005-08-09  Geoffrey Garen  <ggaren at apple.com>
           -fixed <rdar://problem/4197421> crash in ObjectImp::findPropertyHashEntry at ifilm.com
  No                   revision
  No                   revision +19 -84    JavaScriptCore/bindings/jni/jni_class.cpp
  Index: jni_class.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/bindings/jni/jni_class.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.13
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.13 -r1.13.10.1
  --- jni_class.cpp	1 Oct 2004 00:24:39 -0000	1.13
  +++ jni_class.cpp	10 Aug 2005 21:41:00 -0000
  @@ -29,10 +29,21 @@
   using namespace KJS::Bindings;
  -void JavaClass::_commonInit (jobject aClass)
  +JavaClass::JavaClass (jobject anInstance)
  -    long i;
  +    jobject aClass = callJNIObjectMethod(anInstance, "getClass", "()Ljava/lang/Class;");
  +    if (!aClass) {
  +        fprintf (stderr, "%s:  unable to call getClass on instance %p\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, anInstance);
  +        return;
  +    }
  +    jstring className = (jstring)callJNIObjectMethod(aClass, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
  +    const char *classNameC = getCharactersFromJString (className);
  +    _name = strdup (classNameC);
  +    releaseCharactersForJString(className, classNameC);
  +    long i;
       JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
       // Get the fields
  @@ -65,7 +76,7 @@
           CFRelease (methodName);
           env->DeleteLocalRef (aJMethod);
       // Get the constructors
       jarray constructors = (jarray)callJNIObjectMethod (aClass, "getConstructors", "()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Constructor;");
       _numConstructors = env->GetArrayLength (constructors);    
  @@ -77,86 +88,11 @@
  -JavaClass::JavaClass (const char *className)
  -    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
  -    _name = strdup (className);
  -    // Get the class
  -    jclass aClass = env->FindClass(_name);
  -    if (!aClass){   
  -        fprintf (stderr, "%s:  unable to find class %s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _name);
  -        return;
  -    }
  -    _commonInit (aClass);
  -    env->DeleteLocalRef (aClass);
  -JavaClass::JavaClass (jobject aClass)
  -    _name = 0;
  -    _commonInit (aClass);
  -static CFMutableDictionaryRef classesByName = 0;
  -static void _createClassesByNameIfNecessary()
  -    if (classesByName == 0)
  -        classesByName = CFDictionaryCreateMutable (NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, NULL);
  -JavaClass *JavaClass::classForName (const char *name)
  -    _createClassesByNameIfNecessary();
  -    CFStringRef stringName = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, name, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
  -    JavaClass *aClass = (JavaClass *)CFDictionaryGetValue(classesByName, stringName);
  -    if (aClass == NULL) {
  -        aClass = new JavaClass (name);
  -        CFDictionaryAddValue (classesByName, stringName, aClass);
  -    }
  -    CFRelease (stringName);
  -    return aClass;
  -void JavaClass::setClassName (const char *n)
  -    free ((void *)_name);
  -    _name = strdup(n);
  -JavaClass *JavaClass::classForInstance (jobject instance)
  -    _createClassesByNameIfNecessary();
  -    jobject classOfInstance = callJNIObjectMethod(instance, "getClass", "()Ljava/lang/Class;");
  -    if (!classOfInstance) {
  -        fprintf (stderr, "%s:  unable to call getClass on instance %p\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, instance);
  -        return 0;
  -    }
  -    jstring className = (jstring)callJNIObjectMethod(classOfInstance, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
  -    const char *classNameC = getCharactersFromJString (className);
  -    CFStringRef stringName = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, classNameC, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
  -    JavaClass *aClass = (JavaClass *)CFDictionaryGetValue(classesByName, stringName);
  -    if (aClass == NULL) {
  -        aClass = new JavaClass (classOfInstance);
  -        aClass->setClassName(classNameC);
  -        CFDictionaryAddValue (classesByName, stringName, aClass);
  -    }
  -    CFRelease (stringName);
  -    releaseCharactersForJString(className, classNameC);
  -    return aClass;
  +JavaClass::~JavaClass () {
  +    free((void *)_name);
  +    CFRelease (_fields);
  +    CFRelease (_methods);
  +    delete [] _constructors;
   MethodList JavaClass::methodsNamed(const char *name, Instance *instance) const
  @@ -169,7 +105,6 @@
       return MethodList();
   Field *JavaClass::fieldNamed(const char *name, Instance *instance) const
       CFStringRef fieldName = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, name, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
   +6 -57     JavaScriptCore/bindings/jni/jni_class.h
  Index: jni_class.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/bindings/jni/jni_class.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.9
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.9 -r1.9.10.1
  --- jni_class.h	1 Oct 2004 00:24:39 -0000	1.9
  +++ jni_class.h	10 Aug 2005 21:41:00 -0000
  @@ -38,63 +38,9 @@
   class JavaClass : public Class
  -    // Use the public static factory methods to get instances of JavaClass.
  -    void _commonInit (jobject aClass);
  -    JavaClass (const char *name);
  -    JavaClass (jobject aClass);
  -    // Return the cached JavaClass from the class of the jobject.
  -    static JavaClass *classForInstance (jobject anInstance);
  -    // Return the cached JavaClass of the specified name.
  -    static JavaClass *classForName (const char *name);
  -    void _commonDelete() {
  -        free((void *)_name);
  -        CFRelease (_fields);
  -        CFRelease (_methods);
  -        delete [] _constructors;
  -    }
  -    ~JavaClass () {
  -        _commonDelete();
  -    }
  -    void _commonCopy(const JavaClass &other) {
  -        long i;
  -        _name = strdup (other._name);
  -        _methods = CFDictionaryCreateCopy (NULL, other._methods);
  -        _fields = CFDictionaryCreateCopy (NULL, other._fields);
  -        _numConstructors = other._numConstructors;
  -        _constructors = new JavaConstructor[_numConstructors];
  -        for (i = 0; i < _numConstructors; i++) {
  -            _constructors[i] = other._constructors[i];
  -        }
  -    }
  -    JavaClass (const JavaClass &other) 
  -            : Class() {
  -        _commonCopy (other);
  -    };
  -    JavaClass &operator=(const JavaClass &other)
  -    {
  -        if (this == &other)
  -            return *this;
  -        _commonDelete();
  -        _commonCopy (other);
  -        return *this;
  -    }
  +    JavaClass (jobject anInstance);
  +    ~JavaClass ();
       virtual const char *name() const { return _name; };
  @@ -108,12 +54,15 @@
       virtual long numConstructors() const { return _numConstructors; };
  -    void setClassName(const char *n);
       bool isNumberClass() const;
       bool isBooleanClass() const;
       bool isStringClass() const;
  +    JavaClass ();                                 // prevent default construction
  +    JavaClass (const JavaClass &other);           // prevent copying
  +    JavaClass &operator=(const JavaClass &other); // prevent copying
       const char *_name;
       CFDictionaryRef _fields;
       CFDictionaryRef _methods;
   +2 -10     JavaScriptCore/bindings/jni/jni_instance.cpp
  Index: jni_instance.cpp
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/bindings/jni/jni_instance.cpp,v
  retrieving revision 1.25
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.25 -r1.25.8.1
  --- jni_instance.cpp	12 Feb 2005 00:58:13 -0000	1.25
  +++ jni_instance.cpp	10 Aug 2005 21:41:00 -0000
  @@ -51,17 +51,9 @@
   JavaInstance::~JavaInstance () 
  +    delete _class; 
  -JavaInstance::JavaInstance (const JavaInstance &other) : Instance() 
  -    _instance = other._instance;
  -    _instance->ref();
  -    // Classes are kept around forever.
  -    _class = other._class;
   #define NUM_LOCAL_REFS 64
   void JavaInstance::begin()
  @@ -77,7 +69,7 @@
   Class *JavaInstance::getClass() const 
       if (_class == 0)
  -        _class = JavaClass::classForInstance (_instance->_instance);
  +        _class = new JavaClass (_instance->_instance);
       return _class;
   +4 -17     JavaScriptCore/bindings/jni/jni_instance.h
  Index: jni_instance.h
  RCS file: /cvs/root/JavaScriptCore/bindings/jni/jni_instance.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.17
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.17 -r1.17.8.1
  --- jni_instance.h	17 Jan 2005 22:41:22 -0000	1.17
  +++ jni_instance.h	10 Aug 2005 21:41:00 -0000
  @@ -70,23 +70,6 @@
       virtual Class *getClass() const;
  -    JavaInstance (const JavaInstance &other);
  -    JavaInstance &operator=(const JavaInstance &other){
  -        if (this == &other)
  -            return *this;
  -        JObjectWrapper *_oldInstance = _instance;
  -        _instance = other._instance;
  -        _instance->ref();
  -        _oldInstance->deref();
  -        // Classes are kept around forever.
  -        _class = other._class;
  -        return *this;
  -    };
       virtual void begin();
       virtual void end();
  @@ -103,6 +86,10 @@
       Value booleanValue() const;
  +    JavaInstance ();                         // prevent default construction
  +    JavaInstance (JavaInstance &);           // prevent copying
  +    JavaInstance &operator=(JavaInstance &); // prevent copying
       JObjectWrapper *_instance;
       mutable JavaClass *_class;

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